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A List 
with some photos 
and Damselflies
in eastern 
North America

including those during 
 Focus On Nature Tours
 in North Carolina,
 the Delmarva Peninsula, 
 and elsewhere in the East 

This List 
of Dragonflies and Damselflies
compiled by Armas Hill


Photo at upper right: 
DAMSELFLIES known as STREAM BLUETS, Enallagma excsulans
Photo below: a DRAGONFLY known as the BLUE DASHER, Pachydiplax longipennis 
(upper photo by Doris Potter; lower photo by Howard Eskin)


Numbers noted as (D:xx) refer to plates with photos in "Dragonflies through Binoculars - A Field Guide to Dragonflies of North America", by Sidney Dunkle

Numbers noted as (P:xx) refer to pages with photos in "Dragonflies & Damselflies of the East", by Dennis Paulson

The second of these is a fine new book, an excellent field guide for the "odes" of eastern North America, published by Princeton University Press in 2011.

Another book, with some quite interesting text, is "Natural History of Delmarva Dragonflies and Damselflies", essays of a lifelong observer, by Hal White. Some notes in this list are from that book.   

DE:   occurs in Delaware
FL:   occurs in Florida
MD:  occurs in Maryland 
NC:   occurs in North Carolina
NJ:   occurs in New Jersey
PA:   occurs in Pennsylvania
VA:   occurs in Virginia

In Sussex County, in northern New Jersey, 142 species of dragonflies and damselflies has been recorded, more than in any other county in the United States.     

Links to Groupings within this List:

DRAGONFLIES    Darners     Clubtails    Dragonhunter    Spinylegs     Sanddragons     

    Ringtail     Spiketails    Cruisers     Emeralds     Sundragons     Baskettails    

Shadowdragons     Skimmers    Whitetails    Corporals    Meadowhawks    Dragonlets     

Saddlebags    Hyacinth Glider    Pasture Glider    Coastal Pennants

Tropical Pennants    Whitefaces    Small Pennants 

DAMSELFLIES     Broad-winged Damsels     Jewelwings     Rubyspots     Spreadwings     

Pond Damsels
Bluets     Forktails     Dancers     Sprites

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Other Lists & Photo Galleries of Dragonflies & Damselflies Elsewhere

Directory of Photos in the FONT Website


  1. Gray Petaltail  ______  (D:1) (P:165)  MD  NC(rare)  NJ(very rare)  PA
    Tachopteryx thoreyi

    The Gray Petaltail occurs quite locally at hillside seeps. 

    It is classified as endangered in New Jersey. It was known in Cecil County, Maryland in 1938, and it has never (yet) been observed in Delaware. 


    The following genus ANAX are the GREEN DARNERS:

  2. Common Green Darner ______ (D:1) (P:205)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Anax junius

    The Common Green Darner is the most widespread and most frequently seen large dragonfly in the United States. 

    Along the East Coast of the US and elsewhere, the Common Green Darner is a migrant that during the late-summer and fall can occur either in dense aggregations, in tens of thousands, or as thinly spread individuals moving over a broad front, streaming southward, often with several species of skimmers. This migration may be said to be one of the spectacles of nature. 
    The dragonflies head toward some "unknown destination".  A site has not yet been discovered in tropics comparable to that of Monarch butterflies and various species of birds.
    Recent late-fall observations suggest that the Green Darners may be congregating in the lowlands of Vera Cruz in Mexico. Dragonflies in eastern North America have, in recent years, been tracked with miniature radio transmitters in an attempt to learn where they go.   


    Common Green Darners, a male & a female 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  3. Comet Darner  ______  (D:1) (P:204)  DE  MD  NC  NJ(rare)  PA  VA
    Anax longipes

  4. Amazon Darner  ______  (P:203)  FL
    Anax amazili

    The following genus CORYPHAESCHNA are the PILOT DARNERS:

  5. Regal Darner  ______  (D:2) (P:184)  NC(rare)  VA(rare)
    Coryphaeschna ingens

    The only documented record of a Regal Darner on the Delmarva Peninsula was at Fisherman Island, Virginia, on July 26, 2003.   

  6. Mangrove Darner  ______  (D:2) (P:183)  FL
    Coryphaeschna viriditas

  7. Blue-faced Darner  ______  (D:2) (P:182)  FL
    Coryphaeschna adnexa

    The following genus TRIACANTHAGYNA are the THREE-SPINED DARNERS: 

  8. Phantom Darner  ______  (D:2) (P:180)  FL  NC(very rare) 
    Triacanthagyna trifida

  9. Pale-green Darner  ______  (P:179)  FL
    Triacanthagyna septima

    The following monotypic genus EPIAESCHNA is the SWAMP DARNER:

  10. Swamp Darner ______ (D:2) (P:173)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Epiaeschna heros

    A Swamp Darner, photographed in Harford County, Maryland in May 2014
    (photo by Pat Thompson)

    The following monotypic genus NASIAESCHNA is the CYRANO DARNER:

  11. Cyrano Darner  ______  (D:3) (P:174)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Nasiaeschna pentacantha

    The following genus GOMPHAESCHNA are the PYGMY DARNERS:

  12. Harlequin Darner  ______  (D:3) (P:168)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Gomphaeschna furcillata

    Harlequin Darners
    can be abundant in April on the Delmarva Peninsula in the Cypress Swamp and the Pocomoke River drainage.  

  13. Taper-tailed Darner  ______  (D:3) (P:169)  DE(south,rare)  MD(rare)  NC  NJ(rare)  PA
    Gomphaeschna antilope

    The following genus GYNACANTHA are the TWO-SPINED DARNERS:

  14. Twilight Darner  ______  (D:3) (P:177)  FL
    Gynacantha nervosa

    The following genus BOYERIA are the SPOTTED DARNERS:

  15. Ocellated Darner  ______  (D:3) (P:171)  MD(very rare)  NC(rare)  NJ(very rare)  PA
    Boyeria grafiana

  16. Fawn Darner  ______  (D:3) (P:170)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Boyeria vinosa

    The following genus BASIAESCHNA is the SPRINGTIME DARNER: 

  17. Springtime Darner  ______  (D:4) (P:176)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Basiaeschna janata

    The following genus AESHNA are the MOSAIC DARNERS:

    Of the 13 AESHNA species known in New England, only 3 are known on the Delmarva Peninsula:
    2 of the 3 have been documented only once. Only the Shadow Darner is common, and it only in northern Delmarva.    

  18. Shadow Darner  ______  (D:4) (P:199)  DE(north)  MD  NJ  NC  PA
    Aeshna umbrosa

    Among the darners of the northern Delmarva Peninsula, the Shadow Darner is fairly common.

  19. Lance-tipped Darner  ______  (D:4) (P:198)  MD  NJ(rare)  PA
    Aeshna constricta

    Aeshna constricta
    favors marshy ponds.

  20. Variable Darner  ______  (D:5) (P:193)  NJ
    Aeshna interrupta

  21. Black-tipped Darner  ______  (D:5) (P:186)  DE(north,very rare)  MD(rare)  NC(very rare)  NC  NJ(very rare)  PA
    Aeshna tuberculifera

    The only documented record of the Black-tipped Darner on the Delmarva Peninsula was in Delaware at Lums Pond in New Castle County in early October 1982 (the same place & date as the Green-striped Darner below).  

  22. Sedge Darner  ______  (D:5) (P:187)
    Aeshna juncea

  23. Subarctic Darner  ______  (D:5) (P:189)  NJ
    Aeshna subarctica

  24. Canada Darner  ______  (D:6) (P:191)  MD(rare)  NJ(rare)  PA
    Aeshna canadensis

  25. Green-striped Darner  ______  (D:6) (P:190)  DE(very rare)  MD(rare)  NC(very rare)  NJ(rare, but common in nw NJ)   PA
    Aeshna verticalis

    A rare documented record of the Green-striped Darner on the Delmarva Peninsula was in Delaware at Lums Pond in New Castle County in early October 1982 (the same place & date as the Black-tipped Darner (above)
    The Green-striped Darner is very rare in Delaware where it has been observed only twice in the last 40 years. Both times were at Lums Pond.   

