Birds found during the FONT 
Holiday Birding & Nature Tour
December 26 - January 4,
List compiled by Armas
Photograph at right:
In the Guatemalan highlands (gh),
including the areas of Antigua & Lake Atitlan
In the Pacific lowlands (pl)
On the Pacifc Slope (ps), including Volcan Atitlan
In the Peten region (pt)
including areas of Tikal and Rio de la Pasion
(t): a globally threatened or rare species,
designated by Birdlife International.
(t1): critical (t2): endangered
(t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally.
(r/GU): rare in Guatemala
(i): introduced species.
(h): heard only
The numbers in ( ) indicate the number of FONT Guatemala tours during which the
bird has been found. There have been 12 tours in the highlands; 13 in Peten.
Lists of Birds during our Guatemala Tours
In cumulative lists of birds, scientific names
are given & subspecies are noted.
of Central American Mammals & Some Other Wildlife
A list of mammals during our
Guatemala Holiday Tour '06-'07 follows the bird-list below.
of Selected Central American Butterflies
Birding & Nature Tours in Guatemala
- Least Grebe (7) - pl,pt
Tachybaptus dominicus
- Brown Pelican (7) - pt
Pelecanus occidentalis
- Neotropic Cormorant (12) - pl,pt
Phalacrocorax brasilianus (formerly P. olivaceous)
- Anhinga (9) - pt
Anhinga anhinga
- Great Blue Heron (11) - gh,pt
Ardea herodias
- Little Blue Heron (12) - pl,gh,pt
Egretta caerulea
- Tricolored Heron (9) - pl,pt
Egretta tricolor
- Great Egret (13) - pl,pt
Ardea alba
- Snowy Egret (11) - pl,gh,pt
Egretta thula
- Cattle Egret (13) - pl,gh,ps,pt
Bubulcus ibis
- Green Heron (13) - pl,gh,pt
Butorides virescens
- Black-crowned Night-Heron (6) - pl
Nycticorax nycticorax
- Wood Stork (7) - pt
Mycteria americana
- Blue-winged Teal (4) - gh,pt
Anas discors
- Black Vulture (13) - pl,gh,ps,pt
Coragyps atratus
- Turkey Vulture (13) - pl,gh,ps,pl
Cathartes aura
- Osprey (8) - pt
Pandion haliaetus
- White-tailed Kite (9) - pt
Elanus leucurus
- Snail Kite (4) - pt
Rostrhamus sociabilis
- Red-tailed Hawk (12) - gh
Buteo jamaicensis
- Short-tailed Hawk (5) - ps
Buteo brachyurus
- Broad-winged Hawk (4) - ps
Buteo platypterus
- Roadside Hawk (13) - pl,ps,pt
Buteo magnirostris
- Gray Hawk (11) - pt
Buteo (or Asturina) nitida
- Great Black Hawk (4) - pt
Buteogallus urubitinga
- Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle (1) - ps
Spizastur melanoleucus (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
- Ornate Hawk-Eagle (2) - ps
Spizaetus ornatus
- Black Hawk-Eagle (4) - ps
Spizaaetus tyrannus
- Northern Harrier (1) - ps
Circus cyaneus hudsonicus
- Northern Crested-Caracara (7) - ps
Caracara cheriway
- Laughing Falcon (11) - pt
Herpetotheres cachinnans
- Collared Forest-Falcon (3) - ps
Micrastur semitorquatus
- Orange-breasted Falcon (6) - pt
Falco deiroleucus
- American Kestrel (13) - gh,pt
Falco sparverius
- Crested Guan (12) - ps,pt
Penelope purpurascens
- Plain Chachalaca (12) - pt
Ortalis vetula
- White-bellied Chachalaca (3) - ps
Ortalis leucogastra
- Ocellated Turkey (nt) (13) - pt
Meleagris ocellata
- Limpkin (9) - pl
Aramus guarauna
- Gray-necked Wood-Rail
(13) - pl,pt
Aramides cajanea
- Ruddy Crake (9) - pl,pt
Laterallus ruber
- Common Moorhen (5) - pl,pt
Gallinula chloropus
- American Coot (6) - pl,gh,pt
Fulica americana
- Northern Jacana (13) - pl,pt
Jacana spinosa
- Semipalmated Plover (2) - pt
Charadrius semipalmatus
- Killdeer (5) - pt
Charadrius vociferus
