Birds during FONT Birding 
& Nature Tour 
Puerto Rico

in April 2007

List compiled by Armas Hill


April 1-6

This was the 27th FONT birding tours in Puerto Rico. The number in () reflects the number of tours during which the species has been found.


(t):    a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International
          (t1): critical 
          (t2): endangered
          (t3): vulnerable
(nt):  a near-threatened species globally

(p):   seen only pelagically
(mi): on Mona Island

(PRe):         endemic in Puerto Rico
(PR&VIe):    endemic to Puerto Rico & the Virgin Islands
(PRr):          rare in Puerto Rico

(i): introduced species  (Puerto Rico has many; there are 19 in this list.)

Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Puerto Rico

A Bird-List & Photo Gallery of Caribbean Birds (in 2 parts):

Part 1: Guineafowl to Hummingbirds

Part 2: Trogons to Buntings


  1. Pied-billed Grebe ______ 27
    Podilymbus podiceps antillarum

  2. White-tailed Tropicbird ______ 13
    Phaethon lepturus catesbyi

  3. Brown Pelican ______ 27
    Pelecanus o. occidentalis

  4. Brown Booby ______ 20
    Sula l. leucogaster

  5. Magnificent Frigatebird ______ 27
    Fregata magificens  (now said to be monotypic)

  6. Great Blue Heron ______ 25
    Ardea h. herodias  

  7. Great Egret ______ 27
    Ardea (or Casmerodius or Egretta) alba egretta

  8. Green Heron ______ 27  (was for a time considered conspecific with the nearly-cosmopolitan Striated Heron, and was then called Green-backed Heron) 
    Butorides virescens maculata

  9. Cattle Egret ______ 27
    Bubulcus i. ibis  (the single member of its genus)

  10. Snowy Egret ______ 27
    Egretta (formerly Leucophoyx) thula brewsteri

  11. Little Blue Heron ______ 27
    Egretta (formerly Florida) caerulea  (monotypic)

  12. Tricolored (has been called Louisiana) Heron ______ 27
    Egretta (formerly Hydranassa) tricolor ruficollis

  13. Black-crowned Night-Heron ______ 18
    Nycticorax nycticorax hoactii

  14. White-cheeked Pintail ______ 27
    Anas b. bahamensis (t3)

  15. Blue-winged Teal ______ 8
    Anas discors  (monotypic)

  16. Ruddy Duck ______ 21
    Oxyura j. jamaicensis

  17. Turkey Vulture (i?) ______ 27
    Cathartes a. aura

  18. Red-tailed Hawk ______ 27
    Buteo j. jamaicensis
      (this subspecies also on Jamaica & Hispaniola)

  19. Osprey ______ 26
    Pandion haliaetus  (2 subspecies occur in Puerto Rico)  (the single member of its genus)
    Pandion haliaetus carolinensis (migrant North American breeder)
    Pandion haliaetus ridgwayi (breeder in Caribbean area) 

  20. American Kestrel ______ 27
    Falco sparverius caribaearum  (this subspecies also in Lesser Antilles)

  21. "Antillean" Clapper Rail ______ 20
    Rallus longirostris caribaeus

  22. Sora (Crake) ______ 4
    Porzana carolina  (monotypic)

  23. Purple Gallinule ______ 5
    Porphyrula martinica  (monotypic)

  24. Common Gallinule (or Moorhen) ______ 27
    Gallinula chloropus cerceris

  25. American Coot ______ 8
    Fulica a. americana

  26. "Caribbean Coot" (nt) ______ 27 (considered by some to be conspecific with American Coot)
    Fulica (americana) caribaea

  27. Grey (or Black-bellied) Plover ______ 19 
    Pluvialis squatarola cynosurae

  28. Semipalmated Plover ______ 18
    Charadrius semipalmatus  (monotypic)

  29. Wilson's Plover ______ 17
    Charadrius wilsonia rufinucha  (resident subspecies in the Caribbean)

  30. Killdeer ______ 19
    Charadrius vociferus ternominatus  (resident subspecies in the Caribbean)   

  31. Black-necked Stilt ______ 26  (considered by some to be conspecific with the Black-winged Stilt of the Old World, Himantopus himantopus)  
    Himantopus (himantopus) mexicanus 

