Box 9021, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA
E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
Phone: Toll-free in USA 1-8 88-721-3555
or 302/529-1876
found during 
Focus On Nature
West Coast USA Tours in
the Pacific Northwest
and central California
(in the Pacific Northwest
in Washington State,
with some tours 1991-2001 also in
British Columbia, Canada)
1991 thru 2015
the month of September)
List compiled by Armas Hill
occurring in both Washington & California
after the bird names indicate the number of tours during which
the bird
has been found.
(There have been 13 FONT West Coast Tours: 13 in WA, 11 in BC, & 12 in CA).
Pelagic species during sea-trips from Westport, Washington
Monterey, California
indicated in the following list by an *.
327 species of birds have cumulatively been
Note: In Sept 2001, the tour was only in Washington State & British Columbia.
other tours included Washington State, British Columbia, and central California.
Tours in 2004 & 2005 were in Washington & California (not British Columbia).
W: in
Washington State
C: in
B: in British
h = heard only
(USe): endemic to the United States
(USqe): quasi (or nearly) endemic to the USA
(USneb): near-endemic breeder in the USA
(NAi): species introduced into North America
(CAe): endemic to California
(CAqe): quasi (or nearly) endemic to California
(r/NA): rare in North America
(r/wNA): rare in western North America
(t): a globally
threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife Internationa
(t1): critical (t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened
species globally
Lists of
Birds (with some photos): California
A Complete
List (with some photos) of North American Birds, north of Mexico, in 6 parts:
Part #1: Grouse to
Anhinga Part
#2: Condor to Shorebirds
#3: Jaegers to Cuckoos
Part #4: Owls to Flycatchers
#5: Shrikes to Pipits
Part #6: Olive Warbler to Buntings
West Coast USA Tours
FONT West Coast
USA Birding & Nature Tours

- Red-throated Loon _____ W C 5
Gavia stellata
- Pacific Loon _____ W C B 12
Gavia pacifica
- Common Loon _____ W C B 13
Gavia immer
- Pied-billed Grebe _____ W C B 13
Podilymbus p. podiceps
- Horned Grebe _____ W C B 9
Podiceps auritus cornutus
- Red-necked Grebe _____ W B 13
Podiceps grisegena holboellii
- Eared Grebe _____ W C B 9
(also called
Black-necked Grebe)
Podiceps nigricollis californicus
Western Grebe _____ W C 13
Aechmophorus occidentalis
Clark's Grebe _____ W C 9 (was at one time
considered conspecific with
the Western Grebe)
Aechmophorus clarkii
Albatross (t3) _____ W C
Phoebastria nigripes
(in 1999)
Phoebastria immutabilis
*Northern Fulmar _____ W C 13
Fulmarus glacialis rodgersii
*HAWAIIAN PETREL (t3) (r/NA) ______ C 1
(in 2005)
Pterodroma sandwichensis
*Sooty Shearwater _____ W C 13
Puffinus griseus
Shearwater _____ W
Puffinus tenuirostris
Shearwater (t3) _____ W C
Puffinus creatopus
Shearwater _____ W C
Puffinus carneipes
Shearwater (t3) _____ W C
Puffinus bulleri
Shearwater (t3) _____ C
Puffinus opisthomelas
*Fork-tailed (or Gray)
Storm-Petrel _____ W
Oceanodroma furcata
*Leach's Storm-Petrel _____ W 1 (in 1993)
Oceanodroma leucorhoa
*Least Storm-Petrel _____ C 7
Oceanodroma microsoma
*Ashy Storm-Petrel (nt) (CA:qe) _____ C 10
Oceanodroma homochroa
*Black Storm-Petrel _____ C 10
Oceanodroma melania
Storm-Petrel _____ C
Oceanites o. oceanicus
1 (in
Phaethon rubricauda melanorhynchos
American White
Pelican _____ W C
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
Brown Pelican _____ W C 13
Pelecanus occidentalis californicus
Cormorant _____ W C B 13
Phalacrocorax auritus albociliatus
Brandt's Cormorant _____ W C B 13
