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Birds found during the FONT 
Birding & Nature Tour 

in the Yucatan Region
and on offshore Cozumel Island 

in March 2009

List compiled by Armas Hill, leader of the tour.

Photograph at right:  A SOCIAL FLYCATCHER
This photograph was taken by Alan Brady in 1979 (well before digital photography).
30 years later, Alan was with us in Mexico during this tour in March 2009. 
(During the years in between, Alan's done many tours with us in many places).  




March 18-27, 2009



(t): a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International.
(t1): critical     (t2): endangered     (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally

(MXx): endangered & threatened birds in Mexico
(MX1): endangered in the country
(MX2): threatened in the country
(MX3): species of "special concern" in Mexico
(MXi): introduced species in Mexico

cz:   on Cozumel Island

ny:   in the northern Yucatan Peninsula, including Coba and the Rio Lagartos Special Biosphere Reserve
my:  in the middle Yucatan Peninsula, including the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve  
sy:   in the southern Yucatan Peninsula and west into Campeche, including the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve

This Pinnated Bittern, hiding in the reeds,
was photographed through a telescope 
during the FONT March 2009 Mexico Tour,
by Dianne Smalley. 


List of Birds of the Yucatan Region of Mexico  (with some photos) 

Cumulative List of Mexican Birds  (part 1: tinamous to woodpeckers)

Cumulative List of Mexican Birds  (part 2: manakins to buntings)

Lists of Mexican Mammals & Other Wildlife (including Amphibians & Reptiles)

List of Selected Central American Butterflies

Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Mexico

An adult King Vulture was one of the highlights of our March 2008 tour in southern Mexico.
When it was perched on a large tree branch, everyone observed it through a scope.
Later, at the end of the tour, when the 10 participants voted for their "top birds", it was Number #1.

Another bird that was enjoyed was the Keel-billed Toucan.
(photo by Danny Leon Cordero,
of the Hotel Exploreana in southern Mexico)



  1. Slaty-breasted Tinamou  (MX3) _____  sy
    Crypturellus boucardi

  2. Thicket Tinamou  _____  sy
    Crypturellus cinnamomeus

  3. Plain Chachalaca _____  my,sy 
    Ortalis vetula

  4. Ocellated Turkey (nt) (MX2) _____  my,sy 
    Meleagris ocellata

  5. Yucatan Bobwhite _____  ny,sy 
    Colinus leucopogon

  6. Black-bellied Whistling Duck _____  cz
    Dendrocygna autumnalis
  7. Blue-winged Teal _____  cz,my
    Anas discors

  8. Least Grebe _____  cz,ny,sy 
    Tachybaptus dominicus

  9. Pied-billed Grebe _____  ny
    Podilymbus p. podiceps

  10. American Flamingo  (MX2) _____  ny
    Phoenicopterus ruber

  11. American White Ibis - cz,ny
    Eudocimus albus

  12. Glossy Ibis - ny
    Plegadis falcinellus

  13. Roseate Spoonbill - cz,ny
    Platalea ajaja

  14. Black-crowned Night Heron - ny
    Nycticorax nycticorax

  15. Yellow-crowned Night Heron  (MX2) - cz,ny
    Nyctanassa violacea

  16. Boat-billed Heron - ny
    Cochlearius cochlearius phillipsi

  17. Bare-throated Tiger Heron  (MX3) - ny,sy 
    Tigrisoma mexicanum

  18. Great Blue Heron - cz,ny   
    Ardea herodias

  19. "Great White Heron"  (a morph of the Great Blue Heron) - ny
    Ardea herodias  

