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Birds of the 
Dominican Republic

noting those during 
Focus On Nature Tours 

including birds during 
 FONT tours in adjacent Haiti

1994 thru 2015

during the months of January, February, 
March, April, July, December

A Dominican Republic bird list compiled by Armas Hill


Cumulatively 191 species of birds have been found 
during 19 FONT birding & nature tours in the Dominican Republic since 1994.  


(t): a globally threatened or rare species or subspecies, designated by Birdlife International
  (t1): critical
  (t2): endangered
  (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species, or subspecies, globally
(He): endemic in Hispaniola
(Hi): introduced in Hispaniola

(HA): Seen in Haiti, adjacent to southwestern Dominican Republic. 
Haitian name follows HA.

Dominican Republic (Spanish) bird names follow English names in the first line. 
Scientific names in the second line.

Species found during FONT tours in the Dominican Republic & Haiti are noted with an (*).
The numbers in ( ) indicate the number of FONT tours during which the species has been found (out of 19).
Months during which species have been found during FONT tours are indicated.

(ph):  species with a photo in the FONT website

An excellent new book entitled "Hispaniola, a Photographic Journey through Island Biodiversity", by Eladio Fernandez, has just been published (by Harvard University Press, in 2007). 
In the book, there are some superb photographs of the nature of the Dominican Republic. In the following list, pages in that book are referred to that have photos of the particular species -  noted with a (p.xx).  
Among the outstanding bird photographs in the book are those of:
- a Stygian Owl roosting in a pine tree in the daytime,  
- the first Western Chat-Tanager nest ever documented (a photo of the bird & a photo of the eggs),    
- an adult Hispaniolan Highland Tanager feeding a young bird (both birds on a branch),  
- a male Hispaniolan Crossbill (a wonderful, close photo),
- an adult Ridgeway's Hawk, with 3 young (an Hispaniolan endemic that's one of the world's rarest birds)   


Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in the Caribbean  

A Complete List & a Photo Gallery of Caribbean Birds, in 2 Parts:

Part #1: Guineafowl to Hummingbirds
Part #2: Trogons to Buntings

Rare Birds of the Caribbean today & those that have gone extinct 

Nature in the Dominican Republic including:
Mammals, Amphibians, Reptiles. Snail, Crabs, Butterflies, Dragonflies & Damselflies


  1. Helmeted (or Common) Guinea-Fowl  (Guinea) (Hi)  ______  (*) (12) feb,mar,apr,jul
    Numida meleagris

  2. Northern Bobwhite  (Cordoniz)  (nt) (Hi) (ph)  ______  (*) (1) mar
    Colinus virginianus

  3. (Feral) Red Junglefowl  (Gallo (male) / Gallina (female))  (Hi) ______ (*) (4) mar,apr
    Gallus gallus

  4. West Indian Whistling Duck  (Yaguaza)  (t3) (ph) ______  (*) (4) mar,apr  (has also been called West Indian Tree Duck)
    Dendrocygna arborea  (monotypic)

  5. Fulvous Whistling Duck  ______
    Dendrocygna bicolor

  6. White-faced Whistling Duck  (ph)  ______
    Dendrocygna viduata

  7. Canada Goose  ______
    Branta canadensis

  8. Wood Duck  (ph)  ______
    Aix sponsa

  9. American Green-winged Teal  (ph)  ______
    Anas carolinensis

  10. Mallard  (ph)  ______
    Anas platyrhynchos

  11. White-cheeked Pintail  (Pato de la Orilla)  (ph)  ______  (*) (14) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Kanna Tet Blan
    Anas b. bahamensis (t3)

  12. Northern Pintail  (ph)  ______
    Anas acuta

  13. Blue-winged Teal  (Pato de la Florida)  (ph)  ______  (*) (13) feb,mar,apr,dec  (HA): Kanna Sasel
    Anas discors 

  14. American Wigeon  (Pato Cabecilargo)  (ph)  ______  (*) (7) feb,mar,apr,dec  (HA): Kanna Zel Blan
    Anas americana 

  15. Eurasian Wigeon  (ph)  ______  
    Anas penelope

  16. Northern Shoveler  (Cuchareta)  (ph)  ______  (*) (5) feb,apr  (HA): Kanna Souche
    Anas clypeata 

  17. Gadwall  (ph)  ______
    Anas strepera

  18. Lesser Scaup  (Pato Turco) (ph)  ______  (*) (1) mar  (HA): Kanna Tet Nwa
    Aythya affinis 

  19. Canvasback  ______
    Aythya valisineria

  20. Redhead  (ph)  ______
    Aythya americana

  21. Ring-necked Duck  (ph)  ______
    Aythya collaris

  22. Hooded Merganser  (ph)  ______
    Lophodytes cucullatus

  23. Red-breasted Merganser  (ph)  ______
    Mergus serrator

  24. Ruddy Duck  (Pato Espinoso/Pato Rojizo)  (ph)  ______  (*) (4) mar,apr  (HA): Kanna Plonjon
    Oxyura j. jamaicensis

  25. Masked Duck  (Pato Criollo)  ______  (*) (1) feb
    (formerly Oxyura) dominicus  (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  26. Black-capped Petrel  (ph)  ______  
    Pterodroma hasitata

  27. Great Shearwater  (ph)  ______
    Puffinus gravis

  28. Manx Shearwater  ______
    Puffinus puffinus

  29. Audubon's Shearwater  (ph)  ______
    Puffinus lherminieri

  30. Wilson's Storm Petrel  (ph)  ______
    Oceanites oceanicus

  31. Leach's Storm Petrel  ______
    Oceanodroma leucorhoa

  32. Least Grebe  (Tigua)  (ph)  ______  (*) (6) feb,mar,apr,dec
    (formerly Podiceps) d. dominicus

  33. Pied-billed Grebe  (Zaramagullon)  (ph)  ______ (*) (13) feb,mar,apr,dec  (HA): Plonjon Fran
    Podilymbus podiceps antillarum

