Birds found during the 
FONT 2007 Late-Fall Birding Tour
in Japan
List compiled by Armas Hill
December 10-18, 2007
on Honshu: hn
on Hokkaido: hk
on Kyushu: ky
during the day-long ferry pelagic trip between Honshu
& Hokkaido: pt
(t): a globally threatened or rare
species, designated by Birdlife International
(t1): critical (t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally
(i/JA): introduced species in Japan
(e/JA): endemic to Japan
(r/JA): rare in Japan
(h): heard only
Lists of Birds during FONT Japan Tours
In the cumulative lists of birds, scientific
names are given & subspecies are noted.
List of Japanese Mammals
A list of Mammals during our '07
Japan Late-Fall Birding & Nature Tour follows the bird-list below.
List of Japanese Butterflies
FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Japan
- Pacific Loon - pt
Gavia pacifica
- Little Grebe - ky
Tachybaptus ruficollis
- Horned Grebe - hk
Podiceps auritus
- Laysan Albatross - pt
Phoebastria (formerly Dioimedea) immutabilis
- Northern Fulmar - pt
Fulmarus glacialis
- Bonin Petrel - pt
Pterodroma hypoleuca
- Streaked Shearwater - pt
Calonectris leucomelas
- Short-tailed Shearwater - pt
Puffinus tenuirostris
- Tristram's (or Sooty) Storm Petrel - pt
Oceanodroma tristrami
- Fork-tailed Storm Petrel - pt
Oceanodroma furcata
- Great Cormorant - hn
Phalacrocorax carbo
- Japanese (or Temminck's) Cormorant - ky
Phalacrocorax capillatus
- Pelagic Shag (or Cormorant) - pt,hk
Leucocarbo pelagicus
- "Eastern" Cattle Egret - ky
Bublucus ibis coromandus
- Little Egret - ky
Egretta garzetta
- Yellow-billed (or Intermediate) Egret - ky
Egretta intermedia
- Great Egret - hn,ky
Ardea alba
- Grey Heron - ky
Ardea cinerea
- Black-crowned Night Heron - ky
Nycticorax nycticorax
- Black-faced Spoonbill (t2) (r/JA) - ky
Platalea minor
- Eurasian Spoonbill (r/JA) - ky
Platalea leucorodia
- Whooper Swan - hk
Cygnus cygnus
- Mandarin Duck - ky
Aix galericulata
- Eurasian Wigeon - ky,hn,hk
Anas Penelope
- Falcated Duck - hk
Anas falcata
- Eurasian Teal - ky,hk
Anas crecca
- Mallard - ky,hn,hk
Anas olatyrhynchos
- Eastern Spot-billed Duck - ky
Anas zonorhyncha
- Northern Pintail - hn,hk
Anas acuta
- Northern Shoveler - ky,hk
Anas clypeata
- Common Pochard - ky,hn
Aythya ferina
- Greater Scaup - ky,hk
Aythya marila
- Harlequin Duck - hk
Histrionicus histrionicus
- Long-tailed Duck - hk
Clangula hyemalis
- American Scoter - hk
Melanitta americana
- "Stejneger's" White-winged Scoter -
Melanitta deglandi stejnegeri
- Common Goldeneye - hk
Bucephala clangula
- Smew - hk
Mergellus (formerly Mergus) albellus
- Red-breasted Merganser - hk
Mergus serrator
- Common Merganser - hk
Mergus merganser
- Osprey - ky
Pandion haliaetus
- Black (-eared) Kite - ky,hk
Milvus migrans lineatus
- White-tailed Eagle (nt) - hk
Haliaeetus albicilla
- Steller's Sea-Eagle (t3) - hk
Haliaeetus pelagicus
- Northern Goshawk - hk
Accipiter gentilis
- Common Buzzard - hk
Buteo buteo japonicus (resident subspecies)
- Roughleg (Rough-legged Buzzard or
Rough-legged Hawk) - hk
Buteo lagopus
- Mountain (or Hodgson's) Hawk-Eagle - hk
Spizaetus nipalensis orientalis (resident Japanese subspecies)
- Common Kestrel - ky
Falco tinnunculus
- Peregrine Falcon - hn
Falco peregrinus japonensis
- (Japanese) Green Pheasant - ky
Phasianus versicolor
- Common Moorhen - ky
Gallinula chloropus
- Eurasian Coot - ky
Fulica atra
- Hooded Crane (t3) - ky
Grus monachus
- Sandhill Crane (r/JA) - ky
Grus canadensis
- White-naped Crane (t3) - ky
Grus vipio
- Red-crowned Crane (also called Japanese
Crane) (t2) - hk
Grus japonensis
- Black-winged Stilt - hn