  20. Little Blue Heron - cz,ny,my,sy   
    Egretta caerulea

  21. Tricolored Heron - cz,ny 
    Egretta tricolor

  22. Reddish Egret  (MX3) - cz,ny
    Egretta rufescens

  23. Great Egret - cz,ny,my,sy   
    Ardea alba

  24. Snowy Egret - cz,ny  
    Egretta thula

  25. Cattle Egret - cz,ny,my,sy   
    Bubulcus ibis

  26. Green Heron - cz,ny 
    Butorides virescens

  27. Pinnated Bittern - ny,sy 
    Botaurus pinnatus

  28. Least Bittern - ny
    Ixobrychus exilis

  29. Magnificent Frigatebird - cz,ny,my
    Fregata magnificens 

  30. American White Pelican - ny
    Pelecanus erythrorhynchos

  31. Brown Pelican - cz,ny,my 
    Pelecanus occidentalis  

  32. Neotropic Cormorant - ny 
    Phalacrocorax brasilianus  (formerly P. olivaceous)

  33. Double-crested Cormorant - ny,my
    Phalacrocorax auritus

  34. Anhinga - cz,ny 
    Anhinga anhinga

  35. King Vulture - sy
    Sarcoramphus papa

  36. Black Vulture  - cz,ny,my,sy 
    Coragyps atratus 

  37. Turkey Vulture - cz,ny,my,sy   
    Cathartes aura

  38. Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture - ny
    Cathartes burrovianus