  34. American Flamingo  (Flamenco) (ph)  ______  (*) (18) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Flamant Rose  (p. 60-61, 64, 218-219)  (was considered conspecific with the Greater Flamingo of the Old World) 
    Phoenicopterus ruber

  35. Glossy Ibis  (Coco Oscuro/Coco Prieto)  (ph)  ______  (*) (12) jan,feb,mar,apr,dec  (HA): Ibis Peche
    Plegadis falcinellus 
    (now said to be monotypic)

  36. American White Ibis  (Coco Blanco) (ph)  ______  (*) (12) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Eudocimus albus 

  37. Roseate Spoonbill  (Cuchareta) (ph)  ______  (*) (13) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Platalea ajaja 

  38. Wood Stork  (ph) ______
    Mycteria americana

  39. Green Heron  (Cra-Cra/Cuaco) (ph)  ______  (*) (19) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Valet de Caiman  (p. 333)  
    Butorides virescens maculata 

    The Green Heron was for a time considered conspecific with the nearly-cosmopolitan Striated Heron, and was then called Green-backed Heron. 

  40. Western Cattle Egret  (Garza Ganadera) (ph)  ______ (*) (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Bubulcus ibis 

  41. Great Blue Heron  (Garza Ceniza)  (ph)  ______  (*) (15) jan,feb,mar,api,jul,dec  (HA): Crabier Bleu
    Ardea h. herodias 

  42. Great Egret  (Garza Real)  (ph)  ______  (*) (18) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Crabier Blanc
    Casmerodius (has been Ardea) alba egretta

  43. Snowy Egret  (Garza de Rizos)  (ph)  ______  (*) (17) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA) : Zegret Blan  (p. 358-359)
    (formerly Leucophoyx) thula brewsteri

  44. Little Blue Heron  (Garza Azul)  (ph)  ______  (*) (16) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Metis Krabye Ble  
    (formerly Florida) caerulea  (monotypic)

  45. Tricolored Heron  (Garza Pechiblanco)  (ph)  ______  (*) (17) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Crabier Aux Trois Couleurs  
    (formerly Hydranassa) tricolor ruficollis

    The Tricolored Heron was called Louisiana Heron. 

  46. Reddish Egret  (Garza Rojiza)  (ph)  ______  (*) (16) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Zegret Ble  (p. 88)
    (formerly Dichromanassa) r. rufescens

  47. Black-crowned Night Heron  (Rey Congo)  (ph)  ______  (*) (8) feb,mar,apr,jul
    Nycticorax nycticorax hoactii

  48. Yellow-crowned Night Heron  (Rey Congo) (ph)  ______  (*) (9) apr,jul,dec
    Nyctanassa violacea bancrofti 
    (the single member of its genus)

  49. Least Bittern  (Martinetito) (ph)  ______  (*) (8) mar,apr
    Ixobrychus e. exilis

  50. American Bittern  (ph)  ______  
    Botaurus lentiginosus

  51. White-tailed Tropicbird  (Rabijunco)  (ph)  ______  (*) (2) mar,apr
    Phaethon lepturus catesbyi

  52. Red-billed Tropicbird  (ph)  ______
    Phaethon aethereus

  53. Magnificent Frigatebird  (Tijereta) (ph)  ______  (*) (18) jan,feb,mar,apl,jul,dec
    Fregata magnificens 
    (now said to be monotypic)

  54. Brown Pelican  (Alcatraz/Pelicano) (ph)  ______  (*) (18) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 86-87)
    Pelecanus o. occidentalis

  55. Brown Booby  (Bubi)  (ph)  ______  (*) (3) mar,apr
    Sula l. leucogaster

  56. Red-footed Booby  (ph)  ______
    Sula sula

  57. Masked Booby  ______
    Sula dactylatra

  58. Double-crested Cormorant  (ph)  ______
    Phalacrocorax auritus

  59. Anhinga  (ph)  ______
    Anhinga anhinga

  60. Turkey Vulture  (Aura Tinosa)  (ph)  ______  (*) (8) feb,mar,apr
    Cathartes a. aura

  61. Peregrine Falcon  (Halcon de Patos)  (ph)  ______  (*) (4) feb,mar,apr
    Falco peregrinus anatum
    (from North America)
    Falco peregrinus tundrius
    (from North America, north of F. p. anatum)

  62. Merlin  (Halconito)  (ph)  ______  (*) (11) feb,mar,apr,dec
    Falco c. columbarius

  63. American Kestrel  (Cuyaya/Cernicalo)  (ph)  ______  (*) (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 355)
    Falco sparverius dominicensis 
    (subspecies endemic to Hispaniola)

  64. Osprey  (Guincho)  (ph)  ______  (*) (14) jan,feb,mar,apr,dec  (HA): Malfini Lanme
    Pandion haliaetus carolinensis
    (migrant North American breeder)
    Pandion haliaetus ridgwayi
    (breeder in Caribbean area)

  65. Northern Harrier  (ph)  ______  
    Circus hudsonius

  66. Sharp-shinned Hawk  (Guaraguaito de Sierra)  (ph)  ______  (*) (8) feb,mar,apr,jul
    Accipiter s. striatus (t3)
      (this subspecies, the nominate, endemic to Hispaniola)

  67. Red-tailed Hawk  (Guaraguao)  (ph)  ______  (*) (18) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Buteo j. jamaicensis 
    (the same subspecies as also in Jamaica & Puerto Rico)

  68. Ridgway's (or Hispaniolan) Hawk  (Guaraguaito)  (t1) ______  (*) (4) mar,apr  (p. 302-303)
    Buteo ridgwayi 

  69. Black Rail  (nt)  ______
    Laterallus jamaicensis

  70. "Antillean" Clapper Rail  (Gallinuela de Mangle)  (ph)  ______  (*) (3) apr,jul
    Rallus crepitans caribaeus

  71. Sora  (Gallito)  ______  (*) (1)
    Porzana carolina 

  72. Yellow-breasted Crake  (Gallito Amarillo)  ______  (*) (1) apr
    Porzana flaviventer hendersoni 
    (this subspecies on Hispaniola & Puerto Rico)