Phalacrocorax penicillatus
Pelagic Shag (or Cormorant) _____ W C B 13
Phalacrocorax pelagicus resplendens
American Bittern _____ C 2 (in 1991 & 2005)
Botaurus lentiginosus
Great Blue Heron _____ W C B 13
Ardea herodias fannini
Great Egret _____ W C
Ardea alba egretta
Snowy Egret _____ C 12
Egretta thula brewsteri
Green Heron _____ W C 8
Butorides virescens anthonyi
Black-crowned Night
Heron _____
Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli
White-faced Ibis _____ C 2
Plegadis chichi
Mute Swan (i) _____ W 2
Cygnus olor
Brant Goose _____ W C 4
Branta bernicla nigricans
Canada Goose _____ W C B 12
Branta canadensis
White-fronted Goose _____ W C 2
Anser albifrons
Wood Duck _____ W B 7
Aix sponsa
Mallard _____ W C B 13
Anas platyrhynchos
Northern Pintail _____ W C B 12
Anas acuta
Blue-winged Teal _____ W C B 10
Anas discors
Cinnamon Teal _____ W C B 12
Anas cyanoptera septentrionalium
Green-winged Teal _____ W C B 13 (was
considered conspecific with the
Eurasian Teal, Anas
Anas carolinensis
Northern Shoveler _____ W C B 11
Anas clypeata
Gadwall _____ W C B 10
Anas strepera
American Wigeon _____ W C B 12
Anas americana
Redhead _____ W C 3
Aythya americana
Ring-necked Duck _____ W B 7
Aythya collaris
Greater Scaup _____ W B 5
Aythya marila mariloides
Lesser Scaup _____ W C 8
Aythya affinis
Harlequin Duck _____ W C B 11
Histrionicus histrionicus
American Scoter _____ W B 6 (now considered a
species distinct from the
Black Scoter
of Eurasia, Melanitta
Melanitta americana
Surf Scoter _____ W C B 13
Melanitta perspicillata
White-winged Scoter _____ W B 11
(now considered a species distinct from the
Velvet Scoter
of Europe and
Asia, Melanitta fusca) (Birds of eastern Asia, M.d.
are part of the American species.)
Melanitta deglandi
Common Goldeneye _____ W 3
Bucephala clangula (americana)
Barrow's Goldeneye _____ W 4
Bucephala islandica
Bufflehead _____ W C B 5
Bucephala albeola
Hooded Merganser _____ W B 5
Lophodytes cucullatus
Common Merganser _____ W C B 10
Mergus merganser americanus
Merganser _____ W C B 4
Mergus serrator
Ruddy Duck _____ W C B 13
Oxyura j. jamaicensis
Turkey Vulture _____ W C B 13
Cathartes a. aura
Osprey _____ W C B 10
Pandion haliaetus carolinensis
White-tailed Kite _____ C 11
Elanus leucurus majusculus
Bald Eagle _____ W C B 8
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Northern Harrier _____ W C B 12 (has
been conspecific
Hen Harrier of Eurasia, Circus cyaneus)
Sharp-shinned Hawk _____ W C B 13
Accipiter striatus velox
Cooper's Hawk _____ W C B 13
Accipiter cooperi
Northern Goshawk _____ W 1 (in 1992)
Accipiter gentilis
Red-shouldered Hawk _____ C 12
Buteo lineatus elegans
Red-tailed Hawk _____ W C B 13
Buteo jamaicensis alascensis
(in Washington & British Columbia)
Buteo jamaicensis calurus (in California) (This subspecies of the western
US has pale, rufous, and dark morphs.)
Swainson's Hawk _____ W C 4
(occurs in 2 morphs: light &
Buteo swainsoni
Ferruginous Hawk
(nt) _____ W
1 (in 2001)
Buteo regalis
Golden Eagle _____ W C 9
Aquila chrysaetos canadensis
American Kestrel _____ W C B 13
Falco s. sparverius
Merlin _____ W C B 7
Falco c. columbarius
Falco columbarius suckleyi
(the darkest race, the
occurs in coastal Washington and British
Peregrine Falcon _____ W C B 7
Falco peregrinus
Prairie Falcon _____ W C 8
Falco mexicanus
Common Pheasant (i)
_____ W C B 5
Phasianus colchicus
Gray Partridge (i) _____ W 2
Perdix perdix
Chukar (i) _____ W 9
Alectoris chukar
Ruffed Grouse _____ W 4
Bonasa umbellus
Sooty Grouse _____ W
Dendragapus obscurus
Sooty Grouse
occurs in western Washington and on the east
slope of the Cascades in central Washington.