- Black-necked Stilt (5) - pt
Himantopus mexicanus
- Greater Yellowlegs (4) - pl,pt
Tringa melanoleuca
- Spotted Sandpiper (9) - pt
Actitis macularia
- Solitary Sandpiper (8) - pt
Tringa solitaria
- Least Sandpiper (4) - pt
Calidris minutilla
- Western Sandpiper (4) - pt
Calidris mauri
- Laughing Gull (10) - pt
Larus atricilla
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (2) - pt
Larus fuscus
- Caspian Tern (3) - pl
Hydroprogne caspia
- Royal Tern (4) - pt
Thalasseus maxima
- Common (or Feral) Pigeon (i) (13) - gh,pt
Columba livia
- Red-billed Pigeon (6) - ps
Patagioenas flavirostris
- Pale-vented Pigeon (10) - pl,pt
Patagioenas cayennensis
- Band-tailed Pigeon (9) - gh
Patagioenas fasciata
- White-winged Dove (12) - gh
Zenaida asiatica
- Inca Dove (12) - gh,ps
Scardafella (has been Columbina) inca
- Ruddy Ground-Dove (12) - pl,pt
Columbina taipacoti
- White-tipped Dove (12) - ps,gh,pt
Leptotila verrreauxi
- Ruddy Quail-Dove (6) - ps
Geotrygon montana
- Orange-fronted Parakeet (8) - ps
Aratinga canicularis
- White-fronted Parrot (12) - pt
Amazona albifrons
- Red-lored (or Yellow-cheeked) Amazon/Parrot
(13) - pt
Amazona autumnalis
- Yellow-naped Amazon/Parrot (4) - ps
Amazona auropalliata
- Squirrel Cuckoo (11) - pt
Piaya cayana
- Groove-billed Ani (12) - pl,gh,ps,pt
Crotophaga suicirostris
- Mottled Owl (8) - pt
Strix virgata
- Black-and-white Owl (2) - gh
Strix (or Ciccaba) nigrolineata
- Lesser Nighthawk (8) - pl,gh,ps,pt
Chordeiles acutipennis
- Short-tailed Nighthawk (2) - pt
Lurocalis semitorquatus
- Pauraque (12) - pl,pt
Nyctidromus albicollis
- Yucatan Poorwill (7) - pt
Nyctiphrynus yucatanicus
- Mexican Whip-poor-will (6) - gh
Caprimulgus (vociferus) chiapensis
- White-collared Swift (11) - gh,ps
Streptoprocne zonaris
- Vaux's (or Dusky-backed) Swift (13) - gh,ps,pt
Chaetura vauxi
- White-throated Swift (4) - gh
Aeronautes saxatalis
- Long-billed (formerly Long-tailed) Hermit
(9) - pt
Phaethornis longirostris
- Stripe-throated (formerly Little) Hermit
(7) -
Phaethornis striigularis
- Rufous Sabrewing (9) - ps
Campylopterus rufus
- Violet Sabrewing (4) - ps
Campylopterus hemileucurus
- Green-breasted (or Prevost's)
Mango (6) - ps
Anthracothorax prevostii
- White-eared Hummingbird (12) - gh
Basilinna leucotis
- Blue-throated Sapphire (or Goldentail)
(1) - ps
Hylocharis eliciae
- White-bellied Emerald (13) - ps,pt
Amazilia candida
- Azure-crowned Hummingbird
(or Red-billed Azurecrown) (12) - gh,ps
Amazilia cyanocephala
- Berylline Hummingbird (7) - ps
Amazilia beryllina
- Cinnamon Hummingbird (7) - pl,ps
Amazilia rutila
- Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (11) - pt
Amazilia tzacati
- Rivoli's (has been part of
Magnificent) Hummingbird (11) - gh
Eugenes (f.) fulgens
- Long-billed Starthroat (3) - ps
Heliomaster longirostris
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird (7) - ps
Archilochus colubris
- Broad-tailed Hummingbird (2) - gh
Selasphorus platycercus
- Mountain (or Mexican) Trogon (11) - gh
Trogon mexicanus
- Northern Violaceous Trogon (13) - pt
Trogon caligatus (formerly T. violaceus)
- Ringed Kingfisher (10) - pl,pt
Megaceryle torquata
- Belted Kingfisher (9) - pl,gh,pt
Megaceryle alcyon
- Amazon Kingfisher (7) - pt
Chloroceryle amazona
- Green Kingfisher (11) -pt
Chloroceryle americana
- Blue-crowned Motmot (13) - pt
Momotus momota
- Collared Aracari (13) - pt
Pteroglossus torquatus
- Keel-billed Toucan (13) - pt
Ramphastos sulfuratus
