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from Tinamous to Coots

Noting those found during 
Focus On Nature Tours
with an (*) 

from 1990 thru 2015

during the months of October, 
November, December

Part 1 of a List of Chile Birds
compiled by Armas Hill,
with some photos

Upper right photo: 
Lower right photo: 
(Both photos by Alan Brady)   


Part #2 of this List of Chile Birds, Thick-knee to Saltator

341 species of birds have been found during 19 FONT birding tours in Chile. 
(3 additional subspecies brings the following list to 344.) 

6 of our Chilean tours included only the areas east of Santiago (in the Andes), 
and west to the coast (Vina del Mar & Valparaiso): these tours either followed 
the FONT Argentina tour, or were before/after tours to Antarctica.
17 of our Chilean tours have included offshore pelagic trips from Valparaiso.

13 of the tours included: the south (lake district); 3 of those included Chiloe Island.
10 of the tours included the far-south (Punta Arenas & Tierra del Fuego).
10 tours included: the far-north (Arica, Putre, & Lauca Natl Park). With tours in the far-north, there have been (with the exception of 1 time), pelagic trips from Arica. 

There have been 2 tours only in far-southern Chile (Tierra del Fuego) in conjunction with the FONT Argentina tour.


cc:    in central Chile, including the regions of Santiago, the coast, the Andes, and south to the Rio Bio Bio
cca:  in central Chile, in the Andes only
ccs:   in central Chile, along the seacoast only
ccp:  during the pelagic trip from Valparaiso only
cc p: also during the pelagic trip from Valparaiso 
ci:    on Chiloe Island, including the ferry    

fn:    in far-northern Chile, from Arica on the coast up into the Andes
fno:  in far-northern Chile only
fnp:  during the pelagic trip from Arica only
fn p: also during the pelagic trip from Arica 
fs:     in far-southern Chile (excluding Tierra del Fuego) 
pnp: in the area of Paine National Park only (in far-southern Chile)
so:   in southern Chile, particularly the "lake district"
tf:     on Tierra del Fuego

(t): a globally threatened, or rare, species as designated by Birdlife International
(t1): critical (t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally

(CHe):    endemic to Chile
(CHqe):  quasi (nearly) endemic to Chile
(CHr):     rare in Chile
(CHvr):   very rare in Chile
(CHi):     introduced in Chile

(p): during pelagic trips, either from Valparaiso, from Arica, or on a ferry across the Strait of Magellan or to Chiloe Island

(ph):  species with a photo in the FONT website

Additional Links:

Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Chile

Chilean Albatrosses & Other Seabirds  (with photos)

Mammals of Chile  (with some photos)     Butterflies of Chile  (with some photos)

Amphibians & Reptiles of Chile  (with some photos)     The Diverse Plant-life of Chile  (with some photos)

Directory of Photos in this Website


  1. Ornate Tinamou  (*) ______ fno 
    Nothoprocta ornata rostrata

  2. Chilean Tinamou  (CHe) (*) ______  cc  so
    Nothoprocta p. perdicaria 

  3. Andean Tinamou  ______  fno
    Nothoprocta pentlandii

  4. Puna Tinamou  (*) ______ fno 
    Tinamotis pentlandii 

  5. Patagonian Tinamou  (*) ______  fs
    Tinamotis ingoufi 

  6. Elegant-crested Tinamou  ______ (in Chile a very restricted range in Aysen)
    Eudromias elegans 

  7. Lesser Rhea  (nt) (*) (ph) ______  fs  (the subspecies in far-southern Chile, called "Darwin's Rhea" 
    Pterocnemia p. pennata 
    (the single member of its genus)

    Lesser, or "Darwin's" Rheas photographed during a FONT tour in Chile 
    (photo by Alan Brady)

  8. Lesser Rhea  (nt) (*) ______ fno  (the subspecies in far-northern Chile, called the "Puna Rhea")  
    Pterocnemia pennata tarapacensis 
    (the Darwin's Rhea is the single member of its genus)

