PO Box
9021, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA
E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
Phone: Toll-free in USA 1-8 88-721-3555
or 302/529-1876
and Other Nature
during Focus
On Nature Tours
in the
Dominican Republic
in February
& April 2012
List compiled by Armas
Photo at right:
also known as "CUATRO OJOS'' or "FOUR EYES"
photographed during the FONT tour
in the Dominican Republic in February 2012
February 14-18 & April 3-10, 2012
(t): a globally threatened or rare
species, designated by Birdlife International.
(t1): critical (t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally.
(isH): introduced species in Hispaniola
(esH): endemic species in Hispaniola
(essH): endemic subspecies in Hispaniola
These were the 18th & 19th FONT birding & nature tours in the Dominican Republic. The
number in ( ) indicates the number of FONT Dominican Republic tours during which
the bird has been found.
List of Dominican Republic Birds
List of West Indian Butterflies
Nature other than
Birds during the FONT Feb & Apr 2012 Dominican Republic tours
Nature in the Dominican Republic including:
Mammals, Amphibians, Reptiles, Snails, Crabs, Butterflies, Dragonflies &
FONT Birding & Nature Tours in the Caribbean

- Helmeted Guineafowl - apr (12) (isH)
Numida meleagris
- (Feral) Red Junglefowl - apr (4) (isH)
Gallus gallus
- West Indian Whistling Duck (t3) - apr (4)
Dendrocygna arborea
- Blue-winged Teal - apr (13)
Anas discors
- Northern Shoveler - apr (5)
Anas clypeata
- Pied-billed Grebe - apr (13)
Podilymbus podiceps antillarum
- American Flamingo - feb,apr (18)
Phoenicopterus ruber
- Glossy Ibis - apr (12)
Plegadis falcinellus
- American White ibis - apr (12)
Eudocimus albus
- Roseate Spoonbill - apr (13)
Platalea ajaja
- Green Heron - feb,apr (19)
Butorides virescens maculata
- Cattle Egret - feb,apr (19)
Bubulcus i. ibis
- Great Blue Heron - apr (15)
Ardea h. herodias
- Great Egret - feb,apr (18)
Ardea alba egretta
- Snowy Egret - feb,apr (17)
Egretta thula brewsteri
- Little Blue Heron - feb,apr (16)
Egretta caerulea
- Tricolored Heron - feb,apr (17) (was
called Louisiana Heron)
Egretta tricolor ruficollis
- Reddish Egret - feb,apr (16) -
& dark morph)
Egretta r. rufescens
- Black-crowned Night Heron - feb (8)
Nycticorax nycticorax hoactii
- Yellow-crowned Night-Heron - apr (9)
Nyctanassa violacea bancrofti
- Least Bittern - apr (8)
ixobrychus e. exilis
- White-tailed Tropicbird - apr (2)
Phaethon lepturus catesbyi
- Magnificent Frigatebird - apr (18)
Fregata magnificens
- Brown Pelican - feb,apr (18)
Pelecanus o. occidentalis
- Brown Booby - apr (3)
Sula l. leucogaster
- Turkey Vulture - feb,apr (8)
Cathartes a. aura
- American Kestrel - feb,apr (19)
Falco sparverius dominicensis (essH)
- Merlin - apr (11)
Falco c. columbarius
- Peregrine Falcon - feb,apr (4)
Falco peregrinus
- Osprey - feb,apr (14)
Pandion haliaetus (1 subspecies breeds in the Caribbean, and
another winters)
- Ridgway's Hawk (t1) - apr (4) (esH)
Buteo ridgwayi
- Red-tailed Hawk - apr (18)
Buteo j. jamaicensis (same subspecies as in Jamaica & Puerto Rico)
- Clapper Rail - apr (3)
Rallus longirostris caribaeus
- Common Gallinule - apr (15)
Gallinula chloropus cerceris
- Caribbean Coot (nt) - apr (13)
Fulica caribaea
- Limpkin - apr (9)
Aramus guarauna elucus (t3) (essH) (this subspecies now endemic
to Hispaniola; now extirpated in Puerto Rico)
- Black-necked Stilt - feb,apr (16)
Himantopus mexicanus
- Black-bellied (or Grey) Plover - apr (14)
Pluvialis squatarola cynosurae
- Semipalmated Plover - apr (9)
Charadrius semipalmatus
- Snowy Plover - feb (10)
Charadrius n. nivosus
- Wilson's Plover - feb,apr (9)
Charadrius wilsonia rufinucha
- Killdeer - feb,apr (19)
Charadrius vociferus ternominatus
