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from Thick-knee to Saltator 

Noting those found during 
Focus On Nature Tours
with an (*) 

from 1990 thru 2015

during the months of October, 
November, December

Part 2 of a List of Chile Birds compiled by Armas Hill, 
with some photos

Upper right photo: DIADEMED PLOVER
(photographed during a FONT tour in Chile)   


Part #1 of this List of Chile Birds, Tinamous to Coots  

341 species of birds have been found during 19 FONT birding tours in Chile. 
(3 additional subspecies brings the following list to 344.) 

6 of our Chilean tours included only the areas east of Santiago (in the Andes), 
and west to the coast (Vina del Mar & Valparaiso): these tours either followed 
the FONT Argentina tour, or were before/after tours to Antarctica.
17 of our Chilean tours have included offshore pelagic trips from Valparaiso.

13 of the tours included: the south (lake district); 3 of those included Chiloe Island.
10 of the tours included the far-south (Punta Arenas & Tierra del Fuego).
10 tours included: the far-north (Arica, Putre, & Lauca Natl Park). With tours in the far-north, there have been (with the exception of 1 time), pelagic trips from Arica. 

There have been 2 tours only in far-southern Chile (Tierra del Fuego) in conjunction with the FONT Argentina tour.


cc:    in central Chile, including the regions of Santiago, the coast, the Andes, and south to the Rio Bio Bio
cca:  in central Chile, in the Andes only
ccs:   in central Chile, along the seacoast only
ccp:  during the pelagic trip from Valparaiso only
cc p: also during the pelagic trip from Valparaiso 
ci:    on Chiloe Island, including the ferry    
fn:    in far-northern Chile, from Arica on the coast up into the Andes
fno:  in far-northern Chile only
fnp:  during the pelagic trip from Arica only
fn p: also during the pelagic trip from Arica 
fs:     in far-southern Chile (excluding Tierra del Fuego) 
pnp: in the area of Paine National Park only (in far-southern Chile)
so:   in southern Chile, particularly the "lake district"
tf:     on Tierra del Fuego

(t): a globally threatened, or rare, species as designated by Birdlife International
(t1): critical (t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally

(CHe):    endemic to Chile
(CHqe):  quasi (nearly) endemic to Chile
(CHr):     rare in Chile
(CHvr):   very rare in Chile
(CHi):     introduced in Chile

(p): during pelagic trips, either from Valparaiso, from Arica, or on a ferry across the Strait of Magellan or to Chiloe Island

(ph):  species with a photo in the FONT website

Additional Links:

Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Chile

Chilean Albatrosses & Other Seabirds  (with some photos)  

Mammals of Chile  (with some photos)     Butterflies of Chile  (with some photos)

Amphibians & Reptiles of Chile  (with some photos)     The Diverse Plant-life of Chile  (with some photos)

Directory of Photos in this Website


  1. Peruvian Thick-knee  (*) ______ fno
    Burhinus superciliaris 

  2. Snowy Sheathbill  (*) ______   fs
    Chionis alba

  3. Magellanic Plover  (nt) (*) (ph)  ______  tf  (endemic to Patagonia)
    Pluvianellus socialis 
    (the single member of its genus)
    (not a plover at all, in fact more closely related to the sheathbills; in the same family as sheathbills)

  4. American Oystercatcher  (*) (ph)  ______  ccs  ci  fn
    Haematopus p. palliatus 

  5. Magellanic Oystercatcher  (*) (ph)  ______  ci  fs  tf  (endemic to Patagonia) 
    Haematopus leucopodus

    A Magellanic Oystercatcher photographed during a FONT tour 
    (photo by Armas Hill)

  6. Blackish Oystercatcher  (*) (ph)  ______  ccs  ci  fn
    Haematopus ater

    Blackish Oystercatchers photographed during the FONT tour in Chile in November 2009
    (photo by Robert Hinz)

  7. White-backed Stilt  (*) ______  ccs  so  (was considered by some conspecific with the Black-winged Stilt of the Old World, Himantopus himantopus)
    Himantopus melanurus

  8. Andean Avocet  (*) ______ fno 
    Recurvirostra andina

  9. Southern Lapwing  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf 
    Vanellus chilensis 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Vanellus c. chilensis
    (north  & central CH)
    Vanellus chilensis fretensis
    (south CH)

  10. Andean Lapwing  (*) ______
    Vanellus resplendens (monotypic)

  11. American Golden Plover  (*) (ph)  ______ fno
    Pluvialis dominica 

  12. Black-bellied (or Grey) Plover  (*) (ph)  ______ fno  
    Pluvialis squatarola cynosurae 

  13. Killdeer  (CHr) (*) (ph)  ______ fno
    Charadrius vociferus

  14. "Peruvian" Snowy Plover  (*) (ph)  ______ fno  (The Snowy Plover of the Americas was considered conspecific with the Kentish Plover of Old World.) 
    Charadrius nivosus occidentalis

  15. Semipalmated Plover  (*) (ph)  ______ fno 
    Charadrius semipalmatus

  16. Collared Plover  (*) ______  cc
    Charadrius collaris 

  17. Puna Plover  (*) ______ fno 
    Charadrius alticola 

  18. Two-banded Plover  (*) (ph)  ______  fs  tf
    Charadrius falklandicus 

    Two-banded Plover

  19. Rufous-chested Plover  (*) ______  tf  (has been called Rufous-chested Dotterel)
    (formerly Zonibyx) modestus  (monotypic) 

  20. Tawny-throated Dotterel  (*) ______  fs
    Oreopholus r. ruficollis 
    (the single member of its genus)

  21. Diademed Plover  (nt) (*) (ph)  ______  cca  
    Phegornis mitchellii 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

    Phegornis mitchellii has been called the Diademed Sandpiper-Plover. A former name was "Mitchell's Plover". The second of these was the name in the book, "The Birds of Chile", by A. W. Johnson, published in 1965. 

