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Alaska Birds

noting those during 
Focus On Nature Tours

1995 thru 2013

during late May & early June


An Alaska Bird List 
compiled by Armas Hill
with some photos

Photo at upper right: an immature IVORY GULL 
(photo by Alan Brady)

233 species of birds have cumulatively been found during FONT Alaskan tours. Some notable subspecies are noted in this list.
The numbers that follow the bird names indicate the number of tours during which the bird has been found (out of 8).


(*):      species found during a FONT tour, or tours, in ALASKA  (FTak)
FTjp:  species found during a FONT tour, or tours, in Japan  

(t): a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International
    (t1): critical    (t2): endangered    (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally
(NAi):   introduced in North America
(NAr):   rare in North America
(NAu):  uncommon in North America 

(B): a Beringian species (restricted, or nearly so, to the area of & surrounding the Bering Sea, as either a resident or a breeder)
(OW): a species primarily of the Old World 

(AKr):   a rare species in Alaska
(AKvr): a very rare species in Alaska (casual or accidental) 

(ph):  species with a photo in the FONT website 

 b: during FONT tours at Barrow
 g: during FONT tours at Gambell on St. Lawrence Island
 p: during FONT tours at the Pribilof Islands
(noting number of tours seen)

nac: during FONT tours seen north of the Arctic Circle (at either Kotzebue, Barrow, or along the Dalton Highway)  

Places in Alaska visited during FONT tours have included:

Anchorage area (all tours), Barrow, north of the Arctic Circle (twice), Brooks Range & Dalton Highway, including north of the Arctic Circle (once), Denali area (four tours), Fairbanks (twice), Gambell (on St. Lawrence Island) (twice), Kotzebue, north of the Arctic Circle (once), Nome (all tours but two), Seward (all tours), the Pribilof Islands (St. Paul) (all tours but one).

For birds seen at the Pribilofs, the number following the "p" indicates the number of tours during which the species has been seen there. 
The same applies to Gambell (following the g) and Barrow (following the b).

Areas with Wildlife in Northern Alaska:  

From the Dalton Highway west, much of the Brooks Range is in this park, one of the premier wilderness areas in the US national park system. It encompasses 8.4 million acres, and protects primeval landscapes, their flora and fauna, and the culture and traditions of Alaskan native people.
The forester and conservationist Robert Marshall explored the area in the 1930s. Impressed by two massive peaks flanking the North Fork of the Koyukuk River, he called them the "Gateway to the Arctic".
This area was visited during the FONT Alaska Tour in June 2013.

From the Dalton Highway area, near Atigun Canyon, this refuge extends east across the Brooks Range and the North Slope to Canada. it is an extraordinary wilderness.
The Porcupine Caribou Herd (named for the Porcupine River), Polar Bears, and Musk Oxen depend upon its unspoiled environment.
The pioneer Alaskan conservationists Olaus and Margaret Murie traveled the region by dog team and canoe, and were instrumental in gaining refuge status for the area.

Located west of the Finger Mountain area (visited during the FONT Alaska Tour in June 2013), this refuge is slightly larger than the US state of Delaware. It protects large wetland areas that are critical to nesting waterfowl and other wildlife. Resources provide sustenance for the people of the Koyukuk River valley.

Encompassing an area larger than Connecticut and Vermont combined, this refuge protects a vast complex of lakes and rivers in the Yukon River watershed upstream from the Dalton Highway. Wildlife thrives in the area.
The Yukon River was crossed during the FONT Alaska Tour in June 2013 on the only bridge over the large river in Alaska, along the Dalton Highway. 


Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in North America, including Alaska

Alaska Mammals  (with some photos)      Alaska Butterflies & Moths  (with some photos)

Alaska Wildflowers & some other Plants     Alaska Marine Life (including Fish) 



  1. Ruffed Grouse  (ph)  ______
    Bonasa umbellus

    In ANWR: a rare permanent resident on the south side.

  2. Spruce Grouse  ______
    Falcipennis canadensis

    In ANWR: an uncommon permanent resident on the south side.

  3. Willow Ptarmigan  (*)  ______  FTak
    Lagopus lagopus

    In ANWR: an uncommon permanent resident along the coast, a common to abundant permanent resident elsewhere. 

  4. Rock Ptarmigan  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Lagopus mutus

    In ANWR: a common permanent resident throughout.

  5. Sharp-tailed Grouse  ______
    Tympanuchus phasianellus

    In ANWR: an uncommon permanent resident on the south side, annual population varies.


  6. Tundra Swan  (*)  ______  FTak
    Cygnus c. columbianus

    In ANWR: common visitor on coastal plain. 

  7. Trumpeter Swan  (*) (ph)  ______  7  FTak
    Cygnus buccinator

    In ANWR; a casual breeder & visitor on coastal plain. Uncommon on the south side. 

    Trumpeter Swan

  8. Greater White-fronted Goose  (*)  ______  5  p1  FTak
    Anser albifrons

    In ANWR; a common spring & fall migrant and an uncommon breeder on coastal plain.

  9. Snow Goose  (*) (ph)  ______  3  p1  FTak  FTjp
    (formerly Anser) caerulescens

    In ANWR; a common spring migrant, rare summer visitor, and abundant fall migrant on coastal plain. 

  10. Ross' Goose  (*)  ______  1  FTak
    (formerly Anser) rossii

    In ANWR: a casual spring migrant on coastal plain. 

  11. Canada Goose  (*)  ______  8  FTak
    Branta canadensis parvipes

    In ANWR: an uncommon breeder on the south side.

  12. Cackling Goose  (*)  ______  FTak  
    Branta hutchinsii taverneri

    In ANWR: a common breeder and migrant on coastal plain.   

    Branta hutchinsii taverneri
    is a "medium-sized" goose that breeds on the tundra along Alaska's coastal areas north of the Alaska Peninsula, and east along the Beaufort Sea coast into the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.   

  13. Brant  (ph)  ______  FTak  FTjp
    Branta bernicla nigricans

    In ANWR: uncommon breeder and common migrant

  14. Wood Duck  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Aix sponsa

  15. Mallard  (ph) (*)  ______  p2  FTak  FTjp
    Anas platyrhynchos

  16. Northern Pintail  (*) (ph)  ______  p7  FTak  FTjp
    Anas acuta

  17. Gadwall  (*)  (ph)  ______  FTak  
    Anas strepera

    In ANWR: casual visitor on coastal plain. 

