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E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
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 or 302/529-1876

Birds and Other Nature
during Focus On Nature Tours
in the

Dominican Republic

February & April

List compiled by Armas Hill

Photo at right: the BLACK-CROWNED TANAGER
also known as "CUATRO OJOS''  or "FOUR EYES"
photographed during the FONT tour 
in the Dominican Republic in February 2012  


February 14-18 & April 3-10, 2012


(t): a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International.
    (t1): critical     (t2): endangered     (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally.

(isH):      introduced species in Hispaniola

(esH):     endemic species in Hispaniola
(essH):    endemic subspecies in Hispaniola

These were the 18th & 19th FONT birding & nature tours in the Dominican Republic. The number in ( ) indicates the number of FONT Dominican Republic tours during which the bird has been found.  


A Cumulative List of Dominican Republic Birds

A List of West Indian Butterflies 

Nature other than Birds during the FONT Feb & Apr 2012 Dominican Republic tours

Nature in the Dominican Republic including: 
Mammals, Amphibians, Reptiles, Snails, Crabs, Butterflies, Dragonflies & Damselflies

Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in the Caribbean


  1. Helmeted Guineafowl - apr  (12) (isH)
    Numida meleagris

  2. (Feral) Red Junglefowl - apr  (4) (isH)
    Gallus gallus

  3. West Indian Whistling Duck  (t3) - apr  (4)
    Dendrocygna arborea

  4. Blue-winged Teal - apr  (13)
    Anas discors

  5. Northern Shoveler - apr  (5)
    Anas clypeata

  6. Pied-billed Grebe - apr  (13)  
    Podilymbus podiceps antillarum

  7. American Flamingo - feb,apr  (18)
    Phoenicopterus ruber

  8. Glossy Ibis - apr  (12)
    Plegadis falcinellus

  9. American White ibis - apr  (12)
    Eudocimus albus

  10. Roseate Spoonbill - apr  (13)
    Platalea ajaja

  11. Green Heron - feb,apr  (19)
    Butorides virescens maculata

  12. Cattle Egret - feb,apr  (19)
    Bubulcus i. ibis

  13. Great Blue Heron - apr  (15)   
    Ardea h. herodias

  14. Great Egret - feb,apr  (18)
    Ardea alba egretta

  15. Snowy Egret - feb,apr  (17)
    Egretta thula brewsteri

  16. Little Blue Heron - feb,apr  (16)
    Egretta caerulea

  17. Tricolored Heron - feb,apr  (17)  (was called Louisiana Heron
    Egretta tricolor ruficollis

  18. Reddish Egret - feb,apr  (16) - (white & dark morph)
    Egretta r. rufescens

  19. Black-crowned Night Heron - feb  (8)
    Nycticorax nycticorax hoactii

  20. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron - apr  (9)
    Nyctanassa violacea bancrofti

  21. Least Bittern - apr  (8)
    ixobrychus e. exilis 

  22. White-tailed Tropicbird - apr  (2)
    Phaethon lepturus catesbyi

  23. Magnificent Frigatebird - apr  (18)
    Fregata magnificens  

  24. Brown Pelican - feb,apr  (18)  
    Pelecanus o. occidentalis

  25. Brown Booby - apr  (3)
    Sula l. leucogaster

  26. Turkey Vulture - feb,apr  (8)
    Cathartes a. aura

  27. American Kestrel - feb,apr  (19) 
    Falco sparverius dominicensis  (essH)

  28. Merlin - apr  (11)
    Falco c. columbarius

  29. Peregrine Falcon - feb,apr  (4)
    Falco peregrinus 

  30. Osprey - feb,apr  (14)
    Pandion haliaetus 
    (1 subspecies breeds in the Caribbean, and another winters) 

  31. Ridgway's Hawk (t1) - apr  (4) (esH) 
    Buteo ridgwayi

  32. Red-tailed Hawk - apr  (18) 
    Buteo j. jamaicensis 
    (same subspecies as in Jamaica & Puerto Rico)

  33. Clapper Rail - apr  (3)
    Rallus longirostris caribaeus

  34. Common Gallinule - apr  (15)  
    Gallinula chloropus cerceris

  35. Caribbean Coot  (nt) - apr  (13)
    Fulica caribaea

  36. Limpkin - apr  (9)
    Aramus guarauna elucus  (t3) (essH)
    (this subspecies now endemic to Hispaniola; now extirpated in Puerto Rico) 