    For more about the Diademed Plover, go to:  RARE BIRDS OF THE ANDES

    Above & below: Diademed Plovers photographed during the FONT Chile Tours
    Above in November 1990, below in November 2009

    (upper photo by Alan Brady; lower photo by Robert Hinz)

  22. South American Painted Snipe  (*) ______  cc
    Nycticryphes semicollaris 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  23. Wattled Jacana  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (has occurred in northern Chile at Arica & Los Nogales, Aconcagua)
    Jacana jacana

  24. Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe  (*) ______ fno
    Attagis gayi simonsi

  25. White-bellied Seedsnipe  ______
    Attagis malouinus

  26. Gray-breasted Seedsnipe  (*) ______  cca  fn
    Thinocurus o. orbignyianus

    A Gray-breasted Seedsnipe photographed in the Andes
    during the FONT tour in Chile in November 1990 
    (photo by Alan Brady)

  27. Least Seedsnipe  (*) ______  fs  tf
    Thinocurus r. rumicivorus

  28. Marbled Godwit  (CHvr) (*) (ph)  ______  ccs  (this Chilean rarity has been seen, once, in the country during a FONT tour) 
    Limosa fedoa

    A single Marbled Godwit seen during a FONT tour 
    along the Chilean Pacific coast north of Vina del Mar
    was about as far south as the species has ever been seen. 
    (photo by Abram Fleishman)

  29. Hudsonian Godwit  (*) (ph)  ______  ci  fn   (a large proportion of the species' population winters on Chiloe Island)  
    Limosa haemastica

    Above, just one Hudsonian Godwit; but many were seen 
    during the FONT tours on Chiloe Island in November 2009 & 2011.
    Some of those birds on Chiloe are in the photo below. 
    (upper photo by Howard Eskin; lower photo by Frank Stermitz)

  30. "American" Whimbrel  (*) (ph)  ______  ccs  so  ci  fn
    Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus

    An "American" Whimbrel
    (photo by Abram Fleishman)

  31. Bristle-thighed Curlew  (t3) (CHvr)  ______  (has occurred on Easter Island)
    Numenius tahitiensis

  32. Eskimo Curlew  ______  (now believed to be extinct; there are historical Chilean specimens, from Arica & Chiloe Island; last sighting in Chile was in 1913)
    Numenius phaeopus

  33. Upland Sandpiper  (CHvr)  ______
    Bartramia longicauda 
    (the single member of its genus) 

  34. Greater Yellowlegs  (*) ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf
    Tringa melanoleuca 

  35. Lesser Yellowlegs  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf  fn
    Tringa flavipes 

  36. Solitary Sandpiper  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (has occurred in far-northern Chile, near Arica)
    Tringa solitaria

  37. "Western" Willet  (*) (ph)  ______  fno 
    Tringa (or Catoptrophorus) semipalmatus inornatus

  38. Wandering Tattler  (CHvr)  ______
    Heteroscelus incanus

  39. Spotted Sandpiper  (*) (ph)  ______ fno
    Actitis macularius 

  40. Ruddy Turnstone  (*) (ph)  ______  ccs  fn
    Arenaria interpres morinella

  41. Surfbird  (*) ______  ccs  fn
    Aphriza virgata 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  42. Sanderling  (*) (ph)  ______  ci
    Calidris alba rubida 

  43. Red Knot  (ph)  ______
    Calidris canutus

  44. White-rumped Sandpiper  (*) (ph)  ______  fs  tf
    Calidris fuscicollis

  45. Least Sandpiper (CHr) (*) (ph)  ______  fno  
    Calidris minutilla 

  46. Baird's Sandpiper  (*) (ph)  ______  cca  ci  fs  tf  fn
    Calidris bairdii 

  47. Pectoral Sandpiper  (*) (ph)  ______  so
    Calidris melanotos

  48. Semipalmated Sandpiper  (CHr)  ______  (seems to occur sporadically in far-northern Chile)
    Calidris pusilla

  49. Western Sandpiper  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (has occurred in far-northern Chile)
    Calidris mauri  

  50. Stilt Sandpiper  (CHvr) (*) (ph)  ______  fno  (this Chilean rarity has been seen once during a FONT Chile tour, near Arica)  
    (formerly Micropalama) himantopus 

  51. Short-billed Dowitcher  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (a Chilean record at Tongoy)
    Limnodromus griseus

  52. South American Snipe  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  fs  tf 
    (was considered by some to be conspecific with the
    Common, or now the  Wilson's, Snipe of North America, Gallinago delicata, that itself was considered conspecific with Gallinago gallinago of the Old World)   
    Gallinago paraguaiae magellanica 
    "Magellanic Snipe")

  53. Puna Snipe  (*) (ph)  ______  fno  (was considered by some conspecific with the South American Snipe)
    Gallinago andina  (monotypic)

    A Puna Snipe photographed during a FONT tour in Chile

  54. Fuegian Snipe  ______  (one of the least known Chilean birds; inhabits windswept grasslands in southern Chile, particularly on islands & thick muddy bogs in Nothofagus forest) 
    Gallinago stricklandii

  55. Wilson's Phalarope  (*) ______  so  fs  tf
    Phalaropus tricolor 

  56. Red-necked Phalarope  (*) (ph)  ______  fnp
    Phalaropus lobatus 

  57. Red Phalarope  (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  (has also, in Europe, been called Grey Phalarope)
    Phalaropus fulicaria 

  58. South Polar Skua (p) (*) (ph)  ______  fnp  (at one time was considered conspecific with the Great Skua of the Northern Hemisphere)
    Stercorarius (formerly Catharacta) maccormicki

    A South Polar Skua during a FONT tour
    (photo by Andy Ednie)

  59. Chilean Skua (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  (at one time was considered conspecific with the Great Skua of the Northern Hemisphere)
    (formerly Catharacta) chilensis 

    Two photographs of Chilean Skuas, photographed during pelagic trips
    that were part of FONT tours in Chile

  60. Subantarctic Skua (p) (*) ______  fs  (has also been called Brown Skua; at one time was considered conspecific with the Great Skua of the Northern Hemisphere)
    Stercoraius (formerly Catharacta) antarcticus lonnbergi
    Stercoraius (formerly Catharacta) a. antarcticus:  "Falkland Skua"

  61. Pomarine Jaeger (p) (*) (ph)  ______  fnp  (has also been called Pomarine Skua, in Europe) 
    Stercorarius pomarinus 

    A Pomarine Skua, or Pomarine Jaeger, during a FONT tour
  62. Parasitic Jaeger (p) (*) (ph)   ______  ccp  ci  fnp  (has also been called Arctic Skua, in Europe) 
    Stercorarius parasiticus 