  18. Falcated Duck  (nt) (NAr) (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  1  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Anas falcata 

  19. Green-winged Teal  (*)  (ph)  ______ p7  FTak
    Anas carolinensis

    Anas carolinensis has been considered conspecific with Anas crecca, the Eurasian Teal  (below). 
  20. Eurasian Teal  (OW) (*)  ______ p3  FTak  FTjp
    Anas crecca nimia 
    (the subspecies of far-eastern Asia & into the Aleutian Is. of Alaska)   

  21. Garganey  (NAr) (OW) (*) ______ p1  FTak  FTjp
    Anas querquedula

  22. Northern Shoveler  (*) (ph)   ______  8  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Anas clypeata

  23. American Wigeon  (*)  (ph)  ______  8  p4  FTak  FTjp
    Anas americana

  24. Eurasian Wigeon  (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  p2  FTak  FTjp
    Anas penelope

  25. Eastern Spot-billed Duck  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Anas zonorhyncha

  26. Blue-winged Teal  (ph)  ______
    Anas discors

  27. Cinnamon Teal  ______
    Anas cyanoptera

  28. Baikal Teal  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp 
    Anas formosa

  29. Common Pochard  (NAr) (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Aythya ferina

  30. Canvasback  (*)  ______  FTak
    Aythya valisineria

    In ANWR: a casual visitor on coastal plain and south side.

  31. Redhead  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Aythya americana

  32. Ring-necked Duck  (*)  (ph)  ______  FTak  FTjp
    Aythya collaris

  33. Greater Scaup  (*)  ______  p5  FTak  FTjp
    Aythya marila

  34. Lesser Scaup  (*)  (ph)  ______  FTak
    Aythya affinis

  35. Tufted Duck  (NAu) (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Aythya fuligula

  36. Common Goldeneye  (*)  ______  p6  FTak  FTjp
    Bucephala clangula

  37. Barrow's Goldeneye  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Bucephala islandica

  38. Bufflehead  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak  
    Bucephala albeola

    In ANWR: a rare visitor to the Brooks Range and south side.

  39. Long-tailed Duck  (t3) (*) (ph)  ______ FTak
    Clangula hyemalis 
    (the single member of its genus) 

    (the single member of its genus) 

    In ANWR: a common breeder on coastal plain.  

    Long-tailed Ducks, male & female
    (photo by Kim Steininger) 

  40. Harlequin Duck  (*) (ph)  ______  p7  FTak  FTjp
    Histrionicus histrioncus 

  41. Common Eider  (*)  (ph)  ______  FTak
    Somateria mollissima

    In ANWR: a common breeder on coastal islands, a common migrant along the coast. 

  42. King Eider  (*)  (ph)  ______  FTak
    Somateria spectabilis

    In ANWR; a fairly common breeder and uncommon migrant along the coast.

  43. Steller's Eider  (t3) (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Polysticta stelleri

    In ANWR: a rare visitor along the coast.

  44. Spectacled Eider  (B) (*)  ______  FTak
    Somateria fischeri

    In ANWR: a rare breeder & uncommon visitor along the coast. 

  45. Surf Scoter  (*)  (ph)  ______ p2  FTak
    Melanitta perspicillata

  46. White-winged Scoter  (*)  ______  p2  FTak
    Melanitta fusca

  47. Black Scoter  (*)  (ph)  ______  FTak
    Melanitta americana

    In ANWR: an uncommon migrant along the coast.  

  48. Smew  (NAr) (OW) (*)  ______ 1  FTak  
    Mergellus albellus

    In ANWR: an accidental visitor on coastal plain. 

  49. Common Merganser  (*) (ph)  ______ p1  FTak  FTjp
    Mergus merganser

    In the Old World, Mergus merganser is called the Goosander.

  50. Red-breasted Merganser  (*) (ph)  ______  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Mergus serrator

  51. Hooded Merganser  (*) (ph)  ______ FTak
    Lophodytes cucullatus

  52. Ruddy Duck  (AKvr)  (ph)  ______
    Oxyura jamaicensis


  53. Red-throated Loon  (*) (ph)  ______   FTak  
    Gavia stellata 

    In ANWR: a fairly common breeder and migrant along the coast. A rare breeder in the Brooks ?Range and on the south side. 

  54. Pacific Loon  (*) (ph)  ______  8  FTak  
    Gavia pacifica 

    In ANWR: a common breeder on the coastal plain and south side. A common migrant along the coast. An uncommon breeder in the Brooks Range.

    Pacific Loon

  55. Arctic Loon  (*)  ______  5  FTak  FTjp  
    Gavia arctica viridigularis

    In the Old World, the Arctic Loon is called the Black-throated Diver.

  56. Yellow-billed Loon  (*)  ______  5  g1 p1  FTak  FTjp
    Gavia adamsii 

    In the Old World, the Yellow-billed Loon is called the White-billed Diver.

  57. Common Loon  (*)  ______  FTak 
    Gavia immer 

    In the Old World, the Common Loon is called the Great Northern Diver. 


  58. Northern Fulmar  (*) (ph)  ______  7  FTak  
    Fulmarus glacialis rodgersii  

  59. Short-tailed Shearwater  (ph)  ______   
    Puffinus tenuirostris


  60. Red-necked Grebe  (*) (ph)  ______  8  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Podiceps grisegena holboellii

    In ANWR: a casual visitor on coastal plain and in the Brooks Range. 

  61. Horned Grebe  (*) (ph)  ______   FTak  
    Podiceps auritus cornutus

    In ANWR: a casual visitor on coastal plain and in the Brooks Range.


  62. American Kestrel  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Falco sparverius

    In ANWR: a casual visitor on coastal plain. A common breeder on south side. An uncommon breeder in the Brooks Range.  

  63. Merlin  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak  
    Falco columbarius

    In ANWR: a rare visitor on coastal plain. Uncommon in the Brooks Range and on south side. 

  64. Peregrine Falcon  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak  
    Falco peregrinus 

    In ANWR: a rare breeder and uncommon visitor on coastal plain. Fairly common breeder in the Brooks Range and on the south side.

  65. Gyrfalcon  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak  
    Falco rusticolus

    In ANWR: an uncommon permanent resident on the inland coastal plain, in the Brooks Range, and on the south side. A rare visitor to the coast. 


  66. Bald Eagle  (*) (ph)  ______  p3  FTak
    Haliaeetus leucocephalus

  67. White-tailed Eagle  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Haliaeetus albicilla

  68. Steller's Sea Eagle  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Haliaeetus pelagicus

  69. Northern Harrier  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Circus hudsonius

  70. Osprey  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak  
    Pandion haliaetus

    In ANWR: an accidental visitor on coastal plain. A rare visitor in Brooks Range and on south side.

