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June 2006
"Iceland in June, with its Birds & so Much More"
Icelandic scenery during the
FONT June 2006 Tour
(photo by Cheryl Pearce)
Photos of Icelandic Birds & Scenery from our June 2006 Iceland Tour
List of Birds during our Iceland Tour - June '06
Cumulative List of Birds during our Iceland Tours
List of the Birds of Iceland
Other Iceland Past Tour Highlights, before & after this tour
Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Iceland
The following account written by Armas Hill, leader
of the tour:
June 3-11, 2006 birding & nature tour in Iceland was our 13th
tour in that country, and our 48th tour in Europe since 1990. During our June
'06 Iceland Tour, there were both some wonderful birds and some
wonderful experiences.
Iceland is a fascinating country. In
relation to nature, its geology is particularly notable. Its scenery is
especially superb.
Even though the island country nearly touches the Arctic Circle, and even though
it's called "Iceland", it's not as cold as other places with such a
northerly latitude. The proximity of the Gulf Stream has an
But there is ice in Iceland. There are glaciers, including the largest in
Europe. When we visited that glacier late one evening, during our June '06 tour,
it was truly a magnificent sight, enhanced by a beautiful male Harlequin
Duck swimming in the water close to us. Harbor Seals were lifting
their heads above the water, peering at us, as we admired the panorama of frozen
ice and evening sky. In that sky, numerous and noisy Arctic Terns flew
When we visited that glacier a couple years ago, during a tour in late May, the
ice was covered with many resting Black-legged Kittiwakes. During our
recent '06 tour, in early June, there was not a single kittiwake at the glacier,
but there were hundreds of Arctic Terns, either sitting on the ice or in
flight above it. Looking at them one thinks about how they came such a long way
to be there. Arctic Terns that breed in Iceland, when not there, travel many
miles over the Atlantic Ocean, to off the southern tip of Africa, and even
beyond, into the Indian Ocean to waters off western Australia, before retracing
their journey back to Iceland. No other bird in the world travels that far. And
as we watched and listened to them, just before midnight, when it was still
quite light, one could also think of how no other bird in the world experiences
so many hours of daylight.
Iceland is place of both ice and fire. In addition to glaciers, there are geysers
where hot water emits from the ground. The word "geyser" is
And there are volcanoes throughout the island. During recent decades,
there have been eruptions and fiery fissures. Less than 50 years ago, an
eruption on the ocean floor off the southern coast of Iceland produced an
It is only in Iceland that the Mid-Atlantic Rift
is above the surface of the sea. Elsewhere it's on the ocean floor. In Iceland,
one can walk across a short bridge over the rift between "continents". Most
of the birds in Iceland are Eurasian. The 3 exceptions, that are American birds,
are the Common Loon, Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica),
and Harlequin Duck. These 3 species nest nowhere else in Europe.
As we were at the Mid-Atlantic Rift, there was the beautiful song of the wren,
the "Icelandic Wren", an endemic subspecies of what's called
the Winter Wren in North America. In Europe, it's simply called the Wren.
It's the only one of the 74 species of wrens that ranges throughout the Northern
Hemisphere. It's the only wren in Eurasia. It has 41 subspecies. Watching the
one in Iceland, as it moved about on the rocks, we could see that it appeared
slightly larger and longer-tailed than the Winter Wren of North
Given the latitude of Iceland, it's rather surprising how many bird species have
actually been recorded there. The list of species for the country, prior to our
tour, was 354. Of these, 73 are regular breeders. We saw nearly all of them
during our tour. Of those 73 regular breeders, 17 are resident. 9 are partially
migrant. 21 are largely migrant. 26 of the regular breeders are totally migrant.
Another 26 species of birds are irregular breeders in Iceland.
9 species of birds occur in Iceland only during their migration. 10 other
species occur in Iceland only in the winter. 2 species (both pelagic) are summer
visitors, having bred in the Southern Hemisphere.