  39. Northern Crested Caracara - ny  
    Caracara cheriway

  40. Laughing Falcon - ny,sy 
    Herpetotheres cachinnans

  41. American Kestrel - sy
    Falco sparverius

  42. Bat Falcon - sy
    Falco rufigularis

  43. Peregrine Falcon   (MX3) - cz,ny 
    Falco peregrinus

  44. Osprey - cz,ny
    Pandion haliaetus

  45. White-tailed Kite - sy
    Elanus leucurus 

  46. Gray-headed Kite - sy
    Leptodon cayanensis

  47. Plumbeous Kite - sy
    Ictinia plumbea
  48. Snail Kite (MX3) - sy  
    Rostrhamus sociabilis

  49. Cooper's Hawk - ny  (rare in the Yucatan)
    Accipiter cooperii

  50. Crane Hawk - ny   
    Geranospiza c. nigra

  51. Zone-tailed Hawk - ny
    Buteo a. albonotatus

  52. White-tailed Hawk  (MX3) - ny
    Buteo albicaudatus

  53. Roadside Hawk - ny,my,sy   
    Buteo magnirostris

  54. Gray Hawk  (now merged with the more-southerly Gray-lined Hawk) - sy
    Buteo nitida plagiata

  55. Common Black Hawk  (MX3) - ny
    Buteogallus anthracinus

  56. Great Black Hawk  (MX3) - ny
    Buteogallus urubitinga ridgwayi

  57. Limpkin - ny,sy  
    Aramus guarauna

  58. Common Gallinule (or Moorhen) - cz,ny,sy
    Gallinula chloropus cachinnans

  59. American Coot - cz 
    Fulica americana

  60. American Oystercatcher - ny
    Haematopus palliatus

  61. Northern Jacana - cz,ny,sy  
    Jacana spinosa

  62. Black-necked Stilt - cz,ny
    Himantopus mexicanus

  63. Grey (or  Black-bellied) Plover - cz,ny
    Pluvialis squatarola cynosurae

  64. Snowy Plover - ny
    Charadrius nivosus

  65. Wilson's Plover - cz,ny
    Charadrius wilsonia

  66. Killdeer - sy
    Charadrius v. vociferus

  67. Greater Yellowlegs - ny
    Tringa melanoleuca

  68. Lesser Yellowlegs - ny,my
    Tringa flavipes 

  69. Solitary Sandpiper - cz,ny
    Tringa solitaria

  70. Willet - ny
    Tringa (formerly Catoptrophorus) semipalmatus

  71. Spotted Sandpiper - cz,ny
    Actitis macularia

  72. Ruddy Turnstone - cz,ny
    Arenaria interpres

  73. Sanderling - cz,ny
    Calidris alba rubida

  74. Semipalmated Sandpiper - ny
    Calidris pusilla 

  75. Western Sandpiper - ny
    Calidris mauri

  76. Least Sandpiper - cz,ny,my
    Calidris minutilla

  77. Stilt Sandpiper - ny
    Calidris (formerly Micropalama) himantopus

  78. Short-billed Dowitcher - ny
    Limnodromus riseus

  79. Laughing Gull - ny
    Larus atricilla

  80. Lesser Black-backed Gull - ny
    Larus fuscus graellsii

  81. Gull-billed Tern - ny
    Gelochelidon (formerly Sterna) nilotica vanrossemi

  82. Sandwich Tern - ny
    Thalasseus (formerly Sterna) sandvicensis acuflavida

  83. Royal Tern - cz,ny
    Thalasseus (formerly Sterna) m. maxima

  84. Caspian Tern - ny,my
    Hydroprogne (formerly Sterna) caspia

  85. Roseate Tern - ny
    Sterna d, dougallii

  86. Forster's Tern - ny
    Sterna forsteri

  87. Least Tern  (MX3) - ny
    Sternula (formerly Sterna) a. antillarum  

  88. Black Skimmer - ny
    Rynchops n. niger

  89. Common (or Feral) Pigeon (MXi) - cz,ny,my,sy 
    Columba livia

  90. White-crowned Pigeon  (MX2) - cz
    Patagioenas (formerly Columba) leccocephala

  91. Red-billed Pigeon - sy 
    Patagioenas (formerly Columba) flavirostris

  92. Short-billed Pigeon - sy 
    Patagioenas (formerly Columba) nigrirostris

  93. African Collared Dove (MXi) - cz
    Streptopelia roseogrisea

  94. Eurasian Collared Dove (MXi) - my
    Streptopelia decaocto

  95. Mourning Dove - ny
    Zenaida macroura marginella

  96. White-winged Dove - cz,ny,my,sy 
    Zenaida asiatica

  97. Zenaida Dove  (MX3) - cz,ny 
    Zenaida aurita salvadorii

  98. Common Ground Dove - cz,ny
    Columbina paserina pallescens

  99. Ruddy Ground Dove - ny,my,sy   
    Columbina taipacoti

  100. White-tipped Dove - ny,sy   
    Leptotila verrreauxi

  101. Caribbean Dove - cz
    Leptotila jamaicensis gaumeri 

  102. Aztec Parakeet  (MX3) - ny,my,sy  
    Aratinga astec

  103. Brown-hooded Parrot  (MX2)  - sy
    Pionopsitta haematotis

  104. White-fronted Amazon - ny
    Amazona albifrons

  105. Yucatan Amazon  (MX3) - ny
    Amazona xantholora

  106. Red-lored (or Yellow-cheeked) Amazon - sy
    Amazona autumnalis

  107. Yellow-headed Amazon  (t2) (MX2) - sy
    Amazona o. oratris

  108. Squirrel Cuckoo - ny,sy
    Piaya cayana thermophila

  109. Groove-billed Ani - ny,my,sy 
    Crotophaga suicirostris

  110. Lesser Roadrunner - ny
    Geococcyx velox

  111. Vermiculated Screech Owl - sy
    Megascops (formerly Otus) guatemalae thompsoni 

  112. Ferruginous Pygmy Owl - ny,sy
    Glaucidium brasilianum ridgwayi

  113. Common Nighthawk - ny
    Chordeiles minor

  114. Lesser Nighthawk - cz,ny   
    Chordeiles acutipennis

  115. Pauraque  - cz,ny
    Nyctidromus albicollis

  116. Yucatan Poorwill - cz
    Nyctiphrynus yucatanicus

  117. Yucatan Nightjar - cz
    Caprimulgus badius

  118. Vaux's Swift - cz  
    Chaetura vauxi

  119. Wedge-tailed Sabrewing - sy
    Campylopterus curvipennis

  120. Green-breasted Mango - cz,ny,sy
    Anthracothorax p. prevostii

  121. Canivet's  (was part of what was Fork-tailed) Emerald - my
    Chlorostilbon canivetii 

  122. Cozumel  (was part of what was Fork-tailed) Emerald - cz
    Chlorostilbon forficatus

  123. White-bellied Emerald - ny,sy
    Amazilia candida

  124. Cinnamon Hummingbird - ny
    Amazilia rutila corallirostris
  125. Buff-bellied Hummingbird - ny 
    Amazilia yucatanensis

