PO Box 9021, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA
E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
Phone: Toll-free in USA 1-8
 or 302/529-1876


Birds during 
Focus On Nature Tours 
Costa Rica 

during the Summer, in July

91: July 7-14, 1991 (in Guanacaste only)
99: July 17-30, 1999
05: July 3-13, 2005

A Listing compiled by Armas Hill

424 species (& 2 additional subspecies) have been found during FONT tours in Costa Rica in July. 

Of our 30 FONT tours in Costa Rica, 3 have been during July. All of them have been in mostly northern Costa Rica. The '99 tour, however, did go as far south as the areas of Carara and San Isidro de General. 


(t): a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International.
(t1): critical     (t2): endangered     (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally.
(i): introduced species.
(CRe): Costa Rican endemic
(r/CR): rare in Costa Rica
(r/CRs): rare in Costa Rica in the summer



Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Costa Rica 

A Complete List of Costa Rica Birds  (with some photos)

Hummingbirds of the Americas  (with some photos)

Costa Rican Mammals  (with some photos)  

A List & Photo Gallery of Central American Butterflies & Moths, in 6 parts

Amphibians & Reptiles of Costa Rica & Panama  (with some photos)

Directory of Photos in this Website 


  1. Great Tinamou ______   91h  99h  05h
    Tinamus major

  2. Little Tinamou ______   99h
    Crypturellus soui

  3. Thicket Tinamou ______   91  05h
    Crypturellus cinnamomeus

  4. Gray-headed Chachalaca ______   99  05
    Ortalis cinereiceps

  5. Crested Guan ______   99  05
    Penelope purpurascens

  6. Black Guan (nt) ______   05
    Chamaepetes unicolor

  7. Great Curassow (nt) ______   91  99
    Crax rubra

  8. Buffy-crowned (or Buff-fronted) Wood-Partridge ______   05
    Dendrotyx leucophrys

  9. Spot-bellied Bobwhite ______  91  99  05
    Colinus leucopogon

  10. Black-eared Wood Quail ______   99h  
    Odontophorus melanotis

    The Black-eared Wood Quail was conspecific with the Rufous-fronted Wood Quail of South America.  

  11. Black-bellied Whistling Duck ______   91  99  05
    Dendrocygna autumnalis

  12. Fulvous Whistling Duck ______  99
    Dendrocygna bicolor

  13. Muscovy Duck ______  91  99  05
    Cairina moschata

  14. Sooty Shearwater ______  99
    Puffinus griseus

  15. Least Grebe ______   99
    Tachybaptus dominicus

  16. Wood Stork ______   91  99  05
    Myceteria americana

  17. Jabiru (r/CR) ______   99  05
    Jabiru mycteria

  18. Green Ibis ______   99  05
    Mesembrinibis cayennensis

  19. American White Ibis ______   91  99  05
    Eudocimus albus

  20. Glossy Ibis ______   91  99
    Plegadis falcinellus

  21. Roseate Spoonbill ______   91  99  05
    (formerly Ajala) ajaja

  22. Bare-throated Tiger Heron ______   91  99  05
    Tigrisoma mexicanum

  23. Black-crowned Night Heron ______   91  99
    Nycticorax nycticorax

  24. Yellow-crowned Night Heron ______   91
    Nyctanassa violacea

  25. Boat-billed Heron ______   91  99  05
    Cochlearius cochlearius

  26. Agami (or Chestnut-bellied) Heron (r/CR) ______   05
    Agamia agami

  27. Western Cattle Egret ______   91  99  05
    Bubicus ibis

  28. Green Heron ______   91  99  05
    Butorides virrescens

  29. Little Blue Heron ______  91  99  05
    Egretta caerulea

  30. Tricolored Heron ______  91  99
    Egretta tricolor

  31. Snowy Egret ______   91  99  05
    Egretta thula

  32. Great Egret ______   91  99  05
    (has been Casmerodius) alba egretta

  33. Great Blue Heron ______   99
    Ardea herodias 

  34. Magnificent Frigatebird ______   91  99  05
    Fregata magnificens 

  35. Brown Pelican ______  91  99  05
    Pelecanus occidentalis

  36. Brown Booby ______   99  05
    Sula leucogaster

  37. Neotropic Cormorant ______   91  99  05
    Phalacorcorax brasilianus

  38. Anhinga ______  99  05
    Anhinga anhinga

  39. Turkey Vulture ______   91  99  05
    Cathartes aura

  40. Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture ______   99
    Cathartes burrovianus