35 species of birds on the Iceland List are vagrants that occur annually. And,
lastly, there are 126 species on the list that have occurred in Iceland as what
might be called irregular vagrants, either recorded once or just a few times. Vagrants in Iceland come from opposite directions, with some from
Eurasia and others from the
A complete list of 354 species of birds in Iceland is elsewhere in this website.
There's a link to it above. In the list, the number of sightings (as of 2002) is
given in parentheses. That number may not reflect every sighting, but it gives
an interesting measure of how often the Icelandic vagrant birds
Actually now, that list of Icelandic birds contains one more species. The story
With such an extensive country-list, it would seem incredulous that we would add
a species to it during our tour. But that we did. Just after leaving the small
island of Flatey, in a large bay in
northwestern Iceland, from the ferry, a Yellow-billed Loon was spotted on
the water, at first very close to the boat. Seen well, the bird appeared large,
as did its bill that was lightly-colored throughout, including the culmen and
tip. Its head was also lightly-colored, more so than the head of the Common
Loon in winter plumage. We did see a number of Common Loons, or Great
Northern Divers, in a few plumages, during our tour. The White-billed
Diver (as the Yellow-billed Loon is called in Europe) nests there
only in the High Arctic region of far-northern Russia. West of Iceland (and west
of Greenland), the species nests in North America, in the High Arctic of Canada
and Alaska. In Europe, it has been found, away from its far-northern nesting
area, off the Norwegian coast (mostly from late April into the first few days of
June), and off Britain and Ireland (between October and mid June). Our sighting,
off the western Icelandic coast, was on June 9,
That little island known as Flatey, in the
big bay filled with small islands known as Breidafjordur,
in western Iceland, is quite a place. On the island, there are 4 or 5 year-round
residents, 5 if the son of the elderly lady who operates the little post office
is there (he was hurt in a boating accident and sometimes is away). We met that
lady from the post office during a previous tour (her name is Leena), and this
time (in June '06), we sat with her outside in her yard, having coffee and cake.
We were serenaded at the time with the constant winnowing of diving Snipe
in the air right above us (they may have been nesting in the tall grass just the other
side of the wooden fence). Her common bird of the yard was the Snow Bunting.
She feeds a flock of them, as she fed us (but I think bread, and not cake and
coffee). One of our favorite experiences on the island, was, as we were waiting
for the ferry to return, watching adult Snow Buntings, close to us,
feeding their adolescent young.
During our 3 to 4 hours on Flatey Island,
there was always the sound of birds. There were, in addition to the song of Snow
Buntings and the winnowing of Snipe, the continual calls of shorebirds
such as Redshanks, Oystercatchers, and Golden and Ringed
Plovers. But it was to see another shorebird that we primarily went to
Flatey. That species was the Red Phalarope, which is a rare breeder in
Iceland (with just a relatively few pairs). Throughout Iceland, we saw many
Red-necked Phalaropes, in their breeding garb, either spinning around on
small pools, or along coastlines. As we disembarked from the ferry onto Flatey, Red-necked
Phalaropes, nearly close enough to touch, were by the pier. Our target, the Red
Phalarope, we surmised would not be as easy. However, with a bit of
luck, and being at the right place, we watched 3 bright brick-red females
circling about in the water, near to where we assumed 3 duller males were
sitting on the nests. We were told by the post office lady (and it was true)
that those birds had just returned to the island. The Red Phalarope is
the last of the birds to arrive in Iceland in the spring, having come from the
ocean off the southern African coast.
