Birds during the
most-recent FONT Birding Tour in Chile
November 13 - December 1, 2000
This was the 11th FONT birding tour in Chile.
Places visited included: the areas east of Santiago (in the Andes), and west to the coast
(Vina del Mar & Valparaiso), the south
(lake district), the far-south (Punta Arenas & Tierra del
Fuego), the far-north (Arica, Putre, & Lauca Natl Park).
no: during
far-northern extension only
(t): a globally threatened, or
rare, species as designated by Birdlife Intl
(t1): critical (t2): endangered
(t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species
(e): Chilean endemic
(i): introduced species
(n): note, following the list
h: heard only
Itinerary upcoming FONT
Chile Birding Tour
- Darwin's/Lesser Rhea
- Chilean Tinamou (e)
- Puna Tinamou no
- Humboldt/Peruvian Penguin (nt)
- Magellanic Penguin
- Pied-billed Grebe
- White-tufted Grebe
- Great Grebe
- Silvery Grebe
- Royal Albatross (n)
- Black-browed Albatross/Mollymawk
- Salvin's Albatross/Mollymawk
- Gray-headed Albatross/Mollymawk
- Southern Giant-Petrel
- Northern Giant-Petrel (nt)
- Southern/Antarctic/Silver-grey
- Cape/Pintado Petrel
- DeFilippe's/Masatierra Petrel
- White-chinned
- Westland (Black-) Petrel
- Pink-footed Shearwater (t3)
- Sooty Shearwater
- Little Shearwater
- Wilson's Storm-Petrel
- White-vented/Elliot's
Storm-Petrel (nt)
- Peruvian Diving-Petrel (t2)
- Magellanic Diving-Petrel
- Peruvian/Chilean Pelican
- Peruvian Booby
- Neotropic/Olivaceous Cormorant
- Rock/Magellan Cormorant
- Guanay Cormorant
- Red-legged Cormorant/Shag (nt)
- Imperial
Shag/"King/Blue-eyed Cormorant"
- Great Egret
- Snowy Egret
- Little Blue Heron no
- Cattle Egret
- Black-crowned Night-Heron (a
dark race)
- Black-faced Ibis
- Puna Ibis no
- White-faced Ibis
- Chilean Flamingo
- Andean Flamingo (t3) no
- Puna/James' Flamingo (t3) no
- Black-necked Swan
- Coscoroba Swan
- Andean (Sheld-)Goose
- Upland/Magellan (Sheld-)Goose
- Ashy-headed (Sheld-)Goose no
- Ruddy-headed (Sheld-)Goose (nt)
- Flying Steamer-Duck
- (Magellanic) Flightless
- Torrent Duck
- Southern/Chiloe Wigeon
- Speckled Teal
- "Andean Speckled
Teal" no
- Spectacled/Bronze-winged Duck (nt)
- Crested Duck
- Yellow-billed/Brown Pintail
- White-cheeked Pintail no
- Puna Teal no
- Cinnamon Teal
- Red Shoveler
- Rosy-billed Pochard
- Andean (Ruddy) Duck no
- Lake Duck/"Blue-bill"
- Andean Condor
- Turkey Vulture
- American Black Vulture
- White-tailed Kite
- Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle
- Variable/Red-backed Hawk
- Variable/Puna Hawk no
- Cinereous Harrier
- Mountain Caracara
- Crested Caracara
- Chimango (Caracara)
- American Kestrel
- Aplomado Falcon
- California Quail (i)
- Common Gallinule/Moorhen
- Andean Coot no
- White-winged Coot
- Red-gartered Coot
- Red-fronted Coot
- Giant Coot no
- American Oystercatcher no
- Magellanic Oystercatcher
- Blackish Oystercatcher
- Southern Lapwing
- Andean Lapwing
- American/Lesser Golden Plover no
- Peruvian/Snowy Plover no
- Semipalmated Plover no
- Puna Plover no
- Two-banded Plover
- Rufous-chested Dotterel/Plover
- Tawny-throated Dotterel
- Diademed Sandpiper-Plover (nt)
- Magellanic Plover (nt)
- Whimbrel
- Greater Yellowlegs
- Lesser Yellowlegs
- Willet no
- Ruddy Turnstone
- Surfbird
- Sanderling
- White-rumped Sandpiper
- Least Sandpiper no
- Baird's Sandpiper
- Magellan/Paraguayan/South
American Snipe
- Puna Snipe no
- Red/Grey Phalarope
- White-backed/South American
- Andean Avocet no
- Peruvian Thick-knee no
- Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe no
- Gray-breasted Seedsnipe
- Least Seedsnipe
- Snowy Sheathbill
- South Polar Skua
- Chilean Skua
- Pomarine Jaeger/Skua no
- Parasitic Jaeger/Arctic Skua
- Dolphin/Magellan Gull
- Gray Gull
- Belcher's/Band-tailed Gull
- Kelp/Dominican Gull
- Andean Gull no
- Franklin's Gull
- Brown-hooded Gull
- South American Tern
- Arctic Tern
- Trudeau's/Snowy-crowned Tern
- Elegant Tern
- Inca Tern
- Black Skimmer
- Feral Pigeon (i)
- Chilean Pigeon (nt)
- Eared Dove
- Peruvian/White-winged Dove (meloda)
- Picui Ground-Dove
- Croaking/Gold-billed
Ground-Dove no
- Bare-faced Ground-Dove no
- Black-winged Ground-Dove
- Austral Parakeet/Conure
- Slender-billed Parakeet (nt)
- Mountain Parakeet
- Groove-billed Ani no
- Magellan (formerly
part of Great Horned) Owl
- Burrowing Owl
- Austral Pygmy-Owl