  9. California Quail  (CHi) (*) ______  cc  so
    Callipepla californica

  10. Fulvous Whistling Duck  (CHvr)  ______
    Dendrocygna bicolor

  11. White-faced Whistling Duck  (CHvr) (ph)  ______
    Dendrocygna viduata

  12. Black-bellied Whistling Duck  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (a single Chilean record near La Union, in X Region)
    Dendrocygna autumnalis 

  13. Black-necked Swan  (*) (ph)  ______  ccs  so  ci  fs  tf
    Cygnus melancoryphus 

    Above & below: Black-necked Swans photographed during the FONT Chile Tour in November 2011
    Above: a pair with a cygnet hitching a ride   Below: a flock along the coast of Chiloe Island
    (photos by Frank Stermitz)

  14. Coscoroba Swan  (*) (ph)  ______  fs  tf
    Coscoroba coscoroba 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  15. Andean Goose  (*) ______ fno
    Chloephaga melanoptera 

  16. Upland Goose  (*) (ph) ______  fs  tf  (has also been called the Magellan Goose) (endemic to Patagonia & the Falkland Islands)  
    Chloephaga p. picta

    An Upland Goose photographed during a FONT tour
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  17. Ashy-headed Goose  (*) (ph)  ______  so  fs  tf  (endemic to Patagonia)
    Chloephaga poliocephala 

    2 Ashy-headed Geese
    (foreground) with 3 Upland Geese (background)
    The male & female Ashy-headed Geese are similar. 
    The male has a chestnut breast; that of the female is a finely-barred reddish-brown.
    Male & female Upland Geese are quite different, with the male mostly white and the female mostly brown. 

  18. Ruddy-headed Goose  (CHr) (*) (ph)  ______  tf  (endemic to eastern Patagonia & the Falkland Islands)
    Chloephaga rubidiceps

    The Ruddy-headed Goose has been seen during FONT Chile Tours on Tierra del Fuego.

  19. Kelp Goose  (*) (ph) ______  ci  (endemic to Patagonia & the Falkland Islands) 
    Chloephaga h. hybrida

    A female Kelp Goose

  20. Flying Steamer Duck  (*) (ph)  ______  fs  tf  (endemic to Patagonia & the Falkland Islands
    Tachyeres patachonicus

    A pair of Flying Steamer Ducks
    (swimming, not flying); male (left), female (right)

  21. Fuegian Steamer Duck  (*) (ph)  ______  ci  fs  tf  (has been called the Flightless Steamer Duck) (endemic to western Patagonian coasts & Tierra del Fuego) (exclusively marine)
    Tachyeres pteneres 

    A Fuegian Steamer Duck photographed during the FONT tour in Chile in November 2009
    (photo by Robert Hinz)

  22. Torrent Duck  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so
    Merganetta a. armata  (the single member of its genus)

    A pair of Torrent Ducks; female (left), male (right)
    (photo by Alan Brady)

  23. Chiloe Wigeon  (*) (ph)  ______  ccs  so  ci  fs  tf  
    Anas sibilatrix  (monotypic)

    Anas sibilatrix
    has also been called the Southern Wigeon. 

    The Chiloe Wigeon is one of the birds that has been seen
    during FONT tours in Chile on Chiloe Island.  
    (photo by Cameron Rutt)

  24. Speckled Teal  (*) ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf  fn  
    Anas flavirostris 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Anas f. flavirostris
    (central & south CH)
    Anas flavirostris oxyptera
    (north CH)

  25. Bronze-winged Duck  (nt) (*) ______  fs  
    (formerly Anas) specularis  (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

    Speculanas specularis
    is also called the Spectacled Duck.