  26. Lake Darner  ______  (D:6) (P:192)
    Aeshna eremita

  27. Zigzag Darner  ______  (D:6) (P:196)
    Aeshna sitchensis

  28. Azure Darner  ______  (D:6) (P:197)
    Aeshna septentrionalis

  29. Mottled Darner  ______  (D:6) (P:195)  NJ(rare)  PA
    Aeshna clepsydra

    The following genus RHIONAESCHNA are the NEOTROPICAL DARNERS:

  30. Spatterdock Darner  ______  (D:5) (P:202)  MD  NJ(very rare)  PA
    Rhionaeschna mutata  (formerly Aeshna multicolor)

    Rhionaeschna mutata prefers fishless ponds with spatterdock. The dragonfly lays its eggs on the stems of spatterdock flowers.


    The following monotypic genus HAGENIUS is the DRAGONHUNTER:

  31. Dragonhunter  ______  (D:6) (P:292)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Hagenius brevistylus

    In eastern North America, from Canada to southern Texas, there is no other dragonfly like the Dragonhunter. It is a top predator in the dragonfly food chain.

    Typically, the Dragonhunter perches on a dead stick with good visibility along a stream bank and waits for food to fly by. It eats large insects such as butterflies and other species of dragonflies. 

    On the Delmarva Peninsula, it is not common, but it is known along most of the larger streams, including the Pocomoke River in the south to the Big Elk and White Clay Creeks in the north.

    The following genus GOMPHUS are the COMMON CLUBTAILS:

  32. Clearlake Clubtail  ______  (D:7) (P:239)  NC(very rare)
    Gomphus australis

  33. Diminutive Clubtail  ______  (D:7) (P:236)  NC(rare)
    Gomphus diminutus

  34. Rapids Clubtail  ______  (D:7) (P:227)  MD(rare)  NC(very rare)  NJ(rare,north)  PA
    Gomphus quadricolor

    The Rapids Clubtail has been found in Howard County, Maryland.

  35. Harpoon Clubtail  ______  (D:7) (P:229)  MD(rare)  NC(very rare)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Gomphus descriptus

    The Harpoon Clubtail is classified as threatened in New Jersey. 

  36. Beaverpond Clubtail  ______  (D:7) (P:228)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Gomphus borealis

  37. Ashy Clubtail  ______  (D:8) (P:231)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Gomphus lividus

  38. Dusky Clubtail  ______  (D:8) (P:232)  NJ(rare,north)  PA
    Gomphus spicatus

  39. Lancet Clubtail ______ (D:8) (P:224)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Gomphus exilis

  40. Cypress Clubtail  ______  (D:8) (P:233)  FL
    Gomphus minutus

  41. Sandhill Clubtail   ______  (D:8) (P:234,235)  FL  NC(very rare)
    Gomphus cavillaris

  42. Moustached Clubtail  ______  (D:9) (P:245)  MD(very rare)  NC(very rare)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Gomphus adelphus

  43. Green-faced Clubtail  ______  (D:9)  (P:243)  MD(very rare)  NC(very rare)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Gomphus viridifrons 

  44. Piedmont Clubtail ______ (D:9) (P:247)  MD  NC(rare)
    Gomphus parvidens

  45. Spine-crowned Clubtail  (ph)  ______ (D:9) (P:246)  MD(very rare)  NC(rare)  NJ(rare,north)  PA
    Gomphus abbreviatus

    Spine-crowned Clubtail
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  46. Banner Clubtail  ______  (D:9) (P:250)   DE(rare,south)  NC(rare)  NJ(very rare,south)  (species described in 1966, but see note below)
    Gomphus apomyius

    The Banner Clubtail is classified as threatened in New Jersey.

    In the mid-1950s, a new clubtail species was discovered in the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey, but it was not described formally due to procrastination. What turned out to the same species, Gomphus apomyius, was described in the 1960s in eastern Texas.

    The Banner Clubtail gets its common name from the bright yellow spot near the widened end of its stubby abdomen, which it holds high as it flies and hovers over riffles. Its flight season is brief and early, peaking in mid-May.  

  47. Cherokee Clubtail  ______  (D:9) (P:264,265)  NC(very rare)
    Gomphus consangius

  48. Sable Clubtail  ______  (D:9) (P:266)  DE(rare)  MD(rare)  NC(rare)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Gomphis rogersi

    Before 2007, the Blackbird Creek in northern Delaware was the only known place on the Delmarva Peninsula for the Sable Clubtail.
    In 2007, a new site was discovered not far away, by the Unicorn Creek near Millington, Maryland.
    In 2008, another site was found in Sussex County in southern Delaware. 

  49. Skillet Clubtail  ______  (D:10) (P:263)  MD  NC(very rare)  NJ(rare,north)  PA
    Gomphus ventricosus

  50. Cobra Clubtail  ______  (D:10) (P:258)  MD  NC(rare)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Gomphus vastus

    In Maryland, the Cobra Clubtail is known to occur along the lower Susquehanna River.

  51. Blackwater Clubtail  ______  (D:10) (P:261)  FL  NC(rare)
    Gomphus dilatatus

  52. Splendid Clubtail  ______  (D:10) (P:262)  MD(very rare)  NC(rare)  PA
    Gomphus lineatifrons  

  53. Midland Clubtail  ______  (D:10) (P:251)  DE(rare,south)  MD(rare)  NC(very rare)  NJ(north)  PA
    Gomphus fraternus

    It was a total surprise in mid-May 2002 when an unusual clubtail was caught during a survey of the Nanticoke watershed in southern Delaware. Nothing like it was known from the coastal plain, or anywhere nearby.
    Two years later, in that same region, a thriving population of the same dragonfly, the Midland Clubtail, was found. That was also in mid-May, a time of year when few other species of dragonflies are around.

    The Midland Clubtail is also known from by the Potomac River in Maryland, near Washington DC.  

  54. Septima's Clubtail  ______  (D:11) (P:254)  NC(very rare)  NJ(very rare)  (species described in 1956)
    Gomphus septima

  55. Westfall's Clubtail  ______  (P:237)  FL
    Gomphus westfalli

  56. Hodge's Clubtail  ______  (P:238)  FL
    Gomphus hodgesi

  57. Two-striped Clubtail  ______  (P:248)  FL
    Gomphus geminatus

  58. Cocoa Clubtail  ______  (P:256)  NC(rare)
    Gomphus hybridus

    The following genus STYLURUS are the HANGING CLUBTAILS:

  59. Zebra Clubtail  ______  (D:12) (P:279,280)  MD(very rare)  NC(rare)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Stylurus scudderi

  60. Arrow Clubtail  ______  (D:12) (P:283)  DE(north)  MD  NC(rare)  NJ(rare,north)  PA  VA
    Stylurus spiniceps

  61. Russet-tipped Clubtail  ______  (D:12) (P:282)  DE  MD  NC  NJ(very rare)
    Stylurus plagiatus

  62. Shining Clubtail  ______  (D:12) (P:276)  NC(rare)
    Stylurus ivae

  63. Laura's Clubtail  ______  (D:13) (P:275)  DE(central)  MD  NC
    Stylurus laurae

  64. Riverine Clubtail  ______  (D:13) (P:273,274)  MD  NC(rare)  PA
    Stylurus amnicola

  65. Townes' Clubtail  ______  (D:13)  NC(very rare)
    Stylurus townesi

  66. Elusive Clubtail  ______  (D:13) (P:281)   PA
    Stylurus notatus

    The following genus DROMOGOMPHUS are the SPINYLEGS:

  67. Black-shouldered Spinyleg  ______  (D:13) (P:288)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Dromogomphus spinosus

  68. Southeastern Spinyleg  ______  (D:13) (P:290,291)  FL  NC(rare)
    Dromogomphus armatus

    The following genus ARIGOMPHUS are the POND CLUBTAILS:

  69. Lilypad Clubtail  ______  (D:14) (P:215)   NJ(very rare)  PA
    Arigomphus furcifer

  70. Unicorn Clubtail  (ph)  ______  (D:14) (P:216)  DE  MD  NC(rare)  NJ  PA
    Arigomphus villosipes

    Unicorn Clubtail
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  71. Gray-green Clubtail  ______  (D:14) (P:221)  FL  NC(very rare)
    Arigomphus pallidus 