- Band-winged Nightjar
- Andean Swift no
- Andean Hillstar no
- White-sided Hillstar
- Giant Hummingbird
- Green-backed Firecrown
- Peruvian Sheartail no
- Oasis Hummingbird no
- Chilean Woodstar (t3) no
- Ringed Kingfisher
- Andean Flicker no
- Chilean Flicker
- Striped Woodpecker
- Magellanic Woodpecker
- Common Miner
- Puna Miner no
- Grayish Miner no
- Short-billed Miner
- Rufous-banded Miner
- Straight-billed Earthcreeper
- Rock Earthcreeper no
- Scale-throated Earthcreeper
- White-throated Earthcreeper no
- Plain-breasted Earthcreeper no
- Band-tailed Earthcreeper
- Bar-winged Cinclodes
- White-winged Cinclodes no
- Gray-flanked Cinclodes
- Dark-bellied Cinclodes
- Chilean Seaside/Surf Cinclodes
- Crag Chilia (e)
- Des Murs' Wiretail
- Thorn-tailed Rayadito
- Plain-mantled Tit-Spinetail
- Streaked Tit-Spinetail no
- Lesser/Sharp-billed Canastero
- Cordilleran Canastero
- Dark-winged (formerly
part of Creamy-breasted) Canastero no
- Dusky-tailed Canastero
- Austral Canastero (t3)
- Wren-like Rushbird
- White-throated Treerunner
- (Black-throated) Huet-Huet
- Moustached Turca (e)
- Chucao Tapaculo
- Ochre-flanked Tapaculo
- White-throated Tapaculo (n)
- Magellanic Tapaculo
- Dusky/"Andean"
Tapaculo (n)
- Great Shrike-Tyrant
- Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant
- Chocolate-vented Tyrant
- Fire-eyed Diucon
- Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrant
- White-browed Ground-Tyrant
- Puna Ground-Tyrant no
- Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant
- Cinnamon-bellied Ground-Tyrant
- White-fronted Ground-Tyrant no
- Cinereous Ground-Tyrant (was
conspecific w/ Plain-capped Ground-Tyrant)
- Dark-faced Ground-Tyrant
- Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant
- Patagonian/Austral Negrito
- Andean Negrito no
- d'Orbigny's Chat-Tyrant (nt) no
- White-browed Chat-Tyrant no
- Patagonian (Chat-) Tyrant
- Spectacled Tyrant
- Vermilion Flycatcher no
- Warbling Doradito
- Many-colored Rush-Tyrant
- Tufted Tit-Tyrant
- Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant no
- White-crested Elaenia
- Rufous-tailed Plantcutter
- Chilean Swallow
- Blue-and-white Swallow
- Bank Swallow/Sand Martin
- Barn Swallow
- Andean Swallow no
- Grass Wren
- (Southern) House Wren
- Chilean Mockingbird (e)
- Patagonian Mockingbird
- Chiguanco Thrush no
- Austral Thrush
- Correndera Pipit
- Shiny/Glossy Cowbird
- Austral Blackbird
- Yellow-winged Blackbird
- Peruvian Meadowlark no
- Long-tailed Meadowlark
- Cinereous Conebill no
- Tamarugo Conebill (t3) no
- Black-throated Flower-piercer no
- Blue-and-yellow Tanager no
- Blue-black Grassquit no
- Chestnut-throated Seedeater no
- Band-tailed Seedeater no
- Bright-rumped Yellow-Finch no
- Greater Yellow-Finch
- Greenish Yellow-Finch no
- Patagonian Yellow-Finch
- Grassland/Misto Yellow-Finch
- Common Diuca-Finch
- White-winged Diuca-Finch no
- Patagonian Sierra-Finch
- Gray-hooded Sierra-Finch
- Black-hooded Sierra-Finch no
- Mourning Sierra-Finch
- Plumbeous Sierra-Finch
- Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch no
- Band-tailed Sierra-Finch
- Black-throated/Canary-winged
Finch (nt) po
- Yellow-bridled Finch po
- Rufous-collared Sparrow
- Slender-billed Finch (t3) no
- Thick-billed Siskin no
- Hooded Siskin no
- Black-chinned Siskin
- Black Siskin no
- Yellow-rumped Siskin
- House Sparrow (i)

& Other Nature found in Chile during our Tours
(c) in captivity
(d) domesticated
(i) introduced
(r) a rare or threatened
European Hare (i)
European Rabbit (i)
Patagonian Skunk
Patagonian Fox
"Red Fox"
Tuco-tuco (Ctenomys
Llama (d)
Alpaca (d)
Pudu (c) (a very
small forest deer)
Chilean Huemul/Guemal (r)
Mountain Viscacha (an
oddity, to say the least)
Altiplano Chinchilla
degu (or octodont)
small bat (sp.)
South American Sea Lion
Southern Elephant Seal
Peale's Dolphin
Commerson's Dolphin (with
a nice black-and-white pattern, one of the most beautiful of the
world's dolphins)
Common Dolphin
Other Nature:
In 1992, a probable
extra-terrestrial object (a meteorite fragment): Found in the
Andes, not far from where the Diademed Sandpiper-Plover was seen.
A light-weight, nearly spherical, dark-colored "rock".
Upon our return to the U.S., there was an article in "Sky
& Telescope Magazine" referring to such objects in that
Fossils, of marine life,
also found in that region of the High Andes.