  37. Black-necked Stilt - feb,apr  (16)
    Himantopus mexicanus

  38. Black-bellied (or Grey) Plover - apr  (14)
    Pluvialis squatarola cynosurae

  39. Semipalmated Plover - apr  (9)
    Charadrius semipalmatus

  40. Snowy Plover - feb  (10)
    Charadrius n. nivosus

  41. Wilson's Plover - feb,apr  (9)
    Charadrius wilsonia rufinucha

  42. Killdeer - feb,apr  (19) 
    Charadrius vociferus ternominatus

  43. Spotted Sandpiper - feb,apr  (13)
    Actitis macularia

  44. Solitary Sandpiper - apr  (10)
    Tringa s. solitaria

  45. Greater Yellowlegs - feb,apr  (17)
    Tringa melanoleuca

  46. Lesser Yellowlegs - feb,apr  (14)
    Tringa flavipes

  47. Willet - apr  (10)
    Tringa s. semipalmata

  48. Semipalmated Sandpiper - feb,apr  (13) 
    Calidris pusilia

  49. Least Sandpiper - apr  (12)
    Calidris minutilla

  50. Laughing Gull - apr  (12)
    Larus a. atricilla

  51. Gull-billed Tern - apr  (6)
    Gelochelidon (formerly Sterna) nilotica aranea

  52. Least Tern - apr  (9)
    Sternula (formerly Sterna) a. antillarum

  53. Sandwich Tern - feb,apr  (9)
    Thalasseus (formerly Sterna) sandvicensis acuflavida

  54. Royal Tern - feb,apr (17)
    Thalasseus (formerly Sterna) m. maxima

  55. Common (or Feral) Pigeon  (isH) - feb,apr  (19)
    Columba livia

  56. White-crowned Pigeon - apr  (4)
    Patagioenas (formerly Columba) leucocephala

  57. Scaly-naped (or Red-necked) Pigeon - feb,apr  (19)
    Patagioenas (formerly Columba) squamosa

  58. Plain Pigeon  (t3) - apr  (13)
    Patagioenas (formerly Columba) i. inornata

  59. Mourning Dove - feb,apr  (19)  
    Zenaida m. macroura

  60. Zenaida Dove - apr  (13)
    Zenaida aurita zenaida 

  61. White-winged Dove - apr  (14)
    Zenaida a. asiatica

  62. Common Ground Dove - feb,apr  (19)   
    Columbina passerina insularis

  63. Ruddy Quail-Dove - apr  (3)
    Geotrygon m. montana

  64. Jamaican (or Olive-throated) Parakeet (or Conure) - apr  (14)
    Aratinga nana

  65. Hispaniolan Parakeet (or Conure) (t3) - feb,apr  (16) (esH)
    Aratinga c. chloroptera

  66. Hispaniolan Parrot (or Amazon) (t3) - feb,apr  (19) (esH) 
    Amazona ventralis

  67. Mangrove Cuckoo - apr  (16)
    Coccyzus minor

  68. Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo - feb,apr  (19) (esH)
    Coccyzus aurothera (formerly Saurothera) l. longirostris 

