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Rico Birds
during Focus On Nature Tours
thru 2015
during the months of
February, March,
April, May, July
A List of Puerto Rico Birds
compiled by Armas Hill
There have been 27 FONT birding
tours in Puerto Rico, during which 186 species of birds have cumulatively been found.
(t): a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International
(t1): critical
(t2): endangered
(t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally
(p): seen only pelagically
(mi): on Mona Island
(PRe): endemic in Puerto Rico
(PR&VIe): endemic to Puerto Rico & the Virgin Islands
(PRr): rare in Puerto Rico
(i): introduced species (Puerto Rico has many; there are 19 in this list.)
The numbers following the bird names indicate the number of Puerto Rican tours during which
the bird has been found (out of 27).
A List &
Photo Gallery of Caribbean Birds, in 2 Parts:
Part #1: Guineafowl to
Hummingbirds Part #2: Trogons to Buntings
Birds of the Caribbean today & those that have gone extinct
Butterflies of the
Caribbean (with
some photos)
Marine Life of the
Caribbean (including Sea Turtles, Fish,
Corals, Jellyfish, Mollusks, Arthropods)
FONT Birding & Nature Tours in the Caribbean

Pied-billed Grebe ______ 27
Podilymbus podiceps antillarum
Black-capped Petrel (PRr) (p) ______ 1
Pterodroma h. hasitata
Audubon's Shearwater (p) ______ 5
Puffinus l. lherminieri
Leach's Storm Petrel (p) ______ 1
Oceanodroma l. leucorhoa
White-tailed Tropicbird ______ 13
Phaethon lepturus catesbyi
Brown Pelican ______ 27
Pelecanus o. occidentalis
Masked Booby (mi) ______ 1
Sula d. dactylatra
Brown Booby ______ 20
Sula l. leucogaster
Red-footed Booby ______ 6
Sula s. sula
Magnificent Frigatebird ______ 27
Fregata magificens (now said to be monotypic)
Great Blue Heron ______ 25
Ardea h. herodias
- Great Egret ______
(has been Ardea) alba egretta
Green Heron ______ 27
(was for a
time considered conspecific with the nearly-cosmopolitan Striated Heron, and
was then called Green-backed Heron)
Butorides virescens maculata
- Western Cattle Egret ______ 27
Bubulcus ibis (the single member of its genus)
- Snowy Egret ______ 27
Leucophoyx) thula brewsteri
- Little Blue Heron
______ 27
(formerly Florida) caerulea (monotypic)
- Tricolored (has been called Louisiana)
Heron ______ 27
(formerly Hydranassa) tricolor ruficollis
Reddish Egret (PRr) ______ 1
(formerly Dichromanassa) r. rufescens
Black-crowned Night-Heron ______ 18
Nycticorax nycticorax hoactii
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron ______ 17
Nyctanassa violacea bancrofti
(the single member of its genus)
Least Bittern ______ 16
Ixobrychus e. exilis
American Bittern (PRr) ______ 1
Botaurus lentiginosus (monotypic)
Glossy Ibis (PRr) ______ 1
Plegadis falcinellus
(now said to be monotypic)
American Flamingo (PRr) ______ 1
(was considered part of Greater Flamingo,
also in Europe & Africa, and the Galapagos)
Phoenicopterus r. ruber
West Indian Whistling-Duck (t3) ______ 7
(has also been called West Indian Tree-Duck)
Dendrocygna arborea
White-cheeked Pintail ______ 27
Anas b. bahamensis (t3)
Blue-winged Teal ______ 8
Anas discors
American Wigeon ______ 1
Anas americana
Lesser Scaup ______ 2
Aythya affinis (monotypic)
Ruddy Duck ______ 21
Oxyura j. jamaicensis
- Masked Duck (PRr) ______ 2
(formerly Oxyura)
dominicus (monotypic) (the single member of
its genus)
Turkey Vulture (i?) ______ 27
Cathartes a. aura
Sharp-shinned Hawk ______ 9
Accipiter striatus venator (t2) (this subspecies endemic to Puerto
Red-tailed Hawk ______ 27
Buteo j. jamaicensis (this
also on Jamaica & Hispaniola)
Broad-winged Hawk ______ 17
Buteo platypterus brunnescens (t3) (this
endemic to Puerto Rico)
Osprey ______ 26
Pandion haliaetus
(2 subspecies occur in Puerto Rico) (the
