Box 9021, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA
E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
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and some other plants
with those during
Focus On Nature Tours
thru 2015
during the months of
May and June
noted with an (*)
The following list
compiled by Armas Hill
Photo at right: MOSS CAMPION, as seen during the FONT June 2013 Alaska
Tour on the tundra
(photograph by Gerin Hood)
A fine book about the plant life of Alaska "A Field Guide to Alaskan
Wildflowers", commonly seen along the Highways and Byways, by Verna E.
Pratt, published in 1989.
Over the years, there have been 8 FONT
tours in Alaska.
In this List:
Numbers noted as (ST:xx)
refer to the page with
an illustration in the book "The Sibley Guide to Trees" by David A.
Sibley, 2009
Additional Links:
Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Alaska
Upcoming FONT Tours Elsewhere
Birds in Alaska
Mammals in
Alaska Butterflies
& Moths in Alaska
Marine Life (including Fish) in Alaska
"Northern Plants"
in Alaska, Iceland, & the mountains of Hokkaido, Japan
This list, with some photos, alphabetical by
An Alphabetical
Directory of Plant Genera noting Families
Other Photo Galleries of
Plants Directory of Photos in this Website
(ph): species with a photo
in the FONT website

A List of Alaskan
Wildflowers and some Other Plants:
with a BLUE to VIOLET coloration:
- Wild Blue Flax
______ in the Flax family, Linaccae
Linum perenne
- Purple Cress ______
Cardamine purpurea
- Wild Iris
(or Blue Flag) ______
Iris setosa
- Bluebells (*) ______
in the Borage family, Boraginaceae
Mertensia paniculata
- Tall Jacob's Ladder ______
Polemonium acutiflorum
- Beautiful Jacob's Ladder ______
Polemonium pulcherrimum
- Pasque Flower
(or Spring Crocus) ______
Pulsatilla patens
- Siberian Aster ______
Aster sibiricus
- Mountain Harebell ______
Campanula lasiocarpa
- Common Harebell
______ in the Bluebell family, Campanulaceae
Campanula rotundifolia
Campanula rotundifolia is also called the Bluebells of Scotland.
- Monkshood ______
Aconitum delphinifolium
- Larkspur ______
Delphinium glaucum
- Arctic Lupine (*) ______
Lupinus arcticus
The Lupines are poisonous plants, not to be eaten.
- Nootka Lupine ______
in the Legume or
Pea family, Fabaceae
Lupinus nootkatensis
Nootka Lupine
(photo courtesy of Gerin Hood)
- Veronica americana
- Brook Veronica ______
Veronica serpyllifolia
Another name for Veronica serpyllifolia is Thyme-leaved
- Veronica stelleri
- Alpine Veronica _____
Veronica wormskjoldii
- Marsh Felwort
Lomatogonium rotatum
Another name for Lomatogonium rotatum is the Arctic Felwort.
- Alpine Forget-me-not
______ in the Borage family,
Myosotis alpestris asiatica
The Alpine Forget-me-not is the state flower of Alaska.
- Brook Forget-me-not ______
Myosotis palustris
The Brook Forget-me-not is introduced in Alaska.
- Blackish Oxythrope (or Purple
Oxythrope) ______ in the Legume or
Pea family, Fabaceae
Oxytropis nigrescens
- Alaska Violet ______
Viola langsdorfii
- Wood Violet
Viola renifolia
- Stream Violet ______
Viola glabella
- Viola biflora ______
- Crane's-bill (or Wild
______ in the Geranium family, Geraniaceae
Geranium erianthum
- Star Gentian
Swertia perennis
- Glaucous Gentian
______ in the Gentian family, Gentianaceae
Gentiana glauca
- Gentiana platypetala
- Four-parted Gentian
Gentiana propinqua
- Few-flowered Corydalis ______ in
the Earthsmoke family, Fumariaceae
Corydalis pauciflora
with a REDDISH or PINK coloration:
- Common Fireweed
______ in the Evening Primrose family, Onagraceae
Epilobium angustifolium
Another name for Epilobium angustifolium is Rosebay
- Dwarf Fireweed (or
Epilobium latifolium
- Willowherbs ______
Epilobium sp.
