Focus On Nature Tours
1995 thru 2012
during the months of May &
A List of Alaska Mammals by Armas Hill
Photo at upper right: MOOSE photographed during a FONT tour
(t1): critically threatened
(t2): endangered
(t3): vulnerable
(nt): classified as near-threatened globally
(i): introduced in the area of Alaska where
Species seen during our tours in Alaska noted with an (*)
(ph): species with a photo in the FONT website
- Snowshoe Hare (*) ______
Lepus americanus
- American Pika (*) ______
Ochotona princeps
- North American Brown Lemming (*) ______
Lemmus trimucronatus
- Tundra Vole (or Root Vole) (*)
Microtus (formerly
Pallasiinus) oeconomus
- Taiga Vole (*) _____
Microtus (formerly
Aulacomys) xanthogbathus
The Taiga Vole was called the Yellow-cheeked Vole.
- Singing Vole (*) _____
Microtus (formerly
Stenocranius) miurus
- Pribilof Island Shrew (*) _____
Sorex pribilofensis
(name changed in 1997 from Sorex hydrodromus)
- Arctic Ground Squirrel (ph) (*)
Spermophilus (formerly
Urocitellus) parryii
- American Red Squirrel (*) ______
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
- Hoary Marmot (*) ______
Marmota caligata
- Woodchuck (ph) (*) ______
Marmota monax ochracea
- North American Porcupine (ph) (*)
Erethizon dorsatum (the
single member of its genus)
- Muskrat (ph) (*) ______
Ondatra zibethicus (the
single member of its genus)
- American Beaver (ph) (*) ______
Castor canadensis
- Sea Otter (ph) (*) ______
Enlrydra lutris (the
single member of its genus)
- Red Fox (ph) (*) ______
Vulpes vulpes
- Arctic Fox (*) ______
Vulpes (or
Alopex) lagopus
- American Black Bear (ph) (*) ______
Ursus americannus
- Grizzly (or Brown)
Bear (ph) (*) ______
Ursus arctos
- Northern Fur Seal (ph) (*) ______
Callorhinus ursinnus (the
single member of its genus)
A Northern Fur Seal, photographed during
a FONT Tour in Alaska on the Pribilof Islands
- Northern (or Steller's)
Sea Lion (*) ______
Eumetopias jubatus
(the single member of its genus)
- Walrus (ph) (*) ______
Odobenus rosmarus (the
single member of its genus)
- Harbor Seal (ph) (*) ______
Phoca vitulina
- Ringed Seal (*) ______
Pusa hispida
- Bearded Seal (*) ______
Erignathus barbatus (the
single member of its genus)
- Moose (ph) (*) ______
Alces alces (the
single member of its genus)
- Reindeer (i) (ph) (*) ______
Rangifer tarandus (domesticated
form of the Caribou)
- Barren Ground Caribou (*) ______
Rangifer tarandus (the
single member of its genus)
- Muskox (i) (*) ______
Ovibus moschatus
(the single member of its genus)
- Mountain Goat (*) ______
Orcamnus americanus
(the single member of its genus)
- Dall's Sheep (*) ______
Ovis dalli
- Dall's Porpoise (*) ______
Phocoenoides dalli (the
single member of its genus)
- Humpback Whale (t2) (ph) (*) ______
Megaptera novaangliae
(the single member of its genus)
- Gray Whale (*) ______
Eschrichtius robustus
(the single member of its genus)
- Killer Whale (ph) (*) ______
Orcinus orca
(the single member of its genus)