    An immature Parasitic Jaeger
    (photo by Jens Bruun)

  63. Long-tailed Jaeger (p) (*) (ph)  ______  fnp  (has also been called Long-tailed Skua, in Europe) 
    Stercorarius longicaudus pallescens

    An immature Long-tailed Jaeger photographed during a FONT tour
    (photo by Alan Brady)
  64. Dolphin Gull  (*) (ph)  ______  ci  fs  tf  (endemic to Patagonia & the Falkland Islands)
    (formerly Larus) scoresbii  (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

    A Dolphin Gull, photographed during a FONT tour

  65. Gray Gull  (*) (ph)  ______  ccs  fn p  (endemic to the Humboldt Current)
    Larus modestus 

    Gray Gulls photographed during a FONT tour in Chile

  66. Band-tailed Gull  (*)  ______  fn p  (endemic to the Humboldt Current) (has also been called "Belcher's Gull"; at one time, was considered conspecific with the Olrog's Gull of the Atlantic coast of southeastern South America)  
    Larus belcheri 

  67. Kelp Gull  (*) (ph)  ______  cc p  so  ci  fs  tf  fn  (has been called "Dominican Gull" in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa)
    Larus d. dominicanus

    A Kelp Gull photographed during the FONT tour in Chile in November 2009
    (photo by Robert Hinz)
  68. Andean Gull  (*) ______ fno 
    Larus serranus 

  69. Franklin's Gull (p) (*) (ph)  ______  cc p  fn p 
    (formerly Larus) pipixcan  (monotypic)

    A Franklin's Gull photographed during a pelagic trip
    that was part of a FONT tour in Chile

  70. Laughing Gull  (CHvr)  (*) (ph)  ______ fno  (this Chilean rarity has been found during 2 FONT tours in Arica)  
    (formerly Larus) atricilla megalopterus

  71. Brown-hooded Gull  (*) (ph)  ______  ccs  so  ci  fs  tf
    (formerly Larus) maculipennis  (monotypic)

  72. Sabine's Gull (p) (*) (ph)  ______  ccp
    Xema sabini 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  73. Swallow-tailed Gull  (*) (ph)  ______ fno  (this species feeds on the ocean at night on squid)
    Creagrus furcatus  (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

    Swallow-tailed Gull

  74. South American Tern  (*) (ph)  ______  cc p  so  ci  fs  tf
    Sterna hirundinacea 

    South American Terns
    (photo by Armas Hill)

  75. Arctic Tern (p) (*) ______  ccp  ci
    Sterna paradisaea 

  76. Common Tern  (*) ______  cc p
    Sterna h. hirundo

  77. Snowy-crowned Tern  (*) (ph)  ______  ccp  so  ci  (has also been called "Trudeau's Tern)
    Sterna trudeaui 

  78. Peruvian Tern  (t2)  ______
    (formerly Sterna) lorata

  79. Elegant Tern  (nt) (*)  ______  cc p  fn p
    (formerly Sterna) elegans  (monotypic)

  80. Sandwich Tern  (CHr) (*) (ph)  ______ fno
    (formerly Sterna) sandvicensis acuflavidus

  81. Inca Tern  (nt) (*) (ph)  ______  cc p  fn p  (endemic to the Humboldt Current)
    Larosterna inca 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

    An Inca Tern, photographed during a FONT tour

  82. Sooty Tern  (ph)  ______  (breeds on Easter Island and Sala & Gomez Islands; otherwise pelagic in warm waters offshore from the Humboldt Current)
    (formerly Sterna) fuscata

  83. Spectacled Tern  ______  (has also been called Gray-backed Tern)  (at Easter Island, as a visitor, possibly a breeder)
    (formerly Sterna) lunatus

  84. Bridled Tern  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (normally a bird of warm waters; there was an extraordinary record of 1 between Cape Horn & Isla Diego Raminez)
    (formerly Sterna) anaethetus 

  85. Gray Noddy  ______  (also called Gray Ternlet)  (breeds on Easter Island and Sala & Gomez Islands; has visited the Juan Fernandez islands)
    Procelsterna caerulea

  86. Brown Noddy  ______  (breeds on Easter Island and Sala & Gomez Islands)
    Anous stolidus

  87. Black Noddy  (CHvr)  ______  (1 record of 2 adults at the Sala & Gomez Islands)
    Anous minutus

  88. Black Tern  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (a record near Santiago)
    Chilodonias niger

  89. Angel Tern  (CHvr)  ______  (has also been called Fairy Tern or White Tern)  (breeds, or historically did so, on Easter Island; has also occurred at the Sal & Gomez Islands)
    Gygis alba 
    (the single member of its genus)    

  90. Black Skimmer  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  ci  fn
    Rhynchops niger 
    (2 subspecies in Chile; the species does not breed in Chile)
    Rhynchops niger cinerascens 
    Rhynchops niger intercedens
    (rarely) (with white underwings & a mostly white tail)

    Black Skimmer
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  91. Feral Pigeon (CHi) (*) ______  cc  so  ci  fs  fn
    Columba livia

  92. Chilean Pigeon (nt) (CHqe) (*) ______  cc  so  ci  (in Nothofagus & Araucaria forests)
    (formerly Columba) araucana  (monotypic)

  93. Eared Dove  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf
    Zenaida a. auriculata

  94. West Peruvian Dove  (*) ______ fno  (was part of the more-northerly White-winged Dove; another name has been Pacific Dove) 
    Zenaida meloda 

  95. Picui Ground Dove  (*) ______  cc
    Columbina p. picui

  96. Croaking Ground Dove  (*) ______ fno
    Columbina cruziana 

  97. Ruddy Ground Dove  (CHvr) (ph)  ______
    Columbina talpacoti

  98. Bare-faced Ground Dove  (*) ______ fno
    Metriopelia ceciliae zimmeri

  99. Golden-spotted Ground Dove  (*) ______ fno
    Metriopelia aymara 

  100. Black-winged Ground Dove  (*) ______  cc
    Metriopelia m. melanoptera

  101. Burrowing Parakeet  (CHr)  (*) (ph)  ______  cc
    Cyanoliseus patagonus bloxami 

    Above & below: the rare & endangered Burrowing Parakeets, a subspecies endemic to Chile,
    photographed during the FONT tour in central & southern Chile in November 2011
    (photos by Frank Stermitz)

