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Birds of Western Texas
(& nearby New Mexico)

during FONT 
Birding & Nature Tours 

including the Big Bend National Park, 
and the Davis & Guadalupe Mountains

thru 2009

(during the months of April & May)

A List compiled by Armas Hill 

193 species of birds have cumulatively been seen during FONT tours in this region. 



  =  Texas
= New Mexico 
mx = Mexico (just across the Rio Grande)

h = heard only

(e):     endemic to the USA 
(qe):   quasi (or nearly) endemic to the USA
(neb): near-endemic breeder in the USA
(i):      species introduced into North America

(t): a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International
(t1): critical   (t2): endangered   (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally


Upcoming Texas Tour Itineraries

Birds during FONT Tours in Texas (with photos)

A Complete List of Texas Birds

Following the bird-list is a list of mammals, other wildlife, and some information regarding the plant-life.


  1. Eared Grebe ______ tx  (called Black-necked Grebe in the Old World) 
    Podiceps nigricollis californicus

  2. Pied-billed Grebe ______ tx
    Podilymbus p. podiceps

  3. Western Grebe ______ tx (formerly conspecific with Clark's Grebe)
    Aechmophorus o. occidentalis

  4. Clark's Grebe ______ tx  (formerly conspecific with Western Grebe)
    Aechmophorus clarkii transitionalis

  5. American White Pelican ______ tx
    Pelecanus erythrorhynchos 

  6. Brown Pelican (r/wTX) ______ tx
    Pelecanus occidentalis carolinensis

  7. Great Blue Heron ______ tx
    Ardea herodias fannini

  8. Great Egret ______ tx
    Ardea alba egretta

  9. Snowy Egret ______ tx,mx
    Egretta thula brewsteri

  10. Cattle Egret ______ tx,mx
    Bubulcus i. ibis

  11. Green Heron ______ tx,nm
    Butorides virescens anthonyi

  12. Black-crowned Night-Heron ______ nm
    Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli

  13. White-faced Ibis ______ tx,nm
    Plegadis chihi 

  14. Wood Duck ______ tx
    Aix sponsa  (monotypic)

  15. "Mexican" Mallard ______ tx,mx
    Anas platyrhynchos diazi

  16. Gadwall ______ tx
    Anas s. strepera

  17. Northern Pintail ______ tx
    Anas acuta  (monotypic)

  18. Blue-winged Teal ______ tx,nm
    Anas discors  (monotypic)

  19. Northern Shoveler ______ tx,nm,mx
    Anas clypeata  (monotypic)

  20. American Wigeon ______ tx,mx
    Anas americana  (monotypic)

  21. Ring-necked Duck ______ nm
    Aythya collaris  (monotypic)

  22. Redhead ______ tx
    Aythya americana  (monotypic)

  23. Bufflehead ______ tx
    Bucephala albeola  (monotypic) 

  24. Ruddy Duck ______ tx
    Oxyura jamaicensis rubida

  25. Turkey Vulture ______ tx,nm.mx
    Cathartes aura meridionalis
    (said by some to C. a. aura)

  26. Black Vulture ______ tx
    Coragyps atratus
    (has been said now to be monotypic)

  27. Osprey ______ tx
    Pandion haliaetus carolinensis

  28. Cooper's Hawk ______ tx
    Accipiter cooperi  (monotypic)

  29. Broad-winged Hawk ______ nm
    Buteo p. platypterus

  30. Swainson's Hawk ______ tx,nm
    Buteo swainsoni 
    (monotypic, but with light & dark morphs)

  31. Red-tailed Hawk ______ tx,nm
    Buteo jamaicensis calurus

  32. Golden Eagle ______ tx,nm
    Aquila chrysaetos canadensis

  33. Northern Harrier ______ tx  (considered conspecific with Hen Harrier of Eurasia)
    Circus cyaneus hudsonicus  

  34. Common Black Hawk ______ tx
    Buteogallus a. anthracinus

  35. Harris' (or Bay-winged) Hawk ______ tx
    Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi

  36. American Kestrel ______ tx
    Falco s. sparverius

  37. Common Pheasant (i) ______ nm
