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April 2006
American Flamingo
List of Birds during our Dominican Republic Tour - April '06
Cumulative list of Birds during our previous Dominican Republic Tours
List of Birds during FONT tours in the West Indies (with photos)
FONT Birding & Nature Tours in the Caribbean, including the Dominican
The following account written by Armas Hill, leader of the tour:
The country of the Dominican
Republic, on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, is truly an
interesting place to bird. And that we did during our 14th tour there, April
1-8, 2006. What a great place it is to go to, and to experience, just a few
hours by plane from home!
It's an interesting place for a number of reasons, but foremost among them is
the diversity of habitats to be found on the island, Hispaniola is the 2nd
largest island in the Caribbean, after Cuba. The Dominican Republic, occupying
the eastern two-thirds of the island, is the second largest country in the
Caribbean, after Cuba. In the 30,000 square miles of the Dominican Republic,
there is a combination of highlands, lowlands, and highland valleys that have
been divided into about 20 distinct geographical regions. It is one of the most
ecologically diverse countries in the world.
In the Central Mountains (the Cordillera Central), there's the highest peak in
all of the Caribbean, rising to 3,175 meters (about 10,000 feet), and frequently
On the other hand, the largest lake on the island (Lago
Enriquillo) is about 115
meters (over 300 feet) below sea level. It was once a strait of the Caribbean
Sea. It is now 3 times saltier than the sea. The lake is the home of various
birds, such as Caribbean (Greater) Flamingos, and some other wildlife too,
notably a population of American Crocodiles. In the lowland desert around the
lake, in addition to a nice number of resident birds in the bushes and trees,
there's a notable creature on the ground, the endangered Rhinoceros Iguana
that's endemic to the desert habitat in that part of Hispaniola.
From the lake, as noted about 300 feet below sea-level, it's possible to drive a
dirt road that ascends high into a mountain range called the Sierra de Bahoruco,
a continuation of a Haitian range called Massif de la Selle. Those mountains
average an elevation of 1,600 meters (4800 feet), but rise as high as 2,420
meters (7260 feet). Thus, along the lower part of the dirt road, one is
surrounded by acacia and cactus, while in the higher mountains, one is in
extensive forests of pine trees (Pinus occidentalis), in which crossbills live.
There's another notable bird that nests there in rocky cliffs, at the high
altitude of about 7,000 feet. It's a noisy denizen of the night, that flies in
from the sea. The bird is the rare Black-capped Petrel, and in this mountain
range of southwestern Hispaniola, it's believed that all of them
It's in the southwestern portion of the Dominican Republic, from the desert to
the pine-clad mountains, and in between, and from the seacoast to the remote
interior, that we did most of the birding during the tour.
Wonderful sights near the coast, at a shallow lake, included the pink Caribbean
(or Greater) Flamingos, and the even-pinker Roseate
Spoonbills, with flocks of White-cheeked Pintails. At salt pans by
the sea, there were numbers of white-morph Reddish Egrets and Black-necked
Stilts, and both Snowy and Wilson's Plovers together. On the
floor of a dry forest, a Key West Quail-Dove walked by. High in the sky,
during the day, Antillean Palm-Swifts and Caribbean Martins caught
insects. In the evening sky, Antillean Nighthawks flew overhead, giving
their katydid-like calls. A wonderful sound in the mountain forest was the long
whistling note of the Rufous-throated Solitaire.
It's true, as already noted, that the Dominican Republic is a great place for
birding due to the diversity of habitats. But there's another significant reason
as to why the birding there is so interesting. It's the isolation that has
occurred after many, many years of certain bird populations on one particular
island in a group of islands. Resulting from this, there are a number of species
and subspecies that are now endemic to Hispaniola. And, actually, there's even a
bird family that's endemic to the island.
No, we didn't see the ghostly Black-capped Petrels on the misty
mountaintop at night, but we did see many birds during our April '06 tour. Our
total was 133 species. Of these, nearly 30 were endemic to Hispaniola.
