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in South
In Argentina, Brazil,
Ecuador, and Venezuela
With South American Mammals found
during Focus On Nature Tours
noted with an (*)
Focus On Nature Tours during the months
of February, March, June, July, August,
October, November
1992 to 2015
This List of South American Mammals compiled by Armas Hill
There have been 50 FONT Tours in Brazil.
In southern South America, 14 tours in Argentina and 19 in Chile.
In northern South America, 6 tours in Venezuela and 21 in Ecuador.
UPPER LEFT PHOTO: A GUANACO photographed during a FONT tour in Argentina
Links to Some of the Mammal Groupings in the following List:
Anteaters Sloths
Rabbits Squirrels
& Other Rodents Akodonts
Porcupines Agoutis Cavies
Degus & Tuco-tucos
Viscachas & Chinchillas
Dogs & Foxes Bear
Seals Otters
& Allies Raccoons
Bats Marmosets &
New World Monkeys Dolphins
Whales Peccaries
Cameloids Deer
For its size, South America has by
far the richest animal population of all the continents of the world.
It has a greater variety of bats and rodents than anywhere else.
Survivors from when the continent was "an island" include: the edentates
(armadillos, anteaters, sloths),
the camelids (guanaco, vicuna, llama, alpaca).
There are about 70 species of monkeys, in addition to tamarins and
Also in South America, there are most species of fresh water fish, and
there are twice as many bird species
as there are in Africa. (There are links below to South American bird-lists.)
(t): a globally threatened species,
designated by the IUCN (the
International Union for Conservation of Nature)
(t1): critically endangered (t2):
endangered (t3):
(nt): a globally near-threatened species, designated by the IUCN
(i): an introduced species in South America
(ph): species with a photo in the FONT website (a link to
our photo directory below)
The following codes with an (*) indicates the
mammal seen during a FONT tour (or tours) in that country.
AR: Argentina
so: southern Argentina (including
Valdes Peninsula)
tf: Tierra del Fuego
BR: Brazil
af: Alta Floresta (southern
am: Amazonia
(particularly the area of
area of Iguazu Falls
mn: Minas Gerais
mt: Mato Grosso & Mato Grosso do Sul (including the
rs: Rio Grande do Sul
se: southeast Brazil (the states of
Rio de Janeiro & Sao Paulo)
BO: Bolivia
CH: Chile
ce: central Chile from the Pacific
coast, up into the Andes
fn: in the far-north in areas of
Arica & Lauca National Park
so: in
southern Chile, including Chiloe Island
tf: Tierra del Fuego
EC: Ecuador
az: Amazonian Ecuador, along the Napo and other rivers
western Ecuador
PE: Peru
PG: Paraguay
UG: Uruguay
VE: Venezuela
ll: the Llanos
Some local names are in the following list beneath the scientific names, with the above two-letter country codes.
At this time, there are 644 species of
mammals in the list that follows.
Of these, about 125 species of mammals have been
found during FONT South American tours.
Additional Links:
Information about Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours:
by month in: 2014
2015 or:
geographic locations worldwide
A Chronological List of all scheduled FONT Tours
Other Lists
& Photo Galleries of Neotropical Mammals in:
Brazil Chile
Ecuador Venezuela
America Mexico
Belize Guatemala
Costa Rica
Other Lists & Photo Galleries of: Mammals
Amphibians, Reptiles
(noting birds during previous FONT tours):
A Complete
List & a Photo Gallery of Argentina Birds:
Part 1: Tinamous to Flycatchers Part 2: Antshrikes to Grosbeaks
A Complete List & a Photo Gallery of Brazil Birds:
Part 1: Tinamous to Doves Part 2: Macaws to Flycatchers
Part 3:
Antshrikes to Woodcreepers Part
4: Vireos to Grosbeaks
Regional Lists of Brazilian Birds:
Mato Grosso Minas Gerais
Southeast Brazil Rio Grande do Sul
A Complete List & a Photo Gallery of Chile Birds:
1: Tinamous to Coots Part 2: Thick-knee to Saltator
A Complete List of Ecuador Birds (with some photos):
1: Tinamous to Swifts Part 2:
Hummingbirds to Flycatchers
Part 3: Antshrikes to Woodcreeper Part
4: Vireos to Grosbeaks
List of Venezuela Birds (with some photos)
Rare Birds in South America, in
the Andes & Patagonia Rare Birds in Brazil
of Photos in the FONT Website

List of South American
(globally just over 85
species, with some recently described)
the family DIDELPHIDAE
- Southern (or Black-eared)
Opossum ______ AR BR(*) af,se EC(*)
we VE(*) ll
(also called Common Opossum)
Didelphis marsupialis
AR name: Comadreja Grande
BR name: Gamba de Orelha Preta
Geographic range: from eastern Mexico to Brazil &
Didelphis marsupialis was described by Linnaeus in 1758.
- White-eared Opossum (ph) ______
AR BR(*)
af EC UG(*)
Didelphis albiventris
BR: Gamba de Orelha Branca
Geographic range: from Colombia & Venezuela to central

A White-eared Opossum photographed during a FONT tour
in Uruguay in October 2010
(photo by Bob Enever)
- Big-eared Opossum ______ AR(*) BR
(was part of the Southern, or Black-eared
Didelphis aurita
Geographic range: in eastern Brazil, Paraguay, & northeastern
Argentina & southeastern Brazil
- Water Opossum (or Yapok)
______ AR EC
Chironectes minimus
Geographic range: from southern Mexico and Belize to northeastern
- Thick-tailed Opossum
______ AR (another name is Lutrine Opossum)
Lutreolina crassicaudata
Geographic range: east of the Andes in Bolivia, southern Brazil,
Paraguay, Uruguay, and northern Argentina.
Another population, far to the north, was long known from only 2 specimens
taken in Guyana. Recently (1976), 4 more specimens were collected from
eastern Venezuela and later (in 1982) 9 were collected in eastern Colombia.
It is possible that the species may be found to occur in the intervening
region of central South America.
- Gray "Four-eyed" Opossum
______ BR EC
Philander opossum
Geographic range: from northeastern Mexico to Peru, Bolivia, and
southwestern Brazil.
Philander opossum
was described by Linnaeus in 1758.
- Anderson's "Four-eyed" Opossum
______ EC (another name is
Black "Four-eyed"
Philander andersoni
Geographic range: in eastern Colombia, Ecuador, southern Venezuela,
western Brazil, Peru
- Bridled "Four-eyed" Opossum
______ AR (also called the
Southeastern Four-eyed Opossum)
Philander frenata
Philander frenata
was part of the Gray Four-eyed Opossum (above), Philander
Geographic range: from southeastern Brazil to Paraguay and northeastern
Argentina, in coastal forest
- McIlhenny's "Four-eyed"
Opossum ______ (was part of the Black, or Anderson's
Four-eyed Opossum)
Philander mcilhennyi
Geographic range: in western Amazonian Brazil & northeastern Peru,
in rainforest
- Derby's Woolly Opossum ______ EC
(another name is Central American Woolly Opossum)
Caluromys derbianus
Geographic range: from southern Mexico to Ecuador
- Brown-eared Woolly Opossum
______ AR EC (another name
is Western Woolly Opossum)
Caluromys lanatus
Geographic range:
from Colombia to northern Argentina & southern Brazil
- Bare-tailed Woolly Opossum
Caluromys philander
Geographic range:
from Venezuela to southern Brazil
Caluromys philander
was described by Linnaeus in 1758.
- Black-shouldered Opossum ______
Caluromysiops irrupta
Caluromysiops irrupta is known with
certainty only from 3 locations in southern Amazonian Brazil, and one on the
upper Jaru Riverin west-central Brazil.
A report from extreme southern Colombia is said to be doubtful.
Caluromysiops irrupta
was described in 1951.
- Bushy-tailed Opossum ______ EC
Glironia venusta (the single member of its genus)
Glironia venusta has been known from just a few specimens
(8) collected in the Amazonian regions
Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, and Bolivia. Said to be in humid tropical forests and
assumed to be arboreal.
- Linnaeus' Mouse-Opossum (ph) ______
EC(*) az, VE(*) (another name is
Murine Mouse-Opossum)
Marmosa murina
Geographic range: in northern & central South America; also
Marmosa murina was described by Linnaeus in 1758.

