Birds found during
the Focus On Nature Tour
in Texas
in 2005
List compiled by Armas Hill,
leader of the tour
A tour across the state, from the
Gulf Coast west to Big Bend & El Paso.
April 26 - May 9, 2005
e: east Texas - along the Gulf Coast, including the areas of Rockport &
s: south Texas - the southern Rio Grande Valley, as far upriver as San Ignacio
c: central Texas - including areas of the Edwards Plateau & Fork Clark
w: west Texas - inc. Big Bend National Park, the Davis Mtn area, and lakes near
mx: seen in Mexico, along the border
(t): a globally threatened or rare
species, designated by Birdlife International
(t1): critical (t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally
(r/NA): rare in North America
(i): introduced species
As we traveled throughout Texas, we couldn't help but notice them in much of the
List of Texas Birds, noting those during FONT Tours
In cumulative lists of birds, scientific names
are given & subspecies are noted.
American Mammals
A list of Mammals during our April-May '05 Texas tour
follows the bird-list below.
North American Birding & Nature Tours
- Least Grebe - s
- Pied-billed Grebe - e,s,w
- Eared Grebe - w
- Western Grebe - w
- Clark's Grebe - w
- American White Pelican - s
- Brown Pelican - e,s
- Neotropic Cormorant - e,s,w
- Double-crested Cormorant - e,s,w
- Anhinga - e
- Least Bittern - e
- Great Blue Heron - e,s,c
- Great Egret - e,s,w mx
- Snowy Egret - e,s,w
- Little Blue Heron - e
- Tricolored Heron - e,s
- Reddish Egret - e
- Cattle Egret - e,s,w
- Green Heron - e,s,w
- Black-crowned Night-Heron - e,s,w
- Yellow-crowned Night-Heron - s
- White Ibis -e
- White-faced Ibis - s,w
- Roseate Spoonbill - e,s
- Black-bellied Whistling-Duck - e,s,c
- "Mexican Duck" (form of the Mallard) -
- Mottled Duck - e,s mx
- Northern Pintail - w
- Northern Shoveler - e,s,w
- Blue-winged Teal - e,s,w
- Green-winged Teal - w
- Redhead - e
- Ruddy Duck - e,w
- Turkey Vulture - e,s,c,w mx
- Black Vulture - e,s,c,w mx
- Osprey - e,s
- White-tailed Kite - s
- Mississippi Kite - s
- Northern Harrier - s
- Gray Hawk - w
- Harris's Hawk - s,c
- Red-shouldered Hawk - c
- Swainson's Hawk - e,s,c,w
- White-tailed Hawk - e,s
- Red-tailed Hawk - e,c,w
- Northern Crested Caracara - s,c
- American Kestrel - c
- Merlin - e
- Aplomado Falcon - s
- Peregrine Falcon - e
- Plain Chachalaca - s
- Scaled Quail - c,w
- Gambel's Quail - w
- Northern Bobwhite - e,s
- Wild Turkey - e,c,w
- Clapper Rail - e
- King Rail -s
- Sora - e,w
- Purple Gallinule - s
- Common Moorhen/Gallinule - e,s
- American Coot - e,s,w
- Black-bellied Plover - e,s
- Wilson's Plover - e,s
- Semipalmated Plover - e,s
- Piping Plover (t3) - s
- Killdeer - e,s,w
- American Oystercatcher - s
- American Avocet - e,s,w
- Black-necked Stilt - e,s,w
- Greater Yellowlegs - e,s
- Lesser Yellowlegs - e,s
- Solitary Sandpiper - s
- Willet - e,s
- Spotted Sandpiper - e,s,w
- Long-billed Curlew (nt) - w
- Marbled Godwit - e
- Ruddy Turnstone - e,s
- Red Knot - s
- Sanderling - e,s
- Western Sandpiper - e
- Least Sandpiper - e
- Baird's Sandpiper - s
- Dunlin - e,s
- Stilt Sandpiper - e,s
- Long-billed Dowitcher - e,s
- Wilson's Phalarope - e,s,w
- Laughing Gull - e,s
- Franklin's Gull - w
- Ring-billed Gull - e,w
- California Gull - w
- (American) Herring Gull - e
- Glaucous Gull - s
- Gull-billed Tern - e,s
- Caspian Tern - e,s
- Royal Tern - e,s
- Sandwich Tern - e,s
- Common Tern - s
- Forster's Tern - e
- Least Tern - e,s
- Black Skimmer - s
- Feral (or Rock) Pigeon (i) - e,s,c,w
- Eurasian Collared-Dove (i) - e,s,w
- White-winged Dove - s,c,w mx
- Mourning Dove - e,s,c,w
- Inca Dove - e,s,w
- Common Ground Dove - s,c
- White-tipped Dove - s
- Green Parakeet - s
- Red-crowned Amazon (t2) - s
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo - e,s
- Greater Roadrunner - s,w
- Groove-billed Ani - s
- Eastern Screech-Owl - c
- Great Horned Owl - c,w
- Lesser Nighthawk - e,s,c,w mx
- Common Nighthawk - e,s,c
- Pauraque - e
- Common Poorwill - w
- Chimney Swift - s,c
- White-throated Swift
- w mx
- Buff-bellied Hummingbird - s
- Lucifer Hummingbird - w
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird - e,s
- Black-chinned Hummingbird - s,c,w
- Broad-tailed Hummingbird - w
- Belted Kingfisher - e
- Green Kingfisher - s,c
- Acorn Woodpecker - w
- Golden-fronted Woodpecker - e,s,c,w