    Phasianus colchicus

  38. Wild Turkey ______ tx,nm
    Meleagris gallopavo

  39. Gambel's Quail ______ tx
    Callipepla g. gambelii

  40. Scaled Quail ______ tx,nm
    Callipepla squamata pallida 

  41. Montezuma (or Harlequin) Quail ______ tx
    Cyrtonyx montezumae mearnsi

  42. American Coot ______ tx,nm
    Fulica a. americana

  43. Snowy Plover ______ tx (was conspecific with the Kentish Plover of the Old World)
    Charadrius nivosus

  44. Semipalmated Plover ______ tx
    Charadrius semipalmatus  (monotypic)

  45. Killdeer ______ tx,nm,mx
    Charadrius v. vociferus

  46. Black-necked Stilt ______ tx (has been said by some to be conspecific with the nearly-cosmopolitan Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus)
    Himantopus mexicanus

  47. American Avocet ______ tx
    Recurvirostra americana (monotypic)

  48. Greater Yellowlegs ______ tx
    Tringa melanoleuca (monotypic)

  49. Lesser Yellowlegs ______ tx
    Tringa flavipes (monotypic)

  50. Spotted Sandpiper ______ tx,nm
    Actitis macularius 

  51. Willet ______ tx
    Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornatus

  52. Long-billed Curlew (nt) ______ tx
    Numenius americanus
    (2 subspecies in the western US: N. a. parvus & N. a. americanus)

  53. Western Sandpiper ______ tx
    Calidris mauri  (monotypic)

  54. Least Sandpiper ______ tx
    Calidris minutilla  (monotypic)

  55. Baird's Sandpiper ______ tx
    Calidris bairdii  (monotypic)

  56. Long-billed Dowitcher ______ tx
    Limnodromus scolopaceus  (monotypic)

  57. Stilt Sandpiper ______ tx
    (formerly Micropalama) himantopus 

  58. Wilson's Phalarope ______ tx
    Phalaropus tricolor  (monotypic)

  59. Ring-billed Gull ______ tx
    Larus delawarensis  (monotypic)

  60. Forster's Tern ______ tx
    Sterna forsteri  (monotypic)

  61. Least Tern ______ tx
    Sterna antillarum athalassus

  62. Feral Pigeon (i) ______ tx,nm
    Columba l. livia

  63. Eurasian Collared-Dove (i) ______ nm
    Streptopelia d. decaocto

  64. White-winged Dove ______ tx,nm,mx
    Zenaida asiatica mearnsi

  65. Mourning Dove ______ tx,nm
    Zenaida macroura marginella

  66. Inca Dove ______ tx
    (formerly Scardafella) inca  (monotypic)

  67. Common Ground-Dove ______ tx
    Columbina passerina pallescens

  68. Greater Roadrunner ______ tx
    Geococcyx californianus  (monotypic)

  69. Barn Owl ______ tx 
    Tyto alba pratincola

  70. Great Horned Owl ______ tx,nm
    Bubo virginianus pallescens

  71. Elf Owl ______ tx
    Micrathene w. whitneyi

  72. Western Screech-Owl ______ tx
    (formerly Otus) kennicottii suttoni

  73. Lesser Nighthawk ______ tx,nm
    Chordeiles acutipennis texensis

  74. Common Poorwill ______ tx,nm
    Phalaenoptilus n. nuttallii

  75. White-throated Swift ______ tx,nm 
    Aeronautes s. saxatalis

  76. Lucifer Hummingbird ______ tx
    Calothorax lucifer  (monotypic)

  77. Black-chinned Hummingbird ______ tx,nm
    Archilochus alexandri  (monotypic)

  78. Broad-tailed Hummingbird ______ tx,nm
    Selasphorus platycercus  (monotypic)

  79. Belted Kingfisher ______ tx,nm
    Megaceryle alcyon  (monotypic)

  80. Acorn Woodpecker ______ tx
    Melanerpes f. formicivorus

  81. Golden-fronted Woodpecker ______ tx
    Melanerpes a. aurifrons

  82. Red-naped Sapsucker ______ tx
    Sphyrapicus nuchalis  (monotypic)

  83. Ladder-backed Woodpecker ______ tx,nm
    Picoides scalaris cactophilus

  84. Northern Flicker ______ tx
    Colaptes auratus collaris ("Red-shafted Flicker")

  85. Western Wood-Pewee ______ tx
    Contopus sordidulus
    (2 subspecies in western US: C. s. veliei & C. s. saturatus) 