  126. Mexican Sheartail  (nt) (MX1) - ny
    Calothorax eliza

  127. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - ny
    Archilochus colubris

  128. Black-headed Trogon - ny,sy 
    Trogon melanocephalus

  129. Gartered (formerly part of Violaceous) Trogon  - sy
    Trogon calgatus (was Trogon violaceus braccatus)

  130. Belted Kingfisher - cz,ny,my,sy
    Megaceryle (formerly Ceryle) alcyon 

  131. American Pygmy Kingfisher - ny,sy
    Chloroceryle aenea stictoptera

  132. Turquoise-browed Motmot - ny 
    Eumomota s. superciliosa

  133. Keel-billed Toucan  (MX2) - my,sy   
    Ramphastos sulfuratus

  134. Yucatan Woodpecker - cz,ny
    Melanerpes pygmaeus

  135. Golden-fronted Woodpecker - cz,ny,my,sy
    Melanerpes aurifrons

  136. Pale-billed Woodpecker  (MX3) - sy
    Campephilus guatemalensis 

  137. White-collared Manakin  (MX3) - sy
    Manacus candei
  138. Masked Tityra - ny,sy 
    Tityra semifasciata personata

  139. Black-crowned Tityra - ny
    Tityra inquisitor fraserii

  140. Rose-throated Becard - ny,sy
    Pachyramphus aglaiae

  141. Caribbean Elaenia - cz
    Elaenia martinica remota (the subspecies on Yucatan coastal islands)

  142. Yellow-bellied Elaenia - sy
    Elaenia flavogaster subpagana

  143. Ochre-bellied Flycatcher - sy
    Mionectes oleagineus assimilis

  144. Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher - sy
    Poecilotriccus sylvia schistaceiceps