A Linnaeus', or Murine Mouse-Opossum photographed
during a FONT tour in
The small animal had been in the nest of bird's nest made of mud,
the nest of a Hornero.
- Anderson's Mouse-Opossum (t1) ______ PE
Marmosa andersoni
Geographic range: in southern Peru in the Cosnipata region near Cusco
Marmosa andersoni
was described in 1972.
- Rufous Mouse-Opossum ______ EC
(another name has been Little Rufous Opossum)
Marmosa lepida
Geographic range: very locally from Surinam to Ecuador, Bolivia,
& southern Brazil
- Robinson's Mouse-Opossum ______ EC
Marmosa robinsoni
Geographic range:
from Belize to Ecuador & Venezuela; also Trinidad & Tobago and
- Red Mouse-Opossum ______
Marmosa rubra
Geographic range:
in eastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador, northeastern Peru
- Tyler's Mouse-Opossum ______ VE
Marmosa tyleriana
Geographic range: in southern Venezuela in the tepuis
Marmosa tyleriana
was described in 1931.
- Dryland Mouse-Opossum (t2) ______
(another name is Guajira Mouse-Opossum)
Marmosa xerophila
Geographic range:
in northwestern Venezuela & northeastern Colombia
Marmosa xerophila
was described in 1979.
The following in the genus MARMOSA are in the subgenus MICOUREUS.
- White-bellied
Woolly Mouse-Opossum ______ AR
(another name has been Pale-bellied Woolly Mouse Opossum)
Marmosa constantiae
Geographic range:
in Mato Grosso in Brazil, also Bolivia & northern Argentina
- Long-furred Woolly
Mouse-Opossum ______ (known locally as the "Cuica")
Marmosa demerarae
Geographic range:
from Colombia, Venezuela, & the Guianas to eastern Peru, northern
Bolivia, & northern Brazil
- Little Woolly Mouse-Opossum
______ (was part of the Little Woolly Mouse-Opossum)
Marmosa phaea
Geographic range:
from Panama to western Ecuador
- Bare-tailed Woolly Mouse-Opossum ______
EC (another name is
Short-furred Woolly Mouse-Opossum)
Marmosa regina
Geographic range: in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and central Amazonian Brazil
- Tate's Woolly Mouse-Opossum
______ AR
Marmosa paraguayanus
Geographic range: in southeastern Brazil, Paraguay, northeastern
Argentina, in the Atlantic Forest
Marmosa paraguayanus was described in 1931, and named after the American
zoologist George Tate.
- Aceramarca Gracile
Mouse-Opossum (t1) ______
Geographic range:
in southern Peru & western Bolivia in Yungas
- Agile Gracile
Mouse-Opossum ______ AR
Geographic range:
in eastern & south-central Brazil, Colombia, Peru,
Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, northeastern Argentina
- Wood Sprite
Gracile Mouse-Opossum ______
Gracilinanus dryas
Geographic range:
in Colombia & northwestern Venezuela
- Emilia's Gracile
Mouse-Opossum ______
emiliae (now includes Gracilinanus longicaudus of
central Colombia; merged in 2001)
Geographic range: in northern Brazil, Colombia, Suriname, French
Guiana. Very few records
- Red-bellied Gracile
Mouse-Opossum (t1) ______
Gracilinanus ignitus
Gracilinanus ignitus is only known from the holotype specimen collected in
1962 in northwestern Argentina, in Jujuy in the Yuto
region. The species was described in 2002.
- Kalinowski's
Gracile Mouse-Opossum ______
Geographic range; from Guyana to eastern Peru, very few records
Gracilinanus kalinowski was described in 1992.
- Northern Gracile
Mouse-Opossum ______
Geographic range:
in Colombia & northern Venezuela
- Brazilian Gracile
Mouse-Opossum ______ AR
Geographic range:
in southeastern Brazil, from Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do
Sul, and in northeastern Argentina, in Missiones
- Sierra de Perjira
Gracile Mouse-Opossum ______
Geographic range: in northeastern Colombia
Gracilinanus perijae was described in 1992.
- Chacoan Gracile Opossum ______ AR
Cyptonanus chacoensis
Geographic range: in Paraguay, southwestern Brazil, northern Argentina,
in seasonally flooded grasslands & forests in & near the Gran
Cyptonanum chacoensis was described in 1931.
- Red-bellied Gracile Opossum
______ AR (endemic)
Cryptonanus ignitus
Cryptonanus ignitus was last seen in 1962, and is now presumed to be
extinct. Its known geographical range was in the Jujuy province in northern
Argentina. Where it occurred, the forest habitat has been destroyed.
From a specimen, Cryptonanus ignitus was described in 2007.
- Agricola's Gracile Opossum
______ BR
Cryptonanus agricolai
Geographic range: in eastern Brazil, in caatigna and cerrado habitats.
Cryptonanus agricolai was described in 2007. It was named after a
Brazilian physician, Ernani Agricola.
- Guahiba Gracile Opossum ______ BR
Cryptonanus guahybae
Geographic range: in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul,
only known on 3 islands: Guahiba, Sao Lourenceo, and Taquara, in forests.
Cryptonanus guahybae was described in 1931.
- Unduavi Gracile Opossum ______ BO
Cryptonanus unduaviensis
Geographic range: in northern Bolivia, in seasonally flooded
Some specimens previously assigned to the Agile Gracile Mouse-Opossum,
Gracililinanus agilis (above), are now said to be Cryponanus
Cryponanus unduaviensis was described in 1931
The following genus MARMOSOPS has been part of MARMOSA.
- Bishop's Slender Mouse-Opossum ______ PE
(was part of the Delicate Slender Mouse-Opossum)
Marmosops bishopi
Marmosops bishopi was described in 1981.
- Slim-faced Slender
Mouse-Opossum (t2) ______
Marmosops cracens
Geographic range:
in northwestern Venezuela
- Dorothy's Slender
Mouse-Opossum ______
Marmosops dorothea
Geographic range: in central
Bolivia & southern Amazonian Brazil
- Gray-bellied Slender
Mouse-Opossum ______
Marmosops fuscata
Geographic range: in
Colombia, northern Venezuela, Trinidad
- Handley's Slender
Mouse-Opossum (t1) ______
Marmosops handleyi
Marmoscops handleyi is known only
from the type locality in central Colombia, in the Antioquia region.
- Tschudi's Slender Mouse-Opossum ______
EC (another name is Andean Slender Mouse-Opossum)
Marmosops impavidus
Geographic range: from eastern Panama to Venezuela and southern Peru &
- Gray Slender
Mouse-Opossum ______
Marmosops incana
Geographic range: in
& southeastern Brazil, from Bahia to Parana, in Atlantic coastal forest
- Junin Slender Mouse-Opossum ______
(was part of the Delicate Slender Mouse-Opossum)
Marmosops juninensis
Geographic range:
in central Peru
- Cerro Neblina Slender Mouse-Opossum
______ (was part of the Andean Slender Mouse-Opossum)
Marmosops neblina
Geographic range:
Venezuela, central Amazonian Brazil, and eastern Ecuador
- White-bellied Slender Mouse-Opossum ______ EC(*) az
Marmosops noctivaga
Geographic range: in western Amazonian Brazil, Ecuador, Peru,
- Delicate Slender
Mouse-Opossum ______
Marmosops parvidens
Geographic range: in
Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, Peru, central Brazil
- Sao Paulo Slender Mouse-Opossum
______ (was part of the Gray Slender Mouse-Opossum)
Marmosops paulensis
Geographic range:
in southeastern Brazil, from southern Minas Gerais &
Sao Paulo
- Pinheiro's Slender Mouse-Opossum
______ (was part of the Delicate Slender Mouse-Opossum)
Marmosops pinheiroi
Geographic range: French Guiana
The following genus
has been part of
- Cinderella Fat-tailed Opossum ______
AR (was part of the Elegant Fat-tailed Opossum)
Thylamys cinderella
Geographic range: in northwestern Argentina
- Elegant Fat-tailed Opossum ______
Thylamys elegans
Geographic range:
in central Peru, Bolivia, Chile, northwestern Argentina
- Long-tailed Fat-tailed Opossum ______
Thylamys macrurus
Geographic range:
southern Brazil, Paraguay
Thylamys macrura
was known as Marmosa grisea.
- White-bellied Fat-tailed Opossum ______
AR CH (also called Pallid
Fat-tailed Opossum)
Thylamys pallidior
Geographic range:
in Bolivia, Argentina
- Common Fat-tailed Opossum ______
AR (also called the Small Fat-tailed Opossum)
Thylamys pusillus
Geographic range:
in central & southern Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay,
southern Bolivia
- Argentine Fat-tailed Opossum ______
AR (another name is the Sponsorial Fat-tailed Opossum)
Thylamys sponsorius
Thylamys sponsorius
was part of the Elegant Fat-tailed Opossum (above).
Geographic range:
in northwestern Argentina
- Velvety Fat-tailed Opossum ______
Thylamys velutinus
Geographic range:
in east-central Brazil, in cerrado & caatinga habitats
- Buff-bellied Fat-tailed Opossum
______ AR (another name is
the Pretty Fat-tailed Opossum)
Thylamys venustus
Thylamys venustus
was part of the Elegant Fat-tailed Opossum
Geographic range: in Bolivia & northwestern Argentina
- Chacoan Pygmy Opossum (t3)
______ AR (endemic)
Chacodelphys formosa (the only member of
its genus; the genus erected in 2004)
Until 2004, the Chacoan Pygmy Opossum was known from only one
specimen that was collected in 1920 in the Formosa province in Argentina, in
the chaco habitat.
Chacodelphys formosa has been
(since 1930) either Marmosa or
Thylamys formosa, and later (after
1989) part of Gracilinanus agilus (above)
and subsequently Gracilinanus formosus.
Chacodelphys formosa is the smallest known didelphid. It
head-body length is 2.7 inches. Its tail 2.2 inches.
- Patagonian Opossum ______ AR
Lestodelphys halli (the single
member of its genus)
Lestodelphys halli has been known from just a few specimens (9) taken at 3
localities in Patagonia, Argentina.
Brown "Four-eyed" Opossum ______ AR
Metachirus nudicaudatus (the single member of its genus)
Geographic range:
from extreme southern Mexico to northeastern Brazil &
northeastern Argentina
- Sepia Short-tailed Opossum ______
Monodelphus adusta
Geographic range:
from eastern Panama
to western Venezuela & northern
- Three-striped Short-tailed Opossum
______ BR
Monodelphus americana
Geographic range:
in northern & central Brazil
- Northern Red-sided Opossum
Monodelphus brevicaudata
Geographic range: in Venezuela, the Guianas, & northern Brazil
- Southern Short-tailed Opossum
______ AR (also called
Yellow-sided Opossum)
Monodelphus dimidiata
Geographic range:
in southeastern Brazil, Uruguay, eastern Argentina
- Gray Short-tailed Opossum ______
Monodelphus domestica
Geographic range:
in eastern & central Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay
- Emilia's Short-tailed Opossum ______
Monodelphus emiliae
Geographic range:
in Amazonian Brazil & northeastern Peru
- Ihering's Short-tailed Opossum
______ BR
Monodelphus iheringi
Geographic range:
in southern Brazil
- Pygmy Short-tailed Opossum ______
Monodelphus kunsi
Geographic range:
in Bolivia, Brazil, & Argentina
- Marajo Short-tailed Opossum ______
Monodelphus maraxina
Geographic range:
on Isla Marajo in Para, northeastern Brazil
- Orinoco Short-tailed Opossum ______
(was part of the Red-legged Short-tailed Opossum)
Monodelphus orinoci
Geographic range:
Venezuela, in the llanos
- Osgood's Short-tailed Opossum ______
Monodelphus osgoodi
Geographic range: in southern Peru & western Bolivia
- Chestnut-striped Short-tailed Opossum
______ BR
Monodelphus rubida
Geographic range:
in eastern Brazil from Goias to Sao Paulo
- Long-nosed Short-tailed Opossum
______ AR BR
Monodelphus scalops
Geographic range:
in southeastern Brazil
- Southern Red-sided Opossum ______
AR (has also been called
Shrewish Short-tailed Opossum)
Monodelphus sorex
Geographic range:
in southern Brazil, southeastern Paraguay, northeastern
- Theresa's Short-tailed Opossum ______
Monodelphus theresa
Geographic range:
in eastern Brazil, and in the Andes of
- One-striped Short-tailed Opossum
(t1) ______ AR BR
Monodelphus unistriata
Geographic range: in southeastern Brazil in the Itarare region of Sao
Paulo; where known from the holotype collected before 1842. Another specimen
is said to have been collected, more recently, in northeastern
Monodelphus unistriata is possibly extinct.
in the order PAUCITUBERCULATA: highly relictual, there are 7
extinct families in the order
in the family CAENOLESTIDAE
- Gray-bellied Shrew-Opossum
(or Caenolestid) (nt) ______ EC
Caenolestes caniventer
Geographic range:
in the Andes of southwestern Ecuador & northern Peru
- Andean Shrew-Opossum (or Caenolestid)
(t3) ______ EC (another
name has been Condor Shrew-Opossum)
Caenolestes condorensis
Geographic range: in Ecuador in the Cordillera del Condor
Caenolestes condorensis
was described in 1996.
- Northern Shrew-Opossum (or
Caenolestid) (t3) ______ EC
(another name is Blackish Shrew-Opossum)
Caenolestes convelatus
Geographic range:
in the Andes of western Colombia & north-central
- Dusky Shrew-Opossum (or
Caenolestid) ______ EC
(another name is Silky Shrew-Opossum)
Caenolestes fuliginosus
Geographic range:
in the Andes of northern & western Colombia, extreme
western Venezuela, Ecuador
- Caenolestes
(or Lestoros) gracilis
Geographic range:
in the Andes of southeastern Peru
- Incan Shrew-Opossum ______
(or Lestoros)
Geographic range:
in the Andes of south-central Peru
- Long-nosed Shrew-Opossum (or
Long-nosed Caenolestid) (nt)
______ AR CH
Rhyncholestes raphanurus
Rhyncholestes raphanurus
was called the Chilean Shrew-Opossum, and includes what
Rhyncholestes continentalis
in Chile.
Geographic range: in southern Chile & adjacent Argentina, in old
growth evergreen temperate forests
in the order MICROBIOTHERIA:
has the most restricted recent distribution of
any order of mammals (other than possibly the extinct BIBYMALAGASIA)
has been said to be in the magorder AUSTRALIDELPHIA
aside from the one surviving species, this
is an otherwise extinct family of New
World marsupials
- Monito del Monte (nt) ______
only species in its genus and its order)
Dromiciops australis
The Monito del Monte occurs only in south-central Chile from the vicinity of
Concepcion south to Chiloe Island, and east to slightly beyond the Argentina
border in the mountains.
It inhabits dense, humid forests, especially places with thickets of Chilean
Bamboo (Chusquea sp.)
ARMADILLOS - Family Dasypodidae
(globally 21 species)
- Nine-banded (Long-nosed) Armadillo
(ph) ______ AR(*) BR(*) mt EC
Dasypus novemcinctus
AR name: Mulita Grande, Cachicamo, Tatu-hu
BR name: Tatu-Galinha or Mulita Grande
Geographic range: wide-ranging, from the south-central US to northern
Dasypus novemcinctus was described by Linnaeus in 1758.
Nine-banded (Long-nosed) Armadillo
- Southern Long-nosed Armadillo (nt)
______ AR
Dasypus hybridus
Geographic range: in southern Paraguay, northern Argentina, Uruguay,
& southern Brazil, in grasslands
- Great Long-nosed Armadillo ______
Dasypus kappleri
Geographic Range:
from eastern Colombia to Suriname, south to Amazonian Brazil, in forests
- Hairy Long-nosed Armadillo ______
Dasypus pilosus
Geographic range:
in south-central Peru, in high elevations of the west Andean slope
- Llanos Long-nosed Armadillo ______
Dasypus sabanicola
Geographic range: in central Venezuela & central Colombia, in
llanos & savannas
- Seven-banded Armadillo ______ AR
Dasypus septemcinctus
Geographic range: from southeastern Amazonian & eastern Brazil to
Bolivia, Paraguay, & northern Argentina, in grassland & forest
- Yepes' Long-nosed Armadillo ______
AR (also called Yepes' Mulita)
Dasypus yepesi
Geographic range: in northwestern Argentina, in Salta & Jujuy provinces
Dasypus yepesi
was described in 1995.
- Andean Hairy Armadillo (t3) ______
Chaetophractus nationi
Geographic range: in northern Chile in the altiplano & Bolivia in
the puna
- Screaming Hairy Armadillo ______
Chaetophractus vellerosus
Geographic range: from Bolivia & northwestern Paraguay to central Argentina, in dry
sandy areas of chaco regions
- Big Hairy Armadillo (ph) ______ AR(*)
Chaetophractus villosus
Geographic range: southern Bolivia & Paraguay to southern Chile
& Argentina.

Above & below: the Big Hairy Armadillo,
photographed during
the FONT tour in southern Argentina in December 2013
(photo by Marie Gardner)

- Northern Naked-tailed Armadillo ______
Cabassous centralis
- Chacoan Naked-tailed Armadillo (nt)
Cabassous chacoensis
- Greater Naked-tailed Armadillo ______
Cabassous tatouay
- Southern Naked-tailed Armadillo ______
Cabassous unicinctus
Cabassous unicinctus
was described by Linnaeus in 1758.
- Six-banded Armadillo (ph) ______
AR BR(*)
mt (has been called Yellow Armadillo)
Euphractus sexcinctus (the single member of
its genus)
BR: Tatu Peba or Tatu Peludo
Geographic range: from Suriname & north-central Brazil south
to Uruguay & northern Argentina, in rainforest & savanna
Euphractus sexcinctus was described by Linnaeus in 1758.

Six-banded Armadillo
- Pichi (nt) ______
AR(*) CH (open areas of S & C Argentina & S & C Chile)
Zaedyus pichiy (the single member of its genus)
AR: Pichi (Patagonico)
Geographic range:
in central & southern Argentina and central &
southern Chile, in open areas
- Chacoan Fairy Armadillo
______ AR (also called Greater Fairy Armadillo)
(formerly Chlamyphorus) retusus
- Pink Fairy Armadillo ______
Chlamyphorus truncatus
- Southern Three-banded
Armadillo (nt) ______ AR
Tolypeutes matacus
- Brazilian Three-banded
Armadillo ______
Tolypeutes tricinctus
- Giant Armadillo (t3) (ph) ______
Priodontes maximus
(the single member of its genus)

Giant Armadillo
AMERICAN ANTEATERS - Family Myrmecophagidae
(3 species)
- Giant Anteater (t3) (ph) ______
AR BR(*) az,mn,mt EC VE(*) ll
Myrmecophaga tridactyla
BR name: Tamandua Bandeira
Myrmecophaga tridactyla
was described by Linnaeus in 1758.

