Birds found during our
Colorado Tour
for Grouse & More
in 2004
also in adjacent Kansas, Nebraska,
Oklahoma, & Wyoming
List compiled by Armas Hill
Dates: April 17-24, 2004
in Colorado (co)
in adjacent Kansas (ks)
in adjacent Nebraska (ne)
in adjacent Oklahoma (ok)
in nearby Wyoming (wy)
(t): a globally threatened or rare
species, designated by Birdlife International
(t1): critical (t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally
(r/co): rare in Colorado
(r/ks): rare in Kansas
(i): introduced species
(h): heard only
List of Birds during our Colorado Tours
In cumulative lists of birds, scientific names
are given & subspecies are noted.
American Mammals
A list of Mammals during our April '04 tour in
Colorado & adjacent states follows the bird-list.
North American Birding & Nature Tours
- Eared Grebe - co,wy
- Pied-billed Grebe - co
- Western Grebe - co,ks
- Clark's Grebe - co
- American White Pelican - co,wy
- Double-crested Cormorant - co
- Great Blue Heron - co,wy
- Snowy Egret - co
- White-faced Ibis - co
- Canada Goose - co,ks,wy
- Snow Goose - co
- Wood Duck - co
- Mallard - co,wy
- Gadwall - co,wy
- Northern Pintail - co,wy
- American Wigeon - co,wy
- Northern Shoveler - co
- Cinnamon Teal - co,wy
- Blue-winged Teal - co,ks
- American Green-winged Teal - co,wy
- Redhead - co,wy
- Canvasback - co,wy
- Ring-necked Duck - co
- Lesser Scaup - co,wy
- Bufflehead - co,wy
- Common Merganser - co,wy
- Red-breasted Merganser - co
- Ruddy Duck - co
- Turkey Vulture - co,ne
- Golden Eagle - co,wy
- Bald Eagle - wy
- Northern Harrier - co,ks,wy
- Sharp-shinned Hawk - co
- Cooper's Hawk - co,ne
- Swainson's Hawk - co,ks,ne,wy
- Red-tailed Hawk - co,wy
- "Harlan's Red-tailed Hawk - co
- Rough-legged Hawk - co
- American Kestrel - co,ks,ne,wy
- Prairie Falcon - co
- Northern Bobwhite - ks
- Scaled Quail - co
- Common (or Ring-necked) Pheasant (i) -
- GUNNISON SAGE-GROUSE (t2) -co (nearly
endemic to Colorado, only a few in Utah)
- Wild Turkey - ks,ne
- American Coot - co,wy
- Sandhill Crane - co
- Snowy Plover - co
- Mountain Plover (t3) (r/ks) - ks
- Killdeer - co,wy
- American Avocet - co,wy
- Black-necked Stilt - co
- Lesser Yellowlegs - co
- Long-billed Curlew (nt) - co,ks
- Marbled Godwit - co
- Baird's Sandpiper - co
- Western Sandpiper - co
- Least Sandpiper - co
- Wilson's Snipe - co (was called
Common Snipe when conspecific with the Old World population)
- Bonaparte's Gull - co
- Franklin's Gull - co,ks,wy
- Ring-billed Gull - co
- California Gull - co,wy
- Forster's Tern - co
- Feral Pigeon (i) - co,ks,wy
- Eurasian Collared-Dove (i) - ks,ne
- Mourning Dove - co,ks,ne,wy
- Great Horned Owl - ks
- Burrowing Owl - co,ks,ne
- White-throated Swift
- co
- Belted Kingfisher - co,wy
- Red-bellied Woodpecker (r/co) - co
- Downy Woodpecker - co
- Hairy Woodpecker - co
- Northern Flicker - co,ks,ne,wy
(during the tour, mostly Red-shafted form, but some Yellow-shafted in
far-east Colorado, Kansas, & Nebraska)
- Dusky Flycatcher (r/ks) - ks (a
- Gray Flycatcher - co
- Eastern Phoebe - co,ks
- Say's Phoebe - co
- Ash-throated Flycatcher - co
- Western Kingbird - ks
- Loggerhead Shrike - co,ok
- Tree Swallow - co,ks,wy
- Violet-green Swallow - co
