found during FONT Birding Tours
in the Pribilof Islands of Alaska
(on Saint Paul Island)
1995 thru 2001
(all tours during late May
& early June)
The numbers
following the bird names indicate the number of tours during
which the bird has been found (out of
(t): a globally
threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International
(nt): a near-threatened
species globally
(c5) & (c4): codes 5
& 4 birds on the ABA checklist (rare in North America)
- Yellow-billed Loon 1
- Red-necked Grebe 1
- Northern Fulmar 7
- Pelagic Cormorant 6
- Red-faced Cormorant 7
- Tundra Swan 1
- Greater White-fronted
Goose 1
- Snow Goose 1
- Ross' Goose 1
- Canada Goose 2
- Bean Goose (c4) 1
- Mallard 2
- Northern Pintail 7
- Falcated Duck (c5) 1
- (American) Green-winged Teal 7
- (Eurasian) Green-winged
Teal 3
- Garganey (c4) 1
- Northern Shoveler 1
- American Wigeon 4
- Eurasian Wigeon 2
- Northern/Common Pochard
(c4) 1
- Greater Scaup 5
- Tufted Duck 1
- Common Goldeneye 6
- Bufflehead 2
- Oldsquaw/Long-tailed Duck 7
- Harlequin Duck 7
- Common Eider 1
- King Eider 6
- Steller's Eider (t3)
- Surf Scoter 2
- White-winged Scoter 2
- Smew 1
- Common Merganser/Goosander 1
- Red-breasted Merganser 1
- Bald Eagle 3
- Peregrine Falcon 1
- Sandhill Crane 2
- Pacific Golden Plover 2
- Semipalmated Plover 7
- Common Greenshank 3
- Greater Yellowlegs 2
- Lesser Yellowlegs 1
- Wood Sandpiper (c4) 4
- Wandering Tattler 5
- Gray-tailed Tattler (c4) 2
- Common Sandpiper (c4) 1
- Green Sandpiper (c5) 1
- Whimbrel 2
- Bristle-thighed Curlew
(t3) (c4) 1
- Far Eastern/Australian Curlew 1
- Bar-tailed Godwit 6
- Black-tailed Godwit (c4) 1
- Ruddy Turnstone 1
- Western Sandpiper 1
- Red-necked Stint (c4) 2
- Long-toed Stint (c4) 1
- Least Sandpiper 5
- Pectoral Sandpiper 3
- Rock Sandpiper 7
- Dunlin 1
- Ruff 1
- Short-billed Dowitcher 1
- Common/Holarctic Snipe 1
- Red-necked Phalarope 7
- Red/Grey Phalarope 2
- Parasitic Jaeger/Arctic
Skua 3
- Long-tailed Jaeger/Skua 2
- Black-headed Gull 1
- Mew/Common Gull 1
- Herring Gull 1
- Slaty-backed Gull (c4) 1
- Glaucous-winged Gull 7
- Glaucous Gull 5
- Black-legged Kittiwake 7
- Red-legged Kittiwake (t3) 7
- Ross' Gull 1
- Sabine's Gull 1
- Common Tern 1
- Arctic Tern 1
- Common Murre/Guillemot 7
- Thick-billed Murre/Brunnich's Guillemot 7
- Pigeon Guillemot 3
- Marbled Murrelet (nt) 1
- Ancient Murrelet 1
- Parakeet Auklet 7
- Least Auklet 7
- Crested Auklet 7
- Tufted Puffin 7
- Horned Puffin 7
- Common/Eurasian Cuckoo
(c5) 1
- Snowy Owl 3
- Short-eared Owl 3
- Eurasian Skylark (not introduced)
- Tree Swallow 3
- Bank Swallow/Sand Martin 1
- Northern/Winter Wren 6
- Northern Wheatear 1
- Eye-browed Thrush (c4) 1
- Yellow Wagtail 2
- Olive-backed Pipit (c4) 2
- Red-throated Pipit 1
- Buff-bellied/American Pipit 1
- Yellow-rumped/Myrtle Warbler 1
- Wilson's Warbler 1
- Song Sparrow 1(*)
- Lapland Longspur/Bunting 7
- Snow Bunting 7
- Red-winged Blackbird 1
- Brambling (c4) 1
- Gray-crowned Rosy Finch 7
- Oriental Greenfinch (c 5) 1
- Common Redpoll 4
(*) Song Sparrow on St Paul
Island in the Pribilofs said to be ship-assisted.
(& other
nature TOURS)

(& other nature
Calendar Listing