  71. Northern Goshawk  (*)  ______  FTak  FTjp
    Accipiter gentilis

  72. Sharp-shinned Hawk  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Accipiter striatus

  73. Red-tailed Hawk  (*) (ph)  ______   FTak
    Buteo jamaicensis

    The subspecies of the Red-tailed Hawk known as the "Harlan's Hawk" has been seen during FONT tours in Alaska.

  74. Rough-legged Hawk  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak  FTjp
    Buteo lagopus

  75. Swainson's Hawk  (ph)  ______
    Buteo swainsoni

  76. Golden Eagle  (*)  ______  FTak
    Aquila chrysaetos


  77. Virginia Rail  (AKvr)  ______
    Rallus limicola

  78. Sora  ______
    Porzana carolina

  79. American Coot  (ph)  ______
    Fulica americana

  80. Eurasian Coot  (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Fulica atra


  81. Sandhill Crane  (*) (ph)  ______  8  p2  FTak  FTjp
    Grus canadensis

    Sandhill Crane
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  82. Common Crane  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Grus grus  


  83. Black-bellied Plover  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak  FTjp
    Pluvialis s. squatarola

    In the Old World, the Black-bellied Plover is called the Grey Plover.

  84. American Golden Plover  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Pluvialis dominicus 

  85. Pacific Golden Plover  (*) (ph) ______ p2  FTak  FTjp
    Pluvialis fulva 

    The Pacific Golden Plover was conspecific with the American Golden Plover.

  86. European Golden Plover  (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Pluvialis apricaria

  87. Semipalmated Plover  (*) (ph)  ______  p7  FTak
    Charadrius semipalmatus 

  88. Common Ringed Plover  (NAr) (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  2 g1  FTak  FTjp
    Charadrius hiaticula tundrae

  89. Little Ringed Plover  (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Charadrius dubius

  90. Lesser Sandplover  (OW) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Charadrius mongolus

    The Lesser Sandplover has also been called the Mongolian Plover.

  91. Snowy Plover  (AKvr) (ph)  ______ 
    Charadrius nivosus

  92. Killdeer  (ph)  ______
    Charadrius vociferus

  93. Eurasian Dotterel  (NAr) (OW) (ph)  ______
    Charadrius morinellus

  94. Northern Lapwing  (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Vanellus vanellus

  95. Black Oystercatcher  (*) (ph)  ______ 5  FTak
    Haematopus bachmani

  96. Black-winged Stilt  (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Himantopus himantopus

  97. American Avocet  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Recurvirostra americana 

  98. Greater Yellowlegs  (*) ______  7  p2  FTak
    Tringa melanoleuca 

  99. Lesser Yellowlegs  (*) (ph)  ______  p1  FTak
    Tringa flavipes 

  100. Solitary Sandpiper  (ph)  ______ 
    Tringa solitaria

  101. Common Greenshank  (NAr) (OW) (*)  ______  3  p3  FTak  FTjp
    Tringa nebularia 

  102. Spotted Redshank  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Tringa erythropus

  103. Green Sandpiuper  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (*)  ______  1  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Tringa ochropus  

  104. Wood Sandpiper  (NAr) (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  p4  FTak  FTjp
    Tringa glareola 

  105. Marsh Sandpiper  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Tringa stagnatilis

  106. Wandering Tattler  (*)  ______  8  p5  FTak
    Heteroscelus incanus 

  107. Gray-tailed Tattler  (NAr) (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  p2  FTak  FTjp
    Heteroscelus breviceps 

  108. Spotted Sandpiper  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Actitis macularia 

  109. Common Sandpiper  (NAr) (OW) (*)  ______  1  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Actitis macularia  (monotypic)

  110. Terek Sandpiper  (NAr) (OW) (*)  ______  FTak  FTjp
    Xenus cinereus 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  111. Upland Sandpiper  ______
    Bartramia longicauda

  112. "American" Whimbrel  (*) (ph)  ______  p2  FTak
    Numenius phaeopus rufiventris

  113. Bristle-thighed Curlew  (t3) (NAr) (*) (ph) ______  p1  FTak
    Numenius tahitiensis 

  114. Eastern Curlew  (nt) (NAr) (OW) (*)  ______ 1  p1  FTak  FTjp 
    Numenius madagascariensis 

    The Eastern Curlew has been called the Far Eastern Curlew. 

  115. Little Curlew  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______
    Numenius minutus

  116. Eskimo Curlew  ______  (now presumed to be extinct)
    Numenius borealis

    The last documented sighting of an Eskimo Curlew in Alaska was in 1886.

  117. Bar-tailed Godwit  (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  p6  FTak  FTjp   
    Limosa lapponica baueri 

    The Bar-tailed Godwit is an Old World species, but the subspecies L. l. baueri commonly breeds in western Alaska. 

  118. Eastern Black-tailed Godwit  (nt) (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (*)  ______ 1  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Limosa melanuroides

    The Eastern Black-tailed Godwit has been "split" from the Black-tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa.

  119. Hudsonian Godwit  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Limosa haemastica

  120. Marbled Godwit  (ph)  ______
    Limosa fedoa

  121. Ruddy Turnstone  (*) (ph)  ______  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Arenaria interpres

  122. Black Turnstone  (*)  ______  FTak
    Arenaria melanocephala

  123. Surfbird  (*)  ______  FTak
    Aphriza virgata

  124. Red Knot  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak  FTjp
    Calidris canutus

  125. Great Knot  (t3) (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Calidris tenuirostris

  126. Sanderling  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak  FTjp
    Calidris alba 

  127. Semipalmated Sandpiper  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Calidris pusilla

  128. Western Sandpiper  (*) (ph)  ______  6  p1  FTak
    Calidris mauri

  129. Red-necked Stint  (NAr) (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  3  p2 b1  FTak  FTjp
    Calidris ruficollis

  130. Temminck's Stint  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (*)  ______  b1  FTak  FTjp
    Calidris temminckii

  131. Long-toed Stint  (NAr) (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Calidris subminuta  


  132. Little Stint  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Calidris temminckii

  133. Least Sandpiper  (*) (ph)  ______  6  p5  FTak
    Calidris minutilla

  134. Baird's Sandpiper  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Calidris bairdii

  135. Pectoral Sandpiper  (*) (ph)  ______  p3  FTak
    Calidris melanotos

  136. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper  (NAr) (OW) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Calidris acuminata