- Pink Pyrola (or
Wintergreen) ______
in the Wintergreen family, Pyrolaceae
Pyrola asarifolia
- Nagoonberry ______ in
the Rose family, Rosaceae
Rubus arcticus
- Trailing Raspberry ______
Rubus pedatus
- Salmonberry ______
Rubus spectabilis
The Salmonberry is a favorite food of bears.
- Prickly Rose ______
Rosa acicularis
- Spring Beauty ______
Claytonia sarmentosa
- Shooting Star ______
Dodecatheon pulchellum
- Frigid Shooting Star ______
Dodecatheon frigidum
- Dodecatheon jeffreyii
- Dodecatheon pauciflorum
- Bog Cranberry ______
Oxycoccus microcarpus
- Twin Flower ______
Linnaea borealis
- Bog Rosemary ______
the Heath family, Ericaceae
Andromeda polifolia
Bog Rosemary is a very poisonous plant,
causing a rapid lowering of blood pressure if eaten.
- Fairy Slipper (or Calypso
Orchid) ______ in the Orchid family, Orchidaceae
Calypso bulbosa
- White Lady Slipper ______
Cypripedium passerinum
- Amerorchis rotundifolia ______
- Lapland Rosebay ______
in the Heath family, Ericaceae
Rhododendron lapponicum
- Rhododendron camtschaticum
- Alpine Azalea ______
the Heath family, Ericaceae
Loiseleuria procumbens
- Moss Campion (*)
______ in the Pink family, Caryophyllaceae
Silene acaulis

Moss Campion
(photo courtesy of Gerin Hood)
- Alaska Blueberry (or
Huckleberry) ______
Vaccinium alaskanum
- Dwarf Blueberry ______
in the Heath family, Ericaceae
Vaccinium cespitosum
- Early Blueberry ______
Vaccinium ovalifolium
- Bog Blueberry ______
in the Heath family, Ericaceae
Vaccinium uliginosum
Another name for Vaccinium uliginosum is Bog Bilberry.
Bog Blueberry
(photo courtesy of Gerin Hood)
- Pink Plumes ______
Polygonum bistorta
- Wooly Lousewort ______
Pedicularis kanei kanei
- Elegant Paintbrush ______
the Figwort family, Scrophulariaceae
Castilleja elegans
- Fringed Fleabane
in the Aster family, Asteraceae
Erigeron glablus
- Coastal Fleabane _______
Erigeron peregrinus
- Beach Pea ______
in the Legume, or Pea family, Fabaceae
Lathyrus maritimus maritimus
- Wild Sweet Pea ______
Hedysarum mackenzii
- Eskimo Potato ______
the Legume, or Pea family, Fabaceae
Hedysarum alpinum
- Parry's Wallflower ______
the Mustard family, Brassicaceae
Parrya nudicaulis interior
- Pixie Eye Primrose ______
the Primrose family, Primulaceae
Primula cuneifolia
- Northern Primrose ______
Primula borealis
Those with
WHITE to CREAM coloration:
- Cow Parsnip ______
the Parsley family, Apiaceae
Heracleum lanatum
- Mountain Avens
______ in the Rose family, Rosaceae
Dryas octopetala

Mountain Avens
(photo courtesy of Gerin Hood)
- Dryas intergrifolia
Dryas intergrifolia is very
similar to Dryas octopetala. Hybrids between the two species are
- Windflower (*)
______ in the Buttercup family, Ranunculaceae
Anemone parviflora
- Narcissus-flowered Anemone (*)
Anemone narcissiflora
- Cut-leaf Anemone ______
Anemone multiflora
- Grass of Parnassus (or
Bog Star)
______ in the Saxifrage family, Saxifragaceae
Parnassia palustris
- Small Grass of Parnassus
Parnassia kotabuei
- Fringed Grass of Parnassus
Parnassia fimbriata
- Wild Strawberry
______ in the Rose family, Rosaceae
Fragaria virginiana
- Fragaria
chiloensis ______
Similar to Fragaria virginiana, Fragaria chiloensis occurs in
coastal areas of southeastern Alaska and in south-central Alaska and in the
Aleutian chain of islands.
- Canadian Dwarf Cornel (or
Dwarf Dogwood, or Bunchberry) ______
Cornus canadensis
- Dwarf Cornel ______
Cornus suecica
Cornus suecica is also called Swedish Dwarf Cornel.