The above Giant Anteater was photographed at night during our
Brazil Tour
in Mato Grosso do Sul in September 2006.
We saw a nice number of these animals both day & night.
In the photo, the head of the anteater is to the right, with its long nose
toward the ground as the animal feeds. Note the small ear.
(Above photo by Andy Smith)
Below is another photograph of a Giant Anteater, walking in open
of Brazilian grassland.
Giant Anteater
- Northern Tamandua (ph)
______ EC
Tamandua mexicana
Three subspecies of the Northern Tamandua occur in South America:
Tamandua mexicana punensis in Ecuador & Peru, west of the
Tamandua mexicana opistholeuca in most of Colombia
Tamandua mexicana instabilis in northern Colombia &

Northern Tamandua
- Southern Tamandua ______
AR BR(*) mt EC(*) az VE(*) ll
Tamandua tetradactyla
BR name: Tamandua Colete or Mambira or Tamandua
EC & VE name: Tamandua or Oso Colmenero
The Southern Tamadua is also called the Collared Tamandua,
or Collared Anteater.
Tamandua tetradactyla was described by Linnaeus in 1758.
SILKY ANTEATER - Family Cyclopedidae (1 species)
- Silky Anteater ______
Cyclopes didactylus
single member of its genus & family)
TWO-TOED SLOTHS - Family Megalonychidae (2 species)
- Linnaeus' Two-toed Sloth ______
EC VE(*) (was called the Southern Two-toed
Choloepus didactylus
VE: Perezoso de Dos Dedos
Choloepus didactylus was described by Linnaeus in 1758.
- Hoffmann's Two-toed Sloth (ph) ______
Choloepus hoffmanni

Hoffmann's Two-toed Sloth
THREE-TOED SLOTHS - Family Bradypodidae (totally 4 species)
- Maned Three-toed Sloth (t2) (ph) ______
BR(*) se
Bradypus torquatus

A rare Maned Three-toed
clinging on the trunk of
a Cecropia Tree
(photographed by Marie Gardner during the
FONT March 2008 Brazil Tour)
- Pale-throated Three-toed Sloth ______
BR(*) am, VE(*)
Bradypus tridactylus
- Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth (ph) ______
Bradypus variegatus
VE: Perezoso de Tres Dedos

Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth
RABBITS - Family Leporidae
(globally 57 species)
- Tapiti
(or Forest Rabbit) ______
AR BR(*) mn,mt EC(*) an
(also called Brazilian Rabbit)
Silvilagus brasiliensis
BR name: Coelho or Tapiti
EC name: Conejo
The Tapiti occurs up into high mountains, as in the Andes of
Silvilagus brasiliensis was described by Linnaeus in 1758.
- Eastern Cottontail (ph) ______
Sylvilagus floridannus
Sylvilagus floridannus is mostly a North American species.
Venezuela is at the southern end of its range.
- European Rabbit (i) ______
Oryctolagus cuniculus
CH name: Conejo
- European
(or Brown) Hare (i) (ph) ______
Lepus europaeus
CH name: Liebre

European Hares, pursued and pursuing. One both.
During the FONT tour in Southern Argentina in December 2013.
(photo by Marie Gardner)
the gnawing mammals, in the Order Rodentia, which is the largest
order of mammals with nearly 2,000 species worldwide
- Family Sciuridae (globally 276 species worldwide)
- Guianan (or Brazilian) Squirrel
(ph) ______ AR BR(*) ig,mn,se
Sciurus aestuans ingrami (in se Brazil)
(in se Brazil)
AR name: Ardilla Gris
BR names: Esquilo or: Caxixe, Serelepe, Quatipuru, Caxinguele

A Guianan, or Brazilian, Squirrel photographed during a FONT tour
(photo by Marie Gardner)
- Southern Amazon Red Squirrel
(ph) ______ BR(*)
af EC(*) az
Sciurus spadiceus
BR names: Esquilo or Quatipuru
The Southern
& Northern Amazon Red Squirrels
are very similar. The
Southern Amazon Red Squirrel
is reddish, rather finely grizzled with
The Northern Amazon Squirrel
is coarsely grizzled, with yellowish black on
the back. Both species occur in Amazonian Ecuador.

Southern Amazon Red Squirrel
(photo by Marie Grenouillet)
- Northern Amazon Red
Squirrel ______
EC(*) az VE(*)
Sciurus igniventris
EC name: Huayuashi
VE name: Ardilla
- Red-tailed Squirrel ______
EC VE(*)
Sciurus granatensis
VE name: Ardilla
- Guayaquil Squirrel (ph) ______
EC(*) we
Sciurus stramineus
EC names: Ardilla parda or Ardilla Nucha Blanca, or Ardilla Mora, or Ardilla Negra
(with an assortment of local names as there is much individual variation of
color within populations)
- Bolivian Squirrel ______ AR
Sciurus ignitus
AR name: Ardilla Roja
- Amazon Dwarf Squirrel ______
EC(*) az
Microsciurus flaviventer
- Western Dwarf Squirrel ______ EC
Microsciurus mimulus
BEAVERS - Family Castoridae (globally 2 species, 1 in the
- American Beaver (i) (ph) ______
AR(*) tf CH
Castor canadensis
The American Beaver was introduced into Tierra del Fuego for their pelts.
It is now quite common there.
The introduction was in 1946 by Argentine fur breeders. When the fur
industry declined, animals from that trade went into the wild. They have
since spread north from the Strait of Magellan into the Andean forests of
southern Chile, and they have colonized on many of the Fuegian
American Beaver
NEOTROPICAL MICE - Subfamily Sigmodontinae (totally about 460 species)
Among the following rodents, the AKODONTS are a large group, of about
105 species. They are small to medium-sized field mice and grass mice,
distributed mainly in the southern half of South America.
They are adapted to terrestrial and semi-fossorial life, and they have a
tail shorter than their head and body length.
- Andean Altiplano Mouse ______
AR CH (also called Andean Akodont)
Abrothrix (or Chroeomys) andinus
- Gray Grass Mouse (nt)
______ AR
Abothrix illuteus
- Jelski's Altiplano Mouse ______
Abrothrix jelskii
- Woolly Grass Mouse ______ AR
(also called Woolly Akodont)
Abrothrix lanosus
CH name: Raton Colorado
- Long-haired Grass Mouse ______ AR
(also called Long-haired Akodont)
Abrothrix longipilis
CH name: Ratoncito lanudo
- Olive Grass Mouse ______ AR
CH (also called Olive Akodont)
Abrothrix olivaceus (formerly
AR name: Raton Hocico Bayo
CH name: Raton Olivaceo
- Sanborn's Grass Mouse (nt)
______ AR CH (also called Sanborn's
Abrothrix sanborni
CH name: Raton negruzco
- Yellow-nosed Grass
Mouse ______ CH (also called Yellow-nosed Akodont)
Abrothrix xanthorhinus
CH name: Raton Hocico Bayo
- White-bellied Grass Mouse
______ AR CH
Akodon albiventer
CH name: Raton Ventriblanco
- Azara's Grass Mouse
______ AR(*)
ne BR(*) se
Akodon azarai
- Bolivian Grass
Mouse ______ AR
Akodon boliviensis
- Budin's Grass
Mouse ______ AR
Akodon bidini
- Akondon caenosus
______ AR
- Cursor Grass Mouse
______ AR
Akodon cursor
AR name: Raton de Monte
- Dolorous Grass
Mouse ______ AR
Akodon dolores
- Smoky Grass Mouse
______ AR
Akodon fumeus
- Akodon glaucinus
______ AR
- Hershkovitz's Grass
Mouse ______ CH
Akodon hershkovitzi
- Intelligent Grass
Mouse ______ AR
Akodon iniscatus
- Altiplano Grass
Mouse ______ AR
Akodon lutescens
- Markham's Grass
Mouse ______ CH (also called the Wellington
Akodon markhami
- Montane Grass
Mouse ______ AR
Akodon montensis
- Neuquen Grass
Mouse ______ AR
Akodon neocenus
- Parana Grass Mouse
______ AR
Akodon paranaensis
- Philip Myers' Akodont
______ AR
Akodon philipmyersi
- Akodon polopi
______ AR
- White-throated Grass
Mouse ______ AR
Akodon simulator
- Spegazzini's Grass
Mouse ______ AR
Akodon spegazzinii
- Forest Grass Mouse
______ AR
Akodon sylvanus
- Akodon tartareus
______ AR
- Chaco Grass Mouse
______ AR
Akodon toba
- Olrog's Chaco
Mouse ______ AR
Andalgalomys olrogi
- Andean Mouse ______ AR
Andinomys edax
- Andean Big-eared Mouse ______ AR
Auliscomys sublimis
- Chaco Crimson-nosed Rat ______ AR
Bibimys chacoensis
- Large-tipped Crimson-nosed Rat
______ AR
Bibimys labiosus
- Torres' Crimson-nosed Rat (nt)
______ AR
Bibimys torresi
- Brazilian Shrew-Mouse ______ AR
Blarinomys breviceps
- Andean Long-clawed Mouse ______
Chelemys macronyx
CH name: Raton Topo
Other names for Chelemys
macronyx are Andean Long-clawed Akodont, or Shrub
- Web-footed Marsh Rat ______ AR(*)
ne (another name has been Red Marsh Rat)
AR name: Rata Nutria Comun
- Waterhouse's Swamp
Rat ______ AR
Scapteromys tumidus
AR name: Rata de Pajonal
MUSKRAT - Subfamily Arvicoliinae (in the same subfamily as Voles &
in which there are totally 140
species worldwide)
- Muskrat (i) (ph) ______
CH(*) tf
Ondatra zibethica
The Muskrat was Introduced into Tierra del Fuego, as the Beaver, for their pelts. Now
apparently more common than that species in ponds in treeless areas.
TRUE MICE & RATS - Subfamily Murinae
(globally about 535 species)
- House Mouse (i) ______
se, VE(*)
Mus musculus
BR: Cachita
- Brown Rat (i) ______
BR(*) am,fs
Rattus norvegicus
NEW WORLD PORCUPINES - Family Erethizontidae (totally 17 species,
in the Americas)
- Brazilian (or
Prehensile-tailed) Porcupine ______
AR BR(*) mt
Coendou prehensilis
AR name: Coendu Misionero
BR name: Ourico or Porco Espinho
Coendou prehensilis was described by Linnaeus in 1758.
- Bicolor-spinned Porcupine ______
EC(*) az
Coendou bicolor
EC name: Puchan
- Koopman's Porcupine
Coendou nycthemera
- Bahia Hairy Dwarf Porcupine
Sphiggurus insidiosus
- Black-tailed Hairy Dwarf
- Roosmalen's Hairy Dwarf
Sphiggurus roosmalenorum
- Orange-spined Hairy Dwarf
______ BR
Sphiggurus villosus
Geographic range: in southern Brazil
- Paraguaian Hairy Dwarf Porcupine
______ AR
Sphiggurus spinosus
- Brown Hairy Dwarf Porcupine
______ VE
Sphiggurus vestitus
Geographic range: in Venezuela & Colombia, in tropical or
subtropical moist lowland forest
- Frosted Hairy Dwarf Porcupine
______ VE
Sphiggurus pruinosus
Geographic range: in Colombia and in northern & eastern Venezuela,
in lowland tropical rainforest & cloud forest
- Streaked Dwarf Porcupine ______
Sphiggurus ichillus
Geographic range: in eastern Ecuador, and possibly Peru, in lowlands
Sphiggurus ichillus was described in 2001. It is nocturnal and boreal,
and thus not easy to see (explaining why it was not found until so
- Bristle-spined Porcupine
Chaetomys subspinosus
(the single member of its genus)
AGOUTIS & PACAS - Family Agoutidae
(totally 16 species)
- Green Acouchi ______ EC(*) az
Myoprocta exilis
(formerly M. pratti)
EC name: Guatusa Pequena or Papali
- Red Acouchi ______ BR
Myoprocta acouchy
- Central American Agouti (ph)
______ EC(*) we
Dasyprocta punctata
In addition to occurring in southern Mexico and Central America, the
Central American Agouti occurs in South America as far south as southern
Ecuador and east to far-western Venezuela.
There is also a highly disjunct population in southeastern Peru, far
southwestern Brazil, Bolivia, western Paraguay, and far northwestern
Argentina. This disjunct population is sometimes treated as a separate
species, the Brown Agouti, Dasyprocta
A major review of the geographic taxonomy may well be
- Black Agouti ______
EC(*) az
Dasyprocta fuliginosa
EC name: Guatusa
- Azara's Agouti ______
AR(*) ne BR(*) mt PG(*)
Dasyprocta azarae
AR name: Acuti Rojizo
BR name: Cutia
- Red-rumped Agouti (ph) ______ BR(*)
af,am,mn VE(*)
Dasyprocta leporina (formerly D. agouti)
BR name: Cutia
VE name: Picure or Acure

A Red-rumped Agouti photographed during a FONT tour
(photo by Marie Gardner)
- Black-rumped Agouti ______
Dasyprocta prymnolopha
- Lowland Paca ______
AR BR(*) af,mt EC
(another name is Spotted Paca)
Cuniculus paca (the genus name has been Agouti)
(the genus name has been Agouti)
AR & BR name: Paca
Cuniculus paca was described by Linnaeus in 1766.
- Mountain Paca ______
Cuniculus taczanowskii
PACARANA - Family Dinomyidae (1 species)
- Pacarana (t2)
______ BR
branickii (the single member of its genus)
Geographic range: in Peru & western
Brazil, in the Amazon basin.
CAVIES & GUINEA-PIGS - Family Caviidae (totally 16 species)
- Common Yellow-toothed Cavy (t3CH) ______
AR (has also been called Highland Cavy)
Galea musteloides
- Spix's Yellow-toothed Cavy ______
BR(*) se
Galea spixii
- Southern Mountain Cavy (t3CH)
(ph) ______
AR(*) (has also been called Lesser Cavy,
or the Small Patagonian Cavy)
Microavia australis
AR name: Cuis Chico

A Small Patagonian Cavy photographed during the
FONT tour in southern Argentina in December 2013.
This mammal was at the Magellanic Penguin colony
at Punta Tomba, also using burrows.
(photo by Marie Gardner)
- Shipton's Mountain Cavy (nt) ______
AR(*) nw
Microcavia shiptoni
- Brazilian Guinea-Pig ______
AR(*) ne BR(*)
mt EC
Cavia aperea
AR names: Cuis (Campestre) or Cuis (Selvatico) or Cuis Grande
- Shiny Guinea-Pig ______
Cavia fulgida
- Greater Guinea-Pig ______ (*)
BR fs (*) UG
Cavia magna
- Montane Guinea-Pig (t3CH) ______
AR (has
also been called Tschudi's Cavy)
Cavia tschudii
- Acrobat Cavy ______ (in Goias, Brazil, in
the area of the Rio Sao Mateus)
Kerodon acrobata
- Rock Cavy ______
BR(*) mn
Kerodon rupestris
- Patagonian Mara (nt) (ph) ______
AR(*) so (also
known as Patagonian Cavy)
Dolichotis patagonum
AR name: Mara (Patagonica) or Liebre Patagonica

Patagonian Mara
- Chacoan Mara ______
(formerly Pediolagus) salinicola
AR name: Conejo de los Palos
CAPYBARA - Family Hydrochoeridae (1 species, in the Neotropics)
(1 species, in the Neotropics)
- Capybara (ph) ______ AR(*)
ne BR(*) af,mt,fs VE(*) ll
Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris (the single member of its genus &
(the single member of its genus &
AR name: Carpincho
BR names: Capivara or Cupido
The Capybara is the world's largest rodent. It is mostly
Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris
was described by Linnaeus in 1766.