  73. Spotted Rail  (Gallito Manchado) ______  (*) (1) apr
    Pardirallus maculatus inoptatus

  74. Purple Gallinule  (Gallareta Azul)  (ph)  ______  (*) (7) mar.apr,dec
    Porphyrio martinicus 

  75. Common Gallinule  (Gallareta Pico Rojo)  (ph)  ______  (*) (15) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Poul Dlo Tet Rouj
    Gallinula chloropus cerceris

  76. American Coot  (Gallareta Pico Blanco)  (ph)  ______  (*) (5) feb,apr  (HA): Poul Dio Jidel
    Fulica a. americana 

  77. Caribbean Coot  (Gallareta Pico Blanco) (nt)  ______  (*) (13) feb,mar,apr,dec  (HA): Poul Dlo Tet Blan 
    Fulica (americana) caribaea

    The Caribbean Coot has been considered by some to be conspecific with the American Coot. 

  78. Limpkin  (Carrao)  (ph)  ______  (*) (9) mar.apr
    Aramus guarauna elucus (t3) 
    (this subspecies now endemic to Hispaniola, as it has been extirpated in Puerto Rico) (the single member of its family)

  79. Double-striped Thick-knee  (ph)  ______
    Burhinus bistriatus dominicensis 
    (subspecies endemic to Hispaniola)

  80. Northern Jacana  (Gallito de Agua)  (ph)  ______  (*) (3) mar,apr,dec
    Jacana spinosa violacea

  81. Black-necked Stilt  (Zancudo/Viuda)  (ph)  ______  (*) (16) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Pet-Pet  (p. 66-67, p. 353)
    Himantopus mexicanus 
    (was considered by some as conspecific with the globally-widespread Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus)

  82. Black-bellied (or Grey) Plover  (Playero (Cabezon))  (ph)  ______  (*) (14) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Pluvialis squatarola cynosurae

  83. American Golden Plover  (ph)  ______
    Pluvialis dominicus

  84. Semipalmated Plover  (Playero (Acollarado))  (ph)  ______  (*) (9) feb,mar,apr,dec
    Charadrius semipalmatus 

  85. Snowy Plover  (Corredor)  (ph)  ______  (*) (10) feb,mar,apr,dec  (was conspecific with the Kentish Plover of Eurasia)
    Charadrius nivosus (t3)

  86. Wilson's Plover  (Cabezon)  (ph)  ______  (*) (9) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Kolye Fran or Becassine  (p. 350-351)
    Charadrius wilsonia rufinucha 
    (resident subspecies in the Caribbean)

  87. Killdeer  (Ti-ito)  (ph)  ______  (*) (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Chevalier de Terre
    Charadrius vociferus ternominatus 
    (resident subspecies in the Caribbean)

  88. Piping Plover  (ph)  ______
    Charadrius melodus

  89. American Oystercatcher  (ph)  ______
    Haematopus palliatus

  90. Ruddy Turnstone  (Playero Turco)  (ph)  ______  (*) (10) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Arenaria interpres morinella

  91. "American" Whimbrel  (Playero Picocorvo)  (ph)  ______  (*) (1) apr
    Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus
    (this "American Whimbrel" was historically known as "Hudsonian Curlew"

  92. Hudsonian Godwit  (Playero)  (ph)  ______  (*) (1) apr  (seen during one FONT tour in the Dominican Republic in the spring in April 2006; rare anywhere in the West Indies in the spring)  
    Limosa haemastica 

  93. Marbled Godwit  (ph)  ______
    Limosa fedoa

  94. Spotted Sandpiper  (Playerito Manchado)  (ph)  ______  (*) (13) jan,feb,mar,apr,dec  (HA): Bekasin Zel Tranble
    Actitis macularia 

  95. Solitary Sandpiper  (Playero Solitario)  (ph)  ______  (*) (10) jan,feb,mar,apr,dec  (HA)
    Tringa s. solitaria

  96. Greater Yellowlegs  (Playero Grande con Patas Amarillas)  ______  (*) (17) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Gwo Bekasin Janm
    Tringa melanoleuca 

  97. Lesser Yellowlegs  (Playero con Patas Amarillas)   (ph)  ______  (*) (14) feb,mar,apr,dec  (HA): Bekasin Janm Jon
    Tringa flavipes 

  98. Willet  (Chorlo)  (ph)  ______  (*) (10) feb,mar,apr,dec
    (formerly Catoptrophorus) s. semipalmata

  99. Semipalmated Sandpiper  (Playerito  (Gracioso)  (ph)  ______  (*) (13) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Ti Bekasin Janm Nwa
    Calidris pusilia 

  100. Western Sandpiper  (Playerito (Occidental)  (ph)  ______  (*) (6) feb,mar,apr
    Calidris mauri 

  101. Least Sandpiper  (PLayerito (Menudo)  (ph)  ______  (*) (12) feb,mar,apr,dec  (HA): Ti Bekasin Piti
    Calidris minutilla 

  102. White-rumped Sandpiper  (Playerito (Rabadilla Blanca)  (ph)  ______  (*) (2) feb,apr
    Calidris fuscicollis 

  103. Sanderling  (Playerito Blanquito)  (ph)  ______  (*) (9) feb,mar,apr,dec
    Calidris alba rubida

  104. Dunlin  (ph)  ______  (*) (1) dec  (note follows list) 
    Calidris alpina hudsonia

  105. Red Knot  (ph)  ______
    Calidris canutus

  106. Pectoral Sandpiper  (ph)  ______
    Calidris melanotos

  107. Buff-breasted Sandpiper  (nt) (ph)  ______
    Tryngites subruficollis

  108. Short-billed Dowitcher   (Playero Pico Largo)  (ph)  ______  (*) (7) feb,mar,apr,dec
    Limnodromus griseus hendersoni

