during the FONT
& Nature Tour
in March/April 2003
List compiled by Armas Hill,
leader of the tour
March xx - April x, 2003
in highlands (western),
particularly in
the area
of Ruinas Copan, about 600 meters (1800 feet) above sea-level)
in the area of Lake Yojoa (various habitats)
cc: along the Caribbean
coast, including area of Tela (& Lancetilla)
along the Caribbean slope, including Pico Bonito
sp: in city of San Pedro
(t): a globally
threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International.
(t1): critical (t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally.
(i): an introduced species.
(GUr): rare in Guatemala
(i): introduced species.
r): rare in Honduras
(HNu): uncommon in Honduras
Other Wildlife in Central America
in Central America
Honduras Tour Highlights
Central America Tour Itineraries
Gallery of Tropical Latin American Birds & Nature

Little Tinamou ______cs
Crypturellus soui meserythrus
Pied-billed Grebe ______ ly,cc
Podilymbus p. podiceps
Least Grebe ______ ly,cc
Tachybaptus (formerly Podiceps) dominicus
Brown Pelican ______ cc
Pelecanus occidentalis carolinensis
American White Pelican (HNr) ______ cc
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos (monotypic)
Neotropic (formerly called Olivaceous) Cormorant ______ cc
Phalacrocorax brasilianus mexicanus (formerly P. olivaceous)
Magnificent Frigatebird ______ cc
Fregata magnificens (now said to be monotypic)
Cattle Egret ______ hc,ly,cc
Bubulcus i. ibis (the single member of its genus)
Green Heron ______ ly,cc (was at one time
considered conspecific with the nearly-cosmopolitan Striated Heron, and was
then called Green-backed Heron)
Butorides v. virescens
Little Blue Heron ______ hc,ly,cc
Egretta caerulea (monotypic)
Tricolored (has also been called Louisiana) Heron ______ cc
Egretta tricolor ruficollis
Snowy Egret ______ hc,cc
Egretta t. thula
Great Egret ______ hc,ly,cc
Ardea (formerly Casmerodius or Egretta) alba egretta
Great Blue Heron ______ ly,cc
Ardea h. herodias
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron ______ ly,cc
Tigrisoma mexicanum (monotypic)
Wood Stork ______ hc,cc
Mycteria americana (monotypic)
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck ______ ly,cc (at
one time called Black-bellied Tree-Duck)
Dendrocygna a. autumnalis
Fulvous Whistling-Duck ______ ly
Dendrocygna bicolor (although on 3 continents, monotypic)
Muscovy Duck ______ ly
Cairina moschata (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
Blue-winged Teal ______ ly,cc
Anas discors (monotypic)
Turkey Vulture ______ hc,ly,cc
Cathartes a. aura (another subspecies, C. a. meridionalis, from
central North America migrates thru Honduras, sometimes in large flocks)
Black Vulture ______ hc,ly,cc
Coragyps atratus (now said to be monotypic) (the single member of its
Osprey ______ ly,cc
Pandion haliaetus carolinensis (the single member of its genus) (anotehr
subspecies, P.h. ridgwayi, also in eastern Honduras near the Caribbean)
Snail Kite ______ ly
Rostrhamus s. sociabilis
White-breasted Hawk ______ hc
Common Black Hawk ______ cc
Gray Hawk ______ hc,cc (best be merged
with the more-southerly Gray-lined Hawk)
Buteo (or some say Asturina) plagiata (if merged, would be Buteo. or
Asturina, nitida plagiata; if Asturina, the single member of its genus)
Roadside Hawk ______ hc,cc
Buteo magnirostris griseocauda
Broad-winged Hawk ______ hc,ly
Buteo p. platypterus (migrant that breeds further north in North
