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throughout the americas
This will be changing gallery, with photographs of birds
of North, Central, & South America, and the Caribbean,
that are part of the extensive collection of photos
in our website.
Chronological List of Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours
A Geographical Listing of Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours
A Black Skimmer
above American Avocets
(photo by Kim
A Black-necked Stilt with
This species nests in North America,
but we've also seen such a sight
during FONT tours on Caribbean islands.
(photo by Kim Steininger)
A Northern Harrier in
(photo by Kim Steininger)
Two Northern Harriers in the
(photo by Kim Steininger)
In flight, a Peregrine Falcon (left)
and an Osprey (right)
(photo by Kim Steininger)
An Osprey
Throughout the Americas,
this species has been seen during FONT Tours
in North, Central, & South America, as well as the Caribbean.
The Osprey nests mostly in North America.
In South America, it's a visitor when it's winter in the north.
(photo by Kim Steininger)
Piping Plovers
an adult and a chick,
and a nice sight as the species is threatened.
In eastern North America, it's a bird of the beach.
But in Colorado, where we've seen the species
during a FONT tour, it was by a salty lake.
(photo by Kim Steininer)
Dancin' Dunlin
(photo by Kim Steininger)
A spotless Spotted Sandpiper
(photo by Kim Steininger)
There are 22 species of
throughout the Americas in the genus Megascops.
Pictured above is the Eastern Screech-Owl
of the eastern North America.
There are a number of Screech-Owls in Latin America,
and one in the West Indies, now endemic to Puerto Rico.
(photo by Howard Eskin)
An American Pygmy Kingfisher
Of the kingfishers in the Americas,
this is the smallest.
In 2006, it was seen during FONT tours
in Guatemala, Panama, and Brazil.
(photo by Andy Smith)
The wrens are truly birds of the
Outside of the Western Hemisphere , there's only one species.
Throughout the Americas, there are 75 species of wrens.
The photo above is of the Marsh Wren of North America.
(photo by Kim Steininger)
A Hermit Thrush eating
berries in the Fall
(photo by Kim Steininger)
When North Americans think of a
they think of the red bird above, the Northern Cardinal.
(above photo by Howard Eskin)
There are, however, 8 species of cardinals throughout the Americas.
One, with no red at all, is the Yellow Cardinal.
Others in South America are called
Red-capped, Red-cowled, & Red-crested.
Below, is one with red on the head,
called the Yellow-billed Cardinal,
photographed during a FONT Brazil tour in 2006.
(photo below by Andy Smith)
Called the Unicolored
Blackbird because the male is all-black,
the female (above) is far from being just one color.
This bird was photographed during the FONT tour in Brazil in September 2006.
(photo by Andy Smith)
The Collared
Whitestart is a dapper and friendly bird
in Central American mountains.
For years, it's been called the Collared Redstart,
but the weathers on the tail are white.
For years, a local name has been "Amigo de Hombre",
that is "Friend of Man" referring to the bird's tameness.
(The above photograph was taken during a FONT Costa Rican tour
by Marie Z. Gardner.)
The Brazilian
Merganser is one of the rarest ducks in the world.
In fact, it is one of the world's rarest birds.
This photograph was taken in 2006.
As of our September '06 tour in Brazil,
this species has been seen during 6 FONT tours since
Although this photograph may not
be the best,
it is interesting in that it shows a tree filled with toucans.
They are Toco Toucans, the largest of its tribe,
in Brazil, the largest of South American countries.
(This photo taken in 2006, shows a sighting from our Sept '06 tour
in Minas Gerais, Brazil.)
Web page by Risė Hill