- "Guatemalan" Northern Flicker
(11) -
Colaptes auratus mexicanoides
- Golden-olive Woodpecker (9) - gh
Piculus rubiginosus
- Chestnut-colored Woodpecker (10) - pt
Celeus castaneus
- Lineated Woodpecker (13) - pt
Dryocopus lineatus
- Acorn Woodpecker (12) - gh
Melanerpes formicivorus
- Golden-fronted Woodpecker (13) -
Melanerpes aurifrons
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (5) - ps
Sphyrapicus varius
- Pale-billed Woodpecker (13) - ps,pt
Campephilus guatemalensis
- Tawny-winged Woodcreeper (8) - pt
Dendrocincla anabatina
- Ruddy Woodcreeper (9) - pt
Dendrocincla homochroa
- Olivaceous Woodcreeper (13) - pt
Sittasomus griseicapillus
- Strong-billed Woodcreeper (4) - pt
Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus
- Northern Barred-Woodcreeper (5) - pt
Dendrocolaptes sanctithomae
- Ivory-billed (or Laughing)
Woodcreeper (13) - ps,pt
Xiphorhynchus flavigaster
- Spot-crowned Woodcreeper (12) - gh
Lepidocolaptes affinis
- Plain Xenops (12) - pt
Xenops minutus
- Barred Antshrike (12) - pt
Thamnophilus doliatus
- Dusky Antbird (7) - pt
Cercomacra tyrannina
- Long-tailed Manakin (2) - ps
Chiroxiphia linearis
- Thrushlike Schiffornis
(has been called
Thrushlike Mourner
or Manakin) (11) - pt
Schiffornis turdinus
- Rose-throated Becard (10) - gh,pt
Pachyramphus aglaiae
- Masked Tityra (12) - ps,pt
Tityra semifasciata
- Black Phoebe (9) - ps
Sayornis nigricans
- Vermilion Flycatcher (9) - pt
Pyrocephalus rubinus
- Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (6) - pt
Tyrannus forficatus
- Western Kingbird (3) - pl
Tyrannus verticlis
- Tropical Kingbird (13) - pl,gh,ps,pt (may include
some sightings of the very-similar Couch's Kingbird,
which could winter in
areas were were in the Peten)
Tyrannus melancholicus
- Boat-billed Flycatcher (11) - pl,gh,pt
Megarynchus pitangua
- Social Flycatcher (12) - pl,gh,ps,pt
Myiozetetes similis
- Great Kiskadee (13) - pl,pt
Pitangus sulphuratus
- Great Crested Flycatcher (8) - pt
Myiarchus crinitus
- Brown-crested Flycatcher (9) - pl
Myiarchus tyrannulus
- Yucatan Flycatcher (9) - pt
Myiarchus yucatanensis
- Dusky-capped Flycatcher (9) - pt
Myiarchus tuberculifer
- Greater Pewee (has been called Coue's
Flycatcher) (10) - gh,ps
Contopus pertinax
- Tropical Pewee (7) - ps,pt
Contopus cinereus
- Northern Tufted-Flycatcher (10) - gh
Mitrephanes phaeocercus
- Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (6) - ps,pt
Empidonax flaviventris
- Willow Flycatcher (3) - ps
Empidonax trailii
- Least Flycatcher (9) - ps,pt
Empidonax minimus
- Buff-breasted Flycatcher (6) - ps
Empidonax fulvifrons
- Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher (7) - pt
Terenotriccus erythrurus
- Northern Royal Flycatcher (11) - pt
Onychorhynchus mexicanus
- Stub-tailed (formerly part of White-throated)
Spadebill (11) - pt
Platyrinchus cancominus
- Yellow-olive Flycatcher (or Flatbill)
(9) - ps
Tolmomyias sulphurescens
- Eye-ringed Flatbill (8) - pt
Rhynchcyclus brevirostris
- Common Tody-Flycatcher (2) - pl
Todirostrum cinereum
- Northern Bentbill (6) - pt
Oncostoma cinereigulare
- Mountain Elaenia (5) - gh
Elaenia frantzii
- Greenish Elaenia (3) - pl,pt
Myiopagis viridicata
- Northern Beardless Tyrannulet (6) - pl
Camptostoma imberbe
- Paltry (or Mistletoe) Tyrannulet (5) - ps
Zimmerius vilissimus
- Sepia-capped Flycatcher (11) - pt
Leptopogon amaurocephalus
- Ochre-bellied Flycatcher (8) - pt
Mionectes oleagineus