  41. Black Vulture ______   91  99  05
    Coragyps atratus

  42. King Vulture ______   99  05
    Sarcoramphus papa

  43. Northern Crested Caracara ______  91  99  05
    Caracara cheriway

  44. Yellow-headed Caracara ______  99  05
    Milvago chimachima

  45. Laughing Falcon ______  91  99  05
    Herpetotheres cachinnans 

  46. Barred Forest Falcon ______  99
    Micrastur ruficollis

  47. Collared Forest Falcon ______  99
    Micrastur semitorquatus 

  48. Bat Falcon ______  91  99  05
    Falco rufigularis

  49. American Kestrel (r/CRs) ______  05
    Falco sparverius

  50. Osprey ______   91  99
    Pandion haliaetus

  51. Gray-headed (or Cayenne) Kite ______  99  05
    Leptodon cayanensis

  52. Snail Kite ______  99
    Rostrhamus sociabilis

  53. Swallow-tailed Kite ______  99  05
    Elanoides forficatus

  54. White-tailed Kite ______   91  99  05
    Elanus leucurus

  55. Double-toothed Kite ______   91  99
    Harpagus bidentatus 

  56. Plumbeous Kite ______   91  99  05
    Ictinia plumbea

  57. Crane Hawk ______  99
    Geranospiza caerulesens 

  58. Barred (or Black-chested) Hawk ______   99
    Leucopternis princeps

  59. Semiplumbeous Hawk  (nt) ______   99
    Leucopternis semiplumbeus

  60. White Hawk ______   99
    Leucopternis albicollis

  61. Common Black Hawk ______   05 
    Buteogallus anthracinus

  62. "Mangrove (or Pacific) Black Hawk"  ______  91  99      
    Buteogallus anthracinus bangsi

    The "Mangrove Black Hawk" is best considered as a part of the Common Black Hawk. 

  63. Montane Solitary Eagle ______   05 
    (formerly Harpyhaliaetus) solitarius 

  64. Bay-winged (or Harris') Hawk ______  99
    Parabuteo unicinctus

  65. Gray Hawk  ______  91  99
    Buteo plagiatus

    The Gray Hawk has been considered conspecific with the Gray-lined Hawk (below).  
    Buteo plagiatus, the Gray Hawk, ranges from northern Costa Rica north into to the US in southern Arizona and southern Texas (and rarely into southern New Mexico).
    Buteo nitidus, the Gray-lined Hawk, ranges from Costa Rica south into South America.    

  66. Gray-lined Hawk ______  91  99  
    Buteo nitidus costaricensis

  67. Roadside Hawk ______  91  99  05
    Rupornis magnirostris 
    (formerly Buteo magnirostris)

  68. Short-tailed Hawk ______  99
    Buteo brachyurus

  69. Zone-tailed Hawk ______  91
    Buteo albonotatus

  70. Red-tailed Hawk ______  05
    Buteo jamaicensis costaricensis

  71. Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle ______  99  05
    Spizastus melanoleucus

  72. Gray-necked Wood Rail ______  05
    Aramides cajanea

  73. Rufous-necked Wood Rail ______   99
    Aramides axillaris

  74. White-throated Crake ______  99h  05h
    Laterallus albigularis

  75. Common Gallinule  ______  05
    Gallinula chloropus

  76. Purple Gallinule ______  99  05
    Porphyrio martinica

  77. Sungrebe ______  99  05
    Heliornis fulica

  78. Sunbittern ______  91
    Eurypyga helias

  79. Limpkin ______  99  05
    Aramus guarauna

  80. Northern Jacana ______   99  05
    Jacana spinosa

  81. Black-necked Stilt ______   99  05
    Himantopus mexicanus

  82. Double-striped Thick-knee ______   91  99  05
    Burbinus bistriatus

  83. Black-bellied (or Grey) Plover ______  99
    Pluvialis squatarola

  84. Semipalmated Plover ______  91  99
    Charadrius semipalmatus

  85. Collared Plover ______   91  99
    Charadrius collaris

  86. Whimbrel ______   91  99
    Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus

  87. Lesser Yellowlegs ______  99
    Tringa flavipes

  88. Willet ______  91  99
    Tringa semipalamatus

  89. Spotted Sandpiper ______  91  99
    Actitis macularia

  90. Ruddy Turnstone ______  99
    Arenaria interpres

  91. Short-billed Dowitcher ______  99
    Limnodromus griseus

  92. Western Sandpiper ______  99
    Calidris mauri

  93. Semipalmated Sandpiper ______  99
    Calidris pusilla

  94. Least Sandpiper ______  99
    Calidris minutilla

  95. Parasitic Jaeger ______  99
    Stercorarius parasiticus

  96. Laughing Gull ______  91  99
    (formerly Larus) atricilla

  97. Royal Tern ______  91  99
    (formerly Sterna) maxima

  98. Brown Noddy ______  05
    Anous stolidus

  99. Feral Pigeon (i) ______  91  99  05
    Columba livia

  100. Scaled Pigeon ______   99  05
    Patagioenas speciosa

  101. Band-tailed Pigeon ______  99  05
    Patagioenas fasciata

  102. Pale-vented Pigeon ______  99  05
    Patagioenas pallidicirissa

  103. Red-billed Pigeon ______  91  99  05
    Patagioenas flavirostris

  104. Ruddy Pigeon ______  99
    Patagioenas subvinacea

  105. Short-billed Pigeon ______  99  05
    Patagioenas nigrirostris

  106. Mourning Dove ______  91  99  05
    Zenaida macroura 

  107. White-winged Dove ______  91  99  05
    Zenaida asiatica

  108. Common Ground Dove ______  91  99  05
    Columbina passerina

  109. Plain-breasted Ground Dove ______  99
    Columbina minuta

  110. Ruddy Ground Dove ______  91  99  05
    Columbina taipacoti

  111. Inca Dove ______  91  99  05
    (formerly Scardafella) inca

  112. Blue Ground Dove ______  99  05
    Claravis pretiosa

  113. White-tipped Dove ______  91  99  05
    Leptotila verrreauxi 

  114. Gray-headed Dove ______  99  
    Leptotila plumbeiceps

    The Gray-headed Dove has been considered by some to be conspecific with the Gray-fronted Dove of South America.