Capybaras were seen both day
(above) & night (below)
during our
tours in Mato Grosso do Sul, not only in September 2006
(when these photos were taken), but during every FONT tour in that area.

Another photo (below) of an adult & young Capybaras was taken
during the
FONT tour in Mato Grosso do Sul, in August 2008.

DEGUS & allies - Family Octodontidae
(mostly in
Argentina & Chile)
- Coruro (t1CH) ______ CH(*)
Spalacopus cyanus (the single member of its genus)
Spalacopus cyanus maulinus (subspecies in Chile)
Geographic range: in central Chile, in sandy soils of
- Chilean Rock Rat ______ AR CH
Pithanotomys fuscus
Geographic range: in the Andes of central Chile & west-central
Argentina, in montane forests & bunchgrass.
- Sage's Rock Rat ______ AR
Pithanotomys sagei
Geographic range: locally in the Andes in Neuquen province of
west-central Argentina & Malleco province of central Chile, in montane
forests & bunchgrass.
- Bridge's Degu (t3) (t2CH) ______
Octodon bridgesi
Geographic range: in the Andes of central Chile & west-central
Argentina, in forests & bamboo thickets.
- Common Degu ______
CH(*) cc
(in semiarid scrub of W slope of Andes of north-central Chile)
Octodon degus
CH: Degu de las Pircas
- Moon-toothed Degu (t2CH) ______
CH (also
called Coastal Degu)
Octodon lunatus
Geographic range:
in north-central Chile, in dense thorn scrub of coastal mountains.
- Mountain Degu ______ AR
CH(*) fn
Octodontomys gliroides
Geographic range: in southwest Bolivia, northern Chile, & northwest
Argentina, in open dry rocky habitats of the Andes.
- Mountain Viscacha-Rat ______ AR
Octomys mimax
(the single member of its genus)
The Mountain Viscacha Rat is not to be confused with
the former Mountain Viscacha, that has been split to be the Northern
Viscacha and the Southern Viscacha, in the Viscacha &
Chinchilla family.
Geographic range: in northwest Argentina, on arid rocky slopes in
Andean foothills.
- Golden Viscacha-Rat (t1) ______
AR (endemic)
Pipanacoctomys aureus (the single member of its genus)
Geographic range: in northwest Argentina, in Catamarca
- Chalchalero Vizcacha-Rat (t1)
______ AR
Salinoctomys loschalchalerosorum
- Plains Viscacha-Rat (nt) ______
Tympanoctomys barrerae (the single member of its genus)
TUCO-TUCOS - Family Ctenomyidae
- Argentine Tuco-tuco (nt) ______ AR
(in the Chaco
Ctenomys argentinus
Geographic range:
in Argentina, in the Chaco habitat
- Southern Tuco-tuco (t2)
______ AR
Ctenomys australis
AR name: Tuco-tuco costero
- Azara's Tuco-tuco (t3)
______ AR
Ctenomys azarae
- Berg's Tuco-tuco (t3)
______ AR
Ctenomys bergi
- Bolivian Tuco-tuco ______ AR
Ctenomys boliviensis
- Bonetto's Tuco-tuco (t2)
______ AR
Ctenomys bonettoi
- Brazilian Tuco-tuco ______
BR(*) mn
Ctenomys brasiliensis
- Budin's Tuco-tuco ______ AR
Ctenomys budini
- Colburn's Tuco-tuco ______
Ctenomys colburni
- Puntilla Tuco-tuco ______ AR
Ctenomys coludo
- Tawny Tico-tuco ______
AR(*) nw
Ctenomys fulvus
AR name: Tucotuco del Tamarugal
- Magellanic Tuco-tuco (t3) ______
AR(*) CH(*)
Ctenomys magellanicus
AR name: Tuco-tuco Austral
- Natterer's Tuco-tuco ______ AR
Ctenomys nattereri
- Salta Tuco-tuco ______
SPINY RATS - Family Echimyidae
(totally 81 species)
- Common Spiny Tree Rat ______ BR(*)
af EC(*) az
Mesomys hispidus
- Venezuelan Spiny Rat ______
Proechimys amphichoricus
- Huallaga Spiny Rat ______
Proechimys brevicauda
- Cuvier's Spiny Rat ______ (in the
Guianas and eastern Amazonian Brazil)
Proechimys cuvieri
- Hairy Spiny Rat ______ BR(*) mn (in forests of Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Proechimys setosus
- Atlantic Bamboo Rat ______ AR
Kannabateomys amblyonyx
- Fischer's Guiara ______ AR
Euryzygomatomys spinosus
- Punar ______ (in rocky outcrops,
cerrado and caatinga of Paraguay & eastern Brazil)
Thrichomys apereoides
COYPU - Family Myocastoridae
- Coypu (ph) ______
AR(*) ba BR(*) fs, se CH(*) ce
Myocastor coypus
AR & CH name: Coipo
BR name: Ratao do Banhado
The Coypu is also known as the Nutria.

A Coypu, or Nutria, photographed during a FONT tour
(photo by Marie Gardner)
VISCACHAS & CHINCHILLAS - Family Chinchillidae (6 species)
- Northern Viscacha (ph) _____
BO(possibly) CH(possibly) PE
Lagidium peruanum
This and the following species, Lagidium
viscacia, have been combined, as when so, it was called the Mountain

A Northern Viscacha, photographed during a FONT tour in far-northern Chile
- Southern Viscacha (ph) ______
AR(*) BO CH(*) PE
Lagidium viscacia
AR name: Chinchillon Comun
CH name: Vizcacha de Montana

A Southern Viscacha, photographed during a FONT tour in central Chile
- Wolffsohn's Viscacha ______ AR
Lagidium wolffsohni
AR name: Chinchillon Anaranjado
Geographic range: southwest Argentina & adjacent Chile
- Ecuadorian Mountain Viscacha (t1)
______ EC
Lagidium ahuacaense
Lagidium ahuacaense was discovered in July 2005 at the Cerro El Ahuaca
in Ecuador, where the only known population occurs, just over 300
miles north of the northernmost known population of the Northern Viscacha
in Peru.
The animal in Ecuador was first thought to be either possibly the Northern
Viscacha, Lagidium peruanum, or a
new species. Three years later, it was determined to be new, based on
morphological and DNA sequence differences.
Lagidium ahuacaense was formally described in 2009.
The single known population of Lagidium ahuacaense that lives in
rocky habitats on Cerro El Ahuaca, an isolated granite mountain in southern
Ecuador, may be only a few dozen individuals.
- Plains Viscacha ______ AR
Lagostomus maximus
AR name: Vizcacha
Long-tailed Chinchilla (ph) ______
CH(*) fn
Chinchilla lanigera

Above & below: Chinchillas

Short-tailed Chinchilla
- Short-tailed Chinchilla (t1) (t2CH) ______
AR BO(*)
Chinchilla brevicaudata
CHINCHILLA-RATS - Family Abrocomidae
(9 species)
- Budin's Chinchilla-Rat ______ AR
Abrocoma budini
- Ashy Chinchilla-Rat ______ AR(*) nw
Abrocoma cinera
- Famatina
Chinchilla-Rat ______ AR
Abrocoma famatina
- Sierra del Tontal
Chinchilla-Rat ______ AR
Abrocoma shistacea
- Uspallata
Chinchilla-Rat ______ AR
Abrocoma uspallata
- Punta de Vacas
Chinchilla-Rat ______ AR
Abrocoma vaccarum
CATS - Family Felidae
(globally 39
- Jaguarundi ______ AR
mt EC
Puma yagouaroundi
(the genus has been Herpailurus
and Felis)
AR names: Gato Eyra, Gato Moro
- Colocolo (nt) ______ CH
colocolo (has been
Felis colocolo)
Traditionally, Leopardus
colocolo has included the two species the follow below, the Pantanal
Cat and the Pampas Cat.
The subsequent splitting of those two from the Colocolo has been
based on differences in pelage color and pattern, and cranial measurements.
However, it has been said that the split is not supported by genetic work,
so some taxonomists maintain the Pantanal Cat and the Pampas Cat
as subspecies of Leopardus colocolo.
Geographic range
of the more restricted
in highlands of northern Chile & in forests of central Chile, on the
west slope of the Andes.
- Pantanal Cat ______
Leopardus braccata (has been Felis braccata)
BR name: Gato Palheiro
The Pantanal Cat and the Pampas Cat (below), Leopardus
pajeros, have, by some, been split from the Colocolo (above),
Leopardus colocolo.
Geographic range: in southwestern & southern Brazil.

The Pantanal Cat
(formerly part of the
more-westerly and southerly
Pampas Cat)
photographed at
during a FONT tour in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
- Pampas Cat ______ AR(*)
Leopardus pajeros (has been Felis
The Pampas Cat and the Pantanal Cat (above),
Leopardus braccata, have, by some, been split from the Colocolo
(also above), Leopardus colocolo.
Geographic range: on the east slope of the Andes from Ecuador to
northwestern Argentina; also in lowlands of Argentina & southern
In central to northwestern Argentina, the Pampas Cat occurs
at altitudes below 4,070 feet above sea level in grassland, mesophytic and
dry forest, and shrubland.
In southern Argentina and far-southern Chile, the Pampas
Cat is found in Patagonian steppes and shrubland below 3,600 feet above
sea level.
In 2005, there were said to 5 subspecies of the Pampas Cat:
L. p. pajeros, widely in
Argentina and in southern Chile
L. p. crespoi, in northwestern
Argentina, on the eastern slope of the Andes
L. p. thomasi, in Ecuador,
in the Andes
L. p. garleppi, in Peru,
in the Andes
L. p. steinbachi, in Bolivia,
in the Andes
Based on two specimens, L. p. steimbachi is
larger and paler than L. p. garleppi.
But due to it being such a small sample. some consider the two as synonyms.
Some, included above in the nominate in southern Argentina & southern
Chile, have been said to be another subspecies, L. p.
crucinus, based on their larger size and dull pelage.
- Geoffroy's Cat (nt) ______
AR(*) CH(*) fs
Leopardus geoffroyi
(has been Felis geoffroyi)
CH name: Gato Montes
Geographic range:
in Bolivia, Paraguay, southern Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina & Chile.
- Kodkod (t3) ______ AR
Leopardus guigna (has
been Felis guigna)
Geographic range:
in south-central Chile & southwestern Argentina.
- Ocelot (t2) ______
AR BR(*)
mt EC
Leopardus pardalis (has been
Felis pardalis)
AR name: Gato Onza, Ocelote
BR name: Gato do Mato Grande
Geographic range: from Texas/Mexico south to northern Argentina
& southeastern Brazil.
Leopardus pardalis was described by Linnaeus in 1758.

(above & below) photographed at night during
FONT tour in Mato Grosso do
Sul, Brazil.
This wonderful animal has been seen nicely during many FONT tours in that
- Oncilla (t3) ______ AR
BR EC (another
name is the Little Spotted Cat)
tigrinus (has been Felis tigrinus)
Geographic range: from Costa Rica south to northern Argentina &
southeastern Brazil.
- Margay (nt) ______ AR
wiedii (has been Felis wiedii)
Geographic range:
from Mexico south to northern Argentina & Uruguay.
- Puma (ph) ______
AR BR EC VE(*) ll
Puma concolor (has
been Felis concolor)
AR & CH names: Puma, Leon Americano
Other common names for the Puma are: Cougar, Mountain Lion,
and Panther.
Geographic range: one of the most extensive of all American
mammals, from southwest Canada to southern Chile & Argentina
Puma concolor was described by Linnaeus in 1771.

- Andean Mountain Cat (t2)
______ AR CH
(the genus has been Felis
and Oreallurus)
Geographic range:
in southern Peru, southwestern Bolivia, northern Chile, &
northwestern Argentina, in high altitude rocky regions.
- Jaguar (nt) (ph)
______ AR
BR(*) mt EC
Panthera onca
(has been Jaguarius onca)
BR name: Onca Pintada
Geographic range:
from Mexico to northern Argentina & southern Brazil
Panthera onca
was described by Linnaeus in 1758.
A Link to a Feature about: JAGUARS

The Jaguar
(above & below)
This mighty animal has been seen during 3 FONT Brazil tours
in Mato Grosso do Sul in 4 years.

There is a black, or melanistic form of the Jaguar in South America.
About 6 per cent of Panthera inca
are the "Black Jaguar".
Below: both forms of the Jaguar together,
photographed at a zoo
in Guatemala
DOGS & FOXES - Family Canidae (globally 35 species)
- Maned Wolf (nt) (ph) ______
AR(*) ne BR(*) mn,mt
Chrysocyon brachyurus
AR name: Aguara Guazu, Lobo de Crin
BR name: Lobo Guara
A Link to a Feature about: the

Three photos of the Maned Wolf

This lower photo of a Maned Wolf after dark at a
in the remote hills of Minas Gerais, Brazil, as seen during a number of FONT
- Gray Fox ______ VE(*)
(a North American
species occurring as far south as northern Colombia & Venezuela)
Urocyon cinereoargenteus
- Colpeo (Fox) ______
AR(*) fs tf CH(*) cc tf EC
Lycalopex culpaeus (the genus has been
Pseudalopex and Dusicyon)
AR name: Zorro Colorado
CH name: Zorro Culpeo
There are 6 subspecies. On Tierra del Fuego (in Argentina) called
Fuegian Fox, P. c. magellanicus)
- South American Gray Fox (ph) ______
AR(*) so BR(*) fs CH(*) fs tf EC
(including the Pampas Fox)
Lycalopex griseus (the
genus has been Pseudalopex and Dusicyon)
AR name: Zorro Gris, Chilla
CH name: Zorro Chilla
There are 7 subspecies of the South American Gray Fox.
One of them, the Pampas Fox, of e. Bolivia, s. Brazil, w.
Paraguay, and central & eastern Argentina has
said by some to be Lycalopex gymnocercus, AR
name: Zorro

Above & below: South American Gray Foxes. photographed during FONT
Above: during the November 2009 tour in Chile
Below: during the December 2013 tour in Argentina
(upper photo by Robert Hinz; lower photo by Marie Gardner)

- Darwin's Fox (t1) (ph)
______ CH(*) so (also called
the Chiloe Fox; it has been said to be a dark form of the
Pampas Fox)
Lycalopes fulvipes
(the genus has been Pseudlopex
and Dusicyon)
CH name: Zorro Chilote
The Darwin's Fox was known from only a specimen collected by
Charles Darwin in 1833, until it was rediscovered in 1922. It is now
considered a relict species confined to patches of old growth Valdivian
forest in Chile, in Las Lagos and Araucania. It is a critically
endangered species.
The Darwin's, or Chiloe Fox, photographed on
Chiloe Island
- Sechura Fox ______ EC
(formerly Pseudalopex) sechurae
- Crab-eating Fox (ph) ______
AR BR(*) mt VE(*) ll
Cerdocyon thous (the genus has
been said to be Dusicyon)
BR name: Graxaim or Cachorro do Mato
There are said to be 7 subspecies of the Crab-eating Fox.
Geographic range: from Colombia south to northern Argentina &
Uruguay, in forest & savannas.
Cerdocyon thous was described by Linnaeus in 1766.