- Mouse-ear Chickweed ______
in the Pink family, Caryophyliaceae
Cerastium arvense
- Cerastium
beeringianum ______
- Cerastium maximum
- Grove Sandwort ______
- Starflower
in the Primrose family, Primulaceae
Trientalis europaea arctica
Another name for Trientalis europaea is Chickweed
- Pussy Toes ______ in
the Aster or Daisy family, Asteraceae
Antennaria sp.
- Cat's Paw ______
Antennria monocephala
- Buckbean (or Bog Bean)
Menyanthes trifoliata
- Prickly Saxifrage ______ in the Saxifrage family,
Saxifraga tricuspidata
- Brook Saxifrage ______
Saxifraga punctata
- Alpine Brook Saxifrage
Saxifraga rivularis
- Red-stemmed Saxifrage
Saxifraga lyallii
- Coast Saxifrage ______
Saxifraga ferruginea
- Bulblet Saxifrage ______
Saxifraga cernua
Another name for Saxifraga cernua is Drooping
- Labrador Tea (*)
______ in the Heath family, Ericaceae
Ledum palustris groenlandicum

A drawing of Labrador Tea
- Single Delight (or Shy Maiden)
______ in the Wintergreen family, Pyrolaceae
Monses uniflora
- Camas Wand Lily (or Death
Camas) ______ in the Lily family, Liliaceae
Zygadenus elegans
The Camas Wand Lily is highly toxic.
- Wild Calla ______ in
the Arum family, Araceae
Calla palustris
The whole plant of the Wild Calla is
poisonous, especially the berries.
- Alaska Cotton (*) (ph) ______
the Sedge family, Cyperaceae
Eriophorum scheuchzeri
Including Eriophorum scheuchzeri, there are 14 species of Cotton
Grass in Alaska.

Alaska Cotton photographed during a FONT tour
(photo by Gabi Hauser)
- Arctic Daisy ______
the Aster or Daisy family, Asteraceae
Chrysanthemum arcticum arcticum
- Bog Candle ______ in the
Orchid family, Orchidaceae
Platanthera dilatata
- Lapland Diapensia (or simply
Diapensia) ______
in the Diapensia family, Diapensiaceae
Diapensia lapponica
- Arctic Sandwort ______
the Pink family, Caryophyllaceae
Minuartia arctica
- Alpine Meadow Bistort
Polygonum viviparum
- Cloudberry (or Baked
Appleberry) ______
Rubus chamemorous
By some, Rubus chamemorous is called Salmonberry,
however true Salmonberry is Rubus spectabilis (in this list
in the pink-flowered section).
Rubus chamemorous can also be confused with Nagoonberry,
arcticus (also in the pink-flowered section of this
- Wild Celery ______
the Parsley or Celery family, Apiaceae
Angelica lucida
- Beach Lovage ______
Ligusticum scoticum
Another name for Ligusticum scoticum
is Scots Lovage.
- Poison Water Hemlock
______ in the Parsley or Celery family, Apiaceae
Cucuta mackenzieana
As indicated in its common name, Cucuta
mackenzieana is poisonous. It can be mistaken for plants in the Angelica
genus, including Wild Celery (above).
- Wild Rhubarb ______
the Buckwheat family, Polygonaceae
Polygonum alaskanum
The young stems and leaves of the Wild Rhubarb may be eater,
either raw or cooked.
- Goatsbeard ______ in
the Rose family, Rosaceae
Aruncus sylvester
- Sitka Valerian ______
the Valerian family, Valerianaceae
Valeriana sitchensis
- Capitate Valerian ______
the Valerian family, Valerianceae
Valeriana capitata
- Alp Lily ______
Lloydia serotina
- Baneberry (or Snakeberry)
______ in the Crowfoot family, Ranunculacecae
Actaea rubra
The Baneberry, or Snakeberry, is
highly poisonous.