  145. Eye-ringed Flatbill - ny,sy
    Rhynchcyclus brevirostris

  146. Eastern Kingbird - cz,sy 
    Tyrannus tyrannus

  147. Tropical Kingbird - cz,ny,my,sy    
    Tyrannus melancholicus

  148. Couch's Kingbird - ny,sy
    Tyrannus couchii

  149. Streaked Fllycatcher - sy
    Myiodynastes masculatus insolens

  150. Boat-billed Flycatcher - ny,sy
    Megarynchus  pitangua

  151. Social Flycatcher - ny,my,sy 
    Myiozetetes similis

  152. Great Kiskadee - ny,my,sy  
    Pitangus sulphuratus

  153. Dusky-capped Flycatcher - ny
    Myiarchus tuberculifer

  154. Brown-crested Flycatcher - cz,ny,sy 
    Myiarchus tyrannulus

  155. Yucatan Flycatcher - cz,ny,my,sy 
    Myiarchus yucatanensis

  156. Vermilion Flycatcher - ny,sy
    Pyrocephalus rubinus

  157. Bright-rumped Attila - ny
    Attila s. gaumeri

  158. Rufous Mourner - sy 
    Rhytipterna h. holerythra

  159. Tropical Pewee - sy  
    Contopus cinereus

  160. Least Flycatcher - ny
    Empidonax minimus

  161. Barred Antshrike - cz,ny,sy  
    Thamnophilus doliatus

  162. Dusky Antbird - sy
    Cercomacra tyrannina crepera

  163. Olivaceous Woodcreeper - sy
    Sittasomus griseicapillus

  164. Ivory-billed (or Laughing) Woodcreeper - ny,sy
    Xiphorhynchus flavigaster

  165. Rufous-browed Peppershrike - cz,ny 
    Cyclarhis gujanensis yucatanensis

  166. White-eyed Vireo - cz,ny,sy
    Vireo griseus

  167. Mangrove Vireo - cz,ny,sy
    Vireo pallens

  168. Cozumel Vireo  (MX3) - cz
    Vireo bairdi

  169. Yellow-green Vireo - ny
    Vireo flavoviridis

  170. Yucatan Vireo - cz
    Vireo m. magister

  171. Brown Jay - ny,my,sy 
    Cyanocorax morio
  172. Yucatan Jay - ny,my,sy
    Cyanocorax yucatanicus

  173. Green Jay - ny
    Cyanocorax l. maya

  174. Purple Martin - ny,sy
    Progne subis
  175. Gray-breasted Martin - ny 
    Progne chalybea

  176. Tree Swallow - ny
    Tachycineta bicolor

  177. Mangrove Swallow - ny,my,sy
    Tachycineta albilinea

  178. Northern Rough-winged Swallow - sy
    Steigidopteryx ridgwayi

  179. Ridgway's Rough-winged Swallow - ny
    Stelgidopteryx ridgwayi
  180. Barn Swallow - ny,sy
    Hirundo rustica erythrogaster

  181. Cave Swallow - ny
    Petrochelidon fulva

  182. Yucatan Wren  (nt) (MX2)  - ny
    Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus

  183. White-bellied Wren - sy
    Uropsila leucogastra

  184. Spot-breasted Wren - my
    Thryothous maculipectus

  185. "Cozumel" House Wren - cz
    Troglodytes aedon beani

  186. "Southern" House Wren - sy
    Troglodytes aedon intermedius

  187. Carolina Wren  (the race known as the "White-browed Wren") - ny
    Thryothorus ludovicianus albinucha

  188. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - cz,ny
    Polioptila caerulea

  189. Tropical Mockingbird - cz,ny,my,sy 
    Mimus gilvus

  190. Gray Catbird - cz,ny,sy
    Dumetella carolinensis   

  191. Black Catbird  (nt) - cz,ny,my
    Melanoptila glabrirostris
  192. Clay-colored Thrush (or Robin) - ny,sy 
    Turdus grayi

  193. Scrub Euphonia - cz
    Euphonia affinis

  194. Yellow-throated Euphonia - ny,sy 
    Euphonia hirundinacea

  195. Blue-winged Warbler - cz,sy
    Vermivora pinus

  196. Northern Parula - cz,ny
    Parula americana

  197. Yellow Warbler - cz,ny
    Dendroica petechia

  198. "Golden" Yellow Warbler - cz
    Dendroica petechia rufivbertex 

  199. Mangrove Warbler - ny
    Dendroica erithachoriides

  200. Magnolia Warbler - cz,ny,sy
    Dendroica magnolia

  201. "Myrtle" Yellow Warbler - ny
    Dendroica c. coronata

  202. Black-throated Blue Warbler - ny 
    Dendroica caerulescens

  203. Black-throated Green Warbler - cz,ny,sy
    Dendroica virens

  204. Palm Warbler - cz,ny
    Dendroica discolor

  205. Yellow-throated Warbler - cz,ny,sy 
    Dendroica dominica

  206. Black-and-white Warbler - cz,ny,sy
    Mniotilta varia

  207. Ovenbird - cz,ny,sy
    Seiurus aurocapillus

  208. Northern Waterthrush - cz,ny,my,sy
    Seiurus noveboracensis

  209. Louisiana Waterthrush - cz,ny
    Seiurus motacilla

  210. Hooded Warbler - ny,sy
    Wilsonia citrina

  211. Common Yellowthroat - cz,ny,sy
    Geothlypis t. trichas

  212. Gray-crowned Yellowthroat - ny
    Chamaethlypis poliocephala

  213. American Redstart - cz,ny,sy
    Setophaga ruticilla

  214. Gray-throated Chat - ny
    Granatellus saliaei

  215. Montezuma Oropendola  (MX3) - sy 
    Psarocolius montezuma

  216. Yellow-billed Cacique - sy
    Amblycercus (formerly Cacicus). h. holosericeus

  217. Bronzed Cowbird - ny,my,sy 
    Molothrus aeneus

  218. Shiny Cowbird - ny
    Molothrus bonariensis

  219. Giant Cowbird - sy
    Molothrus oryzivorus impacifica
  220. Great-tailed Grackle - cz,ny,my,sy 
    Quiscalus mexicanus