Himantopus himantopus
- Common Ringed Plover - hn
Charadrius hiaticula
- Little Ringed Plover - ky
Charadrius dubius
- Kentish Plover - hn
Charadrius alexandrinus
- Grey (or Black-belled) Plover - hn
Pluvialis s. squatarola
- Northern Lapwing - ky
Vanellus vanellus
- Temminck's Stint - ky
Calidris temminckii
- Dunlin - ky,hn
Calidris alpina
- Green Sandpiper - ky
Tringa ochropus
- Common Sandpiper - ky,hn
Actitis hypoleucos
- Eurasian Curlew - hn
Numenius arquata
- Pomarine Skua - pt
Stercorarius pomarinus
- Common Black-headed Gull - hn,hk
Larus ridibundus
- Black-tailed Gull - ky,pt
Larus crassirostris
- Kamchatka (race of Mew, or Common, Gull) -
Larus canus kamtschatschensis
- Vega Gull (has been
considered a race of the Herring Gull) - ky,pt,hk
Larus vegae
- "Heuglin's" Lesser Black-backed
Gull - ky
- "Mongolian" Yellow-legged Gull -
- Slaty-backed Gull - ky,pt,hk
Larus schistisagus
- Glaucous-winged Gull - pt
Larus glaucescens
- Glaucous Gull - pt,hk
Larus hyperboreus
- Black-legged Kittiwake - pt
Rissa tridactyla
- Pigeon Guillemot - pt
Cepphus columba snowi
- Ancient Murrelet - pt
Synthliboramphus a. antiquus
- Japanese Murrelet (t3) (e/JA) - pt
Synthliboramphus wumizusume
- Common (or Feral) Pigeon (i/JA) - ky,pt,hk
Columba livia
- Oriental Turtle Dove - ky
Streotopelia orientalis
- Blakiston's Fish-Owl (t2) (r/JA) - hk
Bubo blakistoni (was genus Keptula)
- Common Kingfisher - ky
Alcedo atthis
- Great Spotted Woodpecker - ky,hk
Dendrocopos (formerly Picoides) major japonicus
- Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker - hk
Dendrocopos (formerly Picoides) kizuki
- "Japanese" Eurasian Skylark - ky
Alauda arvensis japonica
- Barn Swallow - ky
Hirundo rustica
- Olive-backed Pipit - ky
Anthus hodgsoni
- "Siberian" Buff-bellied Pipit -
ky (called American Pipit
in North America; was called Water
Anthus rubescens japonicus
- Grey Wagtail - ky
Motacilla cinerea
- White Wagtail - ky,hn
Motacilla alba lugens
- Japanese Wagtail (e/JA) - ky,hk
Motacilla grandis
- Brown-eared Bulbul - ky,hn,hk
Microscelis (formerly Hysipetes) amaurotis
- Northern (or Winter) Wren - hk
Troglodytes troglodytes fumigatus
- Daurian Redstart - ky
Phoenicurus auroreus
- Pale Thrush - ky
Turdus pallidus
- Dusky Thrush - ky,hk
Turdus eunomus
- Japanese Bush Warbler - ky
Cedttia diphone
- Long-tailed Bushtit (has been called
Long-tailed Tit) - ky
Aegithalos caudatus
- Marsh Tit - hk
Parus palustris
- Varied Tit - ky,hk
Parus varius
- Coal Tit - ky
Parus ater
- Great Tit - ky,hk
Parus major
- Eurasian Nuthatch - hk
Sitta europaea
- Japanese White-eye - ky
Zosterops japonica
- Bull-headed Shrike - ky
Lanius bucephalus
- Eurasian Jay - ky,hk
Garrulus glandarius
- Rook - ky
Corvus frugilegus
- Carrion Crow - ky,hk
Corvus corone orientalis
- Large-billed Crow - ky,hn,hk
Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis
- White-cheeked (or Grey) Starling - ky,hn
Sturnus cineraceus
- Eurasian Tree Sparrow - ky,hn,hk
Passer montanus
- Grey-capped (or Oriental) Greenfinch - ky
Carduelis sinica
- Hawfinch - hk
Caccothraustes caccothraustes japonicus
- Black-faced Bunting - ky
Emberiza spodocephala
- (Siberian) Meadow Bunting - ky
Emberiza ciodes
- Yellow-throated Bunting - ky
Emberiza elegans
- Common Reed Bunting - ky
Emberiza schoenicius
during FONT tour
in Japan
in December
hk: on Hokkaido
ky: on Kyushu
pt: during day-long ferry pelagic trip from Honshu to Hokkaido
(e): endemic to Japan
(i): introduced into Japan
1. Japanese Hare (e) - ky
2. Japanese Marten (e) - ky
3. Eurasian Wild Boar - ky
4. Red Fox - hk
5. Sika Deer - hk,ky
6. Northern Fur Seal - pt