  26. Crested Duck  (*) (ph)  ______  cca  ci   fs  tf  fn
    Lophonetta specilarioides 
    (the single member of its genus) (2 subspecies in Chile)  
    Lophonetta s. specularioides 
    (subspecies in central  & southern Chile) (with a red iris)
    Lophonetta specularioides alticola 
    (subspecies in northern Chile) (with a yellow iris)

    A Crested Duck, this bird with a red iris
    so it is the nominate subspecies, Lophonetta s. specularioides 
    (photo by Cameron Rutt)

  27. Yellow-billed Pintail  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf  (has also been called Brown Pintail)
    Anas georgica spinicauda

    Yellow-billed Pintails photographed during a FONT tour
    (photo by Bob Enever)

  28. White-cheeked Pintail  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  fn
    Anas bahamensis rubrirostris

    White-cheeked Pintail
    (photo by Marie Grenouillet)

  29. Puna Teal  (*) ______ fno (was considered part of the Silver Teal
    Anas puna

  30. Silver Teal  (*) ______
    Anas versicolor 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Anas v. versicolor
    (in most of CH)
    Anas versicolor fretensis
    (in only far-southern Chile)

  31. Cinnamon Teal  (*) ______  ccs  ci  fs
    Anas c. cyanoptera

  32. Blue-winged Teal  (CHvr) (ph)  ______
    Anas discors

  33. Red Shoveler  (*) ______  so  fs
    Anas platalea 

  34. Rosy-billed Pochard  (*)  ______  so  fs  (another name has been Rosybill
    Netta peposaca 

  35. Black-headed Duck  (nt) (*) ______  ccs 
    Heteronetta atricapilla 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

    The Black-headed Duck is the only brood-parasitic duck in the world. 

  36. Andean Duck  (*) ______ fno  (was, at one time, considered conspecific with the Ruddy Duck, Oxyura jamaicensis)
    Oxyura ferruginea

  37. Lake Duck  (*)  ______  ccs  so
    Oxyura vittata 

  38. Humboldt Penguin  (t3) (*) (ph)  ______  ccs p  ci  fnp  (endemic to the Humboldt Current) 
    Spheniscus humboldti 

    Humboldt Penguins
    (photo by Armas Hill)

  39. Magellanic Penguin  (nt) (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ci  fs  tf
    Spheniscus magellanicus 

    Above & Below: Magellanic Penguins photographed during FONT tours in Chile
    Above: near Punta Arenas  Below: on Chiloe Island

  40. Southern Rockhopper Penguin  (t3)  ______
    Eudyptes chrysocome

  41. Macaroni Penguin  (t3)  ______ 
    Eudyptes chrysolophus

  42. Wandering Albatross  (t3) (ph)  ______
    Diomedea exulans

    A Wandering Albatross on the water dwarfing Cape Petrels 

  43. Northern Royal Albatross (t2) (p) (*) ______  ccp  (considered distinct from the Southern Royal Albatross; when combined was called the "Royal Albatross")   
    Diomedea sanfordi

  44. Southern Royal Albatross (t3) (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  (considered distinct from the Northern Royal Albatross; when combined was called the "Royal Albatross"
    Diomedea epomophora

    A Southern Royal Albatross photographed during a FONT tour.
    Seen during the pelagic trip off Valparaiso, Chile. 

  45. Black-browed Albatross  (t2) (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  ci  fs  tf  (another name has been "Black-browed Mollymawk"
    (was Diomedea) m. melanophrys 

    A Black-browed Albatross photographed during a pelagic trip off Valparaiso 
    that was part of a FONT tour in Chile 

  46. Buller's Albatross (t3) (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  fnp  (another name has been "Buller's Mollymawk"
      (was Diomedea) b. bulleri

    A Buller's Albatross photographed during a pelagic trip off Valparaiso
    that was part of FONT tour in Chile

  47. Salvin's Albatross  (t3) (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  fnp  (another name has been "Salvin's Mollymawk"
    Thalassarche salvini 
    (was  Diomedea cauta salvini

    A Salvin's Albatross photographed during a pelagic trip off Valparaiso
    that was part of a FONT tour in Chile

