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Focus On Nature Tours
in southern Costa Rica
and adjacent Panana
1991 thru 2015
List compiled by Armas Hill
(photo by Doris Potter)
681 species of birds have cumulatively been found during 27 FONT birding & nature tours in Costa Rica.
Included in those 681 species, are 493 that have been
found during FONT tours in southern Costa Rica
& adjacent western Panama,
and they are listed below.
(Some additional species have also been found in western Panama during FONT
Panama tours.)
The number, to the right of the English bird name, indicates the number of
FONT tours
during which the bird has been found (out of 27).
Not all tours have been to the same areas, so individual tour-lists have varied.
In the following list, the latest taxonomy is incorporated noting subspecies in
Costa Rica.
(t): a globally threatened or rare species,
designated by Birdlife International
(t1): critical
(t2): endangered
(t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally
(i): introduced species
(CRe): endemic in Costa Rica
(CRr): rare in Costa Rica
sCR: during FONT tours in soutern Costa Rica
wP: during FONT tours in western Panama (Chiriqui)
List of Costa Rica Birds
List of Central America Mammals
List & Photo Gallery of Central America Butterflies & Moths, in 6 parts
Highlights of Previous FONT tours in Costa Rica
FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Central America
Directory of Photos in this Website

- Great Tinamou ______ sCR 23
Tinamus major fuscipennis
- Little Tinamou ______ sCR 12
Crypturellus soui modestus
- Gray-headed Chachalaca ______ sCR 15
Ortalis cinereiceps (monotypic)
- Crested Guan ______ sCR
Penelope purpurascens aequatorialis
- Black Guan (nt) ______ sCR 11 (total range limited
to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Chamaepetes unicolor (monotypic)
- Great Curassow (nt) ______ sCR 7
Crax r. rubra
- Spotted Wood Quail ______ sCR 3
Odontophorus guttatus
- Marbled Wood Quail ______ sCR 6
Odontophorus gujanensis
- Black-bellied Whistling Duck ______ sCR wP
Dendrocygna a. autumnalis
- Blue-winged Teal ______ sCR wP 18
Anas discors
- Ring-necked Duck ______ sCR 1
Aythya collaris
- Masked Duck ______ sCR 5
Nomoyx dominicus
(monotypic, and the single member of its
- Pied-billed Grebe ______ sCR 8
Podilymbus p. podiceps
- Least Grebe ______ sCR wP 12
Tachybaptus (formerly Podiceps) dominicus brachypterus
- Wood Stork ______ sCR wP 18
Myceteria americana
- White Ibis ______ sCR wP 21
Eudocimus albus
- Cattle Egret ______ sCR wP 27
Bublcus i. ibis
- Green Heron ______ sCR wP 27
(was at one time
considered conspecific with the nearly cosmopolitan Striated Heron,
was then called Green-backed Heron)
Butorides v. virescens
- Little Blue Heron ______ sCR wP 27
Egretta caerulea (monotypic)
- Tricolored Heron ______ sCR 21 (a former name was
Louisiana Heron)
Egretta tricolor ruficollis
- Snowy Egret ______ sCR wP 26
Egretta t. thula
- Great Egret ______ sCR wP 27
Ardea (formerly Casmerodius or Egretta) alba egretta
- Great Blue Heron ______ sCR wP 22
Ardea h. herodias
- Bare-throated Tiger-Heron ______ sCR 16
Tigrisoma mexicanum (monotypic)
- Black-crowned Night-Heron ______ sCR wP 12
Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli
- Boat-billed Heron ______ N S H 18
Cochlearius cochlearius
(the single member of its genus) (2 subspecies
in Costa Rica)
Cochlearius cochlearius panamensis (south CR)
- Magnificent Frigatebird ______ N S wP 25
Fregata magnificens
(now said to be monotypic)
- Brown Pelican ______ N S wP 25
Pelecanus occidentalis carolinensis
- Brown Booby ______ N S 6
Sula l. leucogaster
- Neotropic Cormorant ______ N S wP 23 (was called Olivaceous Cormorant)
Phalacrocorax brasilianus (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Phalacrocorax b. brasilianus (south CR)
- Anhinga _____ wP
Anhinga anhinga
- Turkey Vulture ______ N S H wP 27
Cathartes a. aura (another subspecies, C. a. meridionalis, from
central North America, migrates
thru Costa Rica, sometimes in large flocks)
- Black Vulture ______ N S H wP 27
Coragyps atratus (now said to be monotypic) (the only member of its
- King Vulture ______ N S wP 20
Sarcoramphus papa (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
- Northern Crested Caracara ______ N S wP 22
Caracara cheriway (monotypic)
- Yellow-headed Caracara ______ N SwP 13
Milvago chimachima cordata
- Laughing Falcon ______ N S H 24
Herpetotheres c. cachinnans
(the single member of its genus)
- American Kestrel ______ N S H 13
Falco s. sparverius
(subspecies from further north in North America
that winters in Costa Rica)
- Merlin ______ S 1
Falco c. columbarius
- Bat Falcon ______ N S wP 17
Falco rufigularis petoensis
- Peregrine Falcon ______ N S wP 12
Falco peregrinus anatum (subspecies
from further north in North America that winters in Costa Rica)
- Osprey ______ N S wP 22
Pandion haliaetus carolinensis (the single member of its genus)
- Gray-headed Kite ______ N S H 8
(another name has been
"Cayenne Kite")
Leptodon c. cayanensis
- Swallow-tailed Kite ______ N S 20
Elanoides forficatus (the single member of its genus) (2 subspecies
in Costa Rica, E. f. forficatus, & E. f. yetapa)
- Pearl Kite ______ S
2 (first reported in Costa Rica in the
mid-1990's; has since occurred along the entire Pacific slope)
Gampsonyx swainsonii leonae
- White-tailed Kite ______ N S wP 27
Elanus leucurus majusculus
- Double-toothed Kite ______ N S H 11
Harpagus bidentatus fasciatus
Snail Kite ______ wP
Rostrhamus sociabilis
Crane Hawk ______ N S H 5
Geranospiza caerulesens nigra (the single member of its genus)
- Northern Harrier ______ S 1 (in
Eurasia this species called Hen Harrier)
Circus cyaneus hudsonius
- Sharp-shinned Hawk ______ N S H 10
Accipiter striatus velox (subspecies from further north in North
America that winters in Costa Rica)
- Bicolored Hawk ______ N S H 5
Accipiter b. bicolor
- White Hawk ______ N S H 14
Leucopternis albicollis costaricensis
- Common Black Hawk ______ N S wP 16
Buteogallus a. anthracinus
Buteogallus anthracinus bangsi
("Mangrove Black Hawk")
- Great Black Hawk ______ N S wP 10
Buteogallus urubitinga ridgwayi
- Savanna Hawk (CRr) ______ S
Buteogallus meridionalis (monotypic)
- Montane Solitary Eagle (nt) ______ N S 2
Harpyhaliaetus solitarius sheffleri
- Gray-lined Hawk ______ N H S 21 (includes
the more-northerly Gray Hawk)
Buteo nitida costaricensis (southern CR)
- Roadside Hawk ______ N S wP 26
Buteo magnirostris (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Buteo magnirostris griseocauda (most of CR)
