PO Box 9021, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA
E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
Phone: Toll-free in USA 1-888-721-3555
or 302/529-1876
Website: www.focusonnature.com
On Nature Tours
2015 and 2016
For Birds, Butterflies,
Mammals, and Other Nature
There have
been Focus On Nature Birding & Nature Tours in North America for nearly 25 years. To places as diverse as Alaska, Arizona, British Columbia, California, Colorado & Kansas (for grouse and more), Delaware, Florida, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, and Washington State. Here, below, there are also links to tours in two other states good for birds and other nature too, Wisconsin and Minnesota. In western North America, particularly popular has been our annual West Coast tour during September, in mostly Washington State and California, including boat-trips for bird and whales including Orcas. Also part of the tour is a great place to be for nature, Point Reyes in the fall, especially good for migrating birds, and also an array of marine life. On the opposite side of the continent, we've done birding & nature tours, over the years during the late spring, in North Carolina. And we'll do it again in 2016. During our annual "Carolina Caper", in addition to birds, there would nice assortments of butterflies & dragonflies, as well as other nature. In 2016, we'll again be doing our annual tour in
the |
![]() Painted Bunting
in 2015 and
2016 with prices (click
on the underlined tour numbers/dates):
are found at the end of each itinerary. All tours, unless noted otherwise, are
rated "easy to moderate".
WISCONSIN & MINNESOTA Oct 6-16, '15 (tour WM-1) including the International Crane Foundation, Birds in Art, time in the field in wild country, with lots of cranes, waterfowl & wolves. Also a visit to one of the best of "hawk watches"
27-29,'16 |
TEXAS in the Late Winter Early Spring Mar 14-22, '16 (tour TX-1) for
COLORADO (& adjacent NEBRASKA & WYOMING) Apr 12-21, '16 (tour CO-1) for "grouse & more" ![]()
16-18, '16
TEXAS in the Spring Apr 22-30, '16 (tour TX-2) for
NORTH CAROLINA May 5-9, '16 (tour NC-1) our annual "Carolina Caper" landbirding tour for Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Swainson's Warbler, & other birds; also mammals & butterflies, other nature
ALASKA May 23 - Jun 6, '16 (tour AK-1a&b) a birding & nature tour in 2 parts south to Valdez, north to Deadhorse, inc. the Dalton Highway
DELAWARE MARYLAND VIRGINIA Jul 23-25, '16 (tour DE-3) on the Delmarva Peninsula in a variety of habitats for birds, butterflies, wildflowers, and other nature
ARIZONA northern & southern Aug 23 - Sep 4, '16 (tour AZ-3)
the good time
Bald Eagles at their nest.
This species seen during FONT tours in Alaska, British Columbia,
California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Nebraska, Newfoundland,
North Carolina, Washington State, and Wyoming.
(Photo by FONT tour participant Paul West)
Birding in North America is in places
as diverse as the mountains near Nome, Alaska (above),
and the Sonoran Desert in Arizona (below).
Web page by Risė Hill.