  48. Shy Albatross  (nt) (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  (another name has been "Shy Mollymawk"
    Thalassarche c. cauta 
    (was Diomedea c. cauta)  (this race has been called the: "Tasmanian Albatross" 

    A Shy Albatross photographed during a pelagic trip off Valparaiso
    that was part of a FONT tour in Chile

  49. Chatham Islands Albatross  (t1) (p) (*) ______  ccp  (another name has been "Chatham Islands Mollymawk")
    Thalassarche eremita 
    (has been Diomedea cauta eremita)

  50. Gray-headed Albatross  (t3) (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  (another name has been "Gray-headed Mollymawk") 
    (has been Diomedea) chrysostoma

    A Gray-headed Albatross photographed during a pelagic trip off Valparaiso
    that was part of a FONT tour in Chile.
    Also in the photo: A Pink-footed Shearwater
    (above) & a Wilson's Storm Petrel (below).  

  51. Waved Albatross  (t1) (CHr) (p) (*) (ph)  ______ fnp  (has also been called "Galapagos Albatross")
    (has been Diomedea) irrorata  (monotypic) 

    A Waved Albatross lifting from the water
    (photo taken during a pelagic trip off Arica during a FONT tour in Chile)

  52. Light-mantled Albatross  (nt)  ______
    Phoebetria palpebrata

  53. Southern Giant Petrel  (p) (*) (ph) ______  ccp  ci  fs  tf
    Macronectes giganteus 

    Two Southern Giant Petrels photographed during a pelagic trip that was part of a FONT tour in Chile.
    A Southern Fulmar is in the background.
    (photo by Alan Brady)

  54. Northern Giant Petrel  (nt) (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  ci
    Macronectes halli 

    A Northern Giant Petrel photographed during a pelagic trip off Valparaiso
    that was part of a FONT tour in Chile

  55. Southern Fulmar  (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  tf  
    Fulmarus glacialoides 

    A Southern Fulmar and a Cape Petrel, with a Wilson's Storm Petrel
    during a pelagic trip off Valparaiso that was part of a FONT tour.

  56. Cape Petrel  (p) (*) (ph) ______  ccp  (has also been called "Pintado")
    Daption c. capense 
    (the single member of its genus)

    A Cape Petrel, during a pelagic trip that was part of a FONT tour in Chile
    (photo by Alan Brady)

  57. De Filippi's Petrel  (t3) (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  (has also been called Mas a Tierra Petrel; was, at one time, considered wrongly a subspecies of the Cook's Petrel)
    Pterodroma defilippiana 

    A De Filippi's Petrel, during a pelagic trip that was part of a FONT tour in Chile  
    (photo by Alan Brady)

  58. Juan Fernandez Petrel (t3) (p) (*) ______  ccp  (was considered conspecific with the White-necked Petrel which breeds north of New Zealand) 
    Pterodroma externa 

  59. Cook's Petrel  (t2)  ______
    Pterodroma cooki

  60. Stejneger's Petrel  (t3)  ______
    Pterodroma longirostris

  61. Kermadec Petrel  ______
    Pterodroma neglecta

  62. White-headed Petrel ______
    Pterodroma lessoni

  63. Herald Petrel  ______  (in Chile only at Easter Island where it is a winter breeder)
    Pterodroma arminjoniana

  64. Blue Petrel ______
    Halobaena caerulea

  65. Slender-billed Prion  (*) ______  (also called Thin-billed Prion)
    Pachyptila belcheri 

  66. Antarctic Prion  ______
    Pachyptila desolata

  67. Kerguelen Petrel  ______
    Aphrodroma (or Lugensa) brevirostris

  68. White-chinned Petrel  (t3) (p) (*)  ______  ccp  ci  tf  fnp (has also been called "Shoemaker")  
    Procellaria a. aequinoctialis 