Buteo magnirostris petulans (southwest CR)
- Broad-winged Hawk ______ N S H 22
Buteo p. platypterus (migrant that breeds further north in North
- Swainson's Hawk ______ N S H 9
Buteo swainsoni (monotypic) (migrant that breeds further north
in North America, some occasionally winter in Costa Rica)
- Short-tailed Hawk ______ N S H P 7
Buteo brachyurus fuliginosus
- White-tailed Hawk ______ N S H 7
Buteo albicaudatus hypospodius
- Zone-tailed Hawk ______ N S H 6
Buteo albonotatus (monotypic)
- Red-tailed Hawk ______ N S H 17
Buteo jamaicensis costaricensis
- Black Hawk-Eagle ______ N S 5 (another
name has been Tyrant Hawk-Eagle)
Spizaetus tyrannus serus
- Uniform Crake ______ N S 2
Amaurolimnas concolor
- Gray-necked Wood-Rail ______ N S H 17
Aramides cajanea (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Aramides c. cajanea (most of
- White-throated Crake ______ N S H 21
Laterallus albigularis (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Laterallus albigularis cinereiceps (most of CR)
Laterallus a. albigularis (southwest CR)
- Common Moorhen ______ N S wP 11
(has been called
Common Gallinule)
Gallinula chloropus cachinnans
- Purple Gallinule ______ N S wP 21
Porphyrio (formerly Porphyrula) martinica (monotypic)
- Sunbittern ______ N S 4
Eurypyga helias major (a single member of its genus &
- Northern Jacana ______ N S wP 26
Jacana s. spinosa
- American Oystercatcher ______ wP
- Gray Plover ______ wP (has been called
Black-bellied Plover)
Pluvialis squatarola cynosurae
- Semipalmated Plover ______ N S H 19
Charadrius semipalmatus (monotypic)
- Wilson's Plover ______ N S H 11
Charadrius wilsonia beldingi
- Killdeer ______ wP 3
Charadrius v. vociferus
- Southern Lapwing (CRr) ______
S 1 (first recorded in Costa Rica in 1997; has since occurred
in lowlands of both Caribbean & Pacific slopes)
Venellus chilensis cayennensis
- Whimbrel ______ N S wP 21
Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus
- Lesser Yellowlegs ______ N S H 14
Tringa flavipes (monotypic)
- Solitary Sandpiper ______ N S H 18
Tringa solitaria (2 subspecies in Costa Rica, T. s. solitaria
T. s. cinnamomea)
- "Western" Willet ______ N S wP 20
Tringa (formerly Catoptrophorus) semipalmatus inornatus
(the single member of its
- Spotted Sandpiper ______ N S wP 26
Actitis macularia (monotypic)
- Ruddy Turnstone ______ N S wP 18
Arenaria i. interpres
- Sanderling ______ wP
Calidris alba rubida
- Semipalmated Sandpiper ______ N S H 9
Calidris pusilla (monotypic)
- Western Sandpiper ______ N S H 12
Calidris mauri (monotypic)
- Least Sandpiper ______ N S H 12
Calidris minutilla (monotypic)
- Black-necked Stilt ______ wP
(was said
by some to be
conspecific with the Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, of the Old World)
Himantopus mexicanus
- Laughing Gull ______ N S wP 24
Larus atricilla megalopterus
- Royal Tern ______ N S H 21
Thalasseus (formerly Sterna) m. maxima
- Sandwich Tern ______ N S wP 13
Thalasseus (formerly Sterna) sandvicensis acuflavida
- Common (or Feral) Pigeon (i) ______ N S H P 27
Columba livia
- Scaled Pigeon ______ N S 7
Patagioenas (formerly
Columba) speciosa
- Band-tailed Pigeon ______ N S H 18
Patagioenas (formerly
Columba) fasciata crissalis
- Pale-vented Pigeon ______ N S H 21
Patagioenas (formerly Columba) cayennensis pallidicrissa
- Red-billed Pigeon ______ N S H 24
(formerly Columba) flavirostris
- Ruddy Pigeon ______ N S 9
(formerly Columba)subvinacea minima
- Short-billed Pigeon ______ N S H 25
(formerly Columba) nigrirostris (monotypic)
- Mourning Dove ______ N S H 12
Zenaida macroura turturilla
- Common Ground Dove ______ N S H 18
Columbina passerina neglecta
- Plain-breasted Ground Dove ______ N
S 5
Columbina minuta elaeodes
- Ruddy Ground Dove ______ N S wP 26
Columbina taipacoti rufipennis
- Blue Ground Dove ______ N S H 10
Claravis pretiosa (monotypic)
- Inca Dove ______ N S H 22
(formerly Scardafella) inca (monotypic)
- White-tipped Dove ______ N
S wP 26 (a former name was
White-fronted Dove)
Leptotila v, verreauxi
- Gray-headed Dove ______ S 2
(was said by
some to be conspecific with the Gray-fronted Dove, Leptotila
rufaxilla of South America)
Leptotila p. plumbeiceps
- Gray-chested Dove ______ N S H 12
Leptotila cassinii cerviniventris
- Buff-fronted Quail-Dove ______ S 2 (total
range limited to Costa
Rica & western Panama)
Geotrygon costaricensis (monotypic)
- Chiriqui Quail-Dove ______ S 2
(has also been called Rufous-breasted Quail-Dove; range
limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Geotrygon chiriquensis (monotypic)
- Ruddy Quail-Dove ______ N S 6
Geotrygon m. montana
- Scarlet Macaw ______ N S H 14
Ara macao
(2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Ara m. macao (most populations in CR)
- Finch's Parakeet (or Conure)
______ N S H 20 (has also been called
Crimson-fronted Parakeet, or Conure) (total range only from southeastern
Nicaragua to western Panama)
Aratinga finschi (monotypic)
- Orange-fronted Parakeet (or Conure) ______
S H 18
Aratinga c. canicularis
- "Veragua" Brown-throated
Parakeet (or Conure) ______ sCR wP 1
(a recent arrival in Costa Rica from Panama; now fairly common in
southern Pacific lowlands)
Aratinga pertinax ocularis
- Sulphur-winged Parakeet ______ S 7 (total
range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Pyrrhura h. hoffmanni
- Barred Parakeet ______ N S 4
Bolborhynchus l. lineola
- Orange-chinned Parakeet ______ N S H 27 (another name has been "Tovi
Brotogeris j. jugularis
- Red-fronted Parrotlet (t3) ______ S 1
(total range limited to Costa
Rica & western Panama; was at one time considered
a race of the Blue-fronted Parrotlet of eastern Panama & northern
South America)
Touit costaricensis (monotypic)
- Brown-hooded Parrot ______ N S H 18
Pionopsitta h. haematotis
- Blue-headed Parrot ______ N S 10
Pionus menstuus rubigularis
- White-crowned Parrot ______ N S H 26
Pionus senilis (monotypic)
- Red-lored Amazon (or Parrot) ______ N S wP 22
Amazona autumnalis salvini
- Yellow-naped Amazon (or Parrot) (t2) ______ N
H 13
Amazona a. auropalliata
- Mealy Amazon (or Parrot) ______ N S H 24
Amazona farinosa virenticeps
- Black-billed Cuckoo ______ S
Coccyzus erythropthalmus (monotypic)
- Mangrove Cuckoo ______ N S H 7
Coccyzus minor (now monotypic)
- Squirrel Cuckoo ______ N S H 25
Piaya cayana thermophila
- Groove-billed Ani ______ N S wP 22
Crotophaga sulciroxtris (now monotypic, as a "second form"
in Mexico now extinct)
- Smooth-billed Ani ______ S wP 10
Crotophaga ani (monotypic)
- Striped Cuckoo ______ N S H 14
Tapera naevia excellens