Above & below: Crab-eating
Foxes photographed at night during
a FONT Brazil tour in Mato Grosso do Sul.
The species has been seen during every FONT tour in that area.

- Hoary Fox ______
mn (in the cerrado & caatinga of highlands of interior
east-central Brazil)
(has been said by some to be Dusicyon)
- Short-eared Dog ______
af EC
Atelocynus (has been said by some to be Dusicyon) microtis
The Short-eared Dog is a rarely seen animal.
- Bush Dog (nt) ______ AR
Speothos venaticus
BEARS - Family Ursidae
(globally 8 species)
- Spectacled (or Andean)
Bear (t3) ______ AR(rare)
Geographic range: from western Venezuela south to Bolivia and
rarely northwestern Argentina, in mountain forests
EARED SEALS - Family Otariidae
(globally 14 species)
- Galapagos Sea Lion (t3) ______
EC(*) gp
Zalophus californianus wollebacki
The Galapagos Sea Lion is a subspecies, or race of the
California Sea Lion.
- Southern (or South American) Sea Lion
(ph) ______ AR(*) so tf BR(*) fs
CH(*) fn ce so
Otaria byronia (has been Otaria flavescens)
AR & CH names: Lobo de un Pelo

Southern Sea Lions by a fish market along a river in Valdivia in southern
during the FONT tour in November 2011
(photo by Frank Stermitz)
- South American Fur Seal
______ AR(*) tf
Arctocephalus australis
AR name: Lobo de los Pelos
- Galapagos Fur Seal (t3) ______
EC(*) gp
Artocephalus galapagoensis
EARLESS SEALS - Family Phocidae (globally
20 species)
- Southern Elephant Seal (ph) ______ AR(*) so
Mirounga leonina
AR name: Elefante Marino
The male Southern Elephant Seal is the largest seal in the
world, followed in size by the Northern Elephant Seal and the
Leopard Seal.
The male Southern Elephant Seal is four to five times the size of the
A single male Southern Elephant Seal can have as many as 150
females in its harem.

Southern Elephant Seals photographed during the FONT tour
in southern Argentina in December 2013
(photo by Marie Gardner)
When they are not on the beach, and are far out at sea, Southern
Elephant Seals spend very little time at the surface of the water.
They dive repeatedly, generally for more than 20 minutes, hunting their
prey, squid and fish, at depths of 1,300 to 3,300 feet below the surface of
the sea.
They are the deepest diving air-breathing non-cetaceans, going as deep as
the maximum record of 6,998 feet.
Adult female Southern Elephant Seals typically weight from 880 to
2,000 pounds.
Adult males weigh from 4,900 to 8,800 pounds, and measure from 14 to 19 feet
An adult female averages 1,700 pounds in weight. Mature males
average 7,000 pounds.
The largest ever measured was 22.5 feet long and was estimated to weigh
11,000 pounds.
OTTERS & ALLIES - Family Mustelidae (globally 68 species)
- Greater Grison (or Huron) ______
BR(*) af EC
Galictis vittata
BR name: Furao or Furax
- Lesser Grison (ph) ______
AR(*) so BR(*) fs CH(*) so
Galictis cuja

Lesser Grison
- Tayra ______
AR BR(*)
af,am,mn,se EC
Eira barbata
BR name: Irara
The Tayra is rather like a South American Marten.
Eira barbata was described by Linnaeus in 1758.
- Tropical (or Amazon) Weasel ______
Mustela africana
- Colombian Weasel (t2)
______ EC
Mustela felipei
- Long-tailed Weasel ______ EC
Mustela frenata
- Patagonian Weasel ______ AR
Lyncodon patagonicus
- Humboldt's (or Patagonian)
Hog-nosed Skunk (ph) ______ AR(*)
Conepatus humboldti
AR names: Zorrino Patagonico, Zorrino Chico
CH name: Chingue de la Patagonia
Geographic range: in southern Chile & southern Argentina, in
grasslands & scrub
A Humboldt's, or Patagonian Hog-nosed Skunk photographed
during the FONT Southern Argentina Tour in December 2013
(photo by Marie Gardner)
- Molina's Hog-nosed Skunk ______
Conepatus chinga
Geographic range: Peru, southwestern Bolivia, Paraguay,
northern & central Chile, northern & west-central Argentina,
Uruguay, and possibly in southern Brazil, in open grasslands
- Striped Hog-nosed Skunk ______
Conepatus semistriatus
Geographic range: from Mexico to Venezuela & Peru, in
forest clearings, forest edge, & pastures; also in east-central Brazil
in caatinga & cerrado habitats
- Giant Otter (t2) (ph) ______
AR BR(*) af mt EC (another name has been Brazilian Otter)
Pteronura brasiliensis
BR name: Ariranha
Geographic range: from southeastern Colombia & French Guiana
south to Bolivia, southern Brazil, northern Argentina, and Uruguay, locally
in lowland-forest rivers and lakes.

The Giant Otters above were photographed during a FONT tour in the
Pantanal of Brazil.
Another photo and an color illustration of the species are below.

The photo below of 2 Giant Otters was taken during
the FONT Brazil Tour in August 2008.
The animals was first seen resting on wooden steps along a riverbank.
Later, they entered the water, and swam away.

- Neotropical River Otter ______
AR BR(*) mt rs se EC
(formerly Lontra)
AR name: Lobito Comun, Guairao
BR name: Lontra or Cachorro-d'agua
Geographic range: from Mexico south to Peru, northern Argentina,
Uruguay, in clear fast-flowing streams and rivers, & in coastal
- Marine Otter (t2) (ph) ______
AR CH(*) so
(formerly Lontra) felina
CH names: Nutria Marina, Nutria del Mar, Chungungo
Geographic range:
from Peru to southern Chile & extreme southern Argentina, along
rocky seacoasts

A Marine Otter
photographed during the November 2011 FONT Chile Tour
(photo by Frank Stermitz)
- Southern River Otter (t2) ______ AR
CH(*) so
(formerly Lontra) provocax
Geographic range:
in southern Chile & southern Argentina, in lakes & streams, and
along rocky coasts
RACCOONS - Family Procyonidae
19 species)
- Crab-eating Raccoon (ph) ______
AR BR(*) mt EC VE(*) ll
Procyon cancrivorous
BR name: Mao Pelada

Crab-eating Raccoon, photographed during a FONT tour in Venezuela
- South American Coati (ph) ______
AR(*) ig BR(*) ig mn mt se EC
Nasua nasua
AR names: Coati, Pisote
BR names: Quati or Quatimunde
Nasua nasua was described by Linnaeus in 1766."Nasua"
is from the Latin meaning "nose".
When is a Coati
a Coatimundi? Female Coatis and their young associate in
bands of 5-12 individuals, but adult males are solitary. This difference at
first confused biologists, who described the solitary males as a separate
species. The use of the name "coatimundi" (meaning "lone
Coati" in the Guarani language) for this species reflects the same

Above: Two photos of the South American Coati
Below: a group of them seen during the FONT Brazil tour in August 2008.

- White-nosed Coati (ph)
______ EC(*) we
Nasua nurica
- Mountain (or Andean) Coati ______
EC (other names are the Dwarf or
Little Coati)
Nasuella olivacea
There are 3 subspecies of Nasuelia olivacea:
N. o. meridensis
N. o. olivacea
N. o. quitensis
- Allen's Olingo ______ EC
Bassariscus alleni
- Bushy-tailed Olingo ______ EC
Bassariscus gabbii
- Kinkajou (ph) ______
Potos flavus

A Kinkajou
photographed during a FONT tour
(photo by Rosemary Lloyd)
SHEATH-TAILED BATS - Family Emballonuridae
(globally 51 species)
- Proboscis Bat ______
BR(*) EC(*) az
(another name is
Long-nosed Bat)
Rhynchonycteris naso

Proboscis Bat
- Ecuadorian Sac-winged Bat (t2)
______ EC
Balantiopteryx infusca
- Shaggy Bat ______
Centronycteris maximiliani
- Northern Ghost Bat ______ EC
Diclidurus albus
- Greater Sac-winged Bat
BR(*) af,mt EC
(another name is Greater
White-lined Bat)
Saccopteryx bilineata
- Frosted Sac-winged Bat ______ EC
Saccopteryx canescens
- Amazonian White-lined
Bat ______
Saccopteryx gymnura
- Lesser Sac-winged Bat ______
(another name is Lesser White-lined Bat)
Saccopteryx leptura
- Chestnut Sac-winged Bat
Cormura brevirostris
- White-winged Dog-like
Bat ______
(formerly Peroymus) leucoptera
- Greater Dog-like Bat
Peropteryx kappleri
- Lesser Dog-like Bat ______
(another name has been Trinidad Dog-like Bat)
Peropteryx macrotis
- Smoky Sheath-tailed Bat
Cyttarops alecto
FISHING BATS - Family Noctilionidae (2 species)
- Greater Bulldog Bat
(ph) ______ AR BR(*) af EC(*)
az VE(*) ll
Noctilio leporinus
Noctilio leporinus is also called the Greater Fishing Bat.
Noctilio albiventris (below) is also called the Lesser Fishing
Bat, or the Southern Bulldog Bat.

Greater Bulldog Bat
- Lesser Bulldog Bat ______
AR BR(*)
af,mn EC
Noctilio albiventris
LEAF-CHINNED BATS - Family Mormoopidae (globally 8 species)
- Ghost-faced Bat ______ EC
Mormoops megalophylla
- Davy's Naked-backed Bat ______ BR
Pteronotus davyi
- Big Naked-tailed Bat ______
Pteronotus gymnonotus
- Lesser Moustached Bat
Pteronotus personatus
- Common Moustached Bat
Pteronotus parnellii
- Cinnamon Dog-faced
Bat ______ AR
Cynomops abrasus
- Greenhall's Dog-faced Bat
______ EC
Cynomops greenhalli
- Para Dog-faced Bat
______ AR
Cynomops paramus
- Southern Dog-faced
Bat ______ AR EC
Cynomops planirostris
- Black-bonneted Bat
______ AR EC
Eumops auripendulus
- Dwarf Bonneted Bat
______ AR EC
Eumops bonariensis
- Big Bonneted Bat
______ AR
Eumops dabbenei
- Wagner's Bonneted Bat
______ AR EC
Eumops glaucinus
- Patagonian Bonneted
Bat ______ AR
Eumops patagonicus
- Western Mastiff Bat
______ AR EC
Eumops perotis
- Equatorial Dog-faced Bat (t3)
______ EC
- Rufous Dog-faced Bat
______ AR
Molossops neglectus
- Dwarf Dog-faced Bat
______ AR
Molossops temminckii
- Black Mastiff Bat ______
Molossus ater
- Bonda Mastiff Bat
______ AR EC
(another name is Thomas' Mastiff Bat)
Molossus currentium
(formerly bondae)
- Velvety Free-tailed
Bat (ph) ______ AR EC
(another name is Pallas' Mastiff Bat)
Molossus molossus

Velvety Free-tailed Bat,
or Pallas' Mastiff Bat
- Black Mastiff Bat
______ AR
Molossus rufus
- Broad-eared Bat
______ AR
- Big Free-tailed Bat
______ AR EC
Nyctinomops macrotis
- Big Crested Mastiff
Bat ______ AR EC
Promops centralis
- Brown Mastiff Bat
______ AR EC
Promops nasutus
- Brazilian (or Mexican)
Free-tailed Bat (ph) ______ AR
Tadarida brasiliensis