  86. Gray Flycatcher ______ tx
    Empidonax wrightii  (monotypic)

  87. Cordilleran Flycatcher ______ tx,nm  (this & Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Empidonax difficilis, were formerly Western Flycatcher, Empidonax difficilis
    Empidonax occidentalis hellmayri

  88. Black Phoebe ______ tx,nm,mx
    Sayornis n. nigricans

  89. Say's Phoebe ______ tx,nm,mx
    Sayornis s. saya

  90. Vermilion Flycatcher ______ tx,nm
    Pyrocephalus rubinus mexicanus

  91. Ash-throated Flycatcher ______ tx,nm
    Myarchus c. cinerascens

  92. Cassin's Kingbird ______ tx
    Tyrannus v. vociferans

  93. Western Kingbird ______ tx,nm,mx
    Tyrannus verticalis  (monotypic)

  94. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher ______ nm
    Tyrannus forficatus  (monotypic)

  95. Loggerhead Shrike ______ tx,nm
    Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides

  96. Bell's Vireo ______ tx,nm
    Vireo bellii arizonae

  97. Gray Vireo ______ tx
    Vireo vicinior  (monotypic)

  98. Plumbeous (formerly part of Solitary) Vireo ______ tx
    Vireo p. plumbeus

  99. Hutton's Vireo ______ tx
    Vireo huttoni carolinae

  100. Western Scrub Jay ______ tx
    Aphelocoma californica woodhouseii

  101. Mexican Jay  ______ tx
    Aphelocoma ultramarina couchii

  102. Chihuahuan Raven ______ tx,nm
    Corvus cryptoleucus (monotypic)

  103. Northern Raven ______ tx
    Corvus corax sinuatus

  104. Horned Lark ______ tx
    Eremophila alpestris occidentalis

  105. Purple Martin ______ tx
    Progne subis arboricola

  106. Violet-green Swallow ______ tx,nm
    Tachycineta t. thalassina

  107. Northern Rough-winged Swallow ______ tx,mx
    Stelgidopteryx s. serripennis

  108. American Cliff Swallow ______ tx,nm
    Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
    (5 subspecies summer in North America, at least 4 of them occur in Texas)

  109. Cave Swallow ______ nm
    Petrochelidon fulva pallida

  110. Barn Swallow ______ tx,nm,mx
    Hirundo rustica erythrogaster

  111. Mountain Chickadee ______ tx
    Poecile g. gambeli

  112. Black-crested Titmouse ______ tx (was part of Tufted Titmouse)
    Baeolophus atricristatus 

  113. Verdin ______ tx
    Auriparus flaviceps ornatus

  114. (Common) Bushtit ______ tx
    Psaltriparus minimus plumbeus 
    (the "Lead-colored Bushtit")
    (Another subspecies occurs in Texas P. m. dimorphicus):

  115. White-breasted Nuthatch ______ tx
    Sitta carolinensis nelsoni

  116. Cactus Wren ______ tx,nm
    Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus guttatus

  117. Rock Wren ______ tx,nm
    Salpinctes o. obsoletus

  118. Canyon Wren ______ tx,nm
    Catherpes mexicanus conspersus

  119. Bewick's Wren ______ tx,nm
    Thryomanes bewickii eremophilus

  120. House Wren ______ tx
    Troglodytes aedon parkmanii

  121. Marsh Wren ______ tx
    Cistothorus palustris plesius

  122. Ruby-crowned Kinglet ______ tx
    Regulus c. calendula

  123. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ______ tx,nm
    Polioptila caerulea obscura

  124. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher ______ tx
    Polioptila m. melanura

  125. Western Bluebird ______ tx
    Sialia mexicana jacoti

  126. Mountain Bluebird ______ tx
    Sialia currucoides  (monotypic)

  127. Townsend's Solitaire ______ tx
    Myadestes t. townsendi

  128. Hermit Thrush ______ tx
    Catharus guttatus auduboni

  129. Northern Mockingbird ______ tx,nm
    Mimus p. polyglottos

  130. Curve-billed Thrasher ______ tx,nm
    Toxostoma curvirostre oberholseri

  131. Crissal Thrasher ______ tx
    Toxostoma c. crissale

  132. American Pipit ______ tx (also called Buff-bellied Pipit)
    Anthus rubescens alticola

  133. Phainopepla ______ tx,nm
    Phainopepla n. nitens

  134. European Starling (i) ______ tx,nm
    Sturnus vulgaris poltaratskyi

  135. Orange-crowned Warbler ______ tx,nm
    Vermivora celata orestera

  136. Nashville Warbler ______ tx
    Vermivora ruficapilla ridgwayi

  137. Colima Warbler (nt) ______ tx
    Vermivora crissalis (monotypic)

  138. Yellow Warbler ______ tx,nm

  139. "Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler ______ tx,nm,mx
    Dendroica coronata auduboni

