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and nearby
Sonora, Mexico

Including those seen during 
 Focus On Nature Tours

A List of Dragonflies and Damselflies
in Arizona in the US and Sonora in Mexico  
compiled by Armas Hill

Photo at upper right: A NEON SKIMMER 
photographed during a FONT Arizona Tour in 2008
(photo by Doris Potter)


AZ:  occurs in Arizona
SO: occurs in Sonora, Mexico 

Numbers noted as (D:xx) refer to plates with photos in "Dragonflies through Binoculars - A Field Guide to Dragonflies of North America", by Sidney Dunkle  

(ph): species with a photo in the FONT website

A fine book, as an introduction and beyond, in relation to the dragonflies in Arizona and Sonora is "Dragonflies & Damselflies of the Southwest" by Robert Behrstock, published in 2008. 

Other good books include "Common Dragonflies of the Southwest, A Beginner's Pocket Guide" by Kathy Biggs, updated in 2010, and the most-thorough of books relating to western dragonflies, "Dragonflies & Damselflies of the West", by Dennis Paulson, 2009.    

Links to Grouping in this List:

DRAGONFLIES     Darners     Clubtails     Spiketails     Cruisers     Skimmers

  Broad-winged Damsels     Spreadwings     Shadowdamsels     Threadtails  
Pond Damsels     

Other Links:

Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in North America, including Arizona     

FONT Past Tour Highlights

A List & Photo Gallery of Arizona Birds, in 2 parts

A List & Photo Gallery of Arizona Mammals 

Lists & Photo Galleries of Arizona Butterflies & Grasshoppers

A List & Photo Gallery of Arizona Amphibians & Reptiles 

Other Lists & Photo Galleries of Dragonflies & Damselflies Elsewhere

Directory of Photos in this Website



The following genus ANAX are the GREEN DARNERS:

  1. Common Green Darner ______  AZ  SO  (D:1)  Flies in AZ: mid-Feb to late-Dec 
    Anax junius

    Common Green Darners, a male & a female 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  2. Giant Darner  ______  AZ  SO  (D:1)  Flies in AZ: early-Apr to mid-Oct
    Anax walsinghami

    The following genus CORYPHAESCHNA are the PILOT DARNERS:  

  3. Malachite Darner  ______  AZ  (D:2)  Flies in AZ: early-Jul to early-Nov
    Coryphaeschna lutelpennis

    The following genera AESHNA & RHIONAESCHNA are the MOSAIC DARNERS

  4. Persephone's Darner  ______  AZ  (D:4)    Flies in AZ: late-July to mid-Nov  
    Aeshna persephone

  5. Blue-eyed Darner  ______  AZ  SO  (D:5)  Flies in AZ: late-Feb to mid-Nov
    (now Rhionaeschna) multicolor

  6. Paddle-tailed Darner  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: early-Jul to early-Oct
    (now Rhionaeschna) palmata

  7. Arroyo Darner  ______  AZ  (D:5)   Flies in AZ: mid-May to late-Oct 
    (now Rhionaeschna) dugesi  

  8. California Darner  ______ (D:5) 
    Aeshna californica

  9. Variable Darner  ______  AZ  (D:5)   Flies in AZ: late-Jun to early-Oct
    Aeshna interrupta

  10. Turquoise-tipped Darner  ______  AZ  (D:6)  Flies in AZ: mid-Apr to late-Oct
    (now Rhionaeschna) psilus

    The following genus OPLONAESCHNA contains just 2 species, one of which is the RIFLE DARNER 

  11. Rifle Darner  ______  AZ  (D:6)  Flies in AZ: late-May to mid-Oct 
    Oplonaeschna armata


    The following genus STYLURUS are the HANGING CLUBTAILS: 

  12. Brimstone Clubtail  ______  AZ  (D:12)  Flies in AZ: lat-Jun to mid-Oct
    Stylurus intricatus

  13. Russet-tipped Clubtail  ______  AZ  (D:12)  Flies in AZ: late-Jun to mid-Nov
    Stylurus plagiatus

    The following genus PROGOMPHUS are the SANDRAGONS:

  14. Gray Sanddragon  ______  AZ  SO  (D:15)  Flies in AZ: early-Apr to mid-Nov
    Progomphus obscurus

    The following genus OPHIOGOMPHUS are the SNAKETAILS:

  15. Arizona Snaketail  ______  AZ  (D:16)  Flies in AZ: mid-Jun to early-Oct
    Ophiogomphus arizonicus

  16. Pale Snaketail  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: early to late-Aug
    Ophiogomphus severus

    The following genus ERPETOGOMPHUS are the RINGTAILS:

  17. Yellow-legged Ringtail  ______  SO  (D:18)  (occurred in Arizona in the past)
    Erpetogomphus crotalinus

  18. White-belted Ringtail  ______  AZ  SO  (D:18)  Flies in AZ: mid-Jun to mid-Nov
    Erpetogomphus compositus

  19. Serpent Ringtail  ______  AZ  (D:18)  Flies in AZ: mid-May to mid-Oct 
    Erpetogomphus lampropeltis

  20. Apache Spiketail  ______  AZ  (D:20)  Flies in AZ: early-Apr to late-Oct 
    Cordulegaster diadema

  21. Pacific Spiketail  ______  AZ
    Cordulegaster dorsalis


    The following genus MACROMIA are the RIVER CRUISERS:

  22. Western River Cruiser  ______  AZ  SO  (D:21)  Flies in AZ: early-Jun to early-Aug
    Macromia magnifica


    The following genus LIBELLULA are the KING SKIMMERS. PLATHEMIS are WHITETAILS. 

  23. Widow Skimmer  (ph)  ______  AZ  SO  (D:28)  Flies in AZ: early-May to early-Nov
    Libellula luctuosa

    A male Widow Skimmer
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  24. Common Whitetail  (ph)  ______  AZ  SO  (D:28)  Flies in AZ: late-Apr to early-Nov
    (or Plathemis) lydia

    Common Whitetail
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  25. Desert Whitetail  ______  AZ  SO  (D:28)  Flies in AZ: early-Apr to mid-Oct
    (or Plathemis) subornata

  26. Twelve-spotted Skimmer  (ph)  ______  AZ  (D:29)  (occurs in northern Arizona)  Flies in AZ: late-Jun to early-Sep 
    Libellula pulchella

    The Twelve-spotted Skimmer has also been called the "Ten Spot" for the number of white spots in the wings of the male, rather than the number of brown spots. 

    Twelve-spotted Skimmer
    (photo by Kate Somerville) 
  27. Eight-spotted Skimmer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Jun to late-Aug
    Libella forensis

  28. Four-spotted Skimmer ______  AZ   (D:29)  Flies in AZ: early-Jun to early-Aug 
    Libellula quadrimaculata

  29. Hoary Skimmer ______  AZ  (D:29)  Flies in AZ: mid-Jun to late-Aug
    Libellula nodisticta

  30. Comanche Skimmer  ______  AZ  SO  (D:30)  Flies in AZ: late-May to early-Nov
    Libellula comanche

  31. Flame Skimmer  (ph)  ______  AZ  SO  (D:32)  Flies in AZ: mid-Mar to mid-Nov
    Libellula saturata

    Flame Skimmer
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  32. Neon Skimmer  (ph)  ______  AZ  SO  (D:32)  Flies in AZ: early-Jun to early-Nov
    Libellula croceipennis

    Neon Skimmer
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  33. Bleached Skimmer  ______  AZ  (D:32)  Flies in AZ: late-Jun to early-Aug
    Libellula composita

    The following genus ORTHEMIS are the TROPICAL KING SKIMMERS: 

  34. Carmine Skimmer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: late-Aug to early-Nov
    Orthemis discolor 

  35. Roseate Skimmer  (ph)  ______  AZ  SO  (D:33)  Flies in AZ: all year
    Orthemis ferruginea

    Roseate Skimmer
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

    The following monotypic genus PSEUDOLEON is the FILIGREE SKIMMER: 