  115. Gray-chested Dove ______   99
    Leptotila cassinii

  116. Buff-fronted Quail-Dove ______   99
    Geotrygon costaricensis

  117. Ruddy Quail-Dove ______  05
    Geotrygon montana

  118. Scarlet Macaw ______  91  99  05
    Ara macao

  119. Great Green Macaw (t3) ______   05
    Ara ambigus

  120. Crimson-fronted Parakeet  ______  99  05  
    (formerly Aratinga) finschi

    Another name for Psittacara finschi is Finch's Conure.  

  121. Aztec Parakeet ______   05  
    (formerly Aratinga) astec

    The Aztec Parakeet was part of the former Olive-throated Parakeet, which also included the Jamaican Parakeet.

  122. Orange-fronted Parakeet  ______  91  99  05
    (formerly Aratinga) canicularius

  123. Orange-chinned Parakeet ______  91  99  05  
    Brotogeris jugularis

    Another name for Brotogeris jugularis has been Tovi Parakeet.

  124. Sulphur-winged Parakeet ______  05
    Pyrrhura hoffmanni

  125. Brown-hooded Parrot ______  99  05
    Pionopsitta haematotis

  126. White-crowned Parrot ______   91  99  05
    Pionus senilla

  127. White-fronted Amazon ______   91  99  05
    Amazona albifrons

  128. Red-lored (or Yellow-cheeked) Amazon ______  91  99  05
    Amazona autumnalis

  129. Yellow-naped Amazon  (t2) ______   91  99  05
    Amazona auropalliata

  130. Mealy Amazon ______   99  05   
    Amazona farinosa

    Amazona farinosa
    has also been called the Blue-crowned Amazon.  

  131. Squirrel Cuckoo ______  91  99  05
    Piaya cayana 

  132. Groove-billed Ani ______  91  99  05
    Crotophaga suiciroxtris

  133. Smooth-billed Ani _____  99
    Crotophaga ani

  134. Striped Cuckoo ______  99
    Tapera naevia

  135. Lesser Ground Cuckoo ______  91
    Morococcyx erythropygus

  136. American Barn Owl ______  91  99  05
    Tyto furcata pratincola

  137. Vermiculated Screech Owl ______  99
    Megascops vermiculatus

  138. Pacific Screech Owl ______  91  05
    Megascops cooperi

  139. Spectacled Owl ______  91
    Pulsatrix perspicillata

  140. Central American Pygmy Owl ______  99  
    Glaucidium griseiceps

    The Central American Pygmy Owl was part of the former Least Pygmy Owl.

  141. Costa Rican Pygmy Owl  ______  
    Glaucidium costaricanum

    The Costa Rican Pygmy Owl was part of the more-southerly Andean Pygmy Owl. 

  142. "Ridgway's" Ferruginous Pygmy Owl ______   91  99  05
    Glaucidium (brasilianum) ridgwayi

  143. Mexican Wood Owl ______  99
    Strix virgata

    The Mexican Wood Owl has been considered part of the Mottled Owl, now a South American species. 

  144. Striped Owl ______  99
    (formerly Asio) clamator

  145. Great Potoo ______  99
    Nyctibius grandis

  146. Short-tailed (or Semicollared) Nighthawk ______  99
    Lurocalis semitorquatus

  147. Lesser Nighthawk ______  91  99
    Chordeiles acutipennis

  148. Pauraque ______  91  99  05
    Nyctidromus albicollis

  149. White-chinned Swift ______  99  05
    Cypseloides cryptus

  150. White-collared Swift ______  91  99  05
    Streptoprocne zonaris

  151. Vaux's (or Dusky-backed) Swift ______  91  99  05
    Chaetura vauxi

  152. Costa Rican Swift ______  99  
    Chaetura fumosa

    The Costa Rican Swift has been part of the more-southerly Band-rumped Swift. 

  153. Gray-rumped Swift ______   99
    Chaetura cinereiventris

  154. Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift ______  99  05
    Panyptila cayennensis

  155. Band-tailed Barbthroat ______  99
    Threnetes ruckeri

  156. Green Hermit ______  05
    Phaethornis guy

  157. Long-billed Hermit ______  99
    Phaethornis longirostris

    The Long-billed Hermit was part of the Long-tailed Hermit. 

  158. Stripe-throated Hermit ______  91  99  05 
    Phaethornis striigularis

    The Stripe-throated Hermit was part of the Little Hermit. 

  159. Violet Sabrewing ______  99  05
    Campylopteus hemileucurs

  160. White-necked Jacobin ______  99
    Florisuga mellivora

  161. Brown Violetear ______  99  05
    Colibri delphinae

  162. Green Violetear ______  99  05
    Colibri thalassinus

  163. Green-breasted (or Prevost's) Mango ______  99  05
    Anthracothorax prevostii

  164. Violet-headed Hummingbird ______  99  05
    Klais guimeti

  165. Green Thorntail ______  99  05
    (formerly Popelairia) conversii

  166. Salvin's Emerald _____   91  99  
    Chlorostilbon salvini

    The Salvin's Emerald was part of the former Fork-tailed Emerald.