  69. Westland Petrel  (t3) (p) (*) ______  ccp
    Procellaria westlandica 

  70. Gray Petrel  (nt) (p) (*) ______ (has also been called "Pediunker"
    Procellaria cinerea 

  71. Pink-footed Shearwater  (t3) (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  ci  fnp
    Puffinus creatopus

    A Pink-footed Shearwater photographed during a pelagic trip
    that was part of a FONT tour in Chile

  72. Sooty Shearwater (p) (*) (ph)  ______  cc p  ci  fn p
    Puffinus griseus 

    A Sooty Shearwater photographed during a FONT tour

  73. Subantarctic Little Shearwater (p) (*) ______  ccp  ci  (has been considered conspecific with the Little Shearwater, Puffinus assimilis, now said to be restricted to waters near Australia, east to New Zealand, and west into the Indian Ocean)  
    Puffinus elegans

  74. Buller's Shearwater  (t3)  ______
    Puffinus bulleri

  75. a Manx-type (probably Townsend's) Shearwater (t1) (p) (*) ______ fnp
    Puffinus a. auricularis 

  76. Christmas Shearwater  ______
    Puffinus nativitatis

  77. Wilson's Storm Petrel (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  ci  fnp
    Oceanites oceanicus 

    A Wilson's Storm Petrel photographed 
    during a FONT tour

  78. Pincoya Storm Petrel  (*) (ph)  ______  ci
    Oceanites pincoyae

    This species, that was described as recently as January 2013, was seen during the FONT tour in Chile in December 2009.  

    For more info, go to: 

  79. White-vented Storm Petrel (nt) (p) (*) ______ fnp  (has also been called Elliot's Storm Petrel)
    Oceanites g. gracilis 

  80. White-bellied Storm Petrel (p) (*) ______
    Fregetta grallaria segethi

  81. Black-bellied Storm Petrel (p) (*) ______
    Fregatta t. tropica

  82. Markham's Storm Petrel (p) (*) ______ fno p   (has also been called Sooty Storm Petrel)
    Oceanodroma markhami 

  83. Wedge-rumped Storm Petrel ______
    Oceanodroma tethys

  84. Hornby's Storm Petrel  (t3)  ______  (also called Ringed Storm Petrel)
    Oceandroma hornbyi

  85. Gray-backed Storm Petrel  ______
    Garrodia nereis

  86. Polynesian Storm Petrel  (t3)  ______  (also called White-throated Storm Petrel)
    Nesofregetta fuliginosa 
    (the only member of its genus)

  87. Peruvian Diving Petrel (t2) (p) (*)  ______  ccp  fnp  (endemic to the Humboldt Current)
    Pelecanoides garnotii

  88. Magellanic Diving Petrel (p) (*)  ______  fs  tf  (endemic to Patagonian waters)
    Pelecanoides magellani

  89. Common Diving Petrel  (*) (ph) ______  fs
    Pelecanoides urinatrix copperingeri
    (subspecies endemic to so. Chile) ("Coppinger's Diving Petrel")

    A Common Diving Petrel photographed during a FONT tour
    in far-southern Chile, in the Fitzroy Channel
    (photo by Alan Brady)

  90. Pied-billed Grebe  (*) ______  cc  so  ci
    Podilymbus podiceps antarcticus

    A Pied-billed Grebe photographed during the FONT Chile Tour in November 2011 
    (photo by Frank Stermitz)

  91. White-tufted Grebe  (*) ______  cc  so  ci  fs
    (formerly Podiceps) rolland chilensis

    A White-tufted Grebe photographed during the FONT Chile Tour in November 2011
    (photo by Frank Stermitz)

  92. Great Grebe  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs
    Podiceps major 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Podiceps major navasi 
    (south CH)
    Podiceps m. major
      (elsewhere in CH)

    A Great Grebe photographed during the FONT Chile Tour in November 2011
    (photo by Frank Stermitz)