- Barn Owl ______ N S H 11
Tyto alba guatemalae
- Bare-shanked Screech Owl ______ N S H 10 (total
range from Costa
Rica to northwestern Colombia)
Megascops (formerly Otus) clarkii (monotypic)
- Spectacled Owl ______ N S H 11
Pulsatrix perspicillata saturata
- Costa Rican Pygmy Owl ______ N S H 6 (was
considered part of the Andean Pygmy-Owl of South America)
Glaucidium costaricanum (monotypic)
- Mottled Owl ______ N S H 6
Strix virgata centralis
- Striped Owl ______ N S 3
Pseudoscops (formerly Asio) clamator forbesi
- Common Potoo
N S 2
Nyctibius griseus panamensis
- Short-tailed Nighthawk ______ N S
7 (another name has been Semicollared
Lurocalis semitorquatus noctivagus
- Common Nighthawk ______ S 1
Chordeiles minor panamensis (other subspecies occur in Costa Rica as
- Lesser Nighthawk ______ N S H 16
Chordeiles acutipennis littoralis (other subspecies occur in Costa
Rica as migrants)
- Pauraque ______ N S H 27
Nyctidromus albicollis intercedens (the single member of its genus)
- Dusky Nightjar ______ S 1 (total
range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Caprimulgus saturatus (monotypic)
- White-tailed Nightjar ______ S wP 2
Caprimulgus cayennensis albicauda
- American Black Swift ______ N S 4
Cypseloides niger costaricensis
- White-chinned Swift ______ N S 3
Cypseloides cryptus (monotypic)
- Chestnut-collared Swift ______ N S 5
Streptoprocne (formerly Cypseloides) rutilus (monotypic)
- White-collared Swift ______ N S H 26
Streptoprocne zonaris bouchelli
- Costa Rican Swift ______ S 9
(has been considered
conspecific with more-southerly Band-rumped Swift, Chaetura
spinicaudus; the range of the Costa Rican Swift is southern Costa Rica & adjacent Chiriqui province in Panama)
Chaetura fumosa (monotypic)
- "Dusky-backed" Vaux's Swift ______ N S wP 21
Chaetura vauxi richmondi
- Lesser Swallow-tailed
Swift ______ N S H 13
Panyptila c. cayennensis
- Band-tailed Barbthroat ______ N S 8
Threnetes ruckeri ventosus
- Bronzy Hermit ______ N S 7
Glaucis aenea (monotypic)
- Green Hermit ______ N S H 15
Phaethornis guy coruscus
- Long-billed Hermit
______ N S H 17
(was, at one time,
part of the Long-tailed Hermit, a species now restricted to South America)
Phaethornis longirostris cephalus
- Stripe-throated Hermit ______ N S H 21
(formerly conspecific
with Little Hermit of northeast South America, another name
has been "Boucard's
Phaethornis adolphi)
Phaethornis striigularis saturatus (genus formerly said to be Pygmornis)
- White-tipped Sicklebill ______ S 2
Eutoxeres aquila salvini
- Scaly-breasted Hummingbird
______ N
S 8 (another name has been
"Cuvier's Hummingbird")
(has been Phaeochroa) cuvierii (2 subspecies in
Costa Rica)
Campylopterus cuvierii roberti (east CR)
Campylopterus cuvierii maculicauda (west CR)
- Violet Sabrewing ______ N S wP 19
Campylopterus hemileucurus mellitus
- White-necked Jacobin ______ N S H 13
Florisuga m. mellivora
- Brown Violetear ______ N S wP 8
Colibri delphinae (now monotypic)
Green Violetear
______ N S wP 18
Colibri thalassinus cabanidis
- Veraguan Mango (has been part of
Green-breasted Mango) ______ wP
- Green-breasted Mango ______ N S H 14 (another name has been "Prevost's
Anthracothorax prevostii gracilirostris
- Violet-headed Hummingbird ______ N S H 11
Klais guimeti merrittii (the single member of its genus)
- White-crested Coquette ______ S 2 (another name has been
"Adorable Coquette") (total range limited to Costa Rica
& western Panama)
Lophornis adorabilis
- Green Thorntail ______ N S H 10
Discosura (formerly Popelairia) conversii (monotypic)
- Salvin's Emerald ______ N S H 10 (this, and the more-northerly Canivet's Hummingbird
and the more-southerly Garden Emerald have split from what was the
Fork-tailed Emerald)
Chlorostilbon salvini
- Garden Emerald
______ S 4 (this, and the
Canivet's & the Salvin's Emeralds have been split from what was the
Fork-tailed Emerald) (total range limited to Costa Rica &
Chlorostilbon assimilis (monotypic)
- Violet-crowned Woodnymph ______ N S H 19
Thalurania colombica venusta
- Fiery-throated Hummingbird ______ S
13 (total range restricted to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Panterpe i. insignis (1 of 2 subspecies in Costa Rica) (the single
member of its genus)
- Blue-throated Sapphire ______ N S H 10 (has also been called
Blue-throated Goldentail)
Hylocharis e. eliciae
- Charming Hummingbird ______
7 (another
name has been
Beryl-crowned Hummingbird; formerly considered
conspecific with the
Blue-chested Hummingbird) (total range limited to Costa Rica
& western Panama)
Amazilia decora
- Snowy-bellied Hummingbird ______ S wP 6 (total
range is Costa Rica & Panama)
Amazilia edward niveoventer
- Mangrove Hummingbird (t2) (CRe) ______ N S H
4 (total
range limited to the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, where it occurs only in
Amazilia boucardi (monotypic)
- Cinnamon Hummingbird ______ N S H 18
Amazilia rutila corallirostris
- Rufous-tailed Hummingbird ______ N S H 26
Amazilia t. tzacatl
- Stripe-tailed Hummingbird ______ N S H 5
Eupherusa eximia
- Black-bellied Hummingbird ______ N S H 7 (total
range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Eupherusa nigriventris
- White-tailed Emerald ______ S 3
(total range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Elvira chionura
- Coppery-headed Emerald (CRe) ______ N S H 13 (total range limited to Costa Rica)
Elvira cupreiceps
- Gray-tailed Mountaingem (CRe) ______ S 10 (this, and the White-throated
and Purple-throated Mountaingems were considered
conspecific; when so, the name was Variable Mountaingem)
(total range limited to southern Costa Rica)
Lampornis cincereicauda
- Purple-throated Mountaingem ______ N S H 17 (was considered conspecific with the Gray-tailed
and White-throated Mountaingems, the latter in Panama) (total
range limited to Nicaragua & Costa Rica)
Lampornis calolaema (3 subspecies in Costa Rica)
- White-throated Mountaingem
______ wP
- Green-crowned Brilliant ______ N S H 20
Heliodoxa jacula henryi
- Magnificent
Hummingbird ______ N S wP 19 (another species to the north, in northern Central America, Mexico, & the
southwest US, has been called the "Rivoli's Hummingbird")
Eugenes fulgens spectabilis
- Purple-crowned Fairy ______ N S H 16
Heliothryx barroti (monotypic)
- Long-billed Starthroat ______ S 2
Heliomaster l. longirostris
- Magenta-throated Woodstar (nt) ______ N S H 13 (total range limited to Costa Rica &
western Panama)
Calliphlox bryantae (monotypic)
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird ______ wP 9