Brazilian Free-tailed Bat
AMERICAN LEAF-NOSED BATS - Family Phyllostomidae (globally 155 species)
- Tailed Tailless Bat ______ AR
EC (now that's a name!)
Anoura caudifer
- Handley's Tailless Bat ______
Anoura cultrata
- Tube-lipped Nectar Bat (ph)
______ EC(*) (species described in 2005)
Anoura fistulata
Overall, the Tube-lipped
Nectar Bat is thought to be uncommon. It occurs in subtropical Andean
forest, from about 3,000 to 6,600 feet above sea level.
It is said to be endemic to Ecuador (but who knows, it may be in nearby
The long tongue of Anoura fistulata is similar, in anatomy, to
that of an anteater. That tongue, of the bat, is the longest known tongue of
any mammal in the world in relation to the size of the mammal. It goes into
the bat as far as the ribcage.
The length of the bat is 2 inches. The length of its tongue is 3 and a half
The Tube-lipped Nectar Bat was seen during the FONT April 2014 tour in
southern Ecuador, as it came to hummingbird feeders after dark at the
Tapichalaca Reserve (south of the Podocarpus National Park).
To and from the feeders, the bats flew very fast, but a better view of the
animal could be seen in the photo below.
A Tube-lipped Nectar Bat photographed during the
FONT tour
in southern Ecuador in April 2014
(photo by Marie Gardner)
- Geoffroy's Tailless Bat ______ EC
Anoura geoffroyi
- Minor Long-nosed Bat ______
Choeroniscus minor
- Greater Long-tailed Bat (t3)
______ EC
Choeroniscus periosus
- Big-eared Woolly Bat ______ AR
(another name is Woolly False Vampire Bat)
Chrotopterus auritus
- Commissaris' Long-tongued Bat
______ EC
- Miller's Long-tongued Bat
- Pallas' Long-tongued Bat ______
Glossophaga soricina
- Graybeard Bat ______ BR
EC (other names have been Davies' Big-eared Bat,
and Bartica Bat)
Glyphonycteris daviesi
- Tricolored Big-eared Bat ______
Glyphonyceris sylvestris
- Dark Long-tongued Bat ______
Lichonycteris obscura
- Chestnut Long-tongued Bat
______ EC
Lionycteris spurelli
- Handley's Nectar Bat (t3)
______ EC
Lonchophylla handleyi
- Western Nectar Bat (t3)
______ EC
Lonchophylla hesperia
- Godman's Nectar Bat ______ EC
Lonchophylla mordax
- Orange Nectar Bat ______
Lonchophylla robusta
- Thomas' Nectar Bat ______
Lonchophylla thomasi
- Long-legged Bat ______ AR
Macrophyllum macrophyllum
- Behni's Big-eared Bat
______ BR
(formerly Glyphonycteris) behnii
- Orange-throated Big-eared
Bat ______ BR
(formerly Lampronycteris) brachyotis
- Hairy Big-eared Bat ______
Micronycteris hirsuta
- Little Big-eared Bat ______
Micronycteris megalotis
- Common Big-eared Bat
Micronycteris microtis
- White-bellied Big-eared Bat
______ BR EC
Micronycteris minuta
- Niceforo's Big-eared Bat
______ BR
Micronycteris nicefori
- Golden Bat ______ BR
Mimon bennettii
- Striped Hairy-nosed Bat ______ BR
Mimon (formerly
Anthorhina) crenulatum
- Tomes' Sword-nosed Bat
______ BR EC
(another name has been the
Common Sword-nosed Bat)
Lonchorhina aurita
- Pygmy Round-eared Bat ______ EC
Lophostoma brasiliense
- White-throated Round-eared Bat
______ EC
Lophostoma silvicolum
- Greater Round-eared Bat
______ AR BR
Tonatia bidens
- White-throated Round-eared
Bat ______ BR
Tonatia silvicola
- Pale-faced Bat ______ EC
Phylloderma stenops
- Pale Spear-nosed Bat
______ AR
Phyllostomus discolor
- Lesser Spear-nosed Bat ______ EC
Phyllostomus elongatus
- Greater Spear-nosed Bat ______ EC
Phyllostomus hastatus
- Fringe-lipped Bat ______ EC
Trachops cirrhosus
- Chestnut Short-tailed Bat
______ EC
Carollia castanea
- Seba's Short-tailed Bat
______ AR
EC(*) az
Carollia perspicillata
- Anderson's Fruit-eating Bat
______ EC
Artibeus anderseni
- Fringed Fruit-eating Bat
______ AR BR
Artibeus fimbriatus
- Fraternal Fruit-eating Bat (t3)
______ EC
Artibeus fraterculus
- Silver Fruit-eating Bat
______ BR EC
Artibeus glaucus
- Artibeus intermedius
______ EC
- Jamaican Fruit-eating Bat (ph) ______
Artibeus jamaicensis

Jamaican Fruit-eating Bats
- Great Fruit-eating Bat
______ AR BR(*) mt
EC VE(*)
Artibeus lituratus
- Dark Fruit-eating Bat ______ EC
Artibeus obscurus
- Pygmy Fruit-eating Bat ______ EC
Artibeus phaeotis
Flat-faced Fruit-eating Bat ______ AR
Artibeus planirostris
- Toltec Fruit-eating Bat ______
Artibeus toltecus
- Salvin's Big-eyed Bat ______ EC
Chiroderma salvini
- Little Big-eyed Bat ______ EC
Chirodrma trinitatum
- Hairy Big-eyed Bat ______ EC
Chiroderma villosum
- Velvety Fruit-eating Bat ______
Enchisthenes hartii
- MacConnell's Bat ______ EC
Mesophylla macconnelli
- Short-headed Broad-nosed Bat
______ EC
- Thomas' Broad-nosed Bat ______ EC
Platyrrhinus dorsalis
- Heller's Broad-nosed Bat ______
Platyrrhinus helleri
- Buffy Broad-nosed Bat ______ EC
Platyrrhinus infuscus
- White-lined Broad-nosed
Bat ______ AR
Platyrrhinus lineatus
- Greater Broad-nosed Bat ______ EC
Platyrrhinus vittatus
- Ipanema Bat
______ AR
Pygoderma bilabiatum
- Hairy Little Fruit Bat ______ EC
Rhinophylla alethina
- Fischer's Little Fruit Bat
______ EC
Rhinophylla fischerae
- Dwarf Little Fruit Bat ______ EC
Rhinophylla pumila
- Aratathomas' Yellow-shouldered Bat
______ EC
Sturnira aratathomasi
- Bidentate Yellow-shouldered Bat
______ EC
Sturnira bidens
- Bogota Yellow-shouldered Bat
______ EC
Sturnira bogotensis
- Hairy Yellow-shouldered
Bat ______ AR EC
Sturnira erythromos
- Little Yellow-shouldered
Bat ______ AR
Sturnira lilium
- Highland Yellow-shouldered Bat
______ EC
Sturnira ludovici
- Louis' Yellow-shouldered Bat
______ EC
Sturnira luisis
- Greater Yellow-shouldered Bat
______ EC
- Tschudi's
Yellow-shouldered Bat (nt) ______ AR
Sturnira oporaphilum
- Tilda's Yellow-shouldered Bat
______ EC
Sturnira tildae
- Common Tent-making Bat (ph)
______ EC
Uroderma bilobatum

Common Tent-making Bats
(photo by Doris Potter)
- Brown Tent-making Bat ______ EC
Uroderma magnirostrum
- Spectral Bat ______
Vampyrum spectrum
- Striped Yellow-eared Bat ______
Vampyressa nymphaea
- Southern Little
Yellow-eared Bat ______ AR EC
Vampyressa pusilla
- Common Vampire Bat
______ AR EC
Desmodus rotundus
- White-winged Vampire
Bat ______ AR EC
Diaemus youngi
- Hairy-legged Vampire Bat ______
Diphylla ecaudata
VESPER BATS - Family Vespertilionidae
(globally 364 species)
- Southern Myotis ______ AR
Myotis aelleni
- Silver-tipped Myotis ______ AR
Myotis albescens
- Chilean Myotis ______
CH(*) ce
(formerly Leuconoe) chiloensis
- Atacama Myotis ______
CH(*) fn
Myotis (formerly Selysius) atacamensis
- Myotis dinellii
______ AR
- Hairy-legged Myotis
______ AR EC
Myotis keaysi
- Yellowish Myotis
______ AR
Myotis levis
- Black Myotis
______ AR EC
Myotis nigricans
- Montane Myotis ______ EC
Myotis oxyotus
- Riparian Myotis
______ AR EC
Myotis riparius
- Red Myotis (nt)
______ AR
Myotis ruber
- Velvety Myotis
______ AR EC
Myotis simus
- Eptesicus andinus
______ EC
- Brazilian Brown Bat ______
Eptesicus brasiliensis
- Diminutive Serotine ______
Eptesicus diminutus
- Argentine Brown Bat ______ AR EC
Eptesicus furinalis
- Harmless Serotine (t3)
______ EC
Eptesicus innoxius
- Thomas' Big-eared Brown Bat (nt)
______ AR
Histiotus laephotis
- Big-eared Brown Bat ______
Histiotus macrotus
- Southern Big-eared Brown Bat
______ AR
Histiotus magellanicus
- Small Big-eared Brown Bat
______ AR EC
Histiotus montanus
- Tropical Big-eared Brown Bat
______ AR
Histiotus velatus
- Desert Red Bat ______ AR
Lasiurus blossevillii
- Hoary Bat ______
Lasiurus cinereus
- Southern Yellow Bat ______
Lasiurus ega
- Cinnamon Red Bat ______ AR
Lasiurus varius
Family Thyroptera
- Peter's Disk-winged Bat ______ EC
Thyroptera discifera
- Spix's Disk-winged Bat ______ EC
Thyroptera tricolor
BATS - Family Furipteridae
- Smoky Bat (t3) ______ EC
Amorphochilus schnablii
- Thumbless Bat ______ EC
Furipterus horrens
MARMOSETS & TAMARINS - Family Callitrichidae (globally 43
- Buffy-tufted Marmoset (formerly one of the
subspecies of Tufted-ear Marmoset) (t2) ______
BR(*) se (in Southeast Brazil, in Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, & Sao Paulo)
Callithrix aurita
BR: Sauim or Sagui
- Buffy-headed Marmoset (formerly one of the
subspecies of Tufted-ear Marmoset) (t2) (ph) ______
mn (in east-central Brazil, locally in Minas Gerais,
southern Espirito Santo, & Rio de Janeiro state)
Callithrix flaviceps
BR: Sauim or Sagui

A Buffy-headed Marmoset photographed during the FONT tour
in Minas Gerais, Brazil, in March 2008
(photo by Marie Gardner)
- Black-tailed Marmoset (formerly one
of the subspecies of Silvery Marmoset) ______ (*) BR mt
(in west & central Brazil, & in nearby Bolivia & Paraguay)
Callithrix melanura
- Silvery Marmoset ______ BR
(in eastern Amazonian Brazil, in Para state)
Callithrix argentata
BR: Sauim or Sagui
- Rio Acari Marmoset ______ BR
(in central Amazonian Brazil)
Callithrix acariensis
- Gold-and-white Marmoset ______ BR
(in central Amazonian Brazil, south of the Amazon
Callithrix chrysoleuca
- Emilia's Marmoset ______ BR
(in southern Amazonian Brazil, in Rondonia & northern Mato Grosso)
Callithrix emiliae
- Geoffrey's Marmoset ______ BR
(in east-central Brazil, in Minas Gerais & Espirito Santo)
Callithrix geoffroyi
- Santarem Marmoset ______ BR
(in central Amazonian Brazil, south of the Amazon
Callithrix humeralifera
- Dwarf Marmoset ______ BR
(in south-central Amazonian Brazil)
Callithrix humilis
- Hershkovitz's Marmoset ______ BR
(locally in south-central Amazonian Brazil)
Callithrix intermedia
- White-tufted Marmoset (ph) ______ BR(*)
(also called Common Marmoset)
(in northeast Brazil)
Callithrix jacchus
The White-tufted Marmoset originally occurred along the
northeastern coast of Brazil from the state of Piaui to that of Bahia.
Through the release of captive individuals, it also occurs now in
southeastern Brazil, where the first sighting in the wild in Rio de Janeiro
was in 1929. Today it is common in the area of that
The White-tufted Marmoset was described by Linnaeus in 1758.

White-tufted Marmoset
- Wied's Black-tufted Marmoset (nt)
______ BR (endemic)
Callithrix kuhlii
Geographic range: in east-central Brazil, in southern Bahia &
extreme northwestern Minas Gerais
Callithrix kuhlii was described in 1985.

Wied's Black-tufted Marmoset
- White Marmoset ______ BR
(in central Amazonian Brazil, in Para state)
Callithrix leucippe
- Rio Manicore Marmoset ______ BR
(locally in central Amazonian Brazil)
Callithrix manicorensis
- Marca's Marmoset ______ BR
(locally in south-central Amazonian Brazil)
Callithrix marcai
- Rio Maues Marmoset ______ BR
(locally in central Amazonian Brazil)
Callithrix mauesi
- Black-headed Marmoset ______ BR
(very locally in south-central Amazonian Brazil)
Callithrix nigriceps
- Black-tufted Marmoset ______ BR
(in northeast & east-central Brazil)
Callithrix penicillata
- Satere-Maues' Marmoset ______ BR
(in central Amazonian Brazil)
Callithrix saterei
- Pygmy Marmoset ______
EC(*) az (in eastern Ecuador, northeast Peru, & central
Cebuella pygmaea
EC: Mono de Bolsillo, or Leoncito
The Pygmy Marmoset is the world's smallest true monkey.
A family group of at least 5 Pygmy Marmosets was seen during a FONT tour at La Selva
along the Napo River in Ecuador.
It is a very interesting mammal in that
an entire family group will stay in one tree for up to a year feeding on
sap. When the sap begins to run low, they'll leave the tree, moving to
another, and "set-up shop" for another year.
- Black-mantled Tamarin ______
(in rainforests of the Amazon basin in eastern Peru, &
northwest Brazil)
Saguinus nigricollis
- Graell's Tamarin ______ EC(*) az
Saguinus graellsi
EC: Chichico or Leoncito
The Graell's Tamarin has been treated as a subspecies of the Black-mantled
Tamarin, Saguinus grellsi, but it
differs from it in having a dull olive-brown (not reddish-orange) lower
back, rump, and thighs.
- Pied Bare-faced Tamarin (t1) ______
BR(*) am (in
of the Manaus region, in central Amazonian Brazil - east of the Rio Negro &
north of
the Amazon River)
Saguinus bicolor
- Martin's Bare-faced Tamarin
______ BR (has
been considered conspecific with the
Pied Bare-faced Tamarin, and
was then-called the Brazilian Bare-faced Tamarin)
(in north-central Amazonian Brazil, north of the Amazon River)
Saguinus martinsi
- Brown-mantled Tamarin ______ BR
(has also been called Saddle-backed Tamarin)
Saguinus fuscicollis
Geographic range: in southern Colombia,
eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, northern Bolivia, and northern & eastern
Brazil, in dense forests.
- Golden-mantled Tamarin ______ EC
Saguinus tripartitus
- Emperor Tamarin ______ BR
(in dense lowland forests of eastern Peru &
western Brazil)
- Mottle-faced Tamarin ______
BR (in southeast Colombia &
northwest Brazil)
Saguinus inustus
- Red-chested Moustached
Tamarin ______ BR
(in northern Bolivia & western Amazonian Brazil)
Saguinus labiatus
- White-mantled Tamarin
BR (in western
Amazonian Brazil)
Saguinus melanoleucus
- Red-handed Tamarin ______
BR(*) am
(in Guyana & northeast Amazonian Brazil, east of the Rio Negro, north of the Amazon River)
Saguinus midas
- Black-chested Moustached
Tamarin ______ BR
(in northeast Peru & western Amazonian Brazil)
Saguinus mystax
- Black Tamarin ______ BR
(in eastern Amazonian
Brazil, south of the Amazon River)
Saguinus niger
- Red-capped Moustached
Tamarin ______ BR
(in western Amazonian Brazil)
Saguinus pileatus
- Black-faced Lion Tamarin (t1)
______ BR
(in southeast Brazil, in Sao Paulo
state & Parana)
Leontopithecus caissara
- Golden-headed Lion
Tamarin (t2) (ph) ______
BR (in
east-central Brazil, in southern Bahia & northeast Minas Gerais)
Leontopithecus chrysomelas