  32. Spotted Sandpiper ______ 25
    Actitis macularia  (monotypic)

  33. Solitary Sandpiper ______ 7
    Tringa s. solitaria

  34. Greater Yellowlegs ______ 24
    Tringa melanoleuca  (monotypic)

  35. Lesser Yellowlegs ______ 20
    Tringa flavipes  (monotypic)

  36. Willet ______ 7
    Tringa (formerly Catoptrophorus) s. semipalmata

  37. Ruddy Turnstone ______ 22
    Arenaria interpres morinella

  38. Semipalmated Sandpiper ______ 18
    Calidris pusilia  (monotypic)

  39. Least Sandpiper ______ 13
    Calidris minutilla  (monotypic)

  40. Sanderling ______ 10
    Calidris alba rubida

  41. Laughing Gull ______ 13
    Larus a. atricilla

  42. Royal Tern ______ 27
    Thalasseus (formerly Sterna) m. maxima

  43. Sandwich Tern ______ 19
    Thalasseus (formerly Sterna) sandvicensis acuflavida

  44. Scaly-naped (or Red-necked) Pigeon ______ 26
    Patagioenas (formerly Columba) squamosa  (monotypic)

  45. Common (or Feral) Pigeon (i) ______ 27
    Columba livia

  46. Ringed Turtle-Dove (i) ______ 19  (historically was native to North Africa)
    Streptopelia risoria

  47. Mourning Dove ______ 8
    Zenaida m. macroura
    (this subspecies endemic to the West Indies) 

  48. Zenaida Dove ______ 27
    Zenaida aurita zenaida  (resident subspecies of the northern Caribbean) 

  49. White-winged Dove ______ 27
    Zenaida a. asiatica

  50. Common Ground-Dove ______ 27
    Columbina passerina portoricensis
    (this subspecies also in the Virgin Islands)
  51. Ruddy Quail-Dove ______ 14
    Geotrygon m. montana 
    (same subspecies as in Central & South America)

  52. Key West Quail-Dove ______ 2
    Geotrygon chrysia  (monotypic)

  53. Mangrove Cuckoo ______ 25
    Coccyzus minor
    (now said to be monotypic, formerly a subspecies in the West Indies: Coccyzus minor nesiotes)

  54. Yellow-billed Cuckoo ______ 2
    Coccyzus americanus  (monotypic)

  55. Puerto Rican Lizard-Cuckoo (PRe) ______ 27
    Coccyzus (formerly Saurothera) vieilloti  (monotypic)  
  56. Smooth-billed Ani ______ 27
    Crotophaga ani  (monotypic)

  57. Puerto Rican (Screech-)Owl (PR&VIe) ______ 27
    Megascops (formerly Otus) n. nudipes
    (another subspecies in the Virgin Islands)

  58. Puerto Rican Nightjar (t1) (PRe) (PRr) ______ 25 
    Caprimulgus noctitherus  (monotypic)

  59. Puerto Rican Emerald (PRe) ______ 27
    Chlorostilbon maugaeus  (monotypic)

  60. Antillean (or Dominican) Mango ______ 26
    Anthracothorax dominicus aurulentus
    (subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico)

  61. Green Mango (PRe) ______ 26
    Anthracothorax viridis  (monotypic)

  62. Green-throated Carib ______ 23
    Eulampis h. holosericeus 
    (subspecies also in most of the Lesser Antilles)  

  63. Antillean Crested Hummingbird ______ 22
    Orthorhyncus cristatus exilis
    (subspecies also in most of the Lesser Antilles, green-crested)

  64. Puerto Rican Tody (PRe) ______ 27
    Todus mexicanus  (monotypic)  (this genus, with 5 species, endemic to the Caribbean)

  65. Puerto Rican Woodpecker (PRe) ______ 27
    Melanerpes portoricensis  (monotypic0

  66. Gray Kingbird ______ 27
    Tyrannus d. dominicensis

  67. Loggerhead Kingbird ______ 23
    Tyrannus caudifasciatus taylori
    (subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico)