  102. Austral Parakeet  (*) ______  so  ci  fs  (endemic to Patagonia)
    Enicognathus ferrugineus 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Enicognathus ferruginous minor 
    (southern CH)
    Enicognathus f. ferrugineus
    (far-southern CH)

  103. Slender-billed Parakeet (nt) (CHe) (*) ______  so  ci  (endemic to southern Chile)
    Enicognathus leptorhynchus 

  104. Mountain Parakeet  (*) ______  cca
    Psilopsiagon aurifrons rubrirostris

  105. Monk Parakeet  (CHi) (*) ______  cc  (has colonized in the Santiago area)
    Myiopsitta monachus

  106. Groove-billed Ani  (*) (ph)  ______  fno 
    Crotophaga suicirostris 

  107. Dark-billed Cuckoo  (CHvr)  ______  (has occurred in the valleys near Arica)
    Coccyzus melacoryphus 

  108. American Barn Owl  (*) (ph)  ______  cc
    Tyto furcata tuidara 
    (this subspecies. in Brazil south of the Amazon, and in Chile and Argentina south to Tierra del Fuego, is smaller and paler than the nominate race)    

    The American Barn Owl has been part of the Barn Owl of Eurasia & Africa, Tyto alba.
    But Tyto furcata is a heavier bird, with a larger and stouter head and body, and much more powerful talons.  

  109. Magellanic Horned Owl  (*) (ph)  ______  tf  
    Bubo magellanicus

    Bubo magellanicus
    was considered part of the Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus,
    Another name for Bubo magellanicus has been Lesser Horned Owl.   

    A Lesser Horned Owl that was photographed during a FONT tour in Chile

  110. Burrowing Owl  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  fn
    Athene c. cunicularia

  111. Austral Pygmy Owl  (*) ______  cc so  (was at one time considered part of the Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, Glaucidium brasilianum)
    Glaucidium namum 
    (Note: the pygmy owl
    in far-north Chile is the recently-described Pacific Pygmy-Owl, Glaucidium peruanum)

  112. Pacific Pygmy Owl  ______  (another name is Peruvian Pygmy Owl)
    Glaucidium peruanum

  113. Rufous-legged Owl  (*) ______
    Strix r. rufipes

  114. Short-eared Owl  (*) (ph)  ______  so  ci
    Asio flammeus suinda

  115. Lesser Nighthawk  (CHvr)  ______  (has occurred in northern Chile, near Arica & at Quillagua in II region)
    Chordeiles acutipennis 

  116. Band-winged Nightjar  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so
    (formerly Caprimulgus) longirostris bifasciatus 

    Band-winged Nightjar
    (photo by Cameron Rutt)

  117. Chimney Swift  (*) ______ fno 
    Chaetura pelagica 

  118. Andean Swift  (*) ______ fno 
    Aeronautes andecolus parvulus

  119. Andean Hillstar  (*) ______ fno 
    Oreotrochilus e. estella

  120. White-sided Hillstar  (*)  ______  cca
    Oreotrochilus leucopleurus 

  121. Giant Hummingbird  (*)  ______  cc
    Patagona gigas 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Patagona g. gigas 
    (central CH)
    Patagona gigas peruviana 
    (far-northern CH)

  122. Sparkling Violetear (CHr) (*) (ph)  ______ fno  (has recently been confirmed to be resident in far-northern Chile)
    Colibri c. coruscans 

    The Sparkling Violetear is a rarity in Chile. It is common in countries to the north,
    in Ecuador and Peru. 
    But it's been seen a few times during FONT tours in far-northern Chile. 
    (photo by Marie Grenouillet)

  123. Green-backed Firecrown  (*) ______  so  ci
    Sephanoides galeritus 
    (now monotypic) 

  124. Juan Fernandez Firecrown  (CHe)  ______  (restricted to the Juan Fernandez Islands)
    Sephanoides fernandensis

  125. Peruvian Sheartail  (*) ______  fno 
    Thaumastura cora 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  126. Oasis Hummingbird  (*) (ph)  ______  fno  
    Rhodopis v. vesper 
    (another subspecies also in north Chile, R. v. atacamensis

    An Oasis Hummingbird at its nest, photographed during a FONT tour
    in far-northern Chile

  127. Chilean Woodstar (t2) (CHqe) (*) ______ fno  (Probably now endemic to Chile. Has not been recorded recently in adjacent Peru. Population has been declining.)  
    Eulidia yarrellii  (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  128. Ringed Kingfisher  (*) (ph)  ______  so  ci
    (formerly Ceryle) torquata stellata

    A Ringed Kingfisher photographed during the FONT Chile Tour in November 2011
    (photo by Frank Stermitz)

  129. Green Kingfisher  (CHr)  ______  (has occurred in far-northern Chile near Arica)
    Chloroceryle americana 

  130. Andean Flicker  (*) (ph)  ______  fno 
    Colaptes r. rupicola 

    An Andean Flicker, photographed during a FONT tour in far-northern Chile.
    It's a woodpecker that gets along "very well, thank you", without trees.

  131. Chilean Flicker  (CHqe) (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci
    Colaptes pitius 
    (now monotypic)

    A Young Chilean Flicker photographed during the FONT Chile Tour in November 2009
    (photo by Robert Hinz) 

  132. Striped Woodpecker (CHqe) (*) ______  cc  so
    Picoides lignarius 

  133. Magellanic Woodpecker  (*) (ph)  ______  so  ci  (endemic to Patagonia)
    Campephilus magellanicus 

    A female Magellanic Woodpecker photographed during the FONT tour in Chile in December 2009 
    (photo by Robert Hinz)

  134. Rufous-tailed Plantcutter  (*)  ______  cc  so  ci
    Phytotoma rara 

  135. Rufous-webbed Tyrant  (CHr)  ______  (recently discovered in Chile; very local in the altiplano in the I region)
    Polioxolmis rufipennis
  136. Great Shrike-Tyrant  (*) ______  ccs
    Agriornis lividus 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Agriornis l. lividus 
    (central CH)
    Agriornis lividus fortis 
    (south CH)

  137. Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant  (*) ______  cc
    Agriornis montanus 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Agriornis montanus maritimus 
    (north-central CH)
    Agriornis montanus leucurus 
    (central CH) 

  138. White-tailed Shrike-Tyrant  ______  (rare in northern Chile in the altiplano; never common & always outnumbered by the Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant)
    Agriornis andicola

  139. Gray-bellied Shrike-Tyrant  ______
    Agriornis microptera  

  140. Chocolate-vented Tyrant  (*) ______  fs  (endemic Patagonian breeder)
    Neoxolmis rufiventris 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  141. Fire-eyed Diucon  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci
    Pyrope p. pyrope 
    (2 subspecies in Chile, the other on a Chilean island, Chiloe)

    With its red eye, this is a Fire-eyed Diucon.
    ("A far-eyed what ??")
    This bird was photographed during a FONT tour in Chile.