single member of its genus)
haliaetus carolinensis
North American breeder)
Pandion haliaetus ridgwayi
(breeder in Caribbean area)
Merlin ______ 11
Falco c. columbarius
American Kestrel ______ 27
Falco sparverius caribaearum (this subspecies also in Lesser Antilles)
Peregrine Falcon ______ 6
Falco peregrinus anatum
(from North America)
Falco peregrinus tundrius (from North America, north of
Helmeted (or Common) Guinea-Fowl (i) ______
Numida meleagris
"Antillean" Clapper Rail ______ 20
Rallus crepitans caribaeus
Yellow-breasted Crake (PRr) ______ 1
Porzana flaviventer hendersoni (this subspecies also in Hispaniola)
Sora (Crake) ______ 4
Porzana carolina (monotypic)
- Purple Gallinule ______ 5
Porphyrula martinica (monotypic)
- Common Gallinule ______
Gallinula chloropus cerceris
American Coot ______ 8
Fulica a. americana
"Caribbean Coot" (nt) ______ 27
(considered by some to be conspecific with American Coot)
Fulica (americana) caribaea
American Oystercatcher ______ 9
Haematopus p. palliatus
- Gray (or Black-bellied) Plover ______
Pluvialis squatarola cynosurae
- Semipalmated Plover
______ 18
Charadrius semipalmatus (monotypic)
Snowy Plover (PRr) ______ 3
conspecific with Kentish Plover of Eurasia)
Charadrius n. nivosus (t3)
- Wilson's Plover ______ 17
Charadrius wilsonia rufinucha (resident subspecies in the Caribbean)
Killdeer ______ 19
Charadrius vociferus ternominatus (resident subspecies in the
Black-necked Stilt ______ 26
considered by some to be conspecific with the Black-winged Stilt of the Old
World, Himantopus
Himantopus mexicanus
- "American" Whimbrel ______ 5
(has historically been called "Hudsonian Curlew")
Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus
Spotted Sandpiper ______ 25
Actitis macularia
Solitary Sandpiper ______ 7
Tringa s. solitaria
Greater Yellowlegs ______ 24
Tringa melanoleuca (monotypic)
Lesser Yellowlegs ______ 20
Tringa flavipes
Willet ______ 7
s. semipalmata
- Ruddy Turnstone ______ 22
Arenaria interpres morinella
Semipalmated Sandpiper ______ 18
Calidris pusilia (monotypic)
Western Sandpiper ______ 11
Calidris mauri (monotypic)
Least Sandpiper ______ 13
Calidris minutilla
White-rumped Sandpiper (PRr) ______ 1
Calidris fuscicollis
Sanderling ______ 10
Calidris alba rubida
- Red Knot ______ 1
Calidris canutus rufa
Short-billed Dowitcher ______ 3
Limnodromus griseus (2 subspecies in the West Indies: L. g. grieus &
L. g. hendersoni)
Stilt Sandpiper ______ 3
Calidris (has been Micropalama)
- (American) Herring Gull ______ 3
Larus (argentatus) smithsonianus
Great Black-backed Gull (PRr) ______ 1
Larus marinus (monotypic)
Ring-billed Gull ______ 4
Larus delawarensis (monotypic)
Lesser Black-backed Gull ______ 2
Larus graellsii
(has been Larus fuscus, but that now applied to darker Baltic
Gull of Europe, which has been considered conspecific with Lesser Black-backed
Laughing Gull ______ 13
(formerly Larus) a. atricilla
Common Tern ______ 4
Sterna h. hirundo
Roseate Tern ______ 1
Sterna d. dougallii (t3)
Bridled Tern (p) ______ 2
(formerly Sterna) anaethetus melanoptera
Sooty Tern ______ 2
(formerly Sterna) f. fuscata
Least Tern ______ 7
Sternula (formerly Sterna) a. antillarum
Royal Tern ______ 27
Sterna) m. maxima
Cayenne Tern (PRr) ______ 1
(was conspecifc with the Sandwich Tern)
Thalasseus (formerly Sterna)
(sandvicensis) eurygnatha
Sandwich Tern ______ 19
(formerly Sterna) sandvicensis acuflavida
Caspian Tern ______ 1
(formerly Sterna)
caspia (monotypic)
Brown Noddy (p) ______ 2
Anous s. stolidus
White-crowned Pigeon (nt) ______ 4
(formerly Columba)
leucocephala (monotypic)
- Scaly-naped (or Red-necked) Pigeon ______ 26
(formerly Columba) squamosa (monotypic)
Plain Pigeon (t3) ______ 7
Patagioenas (formerly Columba)
inornata wetmorei (this subspecies endemic to