  221. Melodious Blackbird - ny,my,sy 
    Dives dives
  222. Red-winged Blackbird - ny 
    Agelaius phoeniceus

  223. Black-cowled Oriole - ny,sy
    Icterus p. prosthemelas

  224. Baltimore Oriole - sy
    Icterus galbula

  225. Orchard Oriole - cz,ny,sy
    Icterus spurious

  226. Hooded Oriole - cz,ny,sy
    Icterus cucullatus

  227. Altamira Oriole - ny,my,sy 
    Icterus gularis

  228. Orange Oriole - ny 
    Icterus auratus

  229. Eastern Meadowlark - ny 
    Sturnella magna

  230. Olive Sparrow - ny
    Arremonops rufivirgatus

  231. Botteri's Sparrow - ny 
    Aimophila botteri petenica

  232. Crimson-collared Tanager - sy
    Phlogothraupis s. sanguinolenta

  233. Yellow-winged Tanager - sy 
    Thraupis abbas

  234. Summer Tanager - ny,sy
    Piranga rubra

  235. Red-crowned Ant-Tanager - ny
    Habia rubica rubicoides

  236. Red-throated Ant-Tanager - ny,sy 
    Habia fuscicauda

  237. Bananaquit - cz,ny
    Coereba flaveola caboti

  238. Yellow-faced Grassquit - cz,ny
    Tiaris olivacea

  239. White-collared Seedeater - ny,sy
    Sporophila torqueola

  240. Blue-black Grassquit - ny,sy
    Volatinia jacarina spendens

  241. Northern Cardinal - ny,my
    Cardinalis cardinalis phillipsi

  242. Black-headed Saltator - ny,sy 
    Saltator atriceps

  243. Blue Grosbeak - ny,sy
    Passerina (formerly Guiraca) caerulea

  244. Blue Bunting - sy   
    Cyanocompsa parellina

  245. Indigo Bunting - ny,sy
    Passerina cyanea

  246. Painted Bunting  (nt) - ny
    Passerina ciris


Mammals during the March'09 FONT Mexico Tour

  1.  Gray Four-eyed Opossum - sy
       Philander opossum 

  2.  Yucatan Squirrel - sy       
       Sciurus yucatanensis

  3.  JAGUAR - sy
       Panthera (formerly Jaguarius) onca

  4.  Gray Fox - ny,sy
       Urocyon cinereoargenteus 

  5 & 
  6.  Long-tailed Weasel with a mouse - sy
       Mustela frenata 

  7.  Cozumel (or Pygmy) Raccoon - cz  (endangered)
       Procyon pygmaeus

  8.  White-nosed Coati - ny
       Nasua narica 

9.  Cacomistle - sy
       Bassariscus sumichrasti 

10.  various bats (sp.) - cz

11.  Yucatan (or Mexican) Black Howler Monkey
       Alouatta palliata

12.  Central American Spider Monkey  
       Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis

Other Wildlife, including Amphibians & Reptiles

  1.  American Crocodile - cz
       Crocodylus acutus 

  2.  Morelet's Crocodile - ny
       Crocodylus moreletii

  3.  Common Slider - sy,ny
       Trachemys scripta

  4.  House Gecko - my  
       Hemidactylus frenatus
  5.  Black Iguana - ny
       Ctenosaura similes

  6.  Green Iguana - cz
       Iguana iguana

  7.  Brown Anole - cz
       Norops sagrei  

  8.  Brown Basilisk - sy
       Basiliscus vittatus

  9.  Yucatan Spiny Lizard - ny
       Sceloporus chrysostictus

10.  Yucatan Whiptail - sy
       Cnemidophorus angusticeps

11.  Variable Coral Snake - ny
       Micrurus diastema

12.  Atlantic Black Sea Hare - ny
       Aplysia morio 

13. "flying fish"  - ny/cz

14. "needlefish" - ny 

15. "pufferfish"  - ny

16.  crab - ny

17.  Horseshoe Crab  (on beach) - ny

18. leaf-cutter, and other, ants - sy

19. various butterflies (including Common Morpho, Gray Cracker, and Sulphurs)

A listing of some of the butterflies seen will follow here.