Archilochus colubris (monotypic)
- Scintillant Hummingbird ______ N S H 18
(total range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Selasphorus scintilla
- Volcano Hummingbird ______ N S 19 (red-gorgeted form in
Costa Rica formerly considered a species: the "Cerise-throated
Selasphorus simoni) (total range
limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Selasphorus flammula (3 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Selasphorus f. flammula (Irazu & Turrialba volcanoes)
Selasphorus flammula simoni (Poas & Barva volcanoes)
Selasphorus flammula torridus (Talamanca range)
- Resplendent Quetzal (nt) ______ N S H 19
Pharomachrus mocinno costaricensis
- Slaty-tailed Trogon ______ N S H 21 (another name has been "Massena
Trogon massena hoffmanni
- Baird's Trogon (nt)
______ S 8
(closely related to, and has been said by some to be conspecific with the Western White-tailed Trogon of
& northern South America; another name has been
"Vermilion-breasted Trogon'") (total range limited to Costa Rica
& western Panama)
Trogon bairdii (monotypic)
- Collared Trogon ______ N S H 19
Trogon collaris puella
Trogon collaris underwoodi ("Orange-bellied Trogon":
range in Costa Rica & western Panama)
- Black-throated Trogon ______ N S H 10
Trogon rufus tenellus
- Gartered Trogon ______ N S H 20 (was part of the
Violaceous Trogon of South America)
Trogon caligatus (formerly violaceus) concinnus
- Ringed Kingfisher ______ N S wP 24
Megaceryle (formerly Ceryle) t. torquata
- Amazon Kingfisher ______ N S wP 21
Chloroceryle amazona (now monotypic)
- Green Kingfisher ______ N S H 26
Chloroceryle americana septentrionalis
- American Pygmy Kingfisher ______ N S H 12
Chloroceryle a. aenea
- Blue-crowned Motmot ______ N S H 24
(an alternate name, especially for the southern races, in South American,
would be "Blue-diademed Motmot")
Momotus momota lessonii
- Rufous-tailed Jacamar ______ N S H 11
Galbula ruficauda melanogenia
- White-necked Puffbird ______ N S H 11
Notharchus (formerly Bucco) macrorhynchos hyperrynchus
- White-whiskered Puffbird ______ N S 5 (an alternate name
would be "White-whiskered Softwing")
Malacoptila panamensis fuliginosa
- Red-headed Barbet ______ N S H 5
Eubucco bourcieri salvini
- Prong-billed Barbet ______ N S H 11
(total range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Semnornis frantzii (monotypic)
- "Blue-throated" Emerald Toucanet
______ N S H 19
(a distinct subspecies from the "White-throated" Emerald Toucant of
northern Central America)
Aulacorhynchus prasinus caeruleogularis
- Fiery-billed Aracari ______ S H 10
(was considered by some as conspecific with the Collared Aracari)
Pteroglossus frantzii
- Chestnut-mandibled Toucan ______ N S H 25 (another name has been "Swainson's
Ramphastos ambiguus
- Olivaceous Piculet ______ S 4
Picumnus olivaceus flavotinctus
- Acorn Woodpecker ______ N S H 14
Melanerpes formicivorus striatipectus
- Golden-naped Woodpecker ______ S 10 (total
range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Melanerpes (formerly Tripsurus, then Centurus) c. chrysauchen
- Hoffmann's Woodpecker ______ N S H 23 (total
range from southern Honduras to Costa Rica)
Melanerpes (formerly Centurus) hoffmannii (monotypic)
- Red-crowned Woodpecker ______ S wP 12
Melanerpes (formerly Centurus) r. rubricapillus
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ______ N S H 2
Sphyrapicus varius (monotypic)
- Hairy Woodpecker ______ N S H 13
Picoides villosus sanctorum
- Golden-olive Woodpecker ______ N S H 11
Piculus rubiginosus yucatanensis
- Rufous-winged Woodpecker ______ N S H 7
(closely related to
Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker of Panama & White-throated Woodpecker
of South America) (total range from eastern Honduras to western
Piculus simplex (monotypic)
- Lineated Woodpecker ______ N S wP 25
Dryocopus lineatus (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Dryocopus l. lineatus (most of CR)
- Pale-billed Woodpecker ______ N S 23
(another name has been
"Flint-billed Woodpecker")
Campephilus g. guatemalensis
- Red-capped Manakin ______ N S wP 20
Pipra mentalis (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Pipra m. mentalis (east CR)
Pipra mentalis ignifera (west CR)
- Blue-crowned Manakin ______ S H 9
Lepidothrix coronata velutina
- Lance-tailed Manakin ______ S 3
Chiroxiphia lanceolata (monotypic)
- White-ruffed Manakin ______ N S H 12
Corapipo altera
(formerly leucorrhoa, leucorrhoa, that's now the scientific name of
the formerly conspecific
White-bibbed Manakin
of northern South
White-bibbed Manakin
of northern South
White-bibbed Manakin
of northern South
(2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Corapipo altera heteroleuca (southwest CR)
- Orange-collared Manakin ______ S 4 (has
been considered conspecific with the White-collared Manakin, and with the Golden-collared Manakin of Panama;
these 3 Central American manakins are closely related to the White-bearded
Manacus manacus, of South America) (total range limited to
Costa Rica & western Panama)
Manacus aurantiacus
- Masked Tityra ______ N S H 27
Tityra semifasciata costaricensis
- Black-crowned Tityra ______ N S H 16
Tityra inquisitor fraserii
- Thrushlike Schiffornis ______ N S H 11
(has been called Thrushlike Mourner and Thrushlike Manakin - but
neither a mourner nor a manakin)
Schiffornis turdina veraepacis
- White-winged Becard ______ N S H 7
Pachyramphus polychopterus similis
- Black-and-white Becard ______ S 1
Pachyramphus albogriseus ornatus
- Rose-throated Becard ______ N S H 23
Pachyramphus aglaiae latirostris
(1 of 2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
- Rufous Piha ______ N S H 11
Lipaugus u. unirufus
- Turquoise Cotinga (t3) ______ S 5 (total
range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Cotinga ridgwayi (monotypic)
- Yellow-billed Cotinga (t2) ______ S
1 (an alternate name for this rare regional endemic has been
"Antonia's Cotinga") (total range limited to Costa Rica
& western Panama)
Carpodectes antoniae (monotypic)
- Three-wattled Bellbird (t3) ______ N
S H 11
(total range from eastern
Honduras to western Panama)
Procnias tricarunculata
- Black Phoebe ______ N S H wPN 21
Sayornis nigricans amnicola
- Scissor-tailed Flycatcher ______ N S H 13
Tyrannus forficatus (monotypic)
- Fork-tailed Flycatcher ______ N S wP 8
Tyrannus savana monachus
- Tropical Kingbird ______ N S H wP 27
Tyrannus melancholicus satrapa
- Piratic Flycatcher ______ N S 10
Legatus leucophaius
(the single member of its genus) (2
subspecies in Costa Rica: L. l. variegatus & L. l.
