Birds found during 
the Focus On Nature Tour 

in  2005 

List compiled by Armas Hill,
leader of the tour

A tour across the state, from the 
Gulf Coast west to Big Bend & El Paso.


 April 26 - May 9, 2005


 e: east Texas - along the Gulf Coast, including the areas of Rockport & Aransas   
 s: south Texas - the southern Rio Grande Valley, as far upriver as San Ignacio
 c: central Texas - including areas of the Edwards Plateau & Fork Clark Springs 
 w: west Texas - inc. Big Bend National Park, the Davis Mtn area, and lakes near I-10

mx: seen in Mexico, along the border               
(t): a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International
     (t1): critical     (t2): endangered     (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally
(r/NA): rare in North America
(i): introduced species 

As we traveled throughout Texas, we couldn't help but notice them in much of the state. 


A Complete List of Texas Birds, noting those during FONT Tours

In cumulative lists of birds, scientific names are given & subspecies are noted.

North American Mammals

A list of Mammals during our April-May '05 Texas tour follows the bird-list below. 

Upcoming North American Birding & Nature Tours


  1. Least Grebe - s
  2. Pied-billed Grebe - e,s,w
  3. Eared Grebe - w
  4. Western Grebe - w 
  5. Clark's Grebe - w
  6. American White Pelican - s
  7. Brown Pelican - e,s
  8. Neotropic Cormorant - e,s,w
  9. Double-crested Cormorant - e,s,w
  10. Anhinga - e
  11. Least Bittern - e
  12. Great Blue Heron - e,s,c
  13. Great Egret - e,s,w  mx
  14. Snowy Egret - e,s,w
  15. Little Blue Heron - e
  16. Tricolored Heron - e,s
  17. Reddish Egret - e
  18. Cattle Egret - e,s,w
  19. Green Heron - e,s,w
  20. Black-crowned Night-Heron - e,s,w
  21. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron - s
  22. White Ibis -e
  23. White-faced Ibis - s,w
  24. Roseate Spoonbill - e,s
  25. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck - e,s,c
  26. "Mexican Duck" (form of the Mallard) - w
  27. Mottled Duck - e,s  mx
  28. Northern Pintail - w
  29. Northern Shoveler - e,s,w
  30. Blue-winged Teal - e,s,w
  31. Green-winged Teal - w
  32. Redhead - e
  33. Ruddy Duck - e,w
  34. Turkey Vulture - e,s,c,w  mx 
  35. Black Vulture - e,s,c,w  mx
  36. Osprey - e,s
  37. White-tailed Kite - s
  38. Mississippi Kite - s
  39. Northern Harrier - s
  40. Gray Hawk - w
  41. Harris's Hawk - s,c
  42. Red-shouldered Hawk - c
  43. Swainson's Hawk - e,s,c,w
  44. White-tailed Hawk - e,s
  45. Red-tailed Hawk - e,c,w
  46. Northern Crested Caracara - s,c
  47. American Kestrel - c
  48. Merlin - e
  49. Aplomado Falcon - s
  50. Peregrine Falcon -  e
  51. Plain Chachalaca - s
  52. Scaled Quail - c,w
  53. Gambel's Quail - w
  54. Northern Bobwhite - e,s
  55. Wild Turkey - e,c,w
  56. Clapper Rail - e
  57. King Rail -s 
  58. Sora - e,w
  59. Purple Gallinule - s
  60. Common Moorhen/Gallinule - e,s
  61. American Coot - e,s,w
  62. Black-bellied Plover - e,s
  63. Wilson's Plover - e,s
  64. Semipalmated Plover - e,s
  65. Piping Plover (t3) - s
  66. Killdeer - e,s,w
  67. American Oystercatcher - s
  68. American Avocet - e,s,w
  69. Black-necked Stilt - e,s,w
  70. Greater Yellowlegs - e,s
  71. Lesser Yellowlegs - e,s
  72. Solitary Sandpiper - s
  73. Willet - e,s
  74. Spotted Sandpiper - e,s,w
  75. Long-billed Curlew (nt) - w