- Mountain Ash ______ in
the Rose family, Rosaceae
Sorbus sitchensis
- Red-berried Elder ______ in
the Honeysuckle family, Caprifoliaceae
Sambucus racemosa
- Alaska Spiraea (or Beaverd's
Spiraea) ______
Spiraea beauverdiana
- Alpine Spiraea ______ in
the Rose family, Rosaceae
Luetkea pectinata
- Sitka Burnet ______ in
the Rose family, Rosaceae
Sanguisorba stipulata
- Kamchatka Rockcress ______ in
the Mustard family, Brassicaceae
Arabis lyrata
- Holboell's Rockcress
Arabis holboelli
- Northern Bedstraw ______ in
the Madder family, Rubiaceae
Galium boreale
- Sweet-scented Bedstraw ______
Galium triforum
- Moss Heather ______
Cassiope stelleriana
- Bell Heather ______
Cassiope tetragona
- Alpine Heuchera ______
Heuchera glabra
- Alpine Bearberry (*) ______
in the Heath family, Ericaceae
- Red Bearberry ______
Arctostaphylos rubra
- Kinnikinnick (or Bearberry)
______ in the Heath family, Ericaceae
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi is sometimes confused with Vaccinium vitis
idaea, the Lowbush Cranberry (following in this list).

- Low-bush Cranberry (or
Mountain Cranberry, or Lingonberry) ______ in
the Heath family, Ericaceae
Vaccinium vitis idaea
- High-bush Cranberry
______ in the Honeysuckle family, Caprifoliaceae
Viburnum edule
- Serviceberry (or Juneberry)
______ in the Rose family, Rosaceae
Amelanchier florida
- Amelanchier
alnifolia ______
- Frigid Coltsfoot ______ in
the Aster, or Daisy family, Asteraceae
Petasites frigidus
- Alpine Milk Vetch ______ in
the Legume, or Pea family, Fabaceae
Astragalus alpinus
Astragalus alpinus could easily have been put in the blue to violet
section of this list.
- Northern Yarrow ______ in
the Aster, or Daisy family, Asteraceae
Achillea borealis
- Achillea sibirica
- Large-flowered Wintergreen ______
Pyrola grandiflora
Another name for Pyrola grandiflora
is Arctic Wintergreen.
- Watermelon Berry (or Twisted
Stalk, or Wild Cucumber) ______ in
the Lily family, Liliaceae
- False Soloman's Seal ______ in
the Lily family, Liliaceae
Smilacina stellata
The False
Soloman's Seal is poisonous. It should not be confused with the
Watermelon Berry (above).
Those with a YELLOW
- Marsh Marigold ______ in the Buttercup family,
Caltha palustris
The Marsh Marigold is an excellent vegetable when cooked. It contains a
poison when raw.

(photo courtesy of Gerin
- Mountain Marigold ______
Caltha leptosepala
- Shrubby Cinquefoil
(or Tundra Rose)
Potentilla fruiticosa
- Beach Cinquefoil ______ in
the Rose family, Rosaceae
Potentilla egedii grandis
- One-flowered Cinquefoil ______
Potentilla uniflora
- Snow Potentilla ______
Potentilla nivea
- Hooker's Potentilla ______
Potenilla hookeriana
- Norwegian Cinquefoil ______
Potentilla norvegica
- Ross Avens ______ in
the Rose family, Rosaceae
Geum rossii
- Caltha Leaf Avens ______
Geum calthifolium
- Large Leaf Avens ______
Geum macropyllum macrophyllum
- Bog Saxifrage ______ in
the Saxifrage family, Saxifragaceae
Saxifraga hirculus
Another name for Saxifraga hirculus is Marsh Saxifrage.
- Spider Saxifrage ______
Saxifraga flagellaris
- Yellow-spotted Saxifrage ______
Saxifraga bronchialis
- Alaska Poppy ______ in the Poppy family,
Papaver alaskanum
- Iceland Poppy ______
Papaver nudicaule
The Iceland Poppy is introduced in Alaska.
It is along roadsides and in waste areas.