- White-ringed Flycatcher ______ N S 8
(closely related to the Yellow-throated Flycatcher of South America)
(formerly Corytriccus) albovittatus distinctus
- Boat-billed Flycatcher ______ N S H 20
Megarynchus pitangua mexicanus
- Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher ______ N
S 12
Myiodynastes luteiventris
- Streaked Flyctcher ______ N S H 16
Myiodynastes masulatus insolens
- Golden-bellied Flycatcher ______ N S H 8
Myiodynastes hemichrysus (monotypic)
- Gray-capped Flycatcher ______ N S H 22
Myiozetetes g. granadensis
- Social Flycatcher ______ N S H wP 27
Myiozetetes similis (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Myiozetetes similis columbianus (south CR)
- Great Kiskadee ______ N S H wP 27
Pitangus sulphuratus guatimalensis
- Rufous Mourner ______ N S H 9
Rhytipterna h. holerythra
- Panama Flycatcher ______ N S H wP 5
Myiarchus panamensis actiosus
(subspecies endemic to Costa Rica)
- Brown-crested Flycatcher ______ N S H 16
Myiarchus tyrannulus brachyurus
- Great Crested Flycatcher ______ N S H 20
Myiarchus crinitus (monotypic)
- Dusky-capped Flycatcher ______ N S H 21
Myiarchus tuberculifer connectens
- Bright-rumped Attila ______ N S H 14
Attila spadiceus citreopyga
- Olive-sided Flycatcher ______ N S H 7 (an alternate name would be
"Boreal Pewee")
Contopus cooperi (formerly in genus Nuttallornis, with its previous
scientific name, for a long time, borealis)
- Eastern Wood Pewee ______ N S H 10
Contopus virens (monotypic)
- Western Wood Pewee ______ N S 5
Contopus sordidulus (4 subspecies migrate through Costa Rica)
- Tropical Pewee ______ N S H 20
Contopus cinereus (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Contopus cinereus rhizophorus
(west CR)
Contopus cinereus brachytarsus (elsewhere in CR)
- Dark Pewee ______ N S H 15 (This
species, and the
Pewee of northern Central America, were previously considered conspecfic with
the Smoke-colored Pewee of
South America.) (total range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Contopus lugubris (monotypic)
- Ochraceous Pewee (nt) ______ S 1 (total
range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Contopus ochraceus (monotypic)
- Yellow-bellied Flycatcher ______ N S H wP 7
Empidonax flaviventris (monotypic)
- Alder Flycatcher ______ N S 6
Empidonax alnorum (monotypic)
- Yellowish Flycatcher ______ N S H wP 15
Empidonax f. flavescens
- Black-capped Flycatcher ______ N S H 12 (total
range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Empidonax atriceps (monotypic)
- Northern Tufted Flycatcher ______ N S H 18
Mitrephanes phaeocercus auraantiiventris
- Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher ______ N S H 11
Terenotriccus erythrurus fulvigularis
(the single member of its
- Black-tailed Flycatcher ______ S
Myiobius a. atricaudus
- Sulphur-rumped Myiobius ______ N S H 9 (has been known as Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher; closely related
to the Whiskered Myiobius of South America, with which it
was conspecific)
Myiobius sulphureipygius
- White-throated Spadebill ______ N S 3
Platyrinchus mystaceus
- Golden-crowned Spadebill ______ S H 5
Platyrinchus coronatus
- Yellow-olive Flatbill ______ N S H 19 (has been known as
Yellow-olive Flycatcher)
Tolmomyias sulphurescns cinereiceps
- Common Tody-Flycatcher ______ N S H 25
Todirostrum cinereum
- Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher ______ N S H 14
Poecilotriccus (formerly Todirostrum) sylvia
- Northern Bentbill ______ N S 7 (by
some considered
conspecific with the Southern Bentbill of Panama & northern
South America)
Oncostoma cinereigulare
- Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant ______ N
S 12
Lophotriccus pileatus
- Yellow Tyrannulet ______ N S 7
Capsiempis flaveola
- Torrent Tyrannulet ______ N S H 23
Serpophage cinerea
- Yellow-bellied Elaenia ______ N S H 22
Elaenia flavogaster subpagana
- Lesser Elaenia ______ N S H 9
Elaenia chiriquensis
- Mountain Elaenia ______ N S 20
Elaenia frantzii
- Greenish Elaenia ______ N S 5
Myiopagis viridicata
- Southern Beardless
Tyrannulet ______ N S
Campostoma obsoletum
- Paltry
Tyrannulet ______ N S H 15 (has been called "Mistletoe Tyrannulet";
closely related to Venezuelan
Tyrannulet of northern South America, with which it was formerly conspecific)
Zimmerius vilissimus
- Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet ______ S 4
Tyrannulus elatus
- Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet ______ N S 2
Ornithion semiflavum
- White-fronted Tyrannulet ______ N S 3
(has also been called Zeledon's Tyrannulet; was considered conspecific
with the Rough-legged Tyrannulet of
South America)
Phyllomyias zeledoni
- Slaty-capped Flycatcher ______ N S H 7
Leptopogon superciliaris
- Olive-striped Flycatcher ______ N S H 12
Mionectes o. olivaceus
- Ochre-bellied Flycatcher ______ N S H 7
Mionectes oleagineus dyscolus
- Great Antshrike ______ N S H 8
Taraba major melanocrissus
(the single member of its genus)
- Barred Antshrike ______ N S wP 20
Thamnophilus doliatus pacificus
(1 of 2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
- Black-hooded Antshrike ______ S H 12
(total range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Thamnophilus bridgesi
- Russet Antshrike ______ N S H 6
Thamnistes anabatinus saturatus (the single member of its genus)
- Plain Antvireo ______ N S H 9
Dysithamnus mentalis septentrionalis
- Slaty Antwren ______ N S H 8
Myrmotherula s. schisticolor
- Dot-winged Antwren ______ N S H 13
Microrhopias quixensis virgatus
(the single member of its
- Dusky Antbird ______ N S H 10
Cercomacra tyrannina crepera
- Chestnut-backed Antbird ______ N S H 10
Myrmeciza exsul (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Myrmeciza exsul occidentalis (southwest CR)
Mymeciza e. exsul (elsewhere in CR)
- Bicolored Antbird ______ N S H 6 (considered conspecific with
"White-cheeked Antbird" of northern South America)
Gymnopithys leucaspis olivascens
- Black-faced Antthrush ______ N S H 10
Formicarius analis (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Formicarius analis hoffmanni (south CR)
Formicarius analis umbrosus (elsewhere in CR)
- Rufous-breasted Antthrush ______ N S 3
Formicarius r. rufipectus
- Spotted Barbtail ______ N S H 6
Premnoplex brunnescens brunneicauda
- Pale-breasted Spinetail ______ S H 3
Synallaxis albescens latitabunda
- Slaty Spinetail ______ N S H 10
Synallaxis brachyura nigrofumosa
- Red-faced Spinetail ______ N H wP 2
Cranioleuca erythrops rufigenis
- Ruddy Treerunner ______ N S 6
(total range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Margarornis r. rubiginosus
- Buffy Tuftedcheek ______ N S 9 (was considered conspecific
with the
Streaked & Pacific Tuftedcheeks of
South America)
Pseudocolaptes l. lawrencii
- Lineated Foliage-gleaner ______ S 2
Syundactyla subalaris lineata
- Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner ______ N
