Birds found during the
FONT Birding Tour 

November 8-21, 2003

In the Andes east of Santiago, 
on a pelagic trip from Valparaiso,
in the Lake District in the South,
in Patagonia & on Tierra del Fuego 
in the Far-South, 
& in the Far-North from Arica on the coast high up into Lauca Natl Park,
also a pelagic trip from Arica

List compiled by Armas Hill


In central Chile: 
between the Andes & the seacoast: cc
in the Andes: ca
along the seacoast: cs
on the pelagic trip from Valparaiso: vp

In south Chile:
in the Lake District, north & east of Puerto Montt: sl

In far-southern Chile:
in Patagonia, on the north side of the Strait of Magellan: sp
on Tierra del Fuego: tf

In far-northern Chile, from Arica to the Andes: fn
on the pelagic trip from Arica: ap         

(CHe): endemic to Chile 
(CHqe): quasi (or nearly) endemic to Chile
(CHr): rare in Chile
(i): introduced species

(t): a threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International.
(t1): critical (t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally.


Cumulative List of Birds during our Chile Tours
In cumulative lists of birds, scientific names are given & subspecies are noted.

South American Mammals
A list of Mammals during our Chile tour in 2003 follows the bird-list. 

Upcoming Tours in Argentina & Chile


  1. "Darwin's Rhea" (a form of the Lesser Rhea) - sp

  2. Chilean Tinamou (CHe) - cc

  3. Ornate Tinamou - fn

  4. Magellanic Penguin (nt) - sp 

  5. Humboldt (or Peruvian) Penguin (t3) - cs,ap

  6. White-tufted Grebe - cs,sp

  7. Silvery Grebe - sl,fn

  8. Pied-billed Grebe - cc,cs

  9. Great Grebe - cs,sl,sp

  10. Southern Giant-Petrel (t3) - vp,sp,tf

  11. Black-browed Albatross (nt) - vp.sp,tf

  12. Buller's Albatross (t3) - vp,ap

  13. Salvin's Albatross (t3) - vp,ap

  14. Southern Fulmar - vp

  15. Cape Petrel (or Pintado) - vp

  16. Juan Fernandez Petrel (t3) - vp

  17. DeFilippi's (or Masatierra) Petrel (t3) - vp 

  18. White-chinned Petrel - vp,tf,ap

  19. Westland (Black-) Petrel (t3) - vp

  20. Pink-footed Shearwater (t3) - vp,ap

  21. Sooty Shearwater - vp,ap

  22. Wilson's Storm-Petrel - vp, ap

  23. White-vented (or Elliot's) Storm-Petrel (nt) - ap

  24. Markham's (or Sooty) Storm-Petrel - ap

  25. Peruvian Diving-Petrel (t2) - vp,ap

  26. Magellanic Diving-Petrel - sp,tf 

  27. Peruvian (or Chilean) Pelican - cs,vp,fn,ap

  28. Peruvian Booby - cs,vp,fn,ap

  29. Blue-footed Booby (CRr) - vp

  30. Brown Booby (CRr) - ap

  31. Neotropic (formerly Olivaceous) Cormorant - cs,sl,sp,tf,fn

  32. Rock (or Magellan) Cormorant (or Shag) - sp,tf

  33. Imperial Shag - sp,tf

  34. King Cormorant (or Shag) - sp,tf

  35. Guanay Cormorant - cs,vp,fn,ap

  36. Red-legged Cormorant (or Shag) (nt) - vp 

  37. Cattle Egret - cc

  38. Little Blue Heron - fn

  39. Snowy Egret - cc,cs

  40. Great Egret - cc,cs,fn

  41. Black-crowned Night-Heron - cc,sp,tf,fn

  42. Black-faced Ibis - sl,sp