  72. Horned Clubtail  ______  (P:214)
    Arigomphus cornutus

    In the following genus STYLOGOMPHUS, mostly Asian, the LEAST CLUBTAIL:   

  73. Eastern Least Clubtail  ______  (D:15) (P:311)  DE(north)  MD  NC(rare)  NJ  PA
    Stylogomphus albistylus

    The following genus LANTHUS are the PYGMY CLUBTAILS:  

  74. Northern Pygmy Clubtail  ______  (D:15) (P:314)  MD(rare)  PA
    Lanthus parvulus

  75. Southern Pygmy Clubtail  ______  (D:15) (P:315)  MD(rare)  NC(rare)  NJ  PA
    Lanthus vernalis  

    The following genus PROGOMPHUS are the SANDDRAGONS

  76. Common Sanddragon  ______  (D:15) (P:208)  DE  MD  NC  NJ(south)  PA
    Progomphus obscurus

  77. Tawny Sanddragon  ______  (D:15) (P:209)  FL
    Progomphus alachuensis

  78. Belle's Sanddragon  ______  (P:210)  FL  NC(rare)
    Progomphus bellei

    The following genus OPHIOGOMPHUS are the SNAKETAILS:

  79. Boreal Snaketail  ______  (D:16) (P:295)
    Ophiogomphus colubrinus

  80. Extra-striped Snaketail  ______  (D:16) (P:308)  NJ(historic,north)
    Ophiogomphus anomalus

  81. Pygmy Snaketail  ______  (D:16) (P:309)  NC(very rare,west)  PA
    Ophiogomphus howei

  82. Rusty Snaketail  ______  (D:17) (P:304)  MD(rare)  NJ(rare,north)  PA
    Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis

    The Rusty Snaketail has been found in Howard County, Maryland.

  83. Appalachian Snaketail  ______  (D:17) (P:298)  DE(very rare)  MD(very rare)  NC(rare)  PA(very rare)  (species described in 1982)
    Ophiogomphus incurvatus 

    Prior to being described, this dragonfly was seemingly found in northern Delaware in 1973, along the White Clay Creek.
    The Appalachian Snaketail was first found in Pennsylvania in 2003, in York County.   

  84. Edmund's Snaketail  ______  (D:17) (P:297)  NC(very rare,west)  PA  (species described in 1951)
    Ophiogomphus edmundo

  85. Maine Snaketail  ______  (D:17) (P:302)  MD(very rare)  NC(very rare)  NJ(rare,north)  PA
    Ophiogomphus mainensis

  86. Rifle Snaketail  ______  (D:17) (P:296)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Ophiogomphus carolus

  87. Brook Snaketail  ______  (D:18) (P:300)  NC(very rare,west)  NJ(very rare,north) 
    Ophiogomphus aspersus

    The Brook Snaketail is classified as threatened in New Jersey. 

  88. Chesapeake Snaketail  ______  MD(very rare)
    Ophiogomphus sp.

    The following genus ERPETOGOMPHUS are the RINGTAILS:

  89. Eastern Ringtail  ______  (D:18) (P:293)  MD(rare)  NC(rare)
    Erpetogomphus designatus

    The following genus APHYLLA are the FORCEPTAILS:

  90. Two-striped Forcetail  ______  (D:19) (P:213)  NC(rare,east)
    Aphylla williamsoni


  91. Tiger Spiketail  ______  (D:20) (P:317)  DE  MD  NC(rare)  NJ(rare)  PA
    Cordulegaster erronea

  92. Say's Spiketail  ______  (D:20) (P:321)  FL(north)
    Cordulegaster sayi

  93. Twin-spotted Spiketail  ______  (D:20) (P:318)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Cordulegaster maculata

  94. Delta-spotted Spiketail  ______  (D:20) (P:322)  DE  MD  NJ  PA  VA
    Cordulegaster diastatops

  95. Brown Spiketail  ______  (D:20) (P:323)  DE  MD  NC(rare)  (species described in 1983)
    Cordulegaster bilineata

  96. Arrowhead Spiketail  ______  (D:20) (P:319,320)  MD(rare)  NC(rare)  NJ(rare,north)
    Cordulegaster obliqua

    Cordulegaster obliqua fasciata  ______  MD
    (very rare) 

    The Arrowhead Spiketail has never been reported in Delaware, even though it has been seen in Caroline County, Maryland, less than one mile from the Delaware state line.
    Generally where the species occurs, in the eastern US, it is usually seen in May or June.


    The following genus DIDYMOPS are the BROWN CRUISERS;

  97. Stream Cruiser  ______  (D:21) (P:326)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Didymops transversa

  98. Florida Cruiser  ______  (D:21) (P:327)   FL
    Didymops floridensis 

    The following genus MACROMIA are the RIVER CRUISERS:

  99. "Illinois" Swift River Cruiser  ______  (D:21) (P:328)  DE(north)  MD(north)  NC  NJ(north)  PA
    Macromia illinoiensis illinoiensis 

  100. "Georgia" Swift River Cruiser  ______ (D:21) (P:329)  DE  MD  NC  NJ(south)
    Macromia illinoiensis georgina

  101. Allegheny River Cruiser  ______  (D:21) (P:330)  MD(rare)  NC(rare)  NJ(very rare,south)  PA
    Macromia alleghaniensis

    Macromia alleghaniensis
    occurs along coastal plain streams in southern New Jersey. 

  102. Royal River Cruiser  ______  (D:21) (P:334,335)  DE  MD  NC  VA
    Macromia taeniolata

  103. Mountain River Cruiser  ______  (P:331)  NC(rare)
    Macromia margarita


    The following genus CORDULIA are the COMMON EMERALDS:

  104. American Emerald  ______  (D:22) (P:339)  MD  NC(very rare)  NJ(rare,north)  PA
    Cordulia shurtleffil

    The following genus DOROCORDULIA are the LITTLE EMERALDS:

  105. Racket-tailed Emerald  ______  (D:22) (P:341)  NJ(rare,north)  PA
    Dorocordulia libera

  106. Petite Emerald  ______  (D:22) (P:340)  MD  NJ  PA
    Dorocordulia lepida

    The Petite Emerald is well known in southern New Jersey, but it has not yet been found in Delaware, or anywhere on the Delmarva Peninsula.

    The following genus WILLIAMSONIA are the BOGHAUNTERS:

  107. Ringed Boghaunter  ______  (D:22) (P:337,338)  NJ(historic,north)
    Williamsonia lintneri

  108. Ebony Boghaunter  ______  (D:22) (P:336,337)
    Williamsonia fletcheri  

    The following genus HELOCORDULIA are the SUNDRAGONS:

  109. Sely's Sundragon  ______  (D:22) (P:343)  DE(rare)  MD(rare)  NC  (another name is Sely's Sunfly
    Helocordulia selysii

    Helocordulia selysii
    is classified as threatened in Maryland.

    A single Sely's Sundragon was collected along the Choptank River in Kent County, Delaware in April 1937. That was the only record of the species on the Delmarva Peninsula until almost 70 years later in May 2006, when it was found by a tributary of the Nanticoke River in Sussex County, Delaware. 
    In 2010, it was found along the Marshyhope Creek south of Smithville, Maryland.

    The male Sely's Sundragon flies a regular beat along stream edges about a foot above the water. Those familiar with the species in North Carolina, claim that it rarely flies when the temperature is over 70 degrees F. 
    On the Delmarva Peninsula, it is said to have an early and short flight season that ends in mid-May.

  110. Uhler's Sundragon  ______  (D:22) (P:344)  MD  NC(rare)  NJ  PA
    Helocordulia uhleri

    Helocordulia uhleri
    occurs along clean flowing Piedmont stream in Maryland, New Jersey, & Pennsylvania. 