S H 5 (was
Spectacled Foliage-gleaner)
Anabacerthia v. variegaticeps
- Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner ______ N S H 6 (another name has been
"Buff-throated Automolus")
Automolus ochrolaemus hypophaeus
- Buff-fronted
Foliage-gleaner ______ N S
Philydor rufus panerythrum
- Ruddy Foliage-gleaner ______ S 2 (another name has been
"Ruddy Automolus")
Automolus rubiginosus fumosus
- Streak-breasted Treehunter ______ N
S 3 (total
range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Tripacdectes rufobrunneus (monotypic)
- Plain Xenops ______ N S H 12
Xenops minutus littoralis
- Streaked Xenops ______ N S H 2
Xenops rutilans septentrionalis
- Scaly-throated Leaftosser ______ N S H 3 (another
name has been "Scaly-throated Leafscraper")
Sclerurus g. guatemalensis
- Plain-brown Woodcreeper ______ N S H 4
Dendrocincla fuliginosa ridgwayi
- Tawny-winged Woodcreeper ______ S 2
Dendrocincla a. anabatina
- Long-tailed Woodcreeper ______ N S 3
Dendrocincla longicauda typica
- Olivaceous Woodcreeper ______ N S H 17
Sittasomus griseicapillus sylvioides
(the single member of its
- Wedge-billed Woodcreeper ______ N S H 17
Glyphorynchus spirurus sublestus
(the single member of its
- Strong-billed Woodcreeper ______ N S 2
Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus costaricensis
- Northern Barred Woodcreeper ______ N S H 11 (was conspecific with the Amazonian
Barred Woodcreeper of South America; when so, was called Barred
Dendrocolaptes sanctithomae (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Dendrocolaptes s. sanctithomae (most of Pacific side of CR)
Dendrocolaptes sanctithomae hesperius (southwest CR)
- Black-banded Woodcreeper ______ N S 3
Dendrocolaptes picumnus costaricensis
- Cocoa Woodcreeper ______ N S H 13 (was part of the Buff-throated
Woodcreeper of South America)
Xiphorhynchus susurrans costaricensis
- Black-striped Woodcreeper ______ N S 12
Xiphorhynchus l. lachrymosus
- Spotted Woodcreeper ______ N S H 8
Xiphorhynchus erthropygius punctigula
- Streak-headed Woodcreeper ______ N S H 24
Lepidocolaptes souleyetii compressus
- Spot-crowned Woodcreeper ______ N S H 13
Lepidocolaptes affinis neglectus
- Brown-billed Scythebill ______ N S H 7
Campylorhamphus pusillus borealis
- Rufous-browed Peppershrike ______ N
S H 4
Cyclarhis gujanensis subflavescens
- Yellow-winged Vireo ______ N S H 12
Vireo carmioli
- Yellow-throated Vireo ______ N S H 17
Vireo flavifrons (monotypic)
- Philadelphia Vireo ______ N S H 13
Vireo philadelphicus (monotypic)
- Red-eyed Vireo ______ N S H 9
Vireo o. olivaceus
- Yellow-green Vireo ______ N S H 21 (was
regarded by some as a race of the Red-eyed Vireo)
Vireo f. flavoviridis
- Brown-capped Vireo ______ S 6
(was at one time said to be conspecific with the Warbling Vireo)
Vireo leucophrys costaricensis (1 of 2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
- Scrub Greenlet ______ S 1
Hylophilus flavipes viridiflavus
- Tawny-crowned Greenlet ______ S 2
Hylophilus ochraceiceps paciicus (southern CR) (1 of 2 subspecies
in Costa Rica)
- "Gray-headed" Lesser Greenlet ______ N S H 24 (Central American gray-headed races are conspecific
with South American race)
Hylophilus d. decurtatus
- Brown Jay ______ N S H 24
Cyanocorax m. morio
- Silvery-throated Jay ______ S 1
(total range limited to
Costa Rica & western Panama)
Cyanolyca argentigula (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
- Tree Swallow ______ N S 4
Tachycineta bicolor (monotypic)
- Mangrove Swallow ______ N S H 22
Tachycineta albilinea (monotypic)
- Purple Martin ______ N S 3
Progne subis (3 subspecies migrate thru Costa Rica)
- Gray-breasted Martin ______ N S H wP 27
Progne c. chalybea
- Blue-and-white Swallow ______ N S H wP 27
(formerly Notiochelidon) c. cyanoleuca
- Northern Rough-winged
Swallow ______ N S H 13
Stelgidopteryx serripennis
(3 subspecies occur in Costa
- Southern Rough-winged
Swallow ______ N S H wP 25
Stelgidopteryx ruficollis decolor
- Barn Swallow ______ N S H wP 22
Hirundo rustica erythrogaster
- American Cliff Swallow ______ N wP 2
Petrochelidon (formerly Hirundo) pyrrhonota
(formerly Hirundo) pyrrhonota
(5 subspecies migrate thru Costa Rica)
- Sedge Wren ______ S 1 (closely
related to Grass Wren of South America, Cistothorus
platensis; some consider conspecific)
Cistothorus stellaris lucidus
- Black-bellied Wren ______ S 3 (total range from Costa
Rica to western Colombia)
Thryothorus fasciatoventris melanogaster
- Rufous-breasted Wren ______ S 6 (considered distinct
from Speckle-breasted Wren of South America)
Thryothorus rutilus hyperythrus
- Bay Wren ______ N S H 16
Thryothorus nigricapillus costaricensis
- Riverside Wren ______ S H 12 (closely
related to, and was considered by some as conspecific with the Bay Wren)
(total range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Thryothorus semibadius (monotypic)
- Plain Wren ______ N S 15
Thryothorus modestus (3 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Thryothorus modestus elutus (southwest CR)
Thryothorus modestus zeledoni (the "Canebrake Wren" of the
Caribbean lowlands, once considered a separate species)
- "Southern" House Wren ______ N S H wP 27
Troglodytes aedon
(2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Troglodytes aedon intermedius (most of CR)
Troglodytes aedon inquietus (southwest CR)
- Ochraceous Wren ______ N S 7 (total range limited to
Costa Rica & western Panama)
Troglodytes o. ochraceus
- Timberline Wren ______ S 7 (total range limited to
Costa Rica & western Panama)
Thryorchilus browni (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
- White-breasted Wood Wren ______ N S H 15
Henicorhina leucosticta (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Henicorhina leucosticta costaricensis (central CR)
Henicorhina leucosticta pittieri (southwest CR)
- Gray-breasted Wood Wren ______ N S H 24
Henicorhina leucophrys collina
- Southern Nightingale-Wren
______ S 2 (this
species in Central & South America has
been known as the "Whistling Wren" in Central
America, and throughout its range as the Scaly-breasted Wren)
Microcerculus marginatus luscinia
- Tropical Gnatcatcher ______ N S H 20
Polioptila plumbea (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Polioptila plumbea brodkorbi (north CR)
Polioptila plumbea superciliaris (most of CR)
- Long-billed Gnatwren ______ N S H 9
melanurus panamensis
- Black-faced Solitaire ______ N S H 17 (total range limited to
Costa Rica & western Panama)
Myadestes melanops (monotypic)
- Black-billed
Nightingale-Thrush ______ S 14 (total range limited to Costa Rica
& western Panama)
Catharus g. gracilirostris
- Orange-billed
Nightingale-Thrush ______ N S H 11
Catharus aurantiirostris (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Catharus aurantiirostris costaricensis (most of CR)
Catharus aurantiirostris russatus (southwest CR)
- Ruddy-capped
Nightingale-Thrush ______ N S 13
Catharus f. frantzii