  137. White-rumped Sandpiper  (ph)  ______
    Calidris fuscicollis

  138. Rock Sandpiper  (*)  ______  p7  FTak
    Calidris ptilocnemis

  139. Purple Sandpiper  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Calidris maritima

  140. Dunlin  (*) (ph)  ______  6  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Calidris alpina

  141. Curlew Sandpiper  (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Calidris ferruginea

  142. Stilt Sandpiper  (*) (ph)  ______  1  FTak
    Calidris himantopus

  143. Spoon-billed Sandpiper  (t1) (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Eurynorhynchus pygmeus

  144. Broad-billed Sandpiper  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Limicola falcinellus
  145. Ruff / Reeve  (NAu) (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  1  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Philomachus pugnax

  146. Short-billed Dowitcher  (*) (ph)  ______  p1  FTak
    Limnodromus griseus

  147. Long-billed Dowitcher  (*)  ______  FTak
    Limnodromus scolopaceus

  148. Wilson's Snipe  (*) (ph)  ______ 7  p1  FTak
    Gallinago delicata

    The Wilson's Snipe was conspecific with the Common Snipe of the Old World, Gallinago gallinago.

  149. Common Snipe  (NAr) (OW) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Gallinago gallinago

    The Common Snipe is best identified by its underwings being paler than those of the Wilson's Snipe. 

  150. Pin-tailed Snipe  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Gallinago stenura

  151. Jack Snipe  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Lymnocryptes minimus

  152. Red-necked Phalarope  (*) (ph)  ______ p7  FTak  FTjp
    Phalaropus lobatus

  153. Red Phalarope  (*) (ph)  ______ p2  FTak  FTjp
    Phalaropus fulicaria

    In the Old World, the Red Phalarope is called the Grey Phalarope (except in Iceland).  

  154. Wilson's Phalarope  (AKvr)  ______
    Phalaropus tricolor

  155. Oriental Pratincole  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Glareola maldivarum


  156. Pomarine Jaeger  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak  FTjp
    Stercorarius pomarinus 

    In the Old World, the Pomarine Jaeger is called the Pomarine Skua.

  157. Parasitic Jaeger  (*) (ph)  ______  p3  FTak  FTjp
    Stercorarius parasiticus 

    In the Old World, the Parasitic Jaeger is called the Arctic Skua.

  158. Long-tailed Jaeger  (*) (ph)  ______  6  p2   FTak  
    Stercorarius longicaudus pallescens

    In the Old World, the Long-tailed Jaeger is called the Long-tailed Skua.

  159. South Polar Skua  (AKvr)  (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Stercorarius maccormicki


  160. Franklin's Gull  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Leucophaeus pipixcan

  161. Little Gull  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Hydrocoloeus minutus

  162. Black-headed Gull  (NAu) (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  4  p1  FTak  FTjp
    (formerly Larus) ridibundus  (monotypic)
  163. Bonaparte's Gull  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    (formerly Larus) philadelphia  (monotypic)

  164. Heermann's Gull  (AKvr)  (ph)  ______
    Larus heermanni

  165. Mew Gull  (*)  ______  8  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Larus canus brachyrhynchus

    In Eurasia, the nominate race of Larus canus is called the Common Gull. The race in eastern Asia that is called the "Kamchatka Gull" is L. c. kamtschatschenis.  

  166. Ring-billed Gull  ______
    Larus delawarensis

  167. California Gull  ______
    Larus californicus

  168. "American" Herring Gull  (*)  ______ p1  FTak
    Larus (argentatus) smithsonianus

  169. Vega Gull  (OW) (*) ______  6  FTak  FTjp    
    Larus vegae

    The Vega Gull has been considered a subspecies of the Herring Gull. 

  170. Thayer's Gull  ______
    Larus thayeri

  171. Lesser Black-backed Gull  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Larus fuscus 

  172. Slaty-backed Gull  (NAr) (OW) (*) (ph)   ______  7  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Larus schistisagus 

  173. Glaucous-winged Gull  (*)  ______  8  p7  FTak  FTjp
    Larus glaucescens 

  174. Glaucous Gull  (*) (ph)  ______  p5  FTak  FTjp
    Larus hyperboreus barrovianus 

    Another subspecies
    , L. h. pallidissimus, is on the Asian side of the Bering Sea. 

  175. Black-tailed Gull  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Larus crassirostris

  176. Western Gull  (AKvr)  ______
    Larus occidentalis

  177. Great Black-backed Gull  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Larus marinus

  178. Black-legged Kittiwake  (*) (ph)  ______  p7  FTak  FTjp
    Rissa tridactyla 
    (now said to be monotypic)

  179. Red-legged Kittiwake  (t3) (B) (*) (ph)  ______  7  p7  FTak
    Rissa brevirostris 

    In the mid-1970s, the total population of the Red-legged Kittiwake was estimated at about 260,000 individuals. It declined to about 168,000 by the mid-1990s. Most of this decline was on the Pribilof Islands..  

  180. Ross' Gull  (*) (ph)  ______  2  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Rhodostethia rosea  (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

  181. Sabine's Gull  (*) (ph)  ______  6  p1  FTak
    Xema sabini 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

  182. Ivory Gull  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak  (PHOTO AT THE TOP OF THIS LIST) 
    Pagophila eburnea 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

    The Ivory Gull is a bird of the High Arctic.

    Ivory Gull
    (photo by Howard Eskin)


  183. Common Tern  (*)  ______  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Sterna h. hirundo

  184. Arctic Tern  (*) (ph)  ______  8  p1  FTak
    Sterna paradisaea 

  185. Aleutian Tern  (B) (*)  ______ FTak
    (formerly Sterna) aleutica  (monotypic)

  186. Caspian Tern  ______
    Hydroprogne caspia

  187. Sooty Tern  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Onychoprion fuscatus

  188. Black Tern  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Chiladontas niger

  189. White-winged Tern  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  (ph)  ______  
    Chiladontas leucopterus


  190. Dovekie  (*)  ______  FTak
    Alle alle polaris

    In the Old World, the Dovekie is called the Little Auk.

  191. Common Murre  (*) (ph)  ______  p7  FTak  FTjp
    Uria aalge inornata

    In the Old World, the Common Murre is called the Guillemot.

    Common Murre
    (photo by Kim Steininger)

  192. Thick-billed Murre  (*) (ph)  ______  7  p7  FTak  FTjp
    Uria lomvia arra

    In the Old World, the Thick-billed Murre is called the Brunnich's Guillemot.