A while back, the Red-necked Phalarope was called the Northern
Phalarope. But that was a misnomer, as the Red Phalarope is a
more-northerly breeder than the Red-necked. In most European bird
guidebooks, the Red Phalarope is called the Grey Phalarope. In
Iceland, however, it's called the Red Phalarope as that's its color there
when it visits for a short while to nest before going back out to
So, like the Yellow-billed Loon, the Red Phalarope is a High
Arctic breeder that we were fortunate to see (and on the same day). But, in the
case of the phalarope, we saw it near a breeding site. It's a site, it
might be mentioned, that's protected due to Eiders. There's a sign
indicating in 4 languages that entry beyond it is strictly prohibited. You see,
to the 4 people on Flatey Island, the down from the nests of Eiders is
very important. When we sat on large rocks and observed the Red Phalaropes,
we were before the sign, to our left. To our right, and not much more than an
arms-length away, Black Guillemots stood tamely on a couple other rocks,
neatly-dressed in their black-and-white breeding attire. And so it seemed quite
appropriate that as they stood there, they were "well-behaved",
generally still and quiet.
Behind us, on top of a little knoll, there was a small church. We were generally
"well-behaved" as we entered to take a look. The colorful murals
inside were not of saints or deities, but instead of fisherman. Overhead, on the
upper wall, puffins were depicted. On the ceiling, directly overhead,
there was a large painting (nearly life-size) of a White-tailed Eagle.
From the ferry from Flatey, after the
unexpected loon, and during a ride when the Icelandic weather was the
best it could possibly be, we enjoyed watching, from the boat, Shags and Cormorants,
Fulmars, Arctic Terns, Common Murres (including the bridled form), and
many Atlantic Puffins, either sitting on the water (usually prior to
diving), or in the air with their short fluttery flight.
However, as we returned to the dock that we had left earlier in the
morning, we had not seen, as hoped, a White-tailed Eagle (other than the
one painted on the ceiling of the church).
So, after a fine seafood dinner,
some rather spontaneous arrangements were made for another boat-trip into
another part of the bay to see a White-tailed Eagle. And that we did, as
we watched a frosty-colored adult circle in the sky around our boat 3 or 4
times, sometimes being pursued by a couple Ravens.
The young captain of the boat, called in for our mission on short-notice, also
enjoyed our successful endeavor. The eagle was at a place where the
normally-scheduled boat-trips don't go. A pair along the normal route had
apparently abandoned their nesting efforts due to previous bad weather.
The young captain, who grew up on one of the more-remote little islands, also
enjoyed talking about other birds that we saw, such as cormorants and shags,
and the fulmars, kittiwakes, terns, and puffins. He asked what we
liked better to eat, cormorant or shag. (Our fine seafood dinner, about an hour
earlier, we told him, was neither.) He told us that a bird not to be eaten was
the Fulmar. He also said that if we ate the eggs of either Arctic Tern
or Kittiwake, we'd prefer not to eat again the egg of a
The White-tailed Eagle was not the only raptor we saw during our June '06
tour in Iceland. We saw Merlins and we were again, as we have been during
our Iceland tours in the past, fortunate to watch Gyrfalcons. We saw 2
adults, a pale male and a slightly darker and larger female, on a cliff-ledge on
the other side of a gorge with an invisible stream far below. We heard the calling of
a young, "kerreh-kerreh-kerreh", elsewhere on a cliff, not visible
from where we were. But as we stayed still and quiet, close to the ground in
high tussock-grass, we certainly had a tremendous opportunity to observe
Gyrfalcons at a place, remote and wild. When we were quiet, the only sounds were
those of birds: in addition to the call of the Gyrfalcon, there were also those of
the Whimbrel, Golden Plover, Greylag Geese, and the ever-present sound of
the Snipe in the
But, more still than we were, and more quiet too, were 2 Pink-footed Geese
crouched low to the ground, protecting their nest. They were so still. In our
telescopes we could see that one blinked an eyelid, maybe.
Raptors are not the birds in the Iceland spring and summer that most
nesting geese and shorebirds need to be concerned most about. No,
the most common predator in much of Iceland is the Parasitic Jaeger (or,
as it's called in Europe, the Arctic Skua). The species occurs in Iceland
in two color forms, both a light and a dark morph. Interestingly, in the
Icelandic population, the all-dark form seems to be (at least where we were)
about as common as the light morph. Many pairs that we saw were one of each. Not
too far from the Gyrfalcon location, we watched a pair feed. One bird (the light
one) went to the ground and got an egg (apparently of a Golden Plover).