- Spotted Sandpiper - feb,apr (13)
Actitis macularia
- Solitary Sandpiper - apr (10)
Tringa s. solitaria
- Greater Yellowlegs - feb,apr (17)
Tringa melanoleuca
- Lesser Yellowlegs - feb,apr (14)
Tringa flavipes
- Willet - apr (10)
Tringa s. semipalmata
- Semipalmated Sandpiper - feb,apr (13)
Calidris pusilia
- Least Sandpiper - apr (12)
Calidris minutilla
- Laughing Gull - apr (12)
Larus a. atricilla
- Gull-billed Tern - apr (6)
Gelochelidon (formerly Sterna) nilotica aranea
- Least Tern - apr (9)
Sternula (formerly Sterna) a. antillarum
- Sandwich Tern - feb,apr (9)
Thalasseus (formerly Sterna) sandvicensis acuflavida
- Royal Tern - feb,apr (17)
Thalasseus (formerly Sterna) m. maxima
- Common (or Feral) Pigeon (isH) - feb,apr
Columba livia
- White-crowned Pigeon - apr (4)
Patagioenas (formerly Columba) leucocephala
- Scaly-naped (or Red-necked) Pigeon - feb,apr (19)
Patagioenas (formerly Columba) squamosa
- Plain Pigeon (t3) - apr (13)
Patagioenas (formerly Columba) i. inornata
- Mourning Dove - feb,apr (19)
Zenaida m. macroura
- Zenaida Dove - apr (13)
Zenaida aurita zenaida
- White-winged Dove - apr (14)
Zenaida a. asiatica
- Common Ground Dove - feb,apr (19)
Columbina passerina insularis
- Ruddy Quail-Dove - apr (3)
Geotrygon m. montana
- Jamaican (or Olive-throated) Parakeet (or
Conure) - apr (14)
Aratinga nana
- Hispaniolan Parakeet (or Conure) (t3) -
(16) (esH)
Aratinga c. chloroptera
- Hispaniolan Parrot (or Amazon) (t3) - feb,apr
(19) (esH)
Amazona ventralis
- Mangrove Cuckoo - apr (16)
Coccyzus minor
- Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo - feb,apr (19)
Coccyzus aurothera (formerly Saurothera) l. longirostris
- Bay-breasted Cuckoo (t2) - apr
(12) (esH)
Coccyzus (formerly Hyetornis) rufigularis
- Smooth-billed Ani - feb,apr (19)
Crotophaga ani
- Burrowing Owl - apr (13)
Athene cunicularia troglodytes (essH)
- Hispaniolan Nightjar - apr (15) (esH)
Caprimulgus ekmani
- Antillean Nighthawk - apr (10)
Chordeiles g. gundlachii
- Antillean Palm Swift - feb,apr (19)
Tachornis p. phoenicobia
- Hispaniolan Emerald - feb,apr (17) (esH)
Chlorostilbon swainsonii
- Antillean Mango - feb,apr (19)
Anthracothorax d. dominicus (essH: Dominican Mango)
- Vervain Hummingbird - feb,apr (18)
Mellisuga minima vieillota (essH & nearby small islands)
- Hispaniolan Trogon (nt) - apr
(18) - (nt)
Priotelus (formerly Temnotrogon) roseigaster
- Belted Kingfisher - apr (12)
Megaceryle alcyon
- Narrow-billed Tody (nt) - feb,apr
(19) (esH)
Todus angustirostris
- Broad-billed Tody - feb,apr (19) (esH)
Todus subulatus
- Antillean Piculet (nt) - feb,apr
(18) (esH)
Nesoctites m. micromegas
- Hispaniolan Woodpecker - feb,apr (19) (esH)
Melanerpes striatus
- Gray Kingbird - feb,apr (19)
Tyrannus d. dominicensis
- Loggerhead Kingbird - apr (8)
Tyrannus caudifasciatus flavecens (essH)
- Stolid Flycatcher - apr (18)
Myiarchus stolidus dominicensis (essH)
- Hispaniolan Pewee - feb,apr (19) - (esH)
Contopus h. hispaniolensis
- Greater Antillean Elaenia - feb (14)
Elaenia fallax cherriei (essH)
- Flat-billed Vireo - feb,apr (18) (esH)
Vireo nanus
- Black-whiskered Vireo - feb,apr (17)
Vireo a. altiloquus
- Golden Swallow (t3) - feb,apr
(18) (now probably esH)
(another subspecies on Jamaica may not exist there)
Tachycineta euchrysea sclateri (essH)
- Caribbean Martin - apr (15)
Progne domincensis
- "Antillean" Cave Swallow - apr
Petrochelidon (formerly Hirundo) f. fulva (essH)
- White-necked Crow (t3) - apr
(now esH)
Corvus leucognaphalus
- Hispaniolan Palm Crow (nt) - apr (18)
but has been considered conspecific with the Cuban Palm Crow)
Corvus palmarum
- Red-legged Thrush - feb,apr (17)
Turdus plumbeus ardosiaceus
- Bicknell's Thrush (t3) - feb
Catharus bicknelli