  109. Long-billed Dowitcher  ______  (*) (1) (HA only) 
    Limnodromus scolopaceus 

  110. Stilt Sandpiper  (Playero Zancudo)  (ph)  ______  (*) (5) feb,mar,apr,dec
    Calidris  (has been Micropalama) himantopus

  111. Wilson's Snipe  (ph)  ______
    Gallinago delicata

  112. Wilson's Phalarope ______  (*) (1) feb  (a vagrant in Hispaniola; 1 seen during the FONT Dominican Republic tour in February 2007)
    Phalaropus tricolor 

  113. Red-necked Phalarope  (ph)  ______
    Phalaropus lobatus

  114. Pomarine Jaeger  (ph)  ______
    Stercorarius pomarinus

  115. Parasitic Jaeger  (ph)  ______
    Stercoraius parasiticus

  116. Long-tailed Jaeger  (ph)  ______
    Stercorarius longicaudus

  117. "American" Herring Gull  (Gaviota del Norte)  ______  (*) (5) feb,apr
    Larus argentatus smithsonianus

  118. Ring-billed Gull  (Gaviota (Piquianillada))  (ph)  ______  (*) (4) mar,apr
    Larus delawarensis 

  119. Lesser Black-backed Gull  (ph)  ______  (*) (2) apr,jul
    Larus fuscus graellsii 

  120. Great Black-backed Gull  (ph)  ______
    Larus argentatus 

  121. Bonaparte's Gull  (Galleguito Chico)  (ph)  ______  (*) (1) mar
    (formerly Larus) philadelphia

  122. Laughing Gull  (Gaviota Cabecinegra)  (ph)  ______  (*) (12) feb,mar,apr,jul
    (formerly Larus) a. atricilla

  123. Franklin's Gull  (ph)   ______
    (formerly Larus) pipixcan

  124. Black-legged Kittiwake  (ph)  ______
    Rissa tridactyla

  125. Common Tern  (Gaviota Comun)  ______  (*) ( 7) apr,dec
    Sterna h. hirundo

  126. Roseate Tern  (Palometa)  (ph)  ______  (*) (2) mar,apr
    Sterna d. dougallii (t3)

  127. Forster's Tern  (ph)  ______
    Sterna forsteri

  128. Gull-billed Tern  (Gaviota Piquigorda)  (ph)  ______  (*) (6) mar,apr,dec
    (formerly Sterna) nilotica aranea

  129. Least Tern  (Gaviota Chiquita)  ______  (*) (9) mar,apr,jul  (p. 348-349)
    (formerly Sterna) a. antillarum

  130. Royal Tern  (Gaviota Real)  (ph)  ______  (*) (17) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    (formerly Sterna) m. maxima 

  131. Sandwich Tern  (Gaviota Pico Agudo)  (ph)  ______  (*) (9) feb,mar,apr,dec
    (formerly Sterna) sandvicensis acuflavida

  132. Caspian Tern  (Gaviota Real)  (ph)  ______  (*) (9) feb,mar,apr,dec  (HA)
    (formerly Sterna) caspia  (monotypic)

  133. Bridled Tern  (ph)  ______
    (formerly Sterna) anaethetus melanoptera

  134. Sooty Tern  (ph)  ______
    (formerly Sterna) f. fuscata

  135. Black Tern  (Gaviota Negra)  (ph)  ______  (*) (1) dec
    Chlidonias niger surinamensis  

  136. Brown Noddy  ______
    Anous stolidus

  137. Black Skimmer  (ph)  ______
    Rynchops niger

  138. White-crowned Pigeon  (Paloma Coronita)  ______  (*) (4) mar.apr,jul
    (formerly Columba) leucocephala  (monotypic)

  139. Scaly-naped Pigeon  (Paloma Turca(ph)  ______  (*) (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (has also been called Red-necked Pigeon)
    (formerly Columba) squamosa  (monotypic)

  140. Plain Pigeon  (Paloma Ceniza) (t3) ______  (*) (13) feb,mar,apr,dec
    (formerly Columba) i. inornata  (this subspecies on Hispaniola & Cuba)

  141. Common (or Feral) Pigeon  (Paloma Casera)  (Hi) ______  (*) (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA)
    Columba livia

  142. Mourning Dove  (Rabiche)  ______  (*) (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Toutrel Ke Fen
    Zenaida m. macroura 
    (resident subspecies of the Caribbean)

  143. Zenaida Dove  (Rolon)  (ph)  ______  (*) (13) mar,apr,jul
    Zenaida aurita zenaida 
    (resident subspecies of the northern Caribbean) 

  144. White-winged Dove  (Aliblanca)  (ph)  ______  (*) (14) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Zenaida a. asiatica

  145. Common Ground-Dove  (Rolita)  (ph)  ______  (*) (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Zotolan
    Columbina passerina insularis 
    (this is the subspecies of Hispaniola, Cuba, the Caymans, & some other small islands) 

  146. Ruddy Quail-Dove  (Perdiz Colorada)  ______  (*) (3) apr
    Geotrygon m. montana

  147. Key West Quail-Dove  (Perdiz Grande / Perdia)  ______  (*) (12) feb,mar,apr,jul
    Geotrygon chrysia 

  148. White-fronted (or Hispaniolan) Quail-Dove  (Perdiz Coquito Blanco)  (t3) (He) ______  (*) (3) mar,apr  (was conspecific with the Gray-headed Quail-Dove of Cuba)
    Geotrygon (caniceps) leucometopia

  149. Jamaican Parakeet (or Conure)  ______  (*) (14) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  
    Eupsittula (formerly Aratinga) nana  (monotypic)

    The Jamaican Parakeet was considered conspecific with what is now the Aztec Parakeet (or Conure) in Central America, Eupsittula astec; when merged it was known as the Olive-throated Parakeet (or Conure).
    This bird has spread in western Hispaniola.  (note follows list)

  150. Hispaniolan Parakeet (or Conure)  (Perico)  (t3) (He) (ph)  ______  (*) (16) jan,feb,mar,apr,dec  (p. 269)
    (formerly Aratinga) c. chloroptera  (another subspecies on Mona Island, off Puerto Rico, now extinct)  