  167. Violet-crowned Woodnymph ______  99  05
    Thalurania colombica

  168. Fiery-throated Hummingbird ______  99  05
    Panterpe insignis

  169. Mangrove Hummingbird  (t2) (CRe)  ______  99
    Amazilia boucardi

  170. Steely-vented Hummingbird ______  91  99  05
    Amazilia saucerrottei 

  171. Cinnamon Hummingbird ______  91  99  05
    Amazilia rutila

  172. Rufous-tailed Hummingbird ______  99  05
    Amazilia tzacatl

  173. Stripe-tailed Hummingbird ______  05
    Eupherusa eximia

  174. Black-bellied Hummingbird ______  99  05
    Eupherusa nigriventris

  175. Snowcap ______  05
    Microchera albocoronata

  176. Coppery-headed Emerald  (CRe) ______  99  05
    Elvira cupreiceps

  177. Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer ______  99  05  
    Chalybura urochrysia

    Chalybura urochrysia
    has also been called the Red-footed Plumeleteer. 

  178. White-bellied Mountain-gem ______   99
    Lampornis hemileucus

  179. Purple-throated Mountain-gem ______   99  05
    Lampornis calolaema

  180. Gray-tailed Mountain-gem  (CRe) ______  99  05
    Lampornis cinereicauda

  181. Green-crowned Brilliant ______  99  05
    Heliodoxa jacula

  182. Magnificent Hummingbird ______  99  05
    Eugenes fulgens

  183. Purple-crowned Fairy ______  99  05
    Heliothryx barroti

  184. Plain-capped Starthroat ______  91
    Heliomaster constantii

  185. Long-billed Starthroat ______  05
    Heliomaster longirostris

  186. Magenta-throated Woodstar ______  05
    Calliphiox bryantae

  187. Scintillant Hummingbird ______  99  05
    Selasphorus scintilla

  188. Volcano Hummingbird ______  99  05
    Selasphorus flammula
  189. Resplendent Quetzal  (nt) ______  99  05
    Pharomachrus mocinno

  190. Slaty-tailed (or Massena) Trogon ______  99  05
    Trogon massena

  191. Black-headed Trogon ______  91  99  05
    Trogon melanocephalus

  192. Elegant Trogon ______  05
    Trogon elegans

  193. Collared Trogon ______  99
    Trogon collaris

  194. Orange-bellied Trogon ______  99  
    Trogon (collaris) underwoodi

    The Orange-bellied Trogon has been considered part of the Collared Trogon. 

  195. Black-throated Trogon ______  99
    Trogon rufus

  196. Gartered Trogon ______  99  05   
    Trogon caligatus 

    The Gartered Trogon was part of the Violaceous Trogon, now a species in South America.

  197. Ringed Kingfisher ______  91  99  05
    Megaceryle torquata

  198. Amazon Kingfisher ______  99  05
    Chloroceryle amazona

  199. Green Kingfisher ______  91  99  05
    Chloroceryle americana

  200. American Pygmy Kingfisher ______  05
    Chloroceryle aenea

  201. Turquoise-browed Motmot ______  91  99  05
    Eumomota superciliosa

  202. Blue-diademed Motmot ______  91  99  05
    Momotus lessonii

    The Blue-diademed Motmot was part of the formerly expanded Blue-crowned Motmot. 

  203. Rufous-tailed Jacamar ______  99
    Galbula ruficauda

  204. White-fronted Nunbird ______  99
    Monasa morphoeus

  205. Prong-billed Barbet ______  05
    Semnornis frantzii

  206. "Blue-throated" Emerald Toucanet ______  99
    Aulacorhynchus prasinus caeruleogularis 

  207. Collared Aracari ______  91  99  05
    Pteroglossus torquatus

  208. Keel-billed Toucan ______  91  99  05
    Ramphastos sulfuratus

  209. Chestnut-mandibled (or Swainson's) Toucan ______  99  05
    Ramphastos ambuguus

  210. Acorn Woodpecker ______  99  05
    Melanerpes formicivorus

  211. Black-cheeked Woodpecker ______  99  05
    Melanerpes pucherani

  212. Hoffmann's Woodpecker ______  91  99  05
    Melanerpes hoffmannii

  213. Red-crowned Woodpecker ______  99
    Melanerpes rubricapillus

  214. Hairy Woodpecker ______  99  05
    Picoides villosus

  215. Smoky-brown Woodpecker ______  99
    (formerly Veniliornis) fumigatus

  216. Golden-olive Woodpecker ______  05
    Piculus rubiginosus

  217. Cinnamon Woodpecker ______  99
    Celeus loricatus

  218. Chestnut-colored Woodpecker ______  05
    Celeus castaneus

  219. Lineated Woodpecker ______  91  99  05
    Dryocopus lineatus

  220. Pale-billed Woodpecker ______  99  05
    Campephilus guatemalensis

  221. Red-capped Manakin ______  99
    Pipra mentalis

  222. Blue-crowned Manakin ______  99
    Lepidothrix coronata

  223. Long-tailed Manakin ______  91  05
    Chiroxiphia linearis

  224. White-collared Manakin ______  99
    Manacus candei

  225. Gray-headed Piprites ______  99  
    Piprites griseiceps

    Piprites griseiceps
    was called the Gray-headed Manakin.