Puerto Rico)
- Common (or Feral) Pigeon (i) ______
Columba livia
- African Turtle Dove (i) ______ 19
(historically was native to North Africa)
Streptopelia risoria
Mourning Dove ______ 8
Zenaida m. macroura (this subspecies endemic to the West Indies)
Zenaida Dove ______ 27
Zenaida aurita zenaida
(resident subspecies of the northern
White-winged Dove ______ 27
Zenaida a. asiatica
Common Ground Dove ______ 27
Columbina passerina portoricensis (this subspecies also in the Virgin Islands)
Ruddy Quail-Dove ______ 14
Geotrygon m. montana (same subspecies as in Central & South America)
Bridled Quail-Dove ______ 4
Geotrygon mystacea
Key West Quail-Dove ______ 2
Geotrygon chrysia (monotypic)
Puerto Rican Amazon (or Parrot) (t1) (PRe) (PRr) ______ 11
Amazona v. vittata
(a second subspecies on Culebra Island, A. V.
now extinct)
Monk Parakeet (i) ______ 21 (native to
south-central South America)
Myiopsitta monachus
- White-winged Parakeet (i) ______ 10
(native to north-central South America)
Brotogeris (v.) versicolurus
The White-winged Parakeet was part of the former Canary-winged
Orange-fronted Parakeet (or Conure) (i) ______ 3
(native to Central America)
(formerly Aratinga) canicularis
Mitred Parakeet (or Conure) (i) ______ 5
(native to south-central South America)
(formerly Aratinga) mitrata
Orange-winged Amazon (or Parrot) (i) ______ 2
(native to north-central South America)
Amazona amazonica
- Yellow-headed Amazon/Parrot ______
1 (native to Mexico & Belize)
Amazona oratrix
Mangrove Cuckoo ______ 25
Coccyzus minor (now said to be monotypic, formerly
a subspecies in the West
Indies: Coccyzus minor nesiotes)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo ______ 2
Coccyzus americanus
Puerto Rican Lizard Cuckoo (PRe) ______ 27
(formerly Saurothera) vieilloti
Smooth-billed Ani ______ 27
Crotophaga ani (monotypic)
- American Barn Owl ______ 1
Tyto furcata pratincola (subspecies also in North & Central America and Hispaniola)
The American Barn Owl has been part of the Barn Owl of Eurasia
& Africa, Tyto alba.
But Tyto furcata is a heavier bird,
with a larger and stouter head and body, and with much more powerful
Puerto Rican Screech Owl (PR&VIe) ______ 27
Megascops (formerly Otus) n. nudipes (another subspecies in the Virgin Islands)
Chuck-will's-Widow ______ 3
Antrostomus (formerly
Caprimulgus) carolinensis (monotypic)
Puerto Rican Nightjar (t1) (PRe) (PRr) ______ 25
(during some tours heard only)
Antrostomus (formerly Caprimulgus) noctitherus
Antillean Nighthawk ______ 8
Chordeiles gundlachii
Black Swift ______ 8
Cypseloides n. niger
Puerto Rican Emerald (PRe) ______ 27
Chlorostilbon maugaeus (monotypic)
Antillean Mango ______ 26
Anthracothorax dominicus aurulentus
(subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico)
Green Mango (PRe) ______ 26
Anthracothorax viridis (monotypic)
Green-throated Carib ______ 23
Eulampis h. holosericeus (subspecies also in most of the Lesser
Antillean Crested Hummingbird ______ 22
Orthorhyncus cristatus exilis
(subspecies also in most of the Lesser Antilles,
Belted Kingfisher ______ 18
(formerly Ceryle)
torquata (monotypic)
Puerto Rican Tody (PRe) ______ 27
Todus mexicanus
(monotypic) (this genus, with 5 species, endemic
to the Caribbean)
Puerto Rican Woodpecker (PRe) ______ 27
Melanerpes portoricensis (monotypic0
Gray Kingbird ______ 27
Tyrannus d. dominicensis
Loggerhead Kingbird ______ 23
Tyrannus caudifasciatus taylori
(subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico)
Great Crested Flycatcher (PRr) ______ 1
Myiarchus crinitus (monotypic)
Puerto Rican Flycatcher (PR&VIe) ______ 27
Myiarchus antillarum (monotypic)
Puerto Rican Pewee (PRe) ______ 25
(was part of Lesser Antillean Pewee)
Contopus portoricensis
Caribbean Elaenia ______ 19