    The following genus EPITHECA are the BASKETTAILS:

  111. Common Baskettail ______ (D:23) (P:385)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    (or Tetragoneuria) cynosura

  112. Prince Baskettail ______ (D:23) (P:397)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    (or Epicordulia) princeps

  113. Mantled Baskettail  ______  (D:23) (P:386,387)  DE(very rare)  MD  NC  NJ(south)
    Epitheca (or Tetragoneuria) semiaquea

    In Cumberland County, in southern New Jersey, the Mantled Baskettail is considered a common species, having been found at 17 of 24 survey sites. 
    However, across the Delaware Bay, on the Delmarva Peninsula, there have only been 1 or 2 unconfirmed records of the species. That scarcity is probably due to the lack of bogs and cedar swamps. 
    The Mantled Baskettail is well known south of the Delmarva Peninsula. 

    The small Mantled Baskettail has an early flight season that is mostly done by the first week of June.       

  114. Slender (or Stripe-winged) Baskettail  ______  (D:23) (P:388,389)  DE  MD(very rare)  NC  NJ(rare,south)
    Epitheca costalis

  115. Spiny Baskettail  ______  (P:393)  NJ(historic,north)  PA
    Epitheca spinigera

  116. Beaverpond Baskettail  ______  (P:394)  MD  NJ(rare,north)  PA
    Epitheca canis

  117. Robust Baskettail  ______  (P:396)  DE(south)  MD(rare)  NC(rare)  NJ(very rare)
    (or Tetragoneuria) spinosa

    The Robust Baskettail is in cypress stands in late April & early May. 

    A "healthy" population of Robust Basketails was discovered in April 2010 at the Idylwild Wildlife Management Area in Caroline County, Maryland.   

    The species is classified as threatened in New Jersey.

  118. Florida Basketail  ______  (P:390)  FL
    Epitheca stella

  119. Sepia Basketail  ______  (P:391,392)  FL
    Epitheca sepia

    The following genus SOMATOCHLORA are the STRIPED EMERALDS:

  120. Ringed Emerald  ______  (D:23) (P:346)
    Somatochlora albicincta

  121. Lake Emerald  ______  (D:24) (P:349)
    Somatochlora cingulata

  122. Mocha Emerald  ______  (D:24) (P:363)  DE  MD  NC  NJ(rare)  PA
    Somatochlora linearis

  123. Fine-lined Emerald  ______  (D:24) (P:365)  DE  MD(rare)  NC  NJ(rare,south)
    Somatochlora filosa

  124. Treetop Emerald  ______  (D:24) (P:368)  DE(south)  MD(very rare)  NC(rare)  NJ(rare,south)  (was conspecific with the Texas Emerald)
    Somatochlora provocans  

  125. Clamp-tipped Emerald  ______  (D:24) (P:371)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Somatochlora tenebrosa

  126. Williamson's Emerald  ______  (D:25) (P:358)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Somatochlora williamsoni

  127. Ski-tipped Emerald  ______  (D:25) (P:357)  MD(rare)  NC(rare)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA  (was called Ski-tailed Emerald)
    Somatochlora elongata

  128. Ocellated Emerald  ______  (D:25) (P:359)
    Somatochlora minor 

  129. Brush-tipped Emerald  ______  (D:25) (P:361)  MD(very rare)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Somatochlora walshii

  130. Forcipate Emerald  ______  (D:26) (P:353)  NJ(north)  PA
    Somatochlora forcipata

  131. Incurvate Emerald  ______  (D:26) (P:354)  PA
    Somatochlora incurvata

  132. Kennedy's Emerald  ______  (D:26) (P:356)  NJ(rare,north)
    Somatochlora kennedyi

    The Kennedy's Emerald is classified as threatened in New Jersey.

  133. Delicate Emerald  ______  (D:26) (P:355)
    Somatochlora franklini

  134. Coppery Emerald  ______  (D:26) (P:364)  MD(very rare)  NC(rare)  NJ(very rare,south)  VA(very rare)
    Somatochlora geogiana

    Prior to the 1970s, the Coppery Emerald was known to occur only in the southeastern US. Subsequently, several populations have been found in eastern Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.
    Isolated specimens have also been found in New Jersey and Virginia,

    In June 2010, a recently-emerged Coppery Emerald was found in the flood plain of the Marshyhope Creek, in the Idylwild Wildlife Management Area in Caroline County, Maryland. It was the first record of the species on the Delmarva Peninsula.
    Later that year, ovipositing Coppery Emeralds were discovered in flood plain swamps of the Pocomoke watershed in two other counties of eastern Maryland.      

    The Coppery Emerald does not look like its emerald relatives. It is smaller than all of them. It is copper brown rather than black or dark brown. It lacks emerald green eyes. In fact, it does not look like an emerald at all.
    It is about the size of a basketail, but more slender.  

  135. Quebec Emerald  ______  (P:348)
    Somatochlora brevicincta

  136. Whitehouse's Emerald  ______  (P:350)
    Somatochlora whitehousei

  137. Muskeg Emerald  ______  (P:352)
    Somatochlora septentrionalis

  138. Calvert's Emerald  ______  (P:366,367)  FL
    Somatochlora calverti

    The following genus NEUROCORDULIA are the SHADOWDRAGONS:

  139. Alabama Shadowdragon  ______  (D:27) (P:380)  NC
    Neurocordulia alabamensis

  140. Cinnamon Shadowdragon  ______  (D:27) (P:381)  NC(rare)
    Neurocordulia virginiensis

  141. Smoky Shadowdragon  ______  (D:27) (P:382)  NC(rare,east)
    Neurocordulia molesta

  142. Umber Shadowdragon  ______  (D:27) (P:378)  DE(very rare,south)  MD  NC  NJ(very rare)  PA
    Neurocordulia obsoleta

    The Umber Shadowdragon flies ghost-like at twilight, low over the water of a stream.
    Sometimes one may encounter the remains of its larval skin clinging to a bridge abutment.
    Delaware's only record is from such an occurrence at the bridge at Collins Pond in Sussex County.

    In May 2006, about 20 exuviae (the tem for shedded larval skins) were found, clinging to a bridge abutment along the Choptank River in Caroline County, Maryland.

    But as for seeing the dragonfly itself, the Umber Shadowdragon can be as elusive as a Cougar. 

    Compared to day-flying dragonflies, adult Umber Shadowdragons have particularly large eyes for seeing in dim light.
    The species is overall brown, lacking bright colors or a striking pattern. Since, therefore, it is so hard to observe, the distribution of the Umber Shadowdragon is not as well known as it could be.          

  143. Stygian Shadowdragon  ______  (D:27) (P:377)  DE(south)  MD  NC(very rare)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Neurocordulia yamaskanensis

  144. Broad-tailed Shadowdragon  ______  (D:27) (P:379)
    Neurocordulia michaeli 


    The following genus PLATHEMIS are the WHITETAILS:

  145. Common Whitetail  (ph)  ______ (D:28) (P:400)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Plathemis lydia

    Above & below: Common Whitetails
    Above, a male. Below, a female.
    (upper photo by Howard Eskin, lower photo by Marie Gardner) 

    And below, an immature.
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

    The following genus LADONA are the CORPORALS:

  146. Blue Corporal  ______  (D:30) (P:402)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  VA
    (formerly Libellula) deplanota
    (formerly Libellula) deplanota

  147. White Corporal  ______  (D:30) (P:403)  MD(very rare)  NJ
    Ladona (formerly Libellula) exusta

    Ladona exusta is classified as endangered in Maryland. In New Jersey, it is common in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey where it occurs at many shallow, well-vegetated ponds.
    There have been no reliable sightings of the White Corporal in Delaware. 

  148. Chalk-fronted Corporal  ______  (D:29) (P:405)  MD  NJ  PA
    (formerly Libellula) julia (formerly Libellula) julia

    The following genus LIBELLULA are the KING SKIMMERS:

  149. Widow Skimmer  (ph)  ______  (D:28) (P:411)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Libellula luctuosa

    A male Widow Skimmer
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  150. Twelve-spotted Skimmer  (ph)  ______  (D:29) (P:409)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Libellula pulchella

    The Twelve-spotted Skimmer has also been called the "Ten Spot" for the number of white spots in the wings of the male, rather than the number of brown spots.