  226. Northern Schiffornis ______  99  
    Schiffornis veraepacis

    The Northern Schiffornis was called the Thrushlike Schiffornis and the Thrushlike Mourner.

  227. Cinnamon Becard ______  99  05
    Pachyramphus cinnamomeus

  228. White-winged Becard ______  99  05
    Pachyramphus polychopterus

  229. Rose-throated Becard ______  91  99  05
    Pachyramphus aglagiae

  230. Masked Tityra ______  91  99  05
    Tityra semifasciata

  231. Black-crowned Tityra ______  99
    Tityra inquisitor

  232. Snowy Cotinga ______  99
    Carpodectes nitidus

  233. Bare-necked Umbrellabird  (t3) ______  99
    Cephalopterus glabricollis

  234. Black Phoebe ______  99
    Sayornis nigricans 

  235. Long-tailed Tyrant ______  05
    Colonia colonus

  236. Tropical Kingbird ______  91  99  05
    Tyrannus melancholicus 

  237. White-ringed Flycatcher ______  99
    Conopias albovittatus

  238. Boat-billed Flycatcher ______  91  99  05
    Megarynchus pitangua

  239. Bright-rumped Attila ______  99
    Attila spadiceus

  240. Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher ______  91  99  05
    Myiodynastes luteiventris

  241. Streaked Flycatcher ______  99  05
    Myiodynastes masulatus

  242. Gray-capped Flycatcher ______  99  05
    Myiozetetes granadensis

  243. Social Flycatcher ______  91  99  05
    Myiozetetes similis

  244. Great Kiskadee ______  91  99  05
    Pitangus sulphuratus

  245. Rufous Mourner ______  99
    Rhytipterna holerythra

  246. Panama Flycatcher ______  99
    Myiarchus panamensis

  247. Brown-crested Flycatcher ______  91  99  05
    Myiarchus tyrannulus

  248. Nutting's Flycatcher ______  91  99  05
    Myiarchus nuttingi

  249. Dusky-capped Flycatcher ______  99
    Myiarchus tuberculifer

  250. Tropical Pewee ______  91  99  05
    Contopus cinereus

  251. Dark Pewee ______  99
    Contopus lugubis

  252. Yellowish Flycatcher ______  91  99
    Empidonax flavescens

  253. Black-capped Flycatcher ______  99  05
    Empidonax atriceps

  254. Northern Tufted Flycatcher ______  99
    Mitrephanes phaeocercus 

  255. Sulphur-rumped Myiobius ______  99 
    Myiobius sulphureipygius

    The Sulphur-bellied Myiobius has been called the Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher.

  256. Yellow-olive Flatbill ______   91  99  05 
    Tolmomyias sulphurescens 

    The Yellow-olive Flatbill has been called the Yellow-olive Flycatcher.

  257. Eye-ringed Flatbill ______   99
    Rhynchocyclus brevirostris 

  258. Common Tody-Flycatcher ______   99  05
    Todirostrum cinereum

  259. Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher ______   91  99
    Poecilotriccus sylvia

  260. Yellow Tyrannulet ______  99
    Capsiempis flaveola

  261. Torrent Tyrannulet ______  99  05
    Serpophage cinerea

  262. Yellow-bellied Elaenia ______  99  05
    Elaenia flavogaster

  263. Mountain Elaenia ______  91  99  05
    Elaenia frantzii

  264. Greenish Elaenia ______  99  05
    Myiopagis viridicata

  265. Northern Scrub Flycatcher ______  99
    Sublegatus arenarum

  266. Northern Beardless Tyrannulet ______  91  99  05
    Campostoma imberbe

  267. Paltry Tyrannulet ______  99  
    Zimmerius vilissimus

    Another name for the Paltry Tyrannulet has been the Mistletoe Tyrannulet. 

  268. White-fronted Tyrannulet ______  05 
    Phyllomyias zeledoni

    The White-fronted Tyrannulet has been called Zeledon's Tyrannulet.

  269. Slaty-capped Flycatcher ______  99
    Leptopogon superciliaris

  270. Olive-striped Flycatcher ______  99  05
    Mionectes olivaceus

  271. Fasciated Antshrike ______  99
    Cymbilaimus lineatus

  272. Great Antshrike ______  99
    Taraba major

  273. Barred Antshrike ______  91  99  05
    Thamnophilus doliatus

  274. Black-hooded Antshrike ______  99
    Thamnophilus bridgesi

  275. Black-crowned Antshrike ______  99  05
    Thamnophilus atrinucha

    The Black-crowned Antshrike has been called the Western Slaty Antshrike, but genetic evidence has shown that it is not related to the South American slaty-antshrikes. The change was made by the AOU in 2013. 