  140. Townsend's Warbler ______ tx
    Dendroica townsendi  (monotypic)

  141. Painted Redstart ______ tx
    Myioborus p. pictus

  142. MacGillivray's Warbler ______ nm
    Oporornis tolmiei monticola

  143. Common Yellowthroat ______ tx,nm
    Geothlypis trichas chryseola 
    (other subspecies also occur in Texas & New Mexico) 

  144. Wilson's Warbler ______ tx,nm,mx
    Wilsonia p. pileolata 

  145. Yellow-breasted Chat ______ tx,nm 
    Icteria virens auricollis

  146. Hepatic Tanager ______ tx
    Piranga hepatica

  147. Summer Tanager ______ tx,nm
    Piranga rubra cooperi

  148. Western Tanager ______ tx
    Piranga ludoviciana  (monotypic)

  149. Northern Cardinal ______ tx,nm,mx
    Cardinalis cardinalis canicaudus

  150. Pyrrhuloxia ______ tx,nm
    Cardinalis s. sinatus

  151. Black-headed Grosbeak ______ tx
    Pheucticus m. melanocephalus

  152. Blue Grosbeak ______ tx,nm
    Guiraca caerulea interfusa

  153. Indigo Bunting ______ tx
    Passerina cyanea  (monotypic)

  154. Varied Bunting ______ tx,nm
    Passerina v. versicolor

  155. Painted Bunting ______ tx,mx
    Passerina ciris pallidior

  156. Green-tailed Towhee ______ tx,nm
    Pipilo chlorurus  (monotypic)

  157. Spotted Towhee ______ tx
    Pipilo maculatus montanus

  158. Canyon (formerly Brown) Towhee ______ tx,nm
    Pipilo fuscus texanus

  159. Rufous-crowned Sparrow ______ tx,nm
    Aimophila ruficeps scottii

  160. Cassin's Sparrow ______ tx
    Aimophila cassinii  (monotypic)

  161. Chipping Sparrow ______ tx,nm
    Spizella passerina arizonae

  162. Clay-colored Sparrow ______ tx
    Spizella pallida  (monotypic)

  163. Brewer's Sparrow ______ tx,nm
    Spizella b. breweri

  164. Black-chinned Sparrow ______ tx
    Spizella atrogularis evura

  165. Vesper Sparrow ______ tx
    Pooecetes gramineus confinis

  166. Lark-Sparrow ______ tx,nm
    Chondestes g. grammacus

  167. Black-throated Sparrow ______ tx,nm
    Amphispiza bilineata opuntia

  168. Lark-Bunting ______ tx
    Calamospiza  melanocorys  (monotypic)

  169. Savannah Sparrow ______ nm
    Passerculus sandwichensis rufofuscus

  170. Baird's Sparrow ______ tx
    Ammodramus bairdii  (monotypic)

  171. LeConte's Sparrow (r/wTX) ______ tx
    Ammodramus leconteii  (monotypic)

  172. Song Sparrow ______ tx
    Melospiza melodia

  173. Lincoln's Sparrow ______ tx
    Melospiza l. lincolnii 

  174. White-crowned Sparrow ______ tx,nm
    Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii

  175. "Gray-headed" Dark-eyed Junco ______ tx
    Junco hyemalis caniceps

  176. Western Meadowlark ______ tx,nm
    Sturnella neglecta  (monotypic)

  177. Eastern Meadowlark ______ tx
    Sturnella magna hoopesi

  178. Red-winged Blackbird ______ tx,nm
    Agelaius phoeniceus sonoriensis

  179. Yellow-headed Blackbird ______ tx,nm
    Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus  (monotypic)

  180. Brewer's Blackbird ______ tx,nm
    Euphagus cyanocephalus  (monotypic)

  181. Great-tailed Grackle ______ tx,nm,mx
    Quiscalus mexicanus monsoni

  182. Common Grackle ______ tx,nm
    Quiscalus quiscula versicolor

  183. Brown-headed Cowbird ______ tx,nm,mx
    Molothrus ater artemisiae

  184. Bronzed Cowbird ______ tx
    Molothrus a. aeneus

  185. Orchard Oriole ______ tx,nm
    Icterus s. spurius

  186. Bullock's Oriole ______ tx (formerly considered conspecific with Baltimore Oriole, and was then called Northern Oriole)
    Icterus cucullatus
    (now monotypic)