Short-tailed Hawk ______ cs
Buteo brachyurus fuliginosus
Northern Crested Caracara ______ hc,cc
(formerly conspecific with the now Southern Caracara, Caracara plancus, of
South America, generally south of the Amazon)
Caracara cheriway (monotypic)
Laughing Falcon ______ hc
Herpetotheres cachinnans (the single member of its genus)
American Kestrel ______ hc
Falco sparverius tropicalis
Plain Chachalaca ______ cs
Ortalis vetula intermedia
Limpkin ______ ly
Aramus guarauna dolosus (the single member of its genus & family)
Gray-necked Wood-Rail ______ cc
Aramides cajanea albiventris
Ruddy Crake (or Red Rail) ______ cs
Laterallus ruber (monotypic)
Common Gallinule (or Moorhen) ______ ly
Gallinula chloropus cachinnans
Purple Gallinule ______ ly,cc
Porphyrula martinica (monotypic)
Northern Jacana ______ ly,cc
Jacana s. spinosa
Black-bellied (or Grey) Plover ______cc
Pluvialis squatarola cynosurae
Semipalmated Plover ______ cc
Charadrius semipalmatus (monotypic)
Black-necked Stilt ______ ly,cc (by some has
been said to be conspecific with the Black-winged Stilt of the Old World)
Himantopus (himantopus) mexicanus
"American" Whimbrel ______ ly,cc
Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus
Solitary Sandpiper ______ hc
Tringa solitaria
Spotted Sandpiper ______ hc,cc
Actitis macularia (monotypic)
Sanderling ______ cc
Calidris alba
Semipalmated Sandpiper ______ cc
Calidris pusilla (monotypic)
Laughing Gull ______ cc
Larus atricilla megalopterus
Gull-billed Tern (HNu) ______ ly
Gelochelidon (formerly Sterna) nilotica aranea
Caspian Tern ______ cc,ly
Hydroprogne (formerly Sterna) caspia (monotypic)
Royal Tern ______ cc
Thalasseus (formerly Sterna) m. maxima
Sandwich Tern ______ cc
Thalasseus (formerly Sterna) sandvicensis acuflavidus
Black Skimmer ______ cc
Rynchops n. niger
Common (or Feral) Pigeon (i) ______ ly,cc
Columba livia
Pale-vented Pigeon ______ ly,cc,cs
Patagioenas (formerly Columba) cayennensis pallidicrissa
Red-billed Pigeon ______ hc,ly
Patagioenas (formerly Columba) f. flavirostris
White-winged Dove ______ sp,ly
Zenaida a. asiatica
Ruddy Ground-Dove ______ hc,cc,cs
Columbina taipacoti rufipennis
Inca Dove ______ hc,cc
Columbina (or Scrdafella) inca (monotypic)
White-tipped (formerly White-fronted) Dove ______ hc,ly
Leptotila verreauxi bangsi
Scarlet Macaw ______ hc
Ara macao cyanopterus
Aztec Conure (or Parakeet) ______ hc,cs
(has been considered conspecific with the Olive-throated (or Jamaican)
Conure/Parakeet of the West Indies)
Aratinga a. astec
Brown-hooded Parrot ______ cc,cs
Pionopsitta h. haematotis
White-fronted Amazon (or Parrot) ______ hc,ly,cs
Amazona albifrons nana
Red-lored (or Yellow-cheeked) Amazon (or Parrot) ______
Amazona a. autumnalis
Yellow-headed Amazon (or Parrot) (HNr) ______ cc
Amazona oratrix hondurensis
Squirrel Cuckoo ______ ly,cs
Piaya cayana thermophila
Striped Cuckoo ______ ly
Tapera naevia excellens
Groove-billed Ani ______ hc,ly,cs
Crotophaga sulciroxtris (now monotypic, as a "second form"
in Mexico has become extinct)
"Ridgway's" Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl ______ ly,sp
(has been considered part of Ferruginous Pygmy Owl of South America)
Glaucicium r. ridgwayi
Lesser Nighthawk ______ ly,cc
Chordeiles acutipennis
Pauraque ______ hs,cc
Nyctidromus albicollis intercedens
Yucatan Nightjar (HNr) ______ cc (the species
was first found to be in Honduras in 1990)
Caprimulgus badius