The Dusky Grouse
occurs further east in Washington.)
Wild Turkey _____ C 12
Meleagris gallopavo
Mountain Quail _____ C 3
Oreotyx pictus
California Quail _____ W C 13
Callipepla californica brunnescens
Clapper Rail _____ C 1 (in 1994)
Rallus longirostris obsoletus
Virginia Rail _____ C 1
(in 1991)
Rallus l. limicola
Sora _____ C 5
Porzana carolina
Common Moorhen _____ C 3
Gallinula chloropus cachinnans
American Coot _____ W C B 13
Fulica a. americana
Sandhill Crane _____ C B 2 (in 1991 & 2005)
Grus canadensis tabida
Black-bellied (or Grey) Plover _____ W
C B 13
Pluvialis squatarola cynosurae
Pacific Golden Plover _____ W 3
Pluvialis fulva
Snowy Plover _____ W C 9
considered conspecific with the
Kentish Plover
of the Old World)
Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus
Semipalmated Plover _____ W C 11
Charadrius semipalmatus
(in 1992)
also been called
Mongolian Plover)
Charadrius mongolus stegmanni
Killdeer _____ W C B 13
Charadrius v. vociferus
Black Oystercatcher _____ W C B 13
Haematopus bachmani
Black-necked Stilt _____ C 12
Himantopus mexicanus
by some considered conspecific with the
Black-winged Stilt
of the Old World)
American Avocet _____ C 8
Recurvirostra americana
Greater Yellowlegs _____ W C B 12
Tringa melanoleuca
Lesser Yellowlegs _____ W C B 11
Tringa flavipes
Solitary Sandpiper _____ W 3
Tringa solitaria cinnamomea
Willet _____ W B C 13
Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornatus
Wandering Tattler _____ W C 10
Heteroscelus incanus
Spotted Sandpiper _____ W C 7
Actitis macularius
"American" Whimbrel _____ W C B 12
Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus
LITTLE CURLEW (r/NA) _____ C 1
(in 1994)
Numenius minutus
Long-billed Curlew (nt) _____ W C 12
Numenius americanus parvus
Marbled Godwit _____ W C B 13
Limosa fedoa
Limosa lapponica baueri
Ruddy Turnstone _____ W C B 10
Arenaria interpres morinella
Black Turnstone _____ W C B 11
Arenaria melanocephala
Surfbird _____ W C B 11
Aphriza virgata
Red Knot _____ W C 5
Calidris canutus rufa
Sanderling _____ W C 12
Calidris alba rubida
Pectoral Sandpiper _____ W C B 7
Calidris melanotos
RUFF _____ B
1 (in 2000)
Philomachus pugnax
Baird's Sandpiper _____ W C 9
Calidris bairdii
White-rumped Sandpiper (r/wNA) ______ W 1
(in 2005)
Calidris fuscicollis
Western Sandpiper _____ W C B 13
Calidris mauri
Sandpiper (r/wNA) _____ C
1 (in
Calidris pusilla
Least Sandpiper _____ W C B 13
Calidris minutilla
LONG-TOED STINT (r/NA) _____ C 1 (in 1992)
Calidris subminuta
Dunlin _____ W C 4
Calidris alpina
Dowitcher _____ W C B
Limnodromus griseus
Dowitcher _____ W C
Limnodromus scolopaceus
Stilt Sandpiper _____ B
1 (in 2000)
Calidris (formerly Micropalama) himantopus
Wilson's Snipe _____ W 3 (was
considered conspecific with the Common Snipe
of the
Palearctic, Gallinago
Gallinago delicata
Wilson's Phalarope _____ C 2
Phalaropus tricolor
Red Phalarope _____ W C 9
Phalaropus fulicaria
*Red-necked Phalarope _____ W
C B 13
Phalaropus lobatus
Jaeger _____
W C 13
called Pomarine
Stercorarius pomarinus
*Parasitic Jaeger _____ W C 12
Stercorarius parasiticus
*Long-tailed Jaeger _____ W C 11
Stercorarius longicaudus
*South Polar Skua _____ W C 12