- Swainson's Thrush ______ N S H 12
Catharus ustulatus (4 of 6 subspecies migrate as far south as
Costa Rica)
- Wood Thrush ______ N S H 8
(formerly Catharus) mustelinus (monotypic, and the
single member of its genus)
- Sooty Thrush ______ N S H 16 (has been called Sooty
Robin) (total range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Turdus nigrescens (monotypic)
- Mountain Thrush _______ N S H 23
(has been called
Mountain Robin)
Turdus p. plebejus
- Clay-colored Thrush ______ N S H wP 27
(has been called Clay-colored Robin)
(the national bird of Costa Rica)
Turdus grayi casius
- White-throated Robin ______ N S H 10 (has
been called White-throated Robin; closely
related to, previously conspecific with the White-necked Thrush
of South America)
Turdus assimilis cnephosus
- American Dipper ______ N S H 12
Cinclus mexicanus ardesiacus
- Long-tailed
Silky-Flycatcher ______ N S H 17 (total range limited to Costa Rica
& western Panama)
Ptilogonys caudatus (monotypic)
- Black-and-yellow Phainoptila ______ N S H 9 (has been called Black-and-yellow
Silky-Flycatcher) (total range limited to Costa Rica & western
Phainoptila melanoxantha (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Phainoptila m. melanoxantha (south CR)
Phainoptila melanoxantha parkeri (north CR)
- Yellow-crowned Euphonia ______ N S H wP 17
(total range from
Nicaragua to Panama)
Euphonia luteicapilla
- Thick-billed Euphonia ______ S H 11
Euphonia laniirostris crassirostris
- Yellow-throated Euphonia ______ N S H 8
Euphonia hirundinacea gnatho
- White-vented Euphonia ______ N S H 6
Euphonia minuta humilis
- Spot-crowned Euphonia ______ S 5 (total range limited to
Costa Rica & western Panama)
Euphonia imitans
- Tawny-capped Euphonia ______ N S H 12 (total range from
Costa Rica to northwestern Colombia)
Euphonia a. anneae
- Elegant Euphonia ______ N S H 7 (was called the Blue-hooded Euphonia when the
expanded species included the Antillean Euphonia of the West Indies
and the Golden-rumped Euphonia
of South America)
Euphonia e. elegantissma
- Golden-browed Chlorophonia ______ N
S H 12 (was
at one time
considered conspecifc with the Blue-crowned Chlorophonia of
northern Central America) (total range limited to Costa Rica &
western Panama)
Chlorophonia callophrys (monotypic)
- House Sparrow (i) ______ N S H 26
Passer domesticus
- Lesser Goldfinch ______ N S H 6
Carduelis psaltria colombiana
- Yellow-bellied Siskin ______ S 3
Carduelis x. xanthogastra
- Black-and-white Warbler ______ N S H P 21
Mniotilta varia (monotypic, and the single member of its
- Prothonotary Warbler ______ N S H wP 11
Protonotaria citrea (monotypic, and the single member of its
- Golden-winged Warbler ______ N S H 16
Vermivora chrysoptera
- Tennessee Warbler ______ N S H wP 21
Vermivora peregrina
- Orange-crowned Warbler (CRr) ______ S 1
Vermivora celata
- Flame-throated Warbler ______ N S H 13 (total range limited
to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Parula gutturalis
- Tropical Parula ______ N S H 17
Parula pitiayumi speciosa
- American Yellow Warbler ______ N S H 23
Dendroica petechia
- Mangrove
Warbler ______ N H wP
16 (was
considered part of the Yellow
Dendroica erithachorides
- Magnolia Warbler ______ N S H wP 4
Dendroica magnolia
- Black-throated Blue
Warbler (CRr) ______ N S H 4
Dendroica caerulescens
- Chestnut-sided Warbler ______ N S H P 24
Dendroica pensylvanica
- Black-throated Green
Warbler ______ N S H 21
Dendroica v. virens
- Townsend's Warbler (CRr) ______ S 1
Dendroica townsendi
- Blackburnian Warbler ______ N S H 17
Dendroica fusca
- Bay-breasted Warbler ______ N S H 3
Dendroica castanea
- American Redstart ______ N S H 13
Setophaga ruticilla
- Ovenbird ______ N S H 5
Seiurus aurocapillus
- Northern Waterthrush ______ N S H 22
Seiurus noveboracensis
- Louisiana Waterthrush ______ N S 9
Seiurus motacilla
- Chiriqui
Yellowthroat ______ S
5 (closely
related to the Masked Yellowthroat of South America,
Geothlypis aequinoctialis, from which 2 other species on that continent
have recently been split)
Geothlypis chiriquensis (monotypic)
- Kentucky Warbler ______ N S H 7
Oporornis formosus
- Mourning Warbler ______ N S H 13
Oporornis philadelphia
- MacGillivrays' Warbler ______ N S 2
Oporornis tolmiei
- Wilson's Warbler ______ N S H wP 24
Wilsonia pusilla
- Canada Warbler ______ N S H 5
Wilsonia canadensis
- Slate-throated Whitestart ______
N S H 24 (has been called Slate-throated Redstart)
Myioborus miniatus (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Myioborus miniatus comptus (west CR)
Myioborus miniatus aurantiacus (east CR)
- Collared Whitestart ______ N S H 23 (has been called Collared Redstart)
(total range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Myioborus torquatus (monotypic)
- Stripe-crowned Warbler ______N S H 8 (has been called
Golden-crowned Warbler)
Basileuterus culcivorus (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Basileuterus c. culcivorus (north CR)
Basileuterus culcivorus godmani (south CR)
- Chestnut-capped Warbler ______ N S H 17
(has been said by some to be conspecific with the Rufous-capped Warbler
of northern Central America)
Basileuterus delattrii (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Basileuterus d. delattrii (northern CR)
Basileuterus delattrii mesochrysus (southern CR)
- Black-cheeked Warbler ______ N S H 9 (total range limited to
Costa Rica & western Panama)
Basileuterus m. melanogernys
- Three-striped Warbler ______ N S H 7
Basileuterus tristriatus chitrensis
- Buff-rumped Warbler ______ N S H 18 (closely
related to the Riverbank Warbler of South America)
Phaeothlypis fulvicauda (2
subspecies in Costa Rica)
Phaeothlypis fulvicauda leucopygia (most of CR)
Phaeothlypis fulvicauda veraguensis (southwest CR)
- Wrenthrush ______ N
S 4
Zeledonia coronata
- Chestnut-headed Oropendola ______ N
S H 10
Zarhynchus wagleri ridgwayi
- Scarlet-rumped Cacique ______ N S H 14
Cacicus microrhynchus
- Yellow-billed Cacique ______ N S H 6
(formerly Cacicus) h. holosericeus
- Baltimore Oriole ______ N S H wP 24 (was
merged for a while with the Bullock's Oriole and was then
called the Northern
Icterus galbula
- Orchard Oriole ______ N S H wP 12
Icterus s. spurius
- Red-breasted Blackbird ______ S
3 (a recent arrival in Costa Rica; now fairly
common in the southern Pacific lowlands & quite uncommon in the
Caribbean lowlands)
Sturnella (formerly Leistes) militaris
- Eastern Meadowlark ______ N S H 24
Sturnella magna subulata
- Great-tailed Grackle ______ N S H wP 27
Quiscalus mexicanus peruvianus
- Bronzed Cowbird ______ N S H wP 22
Molothrus a. aeneus
- Bananaquit ______ N S H P 25
Coereba flaveola mexicana
- Black-striped Sparrow ______ N S H 24 (has
been considered conspecific with Green-backed Sparrow)
Arremonops conirostris richmondi
- White-eared Ground-Sparrow ______ N
S H 6
Melozone l. leucotis
- Volcano Junco ______ N S H 10 (total range limited to Costa Rica