- Yellow Dryas ______
Dryas drummondii
- Yellow Pondlily ______ in
the Water Lily family, Nymphaeaceae
Nuphar polysepalum
- Silverberry ______ in
the Oleaster family, Elaeagnaceae
Elaegnus commutata
- Yellow Monkeyflower (or Wild
Snapdragon) ______ in the Figwort
family, Scrophulariaceae
Mimulus guttatus
- Butter and Eggs Toadflax ______ in
the Figwort family, Scrophulariaceae
Linaria vulgaris
- Rattlebox ______
Rhinanthus minor
- Coastal Paintbrush (or Yellow
Paintbrush) ______
Castilleja unalasschensis
- Capitate Lousewort ______
Pedicularis capitata
- Labrador Lousewort ______
Pedicularis labradorica
- Golden Corydalis ______ in
the Earthsmoke family, Fumariaceae
Corydalis aurea
- Yellow Oxytrope ______ in
the Legume, or Pea family, Fabaceae
Oxytropis campestris
Many Oxytropes contain a toxin and are commonly called
"Loco-weed", as grazing cattle are strangely affected by it
causing an uneven gait. Oxytropes should not be eaten.
- Hairy Arctic Milk Vetch ______
Astragalus umbellatus
There are many buttercups in Alaska. A few follow here:
- Mountain Buttercup ______ in
the Buttercup or Crowfoot family, Ranunculaceae
Ranunculus eschscholtzii
All buttercups, in the Ranunculus genus, are poisonous, and should not be
- Western Buttercup ______
Ranunculus occidentalis
- Yellow Anemone (or Richardson's
Anemone richardsonii
All Anemones are very poisonous.
- Pineapple Weed ______
Matricaria matricarioides
Matricaria matricarioides is sometimes called Wild Camomile. It is an
introduced plant in Alaska and is commonly seen.
The flower heads are steeped to make a flavorful tea. They may be used fresh
or dried.
- Common Mustard (or Ball
Mustard) ______
Leslia paniculata
- Whitlow Grass ______ in
the Mustard or Crucifer family, Brassicaceae
Draba incerta
There are many Drabas in Alaska, and they are difficult to separate into
- Elegant Goldenrod ______ in
the Daisy, Aster, or Composite family, Asteraceae
Solidago lepida
- Black-tipped Groundsel ______
Senecio lugens
- Triangular-leaved Fleabane
Senecio triangularis
- Marsh Fleabane (or Mastodon
Senecio congestus
- Beach Fleabane ______
Senecio pseudo-arnica
- Alpine Arnica (*) ______ in
the Daisy, Aster, or Composite family, Asteraceae
Arnica alpina angustifolia
There are several Arnicas in Alaska.
- Frigid Arnica ______
Arnica frigida
- Lessing's Arnica ______
Arnica lessingii
- Meadow Arnica ______
Arnica latifolia
- Arnica
amplexicaulis ______
- Arnica chamissonis
- Dandelion (*) ______
in the Daisy family, Asteraceae, formerly Composite
Taraxacum spp.

courtesy of Gerin Hood)
Miscellaneous Plants
and Trees:
- Chocolate Lily (or Kamchatka
Fritillary, or Rice Lily) ______
in the Lily family, Liliaceae
Frittaria camschatcenis
- Marsh Cinquefoil (or Marsh
Fivefinger) ______ in the Rose family, Rosaceae
Potentilla palustris
- Northern Red Currant ______ in
the Gooseberry family, Grossulariaceae
Ribes triste
- Timberberry (or Northern
Comandra, or Pumpkin Berry) ______
in the Sandlewood family,
Geocaulon lividum
- Soapberry ______ in the
Oleaster family, Elaeagnaceae
Shepherdia cnadensis
- Sidebells Pyrola ______ in
the Wintergreen family, Pyrolaceae
Pyrola secunda
- Devil's Club ______
the Ginseng family, Araliaceae
Echinopanax horridum
- Rusty Menziesia (or Fool's
Huckleberry, or False Azalea) ______
in the Heath family, Ericaceae
Menziesia ferruginea
- Western Columbine ______
in the Buttercup or Crowfoot family,
Aquilegia formosa
- Blue Columbine ______
Aquilegia brevistylla
- Roseroot (or Rosewort,
or King's Crown) ______ in the
Stonecrop family, Crassulaceae
Sedum rosea
- Arctic Dock ______ in
the Buckwheat family, Polygonaceae
Rumex arctcus
- Northern Green Bob Orchid ______
the Orchid family, Orchidaceae
Platantherea hyperborea
The Northern Green Bog Orchid hybridizes with the Bog Candle,
Platantherea dilatata (in the white section in this list).