  193. Black Guillemot  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Cepphus grylle mandtii 
    (a different subspecies than in the NE USA & eastern Canada)

  194. Pigeon Guillemot  (*)  ______  p3  FTak  FTjp
    Cepphus c. columba 
    (the 2 other subspecies are in eastern Asia) 

  195. Marbled Murrelet  (t3) (*)  ______  p1   FTak
    Brachyramphus marmoratus 

    The Marbled Murrelet was conspecific with what is now the Long-billed Murrelet of eastern Asia. 

  196. Long-billed Murrelet  (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Brachyramphus perdix  

  197. Kittlitz's Murrelet  (t1) (*)  ______  FTak
    Brachyramphus brevirostris 

  198. Ancient Murrelet ______  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Synthliboramphus a. antiquus 
    (the other subspecies breeds on Commander Island, Siberia) 

  199. Cassin's Auklet  (*)  ______  FTak
    Ptychoramphus aleuticus

  200. Parakeet Auklet  (B) ______  p7  FTak
    (formerly Cyclorrhynchus) psittacula  (monotypic)

  201. Least Auklet  (B) (ph)  ______  p7  FTak  FTjp
    Aethia pusilla 

    The Least Auklet is Alaska's most numerous colonial seabird.

  202. Crested Auklet  (B) ______  p7  FTak  FTjp
    Aethia cristatella 

  203. Whiskered Auklet  (B)  ______
    Aethia pygmaea

  204. Rhinoceros Auklet ______  FTak  FTjp
    Cerorhinca monocerata 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

  205. Tufted Puffin  (*) (ph)  ______  8  p7  FTak  FTjp
    (formerly Lunda) cirrhata  (monotypic)

  206. Horned Puffin  (*)  (ph)  ______  p7  FTak  FTjp
    Fratercula corniculata 


  207. Common (or Feral) Pigeon  (*) ______  FTak  FTjp
    Columba livia

  208. Band-tailed Pigeon  (ph)  ______
    Patagioenas fasciata

  209. Oriental Turtle Dove  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Streptopelia orientalis

  210. Mourning Dove  ______
    Zenaida macroura

  211. White-winged Dove  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Zenaida asiatica 


  212. Common Cuckoo  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (*)  ______ p1  FTak  FTjp
    Cuculus canorus

  213. Oriental Cuckoo  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Cuculus aptatus

  214. Yellow-billed Cuckoo  (AKvr)  ______
    Coccyzus americanus


  215. Western Screech Owl  (ph)  ______
    Megascops kennicottii

  216. Oriental Scops Owl  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Otus sunia

  217. Great Horned Owl  (ph)  ______ 
    Bubo virginianus

  218. Snowy Owl  (*) (ph)  ______  3  p3 b1  FTak
    Bubo scandiacus
    (was Nyctea scandiaca)  (monotypic)

  219. Short-eared Owl  (*) (ph)  ______  6  p3  FTak  FTjp
    Asio flammeus

  220. Long-eared Owl  (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Asio otus

  221. Northern Hawk-Owl  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Surnia ulula

  222. Boreal Owl  (*) (ph)  ______ FTak
    Aegolius funereus

    In the Old World, the Boreal Owl is called the Tengmalm's Owl.

  223. Northern Saw-whet Owl  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Aegolius acadicus

  224. Northern Pygmy Owl  ______
    Glaucidium gnoma

  225. Great Gray Owl  (ph)  ______
    Strix nebulosa

  226. Barred Owl  (ph)  ______ 
    Strix varia


  227. Lesser Nighthawk  (AKvr)  ______
    Chordeiles acutipennis

  228. Common Nighthawk  ______
    Chordeiles minor

  229. Eastern Whip-poor-will  (AKvr)  ______
    Caprimulgus vociferus

  230. Grey Nightjar  (NAr) (OW) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Caprimulgus indicus


  231. Black Swift  ______
    Cypseloides niger

  232. Vaux's Swift  ______
    Chaetura vuxi

  233. Chimney Swift  (AKvr)  ______
    Chaetura pelagica

  234. White-throated Needletail  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Hirundapus caudacutus

  235. Fork-tailed Swift  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Apus pacificus

  236. Common Swift  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______
    Apus apus


  237. Rufous Hummingbird  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Selasphorus rufus

  238. Anna's Hummingbird  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Calypte anna

  239. Costa's Hummingbird  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Calypte costae

  240. Ruby-throated Hummingbird  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Archilochus colubris


  241. Eurasian Hoopoe  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Upupa epops


  242. Belted Kingfisher  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    (formerly Ceryle) alcyon  (now said to be monotypic)


  243. Eurasian Wryneck  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______
    Jnyx torquilla

  244. Downy Woodpecker  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Picoides pubescens medianus 
    (1 of 2 subspecies in Alaska)

  245. Hairy Woodpecker  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Picoides villosus septentrionalis 
    (1 of 2 subspecies in Alaska)

  246. American Three-toed Woodpecker  (*)  ______  3  FTak
    Picoides tridactylus fasciatus

    The American Three-toed Woodpecker was conspecific with the Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker.

  247. Black-backed Woodpecker  (*)  ______ 2  FTak 
    Picoides arcticus 

    The Black-backed Woodpecker was at one time called the Black-backed Three-toed Woodpecker, as this species also has 3 toes. 

  248. Northern Flicker ______ 
    Colaptes auratus 

    "Yellow-shafted Flicker"  (*)  ______  FTak
    Colaptes auratus luteus

    "Red-shafted Flicker"  ______
    Colaptes auratus cafer

  249. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  (AKvr)  (ph)  ______
    Sphyrapicus varius

  250. Red-breasted Sapsucker  ______
    Sphyrapicus ruber

  251. Great Spotted Woodpecker  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Dendrocopos major


  252. Olive-sided Flycatcher  (nt) (*)  ______ 6  FTak
    Contopus borealis

    An alternate name for Contopus borealis could be the Boreal Pewee. 