  142. Rufous-naped Ground Tyrant  (*) ______  cca
    Muscisaxicola rufivertex 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Muscisaxicola rufivertex pallidiceps 
    (north CH)
    Muscisaxicola r. rufivertex 
    (south CH)  

  143. White-browed Ground Tyrant  (*)  ______  cca
    Muscisaxicola albilora 

    A White-browed Ground Tyrant during the FONT Chile Tour in November 2011
    (photo by Frank Stermitz)

  144. Puna Ground Tyrant  (*) ______ fno
    Muscisaxicola juninensis 

  145. Ochre-naped Ground Tyrant  (*)  ______  cca
    Muscisaxicola flavinucha 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Muscisaxicola f. flavinucha 
    (north CH)
    Muscisaxicola flavinucha brevirostris 
    (south CH)

  146. Cinnamon-bellied Ground Tyrant  (*) ______  tf  (endemic Patagonian breeder)
    Muscisaxicola capistrata

  147. Black-fronted Ground Tyrant  (*)  ______  cca
    Muscisaxicola frontalis 

  148. White-fronted Ground Tyrant  (*) ______ fno
    Muscisaxicola albifrons 

  149. Cinereous Ground Tyrant  (*) ______  cca  fn  (formerly conspecific with the now more-northerly Plain-capped Ground-Tyrant
    Muscisaxicola c. cinerea

  150. Dark-faced Ground Tyrant  (*) ______  so
    Muscisaxicola macloviana mentalis

  151. Spot-billed Ground Tyrant  (*)  ______  cca
    Muscisaxicola m. maculirostris

  152. Patagonian Negrito  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf  (has also been called Austral Negrito, and prior to that was called Rufous-backed Negrito when the 2 negritos, this species & the next, were considered conspecific.)
    Lessonia rufa 

    Patagonian Negrito
    No matter what it's name, it still has a rufous back.
    This bird was photographed during a FONT tour.

  153. Andean Negrito  (*) ______  fno  (was called White-winged Negrito; this & the preceding species were at one time considered conspecific.)   
    Lessonia oreas  (monotypic)

  154. d'Orbigny's Chat-Tyrant  (*) ______ fno 
    Ochthoeca o. oaenanthoides

  155. White-browed Chat-Tyrant  (*) ______ fno
    Ochthoeca leucophrys leucmetopa

  156. Patagonian Tyrant  (*) ______  so
    Coloramphus parvirostris 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  157. Short-tailed Field Tyrant  ______  (has occurred on the coastal flats north of Arica, but no recent records)
    Muscigralla brevicauda 
    (the single member of its genus) 

  158. Spectacled Tyrant  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci
    Hymenops perspicillata andinus 
    (the single member of its genus)

    A male Spectacled Tyrant photographed during a FONT Tour.
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  159. White-winged Black Tyrant  (CHvr)  ______  (has occurred in the VII Region)
    Knipolegus aterrimus

  160. Vermilion Flycatcher  (*) ______  fno
    Pyrocephalus rubinus cocachacrae 
    (was the single member of its genus, prior to the splitting of the Darwin's Flycatcher of the Galapagos Islands) 

  161. Warbling Doradito  (*)  ______  cc
    Pseudocolopteryx flaviventris 

  162. Many-colored Rush-Tyrant  (*)  ______  cc  so
    Tachuris rubrigastra 
    (the single member of its genus) (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Tachuris rubrigastra loaensis 
    (north CH)
    Tachuris r. rubrigastra 
    (elsewhere in CH)

    Many-colored Rush-Tyrant

  163. Bran-colored Flycatcher  (CHr)  ______  (not well known in Chile; occurs in far-northern Chile in desert oases & valleys)
    Myiophobus fasciatus rufescens 
    (this subspecies: the "Rufescent Flycatcher")
  164. Tufted Tit-Tyrant  (*) ______  cc  so
    Anairetes p. parulus

  165. Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant  (*) ______ fno
    Anairetes flavirostris 
    (2 subspecies in Chile, A. f. arequipae & A. f. flavirostris

  166. Pied-crested Tit-Tyrant  (*) ______ fno
    Anairetes r. reguloides 

  167. Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant  (CHe) ______  (endemic to Robinson Crusoe Island in the Juan Fernandez archipelago)
    Anairetes fernandezianus  

  168. "Chilean" White-crested Elaenia  (*) ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf
    Elaenia albiceps chilensis

  169. "Peruvian" White-crested Elaenia  (*) ______  fno
    Elaenia albiceps modesta

  170. Cliff Flycatcher  (CHvr)  ______
    Hirundinea ferruginea bellicosa

  171. Tropical Kingbird  (CHvr) (ph)  ______
    Tyrannus melancholicus

  172. Eastern Kingbird  (CHvr) (ph)  ______
    Tyrannus tyrannus

  173. Fork-tailed Flycatcher  (CHvr) (ph)  ______
    Tyrannus savana 

  174. Streaked Flycatcher  (CHvr) (ph)  ______
    Myodynastes maculatus

  175. Crowned Slaty Flycatcher  (CHvr)  ______
    Empidonomus aurantioatrocristatus

  176. Great Kiskadee  (CHvr) (ph)   ______
    Pitangus sulphuratus

  177. Black-throated Huet-Huet  (CHqe) (*) ______  so  ci  (endemic to Patagonia) 
    Pteroptochos tarnii 

  178. Chestnut-throated Huet-Huet (CHe) (*) ______  cc
    Pteroptochos castaneus 

  179. Moustached Turca (CHe) (*) (ph)  ______  cca
    Pteroptochos megapodius 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Pteroptochos megapodius atacamae 
    (north CH)
    Pteroptochos m. megapodius 
    (central CH)