  69. Bay-breasted Cuckoo  (t2) - apr  (12) (esH)
    Coccyzus (formerly Hyetornis) rufigularis

  70. Smooth-billed Ani -  feb,apr  (19)
    Crotophaga ani

  71. Burrowing Owl - apr  (13)
    Athene cunicularia troglodytes  (essH)

  72. Hispaniolan Nightjar - apr  (15) (esH)
    Caprimulgus ekmani

  73. Antillean Nighthawk - apr  (10)
    Chordeiles g. gundlachii

  74. Antillean Palm Swift - feb,apr  (19)
    Tachornis p. phoenicobia

  75. Hispaniolan Emerald - feb,apr  (17) (esH)
    Chlorostilbon swainsonii

  76. Antillean Mango - feb,apr  (19)  
    Anthracothorax d. dominicus  (essH: Dominican Mango)

  77. Vervain Hummingbird - feb,apr  (18)  
    Mellisuga minima vieillota  (essH & nearby small islands)

  78. Hispaniolan Trogon  (nt) - apr  (18)  -  (nt) 
    Priotelus (formerly Temnotrogon) roseigaster

  79. Belted Kingfisher - apr  (12)
    Megaceryle alcyon

  80. Narrow-billed Tody  (nt) - feb,apr  (19) (esH)  
    Todus angustirostris

  81. Broad-billed Tody - feb,apr  (19) (esH)
    Todus subulatus

  82. Antillean Piculet  (nt) - feb,apr  (18) (esH) 
    Nesoctites m. micromegas

  83. Hispaniolan Woodpecker - feb,apr  (19) (esH) 
    Melanerpes striatus

  84. Gray Kingbird - feb,apr  (19)
    Tyrannus d. dominicensis

  85. Loggerhead Kingbird - apr  (8)
    Tyrannus caudifasciatus flavecens  (essH)

  86. Stolid Flycatcher - apr  (18) 
    Myiarchus stolidus dominicensis  (essH)

  87. Hispaniolan Pewee - feb,apr  (19)  -  (esH) 
    Contopus h. hispaniolensis 

  88. Greater Antillean Elaenia - feb  (14)
    Elaenia fallax cherriei  (essH) 

  89. Flat-billed Vireo - feb,apr  (18) (esH)
    Vireo nanus

  90. Black-whiskered Vireo - feb,apr  (17) 
    Vireo a. altiloquus 

  91. Golden Swallow  (t3) - feb,apr  (18) (now probably esH) (another subspecies on Jamaica may not exist there)
    Tachycineta euchrysea sclateri  (essH)

  92. Caribbean Martin - apr  (15)
    Progne domincensis

  93. "Antillean" Cave Swallow - apr  (10)
    Petrochelidon (formerly Hirundo) f. fulva  (essH)

  94. White-necked Crow  (t3) - apr  (16) (now esH)  
    Corvus leucognaphalus

  95. Hispaniolan Palm Crow (nt) - apr  (18) (esH, but has been considered conspecific with the Cuban Palm Crow)
    Corvus palmarum

  96. Red-legged Thrush - feb,apr  (17) 
    Turdus plumbeus ardosiaceus

  97. Bicknell's Thrush  (t3) - feb  (1)
    Catharus bicknelli

  98. Rufous-throated Solitaire - feb  (17)  
    Myadestes genibarbis montanus  (essH)

  99. Northern Mockingbird - feb,apr  (19)
    Mimus polyglottos orpheus

  100. Palmchat - feb,apr  (19)  -  (esH, also in an endemic family)
    Dulus dominicus

  101. House Sparrow - feb,apr  (19) (isH)
    Passer domesticus

  102. Village Weaver - feb,apr  (18) (isH)
    Ploceus cucullatus 

  103. Antillean Siskin - feb  (12)
    Carduelis dominicensis 

  104. Hispaniolan Crossbill  (t2) - feb  (11) 
    Loxia megaplaga

  105. Black-and-White Warbler - apr  (16)
    Mniotilta varia

  106. Northern Parula - apr  (13)
    Setophaga (formerly Parula) americana

  107. Yellow (or Golden) Warbler - feb,apr  (13)
    Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) petechia albicollis  (essH) 
    (a resident, rather than the migratory subspecies of the Yellow Warbler that breeds in North America) 