  276. Slaty Antwren ______  99
    Myrmotherula schisticolor
  277. Dot-winged Antwren ______  99
    Microrhopias quixensis

  278. Dusky Antbird ______  99
    Cercomacra tyrannina

  279. Chestnut-backed Antbird ______  99  05
    Mymeciza exsul

  280. Bicolored Antbird ______  99
    Gymnopithys leucaspis

  281. Spotted Antbird ______  99
    Hylophylax naevioides

  282. Ocellated Antbird ______  99
    Phaenostictus mcleannani

  283. Black-faced Antthrush ______  99
    Formicarius analis

  284. Spotted Barbtail ______  05
    Premnoplex brunnescens

  285. Slaty Spinetail ______  99
    Synallaxis brachyura

  286. Red-faced Spinetail ______  99
    Cranioleuca erythrops

  287. Ruddy Treerunner ______  99
    Margarornis rubiginosus

  288. Buffy Tuftedcheek ______  99
    Pseudocolaptes lawrencii

  289. Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner ______  05  
    Anabacerthia variegaticeps 

    The Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner has also been called the Spectacled Foliage-gleaner. 
  290. Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner ______  05
    Philydor rufus

  291. Streak-breasted Treehunter ______  05
    Tripacdectes rufobrunneus

  292. Scaly-throated Leaftosser ______  99
    Sclerurus guatemalensis

  293. Plain Xenops ______  99
    Xenops minutis

  294. Streaked Xenops ______  99
    Xenops rutilans

  295. Plain-brown Woodcreeper ______  99
    Dendrocincla fuliginosa

  296. Olivaceous Woodcreeper ______  99  05
    Sittasomus griseicapillus

  297. Wedge-billed Woodcreeper ______  99  05
    Glyphorynchus spirurus

  298. Northern Barred Woodcreeper ______  91  99  05
    Dendrocolaptes sanctithomae

  299. Cocoa Woodcreeper ______  99  05  
    Xiphorhynchus susurrans

    The Cocoa Woodcreeper was part of the Buff-throated Woodcreeper of South America. 

  300. Ivory-billed (or Laughing) Woodcreeper ______  05
    Xiphorhynchus flavigaster

  301. Streak-headed Woodcreeper ______  99  05
    Lepidocolaptes souleyetii

  302. Spot-crowned Woodcreeper ______  99  05
    Lepidocolaptes affinis

  303. Rufous-browed Peppershrike ______  99
    Cyclarhis gujanensis

  304. Mangrove Vireo ______  91  99
    Vireo pallens

  305. Yellow-winged Vireo ______  99
    Vireo carmioli

  306. Yellow-green Vireo ______  91  99
    Vireo flavoviridis

  307. Brown-capped Vireo ______  99
    Vireo leucophrys

  308. Lesser (or "Gray-headed") Greenlet ______  91  99  05
    Hylophilus decurtatus

  309. White-throated Magpie-Jay ______  99  05
    Calocitta formosa

  310. Brown Jay ______  99  05
    Cyanocorax morio

  311. Long-tailed Silky-Flycatcher ______  99  05
    Ptilogonys caudatus

  312. Black-and-yellow Phainoptila  ______  05 
    Phainoptila melanoxantha

    Phainoptila melanoxantha
    has been called the Black-and-yellow Silky-Flycatcher. 

  313. Gray-breasted Martin ______  91  99  05
    Progne chalybea

  314. Blue-and-white Swallow ______   91  99  05
    Pygochelidon cyanoleuca

  315. Southern Rough-winged Swallow ______  99  05
    Stelgidopteryx ruficollis

  316. Barn Swallow ______  99
    Hirundo rustica

  317. Mangrove Swallow ______  99  05
    Tachycineta albilinea 

  318. Rufous-naped Wren ______  91  99  05
    Campylorhynchus rufinucha

  319. Band-backed (or Barred) Wren ______  05
    Campylorhynchus zonatus

  320. Plain Wren ______  99  05
    (formerly Thryothorus) modestus

  321. Stripe-breasted Wren ______  99
    (formerly Thryothorus) thoracicus

  322. Bay Wren ______  99
    (formerly Thryothorus) nigricapillus

  323. Riverside Wren ______  99
    (formerly Thryothorus) semibadius

  324. Banded Wren ______  91  99
    (formerly Thryothorus) pleurostictus

  325. Rufous-and-white Wren ______  91
    (formerly Thryothorus) rufalbus

  326. Black-throated Wren ______  99
    (formerly Thryothorus) atroguaris

  327. "Southern" House Wren ______   91  99  05
    Troglodytes aedon

  328. Ochraceous Wren ______  99
    Troglodytes ochraceus

  329. White-breasted Wood Wren ______  99  05
    Henicorhina leucosticta

  330. Gray-breasted Wood Wren ______  99  05
    Henicorhina leucophrys

  331. Northern Nightingale-Wren ______  99
    Microcerculus philomela

  332. Song Wren ______  99
    Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus

  333. White-lored Gnatcatcher ______  91  99  05
    Polioptila albiloris

  334. Tropical Gnatcatcher ______  91  99 
    Polioptila plumbea 

  335. Black-faced Solitaire ______  99  05
    Myadestes melanops

  336. Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush ______  99  05
    Catharus gracilirostris

  337. Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush ______  99
    Catharus aurantiirostris

  338. Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush ______  99  05
    Catharus frantzii

  339. Sooty Thrush ______  99  05
    Turdus nigrescens

  340. Mountain Thrush ______  99  05
    Turdus plebejus

  341. Clay-colored Thrush ______  99  05
    Turdus grayi

  342. White-throated Thrush ______  99
    Turdus assimilis

  343. American Dipper ______  05
    Cinclus mexicanus

  344. Yellow-crowned Euphonia ______  05 
    Euphonia luteicapilla

  345. Yellow-throated Euphonia ______  99
    Euphonia hirundinacea

  346. Olive-backed Euphonia ______  99  05
    Euphonia gouldi

  347. Elegant Euphonia ______  99 
    Euphonia elegantissma

    The Elegant Euphonia was part of the former Blue-hooded Euphonia. 