Additionally, we saw over 15 subspecies endemic to the island. All of these
species and subspecies that we found are listed below:
Hispaniolan Quail-Dove (formerly Gray-headed Quail-Dove when
conspecific with Cuban population)
Hispaniolan Conure (or Parakeet)
Hispaniolan Amazon (or Parrot)
Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo
Bay-breasted Cuckoo
Ashy-faced Owl
Hispaniolan Nightjar (formerly Greater Antillean Nightjar when
conspecific with Cuban population)
Least Poorwill (has been called Least Pauraque)
Hispaniolan Emerald (a hummingbird)
Hispaniolan Trogon
Narrow-billed Tody
Broad-billed Tody
Hispaniolan Piculet
Hispaniolan Woodpecker
Hispaniolan Pewee
Golden Swallow (now most likely an endemic species, as the subspecies in
Jamaica has not been seen in years)
White-necked Crow (now an endemic species as the bird has been extirpated
in Puerto Rico since 1963)
Hispaniolan Palm Crow (an endemic species if considered distinct from the
population in Cuba)
LaSelle Thrush
Flat-billed Vireo
Ground Warbler
White-winged Warbler
Hispaniolan Spindalis (formerly part of the wider-ranging Stripe-headed
Black-crowned Palm-Tanager
Gray-crowned Palm-Tanager (nearly endemic to Haiti)
(Western) Chat-Tanager
Hispaniolan Oriole (formerly part of the wider ranging Black-cowled
Hispaniolan Crossbill (has been considered part of the White-winged
American Kestrel
Limpkin (now an endemic subspecies as the bird has been extirpated in Puerto
Burrowing Owl (this is now the only subspecies remaining in the
Caribbean; 2 others, in Antigua & Guadeloupe, have been extirpated)
Antillean Mango (a hummingbird)
Vervain Hummingbird
Loggerhead Kingbird
Stolid Flycatcher
Greater Antillean Elaenia
Cave Swallow
Rufous-throated Solitaire
Golden Warbler (some might say that this endemic subspecies would be of the Yellow
Pine Warbler
Bananaquit (1 of 41 subspecies throughout its extensive range)
Antillean Euphonia (at one time conspecific with the Blue-hooded
Greater Antillean Grackle
Greater Antillean Bullfinch
Rufous-collared Sparrow (the only subspecies in the West Indies of this
wide-ranging species; occurs only high in the Central Mountains. There's another
subspecies at sea-level on the Caribbean islands of Curacao & Aruba, closer
to South America.)
Endemic subspecies of the Double-striped Thick-knee and the Stygian
Owl are yet to be found during future tours. The endemic subspecies of the Northern
Potoo was not found during our April '06 tour, although it has been during
other FONT Dominican Republic tours.
A good number of the birds of Hispaniola are rare. The following are designated
as such by Birdlife International in these categories:
Ridgway's Hawk (not found during the April '06 tour, but has been with
FONT in the past)
Black-capped Petrel
Bay-breasted Cuckoo
La Selle Thrush
Hispaniolan Crossbill
West Indian Whistling-Duck
Plain Pigeon
Hispaniolan (formerly Gray-headed) Quail-Dove
Hispaniolan Conure (or Parakeet)
Hispaniolan Amazon (or Parrot)
Golden Swallow
Bicknell's Thrush
White-winged Warbler
White-necked Crow
Black Rail
Caribbean Coot
Least Poorwill
Hispaniolan Trogon
Gray-crowned Palm-Tanager
Hispaniolan Palm Crow
Some of the most explicit examples of isolated bird populations in the Dominican
Republic are the Antillean Piculet, Hispaniolan Crossbill, Pine Warbler, and
Rufous-collared Sparrow.
Piculets are mostly in South America, with one species ranging north into
Central America. Not only is the Antillean Piculet isolated from the others,
there's something particularly interesting about the species. As the Dominican
Republic is one of the world's few places with amber, it was there that a
notable find could be made of a fossil preserved in it. That fossil, with
portions of feathers, was determined to be the oldest known fossil of Picidae (a
woodpecker) in the New World. It was determined to be an Antillean Piculet or a
very closely related form. The fossil is older than the lower Early Miocene
Period. And that's way back. Studies have shown that other fossils, or bones, of
Picidae elsewhere have placed them back to the Middle Miocene. The fossilized
Piculet feather also represents the first pre-Pleistocene bird to be found in
the West Indies. Put another way, that's before the Glacial Age.
Pleistocene times were about 85,000,000 years ago. The crossbill in Hispaniola
goes back that far (to the Glacial Age). Since then it has been in the pine
forests high in the mountains of Hispaniola. As to its discovery there, it's one
of the bird species on the island that was first found in the 20th Century, in
1916. The closely related White-winged Crossbil is, of course, a bird of the
northern forests in both the New and Old Worlds.
The subspecies of the Pine Warbler in the Dominican Republic is, like the
crossbill, a resident of the Hispaniolan pines. It never leaves the island to
occur where the species does otherwise in North America.
The Rufous-collared Sparrow is a species of mostly South America. In the
northern part of its range, in Central America, it occurs only in the highlands.
The isolated subspecies in the Dominican Republic only occurs at high elevations
in the Central Mountains, favoring savannas in the pines. It's the only
population in the West Indies.
Todies only occur in the West Indies. Those tiny little bright green jewels, a
bit like hummingbirds, a bit like flycatchers, are most closely related to
kingfishers. There are 5 species of todies, occurring endemically on 4 islands.
Hispaniola is the only island with 2 species of todies. The Broad-billed Tody
generally occurs up to 3,000 feet above sea level. The Narrow-billed Tody is
generally at higher altitudes. At some places, the two live side by side. They
do not interbreed.