Golden-headed Lion Tamarin
- Black Lion Tamarin (t1)
BR (in southeast
Brazil, in 2 small remnant forest patches in Sao Paulo)
Leontopithecus chrysopygus
- Golden Lion Tamarin (t1)
______ BR
(in southeast Brazil, in a few isolated forest patches in central
& southern Rio de Janeiro state)
Leontopithecus rosalia
NEW WORLD MONKEYS - Family Atelidae
82 species)
- Black Howler Monkey (ph) ______
AR(*) ne BR(*) mt
Alouatta caraya
AR names: Mono Aullador Negro, Caraya
BR names: Guariba or Bugio or Caraja
Geographic range: in south-central Brazil, eastern Bolivia,
Paraguay, & northwestern Argentina.
As in the photos below, the male of Black Howler Monkey is black; but the female is

Above: male Black
Howler Monkey
Below: female Black Howler Monkey
Photographed during a FONT tour in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

- Red-handed Howler Monkey ______
af (in central & northeast Brazil)
Alouatta belzebul
BR: Guariba
- Amazon Black Howler Monkey ______ BR
(C&E Amazonian Brazil, both N&S of the Amazon River)
Alouatta nigerrima
- Brown Howler Monkey (ph) ______
BR(*) mn,se
Alouatta guariba
(formerly A. fusca)
AR name: Mono Aullador Rufo
BR names: Bugio or Ruivo or Guariba
There are two subspecies of the Brown Howler Monkey:
Alouatta g. guariba, the Northern Brown Howler (t1)
Alouatta guariba clamitans, the Southern
Brown Howler
The nominate subspecies is critically endangered, with, it is said, fewer
than 250 individuals restricted to the area of the Jequitinhonha River, in
eastern Brazil. That river flows from eastern Minas Gerais into Bahia to the
In the subspecies A. g. clamitans
of southern South America, adult males are
bright reddish with a golden tint; most adult females are brown.
Geographic range: from Bahia in Brazil south to northeastern
Argentina, in the Atlantic Forest.

A male Brown Howler Monkey in the trees of a fine forest
in Minas Gerais, Brazil during a FONT tour in October 2009
(photo by Marie Gardner)
- Venezuelan Red Howler Monkey ______
EC(*) az VE(*) hp (Colombia, Venezuela, NW
Alouatta seniculus
VE name: Mono Colorado
EC name: Coto Mono
- Guyanan Red Howler Monkey ______
am (Guyana & NC Amazonian Brazil)
Alouatta macconnelli
- Bolivian Red Howler Monkey ______ BR
(S Peru, Bolivia, SW Brazil)
Alouatta sara
- Ecuadorian Mantled Howler Monkey (t3) ______
Alouatta palliata aequatorialis
The Ecuadorian Mantled Howler Monkey is the southernmost
subspecies of the Mantled Howler Monkey (ph) that ranges north to
Alouatta palliata aequatorialis ranges from Panama (possibly
easternmost Costa Rica) through Colombia and Ecuador into northern
- White-nosed Bearded Saki (t3) ______
BR(*) af,am (C
Brazil, S of the Amazon River to Mato Grosso)
Chiropotes albinasus
BR: Cuxiu or Piroclucu or Piroculu
- Brown Bearded Saki (t2) ______ BR
(in northeast Brazil)
Chiropotes satanas
- Buffy Saki ______ BR
(in central Amazonian Brazil, south of the Solimoes
Pithecia albicans
- Gray Monk Saki ______ BR
(C & SW Amazonian Brazil, & S Peru to Bolivia)
Pithecia irrorata
- Monk Saki ______ BR
(S Colombia, E Ecuador, N Peru, & W
Pithecia monachus
- Guianan Saki ______ BR
(E Venezuela & French Guiana, & NE Brazil south to the Amazon River)
Pithecia pithecia
- Equatorial Saki ______ EC
Pithecia aequatorialis
Pithecia aequatorialis
was described in 1987. Its geographic range is in Ecuador &
- Red Uakari ______ BR
(in northern Peru & west-central Brazil)
Cacajao calvus
- Black Uakari ______ BR
(SE Colombia, extreme S Venezuela, & NW Brazil)
Cacajao melanocephalus
- White-headed Capuchin (ph)
______ EC
Cebus capucinus
Cebus capucinus
has been called the White-faced Capuchin or White-throated
Capuchin. Its range is from Ecuador north into Central America to
The subspecies in South America is the nominate, Cebus c. capucinus.

White-headed Capuchins photographed during a FONT tour
(photo by Virginia Woodhouse)
- Wedge-capped Capuchin ______
VE(*) ll (also called the Weeping Capuchin)
Cebus olivaceus
VE name: Mono Chuco
Geographic range: from Colombia to French Guiana, & in
northern Brazil south to the Rio Negro & Amazon River, in forests.
- White-fronted Capuchin ______ BR EC
Cebus albifrons
Geographic range: Colombia, Venezuela, northwestern Brazil,
Ecuador, & northern Peru.
- Ka'apor Capuchin ______ BR
Cebus kaapori
Geographic range: in northeastern Brazil, in Maranhao.
The genus of the South American Capuchin
monkeys BELOW was changed in 2011 from Cebus to Sapajus.
That change was for the "robust capuchins", those in the
former "Cebus apella group".
The Capuchins ABOVE retained the Cebus genus, the
"gracile capuchins", those in the former "Cebus
capuccinus group".
- Tufted Capuchin ______
BR(*) af,am,mt EC (has been called the Brown Tufted
Sapajus (formerly
Cebus) apella
AR names: Cai Comun, Mono
BR name: Macaco Prego
Geographic range: from Colombia south to Peru & central Brazil.
In 2005, the following were said to be subspecies of the Tufted
S. a. apella
S. a. fatuellus
The above two subspecies were described by Linnaeus in 1758
& 1766 respectively.
S. a. margaritae
S. a. peruanus
S. a. tocantinus
Another subspecies, Sapajus apella macrocephalus,
has been regarded by some as a separate species, the Large-headed
It occurs in parts of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
Sapajus (formerly Cebus)
apella was described by Linnaeus
in 1758. For years, it had the common English name of Brown Capuchin.
- Black-striped Capuchin ______
AR(*) ne BR(*) (has been called Black-striped
Tufted Capuchin)
(formerly Cebus) libidinosus
Geographic range: in Bolivia, northern Argentina,
Paraguay, & southern Brazil, in forests
- Black Capuchin (ph) ______
BR(*) mn,se (has been called Black Tufted
(formerly Cebus) nigritus
Geographic range: southeastern Brazil, in the Atlantic

A Black Capuchin photographed during the FONT
August 2007 tour
in Southeast Brazil
(photo by Dan Coleman)
- Golden-bellied Capuchin (t1) ______
BR (endemic)
(formerly Cebus) xanthosternos
Other names for Sapajus xanthosternos
are Yellow-breasted Capuchin
and Buffy-headed Capuchin.
Geographic range: in east-central Brazil, in southern
Bahia & northern Minas Gerais, in forest remnants.
- Blond Capuchin (t1)
______ BR
Sapajus flavius
The critically endangered Blond Capuchin was rediscovered in
2006. Its estimated population is about 180 individuals.
It was originally described in 1774, as Simia
flavia, but without a type specimen.
Geographic range: in northeastern Brazil, in the states of Paraiba,
Pernambuco, and Alagoas.
- White-fronted Spider Monkey
(t2) ______ EC
Ateles belzebuth
- White-cheeked Spider Monkey (t2) ______
af (was merged with a more widespread
Black Spider Monkey)
Ateles marginatus
BR: Coata
Ateles marginatus is endemic to Amazonian Brazil.
- Black Spider Monkey (v) ______ BR
primary rainforests from Guyana south into NE Amazonian Brazil, north of
Amazon River, west to the Rio Negro)
Ateles paniscus
- Peruvian Spider Monkey ______ BR
(E Peru, N Bolivia, & W Amazonian
Ateles chamek
- White-whiskered Spider Monkey (t2) ______ BR
(EC Amazonian Brazil, south of the
Amazon River)
Ateles marginatus
- Black-headed Spider Monkey (t1)
______ EC
Ateles fusciceps
Ateles fusciceps is said by some to be a subspecies of the
Geoffroy's Spider Monkey, Ateles geoffroyi,
of mostly Central America.
- Southern Muriqui (t1) ______ BR
(was called "Woolly Spider Monkey")
(in southeast Brazil, in Atlantic forest remnants
of Rio de Janeiro & Sao Paulo states)
Brachyteles arachnoides
These rare animals, the Southern & the Northern Muriquis
(above & below) are the largest monkeys in the New World, up to 5 feet
tall. The two Muriquis were taxonomically "split" in 1995.
- Northern Muriqui (t1) (ph) ______
BR(*) mn (was called "Woolly Spider
Monkey") (in
east-central Brazil, in Atlantic forest remnants
from Bahia to Espirito Santo & Minas Gerais)
Brachyteles hypoxanthus
These Northern Muriquis were photographed during a
FONT tour
in May 2011 in Minas Gerais in Brazil
- Gray Woolly Monkey (ph) ______ BR
Lagothrix cana
Geographic range: southern Peru & southern Amazonian Brazil
There are two subspecies of the Gray Woolly Monkey:
Lagothrix cana cana in Brazil
& Peru
Lagothrix cana tschudi in
southeast Peru.

This Woolly Monkey was photographed in
southeastern Peru,
making it Lagothrix cana tschudi,
(photo by Marie Grenouillet)
- Brown Woolly Monkey (t3) ______ BR
Lagothrix lagotricha
Another name for Lagothrix lagotricha
is the Humboldt's Woolly Monkey.
Geographic range: in southeastern Colombia, northeastern Ecuador, far
northeastern Peru, & northwestern Amazonian Brazil east to the Rio
- Silvery Woolly Monkey (t3) ______ BR
Lagothrix poeppigii
Another name for Lagothrix poeppigii
is the Poeppig's Woolly Monkey.
Geographic range: in eastern Ecuador & northern Peru, &
extreme western Amazonian Brazil, in highlands
- Colombian Woolly Monkey (t1)
Lagothrix lugens
Geographic range:
- Common Squirrel Monkey (ph) ______
EC(*) am
Saimiri sciureus
EC: Fraile, Frailecito, Barizo
In the latest taxonomy, there are in total 5 squirrel monkey
species, in
Central & South America.

Common Squirrel Monkey
(photo by Marie Grenouillet)
- Bolivian Squirrel Monkey ______ BR
(Amazon basin of E Peru, Bolivia & SW Brazil)
Saimiri boliviensis
- Bare-eared Squirrel Monkey ______
BR(*) am (C
Amazonian Brazil, S of the Amazon River)
Saimiri ustus
- Black Squirrel Monkey ______ BR
Amazonian Brazil)
Saimiri vanzolinii
- Coppery Titi ______
Callicebus cupreus
- White-tailed Titi ______ EC(*)
Callicebus discolor
EC: Zocayo, Saui
The White-tailed Titi was considered part of the Coppery Titi
(above), Callicebus discolor,
now of Amazonian Brazil and Peru.
- Dusky Titi ______ BR (EC
Amazonian Brazil, S of the Amazon River)
Callicebus moloch
- Masked Titi (t3) (ph) ______
mn (EC Brazil, coastal forests of
EC Minas Gerais, S Espirito Santo, & NE Rio de Janeiro)
Callicebus personatus
BR: Guigo or Saua

A Masked Titi during a FONT tour in Minas Gerais, Brazil in October
(photo by Marie Gardner)
- Black-fronted Titi (t3) ______
BR(*) se (Atlantic forest of S Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo, & SW
Rio de Janerio)
Callicebus nigrifrons
The Black-fronted Titi, Callicebus
nigrifrons, was formerly a subspecies of the Masked Titi,
Callicebus personatus.
- Baptista Lake Titi
______ BR (C
Amazonian Brazil, S of the Amazon River)
Callicebus baptista
- Blond Titi (ce) ______ BR
(EC Brazil, in remnant forests of N
Callicebus barbarabrownae
- Prince Benhard's Titi
______ BR
(SC Amazonian Brazil)
Callicebus bernhardi
- Brown Titi _____ BR
(SC Amazonian
- Booted Titi _____ BR
(C Amazonian
- Ashy-black Titi ______ BR
(C Amazonian
- Coimbra-Filho's Titi (ce)
______ BR (NE
Callicebus coimbrai
- White-tailed Titi ______ BR
(another name has been Double-browed Titi)
Geographic range: west-central
Amazonian Brazil
- Dubious Titi ______ BR
(WC Amazonian
- Hoffmann's Titi ______ BR
(C Amazonian
- Lucifer Titi ______ BR
EC (S Colombia, E
Ecuador, NE Peru, & W Amazonian Brazil)
Callicebus lucifer
- Mourning Titi ______ BR
(NW Amazonian Brazil)
- Black-handed Titi
(formerly a subspecies of Masked Titi) ______
(Atlantic forest of EC Brazil, in SE Bahia & N Espirito Santo)
Callicebus melanochir
- Pallid Titi ______ BR
(Paraguay & SC Brazil: the Pantanal region of Mato Grosso do Sul)
- Red-crowned Titi ______ BR
(C Amazonian Brazil)
- Kinglet Titi ______ BR
(C Amazonian
Callicebus regulus
- Stephen Nash's Titi ______
Amazonian Brazil, not well known)
- Collared Titi ______ BR
Amazonian Brazil)
- Azara's Night Monkey ______
Brazil south to NE Argentina)
Aotus azarai
- Nancy Ma's Night Monkey
______ BR
Amazonian Brazil)
Aotus nancymaae
- Black-headed Night Monkey
______ BR (E
Peru & W&C Amazonian Brazil)
Aotus nigriceps
- Northern Night Monkey
______ BR (E
Colombia, S Venezuela, & NC Brazil)
Aotus trivirgatus
- Gray-bellied Night Monkey ______ BR
EC (another name has been Noisy
Night Monkey)
Aotus vociferans
Geographic range:
Colombia, eastern Ecuador, northern Peru, & northwestern Amazonian
- Spix's Night Monkey ______ EC
Aotus vociferans
- Family Iniidae
(1 or 2 species)
- Amazon River
Dolphin (t3) ______ BR(*) am
EC VE(*) ll (also called the Pink Dolphin.
or Boto)
Inia geoffrensis
BR names: Boutu
or Boto, also Boto Cor de
VE name: Tonina
Subspecies of the Amazon River Dolphin include:
Inia geoffrensis geoffrensis in the basins of the Amazon and the
Araguaia/Tocantins Rivers
(excluding the Madeira River drainage upstream of the Teotonio Rapids
in Rondonia)
Inia geoffrensis humboldtiana in the basin of the Orinoco River
Inia geoffrensis boliviensis in the Bolivian portion of the Amazon
basin upstream of the Teotonio Rapids in Rondonia, Brazil
Some, including the Society of Marine Mammalogy in 2012, consider the last
of these to be a distinct species.
Another species of dolphin also occurs in the Amazon River Basin, the
(or Gray Dolphin), noted below.
FRANCISCANA - Family Pontoporiidae (1 species)
- La Plata Dolphin (or
Franciscana) ______ AR
BR se
Pontoporia blainvillei
AR name: Delfin del Plata
MARINE DOLPHINS - Family Delphinidae
(globally 34 species)
- Rough-toothed Dolphin ______ EC
Steno bredanensis
- Dusky Dolphin (ph) ______
AR(*) so
Lagenorhynchus obscurus
AR name: Delfin Oscuro

