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Some Other Wildlife

noting those found during 
Focus On Nature Tours
with an (*)

thru 2013

A List Of Venezuela Mammals compiled by Armas Hill 

Upper-right photo: a MURINE MOUSE-OPOSSUM 
that was, during a FONT tour in Venezuela,
found in an old nest of a Caribbean Hornero 


LL:  in the area of the Llanos

(i):     introduced in Venezuela

(ph):  species with a photo in the FONT web-site


Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Venezuela 

A List of Venezuela Birds  (with some photos)

South American Mammals  (with some photos)

South American Butterflies  (with some photos)

Directory of Photos in this FONT Web-Site 

List of Mammals:

  1. Bare-tailed Wooly Opossum  ______
    Caluromys philaner

  2. Southern (or Black-eared) Opossum (*) ______  (has also been called Common Opossum)
    Didelphis marsupialis

  3. White-eared Opossum ______
    Didelphis albiventris

  4. Common Gray Four-eyed Opossum ______
    Philander opossum

  5. Brown Four-eyed Opossum ______
    Metachirus nudicaudatus

  6. Water Opossum  ______
    Chironectes minimus

  7. Woolly Mouse Opossum  ______
    Micoureus cinereus

  8. Murine Mouse-Opossum  (*) (ph)  ______
    Marmosa murina

  9. Tyler's Mouse-Opossum  ______
    Marmosa tyler

  10. Nine-banded Long-nosed Armadillo  ______
    Dasypus novemcinctus

  11. Great Long-nosed Armadillo  ______
    Dasypus kappleri

  12. Southern Naked-tailed Armadillo  ______
    Cabassous unicinctus

  13. Giant Armadillo  (ph) ______
    Priodontes maximus

  14. Giant Anteater  (*) (ph)  ______  LL
    Myrmecophaga tridactyla

  15. Southern Tamandua  (*) ______  LL  (has also been called Collared Anteater)
    Tamandua tetradactyla

  16. Southern Two-toed Sloth  (*) ______
    Choloepus didactylus

  17. Pale-throated Three-toed Sloth  (*) ______
    Bradypus tridactylus

  18. Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth  (*) (ph) ______
    Bradypus variegatus 

  19. Eastern Cottontail  (*) (ph)  ______
    Sylvilagus floridannus

  20. Tapiti (or Brazilian Rabbit) ______
    Silvilagus brasiliensis

  21. Northern Amazon Red Squirrel  (*) ______
    Sciurus igniventris

  22. Red-tailed Squirrel  (*) ______
    Sciurus granatensis

  23. House Mouse (i) ______
    Mus musculus

  24. Brazilian Porcupine  ______
    Coendou prehensilis

  25. Lowland Paca  ______  (also called Spotted Paca)
    Cuniculus paca

  26. Pacarana  ______
    Dinomys branickii

  27. Red-rumped Agouti  (*) ______
    Dasyprocta leporina  (formerly D. agouti)

  28. Capybara  (*) (ph) ______  LL
    Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris

  29. Ocelot  (ph) ______
    Felis pardalis

  30. Margay  ______
    Felis wiedii
  31. Oncilla  ______
    Felis tigrina

  32. Jaguarundi  ______
    Felis yaguarondi 

  33. Puma  (*) (ph)  ______  LL  (during a FONT Venezuela tour in the Llanos, one morning, 3 were seen - drinking along the riverbank; one by one, they slinked away)
    Felis (formerly Puma) concolor

  34. Jaguar  (ph) ______
    Panthera onca

  35. Bush Dog ______
    Speothos venaticus

  36. Gray Fox  (*) ______
    Urocyon cinereoargenteus

  37. Crab-eating Fox  (*) (ph) ______  LL
    Cerdocyon thous

  38. Crab-eating Raccoon  (*) (ph) ______  LL
    Procyon cancrivorous

  39. South American Coati  (ph)  ______
    Nasua nasua

  40. Kinjajou  (ph) ______
    Potos flavus

  41. Long-tailed Weasel  ______
    Mustela frenata

  42. Greater Grison  ______
    Galictis vittata

  43. Tayra  ______
    Eira barbara

  44. Striped Hog-nosed Skunk  (*)  ______
    Conepatus semistriatus

  45. Neotropical River Otter ______
    Lutra longicaudis

  46. Giant Otter  (ph) ______
    Pteronura brasiliensis

  47. Greater Fishing Bat  (*) ______  (also called Bulldog Bat)
    Noctilio leporinus

  48. Yellow-handed Titi Monkey  ______
    Callicebus torquatus

  49. Guianam Saki Monkey  ______
    Pithecia pithecia

  50. Venezuelan Red Howler Monkey  (*) ______
    Alouatta seniculus

  51. Weeping (or Wedge-capped) Capuchin  (*) ______
    Cebus olivaceus

  52. Lemurine Night (or Owl) Monkey  ______
    Actus lemurinus

  53. Amazon (or Pink) River Dolphin  (*) ______  LL  (also called Boto or Boutu)
    Inia geroffrensis

  54. Tucuxi (or Gray Dolphin)  ______
    Sotalia fluviatilis

  55. Collared Peccary  (ph) ______
    Dicotyles tajacu

  56. White-lipped Peccary  ______
    Tayassu pecari

  57. Red Brocket Deer  ______
    Mazama americana

  58. Gray (or Brown) Brocket Deer  (ph)  ______
    Mazama gouazoubira

  59. White-tailed Deer  (*) (ph) ______  LL
    Odocoileus virginianus

  60. Brazilian Tapir  (ph)  ______
    Tapirus terrestris

  61. West Indian Manatee  ______
    Trichechus inunguis

  62. small bats (sp.)
  63. large bats (sp.)
  64. fruit-eating bat (sp.)
  65. rat (sp.)
  66. Spectacled Caiman
  67. Anaconda (10-ft+)
  68. False Coral Snake (pseudoboa sp.)
  69. Savannah Snake (leimaeophis sp.)
  70. Tegu Lizard (tupinaambis sp.)
  71. Whiptail Lizard (with green head)
  72. other lizards
  73. tree iguana
  74. treefrogs (sp.)
  75. toads (sp.)
  76. Llanos Sideneck (turtle)
  77. Piranha
  78. Blue Morpho (butterfly)
  79. leaf-cutter ants