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow (11) - pl,gh,ps,pt
Steigidopteryx serripennis
- Ridgway's (has been part of Northern) Rough-winged
Swallow (13) - pt
Steigidopteryx (serripennis) ridgwayi
- Black-capped Swallow (12) - gh
Notiochelidon pileata
- Mangrove Swallow (11) - pl,pt
Tachycineta albilinea
- Tree Swallow (3) - pl
Tachycineta bicolor
- Barn Swallow (9) - pl
Hirundo rustica
- (White-throated) Magpie-Jay (10) - ps
Calocitta formosa
- Brown Jay (13) - pt
Cyanocorax morio
- Bushy-crested Jay (12) - gh
Cyanocorax melanocyanneus
- Steller's Jay (11) - gh
Cyanocitta stelleri
- "Black-eared" American Bushtit
(10) - gh
Psaltriparus minimus
- Band-backed
(or Barred) Wren (13) - ps
Campylorhynchus zonatus
- "Southern" House Wren (13) - ps
Troglodytes musculis
- White-bellied Wren (12) - pt
Uropsila leucogastra
- Rufous-naped Wren (10) - pl
Campylorhynchus rufinucha
- Plain Wren (7) - ps
Thryothorus modestus
- Spot-breasted Wren (11) - ps
Thryothous maculipectus
- White-browed Wren (5) - pt
Thryothorus albinucha
- White-breasted Wood-Wren (9) - pt
Henicorhina leucosticta
- Gray-breasted Wood-Wren (11) - ps
Henicorhina leucophrys
- Tropical Mockingbird (12) - gh
Mimus gilvus
- Gray Catbird (9) - pt
Dumetella carolinensis
- White-throated Thrush (or Robin) (5) - ps
Turdus assimilis
- Rufous-collared Thrush (or Robin)
(12) - gh
Turdus rufitorques
- Clay-colored Thrush (or Robin) (13) - pl,gh,ps,pt
Turdus grayi
- Brown-backed Solitaire (12) - gh
Myadestes occidentalis
- Wood Thrush (11) - pt
Hylocichia (formerly Catharus) mustelinus
- Eastern Bluebird (12) - gh
Sialia sialis
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (8) - ps,pt
Polioptila caerulea
- Long-billed Gnatwren (11) - pt
Ramphocaenus rufiventris
- Cedar Waxwing (3) - gh
Bombycilla cedorum
- Rufous-browed Peppershrike (12) - ps
Cyclarhis gujanensis
- Green Shrike-Vireo (4) - ps
Vireolanius pulchellus
- White-eyed Vireo (10) - pt
Vireo griseus
- Mangrove Vireo (11) - pt
Vireo pallens
- Hutton's Vireo (9) - gh
Vireo huttoni
- Yellow-throated Vireo (x) - ps
Vireo flavifrons
- Plumbeous (formerly part of Solitary) Vireo
(8) - gh
Vireo plumbeus
- Blue-headed (formerly part of Solitary)
Vireo (9) - pt
Vireo solitarius
- Tawny-crowned Greenlet (9) - pt
Hylophilus ochraceiceps
- "Gray-headed" Lesser Greenlet
(13) - ps,pt
Hylophilus decurtatus
- Black-and-white Warbler (11) - ps,pt
Mniotilta varia
- Prothonotary Warbler (2) - pl
Protonotaria citrea
- Tennessee Warbler (11) - gh,ps
Vermivora peregrina
- Crescent-chested Warbler (12) - gh
Parula (formerly Vermivora) superciliosa
- Yellow Warbler (11) - gh,ps,pt
Dendroica aestiva
- Magnolia Warbler (11) - ps,pl
Dendroica magnolia
- "Myrtle" Yellow-rumped Warbler
(3) - pt
Dendroica c. coronata
- Townsend's Warbler (10) - gh
Dendroica townsendi
- Black-throated Green Warbler (11) - gh,ps,pt
Dendroica virens
- Chestnut-sided Warbler (5) - pt
Dendroica pensylvanica
- Ovenbird (10) - pt
Seiurus aurocapillus
- Northern Waterthrush (10) - pl,pt
Seiurus noveboracensis
- Kentucky Warbler (9) - pt
Oporornis formosus
- MacGillivray's Warbler (6) - gh,ps
Oporornis tolmiei
- Common Yellowthroat (10) - pt
Geothlypis trichas
- Gray-throated Chat (6) - pt
Granatellus saliaei
- Wilson's Warbler (10) - gh,ps
Wilsonia pusilla
- Hooded Warbler (10) - pt
Wilsonia citrina
- American Redstart (10) - pt
Setophaga ruticilla
- Painted Whitestart (or Redstart) (5) - gh
Myioborus pictus
- Slate-throated Whitestart (or Redstart)