  151. Hispaniolan Amazon (or Parrot (Cotorra)  (t3) (He) (ph)  ______  (*) (19) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Amazona ventralis 

  152. Mangrove Cuckoo  (Pajaro Bobo)  (ph)  ______  (*) (16) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Coccyzus minor
    (now said to be monotypic, formerly subspecies in West Indies: Coccyzus m. nesiotes)

  153. Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo  (Pajaro Bobo / Tacot)  (He) (ph)  ______  (*) (19) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 85)
    (formerly Saurothera) l. longirostris  (the other subspecies on the offshore islands of La Mahotiere & Gonave) 

  154. Bay-breasted Cuckoo  (Cua)  (t2) (He) ______  (*) (13) feb,mar,apr,jul  (has also been called Rufous-breasted Cuckoo)
    (formerly Hyetornis) rufigularis  (monotypic) 

  155. Yellow-billed Cuckoo  (ph)  ______
    Coccyzus americanus

  156. Black-billed Cuckoo  ______
    Coccyzus erythropthalmus

  157. Smooth-billed Ani  (Judio)  (ph)  ______  (*) (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Crotophaga ani 

  158. Barn Owl  (Lechuza Blanca)  (ph)  ______  (*) (2) mar,apr
    Tyto alba pratincola 
    (this is the same subspecies as in the cent & east US & in northern Central America) 

  159. Ashy-faced Owl  (Lechuza Comun)  (He) ______  (*) (8) feb,mar,apr,dec
    Tyto glaucops 

  160. Burrowing Owl  (Cucu)  (ph)  ______  (*) (13) mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 89)
    Athene cunicularia troglodytes
    (this subspecies endemic to Hispaniola, 2 other West Indian subspecies have been extirpated, in Antigua and Guadeloupe) 

  161. Stygian Owl  ______
    Asio stygius noctipetens 
    (subspecies endemic to Hispaniola) (has been considered as part of the subspecies A. s. siguara of Cuba)

  162. Short-eared Owl  (ph)  ______
    Asio flammeus domingensis 
    (subspecies endemic to Hispaniola, 1 of 2 subspecies in the Caribbean, with the other in Puerto Rico)   

  163. Northern Potoo  (Don Juan Grande / Bruja)  (ph)  ______  (*) (3) mar,apr
    Nyctibius jamaicensis abbotti
    (this subspecies endemic to Hispaniola)

  164. Chuck-Will's-Widow  (Don Juan)  ______  (*) (3) feb,apr,dec
    (formerly Caprimulgus) carolinensis  (monotypic)

  165. Hispaniolan Nightjar  (Pitangua)  (He)  ______  (*) (15) mar,apr,jul,dec
    (formerly Caprimulgus) ekmani (has been considered conspecific with Cuban Nightjar, C. cubanensis, and called Greater Antillean Nightjar)

  166. Least Poorwill  (Torico)  (t3) (He)  ______  (*) (11) mar,apr,jul,dec  (has also been called Least Pauraque)
    Siphonorhis brewsteri 
    (monotypic)  (The only other member of this genus, the
    Jamaican Pauraque may be extinct.)

  167. Antillean Nighthawk  (Querebebe) ______  (*) (10) mar,apr,jul
    Chordeiles g. gundlachii 
    (this subspecies of the Greater Antilles, the other of Florida & the Bahamas)

  168. Common Nighthawk ______  (*) (1) apr
    Chordeiles minor 
    (6 subspecies migrate between North & South America)

  169. White-collared Swift  (Vencejo de Collar)  ______  (*) (7) feb,mar,apr,dec
    Streptoprocne zonaris pallidifrons 
    (the subspecies of the Caribbean)

  170. American Black Swift  (Vencejo)  ______  (*) (4) feb,mar,apr,jul
    Cypseloides n. niger 
    (this is the subspecies of the Caribbean & Trinidad; present there during its breeding season) 

  171. Antillean Palm-Swift   (Vencejito)  ______  (*) (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Tachornis p. phoenicobia 
    (this is the subspecies of Hispaniola & Jamaica; the other is of Cuba)

  172. Chimney Swift  ______
    Chaetura pelagica

  173. Gray-rumped Swift  ______
    Chaetura cinereiventris

  174. Hispaniolan Emerald  (Zumbador)  (He) (ph)  ______  (*) (17) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 239)
    Chlorostilbon swainsonii 

  175. Antillean Mango  (Zumbador Grande)  (ph)  ______  (*) (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 209)
    Anthracothorax d. dominicus 
    (this subspecies endemic to Hispaniola, the "Dominican Mango")

  176. Vervain Hummingbird  (Zumbadorcito)  (ph)  ______  (*) (18) feb,mar,apr,jul
    Mellisuga minima vieillota 
    (this subspecies on Hispaniola & nearby small islands; the other on Jamaica)
    (in this genus, this species & the
    Bee Hummingbird
    of Cuba, reputed to be the smallest bird in the world)
  177. Ruby-throated Hummingbird  (ph)  ______
    Archilochus colubris

  178. Hispaniolan Trogon  (Papagayo (also a name for "parrot") / Cotorrita de Sierra / Piragua)  (nt) (He) (ph)   ______  (*) (18) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 169, 260-261)  (ALSO A PHOTO OF THIS SPECIES AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS LIST) 
    (was Temnotrogon) roseigaster  (monotypic)   
    (in this genus, only the 2
    trogons of the Caribbean, the other being the Cuban Trogon

  179. Belted Kingfisher  (Martin Pescador)  (ph)  ______  (*) (12) jan,feb,mar,apr,dec  (HA)
    (formerly Ceryle) alcyon  (monotypic)

  180. Narrow-billed Tody  (Barrancoli / Chi-cui)  (nt) (He)  ______  (*) (19) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 165)
    Todus angustirostris 
    (monotypic)  (this species at higher elevations)