White-collared Swift ______ cs
Streptoprocne zonaris mexicanus
Chestnut-collared Swift ______ hc
Cypseloides rutilus griseifrons
Chimney Swift ______ cc
Chaetura pelagica (monotypic)
Vaux's (or Dusky-backed) Swift ______ cs
Chaetura vauxi richmondi
Scaly-breasted Hummingbird ______ ly
Camplyopterus (has been Phaeochroa) cuvierii roberti
Green-breasted Mango ______ hc,cc
Anthracothorax p. prevostii
White-bellied Emerald ______ hc,cc
Amazilia c. candida
Azure-crowned Hummingbird ______ cc,hc
Amazilia c. cyanocephala
Berylline Hummingbird ______ hc
Amazilia beryllina devillei
Cinnamon Hummingbird ______ hc,ly
Amazilia rutila corallirostris
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird ______ ly
Amazilia t. tzacatl
Black-headed Trogon ______ cc,cs (has
been considered conspecific with the Citreoline Trogon of Mexico)
Trogon melanocephalus (now monotypic)
Ringed Kingfisher ______ cc
Megaceryle (formerly Ceryle) t. torquata
Amazon Kingfisher ______ ch,ly,cc
Chloroceryle amazona (now monotypic)
Green Kingfisher ______ cs
Chloroceryle americana septentrionalis
Turquoise-browed Motmot ______ hc,cc,cs
Eumomota superciliosa
Blue-crowned Motmot ______ hc,ly,cs
Momotus momota lessonii
Keel-billed Toucan ______ hc,cs
Ramphastos s. sulfuratus
Acorn Woodpecker ______ hc
Melanerpes formicivorus lineatus
Golden-fronted Woodpecker ______hc,ly,cc,cs,sp
Melanerpes (formerly Centurus) aurifrons santacruzi
Golden-olive Woodpecker ______ hc
Piculus rubiginosus maximus
Lineated Woodpecker ______ hc,cc
Dryocopus lineatus similis
Pale-billed Woodpecker ______ cc
Campephilus g. guatemalensis
Olivaceous Woodcreeper ______ hc
Sittasomus griseicapillus sylvioides (the single member of its genus
Cocoa Woodcreeper ______ cc
(formerly part of Buff-throated Woodcreeper)
Xiphorhynchus susurrans confinis
Ivory-billed (or Laughing) Woodcreeper ______ hc,cs
Xiphorhynchus flavigaster eburneirostris
Barred Antshrike ______ ly,cc
Thamnophilus doliatus intermedius
Rose-throated Becard ______ hc
Pachyramphus aglaiae sumichrasti
White-winged Becard ______ cs
Pachyramphus polychopterus cinereiventris
Masked Tityra ______ hc,ly,cs
Tityra semifasciata personata
Fork-tailed Flycatcher ______ hc,ly
Tyrannus savana monachus
Eastern Kingbird ______ cc
Tyrannus tyrannus (monotypic)
Gray Kingbird (mainland HNr) ______ cc
Tyrannus d. dominicensis
Tropical Kingbird ______ hc,ly,cc,cs,sp
Tyrannus melancholicus satrapa
Piratic Flycatcher ______ ly,cc
Legatus leucophaius variegatus (the single member of its genus)
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher ______ cc
Myiodynastes luteiventris (monotypic)
Streaked Flycatcher ______ hc
Myiodynastes maculatus insolens
Boat-billed Flycatcher ______ hc,cs
Megarynchus pitangua
Social Flycatcher ______ hc,ly,cc,cs
Myiozetetes similis texensis
Great Kiskadee ______ hc,ly,cc,cs,sp
Pitangus sulphuratus guatimalensis
Brown-crested Flycatcher ______ hc,cc
Myiarchus tyrannulus cooperi
Great Crested Flycatcher ______ hc
Myiarchus crinitus (monotypic)
Dusky-capped Flycatcher ______ hc
Myiarchus tuberculifer connectens
Bright-rumped Attila ______ cc
Attila spadicus flammulatus
Black Phoebe ______ hc
Sayornis nigricans aquaticus
Greater Pewee ______ hc
Western Wood-Pewee ______ hc
Contopus sordidulus
Tropical Pewee ______ ly,cs
Contopus cinereus brachytarsus
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher ______ cs,hc,ly
Empidonax flaviventis (monotypic)