- Squirreltail Grass ______
in the Grass family, Poaceae
Hordeum jubatum
- Broomrape (or Ground Cone)
______ in the Broomrape family, Orobanchaceae
Boschniakia rossica
- Crowberry (or Mossberry)
______ in the Crowberry family, Empetraceae
Empetrum nigrum
- Short-stalk Sedge ______
in the Sedge family, Cyperaceae
Cares microchaeta
- Club Moss ______ in the
Club Moss family, Lycopodiaceae
Lycopodium annotinum
- Strawberry Spinach (or
Strawberry Blite) ______ in the Goosefoot
family, Chenopodiaceae
Chenopodium capitatum
- Mare's-tail _____
Hippuris vulgaris
Hippuris vulgaris
is a flower-producing water plant that looks like a
narrow miniature Spruce Tree.
- Field Horsetail (or simply
Horsetail) _____
Equisetum arvense
- Lyme Grass (or Beach Rye
Grass) ______
Elymus arenarius
- Mountain Sorrel ______ in the
Buckwheat family, Polygonaceae
Oxyria digyna
Oxyria digyna occurs commonly in Alaska, in alpine meadows
and wet places in the mountains.

Mountain Sorrel
(photo courtesy of Gerin Hood)
- Sheep Sorrel ______
Rumex acetosella
The Sheep Sorrel has been introduced in Alaska in yards and along
- False Hellebore ______ in the
Lily family, Liliaceae
Veratrum viride
The False Hellebore is a very poisonous
- Prairie Sagebrush (or Frigid
Wormwood) ______ in the Aster, or Daisy family,
Artemisia frigida
- Common Wormwood ______
Artemisia tilesii
- Wood Fern ______
Dryopteris dilatata
- Fragrant Shield Fern ______
Dryopteris fragrans
- Ostrich Fern ______
Matteuccia struthiopteris
- Fragile Fern ______
Cystopteris fragilis
- Parsley Fern ______
Cryptogramma crispa
Deciduous Trees
- Black Cottonwood ______ (ST:237)
in southeastern and southern Alaska
Populus trichocarpa
- Balsam Poplar (*) ______
Populus balsamifera
- Quaking Aspen (*) ______
Populus tremuloides
- Paper Birch (*) ______
Betula papyrifera
- Kenai Birch ______
Betula kenaica
- Alaska Paper Birch (or Alaska
Birch) ______ (ST:152, where called Resin Birch)
Betula neoalaskna (or Betula resinifera)
- Resin Birch (or Shrub
Birch, or
American Dwarf Birch) ______
Betula glandulosa
Betula glandulosa is native to North America, occurring in arctic and cool
temperate regions from Alaska to Newfoundland.
It is closely related to Betula nana
(below), and is by some treated as a
subspecies of it, Betula nana glandulosa.
- Dwarf Birch ______
Betula nana
Betula nana is native to arctic and cool temperate regions of northern North
America, northern Europe, Greenland, and Iceland.
It favors wet but well-drained sites with a nutrient poor, acidic soil. It
has a low tolerance for shade.
- American Larch (or Tamarack) (*) ______
Larix laricina
- Alaska Willow (or Felt Leaf
Willow) (*) ______ in the Willow family,
- Round-leaf Willow ______
in the Willow family, Salicaceae
Salix rotundifolia
- Arctic Willow ______
in the Willow family, Salicaceae
Salix arctica
- Woolly Willow (ph)
______ in the Willow family, Salicaceae
Salix lanata

Woolly Willow, photographed during a FONT tour
(photo by Gerin Hood)
- Salix miphoclada
______ in the Willow
family, Salicaceae
- Salix pulchra
______ in the Willow
family, Salicaceae
Evergreen Trees
- Black Spruce (*) ______ (ST:48)
Picea mariana
- White Spruce (*) ______ (ST:45)
Picea glauca
- Sitka Spruce (*) ______ (ST:46)
in southeastern and southern Alaska
Picea sitchensis
- Mountain Hemlock ______
(ST:43) in southeastern and southern Alaska
Tsuga mertensiana
- Western Hemlock ______
(ST:43) in southeastern and southern Alaska
Tsuga heterophylla
- Alpine Fir
______ (ST:54) localized in Alaska
Abies bifolia
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