(formerly Catharacta) maccormicki
Bonaparte's Gull _____ W C B 13
Larus philadelphia
Franklin's Gull _____ W 2
Larus pipixcan
Common Black-headed Gull ______ W 1 (in 2004)
Larus ridibundus
Heermann's Gull (nt) _____ W
C B 13
Larus heermanni
Mew Gull _____ W B 12
conspecific with the Common Gull, Larus canus canus,
of Europe
and the
"Kamchatka Gull", Larus canus kamtschatschensis,
of eastern Asia)
Larus canus brachyrhnchus
Ring-billed Gull _____ W C B 13
Larus delawarensis
California Gull _____ W C B 13
Larus c. californicus
Glaucous Gull _____ B 1
(in 1999)
Larus hyperboreus barrovianus
"American" Herring Gull _____ W C 7
Larus argentatus smithsonianus
Western Gull _____ W C B 13
Larus o. occidentalis
Glaucous-winged Gull _____ W
C B 12
Larus glaucescens
*Sabine's Gull _____ W C 11
Xema sabini
Kittiwake _____ W
Rissa tridactyla pollicaris
Caspian Tern _____ W C B 12
Sterna c. caspia
*Arctic Tern _____ W C 10
Sterna paradisaea
Forster's Tern _____ W C 10
Sterna forsteri
Common Tern _____ W C B 11
Sterna h. hirundo
Royal Tern _____ C 1 (in 1992)
Sterna m. maxima
Elegant Tern (nt) _____ C 11
Sterna elegans
Black Tern _____ W C 2
Chlidonias niger surinamensis
WHITE-WINGED TERN (r/NA) _____ C 1 (in 1999)
Chlidonias leucopterus
*Common Murre _____ W C B 13
Uria aalge californica
*Pigeon Guillemot _____ W C B 13
Cepphus c. columba
*Marbled Murrelet (nt) _____ W C B 11
Brachyramphus marmoratus
*Xantu's Murrelet (nt) _____ W C
Synthliboramphus hypoleucus scrippsi
(northern race: Washington
& California)
Synthliboramphus h. hypoleucus
(southern race:
*Craveri's Murrelet (nt) _____ C 3
Synthliboramphus craveri
*Cassin's Auklet _____ W C 10
Ptychoramphus aleuticus
*Rhinoceros Auklet _____ W C B 13
Cerohinca monocerata
*Tufted Puffin _____ W 5
Fratercula cirrhata
Common (or Feral) Pigeon (NAi) ______ W C B 13
Columba livia
Band-tailed Pigeon _______ W C B 9
Columba flavirostris
White-winged Dove ______ C 1 (in 1995)
Zenaida asiatica
Mourning Dove ______ W C 13
Zenaida macroura
Parakeet (NAi) ______ C 1 (in 1993) (was called Canary-winged Parakeet) (native to South America,
the Canary-winged Parakeet is now "split" into Yellow-chevroned Parakeet, Brotogeris chiriri and
White-winged Parakeet)
Brotogeris versicolurus
Red-masked Parakeet (nt) (NAi)
______ C 1
(in 2005) (The native range is in South America, mostly
Ecuador, also Peru. Occurs in San Francisco, especially near Telegraph
Aratinga erythrogenys
Greater Roadrunner ______ C 3
Geococcyx californianus
Barn Owl ______ W C 2
Tyto alba pratincola
Western Screech
Owl ______ W C 3
Otus kennicottii
Great Horned Owl ______ W C 8
Bubo virginianus saturatus
Northern Pygmy
Owl ______ W C 5
Glaucidium c. californicum (previously Glaucidium
which is now said to be Mountain Pygmy-Owl of Mexico & Central
America, reaching north into southern Arizona & New Mexico)
Short-eared Owl ______ W 1 (in 1995)
Asio f. flammeus
Burrowing Owl ______ C 9
Athene cunicularia hypugaea
Common Poorwill ______ W 1 (in 2004)
Phalaenoptilus n. nuttallii
Common Nighthawk ______ W C 3
Chordeiles minor
(a few subspecies occur in the western US & western Canada, but
C. m. sennetti in Washington &