  93. Silvery Grebe  (*)  ______  cc  so   ci  tf  fn 
    Podiceps occipitalis 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Podiceps o. occipitalis
    (central  & south CH)
    Podiceps occipitalis juninensis
    (north CH)

  94. Hooded Grebe  (t1)  ______
    Podiceps gallardoi

  95. Chilean Flamingo  (nt) (*) (ph)  ______  fs  tf  fn
    Phoenicopterus chilensis 

    Chilean Flamingos

  96. Andean Flamingo (t3) (*) ______ fno 
    Phoenicoparrus andinus 

  97. James's Flamingo (nt) (*) ______  fno  (has also been called Puna Flamingo)
    Phoenicoparrus jamesi 

  98. Maguari Stork  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (no recent records)
    (or Euxenura) magguari

  99. Wood Stork  (CHvr) (ph)  ______
    Mycteria americna  

  100. Black-faced Ibis  (*) (ph)  ______  cca  so  ci  fs  tf  (was at one time conspecific with the more-northerly Buff-necked Ibis, Theristicus caudatus)
    Theristicus m. melanopis

    Above & below: Black-faced Ibises photographed during FONT tours.
    The bird is common and conspicuous in southern Chile.
    The lower photo during the FONT Chile Tour in November 2011. 

  101. Puna Ibis  (*) ______ fno 
    Plegadis ridgwayi 

    Puna Ibis photographed in the High Andes of far-northern Chile during a FONT tour 
    (photo by Armas Hill)

  102. White-faced Ibis  (*) (ph)  ______  so
    Plegadis chihi 

  103. Roseate Spoonbill  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (very few recent records)
    Platalea ajaja

  104. Cocoi Heron  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so
    Ardea cocoi

    A Cocoi Heron photographed during a FONT tour.
    This species is not as common in Chile as it is in other countries of South America.
    During our Chile tour in November 2007, 4 were seen near Santiago.
    During our Chile tour in November 2009, it was seen at 3 places in central Chile.  
    (photo by Andy Smith)

  105. Great Egret  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fn
    (has been Ardea) alba egretta

  106. Snowy Egret  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fn
    Egretta thula brewsteri 

  107. Little Blue Heron  (*) (ph)  ______ fno
    Egretta caerulea 

  108. Tricolored Heron  (CHvr) (ph)  ______
    Egretta tricolor

  109. Pacific Reef Heron  (CHvr)  ______  (a vagrant that has occurred on Easter Island)
    Egretta sacra 

  110. Western Cattle Egret  (*) (ph) ______  cc  so
    Bubulcus ibis

    The Western Cattle Egret is in parts of Europe and Africa, and now in much of the Americas. The Eastern Cattle Egret, Bubulcus coromandus, is in eastern Asia.

    The Western Cattle Egret arrived, apparently on its own, in northern South America from Africa in the mid 20th Century.
    In far-southern South America, the first records on Tierra del Fuego were during the fall of 1975.
    The southernmost occurrence of a Western Cattle Egret has been on the Antarctic Peninsula at 65 degrees south.          

  111. Striated Heron  (CHvr) (ph)  ______
    Butorides striatus

  112. Black-crowned Night Heron  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf  fn
    Nycticorax nycticorax 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Nycticorax nycticorax hoactii 
    (northern CH)
    Nycticorax nycticorax obscurus 
    (central & south CH) 

  113. Stripe-backed Bittern  (*)  ______  cc
    Ixobrychus involucris 

  114. Red-billed Tropicbird  (ph)  ______  (the most common tropicbird in Chilean waters; a small colony Oct-Apr on Chanaral Island in Region III; regularly encountered in warmer waters in the north)
    Phaethon aethereus  

  115. Red-tailed Tropicbird  ______  (nests Oct-Apr on Sala & Gomez Islands; also Easter Island)
    Phaethon rubricauda

  116. White-tailed Tropicbird  (ph)  ______  (visitor to Juan Fernandez archipelago & Easter Island; does not breed)
    Phaethon lepturus