Acadian Flycatcher ______ hc,cc
Empidonax virescens (monotypic)
Least Flycatcher ______ hc,cs
Empidonax minimus (monotypic)
Northern Royal Flycatcher ______ cc (has been
considered conspecific with related South Anerican species: the Amazonian
Royal Flycatcher, Pacific Royal Flycatcher, and Atlantic Royal Flycatcher)
Onychorhynchus mexicanus (if distinct from other Royal Flycatchers,
Common Tody-Flycatcher ______ hc,ly
Todirostrum cinereum finitimum
Northern Bentbill ______ hc
Oncostoma cinereigulare (monotypic)
Greenish Elaenia ______ hc,cc
Myiopagis viridicata placens
Yellow-bellied Elaenia ______ hc,ly
Elaenia flavogaster subpagana
Paltry (or Mistletoe) Tyrannulet ______ hc
Zimmerius v. vilissimus
White-collared Manakin ______ cs
Manacus candei
Brown Jay ______ hc,ly,cs
Cyanocorax m. morio
Bushy-crested Jay ______ hc
Cyanocorax m. melanocyanneus
White-throated Magpie-Jay ______ hc
(has been considered conspecific with Black-throated Magpie-Jay of Mexico)
Calocitta formosa pompata
Green Jay ______ hs,ly
Cyanocorax yncas centralis
Rufous-browed Peppershrike ______ hc
Cyclarhis gujanensis
Yellow-throated Vireo ______ cs
Vireo flavifrons (monotypic)
Plumbeous (formerly part of Solitary) Vireo ______ hc
Vireo plumbeus montanus
Wood Thrush ______ hc,ly,cs
Hylocichia (formerly Catharus) mustelinus (monotypic, and now the
single member of its genus)
Clay-colored Thrush (or Robin) ______ hc,ly,cs,sp
Turdus grayi megas
Tropical Mockingbird ______ hc
Mimus gilvus gracils
Gray Catbird ______ ly,cs
Dumetella carolinensis (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
Purple Martin ______ ly
Progne subis
Gray-breasted Martin ______ sp
Progne c. chalybea
Northern Rough-winged Swallow ______ hc,ly
Stelgidopteryx serripennis
Barn Swallow ______ hc,ly
Hirundo rustica
American Cliff Swallow ______ ly
Hirundo pyrrhonota
Brown Creeper ______ hc
Certhia americana extima
Rufous-naped Wren ______ ly,sp
Campylorhynchus rufinucha castaneus
Spot-breasted Wren ______ cs (closely
related to Speckle-breasted Wren of South America)
Thryothous maculipectus
Rufous-and-white Wren ______ ly
Thryothous r. rufalbus
Plain Wren ______ hc
Thryothous modestus
(Southern) House Wren ______ hc
Troglodytes (aedon?) musculus intermedius
White-breasted Wood-Wren ______ cc,cs
Henicorhina leucosticta prostheleuca
Black-and-white Warbler ______ hc,cs
Mniotilta varia (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
Blue-winged Warbler ______ cs
Vermivora pinus (monotypic)
Tennessee Warbler ______ hc,ly,cs
Vermivora peregrina (monotypic)
Tropical Parula ______ ly
Parula pitiayumi nigrilora
Yellow Warbler ______ hc,ly,cc,cs
Dendroica aestiva (was Dendroica petechia when Mangrove Warbler not
Magnolia Warbler ______ hc,ly,cs
Dendroica magnolia
Grace's Warbler ______ hc
Dendroica graciae remota
Chestnut-sided Warbler ______ hc,ly,cs
Dendroica pensylvanica (monotypic)
"Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler ______ hc,ly
Dendroica coronata auduboni
"Myrtle" Yellow-rumped Warbler ______ cc
Dendroica c. coronata
Black-throated Green Warbler ______ hc
Dendroica virens (now said to be monotypic)
Ovenbird ______ cs
Seiurus aurocapillus (2 subspecies winter in Central America)
Northern Waterthrush ______ ly,cc
Seiurus noveboracensis (now said to be monotypic)
Louisiana Waterthrush ______ cs
Seiurus motacilla
Common Yellowthroat ______ hc,ly
Geothlypis trichas (2 subspecies winter in Central America)