  36. Filigree Skimmer  ______  AZ  SO  (D:33)  Flies in AZ: mid-Feb to mid-Nov
    Pseudoleon superbus

    The following genus PALTOTHEMIS are the ROCK SKIMMERS:

  37. Red Rock Skimmer  ______  AZ  SO  (D:34)  Flies in AZ: late-Mar to mid-Nov
    Paltothemis lineatipes

    The following genus SYMPETRUM are the MEADOWHAWKS: 

  38. Cardinal Meadowhawk  ______  AZ  (D:34)  Flies in AZ: mid-Apr to mid-Nov
    Sympetrum illotum

  39. Western Meadowhawk  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: Mid-Jun to early-Nov
    Sympetrum occidentalis

  40. Variagated Meadowhawk  ______  AZ  SO  (D:35)
    Sympetrum corruptum
    (Range: from southern Canada to Belize & Honduras)

  41. Striped Meadowhawk    ______  AZ  (D:35)  Flies in AZ: early-Jun to early-Oct 
    Sympetrum pallipes

  42. Spot-winged Meadowhawk  ______  AZ  SO  (D:35)  Flies in AZ: early-Aug to late-Nov
    Sympetrum signiferum

  43. Band-winged Meadowhawk  ______  AZ  (D:36)  (in far-northern Arizona)
    Sympetrum semicinctum

    The following genus ERYTHRODIPLAX are the DRAGONLETS:

  44. Black-winged Dragonlet  ______  AZ  SO  (D:36)  (stray to Arizona & Texas from Mexico)  Flies in AZ: late-Sep to mid-Oct
    Erythrodiplax funerea

  45. Plateau Dragonlet  ______  AZ  SO  (D:37)  Flies in AZ: mid-March to mid-Nov 
    Erythrodiplax connata

  46. Seaside Dragonlet  ______  SO   (in salt marshes along both coasts of the Gulf of California) 
    Erythrodiplax berenice

    The following genus PERITHEMIS are the AMBERWINGS:  

  47. Mexican Amberwing  ______  AZ  SO  (D:38)  Flies in AZ: early-Apr to mid-Nov
    Perithemis intensa

  48. Slough Amberwing  ______  AZ  (D:38)  Flies in AZ: mid-July to early-Oct
    Perithemis domita

  49. Eastern Amberwing  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: late-Mar to late-Oct
    Perithemis tenera

    The following genus ERYTHEMIS are the PONDHAWKS:

  50. Western Pondhawk  ______  AZ  SO  (D:39)  Flies in AZ: mid-Feb to mid-Nov
    Erythemis collocata

  51. Pin-tailed Pondhawk  ______  SO  (recorded rarely in AZ, as of 2008 only once)  Flies in AZ: early-Sep  Flies perhaps all-year in SO (Sonora).
    Erythemis plebeja

  52. Great Pondhawk  ______  AZ  SO  (D:39)  Flies in AZ: early-Aug to mid-Oct  Flies perhaps all-year in SO (Sonora).
    Erythemis vesiculosa

    The following monotypic genus is the BLUE DASHER: 

  53. Blue Dasher ______  AZ  SO  (D:39)  Flies in AZ: early-Apr to mid-Nov
    Pachydiplax longipennis

    Blue Dasher
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

    The following genus MICRATHYRIA are the THORNBUSH:

  54. Thornbush Dasher  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid to late-Sep
    Micrathyria hagenii

    The following genus TRAMEA are the SADDLEBAGS:

  55. Black Saddlebags  (ph)  ______  AZ  SO  (D:40)  Flies in AZ: late-Mar to mid-Nov
    Tramea lacerata

    Black Saddlebags
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  56. Red Saddlebags  ______  AZ  SO  (D:41)  Flies in AZ: early Jan to mid-Nov
    Tramea anusta