Dusky Dolphins
- Peale's Dolphin (ph) ______
AR CH(*)
Lagenorhynchus australis
CH name: Delfin Griseoblanco

Peale's Dolphin
(photo by Cameron Rutt)
- Hourglass Dolphin ______ AR
Lagenorhynchus cruciger
- Commerson's Dolphin (ph) ______
AR CH(*) tf
Cephalorhynchus commersonii
AR name: Tonina Overa
CH name: Delfin Blanco
The Commerson's Dolphin, a striking black-and-white marine mammal,
much like a porpoise, is in the
eastern Strait of Magellan.
During one FONT tour, we watched them in smooth
water, apparently fishing with penguins.
Commerson's Dolphin
- Chilean Dolphin (nt)
______ AR
Cephalorhynchus eutropia
- Short-beaked Common Dolphin (ph) ______
AR CH(*) fn EC
Delphinus delphis
CH name: Delfin Comun
Short-beaked Common Dolphins have been seen offshore from Arica,
Chile, during FONT pelagic trips.
- Long-beaked Common Dolphin
______ AR
Delphinus capensis
- Common Bottlenose
Dolphin (ph) ______
AR BR(*) fs
Tursiops truncatus
AR name: Tonina
Common Bottlenose Dolphins were seen during a
FONT Far-Southern Brazil Tour from shore by a long rock jetty that extended
about 2 miles out to sea, in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
- Pantropical Spotted Dolphin
______ AR
Stenella atteuata
- Striped Dolphin ______ AR
Stenella coeruleoalba
- Spinner Dolphin ______ AR
Stenella longirostris
- Fraser's Dolphin (ph)
______ AR EC
Lagernodelphis hosei
- Southern Right Whale Dolphin
______ AR
Lissodelphis peronii
- Risso's Dolphin (ph)
______ AR (also called Gray
Grampus griseus
- Orca (or Killer Whale)
(ph) ______ AR(*) so EC
Orcinus orca
AR name: Orca
Orcas have been seen in the surf, where there were seals and sea lions on the beach,
during FONT tours along the
Argentine coast at the Valdez Peninsula.
- False Killer Whale ______ AR EC
Pseudorca crassideus
- Pygmy Killer Whale ______
Feresa attenuata
- Short-finned Pilot Whale ______
Globicephala macrorhynchus
- Long-finned Pilot Whale (ph)
______ AR
Globicephala melas
AR name: Delfin Piloto
- Melon-headed Whale ______
Peponocephala electra
The Melon-headed Whale is closely related to the Pygmy Killer
Whale (above) and the two Pilot Whales (also above).
Collectively, these dolphin species are known by the common name of "blackfish".
Other names for Peponocephala electra
are the Many-toothed Blackfish or the Electra Dolphin.
- Tucuxi (or Gray Dolphin)
______ BR(*) am
Sotalia fluviatilis
BR name: Tucuxi
The Tucuxi occurs in South American rivers draining into the Atlantic
and the Caribbean.
It is found throughout the entire Amazon River basin, where it has been
seen during FONT tours.
Sotalia fluviatilis also occurs in coastal waters north to Panama,
occasionally Costa Riva.
PORPOISES - Family Phocoenidae
Spectacled Porpoise ______ AR
Phocoena dioptrica
- Burmeister's
Porpoise ______ AR
Phocoena spinipinnis
RIGHT WHALES - Family Balaenidae (globally 5 species)
- Southern Right Whale
______ AR(*) so
Balaena australis
AR name: Ballena Franca Austral
The Southern Right Whale has been seen in numbers in the ocean
during FONT tours along the Argentine coast at the Valdes Peninsula.
Family Neobalaenidae
- Pygmy Right Whale ______ AR
Caperea marginata
RORQUALS - Family Balaenopteridae (globally 8 species)
- Humpback Whale (ph) ______
AR EC(*) we
Megaptera novaeangliae
During FONT tours, Humpback Whales have been seen leaping completely out of the
(as in the photo below), in the ocean off the coast of
western Ecuador,
especially during boat trips offshore to Isla de la Plata

A leaping Humpback Whale
Two photos below of the Humpback Whale, during the FONT Ecuador Tour in
July 2013.
In the lower photo, the humps on the back behind the dorsal fin can be
the feature that gives the whale its common name.
(photos by Marie Gardner)

- Northern
(or Common)
Minke Whale (ph) ______ AR EC
Balaenoptera acutorostrata
- Antarctic Minke
Whale ______ AR
Balaenoptera bonaerensis
- Sei Whale
(t2) ______ AR
Balaenoptera borealis
- Bryde's Whale
______ AR
Balaenoptera edeni
- Fin Whale (t2)
(ph) ______ AR EC
Balaenoptera physalus
- Blue Whale (t2)
(ph) ______ AR EC
Balaenoptera musculus
Family Physeter
- Great Sperm Whale
(t3) (ph) ______ AR
Physeter macrocephalus
Family Kogiidae
- Pygmy Sperm Whale
(ph) ______ AR EC
Kogia breviceps
- Dwarf Sperm Whale
______ AR EC
Kogia sima
Family Ziphius
- Cuvier's Beaked
Whale (ph) ______ AR EC
Ziphius cavirostris
- Arnoux's Beaked
Whale ______ AR
Berardius arnuxii
- Shepherd's Beaked
Whale ______ AR
Tasmacetus shepherdi
- Andrew's Beaked
Whale ______ AR
Mesoplodon bowdoini
- Blainville's Beaked
Whale ______ EC
Mesoplodon densirostris
- Ginkgo-toothed Beaked
Whale ______ EC
Mesoplodon ginkgodens
- Gray's Beaked
Whale ______ AR
Mesoplodon grayi
- Hector's Beaked
Whale ______ AR
Mesoplodon hectori
- Strap-toothed
Whale ______ AR
Mesoplodon layardii
- Pygmy Beaked Whale
______ EC
Mesoplodon peruvianus
- Southern Bottlenose
Whale ______ AR
Hyperoodon planifrons
- Family Tayassuidae (3 or 4 species)
- Collared Peccary (ph)
______ AR BR(*) mt EC
Pecari tajacu (the genus has been
Tayassu and Dicotyles)
(the genus has been
Tayassu and Dicotyles)
AR name: Pecari de Collar
BR names: Carero, Caititu, Porco-do-Mato-do-Colar
Pecari tajacu
is also known, in the northern part of its range, as the
Pecari tajacu
was described by Linnaeus in 1758.
- White-lipped Peccary (nt) (ph) ______
AR BR(*)
af EC
Tayassu pecari
AR name: Pecari Labiado
BR name: Queixada
The White-lipped Peccary
is larger than the
Collared Peccary. The White-lipped Peccary is black with a white chin (and
with no collar).
White-lipped Peccary
- Giant Peccary ______ BR
Pecari maximus
Pecari maximus
is a newly-described species, in 2007, but recently its designation as a
species has been questioned.
- Chacoan Peccary (t2) ______
Catagonus wagneri
CAMELS - Family Camelidae
(globally 7 species)
- Vicuna (t3) (ph) ______
AR(*) fn CH(*) fn
Vicugna vicugna
AR & CH names: Vicuna
- Guanaco (ph) ______
AR(*) fs tf CH(*) fn fs tf
Lama guanicoe
AR name: Guanaco

- Llama (ph) ______ AR(*)
CH(*) fn (a domesticated
Lama glama
AR & CH names: Llama
Lama glama was described by Linnaeus in 1758.

A Llama photographed during a FONT tour
(photo by Marie Gardner)
- Alpaca ______ CH(*) fn
(a domesticated animal)
Lama pacos
AR & CH names: Alpaca
Lama pacos
was described by Linnaeus in 1758.
Some Notes about the South American Lamoids
(the Llama, Alpaca, Guanaco, Vicuna):
Combined there are an estimated 7.7 million of
these animals, with 53% in Peru, 37% in Bolivia, 8% in Argentina, and 2% in
The domestic Llamas and Alpacas (91% of the total) are far more numerous
than the wild Guanacos and Vicunas (9%). Llamas (3.7 million) are slightly
more abundant than Alpacas (3.3 million) and Guanacos (575,000) are much
more common than Vicunas (85,000).
Most Alpacas (91%) and Vicunas (72%) are in Peru, and the majority of Llamas
(70%) are in Bolivia, and nearly all of the Guanacos (96%) are in
The Guanaco has been decreasing during recent years due to hunting and
competition with livestock. The Vicuna was reduced to a dangerously low
population in the 1960's, but the species is now recovering under
DEER - Family Cervidae (globally 47 species)
- White-tailed Deer (ph) ______
EC VE(*) ll
Odocoileus virginianus
VE name: Venado (Llanero)
- Pampas Deer (nt) (ph) ______
AR BR(*) mt
Odocoileus bezoarticus
AR name: Venado de las Pampas
Odocoileus bezoarticus
was described by Linnaeus in 1758.

Pampas Deer
- Marsh Deer (t3) (ph) ______
AR(*) ne BR(*) mt
Blastocerus dichotomus
AR name: Ciervo de los Pantanos
BR name: Cervo do Pantanal

Above: A Marsh Deer (& a Giant
Cowbird) photographed during
Brazil tour in Mato Grosso do Sul.
Below: Another Marsh Deer photographed during our tour there in March 2008.
(photo below by Marie Gardner)

- Gray (or Brown) Brocket (Deer)
(ph) ______ AR(*) ne BR(*) af fs mt
Mazama gouazoubira
AR name: Corzuela Parda
BR name: Veado Vira

A Gray Brocket Deer photographed during the FONT Brazil tour
in Mato Grosso do Sul in March 2008
(photo by Marie Gardner)
- Red Brocket (Deer) ______
AR BR(*) af mt EC
Mazama americana
BR name: Veado Mateiro
- Little Red Brocket (Deer) ______
Mazama rufina
- Dwarf Brocket ______ PE
Mazama chunyi
- Pygmy Brocket (Deer) ______
AR BR(*)
Mazama nana
AR name: Corzuela Enana
BR name: Bororo
- Peruvian
(or Northern) Guemal
(or Huemul) (t3) (ph) ______
AR CH(*) fn EC(where now
Hippocamelus antisensis
AR & CH name: Taruca
Hippocamelus antisensis is now considered distinct from the Chilean,
or Southern Guemal (or Huemul), Hippocamelus

A Peruvian (or
Guemal, photographed during a FONT tour in northern Chile
- Chilean
(or Southern) Guemal (t2) ______
Hippocamelus bisulcus
AR name: Huemul
- Northern Pudu ______ EC
Pudu mephistophiles
- Southern Pudu (t3) (ph) ______
AR CH(*) so
Pudu pudu
AR & CH name: Pudu

A Southern Pudu, a very small deer, said to be world's smallest,
has been seen during FONT tours in Chile
TAPIRS - Family Tapiridae (globally 4 species)
- Brazilian Tapir (t3) (ph) ______
AR BR(*) af mt EC
Tapirus terrestris
AR name: Tapir
BR name: Anta
Tapirus terrestris
was described by Linnaeus in 1758.

Above: a young Brazilian Tapir
Below: an adult and a young
These photos were taken at a animal scientific research facility
in Paraguay during a FONT tour (mostly in Brazil) in August 2008.
This tapir is an endangered species in Paraguay.

- Mountain (or Wooly) Tapir (t2) ______
EC (occurs in high montane forest & paramo in
Colombia & Ecuador)
Tapirus pinchaque
- Baird's Tapir (t2) (ph) ______
Tapirus bairdii
Tapirus bairdii is mainly
a Central American mammal. In South America, it is rare in Colombia,
and even more if it still exists in Ecuador. It was said to range as
far south as the Gulf of Guayaquil in Ecuador.
MANATEES - Family Trichechidae (globally 3 species)
(globally 3 species)
Amazonian Manatee (t3) ______
Trichechus inunguis
"Mammals of the World, a
by Andrew Duff & Ann Lawson, 2004
"Neotropical Rainforest Mammals, A Field Guide, Second Edition", text
by Louise Emmons & illustrations by
Francois Feer
"Walker's Marsupials of the World" by Ronald Nowak, 2005
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A Link to a Listing of
South American Butterflies:
Butterflies of South America