    Twelve-spotted Skimmer
    (photo by Kate Somerville) 
  151. Painted Skimmer ______ (D:29) (P:408)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Libellula semifasciata

  152. Four-spotted Skimmer  ______  (D:29) (P:407)  NJ(rare,north)  PA  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Libellula quadrimaculata

  153. Spangled Skimmer ______ (D:30) (P:413)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Libellula cyanea

  154. Yellow-sided Skimmer  ______  (D:31) (P:412)  DE(north)  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Libellula flavida

  155. Golden-winged Skimmer  ______  (D:31) (P:419)  MD  NC  NJ(south)  PA
    Libellula auripennis

    The Golden-winged Skimmer and the following species, the Needham's Skimmer, look much alike.
    The reliable characteristics to distinguish them are subtle, and difficult to see with binoculars or even in the hand.
    One difference is the color of the vein at the leading edge of each wing. 
    In the Golden-winged Skimmer, it is uniformly golden, while in the Needham's Skimmer it is slightly darker and brownish in the first half.
    Another difference is the shape of the light-colored area on the sides of the thorax. 
    In the Golden-winged Skimmer, it is diagonal and does not extend forward, while it is more horizontal in the Needham's Skimmer and extends further.

    In Massachusetts, on  Cape Cod, where both the Golden-winged Skimmer and Needham's Skimmer occur, the two species are said to nearly never be together. The Golden-winged Skimmer inhabits fresh water sandy-bottomed ponds, while the Needham's Skipper stays in or close to the salt marshes.

    The Needham's Skimmer occurs in coastal marshes from southern Maine to southern Texas, except in Florida where it can be found statewide.

    A bright red-orange dragonfly in central Pennsylvania or in the West Virginia mountains is likely to be a Golden-winged Skimmer.

    According to Hal White in the "Natural History of Delmarva Dragonflies & Damselflies", there is no verifiable record of the Golden-winged Skimmer on the Delmarva Peninsula, even though suitable habitat exits.  

    Prior to 1943, the Needham's Skimmer had not been distinguished from the closely-related Golden-winged Skimmer.

    Is it a Golden-winged Skimmer?  It was photographed at Brigantine Refuge in New Jersey.  
    Photos of the Needham's Skimmer follow below.
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  156. Needham's Skimmer  ______  (D:31) (P:422)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  VA  (species described in 1943, see note above)
    Libellula needhami

    Above & below: Needham's Skimmers
    Above a male; below a female
    (photos by Marie Gardner)

    Below: two additional photos of Needham's Skimmers.
    photographed in Delaware in July 2014
    (both photos by Marie Gardner)

  157. Purple Skimmer  ______  (D:31)  (P:420)  FL
    Libellula jesseana

  158. Great Blue Skimmer ______ (D:32) (P:418)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Libellula vibrans

  159. Slaty Skimmer ______ (D:33) (P:416)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Libellula incesta

  160. Bar-winged Skimmer  ______  (D:33) (P:414,415)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA VA
    Libellula axilena

    The following genus ORTHEMIS are the TROPICAL KING SKIMMERS:

  161. Roseate Skimmer  (ph)  ______  (D:33) (P:424)  NC(rare)  FL  VA(very rare)
    Orthemis ferruginea

    The first, and so far the only record of a Roseate Skimmer on the Delmarva Peninsula was at the southern tip of Fisherman Island, Virginia, at the southern tip of the peninsula. It was found while migrating Monarch butterflies were being banded, on October 15, 2005. That was the 2nd record for the Roseate Skimmer in Virginia.      

    Before 1930, the Roseate Skimmer was known as tropical dragonfly known in the Florida Keys. Now it is common along the Gulf Coast and is found in many southern US states from California to the Carolinas.
    Since 2000, there have been sightings in Richmond, Virginia, Washington DC, and near Baltimore, Maryland.  

    Roseate Skimmer
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  162. Antillean Skimmer  ______  (P:425)  FL
    Orthemis ferruginea

    The following genus CROCOTHEMIS are the SCARLET SKIMMERS:

  163. Scarlet Skimmer  ______  (D:34) (P:458)  FL
    Crocothemis servilia

    The following genus SYMPETRUM are the MEADOWHAWKS:

  164. Black Meadowhawk  ______  (D:34) (P:484)  NJ(very rare)
    Sympetrum danae

    There is only 1 record of the Black Meadowhawk in New Jersey, in Sussex County in 2002. 

  165. Blue-faced Meadowhawk  ______  (D:34) (P:474,475)  DE  MD  NC  NJ(rare,south)  PA  VA
    Sympetrum ambiguum

  166. Autumn Meadowhawk  ______  (D:35) (P:485,486)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Sympetrum vicinum

    Another name for Sympetrum vicinum is Yellow-legged Meadowhawk.

    Autumn Meadowhawks
    actually first appear in June. Found at that time are yellow-colored young adults.
    Otherwise, in the summer they seem to be scarce until they do become quite common in the early fall.
    In the fall, males flying in tandem with brownish-red females are particularly noticeable over shallow water as the females tap the water to lay their eggs.

    By the Thanksgiving holiday, in the northeastern US, most dragonflies are gone for the year. But, at that time, some Autumn Meadowhawks persist.
    On the Delmarva Peninsula, there have been reports of the Autumn Meadowhawk as late as December 8 in Salisbury, Maryland, and even later in southern New Jersey.
    Elsewhere, the species has been seen as late as December 5 in southern New Hampshire, and December 14 in northern Ohio.

    Years ago, at the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, a professor of biology who was a dragonfly expert, kept notes in relation to 3-minute walks he would take between classes to a small pond on campus where, on occasion, he would see Autumn Meadowhawks. During 24 years, from 1898 to 1924, his latest date for the species was November 23, sometime after the first hard frost.           

  167. Saffron-winged Meadowhawk  ______  (D:35) (P:480,481)  NJ(very rare)  PA
    Sympetrum costiferum

    There is only 1 record of the Saffron-winged Meadowhawk in New Jersey, in Hunterdon County in 1973.  

  168. Band-winged Meadowhawk  ______  (D:36) (P:482)  DE(north)  MD  NC(rare)  NJ  PA
    Sympetrum semicinctum

  169. Cherry-faced Meadowhawk  ______  (D:36) (P:478,479)  DE  MD  NJ  PA  (as a species described in 1943, was previously part of the Ruby Meadowhawk
    Sympetrum interum

    The Cherry-faced Meadowhawk & the following species, the Ruby Meadowhawk, are indistinguishable in binoculars.

    The Jane's Meadowhawk, that was described as a species in 1993 as Sympetrum janeae, has also been said to be an eastern form of the Cherry-faced Meadowhawk, but without a cherry-red face. This is this form that is mostly found in eastern North America.   

  170. Ruby Meadowhawk  (ph)  ______  (D:36) (P:477)  DE  MD  NC(west)  NJ(rare)  PA
    Sympetrum rubicundulum 

    Above & below: Ruby Meadowhawks
    The upper photo is of a male. The lower photo, a female. 
    (both photos by Doris Potter)

  171. White-faced Meadowhawk  ______  (D:36) (P:476)  MD  NC(very rare)  NJ(rare)  PA
    Sympetrum obtrusum

    Although the White-faced Meadowhawk has been known to occur rarely in New Jersey, it has not yet been found on the Delmarva Peninsula.

  172. Variegated Meadowhawk  ______  (D:35) (P:472)  MD  NC(migrant)  NJ(vagrant)  PA
    Sympetreum corruptum

    The Variegated Meadowhawk, of western North America, has sporadically occurred along the Atlantic coast as far north as Nova Scotia.
    However, there have been no records of the Variegated Meadowhawk in New Jersey since 1994, and it has not ever been found on the Delmarva Peninsula.

    The following genus ERYTHRODIPLAX are the DRAGONLETS:

  173. Little Blue Dragonlet  ______  (D:37) (P:466)  MD(very rare)  NC  NJ(very rare)
    Erythrodiplax minuscula

    In New Jersey, there is a single record of the Little Blue Dragonlet in September 2005, in Ocean County.

  174. Seaside Dragonlet  ______  (D:37) (P:467,468)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  VA
    Erythrodiplax berenice

  175. Band-winged Dragonlet  ______  (P:470)  FL
    Erythrodiplax umbrata

    In the following genus NANNOTHEMIS, the ELFIN SKIMMER:

  176. Elfin Skimmer  ______  (D:38) (P:456)  DE  MD(very rare)  NC(rare)  NJ  PA
    Nannothemis bella

    The Elfin Skimmer is the smallest dragonfly in North America. 

