in central Mato Grosso state, Brazil

compiled by Armas Hill

There have been 6 FONT birding tours to the Jardim da Amazonia, during 2000-02. 


x:  in more open-country nearby
*: only in forest 2 hours north of the pousada (inn)
t:  in nearby town of Sao Jose do Rio Claro


  1. Gray Tinamou
  2. Little Tinamou
  3. Tataupa Tinamou
  4. Red-winged Tinamou x
  5. White-bellied Nothura
  6. Greater Rhea x
  7. Least Grebe
  8. Neotropic Cormorant
  9. Anhinga
  10. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
  11. Brazilian Duck x
  12. Muscovy Duck
  13. White-necked Heron
  14. Great Egret
  15. Striated Heron
  16. Cattle Egret x
  17. Capped Heron
  18. Rufescent Tiger-Heron
  19. Boat-billed Heron
  20. Green Ibis
  21. Wood Stork
  22. King Vulture *
  23. American Black Vulture
  24. Turkey Vulture x
  25. Greater Yellow-headed Vulture
  26. White-tailed Kite
  27. Swallow-tailed Kite
  28. Plumbeous Kite
  29. Rufous-thighed Kite
  30. Gray-headed Kite
  31. Hook-billed Kite
  32. Black-collared Hawk
  33. Roadside Hawk
  34. Gray-lined Hawk
  35. Great Black Hawk
  36. White-tailed Hawk x
  37. White-browed Hawk
  38. Savanna Hawk x
  39. Black Hawk-Eagle
  40. Laughing Falcon
  41. Yellow-headed Caracara x
  42. Southern Crested Caracara x
  43. Black Caracara
  44. Barred Forest-Falcon
  45. Bat Falcon
  46. Aplomado Falcon x
  47. American Kestrel x
  48. (Amazonian) Razor-billed Curassow
  49. Variable/Speckled Chachalaca
  50. Common/Blue-throated Piping-Guan
  51. Spix's Guan
  52. Marbled Wood-Quail
  53. Red-legged Seriema x
  54. Gray-necked Wood-Rail
  55. Wattled Jacana x
  56. Southern Lapwing x
  57. Solitary Sandpiper
  58. Scaled Pigeon
  59. Picazuro Pigeon x
  60. Plumbeous Pigeon
  61. Eared Dove x
  62. Picui Ground-Dove x
  63. Ruddy Ground-Dove
  64. Blue Ground-Dove
  65. Gray-fronted Dove
  66. Ruddy Quail-Dove
  67. Blue-and-Yellow Macaw
  68. Blue-winged Macaw x
  69. Chestnut-fronted Macaw
  70. Red-bellied Macaw
  71. Red-shouldered Macaw
  72. White-eyed Parakeet
  73. Painted Parakeet (Conure)
  74. Yellow-chevroned Parakeet
  75. Blue-headed Parrot
  76. Turquoise-fronted Parrot (Amazon) x
  77. Dark-billed Cuckoo
  78. Ash-colored Cuckoo
  79. Squirrel Cuckoo
  80. Little Cuckoo
  81. Greater Ani
  82. Smooth-billed Ani x
  83. Guira Cuckoo x
  84. Southern Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl *
  85. Amazonian Pygmy-Owl
  86. Burrowing Owl x
  87. Crested Owl
  88. Mottled Owl
  89. Great Potoo
  90. Gray (formerly Common) Potoo
  91. Short-tailed/Semicollared Nighthawk
  92. Common Nighthawk
  93. Pauraque
  94. Ocellated Poorwill *
  95. Rufous Nightjar
  96. Little Nightjar
  97. Blackish Nightjar
  98. White-collared Swift
  99. Short-tailed Swift
  100. Amazonian/Mato Grosso Swift 
  101. Fork-tailed Palm-Swift
  102. Planalto Hermit
  103. Cinnamon-throated Hermit
  104. Reddish Hermit
  105. Gray-breasted Sabrewing
  106. White-necked Jacobin
  107. Black-throated Mango
  108. Dot-eared Coquette
  109. Black-bellied Thorntail
  110. Ruby-topaz Hummingbird
  111. Fork-tailed/Common Woodnymph
  112. White-chinned Sapphire
  113. Versicolored Emerald
  114. Long-billed Starthroat
  115. Black-eared Fairy
  116. Amethyst Woodstar
  117. Pavonine Quetzal *
  118. Collared Trogon
  119. Black-tailed Trogon
  120. Blue-crowned Trogon
  121. Amazonian Violaceous Trogon *
  122. Ringed Kingfisher
  123. Green Kingfisher
  124. Amazon Kingfisher
  125. Blue-crowned Motmot
  126. Brown Jacamar
  127. Rufous-tailed Jacamar
  128. Bronzy Jacamar *
  129. White-necked Puffbird
  130. Pied Puffbird
  131. Black-fronted Nunbird
  132. White-fronted Nunbird
  133. Swallow-wing
  134. Black-girdled Barbet
  135. Chestnut-eared Aracari
  136. Lettered Aracari
  137. Red-necked Aracari
  138. Channel-billed (includes Yellow-ridged) Toucan
  139. White-throated (formerly Cuvier's) Toucan *
  140. White-wedged (formerly Arrowhead) Piculet
  141. Gold(en)-fronted/Bar-breasted Piculet
  142. Campo Flicker x
  143. Golden-green Woodpecker
  144. Ringed Woodpecker
  145. Red-stained Woodpecker *
  146. Yellow-throated Woodpecker
  147. Yellow-tufted Woodpecker
  148. White Woodpecker 
  149. Little Woodpecker