  117. Great Frigatebird  ______  (the only frigatebird likely to occur in Chile; breeds on Sala & Gomez Islands, also occurs at Easter Island)
    Fregata minor

  118. Peruvian Pelican (p) (*) (ph)  ______  cc p  so  ci  fn p
    Pelecanus thagus 
    (was at one time considered a subspecies of the Brown Pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis)

    A Peruvian Pelican photographed during a FONT tour in Chile

  119. Peruvian Booby (p) (*) ______  cc p  fn p
    Sula variegata 

  120. Blue-footed Booby  (CHr) (*) (ph)  ______  fno
    Sula n. nebouxii

  121. Brown Booby  (CHr) (p) (*) (ph) ______ fno
    Sula leucogaster etesiaca

  122. Masked Booby  ______  (the common breeding booby on Sala & Gomez Islands, also breeds on Easter Island; a visitor to Robinson Crusoe Island) (the closely-related Nazca Booby, that was conspecific with it, occurs to the north of Chile)
    Sula dactylatra

  123. Red-footed Booby  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (only a single record at Sala & Gomez Islands)
    Sula sula 

  124. Neotropic Cormorant  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf  fn  (was at one time called Olivaceous Cormorant)
    Phalacrocorax b. brasilianus 

  125. Rock Shag  (*) (ph)  ______  ci  fs  tf  (has been called Rock Cormorant (endemic to Patagonia)
    Phalacrocorax magellanicus 


    Rock Shag, photographed during a FONT tour

  126. Guanay Cormorant  (nt) (p) (*)  ______  cc p  fn p
    Phalacrocorax bougainvillii 

  127. Red-legged Shag  (nt) (*) ______  cc p  ci  fn  
    Phalacrocorax gaimardi 

    Phalacrocorax gaimardi
    has also been called the Red-legged Cormorant.  

    The Red-legged Shag, or Red-legged Cormorant,
    an attractive bird by whatever name

  128. Imperial Shag  (*) ______  ci  fs  tf  (was considered conspecific with the King Shag; another name has been the Blue-eyed Cormorant) (endemic to Patagonia)
    Phalacrocorax atriceps 

  129. King Shag  (*)  ______  fs  tf  (was considered conspecific with the Imperial Shag) (endemic to Patagonia & the Falkland Islands) 
    Phalacrocorax albiventer

  130. Andean Condor  (nt) (*) (ph)  ______  cca  fs  tf
    Vultur gryphus
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

    Andean Condor

  131. Turkey Vulture  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fn
    Cathartes aura falklandicus
    (or by some considered C. a. jota

  132. Black Vulture  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci
    Coragyps atratus (foetens) 
    (but said by some to be monotypic)

  133. Osprey  (ph)  ______
    Pandion halietus

  134. White-tailed Kite  (*) (ph) ______  cc  so
    Elanus l. leucurus

  135. Chilean Hawk  (*) ______  cc  so  ci  (has been part of the Bicolored Hawk, Accipiter bicolor)
    Accipiter chilensis

  136. Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  fs  fn
    Geranoaetus melanoleucus australis

    Above & below: Black-chested Buzzard-Eagles photographed during FONT tours
    Above: an adult during our November 2011 Chile Tour 
    (photo by Frank Stermitz)
    Below: an immature in southern Chile at Torres del Paine Park
      (photo by Alan Brady)  

  137. Long-winged Harrier  (CHvr) (ph) ______  (no recent records)
    Circus buffoni 

  138. Cinereous Harrier  (*) ______  cc  ci  fs  tf
    Circus cinereus 

  139. White-throated Hawk  (*)  ______  cc  so 
    Buteo albigula 

  140. Variable Hawk  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  fn 
    Geranoaetus polysoma 
    (formerly Buteo polyosoma
    Geranoaetus p. polyosoma  
    Geranoaetus polyosoma poecilochrous 

    The Variable Hawk includes both the "Red-backed Hawk" and the "Puna Hawk".
    Both forms are in Chile.  
    The "Red-backed Hawk", Geranoaetus p. polyosoma, is in most of the country.
    The "Puna Hawk", Geranoaetus polyosoma poecilochrous, is in far-northern Chile at high elevations.