It flew to a nearby spot where it was joined by the other jaeger (the
dark one). They shared the egg. From our vantage point, we could see that the
egg was not hard boiled!
But the Parasitic Jaeger, however, is not the top avian predator in
Iceland in the spring and summer. The Great Skua may well have that
distinction. That powerful species is not everywhere in Iceland, but in the
southeastern part of the island it is particularly common. During our evening
drive mentioned earlier to a glacier, we went along one stretch of highway with
a fantastic number of Great Skuas by the road. In less than a half-hour, we
passed by over a hundred Great Skuas! And that was without a concerted effort to
count more. There are more breeding pairs of Great Skuas in Iceland than
anywhere else. (Other islands on which they nest include: the Faroes, the
Orkneys, and the Shetlands.) It's said that there are 6,000 breeding pairs of
Great Skuas in Iceland. The species is among the earliest to arrive in the
spring. They're at their nest sites in late March, having spent their
non-breeding months at sea.
There's something that can be said about Great Skuas near the road we took to
and from the glacier. It's this: While many birds, in open vast areas, fly away
when approached by a person (even if only a short distance), skuas, however,
from various spots in such an area, fly TOWARD a person who ventures out from a
vehicle! It's said that they're even aggressive toward Icelandic Sheep that
happen to wander into an open area where they nest on the
Atlantic Puffins
Another species with more breeding pairs in Iceland than anywhere is the Atlantic
Puffin. During our Jun '06 tour, in southern Iceland, one morning, as we
walked along a trail by grassy ledges at the top of an ocean-side cliff, we
enjoyed our looks, eye-to-eye as it were, with Atlantic Puffins outside their
burrows. As our tour continued, we saw many Puffins in a number of settings:
sometimes on cliffs, sometimes not, but always on, or by, the water. There are
many Puffins in Iceland to see, with as many as 3 million pairs in the breeding
Another seabird that we saw in large numbers during its breeding season in
Iceland was the Northern Fulmar. They nest on cliffs, where we often saw
swarms of them flying about. Estimates are now that there are more than 2
million breeding pairs of fulmars in Iceland.
About 20 species of waterfowl nest in Iceland, among them the Whooper
Swan (that we saw with cygnets), a few species of geese (that we saw
with goslings), and an assortment of ducks (that we saw with ducklings).
Particularly enjoyable among the ducks were, of course, the Harlequins,
the Long-tailed Ducks, and the Common Eiders. The Common Eider is
the most common of the ducks in Iceland, with a population greater than that of
all of the other duck species combined.
When we visited ponds in southern Iceland at the beginning of our tour, we saw
ducks, yes. But when we returned to those ponds about a week later, near the end
of the tour, we found that there had been, when we were gone, a population
explosion. Those ponds were then like nurseries with parent ducks (mostly
Eiders and Mallards) and parent geese (Greylag) with
strings of
Those numerous waterfowl babies were not the only very young birds we saw during
our tour. We also saw baby shorebirds, and among them we particularly
liked the little Oystercatchers.
As we were birding along a remote and picturesque stretch of the northern
Icelandic coast, we found, among the Common Eiders, Eurasian
Oystercatchers and other birds of the coastline, one of our best sightings
of the tour. What a treat it was! There it was, in full breeding plumage, a male
King Eider on a stony beach with Common Eiders.
There is, maybe, no drake waterfowl in the world that's as striking to see,
in full breeding plumage, as the King Eider. Oh yes, male Mandarins and
male Wood Ducks come to mind as exquisite and beautiful, and the male Harlequin
Ducks (that we certainly enjoyed in Iceland in June '06) are definitely
colorful. And yes, the other eider species are not bad either, but to see
a drake King Eider in its full breeding attire, as we did in such a
scenic setting on a clear day, is, simply put, superb. It doesn't get much
To begin with, there's the "shark-fins" on the bird's dark back.
