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from some previous
focus on nature tours
Above: although also called the
"Canada Jay",
the Gray Jay is the most widespread jay in Alaska.
Below: the Steller's Jay is a bird
that was first described to science in Alaska.
following summaries here are with the most-recent tours first.
For some tours there are links below for longer narratives. Also there are links
Some Previous Tours:
2013 June 2001 May-June
1998 June 1995
Lists of:
Birds Alaska Mammals
Alaska Butterflies
& Moths
Alaska Wildflowers & some other Plants Alaska Marine Life (inc Fish)
FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Alaska
In all, there have been 8 FONT birding & nature tours
in Alaska.
Our ALASKA USA TOUR - June 2013
During our FONT
Alaska Birding & Nature Tour in June
2013 we enjoyed some wonderful bird sightings, including those
both Tufted and Horned Puffins close to us,
rafts of Common Murres on the sea along with many others on their
cliff-side ledges,
clouds of Black-legged Kittiwakes in the air, and also on their
cliff-side ledges,
a male Northern Wheatear singing its song, miles north of the Arctic
male and female Varied Thrushes together in a spruce tree,
both male and female Rufous Hummingbirds,
pairs of Barrow's Goldeneye and Surf Scoter on tranquil remote
Gray Jays accompanied by their darker than gray young,
and more, including both Bald and Golden Eagles, as well as Pine
Grosbeaks and Pine Siskins, Redpoll and Raven, Boreal Chickadee
and Alder Flycatcher (both outside a window at a place where we stayed), and both Red-necked
and Horned Grebes close to us, as were both Tundra and Trumpeter
The last of these, as much as any bird, symbolizes the wilderness of Alaska, as
it fits in so well with the beauty of the vast
The beauty of the Horned Grebe, in its breeding attire, was truly
something to behold.
A flock of over 20 Harlequin Ducks, males & females, compactly
together, was extraordinary.
And wonderful to see were two Wandering Tattlers, also along a rocky
coast. Those peregrinators were behaving for us as if sometime in their travels,
they had taken the time to read a bird guide themselves. Their actions were just
as the book said they should be, as they bobbed and called.
A Wandering Tattler in Alaska
(photo by Howard Eskin)
Calling atop treetops were Wilson's Snipes and Lesser Yellowlegs,
as the book says they do in their nesting areas.
Watching birds in Alaska is fun, even if they are birds that we might see
closer to home, acting differently.
And watching mammals was fun for us too, during our June 2013 Alaska
Tour. Those we saw included:
Brown (or Grizzly) Bear, Moose (even 2 of them walking
about in the parking lot of a place where we stayed), North American
Porcupine, North American Beaver, Barren Ground Caribou, Dall's (or White)
Sheep, Mountain Goat, the little Arctic Ground Squirrel, the big Humpback
Whale, Dall's Porpoise, Harbor Porpoise, Harbor Seal, Steller's Sea Lion,
the Sea Otter (on its back in the water), and the Hoary Marmot
(atop a rocky ridge).
Among the butterflies we saw were the Old World Swallowtail, Western
Tailed-Blue, Arctic White, Red-disked Alpine, and Mourning Cloaks on
an alpine tundra not far from the Arctic Circle.
Among the wildflowers and plants that we saw were Alpine Bearberry,
Labrador Tea, Moss Campion, Arctic Lupine, Wind Flower, and fields
full of Alaska Cotton.
No reptile lives in Alaska, but we did encounter, a few times, an amphibian,
the Wood Frog.
All of the wonderful nature and beautiful scenery that we saw and enjoyed were
from the Seward area in the south, to the Copper
River in the east, and north to the Brooks
Range, well north of the Arctic Circle.
Geographically in the middle of these, perhaps the best of all was the magnificent
mountain known as either Denali or Mount
McKinley, the highest mountain in North America.
Many people during their time in Alaska either do not see that mountain, or have
just a glimpse of part of it, as the weather of the mountains often covers it
with clouds.
But we were so fortunate to see it well, again and again, as we were lucky to have crystal clear days, even in the Alaska
At various times, we saw the massive mountain at a distance, but more than once
we saw it closely. Just about the only way we could have seen it more closely
would have been to climb it, and that we did not do.
In addition to the wondrous nature and the beauty of the land, and the
remoteness of places that most only read about (such as the Yukon
River and Brooks Range), we also
enjoyed during our tour some very fine meals (such as those with
fresh Alaskan Salmon), and some great companionship as we traveled and
had our adventures.
More about the FONT Alaska USA Tour in June 2013