  348. Scrub Euphonia ______  91  99
    Euphonia affinis

  349. Yellow-bellied Siskin ______  99
    Carduelis xanthogastra 

  350. Flame-throated Warbler ______  99
    (formerly Parula) gutturalis

  351. Tropical Parula ______  99  05
    (formerly Parula) pitiayumi

  352. Mangrove Warbler ______  91  99
    (formerly Dendroica) erithachorides

  353. Olive-crowned Yellowthroat ______  99  05
    Geothlypis semiflava

  354. Gray-crowned Yellowthroat ______  91  99  05
    Chamaethlypis poliocephala

  355. Slate-throated Whitestart ______  99  05   
    Myioborus miniatus

    The Slate-throated Whitestart has been called the Slate-throated Redstart. 

  356. Collared Whitestart ______  99  05  
    Myioborus torquatus

    The Collared Whitestart has been called the Collared Redstart.

  357. Three-striped Warbler ______  99
    Basileuterus tristriatus

  358. Chestnut-capped Warbler ______   91  05 
    Basileuterus delattrii

    The Chestnut-capped Warbler has been considered conspecific with the more-northerly Rufous-capped Warbler.

  359. Stripe-crowned Warbler ______  99  
    Basileuterus culcivorus

    The Stripe-crowned Warbler has been called the Golden-crowned Warbler.

  360. Black-cheeked Warbler ______  99  05
    Basilleuterus melanogernys

  361. Buff-rumped Warbler ______   99  05
    Phaeothlypis fulvicauda

  362. Zeledonia  ______  99   
    Zeledonia coronata 

    The Zeledonia has been called the "Wrenthrush", but it is neither a wren nor a thrush. 

  363. Chestnut-headed Oropendola ______  99  05
    Zarhynchus wagleri

  364. Montezuma Oropendola ______  91  99  05
    Psarocollus montezuma

  365. Scarlet-rumped Cacique ______  99  05
    Cacicus microrhynchus

  366. Black-cowled Oriole ______  99  05
    Icterus prosthemelas

  367. Spot-breasted Oriole ______  99
    Icterus pectoralis

  368. Streak-backed Oriole ______  91  99  05
    Icterus pustulatus
  369. Eastern Meadowlark ______  91  99  05
    Sturnella magna

  370. Red-winged Blackbird ______  99  05
    Agelaius phoeniceus

  371. Melodious Blackbird  ______  05 
    Dives dives

    The Melodious Blackbird has been rare in Costa Rica, but recently it has been spreading and its population increasing.  

  372. Great-tailed Grackle ______  91  99  05
    Quiscalus mexicanus

  373. Nicaraguan Grackle  (nt) ______  99
    Quiscalus nicaraguensis

  374. Bronzed Cowbird ______  99  05
    Molothrus aeneus

  375. Giant Cowbird ______  99  05
    Molothrus oryzivorus

  376. Bananaquit ______  99  05
    Coereba flaveola mexicana

  377. "Pacific" Olive Sparrow ______   91
    Arremonops rufivirgatus superciliosus

  378. Black-striped Sparrow ______  99  05
    Arremonops conirostris

  379. White-eared Ground Sparrow ______  99
    Melozone leucotis

  380. Grasshopper Sparrow ______  91
    Ammodramus savannarum

  381. Stripe-headed Sparrow ______  91  99  05
    Aimophila ruficauda

  382. Volcano Junco ______  99
    Junco vulcani

  383. Rufous-collared Sparrow ______  91  99  05 
    Zonotrichia capensis 

  384. Common Bush Tanager ______  99  05
    Chlorospingus opththalmicis

  385. Sooty-capped Bush Tanager ______  99  05
    Chlorospingus pileatus

  386. Ashy-throated Bush Tanager ______  05
    Chlorospingus canigularis

  387. Black-and-yellow Tanager ______  99
    Chrysothlypis chrysomelas

  388. Tawny-crested Tanager ______  99  05
    Tachyphonus delatrii

  389. White-lined Tanager ______  99  05
    Tachyphonus rufus

  390. Carmiol's Tanager ______   99
    Chlorothraupis carmioli

  391. Flame-colored (or Streak-backed) Tanager) ______  99  05
    Piranga bidentata
  392. Tooth-billed Tanager ______  99 
    Piranga lutea

    The Tooth-billed Tanager was part of the Hepatic Tanager.

  393. Crimson-collared Tanager ______  99  05
    Phlogothraupis sanguinolenta

  394. Passerini's Tanager ______  99  05  
    Ramphocelus passerini

    The Passerini's Tanager was formerly the Scarlet-rumped Tanager, on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica.  