  76. Marbled Godwit - e
  77. Ruddy Turnstone - e,s
  78. Red Knot - s
  79. Sanderling - e,s
  80. Western Sandpiper - e
  81. Least Sandpiper - e
  82. Baird's Sandpiper - s
  83. Dunlin - e,s
  84. Stilt Sandpiper - e,s
  85. Long-billed Dowitcher - e,s
  86. Wilson's Phalarope - e,s,w
  87. Laughing Gull - e,s
  88. Franklin's Gull - w
  89. Ring-billed Gull - e,w
  90. California Gull - w
  91. (American) Herring Gull - e
  92. Glaucous Gull - s
  93. Gull-billed Tern - e,s
  94. Caspian Tern - e,s
  95. Royal Tern - e,s
  96. Sandwich Tern - e,s
  97. Common Tern - s
  98. Forster's Tern - e
  99. Least Tern - e,s
  100. Black Skimmer - s
  101. Feral (or Rock) Pigeon (i) - e,s,c,w
  102. Eurasian Collared-Dove (i) - e,s,w
  103. White-winged Dove - s,c,w  mx
  104. Mourning Dove - e,s,c,w
  105. Inca Dove - e,s,w
  106. Common Ground Dove - s,c
  107. White-tipped Dove - s
  108. Green Parakeet - s
  109. Red-crowned Amazon (t2) - s
  110. Yellow-billed Cuckoo - e,s
  111. Greater Roadrunner - s,w
  112. Groove-billed Ani - s
  113. Eastern Screech-Owl - c
  114. Great Horned Owl - c,w
  115. Lesser Nighthawk - e,s,c,w  mx
  116. Common Nighthawk - e,s,c
  117. Pauraque - e
  118. Common Poorwill - w
  119. Chimney Swift - s,c
  120. White-throated Swift - w  mx
  121. Buff-bellied Hummingbird - s
  122. Lucifer Hummingbird - w
  123. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - e,s
  124. Black-chinned Hummingbird - s,c,w  
  125. Broad-tailed Hummingbird - w
  126. Belted Kingfisher - e
  127. Green Kingfisher - s,c
  128. Acorn Woodpecker - w
  129. Golden-fronted Woodpecker - e,s,c,w
  130. Ladder-backed Woodpecker - ce,s,w
  131. Eastern Wood-Pewee - e,s,c 
  132. Acadian Flycatcher - s
  133. Alder Flycatcher - s
  134. Willow Flycatcher - s
  135. Cordilleran Flycatcher - w
  136. Black Phoebe - c
  137. Eastern Phoebe - c
  138. Say's Phoebe - w
  139. Vermilion Flycatcher - c,w
  140. Ash-throated Flycatcher - c,w
  141. Great Crested Flycatcher - e
  142. Brown-crested Flycatcher - e,s,w
  143. Great Kiskadee - s,c
  144. Tropical Kingbird (r/NA) - w
  145. Couch's Kingbird - s
  146. Western Kingbird - e,s,c,w
  147. Eastern Kingbird - e,s
  148. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher - e,s,c,w
  149. Loggerhead Shrike - e
  150. White-eyed Vireo - e,s,c
  151. Bell's Vireo - w
  152. Black-capped Vireo (t3) - c
  153. Gray Vireo - w
  154. Blue-headed Vireo - e,s,c
  155. Warbling Vireo - c
  156. Philadelphia Vireo - e,s
  157. Red-eyed Vireo - s
  158. Purple Martin - e,s
  159. Tree Swallow - e,s
  160. Violet-green Swallow - w
  161. Northern Rough-winged Swallow - e,s,c,w  mx
  162. Bank Swallow - s  (called Sand Martin in the Old World) 
  163. Cliff Swallow - s,c,w
  164. Cave Swallow - e,s,c,w
  165. Barn Swallow - e,s,c,w  mx 
  166. Horned Lark - s
  167. Green Jay - s
  168. Western Scrub-Jay - c
  169. Mexican (or Gray-breasted) Jay - w
  170. Northern/Common Raven - c,w  mx
  171. Chihuahuan Raven - s,w
  172. Carolina Chickadee - c
  173. Black-crested Titmouse - e,s,c,w
  174. Common Bushtit - w
  175. White-breasted Nuthatch - w
  176. Cactus Wren - s,c,w
  177. Carolina Wren - e,s,c
  178. Bewick's Wren - s,c,w
  179. Marsh Wren - e,s
  180. Canyon Wren - c,w  mx
  181. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - c,w
  182. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher - w