  181. Broad-billed Tody  (Barrancoli / Barranquero)  (He) (ph)  ______  (*) (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 100-101, p. 339)
    Todus subulatus 
    (monotypic)  (this species at lower elevations)

  182. Antillean (or Hispaniolan) Piculet  (Carpintero Bolo)  (nt) (He)  ______  (*) (18) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul 
    Nesoctites m. micromegas
    (another subspecies on the offshore Gonave Island) (the single member of its genus)

  183. Hispaniolan Woodpecker  (Carpintero)  (He) (ph)  ______  (*) (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 338)
    Melanerpes striatus 

  184. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  (Carpintero de Paso)  (ph)  ______  (2) dec
    Sphyrapicus varius 

  185. Gray Kingbird  (Petigre)  (ph)  ______  (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Pipirit
    Tyrannus d. dominicensis 
    (this subspecies also in parts of North, Central & South America; the other subspecies in the Lesser Antilles & Trinidad) 

  186. Loggerhead Kingbird  (Manjuila)  (ph)  ______  (8) feb,mar,apr,dec
    Tyrannus caudifasciatus flavescens 
    (this subspecies endemic to Hispaniola & nearby small islands; another subspecies T. c. gabbii occurs in Haiti)

  187. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher  (ph)  ______
    Tyrannus forficatus

  188. Fork-tailed Flycatcher  (ph)  ______
    Tyrannus savana

  189. Stolid Flycatcher  (Manuelito)  ______  (18) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 332)
    Myiarchus stolidus dominicensis 
    (this subspecies endemic to Hispaniola; the other on Jamaica)

  190. Great Crested Flycatcher  (ph)  ______
    Myiarchus crinitus

  191. Hispaniolan Pewee  (Maroita)  (He) ______  (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 171)
    Contopus h. hispaniolensis
    (another subspecies on Gonave Island; formerly part of Greater Antillean Pewee

  192. Greater Antillean Elaenia  (Maroita Canosa)  ______  (14) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Elaenia fallax cherriei 
    (this subspecies endemic to Hispaniola; the other on Jamaica)

  193. Flat-billed Vireo  (Ciguita Juliana)  (He)  ______  (18) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 84)
    Vireo nanus 

  194. Black-whiskered Vireo  (Julian Chivi)  ______  (17) feb,mar,apr,jul
    Vireo a. altiloquus

  195. Red-eyed Vireo  ______
    Vireo olivaceus

  196. White-eyed Vireo  (ph)  ______
    Vireo griseus

  197. Thick-billed Vireo  ______
    Vireo crassirostris

  198. Yellow-throated Vireo  ______
    Vireo flavifrons 

  199. White-necked Crow  (Cuervo)  (t3) (He) (ph)  ______  (16) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (formerly occurred in Puerto Rico, last recorded there in the 1960s)
    Corvus leucognaphalus 

  200. Hispaniolan Palm Crow  (Cao)  (nt) (He) ______  (18) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 270-271)
    Corvus palmarum 
    (was conspecific with the Cuban Palm Crow, c. minutus)

  201. Cedar Waxwing  (ph)  ______
    Bombycilla cedrorum

  202. Palmchat  (Cigua Palmera)  (He) (ph)  ______  (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 214-215, p. 322)
    Dulus dominicus 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus & family, endemic to Hispaniola) 

  203. Golden Swallow  (Golondrina Verde)  (t3) ______  (18) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Tachycineta euchrysea sclateri
    (subspecies endemic to Hispaniola, the only other subspecies, on Jamaica, may now be extinct)

  204. Tree Swallow  (ph)  ______
    Tachycineta bicolor

  205. Caribbean Martin  (Golondrina Grande)  ______  (15) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Progne dominicensis 

  206. Purple Martin  (ph)  ______
    Progne subis

  207. Northern Rough-winged Swallow  (ph)  ______
    Stelgidopteryx serripennis

  208. Bank Swallow  ______
    Riparia riparia  

  209. Barn Swallow   (Golondrina del Norte)  (ph)  ______  (9) jan,feb,apr
    Hirundo rustica erythrogaster

  210. "Antillean" Cave Swallow  (Golondrina de Cuevas)  (ph)  ______  (10) feb,mar,apr,jul
    (formerly Hirundo) f. fulva  (subspecies endemic to Hispaniola)

  211. American Cliff Swallow  ______
    Petrochelidon pyrrhonota

  212. Ruby-crowned Kinglet  (ph)  ______
    Regulus calendula 

  213. Northern Mockingbird  (Ruisenor)  (ph)  ______  (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Mimus polyglottos orpheus
    (resident subspecies of the Caribbean, mostly the Greater Antilles) 

  214. Pearly-eyed Thrasher  (ph)  ______
    Margarops fuscatus

  215. Gray Catbird  (ph)  ______
    Dumetella carolinensis

  216. Red-legged Thrush  (Cigua Calandra / Chua-chua)  (ph)  ______  (17) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 170)
    Turdus plumbeus ardosiaceus 
    (this is the subspecies of Hispaniola & Puerto Rico)

  217. LaSelle Thrush  (Zorzal de La Selle)  (t2) (He) ______  (9) feb,mar,apr
    Turdus s. swalesi 
    (1 of 2 subspecies on Hispaniola)

  218. American Robin  (ph)  ______
    Turdus migratorius

  219. Bicknell's Thrush  (Zorzal de Bicknell)  (t3)  ______  (1) feb
    Catharus bicknelli

  220. Veery  ______
    Catharus fuscescens

  221. Wood Thrush  ______
    Hylocichia mustelina

  222. Rufous-throated Solitaire  (Jilguero)  ______  (17) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 238)
    Myadestes genibarbis montanus
    (subspecies endemic to Hispaniola; 1 of 6 subspecies in the Caribbean)

  223. House Sparrow  (Gorrion Domestico)  (Hi)  ______  (19) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Passer domesticus

  224. Village Weaver  (Madam Saga / Cigua Haitiana / Chichiquao) (Hi) (ph)  ______  (18) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 220)  (Native to Africa. First found in Haiti in 1796, now widespread throughout Hispaniola.)
    Ploceus cucullatus