  395. Cherrie's Tanager ______  99   
    Ramphocelus costaricensis

    The Cherrie's Tanager was formerly the Scarlet-rumped Tanager, on the southern Pacific side of Costa Rica.  

  396. Blue-gray Tanager ______   91  99  05
    Thraupis episcopus

  397. Palm Tanager ______  99  05 
    Thraupis palmarum

  398. Speckled Tanager ______  99
    Tangara guttata

  399. Silver-throated Tanager ______  99  05
    Tangara icterocephala

  400. Bay-headed Tanager ______  99
    Tangara gyrola

  401. Golden-hooded Tanager ______  99  05
    Tangara larvata

  402. Spangle-cheeked Tanager ______  99  05
    Tangara dowii

  403. Blue-and-gold Tanager  (nt) ______  99
    Bangsia arcaei

  404. Scarlet-thighed Dacnis ______  99
    Dacnis venusta

  405. Blue Dacnis ______  05
    Dacnis cayana
  406. Shining Honeycreeper ______  99
    Cyanerpes lucidus

  407. Red-legged Honeycreeper ______  91  99  05
    Cyanerpes cyaneus

  408. Green Honeycreeper ______  99  05
    Chlorophanes spiza

  409. Slaty Flower-piercer ______  99  05 
    Diglossa plumbea

  410. Yellow-faced Grassquit ______  99  05
    Tiuaris olivacea

  411. White-collared Seedeater ______  91  99  05
    Sporophila torqueola

  412. Variable Seedeater ______  99
    Sporophila corvina

  413. Variable Seedeater  ______  99  05 
    Sporophila corvina

    On the Caribbean side of Costa Rica, there is a black form of Sporophila corvina, the "Hick's Seedeater".  

  414. Ruddy-breasted Seedeater ______  05
    Sporophila minuta

  415. Thick-billed Seed Finch ______  99  05
    Oryzoborus funereus 

    When the Thick-billed Seed Finch of Central America was conspecific with the Chestnut-bellied Seed Finch of South America, the species was called the Lesser Seed Finch.    

  416. Blue-black Grassquit ______  91  99  05
    Volatinia jacarina

  417. Large-footed Finch ______  99  05
    Pezopetes capitalis

  418. Yellow-thighed Finch ______  99  05
    Pselliophorrus tibialis

  419. Sooty-faced Finch ______  99
    Lysurus crassirostris

  420. Yellow-throated Brush Finch ______  05   
    Atlapetes gutturalis 

    The Yellow-throated Brush Finch has been merged with the White-naped Brush Finch, Atlapetes albinucha. 

  421. Chestnut-capped Brush Finch ______   05 
    (formerly Atlapetes) brunneinucha
  422. Black-headed Saltator ______  99  05
    Saltator atriceps

  423. Buff-throated Saltator ______  99  05
    Saltator maximus 

  424. "Northern" Grayish Saltator ______  99  05
    Saltator coerulescens brevicaudus

  425. Black-thighed Grosbeak ______  99  05
    Pheucticus tibialis

  426. Blue Grosbeak ______  91  99 
    (formerly Guiraca) caerulea

  427. House Sparrow (i) ______  91  99  05
    Passer domesticus

Mammals & Other Wildlife in Costa Rica during FONT tours in July

Mantled Howler Monkey ______  91  99  05

White-throated Capuchin  ______  91  99  05 
(has been called White-faced Capuchin  

Central American Spider Monkey ______  99

Virginia Opossum ______  05

Hoffmann's Two-toed Sloth ______  99

Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth ______  91

Northern Tamandua
(or Banded Anteater) ______  99

Collared Peccary ______  99

Northern Raccoon ______   99  05

Central American Agouti ______   99  05

White-nosed Coati ______  99

Variegated Squirrel ______  99  05

Red-tailed Squirrel ______  99  05

White-tailed Deer ______  05

(or Brazilian Rabbit) ______  99   (has also been called Forest Rabbit or Tropical Cottontail Rabbit)   

rat (sp.) ______  99

Proboscis Bat  ______  05

Long-nosed Bat ______   99

fruit bat ______   05

other bats (sp.) ______  99

Olive Ridley Sea Turtle ______  91

Common Slider ______   99  05

Spectacled Caiman ______   99  05

Morelet's Crocodile ______   91  05

Green Iguana (Iguana iguana, not always green) ______   91  99  05

Ctenosaur (or Black Spiny-tailed Iguana) ______   91  05

Common Basilisk (this & the next, "Jesus Christ Lizards") ______   99  05

(or Green) Basilisk) ______   05

Green Tree Anole ______   05

Central American Whip-tailed Lizard ______  91  05 

Gaudy (or Red-eyed) Leaf Frog ______  05

Strawberry Dart
(or Poison-arrow) Frog ______  99  05

Black-and-green Dart
(or Poison-arrow) Frog ______  99  05 

Morpho Butterflies ______   99  05

Owl Butterfly ______  99  05

Leaf-cutter & other forest ants ______   91  99  05

dung beetles ______  91

Other Nature:

total solar eclipse ______  91

active volcano ______  99

volcanic hot springs ______  91