- Rufous-throated Solitaire - feb (17)
Myadestes genibarbis montanus (essH)
- Northern Mockingbird - feb,apr (19)
Mimus polyglottos orpheus
- Palmchat - feb,apr (19) - (esH,
also in an endemic family)
Dulus dominicus
- House Sparrow - feb,apr (19) (isH)
Passer domesticus
- Village Weaver - feb,apr (18) (isH)
Ploceus cucullatus
- Antillean Siskin - feb (12)
Carduelis dominicensis
- Hispaniolan Crossbill (t2) - feb
Loxia megaplaga
- Black-and-White Warbler - apr (16)
Mniotilta varia
- Northern Parula - apr (13)
Setophaga (formerly Parula) americana
- Yellow (or Golden) Warbler - feb,apr (13)
Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) petechia albicollis (essH)
(a resident, rather than the migratory
subspecies of the Yellow Warbler that breeds in North America)
- Black-throated Blue Warbler - apr (15)
Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) caerulescens (2 subspecies winter in the Caribbean)
- "Myrtle" Yellow-rumped
Warbler - feb (6)
Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) c. coronata
- Cape May Warbler - apr (14)
Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) tigrina
- Pine Warbler - feb,apr (18)
Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) pinus chrysoleuca (essH)
- Prairie Warbler - apr (10)
Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) discolor (2 subspecies from
North America winter in the Caribbean)
- Ovenbird - apr (12)
Seiurus aurocapillus (2 subspecies winter in the
- Northern Waterthrush - apr (7)
Parkesia (formerly Seiurus) noveboracensis
- American Redstart - apr (15)
Setophaga ruticilla
- Green-tailed Ground Tanager - feb,apr
(17) (has been called Green-tailed Ground Warbler,
or simply Ground Warbler)
Microligea palistris (the single member of its genus)
- Hispaniolan Oriole - apr (17) (esH,
previously part of the Black-cowled,
and subsequently the Greater Antillean, Orioles)
Icterus dominicensis
- Greater Antillean Grackle - feb,apr
Quiscalus n. niger (essH, the nominate)
- Bananaquit - feb,apr (19)
Coereba flaveola bananivora (essH, 1 of 41 subspecies)
- Rufous-collared Sparrow - feb (3)
Zonotrichia capensis antillarum (essH)
- Hispaniolan Spindalis - apr (18) -
(esH, but formerly part of the Stripe-headed Tanager,
now split into 4
Spindalis dominicensis
- Black-crowned Tanager - feb,apr (19) -
(esH) (has been called Black-crowned Palm-Tanager)
Phaenicophilus palmarum
- Eastern Chat-Tanager (t3) - feb
(1) (esH)
Calyptophilus frugivorus
- Greater Antillean Bullfinch - feb,apr
Loxigilla violacea affinis (essH & nearby small islands)
- Yellow-faced Grassquit - feb,apr (19)
Tiaris o. olivaceus
- Black-faced Grassquit - feb,apr (10)
Tiaris bicolor marchii
Other Nature during the FONT tours
in the Dominican Republic in February & April 2012
(ce): a critically endangered
(nt): a near-threatened species
(He): endemic to Hispaniola
(Hi): introduced in Hispaniola
Pallas' Mastiff Bat (or House Bat) - feb
Molossus molossus
Mongoose (sp.) - apr (Hi)
Amphibians &
Marine (or Giant) Toad - apr
Rhinella (formerly Bufo) marina
Bullfrog - feb,apr (heard) (Hi)
Lithobates catesbianus
Hispaniolan Yellow Treefrog - feb
Osteopilus pulchrilineata
Rhinoceros Iguana - feb,apr (ce) (He)
Cyclora cornuta
Antillean Slider (nt) - apr
Trachemys stejnegeri
various LIZARDS:
Dominican Giant Anole - feb
Anolis baleatus
Hispaniolan Maskless Curlytail - feb,apr
Leiocephalus lunatus
Cassius Blue - feb
Leptotes cassius
Malachite - feb,apr
Siproeta (or Metamorpha) stelenes
American Painted Lady - feb
Vanessa virginiensis
Julia Heliconian - feb,apr
Dryas julia
Zebra Heliconian - feb,apr
Heliconius charitonius
Monarch - apr
Danaus plexippus
Hispaniolan King - feb
Anetia jaegeri
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