    A Moustached Turca photographed during a FONT tour in Chile

  180. Chucao Tapaculo  (CHqe) (*) ______  so  ci  (endemic to Patagonia)
    Scelorchilus r. reubecula 
    (2 subspecies in Chile, the other on a Chilean island, Mocha)

  181. White-throated Tapaculo (CHe) (*) ______
    Scelorchilus albicollis 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Scelorchilus albicollis atacamae 
    (north CH)
    Scelorchilus a. albicollis 
    (central CH)

  182. Ochre-flanked Tapaculo  (*) ______  so  (endemic to Patagonia)
    Eugralla paradoxa 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  183. Magellanic Tapaculo  (*) ______  so  ci  (endemic to Patagonia) (formerly considered part of the more-northerly Andean Tapaculo that's now Scytalopus griseicollis)
    Scytalopus magellanicus 

  184. Dusky Tapaculo  (*) ______  cca  (considered distinct from the more-northerly Andean Tapaculo, and from what's now the more-southerly Magellanic Tapaculo)
    Scytalopus fuscus  (monotypic)

  185. Common Miner  (*) (ph)  ______  cca  fs  tf  fn
    Geositta cunicularia 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Geositta cunicularia fissirostris 
    (central CH)
    Geositta c. cunicularia 
    (south CH, migrates north, east of CH) 

  186. Puna Miner  (*) ______ fno 
    Geositta punensis 

  187. Grayish Miner  (*) ______  fno 
    Geositta maritima 

  188. Creamy-rumped Miner  (*) ______
    Geositta isabellina 

  189. Short-billed Miner  (*)  ______  fs  tf  (endemic to southern Patagonia)
    Geositta antarctica 

  190. Slender-billed Miner  (CHvr)  ______  (has occurred in far-northern Chile in Lauca National Park)
    Geositta tenuirostris 

  191. Rufous-banded Miner  (*)  ______  cca
    Geositta rufipennis 
    (3 subspecies in Chile)
    Geositta rufipennis fasciata 
    (north & central CH)
    Geositta rufipennis harrisoni 
    (north CH, sw Antofagasta)
    Geositta rufipennis hoyi 
    (south CH)

  192. Straight-billed Earthcreeper  (*)  ______  cca  fn
    Upucerthia r. ruficaudus

  193. Rock Earthcreeper  (*) ______ fno 
    Upucerthia andaecola 

  194. Scaly-throated Earthcreeper  (*) ______
    Upucerthia dumetaria 
    (4 subspecies in Chile)
    Upucerthia dumetaria peruana 
    (north CH)
    Upucerthia dumetaria saturatior 
    (central CH)
    Upucerthia dumetaria hypoleuca 
    (north CH) 
    Upucerthia d. dumetaria 
    (south CH, migrates north into Argentina)

  195. White-throated Earthcreeper  (*) ______ fno
    Upucerthia albigula 

  196. Plain-breasted Earthcreeper  (*) ______ fno 
    Upucerthia jetskii pallida

  197. Band-tailed Eremobius   (*) ______  fs  tf  (has been called Band-tailed Eathcreeper) (endemic to Patagonia) 
    Eremobius phoenicurus 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) (in Chile, only in far-south)

  198. Bar-winged Cinclodes  (*) ______  cc  so  ci  tf  fn
    Cinclodes fuscus 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Cinclodes fuscus albiventris 
    (north CH)
    Cinclodes f. fuscus 
    (central & south CH, southern birds migrate north)

  199. White-winged Cinclodes  (*) ______ fno 
    Cinclodes a. atacamensis

  200. Gray-flanked Cinclodes  (*) ______  cca  so  tf  (has also been called Oustalet's Cinclodes)
    Cinclodes o. oustaleti

  201. Dark-bellied Cinclodes  (*)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf
    Cinclodes patagonicus 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Cinclodes patagonicus chilensis 
    (central CH)
    Cinclodes p. patagonicus 
    (south CH)

    A Dark-bellied Cinclodes on Chiloe Island
    during the FONT Chile Tour in November 2011  
    (photo by Frank Stermitz)

  202. Chilean Seaside Cinclodes  (CHe) (*) ______  ccs  (was part of the Surf Cinclodes, Cinclodes taczanowskii, when it was conspecific with what's now more-northerly Peruvian Seaside Cinclodes)
    Cinclodes nigrofumosus 

  203. Blackish Cinclodes  ______  (restricted to far-southern Chile)
    Cinclodes antarcticus

  204. Crag Chilia  (CHe) (*)  ______  cca
    Chilia melanura 
    (the single member of its genus) (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Chilia m. melanura 
    (central CH)
    Chilia melanura atacamae 
    (north CH) 

  205. Des Murs' Wiretail  (CHqe) (*)  ______  so  ci  (endemic to Patagonia)
    Sylviorthorhynchus desmursii 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

  206. Thorn-tailed Rayadito  (*) (ph)  ______  so
    Aphrastura s. spinicauda 
    (2 other subspecies are on 2 Chilean islands, and the other member of the genus is a species endemic to an offshore Chilean island, the Masafuera Rayadito

    Thorn-tailed Rayadito

  207. Masafuera Rayadito  (CHe)  ______  (restricted to Alejandro Selkirk Island in the Juan Fernandez archipelago)
    Aphrastura masafuerae
  208. Plain-mantled Tit-Spinetail  (*)  ______  cc  so  ci
    Leptasthenura aegithaloides 
    (4 subspecies in Chile)
    Leptasthenura aegithaloides grisescens 
    (north CH)
    Leptasthenura aegithaloides berlepschi 
    (north CH)
    Leptasthenura a. aegithaloides 
    (central CH)
    Leptasthenura aegithaloides pallida 
    (south CH)

  209. Streak-backed Tit-Spinetail  (*) ______  fno  (has been called Streaked Tit-Spinetail
    Leptasthenura s. striata

  210. Sharp-billed Canastero  (*) ______  cca  (was called Lesser Canastero)
    (formerly Thripophaga) pyrrholeuca sordida