  43. Puna Ibis - fn

  44. Chilean Flamingo (nt) - fn

  45. Black-necked Swan - cs,sp,tf

  46. Coscoroba Swan - sp,tf

  47. Andean (Sheld-) Goose - fn

  48. Upland (or Magtellan) (Sheld-) Goose - sp,tf

  49. Ashy-headed (Sheld-) Goose - sp,tf

  50. Ruddy-headed (Sheld-) Goose (nt) - tf

  51. Flying Steamer-Duck - sp,tf

  52. Magellanic (Flightless) Steamer-Duck - sp,tf

  53. Torrent Duck - sl

  54. Crested Duck - ca,sp,tf,fn

  55. Southern (or Chiloe) Wigeon - cc,cs,sl,sp,tf

  56. Yellow-billed (or Brown) Pintail - cc,cs,sl,sp,tf

  57. White-cheeked Pintail - cc

  58. Speckled Teal - cc,ca,cs,sl,sp,tf,fn

  59. Red Shoveler - cc,cs,sl,sp

  60. Cinnamon Teal - cc,cs,sp

  61. Rosy-billed Pochard - cc,sl,sp

  62. Black-headed Duck (nt) - cs

  63. Lake Duck - cs,sl

  64. Andean Condor - ca

  65. Black Vulture - sl

  66. Turkey Vulture - cc,cs,fn

  67. Black-chested Eagle-Buzzard (or Buzzard-Eagle) - ca

  68. White-tailed Kite - cc

  69. Cinereous Harrier - sp,tf

  70. Variable (Red-backed) Hawk - cc

  71. Variable (Puna) Hawk - fn

  72. Bay-winged (or Harris's) Hawk cc 

  73. White-throated Hawk - cc

  74. Mountain Caracara - ca

  75. Southern (Crested) Caracara - sl,sp,tf

  76. Chimango (Caracara) - cc,cs,ca,sl,sp

  77. American Kestrel - cc,cs,ca,sl,fn

  78. Aplomado Falcon - cc

  79. Peregrine Falcon - fn

  80. California Quail (i) - cc

  81. Plumbeous Rail - cc,sp

  82. Spot-flanked Gallinule - cc

  83. Andean Coot - fn

  84. Red-gartered Coot - cc,cs,sl,sp

  85. White-winged Coot - cc,cs,sl,sp

  86. Red-fronted Coot - cc,cs,sp

  87. Giant Coot - fn

  88. South American (or White-backed) Stilt - cc,cs

  89. Andean Avocet - fn

  90. Peruvian Thick-knee - fn

  91. American Oystercatcher - cs

  92. Blackish Oystercatcher - fn

  93. Magellanic Oystercatcher - sp,tf

  94. Southern Lapwing - cc,cs,sl,sp,tf

  95. Two-banded Plover - sp,tf

  96. Collared Plover - cc

  97. Magellanic Plover (nt) - tf

  98. Hudsonian Godwit - fn

  99. Whimbrel - cs,fn

  100. Greater Yellowlegs - sl,sp,fn

  101. Lesser Yellowlegs - cc,cs,sl,sp,tf,fn

  102. Willet - fn

  103. Ruddy Turnstone - cs,fn

  104. Surfbird - cs,fn

  105. White-rumped Sandpiper - sp,tf

  106. Baird's Sandpiper - ca,sp,tf

  107. Pectoral Sandpiper - sl

  108. South American Snipe - ca,sp,tf

  109. Wilson's Phalarope - sp,tf

  110. Red-necked Phalarope - vp

  111. Red Phalarope - ap

  112. Gray-breasted Snipe - ca

  113. Least Seedsnipe - sp,tf

  114. South Polar Skua - ap

  115. Chilean Skua - vp,sp,tf

  116. Pomarine Jaeger - ap

  117. Parasitic Jaeger - vp,ap

  118. Dolphin Gull - sp,tf

  119. Gray Gull - fn,ap

  120. Belcher's (formerly Band-tailed) Gull - fn,ap

  121. Kelp Gull - cc,cs,vp,sl,sp,tf,fn

  122. Andean Gull - fn

  123. Brown-hooded Gull - cc,cs,sl,sp,tf

  124. Franklin's Gull - cs,vp,fn,ap

  125. South American Tern cs,vp,sp,tf

  126. Common Tern - cs

  127. Arctic Tern - vp

