Print a copy of this form, complete, and mail or fax to: Focus On Nature Tours Inc., PO Box 9021, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA; Fax: 302/529-1085
(Confirmation dependent upon availability at time registration/payment is received.)

(Please print)
Pelagic trip / State                                                        Date of trip

________________________________________        ________________________________________


Street address:_________________________________________________________________

City:__________________________________ State_______ Zip-code:____________________ 

Telephone: (Home)_____________________ (Work)______________________________

Fax number:____________________________ E-mail:__________________________________

Contact person/phone number in case of an emergency: ________________________________________________

Phone number to reach you the night, or two, prior to the trip(s):_______________________________

Form of Payment    (Circle one)        Personal Check        Money Order
                                                          Credit card:   
  American Express only.

Card Number:_________________________________________________    Exp. date:___________

Name as it appears on the card:______________________________________________________ 

Amount to be charged: _________________________________________

Signature of cardholder as authorization:_________________________________________________

Cancellation Policy & Participant Acknowledgement: Full refund, minus $20 handling fee, if participant cancels up to 2 weeks in advance of the trip. No refund if cancellation is within 2 weeks of trip. Never any penalty for cancellation, if another person is substituted (FONT does not take on the responsibility to find a substitute). Full refund minus $10 handling fee, or full credit towards a future FONT pelagic trip, if trip is canceled by FONT, due to inclement weather conditions at sea, or problem with boat (usually as determined by boat captain). I understand that Focus On Nature Tours, Inc., and the associated trip leaders have no liability whatsoever for any injury, personal medical expenses, or for anything that may result to me personally, or to my belongings, during, or in conjunction, with my participation on the trip; and further that I have no physical or other limiting factors that would possibly create a hazard to myself, or to other participants on the trip; and that I am aware of the benefit of obtaining insurance coverage. Focus On Nature Tours Inc., acts only as an agent for the passenger in regard to travel by boat, and assumes no liability whatsoever for anything caused to any person by defect in such vessel, or operation of vessel, sea conditions, or any other factor. Payment for the trip(s) is acceptance of the policy and of the terms defined here.