(12) - gh,ps
Myioborus miniatus
- Pink-headed Warbler (nt) (12) - gh
Ergaticus versicolor
- Red-faced Warbler (4) - gh
Cardellina rubrifrons
- Golden-crowned Warbler (13) - ps,pt
Basileuterus culicivorus
- Rufous (or Chestnut) -capped Warbler
(10) -
Basileuterus rufifrons
- Montezuma Oropendola (13) - pt
Psarocolius montezuma
- Yellow-winged Cacique (3) - pl
Cacicus melanicterus
- Bronzed (or Red-eyed) Cowbird (13) - gh
Molothrus aeneus
- Great-tailed Grackle (13) - pl,gh,ps,pt
Quiscalus mexicanus
- Melodious Blackbird (13) - ps,pt
Dives dives
- Red-winged Blackbird (8) - pl,pt
Agelaius phoeniceus
- Black-cowled Oriole (11) - pt
Icterus prosthemeias
- Baltimore Oriole (11) - pl,gh,ps,pt
Icterus galbula
- Orchard Oriole (11) - pl,ps,pt
Icterus spurius
- Black-vented (or Wagler's) Oriole
(10) - gh
Icterus wagleri
- Altamira Oriole (10) - pl
Icterus gularis
- Yellow-tailed Oriole (9) - pt
Icterus mesomeias
- Spot-breasted Oriole (3) - pl
Icterus pectoralis
- Red-legged Honeycreeper (11) - ps
Cyanerpes cyaneus
- Scrub Euphonia (7) - pl
Euphonia affinis
- Olive-backed Euphonia (8) - pt
Euphonia gouldi
- Yellow-throated Euphonia (12) - ps,pt
Euphonia hirundinacea
- Blue-gray Tanager (12) - gh,ps,pt
Thraupis episcopus
- Yellow-winged Tanager (13) - gh,ps
Thraupis abbas
- Summer Tanager (10) - ps,pt
Piranga rubra
- Western Tanager (10) - ps
Piranga ludoviciana
- Hepatic Tanager (x) - gh
Piranga hepatica
- White-winged Tanager (6) - ps
Piranga leucoptera
- Red-crowned Ant-Tanager (9) - pt
Habia rubica
- Red-throated Ant-Tanager (12) - pt
Habia fuscicauda
- Black-throated Shrike-Tanager (9) - pt
Lanio aurantius
- Gray-headed Tanager (7) - pt
Eucometis penicillata
- Black-headed Saltator (13) - ps,pt
Saltator atriceps
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak (10) - gh,ps
Pheucticus ludovicianus
- Indigo Bunting (10) - gh,ps
Passerina cyanea
- Painted Bunting (5) - ps
Passerina ciris
- White-collared Seedeater (13) - pl,gh,ps,pt
Sporophila torqueola
- Thick-billed (or Lesser) Seed-Finch
(3) - pt
Oryzoborus funereus
- Blue-black Grassquit (9) - pt
Volatina jacarina
- Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch (7) - gh
Buarremon (formerly Atlapetes) brunneinuchus
- Prevost's Ground-Sparrow (9) - gh
Melozone biarcuata
- Rusty Sparrow (10) - gh
Aimophila rufescens
- Rufous-collared Sparrow (12) - gh
Zonotrichia capensis
- Black-headed Siskin (11) - gh
Carduelis notata
- Lesser (or Dark-backed) Goldfinch
(11) - gh,ps
Carduelis psaltria
- House Sparrow (i) (12) - gh,ps
Passer domesticus
Taxonomy in large part conforms
with "A Guide to the Birds of Mexico & Northern Central
America", by Steve Howell & Sophie Webb.

Mammals during the FONT Guatemala
Dec 06 - Jan 07 Holiday Tour
Yucatan (or Mexican) Black Howler Monkey - pt
Alouatta palliata
Central American Spider Monkey - pt
Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis
Central American Agouti - ps,pt
Dasyprocta punctata
White-nosed Coati - pt
Nasua narica
Mexican Gray Squirrel (has been called Red-bellied
Squirrel) - gh
Sciurus aureogaster
Yucatan Squirrel - pt
Sciurus yucatanensis
various bats (sp.) - pt
Other Wildlife
Morelet's Crocodile - pt
Crocodylus acutus
Green Iguana - pt
Iguana iguana
Common Slider - pt
Trachemys scripta
Black-striped Snake - pt
Caniophanes imperialis
Speckled Racer - pt
Drymobius margaritiferus
Leaf-cutter and other ants - pt
various butterflies (including Morphos) - gh,ps,pt