  128. Sandwich Tern (CHr) - fn

  129. Elegant Tern - vp,fn,ap

  130. Inca Tern - cs,vp,fn,ap

  131. Black Skimmer - cs

  132. Chilean Pigeon (nt) (CHqe) - sl

  133. Feral (or Rock) Pigeon (i) - cc,cs,sl,sp,fn

  134. Eared Dove - cc,cs,sl,sp,tf

  135. West Peruvian (formerly White-winged) Dove - fn

  136. Picui Ground-Dove - cc,cs

  137. Croaking (or Gold-billed) Ground-Dove - fn

  138. Bare-faced Ground-Dove - fn 

  139. Black-winged Ground-Dove - ca

  140. Monk Parakeet (i) - cc

  141. Austral Conure/Parakeet - sl

  142. Slender-billed Conure/Parakeet (nt) (CHe) - sl

  143. Austral Pygmy-Owl - sl

  144. Burrowing Owl - cc,fn

  145. Short-eared Owl - sl

  146. Band-winged Nightjar - ca

  147. Sparkling Violetear (CHr) - fn

  148. Giant Hummingbird - cc,fn

  149. Green-backed Firecrown - sl

  150. Oasis Hummingbird - fn

  151. Chilean Woodstar (t2) (CHqe) - fn

  152. Ringed Kingfisher - sl

  153. Andean Flicker - fn

  154. Chilean Flicker (CHqe) - cc

  155. Striped Woodpecker  (CHqe) - cc,sl

  156. Magellanic Woodpecker - sl

  157. Common Miner - ca,sp

  158. Rufous-banded Miner - ca

  159. Short-billed Miner - tf

  160. Straight-billed Earthcreeper - fn

  161. Scale-throated Earthcreeper - ca,tf,fn

  162. Plain-breasted Earthcreeper - fn

  163. Bar-winged Cinclodes - ca,fn

  164. White-winged Cinclodes - fn

  165. Gray-flanked Cinclodes - tf

  166. Dark-bellied Cinclodes - sl,sp,tf

  167. Chilean Seaside-Cinclodes (CHe) - cs

  168. Crag Chilia (CHe) - ca

  169. Des Murs' Wiretail (CHqe) - sl

  170. Thorn-tailed Rayadito - sl

  171. Wren-like Rushbird - cc,cs

  172. Sharp-billed (also called Lesser) Canastero - ca

  173. Cordilleran Canastero - ca

  174. Rusty-vented (has been part of Creamy-breasted) Canastero - fn

  175. Dusky-tailed Canastero (CHe) - cc

  176. Austral Canastero (nt) - tf

  177. Plain-mantled Tit-Spinetail - cc,ca,sl

  178. White-throated Treerunner - sl

  179. Black-throated Huet-huet  (CHqe) - sl

  180. Moustached Turca (CHe) - ca

  181. White-throated Tapaculo (CHe) - cc

  182. Chucao Tapaculo (CHqe) - sl

  183. Ochre-flanked Tapaculo - sl

  184. Magellanic Tapaculo - sl

  185. Rufous-tailed Plantcutter - cs,sl 

  186. Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant - cc,fn

  187. Chocolate-vented Tyrant - sp

  188. Fire-eyed Diucon - cs,sl,sp

  189. Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrant - ca

  190. White-browed Ground-Tyrant - ca

  191. Puna Ground-Tyrant - fn

  192. Black-fronted Ground-Tyrant - ca

  193. White-fronted Ground-Tyrant - fn

  194. Cinereous Ground-Tyrant - ca,fn

  195. Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant - ca

  196. Austral (or Patagonian) Negrito - cc,cs,sl,sp,tf

  197. Andean Negrito - fn

  198. White-browed Chat-Tyrant - fn

  199. Patagonian Tyrant - sl

  200. Spectacled Tyrant - sl

  201. Vermilion Flycatcher - fn