  108. Black-throated Blue Warbler - apr  (15)
    Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) caerulescens 
    (2 subspecies winter in the Caribbean) 

  109. "Myrtle" Yellow-rumped Warbler - feb  (6) 
    Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) c. coronata

  110. Cape May Warbler - apr  (14)
    Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) tigrina

  111. Pine Warbler - feb,apr  (18) 
    Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) pinus chrysoleuca  (essH)

  112. Prairie Warbler - apr  (10)
    Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) discolor 
    (2 subspecies from North America winter in the Caribbean)

  113. Ovenbird - apr  (12)
    Seiurus aurocapillus 
    (2 subspecies winter in the Caribbean) 

  114. Northern Waterthrush - apr  (7)
    Parkesia (formerly Seiurus) noveboracensis

  115. American Redstart - apr  (15)
    Setophaga ruticilla

  116. Green-tailed Ground Tanager - feb,apr  (17)  (has been called Green-tailed Ground Warbler, or simply Ground Warbler)
    Microligea palistris 
    (the single member of its genus)

  117. Hispaniolan Oriole - apr (17) (esH, but previously part of the Black-cowled, and subsequently the Greater Antillean, Orioles)  
    Icterus dominicensis

  118. Greater Antillean Grackle - feb,apr  (19)  
    Quiscalus n. niger  (essH, the nominate)

  119. Bananaquit - feb,apr  (19)  
    Coereba flaveola bananivora  (essH, 1 of 41 subspecies)

  120. Rufous-collared Sparrow - feb  (3)
    Zonotrichia capensis antillarum  (essH)

  121. Hispaniolan Spindalis - apr  (18)  -  (esH,  but formerly part of the Stripe-headed Tanager, now split into 4 species
    Spindalis dominicensis

  122. Black-crowned Tanager - feb,apr  (19)  -  (esH)  (has been called Black-crowned Palm-Tanager)
    Phaenicophilus palmarum

  123. Eastern Chat-Tanager  (t3) - feb  (1) (esH)
    Calyptophilus frugivorus

  124. Greater Antillean Bullfinch - feb,apr  (19)
    Loxigilla violacea affinis  (essH & nearby small islands)

  125. Yellow-faced Grassquit - feb,apr  (19)
    Tiaris o. olivaceus

  126. Black-faced Grassquit - feb,apr  (10)
    Tiaris bicolor marchii 

Other Nature during the FONT tours 
in the Dominican Republic in February & April 2012


(ce):   a critically endangered species
(nt):   a near-threatened species  
(He):  endemic to Hispaniola
(Hi):   introduced in Hispaniola


Pallas' Mastiff Bat (or House Bat)  - feb
Molossus molossus 

Mongoose (sp.)  - apr  (Hi)

Amphibians & Reptiles:

Marine (or Giant) Toad  -  apr
Rhinella (formerly Bufo) marina

Bullfrog  -  feb,apr  (heard) (Hi)
Lithobates catesbianus

Hispaniolan Yellow Treefrog  -  feb
Osteopilus pulchrilineata 

Rhinoceros Iguana  -  feb,apr  (ce)  (He) 
Cyclora cornuta

Antillean Slider  (nt)  -  apr
Trachemys stejnegeri

various LIZARDS:

Dominican Giant Anole  -  feb
Anolis baleatus

Hispaniolan Maskless Curlytail  -  feb,apr
Leiocephalus lunatus



Cassius Blue  -  feb
Leptotes cassius

Malachite  -  feb,apr
Siproeta (or Metamorpha) stelenes

American Painted Lady  -  feb
Vanessa virginiensis

Julia Heliconian  -  feb,apr
Dryas julia

Zebra Heliconian  -  feb,apr
Heliconius charitonius

Monarch  -  apr
Danaus plexippus

Hispaniolan King  -  feb
Anetia jaegeri   


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