  225. Nutmeg Mannikin  (Ciguita Cimearroz / Pecho Jabado) (Hi)  ______  (3) apr,dec  (also called Spice Finch or Scaly-breasted Munia)
    Lonchura punctulata

  226. Chestnut Mannikin  (Hi)  ______  (also called Black-headed Nun)
    Lonchura malacca 

  227. Antillean Euphonia  (Jilguerillo / Onza de Oro)  ______  (12) feb,mar,apr,dec  (was called Blue-hooded Euphonia when it was conspecific with what's now the Elegant Euphonia in Central America and the Golden-rumped Euphonia in South America) (Euphonias are now in the same family as Finches.) 
    Euphonia m. musica  (this subspecies endemic to Hispaniola)

  228. Antillean Siskin  (Canario)  (He) (ph)  ______  (12) feb,mar,apr,jul  (p. 295)
    Carduelis dominicensis 

  229. Hispaniolan Crossbill  (Periquito / Turquesa / Picocruzado) (t2) (He) (ph)  ______  (11) feb,mar,apr  (p. 184) (was considered part of the Two-barred, or White-winged, Crossbill, Loxia leucoptera)
    Loxia megaplaga  

  230. Black-and-white Warbler  (Pega Palo)  ______  (16) feb,mar,apr,dec
    Mniotilta varia 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  231. Prothonotary Warbler  (Ciguita Cabeza Amarilla)  (ph)  ______  (2) mar
    Protonotaria citrea 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

  232. Worm-eating Warbler  (Ciguita Cabeza Rayada)  ______  (1) dec
    Helmitheros vermivorus 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

  233. Swainson's Warbler  ______  
    Limnothlypis swainsonii

  234. Blue-winged Warbler  (Ciguita Ala Azul)  (ph)  ______  (1) mar
    Vermivora pinus 

  235. Golden-winged Warbler  ______
    Vermivora chrysoptera

  236. Tennessee Warbler  (Ciguita de Tenesi)  (ph)  ______  (1) apr
    (formerly Vermivora) peregrina  (monotypic)

  237. Nashville Warbler  (ph)  ______
    (formerly Vermivora) ruficapilla 

  238. Northern Parula  (Ciguita Parula)  (ph)  ______  (13) feb,mar,apr,dec
    (formerly Parula) americana  (monotypic)

  239. Yellow Warbler  (Canario de Manglar)  (ph)  ______  (13) feb,mar,apr  (p. 221)  (now considered distinct from the Mangrove Warbler of Central America, Setophaga erithachorides)
    (formerly Dendroica) petechia albicollis  (this subspecies is an endemic breeding resident on Hispaniola; some other subspecies that breed in North America winter on Hispaniola)

  240. Chestnut-sided Warbler  (ph)  ______  (1) apr
    (formerly Dendroica) pensylvanica  (monotypic)

  241. Magnolia Warbler  (Ciguita Magnolia)  (ph)  ______ (2) mar
    (formerly Dendroica) magnolia  (monotypic)

  242. Black-throated Blue Warbler  (Ciguita Azul con Garganta Negra)  ______  (15) feb,mar,apr,dec  (p. 164)
    (formerly Dendroica) caerulescens (2 subspecies winter in the Greater Antilles of the Caribbean: D. c. caerulescens & D. c. cairnsi

  243. Black-throated Green Warbler  (Ciguita Pechinegro)  (ph)  ______  (2) jan,mar,dec
    (formerly Dendroica) virens  (now said to be monotypic)

  244. "Myrtle" Yellow-rumped Warbler  (Ciguita Mirta)  (ph)  ______  (6) feb,mar,dec
    (formerly Dendroica) c. coronata

  245. Yellow-throated Warbler  (Ciguita Garganta Amarilla)  (ph)  ______ (3) feb,apr,dec
    (formerly Dendroica) dominica  (3 subspecies occur in the Caribbean)

  246. Cape May Warbler  (Ciguita Tigrina)  ______  (14) jan,feb,mar,apr,dec  (p. 323)
    (formerly Dendroica) tigrina  (monotypic)

  247. Pine Warbler  (Ciguita del Pinar)  (ph)  ______  (18) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (p. 168)
    (formerly Dendroica) pinus chrysoleuca (resident subspecies endemic to Hispaniola) 

  248. Prairie Warbler  (Ciguita de los Prados)  (ph)  ______  (10) jan,feb,mar,dec
    (formerly Dendroica) discolor (2 subspecies from North America winter in the Caribbean: D. d. discolor & D. d. paludicola)

  249. Palm Warbler  (Ciguita Palmar)  (ph)  ______  (10) feb,mar,apr,dec
    (formerly Dendroica) p. palmarum

  250. Blackburnian Warbler  (ph)  ______
    (formerly Dendroica) fusca

  251. Bay-breasted Warbler  ______
    (formerly Dendroica) castanea

  252. Blackpoll Warbler  (ph)  ______
    (formerly Dendroica) striata 

  253. Ovenbird  (Ciguita Saltarina)  (ph)  ______  (12) feb,mar,apr,dec
    Seiurus a. aurocapillus 
    (2 subspecies occur in the Caribbean: S.a. aurocapillus & S. aurocapillus furvior.)