C. m. hesperis in California)
American Black Swift ______
C 1 (in 1997)
Cypseloides niger borealis
Vaux's Swift ______ W C 11
Chaetura v. vauxi
White-throated Swift ______ C 7
Aeronautes saxatalis
Anna's Hummingbird ______ C 12
Calypte anna
XANTU'S HUMMINGBIRD ______ B 1 (in 1998) (this species not
normally north of Baja California)
Hylocharis xantusii
Belted Kingfisher ______ W C B 13
Ceryle alcyon
Nuttall's Woodpecker ______ C
Picoides nuttallii
Acorn Woodpecker ______ C 12
Melanerpes formicivorus
Sapsucker ______ W B 2
Sphyrapicus ruber
Red-naped Sapsucker ______ W 7
Sphyrapicus nuchalis
Woodpecker ______ W C
2 (in
1997 & 2004)
Picoides a. albolarvatus
Downy Woodpecker ______ W C B 13
Picoides pubescens gaidneri
(coastal Washington & British Columbia)
Picoides pubescens turati
Washington & California)
Hairy Woodpecker ______ W C B 10
Picoides villosus harrisi
(coastal Washington & British Columbia)
Picoides villosus hyloscopus (western
Picoides villosus orius
mountains of Washington & California)
American Three-toed Woodpecker ______ W
1 (in 2004) (until recently was considered
conspecific with the Eurasian
Three-toed Woodpecker,
Picoides tridactylus)
Picoides dorsalis fasciatus
"Red-shafted" Northern
Flicker ______ W C B 13
Colaptes auratus
Lewis' Woodpecker ______ W 2
Melanerpes lewis
Pileated Woodpecker ______ W C 7
Dryocopus pileatus
Flycatcher ______ W C
alternate name is "Boreal Pewee")
Contopus cooperi (was for a while referred to as
Contopus borealis)
Western Wood-Pewee ______ W C 9
Contopus sordidulus
Dusky Flycatcher ______ W 1 (in 1993)
Empidonax oberholseri
Flycatcher ______ W 2 (formerly called Western Flycatcher when it
was conspecific with Pacific-slope Flycatcher)
Empidonax occidentalis
Flycatcher ______ C
Empidonax difficilis
Gray Flycatcher ______ W 1 (in 1996)
Empidonax wrightii
Willow Flycatcher ______ W C 4
Empidonax trailii
LEAST FLYCATCHER (r/wNA) ______ C 1 (in 1991)
Empidonax minimus
Black Phoebe ______ C 12
Sayornis nigricans
Say's Phoebe ______ W C 13
Sayornis saya
Ash-throated Flycatcher ______ C
Myiarchus cinerascens
Western Kingbird ______ C 2
Tyrannus verticalis
(in 1991 & 2005)
Tyrannus tyrannus
Loggerhead Shrike ______ W C 11
Lanius ludovicianus
Red-eyed Vireo ______ W 1 (in 1992)
Vireo olivaceus
Vireo ______ W C
6 (was called Solitary Vireo when it
was conspecific with what's
now the Plumbeous and Blue-headed Vireos)
Vireo cassinii
Hutton's Vireo ______ W C 11
Vireo huttoni
Warbling Vireo ______ W C 8
Vireo gilvus
Gray Jay ______ W 9
Perisoreus canadensis griseus
Steller's Jay ______ W C B 13
Cyanocitta s. stelleri (in Washington &
British Columbia)
Cyanocitta stelleri carbonacea
Western Scrub-Jay ______ W C 12
Aphelocoma c. californica
Pinyon Jay ______ C 1 (in 2004)
Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus
Clark's Nutcracker ______ W C 9
Nucifraga columbiana
Black-billed Magpie ______ W C 13
(was considered conspecific with the Common Magpie
of Eurasia, Pica pica)
Pica hudsonia
Yellow-billed Magpie
(CAe) (USe) ______ C
Pica nittalli
American Crow ______ W C B 13
Corvus brachyrhnchos hesperis
Northwestern Crow ______ W B 13
Corvus caurinus