Elaenia m. martinica
Caribbean Martin ______ 26 (has been
considered conspecific with the Sinaloa (or Snowy-bellied) Martin of Mexico)
Progne d. dominicensis
- Tree Swallow ______ 1
Tachycineta bicolor
- Bank
Swallow (or Sand Martin) ______
Riparia r. riparia
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (PRr) ______ 1
Stelgidopteryx s. serripennis
Barn Swallow ______ 6
Hirundo rustica erythrogaster
- "Antillean" Cave Swallow ______ 25
Petrochelidon (formerly Hirundo) fulva puertoricensis (subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico)
Northern Mockingbird ______ 27
Mimus polyglottos orpheus (subspecies endemic to West Indies)
Pearly-eyed Thrasher ______ 27
Margarops fuscatus fuscatus
Red-legged Thrush ______ 27
Turdus plumbeus ardosiaceus
(subspecies also in Hispaniola)
Hill Myna (i) ______ 2
(native to
southeast Asia)
Gracula religiosa
Puerto Rican Vireo (PRe) ______ 26
Vireo latimeri (monotypic)
Red-eyed Vireo (PRr) ______ 1
Vireo o. olivaceus
Black-whiskered Vireo ______ 27
Vireo a. altiloquus
Black-and-white Warbler ______ 12
Mniotilta varia (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
Prothonotary Warbler ______ 1
Protonotaria citrea
(monotypic, and the single member of its
Worm-eating Warbler ______ 1
Helmitheros vermivorus (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
Northern Parula (Warbler) ______ 22
Setophaga (formerly Parula)
americana (monotypic)
- Yellow Warbler ______ 27
Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) petechia
(with a race in
Puerto Rico that's resident in the Caribbean, and others during the winter of
the migratory population that breeds in North America)
Magnolia Warbler ______ 1
(formerly Dendroica) magnolia
Black-throated Blue Warbler ______ 13
Setophaga (formerly Dendroica) caerulescens (2 subspecies winter in the West Indies: D. c.
caerulescens & D. c. cairnsi)
Cape May Warbler ______ 6
Dendroica tigrina (monotypic)
Yellow-throated Warbler ______ 1
Dendroica d. dominica
- "Myrtle" Yellow-rumped Warbler ______ 2
Dendroica c. coronata
- Adelaide's Warbler (PRe) ______ 27
(formerly included populations on other Caribbean islands of Barbuda and Saint
Lucia, each now considered separate species)
Dendroica adelaidae
Prairie Warbler ______ 14
Dendroica discolor
(2 subspecies in the Caribbean)
Palm Warbler ______ 5
Dendroica p. palmarum
Elfin Woods Warbler (t3) (PRe) ______ 23
Dendroica angelae (monotypic)
Ovenbird ______ 1
Seiurus a. aurocapilla
Northern Waterthrush ______ 11
Seiurus noveboracensis (now said to be monotypic)
Louisiana Waterthrush ______ 6
Seiurus motacilla (monotypic)
Common Yellowthroat ______ 11
Geothlypis t. trichas
Hooded Warbler ______ 3
Wilsonia citrina (monotypic)
American Redstart ______ 14
Setophaga ruticilla (monotypic, and the single member of its
Bananaquit ______ 27
Coereba flaveola portoricensis
(subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico) (In all, there are 41
subspecies throughout Latin America & the Caribbean. 24 of those
subspecies are on islands in the Caribbean including some off the coasts of
Mexico & Venezuela, & on Trinidad & Tobago.) (the single member of
its genus)
Antillean Euphonia ______ 16 (formerly
called Blue-hooded Euphonia, when considered conspecific with what's
now the
Elegant (or Blue-hooded) Euphonia in Central America and
Euphonia of South America)
Euphonia musica sclateri (subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico)
Puerto Rican Spindalis (PRe) ______ 27
(formerly (Puerto Rican) Stripe-headed Tanager)
Spindalis portoricensis (monotypic)
Puerto Rican Tanager (PRe) ______ 27
Nesospingus speculiferus (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
Shiny (or Glossy) Cowbird ______ 24
Molothrus bonariensis minimus
Greater Antillean Grackle ______ 27