  150. Lineated Woodpecker
  151. Red-necked Woodpecker
  152. Plain-brown Woodcreeper
  153. Olivaceous Woodcreeper
  154. Wedge-billed Woodcreeper
  155. Ocellated Woodcreeper
  156. Lineated Woodcreeper
  157. Dusky-billed (included in Buff-throated) Woodcreeper
  158. Campo Miner x
  159. Ruddy Spinetail
  160. Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner
  161. Point-tailed Palmcreeper
  162. Streaked Xenops
  163. Barred Antshrike
  164. Chestnut-backed (formerly Lined) Antshrike
  165. Planalto Slaty- Antshrike
  166. Natterer's Slaty-Antshrike *
  167. Plain Antvireo
  168. Gray Antwren *
  169. Rufous-winged Antwren
  170. Dot-winged Antwren
  171. Xingu (Striated) Antbird
  172. Mato Grosso Antbird
  173. Blackish Antbird
  174. White-backed Fire-eye
  175. Warbling Antbird
  176. Silvered Antbird
  177. Black-throated Antbird
  178. Black-spotted Bare-eye
  179. Red-headed Manakin
  180. Fiery-capped Manakin
  181. Snow-capped Manakin
  182. Flame-crested Manakin
  183. Wing-barred Piprites
  184. Amazonian Umbrellabird
  185. Bare-necked Fruitcrow
  186. Grayish Mourner
  187. Screaming Piha *
  188. Spangled Cotinga
  189. Pompadour Cotinga
  190. Black-necked Red-Cotinga *
  191. White-browed Purpletuft *
  192. (White-naped) Xenopsaris
  193. Green-backed Becard
  194. White-winged Becard
  195. Black-tailed Tityra
  196. Black-crowned Tityra *
  197. Masked Tityra
  198. Yellow-bellied Elaenia
  199. Small-billed Elaenia
  200. Gray Elaenia
  201. Forest Elaenia
  202. Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet
  203. Southern Beardless Tyrannulet
  204. Plain Tyrannulet x
  205. Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant
  206. White-bellied (has been part of White-eyed) Tody-Tyrant
  207. Stripe-necked Tody-Tyrant
  208. Yellow-browed Tody-Flycatcher
  209. Spotted Tody-Flycatcher
  210. Yellow-olive Flycatcher/Flatbill
  211. Yellow-margined Flycatcher/Flatbill
  212. Amazonian Royal-Flycatcher
  213. Vermilion Flycatcher
  214. Bran-colored Flycatcher
  215. Eastern Wood-Pewee * 
  216. Rufous Casiornis
  217. Dusky-capped Flycatcher
  218. Swainson's Flycatcher
  219. Short-crested Flycatcher
  220. Brown-crested Flycatcher
  221. Boat-billed Flycatcher
  222. Great Kiskadee
  223. Lesser Kiskadee
  224. Rusty-margined Flycatcher
  225. Streaked Flycatcher
  226. Piratic Flycatcher
  227. Variegated Flycatcher
  228. Dusky-chested Flycatcher *
  229. White-throated Kingbird
  230. Tropical Kingbird
  231. Fork-tailed Flycatcher
  232. Gray-breasted Martin
  233. White-winged Swallow
  234. White-banded Swallow 
  235. Southern Rough-winged Swallow
  236. Barn Swallow x
  237. Cliff Swallow X
  238. Plush-crested Jay
  239. Thrush-like Wren
  240. Moustached Wren
  241. Fawn-breasted (included in Buff-breasted) Wren
  242. Southern Nightingale-Wren
  243. Creamy-bellied Thrush
  244. Cocoa Thrush
  245. White-necked Thrush
  246. Chalk-browed Mockingbird x
  247. Long-billed Gnatwren *
  248. Yellowish Pipit x
  249. Chivi (has been part of Red-eyed) Vireo
  250. Buff-cheeked Greenlet
  251. Gray-chested Greenlet
  252. Masked Yellowthroat
  253. Blue Dacnis
  254. Black-faced Dacnis
  255. Yellow-bellied Dacnis
  256. Purple Honeycreeper
  257. Red-legged Honeycreeper
  258. Green Honeycreeper
  259. Bananaquit
  260. Swallow-Tanager
  261. Yellow-backed Tanager
  262. Blue-necked Tanager
  263. Bay-headed Tanager
  264. Masked Tanager
  265. Turquoise Tanager
  266. Paradise Tanager
  267. Purple-throated Euphonia
  268. Rufous-bellied Euphonia
  269. Palm Tanager
  270. Sayaca Tanager
  271. Silver-beaked Tanager
  272. Flame-crested Tanager
  273. White-lined Tanager
  274. White-shouldered Tanager
  275. Chopi Blackbird x
  276. Shiny Cowbird x
  277. Giant Cowbird
  278. Epaulet Oriole 
  279. Yellow-rumped Cacique
  280. Red-rumped Cacique
  281. Solitary (Black) Cacique
  282. Crested Oropendola
  283. Para/Amazonian Oropendola
  284. Buff-throated Saltator
  285. Black-throated Saltator x
  286. Blue-black Grosbeak
  287. Blue-black Grassquit
  288. Lesser Seed-Finch
  289. Double-collared Seedeater
  290. Grassland Sparrow x
  291. Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch x
  292. House Sparrow t