    The "red-backed" form of the Variable Hawk
    (photo courtesy of Hubert Hall)

  141. Rufous-tailed Hawk  (nt) (*)  ______  so  ci
    Buteo ventralis

  142. Bay-winged Hawk  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  (called Harris's Hawk in North America) 
    Parabuteo u. unicinctus 
    (the single member of its genus)

  143. Mountain Caracara  (*)  ______  cca  fn
    Phalcoboenus megalopterus 

  144. Southern Crested Caracara  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf  (was considered conspecific with the Northern Crested Caracara, Caracara cheriway, of so. North America, Central America, and South America north of the Amazon)
    Caracara plancus  (monotypic)

  145. Chimango Caracara  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs 
    Milvago chimango 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Milvago c. chimago
    (north & central CH)
    Milvago chimango temucoensis
    (south CH, but not Tierra del Fuego)


    A Chimango Caracara photographed during a FONT tour
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  146. Striated Caracara  (nt) (ph)  ______
    Phalcoboenus australis 

  147. American Kestrel  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  fn
    Falco sparvrius cinnamoninus

  148. Aplomado Falcon  (*) (ph)  ______  cc
    Falco f. femoralis
    (central & far-southern Chile) 

  149. Peregrine Falcon  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  fn
    Falco peregrinus 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Falco peregrinus tundrius 
    (visitor from Northern Hemisphere) (north CH)

    Falco peregrinus cassini 
    (resident in south CH)

  150. Plumbeous Rail  (*)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs
    (formerly Rallus) sanguinolentus  (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Pardirallus sanguinolentus landbecki 
    (central CH)
    Paridirallus sanguinolentus luridus  (far-southern CH)

  151. Spotted Rail  (CHvr)  ______  (a single record on Robinson Crusoe Island)
    Pardirallus maculatus

  152. Austral Rail  (t3) (CHr)  ______
    Rallus antarcticus

  153. Black Rail  (nt) (CHr)  ______
    Laterallus jamaicensis salinasi

  154. Purple Gallinule  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (all of the very few Chilean records in the far-north)
    Porphyrula martinica

  155. Spot-flanked Gallinule  (*) ______  cc  so
    (formerly Porphyriops) melanops crassirostris

  156. Common Gallinule  (*) (ph)  _____ fno
    Gallinula galeata garmani

  157. Andean Coot  (*) ______ fno  (was called Slate-colored Coot, but what coot is not that color? Was said, by some, to be conspecific with the American Coot of mostly North America, Fulica americana
    Fulica a. ardesiaca

  158. White-winged Coot  (*) ______  cc  so  ci  fs
    Fulica leucoptera

  159. Red-gartered Coot  (*) ______  ccs  so  ci  fs
    Fulica armillata

  160. Red-fronted Coot  (*) ______  ccs  fs
    Fulica rufifrons

  161. Giant Coot  (*) ______ fno
    Fulica gigantea 

  162. Horned Coot  (nt)  ______
    Fulica cornuta


2 Northern Royal Albatrosses were seen closely during our 2007 pelagic trip from Valparaiso. 
A few years previously, the similar Southern Royal Albatross was seen, also closely to the boat, a single bird, during our 1999 Valparaiso pelagic trip. 
A Royal Albatross (either Northern or Southern) had been seen during our Valparaiso pelagic the previous year, at a distance.

The 15 Waved (or Galapagos) Albatrosses seen during the Nov 27, 1997 pelagic trip off Arica represented the first firm record of that species off Chile. The species was photographed that day.

Not confirmed by a photograph, but the probable Townsend's Shearwater off Arica Nov 27, 1997 would a first-sighting for Chile.

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