  187. Hooded Oriole ______ tx,mx
    Icterus c. cucullatus

  188. Scott's Oriole ______ tx,nm
    Icterus parisorum  (monotypic)

  189. House Finch ______ tx,nm,mx
    Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis

  190. Pine Siskin ______ tx
    Carduelis p. pinus

  191. Lesser Goldfinch ______ tx,mx
    Carduelis p. psaltria 

  192. American Goldfinch ______ tx
    Carduelis tristis pallida

  193. House Sparrow (i) ______ tx,nm,mx
    Passer domesticus



  1. Mexican (or Brazilian) Free-tailed Bat ______ nm
    Tadarida brasiliensis

  2. Big Free-tailed Bat ______ nm
    Nyctinomops macrotis

  3. Western Pipistrelle ______ tx
    Pipistrellus hesperus 

  4. Ringtail ______ tx
    Bassariscus astutus

  5. Striped Skunk (rk) ______ tx
    Mephitis mephitis

  6. North American Porcupine (rk) ______ tx
    Erethizon dorsatum 

  7. Bobcat ______ tx
    Lynx rufus

  8. Coyote ______ tx
    Canis latrans 

  9. Kit Fox ______ tx
    Vulpes macrotis

  10. Desert Cottontail ______ tx,nm
    Sylvilagus audubonii

  11. Black-tailed Jackrabbit ______ tx,nm
    Lepus californicus

  12. Texas Antelope Squirrel ______ tx
    Ammospermophilus leucurus

  13. Mexican Ground Squirrel ______ nm
    Spermophilus mexicanus

  14. Variegated Ground Squirrel ______ tx,nm  (has been called Rock Squirrel)
    Spermophilus variegatus

  15. Collared Peccary  ______ tx,mx  (also called Javelina)
    Pecari tajacu
    (formerly Pecari angulatus)

  16. Pronghorn (Antelope) ______ tx
    Antilocapra americana

  17. Mule/Black-tailed Deer ______ tx,nm
    Odocoileus hemionus

  18. Whitetail Deer ______ tx
    Odocoileus virginianus

(rk): roadkill only 

Reference for this mammal list is the new book: "Mammals of North America" by Roland W. Kays & Don E. Wilson, published by Princeton Univ Press, 2002. 

Other Wildlife:

"Glow-worms" ______ tx

Big Bend Slider ______ tx (turtle)

Chihuahuan Greater Earless Lizard ______ tx

Sonoran Gopher Snake ______ tx

The Chihuahuan Desert is the largest North American desert.

Typical plants & succulents of the Chihuahuan Desert include:
agave, prickly pear, chollas (the most common in the Big Bend area is the Cane Cholla), ocotillo, creosote bush, tarpaper bush, lechuguilla (Spanish for "little lettuce"), whitethorn acacia, peyote cactus, yucca, sotol, candelilla, and crucifixion thorn.

Over 70 species of cacti occur in Big Bend National Park. Among them: Southwestern Barrel Cactus, Devil's Claw
(or "Horse Crippler"), and Strawberry Cactus.

250 species occur throughout the Chihuahuan Desesrt. Lacking are the various columnar cacti associated with the Sonoran Desert (of Arizona).

Typical trees of the Guadalupe Mountains include:

Ponderosa Pine, Douglas Fir, Quaking Aspen, Chokeberry, and Pinon.

In the sheltered canyons:
Big-tooth Maple, Walnut, Chinquapin Oak, Alligator Juniper, and the beautiful & rare Texas Madrone.

The Chisos Mountains woodlands are dominated by:

pinyon, oak, and juniper.
The Drooping Juniper occurs outside of Mexico only in the Chisos. Also there, and  not normally outside of Mexico, are: Chinquapin Oak and the Coahuila Scrub Oak.

To Top of Page.