  183. Eastern Bluebird - c
  184. Veery - s,c
  185. Gray-cheeked Thrush - e
  186. Swainson's Thrush - e,s
  187. Wood Thrush - s
  188. Clay-colored Robin (r/NA) - s
  189. Gray Catbird - e,s,c
  190. Northern Mockingbird - e,s,c,w  mx 
  191. Long-billed Thrasher - s,c
  192. Curve-billed Thrasher - s,c,w
  193. Crissal Thrasher - w
  194. European Starling (i) - e,s,c,w
  195. Cedar Waxwing - e,w
  196. Phainopepla - w
  197. Blue-winged Warbler - s
  198. Golden-winged Warbler - s
  199. Tennessee Warbler - e,s
  200. Nashville Warbler - e,s
  201. Colima Warbler (nt) - w
  202. Northern Parula - e
  203. Tropical Parula (r/NA) - s
  204. Yellow Warbler - e,s
  205. Chestnut-sided Warbler - e,s
  206. Magnolia Warbler - e,s
  207. "Audubon's" (part of Yellow-rumped) Warbler - w
  208. Golden-cheeked Warbler (t2) - c
  209. Black-throated Green Warbler - e,s,c
  210. Blackburnian Warbler - e,s
  211. Yellow-throated Warbler - e
  212. Bay-breasted Warbler - s
  213. Black-and-white Warbler - e,s,c
  214. American Redstart - s
  215. Worm-eating Warbler - s
  216. Ovenbird - e,s
  217. Northern Waterthrush - e,s
  218. Kentucky Warbler - e,s
  219. Mourning Warbler - s
  220. Common Yellowthroat - e,s,c
  221. Gray-crowned Yellowthroat (r/NA) - s
  222. Hooded Warbler - e,s
  223. Wilson's Warbler - s
  224. Canada Warbler - e,s
  225. Yellow-breasted Chat - e,s,c,w
  226. Summer Tanager - e,s,c,w
  227. Scarlet Tanager - e,s
  228. Western Tanager - w
  229. Eastern Meadowlark - e,s
  230. Red-winged Blackbird - e,s,c,w  mx
  231. Common Grackle - e
  232. Great-tailed Grackle - e,s,c,w  mx
  233. Bronzed Cowbird - e,s
  234. Brown-headed Cowbird - e,s,c,w
  235. Orchard Oriole - e,s,w
  236. Hooded Oriole - s,c
  237. Bullock's Oriole - w
  238. Altamira Oriole - s
  239. Baltimore Oriole - e,s
  240. Scott's Oriole - c,w
  241. Olive Sparrow - s
  242. Spotted Towhee - w
  243. Canyon Towhee - c,w
  244. Botteri's Sparrow - s
  245. Rufous-crowned Sparrow - c
  246. Chipping Sparrow - c,w
  247. Clay-colored Sparrow - c
  248. Lark Sparrow - e,c
  249. Black-throated Sparrow - c,w
  250. Savannah Sparrow - s
  251. Song Sparrow - e
  252. Swamp Sparrow - s
  253. Northern Cardinal - e,s,c,w
  254. Pyrrhuloxia - w
  255. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - e,s
  256. Blue Grosbeak - c,w
  257. Blue Bunting (r/NA) - s
  258. Indigo Bunting - e,s,c,w
  259. Varied Bunting - w
  260. Painted Bunting - e,s,c,w
  261. Dickcissel - e,s
  262. House Finch - s,c,w
  263. Pine Siskin - c
  264. Lesser Goldfinch - s,c,w
  265. American Goldfinch - c
  266. House Sparrow (i) - e,s,c,w  

Mammals during our April
-May '05 Tour in Texas


: east
s: south
c: central
w: west

  1. Nine-banded Armadillo - s
  2. Mexican Ground Squirrel - s
  3. Texas Antelope Squirrel - w
  4. Rock Squirrel - w
  5. Eastern Fox Squirrel - e,s
  6. Yellow-faced Pocket Gopher - w
  7. Chihuahan Pocket Mouse - w
  8. Hispid Cotton Rat - e
  9. Nutria (i) - c
  10. Western Pipistrelle - w
  11. Yuma Myotis - c
  12. Northern Raccoon - e
  13. Striped Skunk - c
  14. Gray Fox - s,c
  15. Coyote - w
  16. Desert Cottontail - w
  17. Eastern Cottontail - e,c
  18. Black-tailed Jackrabbit - w
  19. Pronghorn - w
  20. White-tailed Deer - e,c,w
  21. Collared Peccary (or Javelina) - e,c,w 
  22. Feral Hog (a cross between Domestic Hog & Wild Boar) - e