  211. Cordilleran Canastero  (*) ______  cca
    (formerly Thripophaga) modesta  (3 subspecies in Chile)
    Asthenes m. modesta 
    (north CH)
    Asthenes modesta australis  (central CH, Andes)
    Asthenes modesta navasi 
    (south CH)

  212. Dark-winged Canastero  (*) ______ fno  (was called Creamy-breasted Canastero, when it was conspecific with what's now the Rusty-vented Canastero, Asthenes dorbignyi)  
    Asthenes arequipae 

  213. Canyon Canastero  ______  (recently discovered to be common in far-northern Chile in the area of Putre)
    Asthenes pudibunda

  214. Dusky-tailed Canastero  (CHe) (*) ______  cc
    (formerly Asthenes) humicola  (3 subspecies in Chile)
    Pseudasthenes humicola goodalli 
    (subspecies in north Chile)
    Pseudasthenes h. humicola 
    (subspecies in north & central Chile)
    Pseudasthenes humicola polysticta 
    (subspecies in south Chile)

    Prior to being in the genus Asthenes, the Dusky-tailed Canastero was in the genus Thripophaga. 

    Other species in the new genus Pseudsthenes are the Patagonian Canastero, Steinbach's Canastero, and the Cactus Canastero.

  215. Austral Canastero  (nt) (*) ______  fs  tf  (endemic to Patagonia)
    (formerly Thripophaga) anthoides  (monotypic)

  216. Wren-like Rushbird  (*) ______  cc
    Phleocryptes melanops 
    (the single member of its genus)  (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Phleocryptes melanops loaensis 
    (north CH)
    Phleocryptes m. melanops 
    (central CH) 

  217. White-throated Treerunner  (*) ______  so  (endemic to Patagonia)
    Pygarrhichas albogularis 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

  218. Red-eyed Vireo  (CHvr) (*) ______ fno  (this Chilean rarity was found once during a FONT Chile tour in the far-northern part of the country)
    Vireo olivaceus   

  219. Peruvian Martin  (*) ______  fno  (was part of the Southern Martin, Progne modesta)
    Progne murphyi

  220. Purple Martin  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (either this species or the similar Southern Martin is said to have historically occurred as a vagrant in Chile)
    Progne modesta

  221. Brown-chested Martin  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (has been said to occur very rarely near Arica)
    Progne tapera

  222. Chilean Swallow  (*) ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf
    Tachycineta meyeni
    (formerly leucopyga)  (monotypic)

  223. Blue-and-white Swallow  (*) ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf  fn
    Pygochelidon cyanoleuca patagonica

  224. Bank Swallow (or Sand Martin(*) ______  fn
    Riparia r. riparia

  225. Barn Swallow  (*) (ph)  ______  fn
    Hirundo rustica erythrogaster

  226. Andean Swallow  (*) ______  fno 
    Haplochelidon a. andecola 
    (the single member of its genus) 

  227. American Cliff Swallow  (*) ______  fno
    (has been Hirundo) pyrrhonota 

  228. Sedge Wren  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  (in South America has been called Grass Wren)
    Cistothorus platensis hornensis

    A Sedge Wren 
    (or "Grass Wren"on Chiloe Island 
    photographed during the November 2011 FONT tour in Chile
    (photo by Frank Stermitz) 

  229. "Southern" House Wren  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf  fn  (has been usually merged with the House Wren of North America)
    Troglodytes aedon 
    (3 subspecies in Chile)
    Troglodytes aedon tecellatus 
    (north CH)
    Troglodytes aedon atacamensis 
    (north & central CH)
    Troglodytes aedon chilensis 
    (south CH)

  230. Chilean Mockingbird  (CHe) (*) ______  cc  so
    Mimus thenca 

  231. Patagonian Mockingbird  (*) ______  fs
    Mimus patagonicus 

  232. White-banded Mockingbird  (CHvr)  ______
    Mimus triurus

  233. Chiguanco Thrush  (*) ______  fno
    Turdus chiguanco anthracinus

  234. Austral Thrush  (*)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf
    Turdus falcklandii magellanicus

  235. Creamy-bellied Thrush  (CHvr)  ______  (1 record from Vallenar in III Region)
    Turdus amaurochalinus

  236. Veery  (CHvr)  ______  (a specimen from the Lluta Valley)
    Catharus fuscescens 

  237. Correndera Pipit  (*)  ______  cc  ci  fs  tf
    Anthus correndera 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Anthus correndera chilensis 
    (central CH)
    Anthus correndera catamarcae 
    (far-north CH)

  238. Yellowish Pipit  ______  (in Chile restricted to the coastal plain north of Arica)
    Anthus lutescens peruviensis

  239. Hellmayr's Pipit  (CHvr)  ______
    Anthus hellmayri dabbenei

  240. House Sparrow (i) (*) ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf  fn
    Passer domesticus

  241. Thick-billed Siskin  (*) ______ fno 
    (formerly Carduelis) c. crassirostris

  242. Hooded Siskin  (*) (ph)  ______  fno
    (formerly Carduelis) megellanica urubambensis

  243. Black-chinned Siskin  (*)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf
    (formerly Carduelis) barbata  (monotypic)

  244. Black Siskin  (*) ______  fno
    (formerly Carduelis) atrata  (monotypic) 

  245. Yellow-rumped Siskin  (*)  ______  cca 
    (formerly Carduelis) uropygialis  (monotypic)

  246. Blackpoll Warbler  (CHvr)  ______  
    (formerly Dendroica) striata

  247. American Redstart  (CHvr) (*) (ph)  ______  fno   
    Setophaga ruticilla 
    (in Chile, a vagrant having migrated from North America)

    The American Redstart is a Chilean rarity. One was seen during a FONT tour in the far-northern part of the country in Putre.