& western Panama)
Junco vulcani (monotypic)
- Rufous-collared Sparrow ______ N S H wP 27
Zonotrichia capensis costaricensis
- Common Bush Tanager ______ N S H wP 25
Chlorospingus ophthalmicus (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Chlorospingus ophthalmicus regionalis
(east CR)
Chlorospingus ophthalmicus novicius (southwest CR)
- Sooty-capped Bush Tanager ______ N S H 21
(total range limited
to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Chlorospingus p. pileatus
- Black-and-yellow Tanager ______ N S H 8
(total range limited to
Costa Rica & Panama)
Chrysothlypis chrysomelas titanota
- Gray-headed Tanager ______ N S H 7
Eucometis penicillata (the single member of its genus) (2 subspecies
in Costa Rica)
Eucometis penicillata spodocephala (west CR)
Eucometis penicillata stictohorax (southwest CR)
- White-throated
Shrike-Tanager _____ N S H 3 (total range from eastern Honduras to
Lanio leucothorax (3 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Lanio l. leucothorax (east CR)
Lanio leucothorax melanopygius (southwest CR)
- White-shouldered Tanager ______ N S H 9
Tachyphonus luctuosus axillaris
- White-lined Tanager ______ N S H 15
Tachyphonus rufus (monotypic)
- Red-crowned Ant Tanager ______ N S 4
Habia rubica (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Habia rubica vinacea (south & west CR)
- Black-cheeked Ant Tanager (t2) (CRe)
______ S H
4 (total
range restricted to a limited area of southern Costa Rica)
Habia atrimaxillaris (monotypic)
- Tooth-billed Tanager ______ N
S H 12 (has been part of the
more-northerly Hepatic Tanager, Piranga hepatica, and what's now the
more-southerly Red Tanager, Piranga flava,
in South America)
Piranga lutea testacea
- Summer Tanager ______ N S H 23
Piranga r. rubra
- Scarlet Tanager ______ N S 6
Piranga olivacea (monotypic)
- Western Tanager ______ N S H 11
Piranga ludoviciana (monotypic)
- Flame-colored Tanager
______ N S H 14 (another name has been
Streak-backed Tanager)
Piranga bidentata citrea
- White-winged Tanager ______ N S 6
Piranga leucoptera latifasciata
- Cherrie's Tanager ______ S H wP 11 (when conspecific with
the Passerini's Tanager, was called Scarlet-rumped
Tanager) (total range limited
to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Ramphocelus costaricensis
- Blue-gray Tanager ______ N S H wP 27
Thraupis episcopus cana
- Palm Tanager ______ N S H wP 26
Thraupis palmarum atripennis
- Blue-and-gold Tanager (nt) ______ N
S 7
range limited to Costa Rica & Panama)
Bangsia (formerly Buthraupis) arcaei careruleigularis
- Silver-throated Tanager ______ N S H 23
Tangara icterocephala frantzii
- Speckled Tanager ______ N S H 10
Tangara guttata eusticta
- Bay-headed Tanager ______ N S H 21
Tangara gyrola bangsi
- Golden-hooded Tanager ______ N S H 26 (an alternate name of
"Golden-masked Tanager" is inappropriate; closely related,
however, to the Masked Tanager of
South America)
Tangara larvata (3 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Tangara larvata centralis (east CR)
Tangara larvata franciscae (west CR)
- Spangle-cheeked Tanager ______ N S 15 (total range limited
to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Tangara dowii (monotypic)
- Scarlet-thighed Dacnis ______ N S H 19
Dacnis v. venusta
- Blue Dacnis ______ N S H 17
Dacnis cayana callaina
- Green Honeycreeper ______ N S H 23
Chlorophanes spiza arguta
- Shining Honeycreeper ______ N S H 14
Cyanerpes lucidus isthmicus
- Red-legged Honeycreeper ______ N S H wP 22
Cyanerpes cyaneus carneipes
- Slaty Flower-piercer ______ N S H wP 21
(closely related to Rusty Flower-Piercer of South America)
(total range limited to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Diglossa p. plumbea
- Yellow-faced Grassquit ______ N S H wP 25
Tiuaris olivacea pusillus
- White-collared Seedeater ______ N S H wP 18
Sporophila torqueola morelleti
- Variable Seedeater ______ N S H wP 16 (including the
"Black" Variable Seedeater, on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica,
once considered a distinct species)
Sporophila corvina (formerly
Sporophila aurita)
- Yellow-bellied Seedeater ______ S 4
Sporophila n. nigricollis
- Ruddy-breasted Seedeater ______ N S wP 5
Sporophila minuta (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Sporophila minuta centralis (southwest CR)
- Thick-billed Seed Finch ______ N S H wP 19 (was conspecific with what's now the
Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch of South America, Oryzoborus
angolensis, and was then called the Lesser Seed
Oryzoborus funereus (2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Oryzoborus funereus salvini (most of CR)
Oryzoborus funereus ochrogyne (southwest CR)
- Blue-black Grassquit ______ N S H wP 27
Volatinia jacarina splendens (the single member of its genus)
- Slaty Finch ______ S 1
Haplospiza rustica barrilesensis
- Peg-billed Finch (nt) ______ S 5 (total range limited to
Costa Rica & western Panama)
Acanthidops bairdi (monotypic)
- Grassland Yellow Finch ______ S 3 (found during recent
FONT tours in open country in the Pacific lowlands south of Golfito)
Soicalis luteola eisenmanni
- Large-footed Finch ______ N S H 12 (total range limited
to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Pezopetes capitalis (monotypic, and the single member of its
- Yellow-thighed Finch ______ N S H 18 (total range limited
to Costa Rica & western Panama)
Pselliophorrus tibialis (monotypic)
- Yellow-throated Brush Finch ______ N S H 12 (has been merged by some with the
more-southerly White-naped Brush Finch, Atlapetes albinucha)
Atlapetes gutturalis
- Chestnut-capped
Brush-Finch ______ N S
Buarremon (formerly Atlapetes) brunneinucha
- Black-headed Brush-Finch ______ S 1 (has
been merged by some with the more-southerly Stripe-headed Brush-Finch,
Buarremon torquatus)
Buarremon (formerly
- Sooty-faced Finch ______ N S 2
(total range is Costa
Rica & Panama)
Lysurus crassirostris (monotypic, and the single member of its
- Buff-throated Saltator ______ N S H 25
Saltator maximus
(2 subspecies in Costa Rica)
Saltator maximus magnoides (most of CR)
Saltator maximus intermedius (southwest CR)
- Streaked Saltator ______ S 6
Saltator striatipectus furax (formerly Saltator albicollis, now the
scientific name for the Lesser Antillean Saltator)
- Black-faced Grosbeak ______ N S H 11
Caryothraustes poliogaster scapularis
- Black-thighed Grosbeak ______ N S H 14 (closely related
to the more-northerly Mexican Yellow-Grosbeak, Pheucticus
chrysopeplus, and the more-southerly Southern Yellow-Grosbeak,
Pheuticus chrysogaster, of
South America) (total range limited to Costa Rica & western
Pheucticus tibialis
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak ______ N S H 21
Pheucticus ludovicianus (monotypic)
- Blue-black Grosbeak ______ N S H 13
Cyanocompsa cyanoides caerulescens
- Indigo Bunting ______ N S H 4
Passerina cyanea (monotypic)