  253. Western Wood Pewee  (*)  ______  FTak
    Contopus sordidulus

  254. Alder Flycatcher  (*)  ______  FTak
    Empidonax alnorum

  255. Hammond's Flycatcher  (*)  ______ FTak
    Empidonax hammondii

  256. Willow Flycatcher  (AKvr)  ______
    Empidonax trailii

  257. Least Flycatcher  (AKvr)  ______
    Empidonax minimus

  258. Dusky Flycatcher  (AKvr) (ph)  ______ 
    Empidonax oberholseri

  259. Pacific Slope Flycatcher  ______
    Empidonax difficilis

  260. Say's Phoebe  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Sayornis saya

  261. Black Phoebe  (AKvr)  ______
    Sayornis nigricans

  262. Eastern Phoebe  (AKvr)  ______
    Sayornis phoebe

  263. Great Crested Flycatcher  (AKvr)  ______
    Myiarchus crinitus

  264. Western Kingbird  (AKvr)  ______
    Tyrannus verticalis

  265. Eastern Kingbird  (AKvr)  ______
    Tyrannus tyrannus

  266. Tropical Kingbird  (AKvr)  ______
    Tyrannus melancholicus

  267. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Tyrannus forficatus


  268. Northern Shrike  (*) (ph)  ______ FTak  FTjp    
    Lanius excubitor

    In the Old World, the Northern Shrike is called the Great Grey Shrike. 

  269. Brown Shrike  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Lanius cristatus


  270. Cassin's Vireo  (AKvr)  ______
    Vireo cassinii

  271. Warbling Vireo  ______
    Vireo gilvus

  272. Philadelphia Vireo  (AKvr)  ______
    Vireo philadelphicus

  273. Red-eyed Vireo  ______
    Vireo olivaceus


  274. Gray Jay  (*) (ph)  ______ FTak
    Pesisoreus canadensis

  275. Steller's Jay  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Cyanocitta stelleri

    The Steller's Jay was among the first birds found in Alaska, and described to science, by European explorers and naturalists from Russia.
    Georg Steller encountered it in July 1741 when he landed for but a few hours on an island off the Alaskan coast.      

    Steller's Jay 
    (photo by Howard Eskin)
  276. Black-billed Magpie  (*) (ph)  ______   FTak
    Pica hudsonia

    The Black-billed Magpie was conspecific with the Common Magpie, Pica pica, of Europe. 
    Recently, the Kamchatka Magpie of far-eastern Russia, Pica camtsschatica, has also been split from Pica pica, as has the Oriental Magpie, Pica sericea, also of eastern Asia (further south). 

  277. Northwestern Crow  (*)  ______  FTak
    Corvus caurinus

  278. American Crow  ______
    Corvus brachyrhynchos

  279. Common Raven  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak  FTjp
    Corvus corax

  280. Clark's Nutcracker  (AKvr)  ______
    Nucifraga columbiana


  281. Bohemian Waxwing  (*) ______  FTak  FTjp 
    Bombycilla garrulus

  282. Cedar Waxwing  (ph)  ______ 
    Bombycilla cedrorum


    The species in the following genus Poecile were in the genus Parus.

  283. Black-capped Chickadee  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak

  284. Boreal Chickadee  (*)  ______  FTak

  285. Chestnut-backed Chickadee  (*)  ______  FTak

  286. Gray-headed Chickadee  ______
    Poecile cincta

    Another name for Poecile cincta, in the Old World, is the Siberian Tit.

  287. Mountain Chickadee  (AKvr)  ______
    Poecile gambeli


  288. Tree Swallow  (*) (ph)  ______  p3  FTak
    Tachycineta bicolor 

  289. Violet-green Swallow  (*)  ______  FTak
    Tachycineta t. thalassina

  290. Bank Swallow  (*)  ______  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Riparia r riparia

    In the Old World, the Bank Swallow is called the Sand Martin. 

  291. American Cliff Swallow  (*)  ______  FTak
    (formerly Hirundo) p. pyrrhonota

  292. Barn Swallow  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak  FTjp
    Hirundo rustica erythrogaster

  293. Northern Rough-winged Swallow  ______
    Stelgidopteyx serripennis

  294. Purple Martin  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Progne subis

  295. Asian House Martin  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Delichon dasypus


  296. Horned Lark  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak 
    Eremophila alpestris

    In the Old World, the Horned Lark is called the Shore Lark.

  297. Eurasian Skylark  (OW) (NAr) (*)  ______  2 p1  FTak  FTjp
    Alauda arvensis

    In Alaska, the Eurasian Skylark is a visitor from Asia. 


  298. Pacific Wren  (*)  ______  p6  FTak
    Troglodytes pacificus alascensis   

    The above subspecies of the Pacific Wren in the Pribilof Islands is 1 of 6 subspecies in Alaska. Most of the other subspecies in the state are on islands including the Aleutians & Kodiak Island.   


  299. Red-breasted Nuthatch  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Sitta canadensis

  300. Brown Creeper  (*) (ph)  ______  2  FTak
    Certhia americana

    An alternate name for Certhia americana could be the the "American Treecreeper". All of the other species in the Certhia genus in the world are called treecreepers. 


  301. Golden-crowned Kinglet  (*) (ph)  ______ FTak
    Regulus satrapa olivaceus 
    (1 of 2 subspecies in Alaska)

  302. Ruby-crowned Kinglet  (*) (ph)  ______ FTak
    Regulus calendula grinnelli


  303. Arctic Warbler  (NAr) (OW) (*)  ______  FTak  FTjp
    Phylloscopus borealis

    The Arctic Warblers that breed in Alaska winter in the Philippines and Indonesia. 

  304. Willow Warbler  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______
    Phylloscopus trochilus

  305. Wood Warbler  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______
    Phylloscopus sibilatrix

  306. Dusky Warbler  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______
    Phylloscopus fuscatus

  307. Yellow-browed Warbler  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Phylloscopus inornatus

  308. Pallas' Leaf Warbler  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______
    Phylloscopus proregulus 

  309. Lesser Whitethroat  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______
    Sylvia curruca

  310. Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______
    Locustella ochotensis

  311. Lanceolated Warbler  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Locustella lanceolata


  312. Narcissus Flycatcher  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Ficedula narcissina

  313. Taiga Flycatcher  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Ficedula albicilla

    The Taiga Flycatcher was conspecific with the Red-breasted Flycatcher of western Eurasia.  

  314. Mugimaki Flycatcher  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Ficedula mugimaki

    There is a single record of a Mugimaki Flycatcher in Alaska, on Shemya Island in 1985. 

  315. Dark-sided Flycatcher  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Muscicapa sibirica

  316. Grey-streaked Flycatcher  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Muscicapa griseisticta

  317. Asian Brown Flycatcher  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Muscicapa dauurica

  318. Spotted Flycatcher  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  
    Muscicapa striata

    OLD WORLD CHATS & allies 

  319. Bluethroat  (NAr) (OW) (*) (ph)   ______  FTak  FTjp
    Luscinia s. svecica 

    that breed in Alaska winter in southeast Asia. 