Todies are small, but the Vervain Hummingbird is smaller. Closely related to the
Bee Hummingbird of Cuba that's said to be the smallest bird in the world, the
Vervain, also tiny, measures only 6 centimeters and weighs only 1.6 grams.
Some of the birds of the Dominican Republic have had, in years gone by, what
might be called identity crises. In particular, the Flat-billed Vireo was
discovered, "new to science", back in 1885, when it was called an
empidonax flycatcher. It remained in the flycatcher group for years, but in a
different genus. It was as alte as 1917 when it was first said to be a vireo.
For a vireo, it has a peculiar bill (that's what caused the confusion). It's
broad, depressed, and triangular. Vireos usually have a slightly decurved bill
with a small notch.
Also with an identity crisis of sorts, the Greater Antillean Elaenia (a true
flycatcher), was "discovered" twice. It was first described in the
Dominican Republic in 1807, when it was given the scientific name Muscicapa
albicapilla. Nothing was written about its habits, its form, or its family. So,
in 1895, it was "discovered" again, said to be "new to
science", and given the scientific name Elaenia cherri (named after
the person who was thought at that time to have discovered the bird). It was as
late as 1931 when the bird was studied scientifically and given the scientific
name that it has today, Elaenia fallax. The
first discovery in 1807 was apparently at a low elevation. Subsequently, after
the lowland pine forests were completely destroyed, the bird has been found in
higher countryside, mostly in areas with pines in the mountains, generally
higher than 3,000 feet above sea
It was noted earlier that the Hispaniolan Crossbill was first found in 1916.
There are also other Hispaniolan birds that were discovered as recently as the
20th Century, including the Least Poorwill, La Selle's Thrush, and White-winged
The Least Poorwill has for a while a scanty history, after the first specimen
was collected in 1917. At that time, the small nightjar, that has also been
called the Least Pauraque, was given the scientific name Microsiphonorhis
brewsteri. The genus was changed in 1928 to Siphonorhis. From that year until
1969, there were very few, if any, reports of the bird, that's called locally
"El Torico". The nice thing is that today this species of Siphonorhis
can still be found. The only other member of the genus, Siphonorhis americana,
the Jamaican Pauraque, is now believed to be extinct.
The shy La Selle's Thrush was discovered in mountains of southern Haiti, known
as the Massif de la Selle, in 1927. It was not recorded elsewhere until 1971,
when it was found to be in the Bahoruco Mountains in the southwest Dominican
Republic. In 1986, it was determined that the La Selle's Thrush that had
recently been found in the Central Mountains of the Dominican Republic was a
different subspecies.
The White-winged Warbler was yet another Hispaniolan bird that was discovered in
the 20th Century. When it was described in 1917, it was given the scientific
name Microligea montana. It occurs high in the montanas (or mountains). In 1967,
the bird became the single member of its genus, and the new name given to it at
that time was Xenoligea montana.
And that's our review of some of the Hispaniolan birds that were seen during the
FONT April '06 Dominican Republic tour, noting interesting items about them -
among those that are endemic, those that are rare, those with a history, and
those isolated on an island, with rough and varied terrain, in the Caribbean
In conclusion, here, though, mention must be made of another creature, a mammal,
also endemic and rare, and with a history that goes way back as it lived in
isolation on Hispaniola. The creature has an odd name. It's called a Solenodon.
It has an odd appearance. It's about 18 to 23 inches long, with a long nose at
one end and a long tail at the other. It moves with an odd gait. Recently it has
been determined that the animal makes ultrasonic vocalizations - twitters,
chirps, and clicks. By day, it sleeps in small caves or hollow tree trunks. At
night, it feeds on a variety of insects, worms, and other small vertebrates. We
saw a Solenodon, during the April '06 tour, at night, as it passed by in the lit
area in front of our vehicle. We were lucky to see it well, after we had just
seen an Ashy-faced Owl nearby as it flew from a fencepost. Had we inadvertently
saved a rare Solenodon?
There are now two species of Solenodons. One is native to Hispaniola; the other
to Cuba. In the Dominican Republic it is locally called a "jutia". But
that's not to confuse it with the other indigenous Hispaniola mammal, the Hutia,
which is smaller, about 30 centimeters in length, Like its larger cousin, the
Solenodon, the Hutia spends its days in cavities, and emerges to hunt and eat
only at night. There are still about a dozen species of Hutias in the Caribbean,
mostly in Cuba, but also on some other islands. Many of these species are now
critically endangered. There used to be about 15 other species of Hutias, and
even some Giant-Hutias. They are now extinct, with most having become so in the
Imagine what it would have been like to visit Hispaniola back before the arrival
of Columbus, back when there were Giant-Hutias, and when among the birds, there
was an endemic macaw. As good as it is to visit now, as we did in April 2006,
imagine what it would have been back in those days now gone.
Still, however, just a plane-ride away, it doesn't get much better, for a few
days with birding that's darn good, in a place that is, for most of us, so
naturally different.