  57. Antillean Saddlebags  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: late-Oct to mid-Nov
    Tramea insularis

    The following genus PANTALA are the RAINPOOL GLIDERS:

  58. Wandering Glider  ______  AZ  SO  (D:40)  Flies in AZ: mid-Apr to late-Nov
    Pantala flavescens

  59. Spot-winged Glider  ______  AZ  SO  (D:40)  Flies in AZ: mid-Mar to late-Oct
    Pantala hymenaea

    The following genus MACRODIPLAX are the MARL PENNANTS:

  60. Marl Pennant  ______  AZ  (D:42)  Flies in AZ: mid-Jun to mid-Oct 
    Macrodiplax balteata

    The following genus BRACHYMESIA are the TROPICAL PENNANTS:

  61. Red-tailed Pennant  ______  AZ  SO  (D:42)  Flies in AZ: mid-Jun to mid-Nov
    Brachymesia furcata

  62. Four-spotted Pennant  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-July to early-Oct
    Brachymesia gravida 

    The following genus CELITHEMIS are the SMALL PENNANTS:

  63. Halloween Pennant  (ph)   ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Sept
    Celithemis eponina

    The Halloween Pennant was first recorded in southeastern Arizona in 2006.

    Halloween Pennant
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

    The following genus DYTHEMIS are the SETWINGS:

  64. Checkered Setwing  ______  AZ  (D:46)  Flies in AZ: early-May to early-Nov
    Dythemis fugax

  65. Swift Setwing  ______  AZ  (D:46)  Flies in AZ: early-May to mid-Oct
    Dythemis velox

  66. Black Setwing  ______  AZ  (D:46)  Flies in AZ: late-Apr to mid-Nov 
    Dythemis nigrescens

  67. Mayan Setwing  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: late-Jul to late-Sep
    Dythemis maya

    The following genus BRECHMORHOGA are the CLUBSKIMERS:

  68. Pale-faced Clubskimmer  ______  AZ  SO  (D:46)  Flies in AZ: mid-Apr to mid-Nov
    Brechmorhoga mendax

  69. Masked Clubskimmer  ______  AZ  (D:46)  Flies in AZ: late-Jun to mid-Aug
    Brechmorhoga petinax

    The following genus MACROTHEMIS are the SYLPHS:

  70. Straw-colored Sylph  ______  AZ  (D:47)  Flies in AZ: late-Jul to late-Oct
    Macrothemis inacuta


    Broad-winged Damsels

    The following genus HETAERINA are the RUBYSPOTS:  

  71. American Rubyspot  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: late-Feb to late-Dec
    Hetaerina americana

  72. Canyon Rubyspot  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: mid-Mar to mid-Nov
    Hetaerina vulnerata


    The following genus ARCHILESTES are the STREAM SPREADWINGS: 

  73. California Spreadwing  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: early-Jul to late-Nov
    Archilestes californica

  74. Great Spreadwing  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: mid-Apr to mid-Dec
    Archilestes grandis

    The following genus LESTES are the POND SPREADWINGS:  

  75. Plateau Spreadwing  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: mid-Mar to mid-Nov
    Lestes alacer

  76. Spotted Spreadwing  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Jun to early-Sep 
    Lestes congener

  77. Northern Spreadwing  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: early-Jul to mid-Sep
    Lestes disjunctus

  78. Emerald Spreadwing  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: late-May to early-Sep 
    Lestes dryas


  79. Desert Shadowdamsel  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: mid-Jul to late-Sep 
    Palaemnema domina


  80. Orange-striped Thorntail  ______  SO
    Protoneura cara

    Pond Damsels

    The following genus AMPHIAGRION are the RED DAMSELS:
  81. Western Red Damsel  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ; late-Apr to late-Aug
    Amphiagrion abbreviatum

    The genus APANISAGRION: 

  82. Black-and-white Damsel  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: mid-Apr to mid-Nov 
    Apanisagrion lais

    The following genus ARGIA are the DANCERS:

  83. California Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: early-Apr to late-Dec
    Argia agrioides

  84. Palute Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Jun to early-Sep
    Argia alberta

  85. Blue-fronted Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Jul to late-Sep
    Argia apicalis

  86. Yaqui Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: early Sep
    Argia caricooki

  87. Spine-tipped Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: early-Apr to early-Dec
    Argia extranea

  88. Violet Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Apr to early-Nov
    Argia fumipennis violacea

  89. Lavender Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Apr to late-Nov
    Argia hinei

  90. Kiowa Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Mar to mid-Nov
    Argia immunda

  91. Sierra Madre Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: late-May to early-Nov
    Argia lacrimans

  92. Sooty Dancer  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: mid-Apr to late-Oct
    Argia lugens

  93. Powdered Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Apr to mid-Nov
    Argia moesta

  94. Apache Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-May to late-Aug
    Argia munda

  95. Aztec Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Mar to mid-Nov
    Argia najuana

  96. Fiery-eyed Dancer  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: mid-May to mid-Nov
    Argia oenea

  97. Amethyst Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Mar to mid-Nov
    Argia pallens

  98. Pima Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Jul to late-Oct
    Argia pima

  99. Springwater Dancer  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: late-Jan to mid-Nov 
    Argia plana

  100. Sabino Dancer  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: mid-May to early-Oct 
    Argia sabino

  101. Blue-ringed Dancer  (ph)  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: mid-Mar to mid-Nov 
    Argia sedula 

    Blue-ringed Dancer
    (photo by Kate Somerville)

  102. Tarascan Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Jun to late-Oct
    Argia tarascana

  103. Tezpi Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: early-May to early-Nov    
    Argia tezpi

  104. Tonto Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: early-May to early-Oct
    Argia tonto

  105. Dusky Dancer  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: early-May to mid-Nov
    Argia translata

  106. Vivid Dancer  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Mar to mid-Nov
    Argia vivida

    The genus COENAGRION:

  107. Taiga Bluet  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Jun to early-Jul 
    Coenagrion resolutum

    The following genus ENALLAGMA are the BLUETS:

  108. Northern Bluet  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Jun to late-Aug
    Enallagma annexum

  109. Double-striped Bluet  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: late-Mar to mid-Oct
    Enallagma basidens

  110. Boreal Bluet  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: early-Jun to early-Oct
    Enallagma boreale

  111. Tule Bluet  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Apr to mid-Oct
    Enallagma carunculatum

  112. Familiar Bluet  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: all-year
    Enallagma civile

  113. Baja Bluet  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: late-Jun to mid-Oct
    Enallagma eiseni

  114. Arroyo Bluet  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: late-Feb to mid-Nov
    Enallagma praevarum

  115. Claw-tipped Bluet  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: mid-Apr to early-Nov
    Enallagma semicirculare

    The following monotypic genus HESPERAGRION is the PAINTED DAMSEL:

  116. Painted Damsel  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: mid-Mar to late-Nov
    Hesperagrion heterdoxum

    The following genus ISCHNURA are the FORKTAILS:

  117. Desert Forktail  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: late-Mar to late-Oct
    Ischnura barberi

  118. Pacific Forktail  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: mid-Mar to early-Nov 
    Ischnura cervula

  119. Plains Forktail  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: late-Mar to early-Oct
    Ischnura damula

  120. Mexican Forktail  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: mid-Mar to early-Dec
    Ischnura demorsa

  121. Black-fronted Forktail  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: late-Mar to early-Nov
    Ischnura denticollis

  122. Citrine Forktail  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: late-Feb to mid-Nov
    Ischnura hastata

  123. Western Forktail  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: late-Jun to mid-Jul
    Ischnura perparva

  124. Rambur's Forktail  ______  AZ  Flies in AZ: late-Mar to late-Dec
    Ischnura ramburii

    The following genus TELEBASIS are the FORKTAILS: 

  125. Desert Forktail  ______  AZ  SO  Flies in AZ: mid-Mar to mid-Dec
    Telebasis salva  

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