  320. Siberian Rubythroat  (OW) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Luscinia calliope

  321. Siberian Blue Robin  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Luscinia cyane

  322. Red-flanked Bluetail  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Luscinia cyanurus 
    (formerly Tarsiger cyanurus)

  323. Northern Wheatear  (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  p1  FTak
    Oenanthe o. oenanthe   

    Wheatears that breed in Alaska winter on the savannas of northern & eastern Africa. A different subspecies of the Wheatear that breeds in northeast Canada, Greenland, and Iceland, winters in western Europe and western Africa. 

  324. Siberian Stonechat  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Saxicola maurus

    The Siberian Stonechat was conspecific with the Eurasian (or Common) Stonechat, Saxicola torquatus


  325. Gray-cheeked Thrush  (*)  ______  FTak
    Catharus minimus

  326. Swainson's Thrush  (*)  ______  FTak
    Catharus ustulatus

  327. Hermit Thrush  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Catharus guttatus

  328. Veery  (AKvr)  ______
    Catharus fuscescens

  329. Eye-browed Thrush  (NAr) (OW) (*)  ______  1  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Turdus obscurus

  330. American Robin  (*)  ______  FTak
    Turdus migratorius

  331. Dusky Thrush  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Turdus eunomus

    Both Dusky Thrush and Naumann's Thrush (below) have been found on Adak Island.

  332. Naumann's Thrush  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Turdus naumanni

    The Naumann's Thrush and the Dusky Thrush (above) have been conspecific.  

  333. Fieldfare  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______
    Turdus pilaris

  334. Redwing  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Turdus iliacus

    The first Redwing in Alaska was found in Seward on November 16, 2011.   

  335. Varied Thrush  (*) (ph)  ______  7  FTak
    Ixoreus naevius meruloides 
    (1 of 2 subspecies in Alaska) (the single member of its genus) 

  336. Townsend's Solitaire  ______
    Myadestes townsendi

  337. Mountain Bluebird  (ph)  ______ 
    Sialia currucoides


  338. Gray Catbird  (AKvr)  ______
    Dumetella carolinensis

  339. Northern Mockingbird  (AKvr)  ______
    Mimus polyglottos

  340. Brown Thrasher  (AKvr)  ______
    Toxostoma rufum  


  341. American Dipper  ______
    Cinclus mexicanus


  342. Siberian Accentor  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______
    Prunella montanella


  343. Common Starling  ______  FTjp
    Sturnus vulgaris


  344. Eastern Yellow Wagtail  (OW) (*) ______  p2  FTak  FTjp
    Motacilla t. tschutschensis   

    The subspecies of the Eastern Yellow Wagtail that breeds in Alaska and the northern Kamchatka Peninsula of Siberia  winters in eastern Asia to the Greater Sundas.

  345. White Wagtail  (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  g1  FTak  FTjp
    Motacilla alba ocularis
    Motacilla alba lugens  _____  2 
    (this race has been called "Black-backed Wagtail"

  346. Grey Wagtail  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Motacilla cinerea

  347. Olive-backed Pipit  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (*) (ph)  ______  p2  FTak  FTjp
    Anthus hodgsoni

  348. Red-throated Pipit  (NAu) (OW) (*)  ______  2  p1 g1  FTak  FTjp
    Anthus cervinus

  349. American Pipit  (*) (ph)  ______  5  p1  FTak  FTjp
    Anthus rubescens

    Another name for the American Pipit is the Buff-bellied Pipit.

  350. Tree Pipit  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Anthus trivialis

  351. Pechora Pipit  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______
    Anthus gustavi


  352. Brambling  (NAr) (OW) (*) (ph)  ______  p1  FTak  FTjp  
    Fringilla montifringilla

  353. Gray-crowned Rosy Finch (*) (ph)  ______  p7  FTak
    Leucosticte tephrocotis

  354. Pine Grosbeak  (*) (ph)  ______  1  FTak
    Pinicola enucleator

  355. Scarlet (or Common) Rosefinch  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Carpodacus erythrinus

  356. Purple Finch  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    (formerly Carpodacus) purpureus

  357. Cassin's Finch  (nt) (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    (formerly Carpodacus) cassinii

  358. House Finch  (AKvr) (ph)  ______ 
    (formerly Carpodacus) mexicanus 

  359. White-winged Crossbill  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak   
    Loxia leucoptera 

    In the Old World, the White-winged Crossbill is called the Two-barred Crossbill.

  360. Red Crossbill  (ph)  ______
    Loxia curvirostra

  361. American Goldfinch  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    (formerly Carduelis) tristis

  362. Oriental Greenfinch  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (*)  ______  1  p1  FTak  FTjp
    (formerly Carduelis) sinica

  363. Common Redpoll  (*) (ph)  ______  p4  FTak  FTjp
    (formerly Carduelis) flammea

  364. Hoary Redpoll  (*)  ______  6  FTak
    (formerly Carduelis) hornemanni

    In the Old World, the Hoary Redpoll is called the Arctic Redpoll.    

  365. Pine Siskin  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    (formerly Carduelis) pinus

  366. Eurasian Siskin  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Carduelis spinus

  367. Eurasian Bullfinch  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Pyrrhula pyrrhula

  368. Evening Grosbeak  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Coccothraustes vespertinus

  369. Hawfinch  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Coccothraustes coccothraustes   


  370. Orange-crowned Warbler  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    (formerly Vermivora) celata

  371. Tennessee Warbler  (ph)  ______
    (formerly Vermivora) peregrina

  372. Nashville Warbler  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Oreothlypis ruficapilla  

    The species in the following genus Setophaga were in the genus Dendroica. 