Wilson's Warbler ______ hc,ly,cs
Wilsonia pusilla (3 subspecies winter in Central America)
Hooded Warbler ______ ly,cs
Wilsonia citrina (monotypic)
American Redstart ______ hc,ly,cs
Setophaga ruticilla (now said to be monotypic; the single member of
its genus)
Painted Whitestart (or Redstart) ______ hc
Myioborus pictus
Red-faced Warbler ______ hc
Chestnut-capped Warbler ______ hc
(closely related to, maybe conspecific with Rufous-capped Warbler)
Basileuterus delattrii
Olive Warbler ______ hc
Peucedramus taeniatus giraudi
Green Honeycreeper ______ cc,cs
Chlorophanes spiza guatemalensis
Red-legged Honeycreeper ______ hc,ly
Cyanerpes cyaneus carneipes
Red-throated Ant-Tanager ______ cc,cs
Habia fuscicauda salvini
Hepatic Tanager ______ hc
Piranga hepatica
Summer Tanager ______ hc,ly
Piranga r. rubra
Scarlet Tanager ______ cc
Crimson-collared Tanager ______ hc,cc
Phlogothraupis s. sanguinolenta
Passerini's (formerly part of Scarlet-rumped) Tanager ______ cc
Ramphocelus passerinii (monotypic)
Blue-gray Tanager ______ hc,ly,cc,cs,sp
Thraupis episcopus cana
Yellow-winged Tanager ______ hc,ly,cc,cs
Thraupis abbas (monotypic)
Yellow-throated Euphonia ______ hc,cs
Euphonia hirundinacea
Golden-hooded Tanager ______ cs (closely
related to the Masked Tanager of South America)
Tangara l. larvata
Black-headed Saltator ______ hc,ly,cs
Saltator a. atriceps
Buff-throated Saltator ______ cs
Saltator maximus magnoides
Rose-breasted Grosbeak ______ hc
Pheucticus ludovicianus
"Black" Variable Seedeater ______ cs
Sporophila aurita corvina
White-collared Seedeater ______ ly,cc,cs
Sporophila torqueola morelleti
Yellow-faced Grassquit ______ hc
Tiaris olivacea pusilla
Blue-black Grassquit ______ hc
Volatinia jacarina splendens (the single member of its genus)
Rusty Sparrow ______ hc,hs
Aimophila rufescens
Chestnut-headed Oropendola ______ hc,ly
Zarhynchus w. wagleri
Montezuma Oropendola ______ hc,ly,cs
Psarocolius montezuma (monotypic)
Yellow-billed Cacique ______ hc
Amblycercus h. holosericeus
Altamira Oriole ______ hc
Icterus gularis gigas
Streak-backed Oriole ______ hc
Icterus pustulatus alticola
Spot-breasted Oriole ______ hc,ly,cc
Icterus pectoralis guttulatus
Yellow-backed Oriole ______ hc
Icterus c. chrysater
Baltimore Oriole ______ hc,ly,cs
Icterus galbula (monotypic)
Orchard Oriole ______ hc,ly,cs
Icterus s. spurius
Red-winged Blackbird ______ ly,cc
Agelaius phoeniceus richmondi
Melodious Blackbird ______ hc,ly,cb
Dives dives (monotypic)
Great-tailed Grackle ______ hc,ly,cc,cb,sp
Quiscalus m. mexicanus
Bronzed (or Red-eyed) Cowbird ______ hc,cc
Molothrus a. aeneus
Giant Cowbird ______ cc
Scaphidura (Molothrus) oryzivora impacifica
Black-headed Siskin ______ hc
Carduelis notata forreri
Lesser Goldfinch ______ hc
Carduelis psaltria colombianus
House Sparrow (i) ______ hc
Passer domesticus
& Other Nature during FONT Tours in Honduras
(in December,
February, March, April)
Mantled Howler Monkey ______ cc
Alouatta palliata
Central American Agouti ______ hc,ly,cs
Dasyprocta punctata
White-nosed Coati ______ ly
Nasua narica
Northern Raccoon ______ cc
Procyon lotor
Neotropical River Otter ______ ly
Lutra longicaudis
Eastern Cottontail ______ ly
Sylvilagus floridanus
Variegated Squirrel ______ ly,cs
Sciurus variegatoides
sac-winged bat (sp.) ______ cc
Saccopteryx spp.
bat (sp.) ______ cc,cs
Leaf-cutter and other ants ______ hc,cs
an assortment of butterflies ______ hc,ly,cc,cs