  68. Puerto Rican Flycatcher (PR&VIe) ______ 27
    Myiarchus antillarum  (monotypic)

  69. Puerto Rican Pewee (PRe) ______ 25 (has been considered part of Lesser Antillean Pewee)
    Contopus (latirostris) portoricensis  (monotypic)

  70. Caribbean Elaenia ______ 19
    Elaenia m. martinica 

  71. Barn Swallow ______ 6
    Hirundo rustica erythrogaster

  72. "Antillean" Cave Swallow ______ 25
    Petrochelidon (formerly Hirundo) fulva puertoricensis
    (subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico)

  73. Northern Mockingbird ______ 27
    Mimus polyglottos orpheus 
    (subspecies endemic to West Indies)
  74. Pearly-eyed Thrasher ______ 27
    Margarops fuscatus fuscatus

  75. Red-legged Thrush ______ 27
    Turdus plumbeus ardosiaceus
    (subspecies also in Hispaniola)
  76. Hill Myna (i) ______ 2 (native to southeast Asia)
    Gracula religiosa

  77. Puerto Rican Vireo (PRe) ______ 26
    Vireo latimeri  (monotypic)

  78. Black-whiskered Vireo ______ 27
    Vireo a. altiloquus 

  79. Northern Parula (Warbler) ______ 22
    Parula americana  (monotypic)

  80. Golden (has been part of Yellow) Warbler ______ 27
    Dendroica petechia 
    (resident in the Caribbean, considered distinct from the migratory Yellow Warbler of North America, Dendroica aestiva, and the Mangrove Warbler of Central America, Dendroica erithachorides) (Some migrant Yellow Warblers from North America winter in Greater Antilles.) 

  81. Black-throated Blue Warbler ______ 13
    Dendroica caerulescens
    (2 subspecies winter in the West Indies: D. c. caerulescens & D. c. cairnsi)

  82. Adelaide's Warbler (PRe) ______ 27 (formerly included populations on other Caribbean islands of Barbuda and Saint Lucia, each now considered separate species) 
    Dendroica adelaidae

  83. American Redstart ______ 14
    Setophaga ruticilla  (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

  84. Bananaquit ______ 27
    Coereba flaveola portoricensis
    (subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico) (In all, there are 41 subspecies throughout Latin America & the Caribbean. 24 of those subspecies are on islands in the Caribbean including some off the coasts of Mexico & Venezuela, & on Trinidad & Tobago.) (the single member of its genus)

  85. Puerto Rican Spindalis (PRe) ______ 27  (formerly (Puerto Rican) Stripe-headed Tanager)
    Spindalis portoricensis  (monotypic)

  86. Puerto Rican Tanager (PRe) ______ 27
    Nesospingus speculiferus  (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  87. Shiny (or Glossy) Cowbird ______ 24
    Molothrus bonariensis minimus

  88. Greater Antillean Grackle ______ 27
    Quiscalus niger brachypterus
    (subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico)

  89. Puerto Rican  (has been part of Greater Antillean & previously Black-cowled) Oriole ______ 25
    Icterus dominicensis portoricensis
    (subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico)

  90. Venezuelan Troupial (i) ______ 26  (native to northern South America)
    Icterus icterus  (monotypic)

  91. Yellow-shouldered Blackbird (t2) (PRe) (PRr) ______ 27
    Agelaius x. xanthomus
    (a second PR subspecies on Mona Island)

  92. Pin-tailed Whydah (i) ______ 11 (native to Africa)
    Vidua macroura

  93. House Sparrow (i) ______ 25 (native to Eurasia)
    Passer domesticus

  94. Orange-cheeked Waxbill (i) ______ 14 (native to central west Africa)
    Estrilda melpoda

  95. Bronze (or Hooded) Mannikin (i)  (has been called Hooded Weaver) ______ 17 (native: Africa thru India)
    Lonchura cucullata 

  96. Puerto Rican Bullfinch (PRe) ______ 27
    Loxigilla p. portoricensis
    (another subspecies on St Kitts Is. now extirpated)

  97. Yellow-faced Grassquit ______ 24
    Tiaris olivacea bryanti 
    (subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico)

  98. Black-faced Grassquit ______ 27
    Tiaris bicolor omissus 
    (subspecies also in the Lesser Antilles)