PO Box 9021, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA
E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
Phone: Toll-free in USA 1-888-721-3555
or 302/529-1876
Website: www.focusonnature.com
Focus On Nature Tours
in Central America
and Mexico
in 2015 and
for Birds, Butterflies and Moths,
Mammals, and other Nature
including Marine-Life in
Coral Reefs
and elsewhere
For nearly 25 years, Focus On Nature Tours has conducted birding and nature tours in Central America. During that time, there have been 30 tours in Costa Rica, 16 in Guatemala, 10 in Panama (5 of them in the Chiriqui highlands), 11 in Mexico, 3 in Honduras, and 3 in Belize. Our Central American tours scheduled for 2016 include those in Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama. Other FONT tours have been to the region of the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. We're scheduled to go there in November 2015. And we've been to Sonora, in northern Mexico, in conjunction with tours in Arizona, for birds, butterflies, mammals, and other nature. We always look forward to our tour scheduled for Belize, for birds, butterflies, mammals, and other nature. For years, there have been 30 FONT birding and nature tours in Costa Rica, to an assortment of habitats in both the northern and southern parts of the country, usually to places less-populated by people but more so by birds. In 2016, we have scheduled, as we have in the past, summer tours to Costa Rica and Panama, when teachers and others are able to go, who otherwise might not be, in addition to our tours in both northern & southern Costa Rica in March. Our Panama Tour scheduled in 2016 for February will include places in the Canal Basin that are renowned for birds & other nature, including the famous Pipeline Road. Our Guatemala Tours include the highlands, where Quetzals and Mayas live today, and the lowlands in the Peten Region, where at Tikal, Mayans lived in the past. At the end of 2015, scheduled once again our is the annual FONT Holiday Tour in Guatemala. You may wish to read an article relating a previous FONT Guatemala Holiday Tour, that was later in a Washington DC newspaper, written by one of the tour participants: JAN 2007 GUATEMALA TOUR NEWSPAPER ARTICLE And you may wish to see a gallery of photos from that tour: JAN 2007 GUATEMALA TOUR PHOTOS There are links below to a 4-part bird-list and photo gallery of Central American birds, noting the more than 900 species of birds that have been found during FONT tours there, noting where and when they have been found, along with information pertaining to subspecies, and with some local Spanish and Mayan names. Other links are to lists & photo galleries of Central American butterflies, moths, mammals, amphibians and reptiles, and other wildlife, including marine life. Please take a look and see what there is to be enjoyed in Central America. Links to Itineraries for FONT Central American birding tours follow. As indicated, some of these tours can be done in combination. |
The Collared Whitestart,
in 2015 and 2016 (with prices)
Prices are found at the
end of each itinerary. All tours, unless noted otherwise, are rated "easy
to moderate".
CR-1) |
Southern (can be combined
(A two-part tour,
CR-3) (including
In Belize:
BELIZE in the
YUCATAN in Sonora, MEXICO in Sonora, Mexico
Orange-breasted Falcon,
as seen on Tikal temple,
during 2 FONT tours in Guatemala in 2002,
and then again during tours in 2003, 2004,
2006, 2007, 2008, & 2009.
(Photograph by Alan Brady.)
Above: The Temples at Tikal in the Peten Jungle,
where we bird during our Guatemala tours.
Below: A drawing of Tikal by Charles Gambill,
following a previous FONT tour there, showing
Ocellated Turkey, Bat Falcon, and Tody Motmot.
(Charles, or "Buddy", who was one of our favorite tour participants,
unfortunately died suddenly during the summer of 2001.
He did a number of line drawings for FONT - in addition to Tikal,
also depicting the Galapagos, the Dominican Republic, and other places
where he traveled with us.)