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker - ce,s,w
- Eastern Wood-Pewee - e,s,c
- Acadian Flycatcher - s
- Alder Flycatcher - s
- Willow Flycatcher - s
- Cordilleran Flycatcher - w
- Black Phoebe - c
- Eastern Phoebe - c
- Say's Phoebe - w
- Vermilion Flycatcher - c,w
- Ash-throated Flycatcher - c,w
- Great Crested Flycatcher - e
- Brown-crested Flycatcher - e,s,w
- Great Kiskadee - s,c
- Tropical Kingbird (r/NA) - w
- Couch's Kingbird - s
- Western Kingbird - e,s,c,w
- Eastern Kingbird - e,s
- Scissor-tailed Flycatcher - e,s,c,w
- Loggerhead Shrike - e
- White-eyed Vireo - e,s,c
- Bell's Vireo - w
- Black-capped Vireo (t3) - c
- Gray Vireo - w
- Blue-headed Vireo - e,s,c
- Warbling Vireo - c
- Philadelphia Vireo - e,s
- Red-eyed Vireo - s
- Purple Martin - e,s
- Tree Swallow - e,s
- Violet-green Swallow - w
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow - e,s,c,w
- Bank Swallow - s (called Sand Martin
in the Old World)
- Cliff Swallow - s,c,w
- Cave Swallow - e,s,c,w
- Barn Swallow - e,s,c,w mx
- Horned Lark - s
- Green Jay - s
- Western Scrub-Jay - c
- Mexican (or Gray-breasted) Jay - w
- Northern/Common Raven - c,w mx
- Chihuahuan Raven - s,w
- Carolina Chickadee - c
- Black-crested Titmouse - e,s,c,w
- Common Bushtit - w
- White-breasted Nuthatch - w
- Cactus Wren - s,c,w
- Carolina Wren - e,s,c
- Bewick's Wren - s,c,w
- Marsh Wren - e,s
- Canyon Wren - c,w mx
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - c,w
- Black-tailed Gnatcatcher - w
- Eastern Bluebird - c
- Veery - s,c
- Gray-cheeked Thrush - e
- Swainson's Thrush - e,s
- Wood Thrush - s
- Clay-colored Robin (r/NA) - s
- Gray Catbird - e,s,c
- Northern Mockingbird - e,s,c,w mx
- Long-billed Thrasher - s,c
- Curve-billed Thrasher - s,c,w
- Crissal Thrasher - w
- European Starling (i) - e,s,c,w
- Cedar Waxwing - e,w
- Phainopepla - w
- Blue-winged Warbler - s
- Golden-winged Warbler - s
- Tennessee Warbler - e,s
- Nashville Warbler - e,s
- Colima Warbler (nt) - w
- Northern Parula - e
- Tropical Parula (r/NA) - s
- Yellow Warbler - e,s
- Chestnut-sided Warbler - e,s
- Magnolia Warbler - e,s
- "Audubon's" (part of Yellow-rumped)
Warbler - w
- Golden-cheeked Warbler (t2) - c
- Black-throated Green Warbler - e,s,c
- Blackburnian Warbler - e,s
- Yellow-throated Warbler - e
- Bay-breasted Warbler - s
- Black-and-white Warbler - e,s,c
- American Redstart - s
- Worm-eating Warbler - s
- Ovenbird - e,s
- Northern Waterthrush - e,s
- Kentucky Warbler - e,s
- Mourning Warbler - s
- Common Yellowthroat - e,s,c
- Gray-crowned Yellowthroat (r/NA) - s
- Hooded Warbler - e,s
- Wilson's Warbler - s
- Canada Warbler - e,s
- Yellow-breasted Chat - e,s,c,w
- Summer Tanager - e,s,c,w
- Scarlet Tanager - e,s
- Western Tanager - w
- Eastern Meadowlark - e,s
- Red-winged Blackbird - e,s,c,w mx
- Common Grackle - e
- Great-tailed Grackle - e,s,c,w mx
- Bronzed Cowbird - e,s
- Brown-headed Cowbird - e,s,c,w
- Orchard Oriole - e,s,w
- Hooded Oriole - s,c
- Bullock's Oriole - w
- Altamira Oriole - s
- Baltimore Oriole - e,s
- Scott's Oriole - c,w
- Olive Sparrow - s
- Spotted Towhee - w
- Canyon Towhee - c,w
- Botteri's Sparrow - s
- Rufous-crowned Sparrow - c
- Chipping Sparrow - c,w
- Clay-colored Sparrow - c
- Lark Sparrow - e,c
- Black-throated Sparrow - c,w
- Savannah Sparrow - s
- Song Sparrow - e
- Swamp Sparrow - s
- Northern Cardinal - e,s,c,w
- Pyrrhuloxia - w
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak - e,s
- Blue Grosbeak - c,w
- Blue Bunting (r/NA) - s
- Indigo Bunting - e,s,c,w
- Varied Bunting - w
- Painted Bunting - e,s,c,w
- Dickcissel - e,s
- House Finch - s,c,w
- Pine Siskin - c
- Lesser Goldfinch - s,c,w
- American Goldfinch - c
- House Sparrow (i) - e,s,c,w
Mammals during our April
Tour in Texas
c: central
w: west
Nine-banded Armadillo - s
Mexican Ground Squirrel - s
Texas Antelope Squirrel - w
Rock Squirrel - w
Eastern Fox Squirrel - e,s
Yellow-faced Pocket Gopher - w
Chihuahan Pocket Mouse - w
Hispid Cotton Rat - e
Nutria (i) - c
Western Pipistrelle - w
Yuma Myotis - c
Northern Raccoon - e
Striped Skunk - c
Gray Fox - s,c
Coyote - w
Desert Cottontail - w
Eastern Cottontail - e,c
Black-tailed Jackrabbit - w
Pronghorn - w
White-tailed Deer - e,c,w
Collared Peccary (or Javelina) - e,c,w
Feral Hog (a cross between Domestic Hog &
Wild Boar) - e