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow - co
- Bank Swallow - co (called Sand Martin
in the Old World)
- Barn Swallow - co,ne,ok
- Cliff Swallow - ks
- Horned Lark - co,ks,ne,ok,wy
- Steller's Jay - co
- Blue Jay - co,ne
- Western Scrub-Jay - co
- Gray Jay - co
- Clark's Nutcracker - co
- Black-billed
Magpie - co,ks,wy
- Northern Raven - co,wy
- Chihuahuan Raven - co
- American Crow - co,wy
- Juniper Titmouse - co
- Black-capped Chickadee - co,wy
- Mountain Chickadee - co,wy
- Common Bushtit - co
- Red-breasted Nuthatch - co,wy
- White-breasted Nuthatch - co
- Pygmy Nuthatch - co
- Bewick's Wren - co
- Marsh Wren - co
- Rock Wren - co
- American Dipper - co
- Golden-crowned Kinglet - co
- Mountain Bluebird - co,wy
- Western Bluebird - co
- Eastern Bluebird - co
- Townsend's Solitaire - co
- American Robin - co,ks,ne,wy
- Hermit Thrush - co
- Northern Mockingbird - co
- Brown Thrasher (r/co) - co
- Sage Thrasher - wy
- European Starling (i) - co,ks,ne,wy
- American Pipit - co,wy
- Northern Parula (r/co) - co
- Worm-eating Warbler (r/co) - co
- Orange-crowned Warbler - co,ks
- Virginia's Warbler - co
- "Audubon's" (part of Yellow-rumped)
Warbler - co
- "Myrtle" (part of Yellow-rumped)
Warbler - co
- Western Meadowlark - co,ks,ne,ok,wy
- Red-winged Blackbird - co,ks,ne,wy
- Yellow-headed Blackbird - co,ks,wy
- Brewer's Blackbird - co,wy
- Common Grackle - co,ks,ne,wy
- Great-tailed Grackle - co,ks
- Brown-headed Cowbird - co,ks
- Northern Cardinal (r/co) - co
- Spotted Towhee - co
- Green-tailed Towhee - co
- Canyon Towhee - co
- Brewer's Sparrow - co
- Chipping Sparrow - co,ne
- Grasshopper Sparrow - ks
- Vesper Sparrow - co,ks,ne,ok
- Harris' Sparrow - co
- White-crowned Sparrow - co,ks
- Song Sparrow - co
- "Slate-colored" (part of
Dark-eyed) Junco - co,wy
- "Pink-sided" (part of Dark-eyed)
Junco - wy
- "Gray-headed" (part of Dark-eyed)
Junco - co,wy
- McCown's Longspur - co
- Chestnut-collared Longspur - co
- Evening Grosbeak - wy
- Pine Grosbeak - co,wy
- Brown-capped Rosy-Finch - co (almost
endemic to Colorado)
- Cassin's Finch - co,wy
- House Finch - co,ks,ne
- Red Crossbill - co,wy
- Pine Siskin - co,wy
- American Goldfinch - ne
- House Sparrow (i) - co,ks,ne,wy
Mammals during our April '04 Tour
in Colorado & adjacent states
co: Colorado
ks: Kansas
wy: Wyoming
Coyote - co
Red Fox - co
Northern Raccoon - co
Yellow-bellied Marmot - co (the "Rockchuck")
Black-tailed Prairie Dog - co,ks,ne
Wyoming Ground Squirrel - co,wy (formerly conspecific with Richardson's
Ground Squirrel)
Least Chipmunk - wy
Eastern Fox Squirrel - co,ne
Red Squirrel - co
Olive-backed Pocket Mouse - co
Plains Pocket Mouse - ks
Muskrat - wy
Mountain Cottontail (has also been called Nuttall's Cottontail) - co
Desert Cottontail - co
Eastern Cottontail - co,ks
Black-tailed Jackraqbbit - ks
White-tailed Jackrabbit - co
Snowshoe (or Varying) Hare - co
Bighorn Sheep - co
(Plains) Bison (also called Buffalo) - co
Pronghorn - co,wy
(American) Elk (also called Wapiti) - co,wy
Moose - co (In Europe, called Elk) (As many as 10 Moose were seen during
the '04 tour in Colorado.)
Mule Deer - co,wy
North American Porcupine
Striped Skunk
Tracks in snow:
Pine Marten