    Nannothemis bella is classified as endangered in Maryland.

    The following genus PERITHEMIS are the AMBERWINGS:

  177. Eastern Amberwing  ______  (D:38) (P:427)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Perithemis tenera

    The following genus ERYTHEMIS are the PONDHAWKS:

  178. Eastern Pondhawk  (ph)  ______ (D:39) (P:464,465)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Erythemis simplicicollis

    Above & below:  Eastern Pondhawks
    Upper photo: a mostly-blue male; middle photo: a green female
    Lower photo: another male
    (upper photo by Marie Gardner; lower photo by Howard Eskin)

  179. Great Pondhawk  ______  (D:39) (P:462)  FL
    Erythemis vesiculosa

  180. Pin-tailed Pondhawk  ______  (D:40) (P:461)  FL
    Erythemis plebeja

    The following monotypic genus PACHYDIPLAX is the BLUE DASHER:

  181. Blue Dasher ______ (D:39) (P:492,493)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Pachydiplax longipennis

    Above & below: Blue Dashers
    (upper photo by Marie Gardner; lower photo by Rise Hill)

    The following genus MICRATHYRIA are the TROPICAL DASHERS:

  182. Spot-tailed Dasher  ______  (P:488)  FL
    Micrathyria aequalis

  183. Three-striped Dasher  ______  (P:491)  FL
    Micrathyia didyma

    The following genus THOLYMIS are the EVENING SKIMMERS:

  184. Evening Skimmer  ______  (P:499)  FL
    Tholymis citrina

    The following monotypic genus PANTALA are the RAINPOOL GLIDERS:

  185. Wandering Glider  ______  (D:40) (P:513,514)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Pantala flavescens

    The Wandering Glider is the only worldwide species of dragonfly, known on every continent except Antarctica. This dragonfly has been found on ships a thousand miles at sea. 

  186. Spot-winged Glider  ______  (D:40) (P:515)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Pantala hymenaea

    The following genus TRAMEA are the SADDLEBAGS:

    SABBLEBAGS can wander far from their emergence site.

  187. Black Saddlebags  (ph)  ______  (D:40) (P:511)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Tramea lacerata 

    Black Saddlebags
    don't perch often, and when they do, not for long.

    At first glance, the two pairs of wings of the Black Saddlebags and other dragonflies appear flat. But they are not.
    Closer examination reveals that the main veins extending away from the thorax form alternating ridges and valleys on the wing surface with supporting cross struts between them. This gives the wing stiffness while remaining thin and light-weight, rather like a floppy sheet of paper making a stiff fan when it is folded into pleas.

    The Black Saddlewings, and other saddlewings, and their relatives the gliders, have very wide hind wings with a fine network of veins to support an added wing surface. The extra surface enables Black Saddlewings to glide on the wind and travel long distances. These dragonflies are commonly seen flying over fields far from water.       

    Black Saddlebags
    in New Jersey are often found in autumn swarms with Common Green Darners and gliders. 

    Above & below: 3 photos of Black Saddlebags
    In the top photo, the veins are visible.
    In the bottom photo, the saddlebags are obvious.
    In the middle photo, the dragonfly is in flight, 
    as this species usually is.   
    (photos by Marie Gardner)

  188. Carolina Saddlebags ______ (D:41) (P:510)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA  (species described by Linnaeus in 1763)
    Tramea carolina

  189. Striped Saddlebags  ______  (D:41) (P:506)  DE(stray)  FL  MD(stray)  NC(stray)  NJ(very rare,south)
    Tramea calverti

    North of Florida, occurrences of Tramea calverti represent vagrants, perhaps associated with frontal passages. 

    The first record of a Striped Saddlebag on the Delmarva Peninsula was a female collected in Ocean City, Maryland on August 22, 1976.

    In 1992, Striped Saddlebags appeared in numbers at a number of coastal locations from Cape May, New Jersey north to Central Park in New York City. Subsequently, it has appeared as far north to Cape Cod, Massachusetts.  
    The Striped Saddlebags has not been found in New Jersey since the years just after the eruption in the early 1990s. 

    In August 2010, a Striped Saddlebags found in Kent County, Delaware, was a new record for the state. 

  190. Red Saddlebags  ______  (D:41) (P:508)  MD  NC(migrant)  NJ(vagrant)
    Tramea onusta

    The Red Saddlebags normally occurs west of the Mississippi River, but occasionally strays come to eastern North America.
    It has been found on the Delmarva Peninsula only once or twice. It has not been found in New Jersey in over 10 years.

  191. Antillean Saddlebags  ______  (D:41) (P:504)  FL
    Tramea insularis

  192. Sooty Saddlebags  ______  (D:41) (P:505)  FL
    Tramea binotata

  193. Vermilion Saddlebags  ______  (D:41) (P:503)  FL
    Tramea abdominalis

    The following genus MIATHYRIA are the HYACINTH GLIDERS:

  194. Hyacinth Glider  ______  (D:41) (P:501)  FL  VA(rare)
    Miathyria marcella

    The Hyacinth Glider has occurred as a tropical migrant along the Atlantic coast. It has been found in Virginia.  

    The following genus TAURIPHILA are the PASTURE GLIDERS:

  195. Garnet Glider  ______  (D:42) (P:500)  FL
    Tauriphila australis

    The following genus MACRODIPLAX are the COASTAL PENNANTS:

  196. Marl Pennant  ______  (D:42) (P:517)  NC(rare)  FL
    Macrodiplax balteata

    The Marl Pennant has occurred as a tropical migrant along the Atlantic coast. It has been found in North Carolina. 

    The following genus BRACHYMESIA are the TROPICAL PENNANTS:

  197. Four-spotted Pennant  ______  (D:42) (P:431)  DE(central)  MD  NC  NJ(very rare,south)  FL  VA
    Brachymesia gravida

    The Four-spotted Pennant prefers coastal habitats that may be brackish. 

    The only known location for the Four-spotted Pennant in Delaware is in the Woodland Beach area. It is also known further south on the Delmarva Peninsula at sites near Ocean City, MD and the Assateague Island National Seashore. 

  198. Tawny Pennant  ______  (D:42) (P:430)  FL
    Brachymesia herbida

  199. Red-tailed Pennant  ______  (P:429)  FL
    Brachymesia furcata

    The following genus LEUCORRHINIA are the WHITEFACES:

  200. Dot-tailed Whiteface  _______  (D:43) (P:447,448)  DE(very rare,north)  MD  NJ  PA
    Leucorrhinia intacta

    The only known record of the Dot-tailed Whiteface on the Delmarva Peninsula was back in 1972 in Delaware, in New Castle County, at a place where there was a wetland and now there is a complex of office buildings. 

  201. Hudsonian Whiteface  ______  (D:43) (P:450,451)  MD(very rare)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Leucorrhinia hudsonica

  202. Frosted Whiteface  ______  (D:43) (P:445)  NJ(rare)  PA
    Leucorrhinia frigida

  203. Crimson-ringed Whiteface  ______  (D:43) (P:452)  MD(very rare)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Leucorrhinia glacialis

  204. Belted Whiteface  ______  (D:43) (P:446)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA  (was called Red-waisted Whiteface)
    Leucorrhinia proxima

  205. Canada Whiteface  ______  (P:449)
    Leucorrhinia patricia

    The following genus CELITHEMIS are the SMALL PENNANTS:

    Pennants, including those in CELITHEMIS, are so-named because they tend to perch at the ends of tall grasses or small twigs and wave in the wind like flags.  

  206. Halloween Pennant  (ph)  ______  (D:44) (P:442)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Celithemis eponina

    The Halloween Pennant is a butterfly-like dragonfly. It is easily recognized by its motif of its wings, spotted and banded with black. In males, the yellow become pale red. 