  373. Yellow Warbler  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Setophaga petechia 

  374. "Myrtle" Yellow-rumped Warbler  (*) (ph)  ______  p1  FTak
    c. coronata

  375. Townsend's Warbler  (*)  ______  FTak

  376. Blackpoll Warbler  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak 
    Setophaga Dendroica
    ) atriata

  377. Chestnut-sided Warbler  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Setophaga pensylvanica

  378. Magnolia Warbler  (ph)  ______
    Setophaga magnolia

  379. Cape May Warbler  (AKvr)  ______
    Setophaga tigrina

  380. Black-throated Blue Warbler  (AKvr)  ______
    Setophaga caerulescens

  381. Black-throated Green Warbler  (AKvr)  ______
    Setophaga virens

  382. Prairie Warbler  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Setophaga discolor

  383. Palm Warbler  (AKvr)  ______
    Setophaga palmarum

  384. Black-and-white Warbler  (AKvr)  ______
    Mniotilta varia

  385. American Restart  (ph)  ______
    Setophaga ruticilla

  386. Ovenbird  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Seiurus aurocapilla

  387. Northern Waterthrush  (*)  ______  FTak
    (formerly Seiurus) noveboracensis

  388. Wilson's Warbler  (*)  ______  p1  FTak
    (formerly Wilsonia) pusilla

  389. Canada Warbler  (ph)  ______
    Cardellina canadensis 
    (formerly Wilsonia canadensis

  390. Mourning Warbler  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    (formerly Oporornis) philadelphia

  391. MacGillivray's Warbler  (ph)  ______
    (formerly Oporonistolmiei

  392. Common Yellowthroat  (ph)  ______
    Geothlypis trichas

    BLACKBIRDS & allies

  393. Red-winged Blackbird  (*) (ph)  ______  p1  FTak
    Agelaius phoeniceus

  394. Rusty Blackbird  (t3) (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Euphagus carolinus 

  395. Brewer's Blackbird  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Euphagus cyanocephalus

  396. Yellow-headed Blackbird  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Zanthocephalus xanthocephalus

  397. Common Grackle  (AKvr)  ______
    Quiscalus quiscula

  398. Brown-headed Cowbird  (ph)  ______
    Molothrus ater 

  399. Western Meadowlark  (AKvr)  ______
    Sturnella neglecta

  400. Bobolink  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Dolichonyx oryzivorus

  401. Orchard Oriole  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Icterus spurius 


  402. Western Tanager  (ph)  _____
    Piranga ludoviciana

  403. Scarlet Tanager  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Piranga olivacea


  404. Spotted Towhee  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Pipilo maculatus

  405. American Tree Sparrow  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Spizella arborea

  406. Chipping Sparrow  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Spizella passerina

  407. Clay-colored Sparrow  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Spizella pallida

  408. Brewer's Sparrow  (ph)  ______
    Spizella breweri

  409. Lark Sparrow  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Chondestes grammacus

  410. Savannah Sparrow  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Passerculus sandwichensis 
    (the single member of its genus) 

  411. Fox Sparrow  ______
    Passerella iliaca

    "Red Fox Sparrow"  (*)  ______   FTak

    Passerella i. iliaca

    The "Red" Fox Sparrow occurs in Alaska near Nome and eastward in northern & central Alaska.

    Sooty Fox Sparrow"  (*)  ______  1 
    Passerella iliaca unalaschcensis 

    The "Sooty" Fox Sparrow occurs in Alaska on the Kenai Peninsula.

  412. Song Sparrow  (*) (ph)  ______  p1  FTak
    Melospiza melodia inexpectata 
    (a dark subspecies in southern coastal Alaska, and in Canada in British Colombia & the Yukon)
    Melospiza meloda sanaka 
    (a large subspecies in Alaska in the eastern Aleutian Islands)
    Melospiza meloda maxima 
    (a second large Alaskan subspecies in the Aleutians)

    Another large subspecies in the Aleutian Islands, Melospiza melodia amaka, endemic to Amak Island, was last seen there around New Year's Eve 1980.1981. Devegetation of the island caused the bird's demise.

    In all, there are 29 subspecies of the Song Sparrow north of Mexico. The largest are those in Alaska in the Aleutians.    

    A Song Sparrow seen during a FONT tour in the Pribilof Islands was thought to be ship-assisted.  

  413. Lincoln's Sparrow  (*)  ______  FTak
    Melospiza lincolnii

  414. Swamp Sparrow  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Melospiza georgiana

  415. Golden-crowned Sparrow  (*)  ______ FTak
    Zonotrichia atricapilla

  416. White-crowned Sparrow  (*) (ph)  ______  FTak
    Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii 
    (subspecies from Alaska to central Canada) 

  417. White-throated Sparrow  ______
    Zonotrichia albicollis

  418. Harris' Sparrow  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Zonotrichia querula

  419. Dark-eyed Junco  ______
    Junco hyemalis

    "Slate-colored Junco"  (*) (ph)  ______ 
    Junco hyemalis hyemalis

    "Oregon Junco"  ______
    Junco hyemalis oreganus 
    (in southeastern Alaska, and south to into California) 

  420. Lapland Longspur  (ph)  ______  p7  FTak   FTjp
    Calcarius lapponicus

    In the Old World, the Lapland Longspur is called the Lapland Bunting.

  421. Smith's Longspur  (ph)  ______  FTak
    Calcarius pictus

  422. Snow Bunting  (ph)  ______  p7  FTak  FTjp
    (formerly Plectrophenax) nivalis

  423. McKay's Bunting  (nt) (B) ______  1  FTak
    (formely Plectrophenax) hyperboreus

    The McKay's Bunting breeds only on Hall & St. Matthew's Islands in the Bering Sea, and occasionally on St. Lawrence Island & probably on St. Paul Island in the Pribilofs. It winters along the wet Alaska coast mainly from Kotzebue to the tip of the Alaska Peninsula. 

  424. Pine Bunting  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______
    Emberiza leucocephalos

  425. Little Bunting  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Emberiza pusilla

  426. Rustic Bunting  (NAr) (OW)  ______  FTjp
    Emberiza rustica

  427. Elegant Bunting  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr) (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Emberiza elegans

    The Elegant Bunting has been called the Yellow-throated Bunting.

  428. Yellow-breasted Bunting  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  (ph)  ______  FTjp
    Emberiza aureola

  429. Grey Bunting  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Emberiza variabilis

  430. Common Reed Bunting  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Emberiza schoenichus

  431. Pallas' Reed Bunting  (NAr) (OW) (AKvr)  ______  FTjp
    Emberiza pallasi

    GROSBEAKS & allies

  432. Dickcissel  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Spiza americana

  433. Rose-breasted Grosbeak  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Pheucticus ludovicianus

  434. Black-headed Grosbeak  (AKvr)  ______
    Pheucticus melanocephalus

  435. Blue Grosbeak  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Passerina caerulea

  436. Indigo Bunting  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Passerina cyanea

  437. Lazuli Bunting  (AKvr) (ph)  ______
    Passerina amoena


  438. House Sparrow  (AKr)  ______
    Passer domesticus  


During the 1997 FONT Alaska Tour, all 4 species of eider were seen at Barrow.

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