  202. Many-colored Rush-Tyrant - cc,cs

  203. Tufted Tit-Tyrant - cc,cs,sl

  204. (Chilean) White-crested Elaenia - cc,cs,sl,sp

  205. (Peruvian) White-crested Elaenia - fn

  206. Austral Thrush - cc,cs,sl,sp

  207. Chiguanco Thrush - fn

  208. Chilean Mockingbird (CHe) - cc,cs

  209. Chilean Swallow - cc,ca,cs,sl,sp,tf

  210. Blue-and-white Swallow - cc,cc,ca,sl,sp,tf,fn

  211. Bank Swallow - fn

  212. Barn Swallow - fn

  213. (Southern) House Wren - cc,ca,cs,sl,sp,tf,fn

  214. House Sparrow (i) - cc,ca,cs,sl,sp,tf,fn

  215. Correndera Pipit - cc,sp,tf

  216. Cinereous Conebill - fn

  217. Blue-and-yellow Tanager - fn

  218. Golden-billed Saltator - fn

  219. Blue-black Grassquit - fn

  220. Chestnut-throated Seedeater - fn

  221. Band-tailed Sierra-Finch - ca

  222. Plumbeous Sierra-Finch - ca,fn

  223. Gray-hooded Sierra-Finch - ca,sl,sp,tf

  224. Patagonian Sierra-Finch - ca,sp

  225. Black-hooded Sierra-Finch - fn 

  226. Mourning Sierra-Finch - ca,fn

  227. White-throated Sierra-Finch - fn

  228. Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch - fn

  229. Common Diuca-Finch - cc,ca,cs,sl

  230. Bright-rumped Yellow-Finch - fn 

  231. Greater Yellow Finch - ca  

  232. Grassland Yellow-Finch - cc,cs

  233. Patagonian Yellow Finch - tf

  234. Puna Yellow-Finch (CHr) - fn

  235. Rufous-collared Sparrow - cc,ca,cs,sl,sp,tf,fn

  236. Slender-billed Finch (t3) - fn

  237. Shiny (or Glossy) Cowbird - ca,cs,sl

  238. Austral Blackbird - ca,cs,sl,sp,tf

  239. Yellow-winged Blackbird - cc,cs,sl

  240. Peruvian Meadowlark - fn

  241. Long-tailed Meadowlark - cc,ca,cs,sl,sp,tf

  242. Hooded Siskin - fn

  243. Black-chinned Siskin - ca,cs,sl,sp,tf

  244. Black Siskin - fn

  245. Yellow-rumped Siskin - ca

Mammals found during the FONT Tour 
in November 2003 


In central Chile: 
between the Andes & the seacoast: cc
in the Andes: ca
along the seacoast: cs

In south Chile:
in the Lake District,
north & east of Puerto Montt: sl

In far-southern Chile:
in Patagonia, on the north side of the Strait of Magellan: sp
on Tierra del Fuego: tf

In far-northern Chile, from Arica to the Andes: fn

   Land Mammals:

  1. European (or Brown) Hare (i) - sp
    Lepus europaeus

  2. Copyu / Nutria - cc
    Myocaster coypus

  3. Muskrat (i) - tf
    Ondatra zibethica 

  4. Magellanic Tuco-tuco - tf
    Ctenomys magellanicus

  5. Northern (formerly part of Mountain) Viscacha - fn
    Lagidium peruanum

  6. (Argentine) Gray Fox - sp 
    Pseudalopex gymnocercus

  7. Patagonian (or Humboldt's) Hog-nosed Skunk - sp
    Pseudalopex culpaeus

  8. Guanaco - sp,tf
    Lama guanicoe

  9. Vicuna - fn
    Vicigna vicugna 

  10. Llama - fn  (domesticated animal)
    Lama glama

  11. Alpaca - fn  (domesticated animal)
    Vicugna (formerly Lama) pacos

    Marine Mammals:

  12. Southern (or South American) Sea Lion - cs
    Otaria byronia

  13. Commerson's Dolphin - tf
    Cephalohynchus commersonii