They're unique. You might take a look at that feature of the breeding male in a
good field guide. And there's the blue, and green, and orange, and red on the
gaudy head.
Also, regarding the King Eider that we found along that Icelandic north coast,
it was unexpected. Even though King Eiders can be found in Iceland, they are,
like the Red Phalarope and Yellow-billed Loon, breeders in the
High Arctic, that is north of Iceland. There's a population that breeds in
Greenland. Most of those found in Iceland are from Greenland. Otherwise in
Europe, the King Eider breeds only in far-northern Russia. In
far-northern Norway, it occurs in the winter.
King Eiders can be found in Iceland throughout the year, but they are
mostly found there in the late winter. Female King Eiders, it's said in the
books, rarely occur in Iceland in the late spring and summer. So imagine our
surprise when we realized that our spectacular male King Eider, along the
northern Iceland coast on June 8, 2006, was with a female King Eider! Yes, there
were 2 King Eiders that appeared to be a pair. Again, according to the books,
King Eiders have not been known to breed in Iceland. It's too bad that we just
couldn't go back sometime later to that spot to see if there were little King
There have been cases where male King Eiders have bred in Iceland with female Common
Eiders, producing hybrids. In fact, it's said that such hybrids can annually
be found in Iceland.
We were so pleased to find as we did, along that north Iceland coast, true
male and female King Eiders.
A little while later, along that same dirt road by the north Iceland coast,
there was another notable duck, a vagrant from North America. A male Green-winged
Teal, Anas carolinensis, was by itself on a pond, with the sun
shining on its features.
Yet another vagrant waterfowl in Iceland was seen later during the tour, a drake
Garganey. And the last bird added to our trip-list was another vagrant
waterbird in Iceland, the Common (or Eurasian) Coot.
Prior to our June '06 tour, the best vagrant found during FONT tours in Iceland
was a Great Crested Grebe, in May 2003, in a bay along the north Iceland
coast. According to Icelandic bird data on the internet, there have been only 6
records for that Eurasian species in Iceland (We do not know if the bird we saw
was included in those 6.)
As good (as far north) as that sighting was, I was a bit surprised when I later
read that a Great Crested Grebe was recorded even further north yet, in
western Greenland, back in the summer of 1857, in the notes of the explorer
Admiral Sir Leopold McClintock. Admiral McClintock, a competent naturalist, was,
during that voyage, on his way from England to northern Canada, in an effort to
ascertain the facts regarding the ill-fated expedition of the earlier explorer,
Sir John Franklin, after whom the Franklin's Gull was
Regarding gulls, again during our recent June '06 Iceland tour, and again
along the northern coast of Iceland, one morning in a small fishing town, we
tallied 8 species of them: Black-headed, Herring, Lesser Black-backed, Great
Black-backed, Common, Glaucous, and Black-legged Kittiwake, in
addition to the Iceland Gull. There were a few Iceland Gulls on
the shoreline with Glaucous Gulls, providing a nice comparison.
Seeing the Iceland Gull in Iceland is easy during our tours there in
October. Numbers come south at the end of the summer from Greenland where they
breed. Iceland Gulls don't nest in Iceland.
During the late spring and summer, only a few Iceland Gulls can be found,
locally, along the north coast.
The Iceland Gull of Greenland & Iceland is not the same population as the
Iceland Gull found in North America. It is Larus (glaucoides) glaucoides,
whereas the American bird (that breeds in northern Canada) is Larus (glaucoides)
kumlieni, and thus is called, by some, the Kumlien's Gull.
From the internet we learned of some other gulls in Iceland when we were there,
that we were unable to see: Sabine's Gull, Ring-billed Gull, and a Laughing
Gull. The Icelandic birders were most excited regarding the Laughing Gull
(with only 9 previous records for the country). It's quite something, really,
that such a bird from eastern North America would end up in Iceland. It's 3,882
kilometers from Boston to Iceland, and Laughing Gulls are really not abundant as
far north as Boston.