Quiscalus niger brachypterus
(subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico)
- Puerto Rican (has been
part of Greater Antillean & previously Black-cowled) Oriole ______ 25
Icterus dominicensis portoricensis (subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico)
Baltimore Oriole ______ 3
(formerly called
"Northern Oriole" when conspecific with Bullock's
Icterus galbula (monotypic)
- Venezuelan Troupial (i) ______ 26
(native to northern South America)
Icterus icterus
Yellow-shouldered Blackbird (t2) (PRe) (PRr) ______ 27
Agelaius x. xanthomus
(a second PR subspecies on Mona Island)
Pin-tailed Whydah (i) ______ 11
(native to
Vidua macroura
House Sparrow (i) ______ 25
(native to
Passer domesticus
Yellow-crowned Bishop (has also been called Napolean Weaver) (i) ______
(native to Africa)
Euplectes afer
- Red (or Orange) Bishop (i) ______ 10
(native to Africa, where now 2 species: Northern Red Bishop &
Southern Red Bishop)
Euplectes franciscanus
Orange-cheeked Waxbill (i) ______ 14
(native to central west Africa)
Estrilda melpoda
- Indian Silverbill (has
also been called Warbling Silverbill , or White-throated Munia)
(i) ______ 17
(native: Africa thru India)
Lonchura malabarica
- Bronze Mannikin (has also been called
Hooded Weaver) (i) ______ 23
(native to
Spermestes (formerly
Lonchura) cucullata
- Scaly-breasted Munia (has also
been called Nutmeg Mannikin, or Spice Finch)
(i) ______ 16
(native to India & southeast Asia)
Lonchura punctulata
- Black-headed Munia (has also
been called Tricolored Munia) (i) ______ 6
(native to India & southeast Asia)
Lonchura malacca
Java Sparrow (i) ______ 4
(native to
(formerly Padda) oryzivora
Saffron Finch (i) ______ 9
(native to southern South America)
Sicalis flaveola
Puerto Rican Bullfinch (PRe) ______ 27
Loxigilla p. portoricensis
(another subspecies on St Kitts Is. now extirpated)
Lesser Antillean Bullfinch (PRr) ______ 2
Loxigilla noctis
Yellow-faced Grassquit ______ 24
Tiaris olivacea bryanti (subspecies endemic to Puerto Rico)
Black-faced Grassquit ______ 27
Tiaris bicolor omissus (subspecies also in the Lesser Antilles)
Indigo Bunting ______ 3
Passerina cyanea (monotypic)
The tour in February '88 included a trip (by air) to uninhabited Mona Island,
off the west coast of Puerto Rico, about mid-way between Puerto Rico and the
Dominican Republic. Birds found only there noted by an (mi).
A few tours included a trip by ferry to Culebra Island, off
northeastern Puerto Rico, about mid-way between Puerto Rico and the Virgin
During our Feb 6-11, '96 tour, we conducted our first Caribbean pelagic trip
off the west coast of Puerto Rico. A Black-capped Petrel was seen. (Only 3
records in Raffaele's book: "Birds of Puerto Rico".) Also whales and
dolphins. During the pelagic trip with our Feb 15-19 tour, about 300 boobies.
Over 200 of them, Red-footed (both brown & white morphs). Also a 60-foot
Whale Shark by the boat. This 4-day tour, one day shorter than our norm. With
the pelagic trip during the March '96 tour, 6 species of terns were seen.
12 of the very rare Puerto Rican Parrots were seen during FONT
Puerto Rican tour #12, in March 1996. Subsequently, the species has become more
difficult to see in the wild. 3 were seen during tour #18, in March 1998. The
species was seen again during tour #22, in March 2000. One wild bird was seen
during tour #26, in March 2004.
Although "A Guide to the Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin
Islands", by Herbert A. Raffaele, indicates that there are no records for
the Northern Rough-winged Swallow in Puerto Rico, the species was seen there
during our March '98 tour in the eastern part of the island. The fore-mentioned
book does say that it has been noted as a rare migrant in the Virgin Islands.