    Above & below: Halloween Pennants
    Above a male, below a female.
    (photos by Howard Eskin)

  207. Banded Pennant ______ (D:44) (P:440,441)  DE(south)  MD  NC  NJ
    Celithemis fasciata 

    The Banded Pennant is fairly common in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, and it occurs not far from the Delaware-Maryland border in Caroline County, Maryland. But it has not been found in Delaware since 1974. 

  208. Calico Pennant  (ph)  ______ (D:44) (P:439)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Celithemis elisa

    Calico Pennant
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  209. Double-ringed Pennant  ______  (D:44) (P:443)  DE  MD(rare)  NC  NJ(rare,south)
    Celithemis verna

    In New Jersey, the Double-ringed Pennant is mainly a Pine Barrens species. 

  210. Martha's Pennant  ______  (D:45) (P:435)  DE(very rare)  MD(very rare)  NJ
    Celithemis martha

    Occurrences of the Martha's Pennant on the Delmarva Peninsula are among the southernmost for the species. One site has been in Blades in southern Delaware. The species has also been found in nearby Maryland.   

  211. Red-veined Pennant  ______  (D:45) (P:438)  FL NC
    Celithemis bertha

  212. Ornate Pennant  ______  (D:45) (P:436,437)  FL  MD  NC  NJ(historic)  (was called Faded Pennant)
    Celithemis ornata

  213. Amanda's Pennant  ______  (D:45) (P:434)  FL  NC
    Celithemis amanda

    The following genus DYTHEMIS are the SETWINGS:

  214. Swift Setwing  ______  (D:46) (P:496)  NC
    Dythemis nigrescens

    The following genus IDIATAPHE are the METALLIC PENNANTS:

  215. Metallic Pennant  ______  (D:47) (P:433)  FL
    Idiataphe cubensis 


    Damselflies are similar to dragonflies, but differ in that the wings of most damselflies are held along, and parallel to, the body when at rest.
    Also, the hindwing of the damselfly is essentially similar to the forewing, while the hindwing of the dragonfly broadens near the base.
    Damselflies are usually smaller than dragonflies and weaker fliers in comparison, and their eyes are separated. 

    Broad-winged Damsels:

    The following genus CALOPTERYX are the JEWELWINGS:

  216. River Jewelwing  ______  (P:53)  NJ(rare,north)  PA
    Calopteryx aequabilis

  217. Superb Jewelwing   ______  (P:50)  MD(very rare)  NC(west)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Calopteryx amata

    The Superb Jewelwing is classified as threatened in Maryland and New Jersey.

  218. Sparkling Jewelwing  ______  (P:52)  DE  MD(rare)  NC  NJ(rare)  PA
    Calopteryx dimidata

  219. Ebony Jewelwing  ______  (P:55)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Calopteryx maculata

  220. Appalachian Jewelwing  _____  (P:51)  MD(rare)  NC  PA
    Calopteryx angustipennis

    The following genus HETAERINA are the RUBYSPOTS

  221. American Rubyspot  ______  (P:56)  DE  MD  NC  NJ(rare)  PA
    Hetaerina americana

  222. Smoky Rubyspot  ______  (P:58MD  NC  PA
    Hetaerina titia


    The following genus ARCHILESTES are the STREAM SPREADWINGS:

  223. Great Spreadwing  ______  (P:60)  DE(north)  MD  NC  NJ(rare)  PA
    Archilestes grandis

    The Great Spreadwing is the largest species of damselfly in eastern North America.
    In 2014, in an article about odonates in Delaware, it was said "that it has not been seen in Delaware in many years".  

    The following genus LESTES are the POND SPREADWINGS: 

  224. Southern Spreadwing  ______  (P:69)  DE  MD  NC  VA
    Lestes australis

  225. Spotted Spreadwing  ______  (P:65)  DE(north)  MD  NJ(rare)  PA
    Lestes congener

  226. Northern Spreadwing  ______  (P:68)  NJ(rare)  PA
    Lestes disjunctus

  227. Emerald Spreadwing  ______  (P:74)  MD  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Lestes dryas

  228. Amber-winged Spreadwing  ______  (P:78)  DE(north)  MD  NC  NJ(rare)  PA
    Lestes eurinus

  229. Sweetflag Spreadwing  ______  (P:71)  DE  MD  NC  NJ(rare)  PA
    Lestes forcipatus 

  230. Elegant Spreadwing  ______  (P:77)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Lestes inaequalis

  231. Slender Spreadwing  ______  (P:73)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Lestes rectangularis

  232. Antillean Spreadwing  ______  (P:62)  FL
    Lestes spumarius

  233. Blue-striped Spreadwing  ______  (P:61)  FL
    Lestes tenuatus

  234. Lyre-tipped Spreadwing  ______  (P:72)  MD  NJ(rare)  PA
    Lestes unguiculatus

    Lestes uniguiculatus
    occurs at well-vegetated ponds. Although it is known in southern New Jersey, it has not been found on the Delmarva Peninsula. 

  235. Carolina Spreadwing  ______  (P:66)  FL  NC(east)
    Lestes vidua

  236. Swamp Spreadwing  ______  (P:75)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Lestes vigilax 

    Pond Damsels

    The following genus AMPHIAGRION are the RED DAMSELS:

  237. Eastern Red Damsel  ______  (P:136)  DE  MD  NJ  PA
    Amphiagrion saucium

  238. Amphiagrion hastatum  ______  PA

    In the monotypic genus CHROMAGRION is the AURORA DAMSEL:    

  239. Aurora Damsel  ______  (P:137)  DE  MD  NJ  PA
    Chromagrion conditum

    The following genus COENAGRION are the EURASIAN BLUETS:

  240. Subarctic Bluet  ______  (P:83)
    Coenagrion interrogatum

  241. Taiga Bluet  ______  (P:84)  PA
    Coenagrion resolutum

    The following genus ENALLAGMA are the AMERICAN BLUETS:

  242. Northern Bluet  ______  (P:95,96)  MD(very rare)  NJ(rare,north)  PA
    Enallagma annexum

  243. Rainbow Bluet  ______  (P:109)  MD(very rare)  PA
    Enallagma antennatum 

  244. Azure Bluet  ______  (P:92)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Enallagma aspersum

  245. Double-striped Bluet  ______  (P:113)  DE  MD  NC  NJ(rare)  PA
    Enallagma basidens

  246. Boreal Bluet  ______  (P:99)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Enallagma boreale

  247. Purple Bluet  ______  (P:105)
    Enallagma cardenium

  248. Tule Bluet  ______  (P:90)  MD(very rare)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Enallagma carunculatum

  249. Familiar Bluet  ______  (P:88)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Enallagma civile

  250. Alkali Bluet  ______  (P:94)
    Enallagma clausum

  251. Cherry Bluet  ______  (P:114)  NC
    Enallagma concisum

  252. Attenuated Bluet  ______  (P:108)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  VA
    Enallagma daeckii

    In New Jersey, the Attenuated Bluet is mostly in the Pine Barrens.

  253. Sandhill Bluet  ______  (P:102)  NC(south)
    Enallagma davisi

  254. Turquoise Bluet  ______  (P:110)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Enallagma divagans

  255. Atlantic Bluet  ______  (P:87)  MD(very rare)  NC  NJ
    Enallagma doubledayi

    Until 2007, there were no records of the Atlantic Bluet anywhere on the Delmarva Peninsula. In July 2007, the species was discovered for the first time there in Wicomico County, Maryland.
    Yet, oddly just across the Delaware Bay from the Delmarva Peninsula in Cumberland County, New Jersey, the Atlantic Bluet is described as locally abundant. In nearby Cape May County, NJ it is considered common, and flies from mid-May to mid-October.

  256. Burgundy Bluet  ______  (P:115)  DE(south)  MD(very rare)  NC
    Enallagma dubium

  257. Big Bluet  ______  (P:93)  DE  MD  NC(east)  NJ(rare)
    Enallagma durum

  258. Marsh Bluet  ______  (P:103)  MD  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Enallagma ebrium

  259. Stream Bluet  (ph)  ______  (P:106)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Enallagma exsulans

    Stream Bluets
    (photo by Kate Somerville)

  260. Skimming Bluet  ______  (P:91)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Enallagma geminatum

  261. Hagen's Bluet  ______  (P:104)  MD  NC(west)  NJ(rare,north)  PA
    Enallagma hageni

  262. New England Bluet  ______  (P:100)  NJ(very rare,north)  PA
    Enallagma laterale

  263. Little Bluet  ______  (P:102)
    Enallagma minusculum 

  264. Pale Bluet  ______  (P:111)  DE(south)  MD(very rare)  NC
    Enallagma pallidum 

  265. Scarlet  Bluet  ______  (P:115)  NJ(rare)
    Enallagma pictum

    The Scarlet Bluet is locally common in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, but it is not known south of there. Its range is from southern New Hampshire to southern New Jersey.
    It has never been found on the Delmarva Peninsula.
    In the New Jersey Pine Barrens, the Scarlet Bluet is found at sandy-bottom ponds throughout the summer.

    Despite being brightly colored, the Scarlet Bluet can be overlooked due to its small size.       

  266. Florida Bluet  ______  (P:118)
    Enallagma pollutum

  267. Pine Barrens Bluet  ______  (P:101)  NJ (rare)
    Enallagma recurvatum

    The Pine Barrens Bluet is an early-season species at unpolluted ponds & bogs in sand barrens of New Jersey & Long Island, New York.    

  268. Orange Bluet  ______  (P:117)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Enallagma signatum

  269. Golden Bluet  ______  (P:120)
    Enallgma sulcatum

  270. Slender Bluet  ______  (P:112)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Enallagma traviatum

  271. Vernal Bluet  ______  (P:98)
    Enallagma vernale

  272. Vesper Bluet  ______  (P:119)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Enallagma vesperum

  273. Blackwater Bluet  ______  (P:107)  DE(south)  MD(rare)  NC  NJ
    Enallagma weewa

    In New Jersey, the Blackwater Bluet is found along small rivers & streams in the Pine Barrens. 

    The following genus NEOERYTHROMMA are the YELLOWFACES:

  274. Caribbean Yellowface  ______  (P:126)
    Neoerythromma cultellatum 

    The following genus ISCHNURA are the FORKTAILS:

  275. Citrine Forktail  ______  (P:134)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Ischnura hastata

  276. Lilypad Forktail  ______  (P:128)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  VA
    Ischnura kellicotti 

    Female Lilypad Forktails occur in three quite different color forms.
    One has bright blue markings and looks similar to the male.
    Another has bright, porcelain orange markings.
    And a third type develops a pruinosity that gives it a gray color, which some think comes with aging of the other two forms.
    All of these different forms occur together.
    The males that carry genes for these color forms are all bright blue. They look rather like bluets, and might be confused with the Skimming Bluet (above).   

  277. Eastern Forktail  (ph)   ______  (P:131)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Ischnura verticalis

    Eastern Forktail
    (photo by Kate Somerville)

  278. Fragile Forktail ______  (P:133)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Ischnura posita

  279. Furtive Forktail  ______  (P:129)  MD(very rare)  NC  VA
    Ischnura prognata

    There are isolated records of the Furtive Forktail, in June and July, in the Virginia and Maryland portions of the Delmarva Peninsula, Cape Cod in Massachusetts, southwestern Connecticut, and southeastern Pennsylvania. 
    While these occurrences may represent vagrancy, the weak-flying secretive nature of the Furtive Forktail suggests that it may be an elusive resident. It is furtive.

    In the summer of 2007, the Furtive Forktail was discovered in three different counties on the Maryland eastern shore. These were the first records for Maryland. The species has yet to be found in Delaware. 

  280. Rambur's Forktail  ______  (P:130)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  VA
    Ischura ramburii 

    The following genus TELEBASIS are the FIRETAILS:

  281. Duckweed Firetail  ______  (P:139)  DE  MD  NC  VA
    Telebasis byersi

    The Duckweed Firetail is a carnivorous damselfly, named for its association with a plant, the Common Duckweed, Lemna minor, in the family ARACEAE.
    The larvae of the firetails live in the duckweed mat, so the association with duckweed is throughout the life cycle of the insect.

    The Duckweed Firetail is at the northern limit of its range on the Delmarva Peninsula. Delaware's only record of the species was years ago at a duckweed-covered abandoned sand pit in Kent County. Since then, it may well have disappeared from that site, and perhaps from the state.   

    The following genus LEPTOBASIS are the SWAMPDAMSELS:

  282. Lucifer Swampdamsel  (formerly Lucifer Damsel)  ______  (P:141)  FL
    (formerly Chrysobasis) lucifer

    The following genus ARGIA are the DANCERS

  283. Variable (or Violet) Dancer  (ph)  ______  (P:156)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA  VA
    Argia fumipennis

    The Variable (or Violet) Dancer is the most common dancer in New Jersey.

    (or Violet) Dancer
    (photo by Kate Somerville)

  284. Blue-fronted Dancer  ______  (P:150)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Argia apicalis

  285. Seepage Dancer  ______  (P:149)  DE(very rare)  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Argia bipunctulata

    Although the Seepage Dancer is common in bogs in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, it has not been seen in Delaware for many years. Some say that it may be extirpated there.
    The Seepage Dancer inhabits specific, localized, and threatened habitats, being found in bogs, and seaside fens and seeps.     

  286. Powdered Dancer  ______  (P:151)  DE(north)  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Argia moesta

  287. Blue-ringed Dancer  (ph)  ______  (P:153)  DE(very rare,north)  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Argia sedula

    The Blue-ringed Dancer is a fairly common and widespread species. It prefers larger rivers, and is common at places and at times along the Potomac, Susquehanna, and Delaware Rivers.  

    But in the state of Delaware, the only known occurrence of the Blue-ringed Dancer was of a male specimen collected in September 1944 along the Brandywine Creek.

    Blue-ringed Dancer
    (photo by Kate Somerville)

  288. Blue-tipped Dancer  ______  (P:162)  DE  MD  NC  NJ  PA
    Argia tibialis

  289. Dusky Dancer  ______  (P:163)  DE(north)  MD  NC  NJ(rare,north)  PA
    Argia translata

    The following genus NEHALENNIA are the SPRITES:

  290. Sphagnum Sprite  ______  (P:146)  DE(south)  MD(rare)  NJ  PA
    Nehalennia gracilis

    The Sphagnum Sprite, as indicated by its common name, lives in sphagnum-choked bogs and fens. 

  291. Southern Sprite  ______  (P:144)  DE(rare)  MD(rare)  NJ(rare,south)  PA
    Nehalennia intergricollis

    The Southern Sprite is a tiny damselfly, with an iridescent emerald green body and blue-tipped abdomen, that flies low among stems of emergent vegetation.
    Because it is inconspicuous and rarely flies unless disturbed, it is easy to overlook even when searching for it. 

  292. Sedge Sprite  ______  (P:145)  MD  NJ  PA
    Nehalennia irene

  293. Tropical Sprite  ______  (P:142)  FL
    Nehalennia minuta

  294. Everglade Sprite  ______  (P:143)  FL
    Nehalennia pallidula

    Beetles. Other Insects, & Spiders

  295. Six-spotted Tiger Beetle  (ph)  ______
    Cicindela sexguttata

    The Six-spotted Tiger Beetle occurs in eastern North America from the Maritime provinces of Canada south to northern Florida and west to the Dakotas and Texas.
    It is out and about in the late spring and early summer.  

    A Six-spotted Tiger Beetle photographed in northeastern Pennsylvania in May 2015
    (photo by Rise Hill) 

  296. Dogbane Beetle  (ph)  ______
    Chrysochus auratus

    The Dogbane Beetle is one of the most spectacular leaf beetles in eastern North America.
    It is relatively large, oval, shiny, brilliantly iridescent green, or coppery green, golden green, or bluish green.
    It is exclusively associated with the plant. Spreading Dogbane, Apocynum androsaemifolium.
    The diurnal adults feed on leaves throughout eastern North America south from southern Canada, but not in Florida.    

    A Dogbane Beetle
    in south-central Pennsylvania in July 2015
    (photo by Rise Hill) 

  297. Marbled Orb Weaver  (ph)  ______  (a spider)
    Araneus marmoreus

    Marbled Orb Weaver
    (photo courtesy of Kenneth Herbert)  

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