There's much more I continue to say about birds in Iceland, but it's time now to
finish writing this report.
There were other birds, that have not been mentioned, that were good to see
during our June 2006 tour in Iceland, including:
- the (Rock) Ptarmigan - we had a number of good looks, but our first had
the most red on its head.
- the Horned Grebe (or Slavonian Grebe as its called in Europe) in
its wonderfully colorful breeding plumage
- the pairs of Red-throated Loons (or Red-throated Divers), in
their nice breeding plumage, as they sat still on the also still water of
glacial pools
- and the flocks of shorebirds including brilliant Black-tailed
Godwits (an endemic breeding subspecies in Iceland), Purple Sandpipers in
their breeding plumage (an endemic resident subspecies in Iceland), and those
other shorebirds that would continue further north to breed in the High Arctic,
notably Red Knots, and also Sanderlings and (Ruddy) Turnstones.
And looking back to our first day of the tour, we stood on shore at the end of a
cape, by where a large bay and the ocean meet. We were not far really from the
offshore island where the last Great Auk died over 150 years ago.
We were looking out at birds, so many birds. It was apparent that there were
large schools of fish under the surface of the water attracting large, actively
feeding, flocks of birds above them. Many Gannets were diving. There were
also many Gulls. Numerous Arctic Terns were noisily flying and
feeding. Parasitic Jaegers were harassing the Terns. Manx
Shearwaters were flying about. And there was a continual procession of alcids
flying by: in addition to Puffins, there were Razorbills, and both
species of Murres (known as Guillemots in Europe). The Common
Murres (or Guillemots) flew by in strings of birds, one group after
another, seemingly without end.
With the birds and the fish, beneath the surface of the water and breaking the
surface, there were Minke Whales (at least 2), feeding as well.
Iceland doesn't have many species of land mammals, but we were fortunate
one evening to have a look at a dark (nearly black) Arctic Fox as it ran
across the road in front of us. Then it stopped to look at us, as we looked at
We also saw a number of Harbor Seals, particularly along the north coast.
Sometimes they were in water feeding on fish attracting groups of birds, and
sometimes the seals were simply basking on the rocky shoreline in the sun.
Something that Iceland doesn't have much of are butterflies. We only saw
one. (There are 82 species of Lepidoptera species in Iceland, mostly moths.)
But there are some wonderful wildflowers in Iceland in the late spring
and summer. Among species seen during our June '06 tour were:
Nootka Lupin, Lupinus nootkatensis
Wild Pansy, Viola tricolor
Common Butterwort, Pinguicula vulgaris
Wood Crane's-bill, Geranium sylvaticum
Sea Pea, Lathyrus japonicus maritimus
Hairy Stonecrop, Sedum villosum
Moss Campion, Silene acaulis
Sea Campion, Silene uniflora
Thrift, Armeria maritima
Lady Smock, Cardamine nymanii
Sea Mayweed, Matricaria maritima
Alpine Mouse-ear, Cerastium alpinum
Alpine Bistort, Bistorta vivipara
Wild Angelica, Angelica sylvestris
Bearberry, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Marsh-marigold, Caltha palustris
Alpine Cinquefoil, Potentilla crantzii
Silverweed, Potentilla anserina
Roseroot, Rhodiola rosea
A more-complete list of wildflowers and some other plants in Iceland will soon
be elsewhere in this website.
The birds voted by the
participants, following the tour, as the "Top Birds" were:
1 - Gyrfalcon
2 - White-tailed Eagle
3 - King Eider
4 - Atlantic Puffin
5 - Red Phalarope
6 - Great Skua
7 - Rock Ptarmigan
8 - Iceland Gull
9 - Black Guillemot
10 - Snow Bunting
11 - Garganey
12 - Harlequin Duck
13 - Northern Gannet
14 - Pink-footed Goose
15 - Black-tailed Godwit
Yes, we liked Iceland - again!
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