  254. Northern Waterthrush  (Ciguita del Agua)  ______  (7) mar,apr
    (formerly Seiurus) noveboracensis  (now said to be monotypic)

  255. Louisiana Waterthrush  (Ciguita del Rio)  ______  (2) feb
    (formerly Seiurus) motacilla  (monotypic)

  256. Common Yellowthroat  (Ciguita Enmascarada)  (ph)  ______  (11) feb,mar,apr,dec
    Geothlypis t. trichas

  257. Kentucky Warbler  ______
    (formerly Oporornis) formosus

  258. Mourning Warbler  (ph)  ______
    (formerly Oporornis) philadelphia

  259. Connecticut Warbler  (ph)  ______
    Oporornis agilis

  260. Wilson's Warbler  ______
    (formerly Wilsonia) pusilla

  261. Canada Warbler  (ph)  ______
    (formerly Wilsonia) canadensis

  262. Hooded Warbler  ______ 
    (formerly Wilsonia) citrina

  263. American Redstart  (Bijirita)  (ph)  ______  (15) jan,feb,mar,apr,dec
    Setophaga ruticilla 

  264. Green-tailed Ground Tanager  (Ciguita Colaverde)  (He)  ______  (17) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec (was called Green-tailed (Ground) Warbler, or simply Ground Warbler
    Microligea palustris 
    (2 subspecies: M. p. palustris & M. p. vasta) (the single member of its genus)  

  265. Hispaniolan Highland Tanager  (Ciguita Aliblanca)  (t3) (He) ______  (12) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec (p. 154-155)  (was called White-winged Warbler)
    Xenoligea montana 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  266. Shiny Cowbird  (Pajaro Vaquero)  ______  (7) mar.apr,jul,dec  (has also been called Glossy Cowbird)
    Molothrus bonariensis minimus

  267. Greater Antillean Grackle  (Chinchilin)  ______  (19) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (HA): Mel Diab
    Quiscalus n. niger 
    (subspecies endemic to Hispaniola)

  268. Hispaniolan Oriole  (Cigua Canaria)  (He)  ______  (17) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (was known as Black-cowled Oriole, when it was considered conspecific with Central American population that's still called Black-cowled Oriole, Icterus prosthemelas; has also more recently been considered as part of the Greater Antillean Oriole, after the split from the Black-cowled.)
    Icterus (d.) dominicensis 

  269. Baltimore Oriole  (ph)  ______
    Icterus galbula

  270. Bobolink  (ph)  ______
    Dolichonyx oryzivorus

  271. Tawny-shouldered Blackbird  ______  (on Hispaniola, only in Haiti, where now severely threatened)  
    Agelaius humeralis

  272. Bananaquit  (Ciguita)  (ph)  ______  (19) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Coereba flaveola bananivora
    (this subspecies is endemic to Hispaniola) (In all, there are 41 subspecies throughout Latin America & the Caribbean. 24 of those subspecies are on islands in the Caribbean including some off the coasts of Mexico & Venezuela & on Trinidad & Tobago.) (The single member of its family.) 

  273. Rufous-collared Sparrow  (Ciguita, or Sigua, de Constanza; also Pincha)  (ph)  ______  (3) feb,mar,apr
    Zonotrichia capensis antillarum 
    (this subspecies is endemic to Hispaniola; the highlands of the central Dominican Republic is the only place this species occurs in the West Indies - although there is a subspecies that occurs at sea level on the Caribbean islands of Curacao & Aruba)   

  274. Grasshopper Sparrow  (ph)  ______
    Ammodramus savannarum intricatus 
    (resident subspecies endemic to Hispaniola) 

  275. Lincoln's Sparrow  (ph)  ______
    Melospiza lincolnii

  276. Greater Antillean Bullfinch  (Gallito Prieto)  ______  (19) feb,mar,apr,jul,dec
    Loxigilla violacea affinis 
    (this subspecies is endemic to Hispaniola & nearby small offshore islands)

  277. Yellow-faced Grassquit  (Ciguita de Hierba)  (ph)  ______  (19) feb,mar,apr,jul
    Tiaris o. olivaceus 
    (this subspecies occurs on Hispaniola, Jamaica, Cuba, & the Caymans)

  278. Black-faced Grassquit  (Juana Maruca)  (ph)  ______  (10) feb,apr,dec
    Tiaris bicolor marchii 
    (this subspecies occurs on Hispaniola & Jamaica)

  279. Hispaniolan Spindalis  (Cigua Amarilla)  (He) ______  (18) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (formerly called (Hispaniolan) Stripe-headed Tanager)
    Spindalis dominicensis  (monotypic)

  280. Black-crowned Tanager  (Cuatro Ojos)  (He) (ph)  ______  (19) jan,feb,mar,apr,jul,dec  (has been called Black-crowned Palm-Tanager)
    Phaenicophilus palmarum 

  281. Gray-crowned Tanager  (Cuatro Ojos)  (He)  ______  (1) apr  (has been called Gray-crowned Palm-Tanager) (this Haitian species is rare in the Dominican Republic, occurring only by the border) 
    Phaenicophilus p. poliocephalus 
    (another subspecies occurs on Gonave Island)

  282. Western Chat-Tanager  (El Chirri de los Bahorucos))  (t3) (He)  ______  (9) feb,mar,apr  (p. 126-127)
    Calyptophilus tertius   

  283. Eastern Chat-Tanager  (t3) (He)  ______  (1) feb
    Calyptophilus frugivorus

  284. Summer Tanager  (ph)  ______
    Piranga rubra

  285. Rose-breasted Grosbeak  (ph)  ______
    Pheucticus ludovicianus

  286. Blue Grosbeak  (ph)  ______  (1) apr
    Passerina caerulea

  287. Indigo Bunting  (Azulejo)  (ph)  ______  (1) apr
    Passerina cyanea


Some Notes regarding Birds listed above:

104: The Dunlin has probably been observed only rarely in the Dominican Republic (if at all). The book "A Guide to the Birds of the West Indies" indicates no sightings, although it notes some records to the west in Cuba and to the east in Puerto Rico. 2 birds were seen during our tour on December 28, 1998 at Salinas, along the southern DR coast west of Santo Domingo.

149: Jamaican Parakeets  (formerly Olive-throated Parakeets) were first found during our July '95 Dominican Republic tour, with a substantial number (15-20), in a wild, remote area in the western part of the country, at mid-elevation in the Baoruco Mountains. Also during that tour, 1 was found in a flock of Hispaniolan Conures/Parakeets in the city of Santo Domingo. 
During nearly all of our tours subsequent to 1995 in the Baoruco Mountains, the Jamaican Conure/Parakeet has been seen in that area.