found during the
FONT Birding Tour
in Central CHILE
November 21-26, 2007
List compiled by Armas Hill, leader of the tour
In central Chile:
between the Andes & the seacoast: cc
in the Andes: ca
along the seacoast: cs
on the pelagic trip from Valparaiso: vp
(CHe): endemic to Chile
(CHqe): quasi (or nearly) endemic to Chile
(CHr): rare in Chile
(CHi): introduced in Chile
(t): a threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International.
(t1): critical (t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally.
Cumulative List of Birds during
FONT Chile ToursHome
Cocoi Heron - cc
Cattle Egret - cc
Snowy Egret - cc,cs
Great Egret - cc,cs
Black-crowned Night Heron - cc,cs
Black-necked Swan - cs
Andean Goose - cc
Torrent Duck - ca
Crested Duck - ca
Chiloe (or Southern) Wigeon - cc
Yellow-billed (or Brown) Pintail - cc
Red Shoveler - cs
Cinnamon Teal - cs
Speckled Teal - ca
Lake Duck - cs
Andean Condor - ca
Black Vulture - cs
Turkey Vulture - cs
White-tailed Kite - cc
Cinereous Harrier - cc
Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle - ca
"Red-backed" Variable Hawk - cc
Bay-winged (or Harris's) Hawk - cc
Chimango Caracara - cc,cs
American Kestrel - cc,cs
California Quail (CHi) - cc,ca
Plumbeous Rail - cc
Red-gartered Coot - cc,cs
White-winged Coot - cs
Red-fronted Coot - cs
South American (or White-backed) Stilt - cc
American Oystercatcher - cs
Blackish Oystercatcher - cs
Southern Lapwing - cc,cs,ca
Gray-breasted Seedsnipe - ca
South American Snipe - ca
Whimbrel - cs
Lesser Yellowlegs - cc,cs
Ruddy Turnstone - cs
Surfbird - cs
Baird's Sandpiper - ca
Red Phalarope - vp
Gray Gull - cs
Kelp Gull - cc,cs,vp
Brown-hooded Gull - cc,cs
Franklin's Gull - cs,vp
Sabine's Gull - vp
South American Tern - cs,vp
Common Tern - cs,vp
Arctic Tern - vp
Snowy-crowned (or Trudeau's) Tern - vp
Elegant Tern - cs,vp
Inca Tern - cs,vp
Black Skimmer - cs
Chilean Pigeon (nt) (CHqe) - cc
Feral (or Rock) Pigeon (i) - cc,cs,ca
Eared Dove - cc,cs
Picui Ground-Dove - cc,cs
Black-winged Ground-Dove - cc,ca
Burrowing Owl - cc
White-sided Hillstar - ca
Giant Hummingbird - ca
Chilean Flicker - cc
Common Miner - ca
Rufous-banded Miner - ca
Straight-billed Earthcreeper - ca
Bar-winged Cinclodes - ca
Gray-flanked Cinclodes - ca
Chilean Seaside-Cinclodes (CHe) - cs
Crag Chilia (CHe) - ca
Wren-like Rushbird - cc,cs
Dusky-tailed Canastero (CHe) - cc
Moustached Turca (CHe) - ca
Dusky Tapaculo - ca
Rufous-tailed Plantcutter - ca
Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrant - ca
Black-fronted Ground-Tyrant - ca
Cinereous Ground-Tyrant - ca
Austral Negrito - cs,ca
Spectacled Tyrant - cc,cs
Many-colored Rush-Tyrant - cc
Warbling Doradito - cc
Tufted Tit-Tyrant - cc
White-crested Elaenia - cc
Austral Thrush - cc,cs
Chilean Mockingbird (CHe) - cc,cs,ca
Chilean Swallow - cc,cs
Blue-and-white Swallow - cc,ca
Sedge (or Grass) Wren - cc
(Southern) House Wren - cc,ca,cs
House Sparrow (i) - cc,cs,ca
Correndera Pipit - cc
Band-tailed Sierra-Finch - ca
Plumbeous Sierra-Finch - ca
Gray-hooded Sierra-Finch - ca
Mourning Sierra-Finch - ca
Common Diuca-Finch - cc,cs,ca
Greater Yellow Finch - ca
Grassland Yellow-Finch - cc
Rufous-collared Sparrow - cc,cs,ca
Shiny (or Glossy) Cowbird - cc,cs
Austral Blackbird - cc,cs,ca
Yellow-winged Blackbird - cc,cs
Long-tailed Meadowlark - cc,cs,ca
Black-chinned Siskin - cc
Yellow-rumped Siskin - ca
found during the FONT Tour
in Central Chile
in November 2007
in central Chile:
between the Andes & the seacoast: cc
in the Andes: ca
along the seacoast: cs
Marine Mammal: