Mammals & Some Other Wildlife during FONT Tours 
Central America

in Belize,
Costa Rica,

(during the months of  
January, February, March, 
April, July, December)

Compiled by Armas Hill

There have been 24 FONT tours in Costa Rica, 8 in the Peten region of Guatemala, 7 in the Guatemalan highlands, 5 in Panama, 2 in Honduras, and 1 in Belize.


(e): endangered
(v): vulnerable
(r): rare
(t): threatened (but with status indeterminate)
(i): introduced 

BZ: during Belize tours
CR(N): during Costa Rica tours (in northern CR) 
CR(S): during Costa Rica tours (in southern CR)
GU: during Guatemala tours
HN: during Honduras tours
PN: during Panama tours



Itineraries for Upcoming Central America FONT Tours in:

Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama


List of Mammals: 



  1. Mantled (Black) Howler Monkey ______ CR(N,S),GU,HN,PN
    Alouatta palliata
  2. Mexican Black Howler Monkey ______ GU
    Alouatta pigra
  3. White-faced/-throated Capuchin (Monkey) ______ CR(N,S),PN
    Cebus olivaceus

  1. Central American Spider Monkey ______ CR(N,S),GU
    Ateles geoffroyi
  2. Central American Squirrel Monkey ______ CR(S)
    Saimiri oerstedii

  1. Geoffrey's (or Red-naped) Tamarin ______ PN
    Saguinus geoffroyi
  2. Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth ______ CR(N,S),PN
    Bradypus variegatus
  3. Hoffmann's Two-toed Sloth ______ CR(N,S),PN
    Choloepus hoffmanni
  4. Nine-banded (Long-nosed) Armadillo ______ CR(N),PN
    Dasypus novemcinctus
  5. Mexican Hairy (long-haired, prehensile-tailed) Porcupine ______ CR(N)
    Coedndou mexicanus
  6. Common Opossum ______ CR(N),GU,PN
    Didelphis marsupialis
  7. Virginia Opossum ______ CR(N)
    Didelphis virginiana
  8. Kinkajou ______ CR(N),GU
    Potos flavus
  9. Central American Agouti ______ CR(N,S),GU,HN,PN
    Dasyprocta punctata
  10. Northern Raccoon ______ CR(N),GU
    Procyon lotor
  11. White-nosed Coati/Coatimundi ______ CR(N,S),GU,HN,PN
    Nasua narica
  12. Northern Tamandua ______ CR(N,S),PN (also called Banded or Vested Anteater)
    Tamandua mexicana
    (photo at top of this list)  
  13. Cacomistle ______ CR(S)
    Bassariscus sumichrasti
  14. Long-tailed Weasel ______ CR(N)
    Mustela frenata
  15. Tayra ______ CR(S),PN
    Eira barbara
  16. Southern/Neotropical River Otter ______ CR(N,S),GU,HN
    Lutra longicaudis
  17. Capybara ______ PN
    Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris
  18. Striped Hog-nosed Skunk ______ CR(N,S)
    Conepatus semistriatus
  19. Baird's Tapir ______ CR(S)
    Tapirus bairdii
  20. Collared Peccary ______ CR(N)
    Tayassu tajacu
  21. peccary (sp.) (either White-lipped or Collared) ______ CR(S)
    Tayassu spp.
  22. White-tailed Deer ______ CR(N),GU,PN
    Odocoileus virginianus
  23. Red Brocket Deer ______ CR(S)
    Mazama americana
  24. (Eastern) Cottontail Rabbit ______ CR(N),HN
    Sylvilagus floridanus
  25. Tropical Cottontail Rabbit (also called Tapiti or Brazilian Rabbit) ______ 
    Sylvilagus brasilensis
  26. Dice's Mountain Rabbit ______ CR(N,S)
    Sylvilagus dicei
  27. Red-bellied Squirrel ______ GU,HN
    Sciurus aureogaster
  28. Red-tailed Squirrel ______ CR(N,S),PN
    Sciurus granatensis
  29. Variegated Squirrel ______ CR(N,S),GU,HN,PN
    Sciurus variegatoides
  30. Yucatan Squirrel ______ GU
    Sciurus yucatanensis
  31. Deppe's Squirrel ______ GU
    Sciurus deppei
  32. Central American Dwarf Squirrel (or Alfari's Pygmy Squirrel) ______ CR(N)
    Microsciurus alfari
  33. Gray Fox ______ GU
    Urocyon cinereoargenteus
  34. Coyote ______ 3CR(N)
    Canis latrans
  35. Spiny Rat (sp.) ______ CR(N)
    Proechimys spp.
  36. arboreal Rice Rat ______ PN
    Oryzomys spp.
  37. native rat (sp.) ______ GU
  38. mouse (sp.) ______ CR(N,S)
  39. vole (sp.) ______ GU
  40. Bulldog or Fishing Bat ______ PN
    Noctilio leporinus
  41. Long-nosed Bat ______ CR(N)
    Noctilio leporinus
  42. White-lined Sac-winged Bat ______ CR(N,S),HN
    Saccopteryx bilineata
  43. Black Myotis ______ CR(N,S)
    Myotis nigricans
  44. Brazilian/Mexican Free-tailed Bat ______ GU
    Tadarida brasiliensis
  45. various other bats (small & large) ______CR(N,S),GU,HN,PN
  46. Long-snouted Spinner Dolphin ______ CR(S)
    Stenella longirostris centroamericana
  47. (Pacific) Bottlenose Dolphin ______ CR(N)
    Tursiops truncatus


Additional Wildlife: 

  1. Olive Ridley Sea Turtle (a) (b) ______ CR(N,S) 
    Lepidochelys olivacea
  2. Leatherback Sea Turtle (b) ______ CR(N) 
    Dermochelys coriacea
  3. Manta Ray (a) ______ CR(S)
    Manta hamiltoni
  4. American/Morelet's Crocodile ______ CR(N)
    Crocodylus acutus
  5. Caiman ______ CR(N,S)
    Caiman crocodilus
  6. Iguana ______ CR(N,S)
    Iguana iguana
  7. Basilisk ("Jesus Christ Lizard") ______ CR(N,S)
    Basiliscus basiliscus
  8. Anolis Lizard ______ CR(N)
    Norops polylepis
  9. various other lizards ______ CR(N,S),HN,PN
  10. various fresh-water turtles ______ CR(N),GU,PN
  11. colorful "upland" crabs ______ CR(S)
  12. various "beach" crabs, including Hermit, Ghost, & Sally light-foots ______ CR(S)
  13. various other crabs ______ CR(N)
  14. Poison Dart Frogs (red ; green & black) ______ CR(N)
  15. tree frogs (sp.) ______ CR(S)
  16. various other toads and frogs ______ CR(N,S) (including a bufus toad on a tree-limb disrupting hummingbirds, manakins, and trogons (in S CR))
  17. small marine creatures of tidal pools ______ CR(S)
  18. Boa Constrictor ______ CR(N,S)
  19. snake (salmon-colored) ______ CR(S)
  20. snake (brown tree) ______ CR(S)
  21. Leaf-cutter and other rainforest ants ______ 16CR(N,S),GU,PN
  22. Dung Beetles CR(N)
  23. Jellyfish (in mangrove area) CR(N) 


(a): sometimes (in southern CR) seen from low-flying airplane
(b): after dark at nesting-site on a CR beach. Also, at times, hatchlings seen.


Other Nature: 

total eclipse of the Sun ______ CR(N)

earthquake tremors CR(N)

active volcano (by day and/or night) CR(N)

hot sulphur/volcanic springs CR(N)

magnificent rainbows CR(N)

stellar constellations, particularly brilliant in a clear sky above a dark beach, also: meteors ("falling stars");

At other times: earthshine on the moon, Pacific sunsets with the "green flash".




Some of the Butterflies during our Costa Rica tours:

Those identified during FONT Costa Rica tours with a (*).


  1. SWALLOWTAILS (and allies)
  2. Battus polydamas polydamas
  3. Battus belus varus
  4. Battus laodamas rhipidius
  5. Battus lycidas
  6. Battus crassus
  7. Parides photinus
  8. Parides montezuma
  9. Parides sesostris zestos
  10. Parides childrenae childrenae
  11. Parides lycimenes lycimenes
  12. Parides erithalion sadyattes
  13. Parides iphidamas iphidamas
  14. Parides arcas mylotes
  15. Eurytides ilus
  16. Eurytides euryleon clusoculis
  17. Eurytides phaon
  18. Eurytides branchus
  19. Eurytides pausanis  prasinus
  20. E
  21. Papilio cresphontes
  22. Papilio thoas nealces ______ (K:38 text)
    Thoas Swallowtail (very similar to Giant Swallowtail K:39)
  23. Papilio astyalus pallas ______ (K:43)
    Broad-banded Swallowtail
  24. Papilio androgeus epidaurus ______ (K:41)
    Androgeus Swallowtail
  25. Papilio polyxenes stabilis ______ (K:29)
    Black Swallowtail
  26. Papilio torquatus tolmides
    Papilio torquatus tolus
  27. Papilio garamas syedra
  28. Papilio cleotas archytas
  29. Papilio victorinus vulneratus
  30. Papilio birchalli godmani
  31. Papilio rhodostictus rhodostictus
  32. Papilio anchisiades idaeus ______ (K:43)
    Ruby-spotted Swallowtail
  33. Papilio ascolius zalates

  34. Morpho granadensis polybaptus
  35. Morpho peleides limpida (*) ______ dec-jan
  36. Morpho marinita
  37. Morpho amathonte
  38. Morpho polyphemus catarina
  39. Morpho theseus aquarius
  40. Owl Butterfly dec-jan

    LONGWINGS (also known as Heliconians) are tropical butterflies with long forewings and bright colors.
  41. Heliconius charithonia (*) ______ dec-jan (K:155)
    Zebra Heliconian (or Zebra Longwing) 

  42. Anartia fatima (*) ______ dec-jan (K:155)
    Banded (or Brown) Peacock 
  43. Anartia jatrophae ______
    White Peacock

  44. Wood nymph (sp.), dec-jan
  45. Tiger swallowtail dec-jan
  46. Pieridae, orange (sp.) dec-jan
  47. Pieridae, white (sp.) dec-jan
  48. Orange longwing dec-jan
  49. Malachite green dec-jan
  50. sulphur (sp.) dec-jan
  51. Monarch dec-jan
  52. Checkered skipper (sp.) dec-jan
  53. Blue skipper (sp.) dec-jan
  54. Fritillary (sp.) dec-jan
  55. Long-tailed skipper (sp.) dec-jan
  56. Buckeye dec-jan
  57. Little elf dec-jan
  58. White peacock dec-jan
  59. Emperor dec-jan