  248. Baywing  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (no recent records)
    Agelaioides badius

  249. Shiny (or Glossy) Cowbird  (*) ______  cc  so  ci  fn
    Molothrus b. bonariensis

  250. Austral Blackbird  (*) ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf
    Curaeus curaeus 
    (3 subspecies in Chile)
    Curaeus c. curaeus 
    (in much of Chile)
    Curaeus curaeus reynoldsi 
    (far-southern CH, Tierra del Fuego)
    Curaeus curaeus recurvirostris  (far-southern CH, Magellanes)

  251. Yellow-winged Blackbird  (*)  ______  ccs  so
    (formerly Agelaius) t. thilius

  252. Peruvian Meadowlark  (*) ______  fno
    Sturnella bellicosa albipes

  253. Long-tailed Meadowlark  (*)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf
    Sturnella l. loyca

    A Long-tailed Meadowlark during the FONT Chile Tour 
    in November 2011 
    (photo by Frank Stermitz)

  254. White-browed Blackbird  (CHvr) (ph)  ______
    Sturnella superciliaris

  255. Bobolink  (CHvr) (ph)  ______
    Dolichonyx oryzivorus 
    (the single member of its genus)
  256. Rufous-collared Sparrow  (*) (ph)  ______  cc  so  ci  fs  tf  fn
    Zonotrichia capensis 
    (at least 4 subspecies in Chile)
    Zonotrichia capensis antofagastae 
    (northwest CH)
    Zonotrichia capensis sanborni 
    (in Andes & north CH)
    Zonotrichia capensis chilensis 
    (central CH) 
    Zonotrichia capensis australis 
    (south CH & in Andes north to central CH) 

  257. Blue-and-yellow Tanager  (*) ______ fno 
    Thraupis bonariensis darwinii

  258. Summer Tanager  (CHvr) (ph)  ______  (a specimen from northern Chile near Antofagasta in II Region)
    Piranga rubra 

  259. Cinereous Conebill  (*) ______ fno
    Conirostrum cinereum littorale

  260. Tamarugo Conebill (t3) (*) ______ fno  (recently described in 1972)
    Conirostrum tamarugense  (monotypic)

  261. Giant Conebill  (CHr)  ______  (recently discovered in Chile, and now known to be a breeder there; occurs in far-northern Chile exclusively in Polylepis woodlands)
    Oreomanes fraseri
      (the single member of its genus)
  262. Black-throated Flowerpiercer  (*) ______ fno  (was conspecific with the more-northerly Black Flowerpiercer, Diglossa humeralis) (The former Carbonated Flowerpiercer now includes these Flowerpiercers: Black, Black-throated, Merida (of Venezuela), and Gray-bellied (of Bolivia).) 
    Diglossa b. brunneiventris 

  263. Patagonian Sierra Finch  (*) ______  cca  so  ci  fs  tf  
    Phrygilus patagonicus 

  264. Gray-hooded Sierra Finch  (*)  ______  cca  fs  tf
    Phygilus gayi 
    (3 subspecies in Chile) 
    Phygilus g. gayi 
    (north CH)
    Phygilus gayi minor 
    (central CH)
    Phygilus gayi caniceps 
    (south CH)

    A Gray-hooded Sierra Finch during the FONT Chile Tour in November 2011 
    (photo by Frank Stermitz)

  265. Black-hooded Sierra Finch  (*) (ph)  ______  fno  
    Phrygilus atriceps 

    A Black-hooded Sierra Finch photographed during
    a FONT tour in Chile

  266. Mourning Sierra Finch  (*) ______  cca  fn
    Phrygilus fruticeti 
    (2 subspecies in Chile)
    Phrygilus fruticeti coracinus 
    (north CH)
    Phrygilus f. fruticeti 
    (south CH)

  267. Plumbeous Sierra Finch  (*) ______  cca  fn
    Phrygilus u. unicolor

  268. White-throated Sierra Finch  (*) ______  fno
    Phrygilus erythronotus 

  269. Ash-breasted Sierra Finch  (*) ______ fno
    Phrygilus p. plebejus 

  270. Band-tailed Sierra Finch  (*) ______  cc
    Phrygilus a. alaudinus

  271. Red-backed Sierra Finch  ______  (found at borders of bofedales adjacent to rocky slopes; some birds found at Lauca National park may be hybrids with White-throated Sierra Finches)
    Phrygilus dorsalis  

  272. White-bridled Finch  (*) _____fs  (has been called Black-throated Finch & Canary-winged Finch; whatever its name, it's endemic to southern Patagonia & the Falkland Islands)
    Melanodera melanodera princetoniana 

  273. Yellow-bridled Finch  (*) ______  pnp
    Melanodera xanthogramma barrosi

  274. Slender-billed Finch (t3) (*) ______ fno 
    Xenospingus concolor 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  275. Blue-black Grassquit  (*) ______  fno
    Volatinia jacarina peruviensis 
    (the single member of its genus)

  276. Chestnut-throated Seedeater  (*) ______  fno
    Sporophila telasco 

  277. Band-tailed Seedeater  (*) ______ fno
    Catamenia a. analis 

  278. Plain-colored Seedeater  (*) ______ fno
    Catamenia i. inornata 

  279. Saffron Finch (i) (*) (ph) ______  cc
    Sicalis flaveola

  280. Bright-rumped Yellow Finch  (*) ______ fno 
    Sicalis u. uropygialis

  281. Greater Yellow Finch  (*)  ______  cca
    Sicalis auriventris 

  282. Greenish Yellow Finch  (*) ______ fno
    Sicalis olivascens chloris

  283. Puna Yellow Finch  (CHr)  ______  (recently discovered in Chile; known to be mainly in the area of Visviri in I Region)
    Sicalis lutea
  284. Patagonian Yellow Finch  (*) ______  tf  (endemic to Patagonia)
    Sicalis lebruni 

  285. Grassland Yellow Finch  (*)  ______  cc  so  ci 
    Sicalis luteola luteiventris

  286. Common Diuca Finch  (*) ______  cc  so  ci
    Diuca diuca 
    (3 subspecies in Chile)
    Diuca diuca crassirostris 
    (north CH)
    Diuca d. diuca 
    (north-central CH)
    Diuca diuca chiloensis 
    (south-central CH)

  287. White-winged Diuca Finch  (*) ______ fno
    Diuca s. speculifera 

  288. Golden-billed Saltator  (*) ______  fno
    Saltator aurantiirostris albociliaris


The (Chestnut-throated) Huet-Huet and White-throated Tapaculo were found following our 1997 tour by those who took a couple extra days to do so. They were at localities south of Santiago. The White-throated Tapaculo was again seen in 2003.

The Dusky (or "Andean") Tapaculo: during most tours seen, during a few heard only; but in 1998, it was seen so very well walking at tour participant's feet.

The American Redstart (an immature male) in Nov 1997, in Putre, was the 3rd record for Chile, the others being in 1986 and 1989.  


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