(Note: Along the coast of the Pacific Northwest, the American Crow
is a
smaller form - C.b. hesperis, noted above. An ID problem is vexed as those
crows can have strange calls difficult to allocate to species - either
American or Northwestern. This has called into question the validity of
the Northwestern Crow as a species, but after decades of controversy the
AOU (American Ornithologists Union) continues to recognize it as such. The
precise identity of crows along the Oregon coast can be particularly
Raven ______ W C B 13
Corvus corax principalis
Horned Lark ______ W C 7 (In Europe
has been called Shore Lark)
Eremophila alpestris
Eurasian Skylark (NAi) ______ W
B 10
Alauda arvensis
Tree Swallow ______ C 2
Tachycineta bicolor
Violet-green Swallow ______ W
C 12
Tachycineta t. thalassina
American Cliff Swallow ______ W B 3
Petrochelidon pyrrhonota hypopolia
Bank Swallow ______ W
1 (in
1994) (also
called Sand Martin)
Riparia r. riparia
Barn Swallow ______ W C B 13
Hirundo rustica erythrogaster
Rough-winged Swallow ______ W C 3
Stelgidopteryx s. serripennis
Wrentit ______ C 11
Charmaea fasciata
Chickadee ______ W 13
(formerly Parus)
atricapilla occidentalis
(in Washington, west of Cascades)
(formerly Parus)
atricapilla fortuitus (in Washington,
east of Cascades)
Chickadee ______ W C B 13
(formerly Parus)
r. rufescens (two other subspecies along California
coast: P.r. neglectus & P.r. barlowi)
Mountain Chickadee ______ W C 12
(formerly Parus)
gambeli baileyae
Oak Titmouse ______ C 11 (was
at one time part of Plain Titmouse when it was conspecific with
what's now the Juniper Titmouse)
(formerly Parus)
i. inornatus
American Bushtit ______ W C 12
Psaltriparus minimus (a complex species with 11 subspecies in 3
In Washington State & California, these subspecies, in the "Minimus
Group", the "Plain Bushtit":
P. m. saturatus (in the Puget Sound area of Washington)
P. m. minimus (along coastal California, & in the Yakima valley
of sc Washington)
P. m. californicus (in California, east of the Coastal Range)
Birds in the "Plumbeous Group", the
"Lead-colored Bushtit",
P. m. plumbeous, also occur in California east of the Sierra Nevada.
Nuthatch ______ W C B 13
Sitta canadensis
Nuthatch ______ W C
Sitta carolinensis tenuissima
(in Cascades of Washington)
Sitta carolinensis aculeata
(in west Washington &
Pygmy Nuthatch ______ W C 8
Sitta pygmaea melanotus
(in Washington & California)
Sitta pygmaea pygmaea
Brown Creeper ______ W C B 8
(an alternate name would be
American Treecreeper)
Certhia americana occidentalis
Rock Wren ______ W C 11
Salpinctes o. obsoletus
Canyon Wren ______ W 4
Catherpes mexicanus griseus
Bewick's Wren ______ W C 11
Thryomanes bewickii calophonus
(in Washington)
Thryomanes bewickii spilurus (in central California)
Wren ______ W C
Troglodytes aedon
Winter (or Northern) Wren ______ W
C B 7
Troglodytes troglodytes salebrosus (in Washington & British Columbia)
Troglodytes troglodytes obscurior
(in California)
Marsh Wren ______ W C 7
Cistothorus palustris dissaeptus
(in western & central Washington)
Cistothorus palustris aestuarinus
(in coastal & central California)
Dipper ______ W
Cinclus mexicanus unicolor
Kinglet ______ W B
Regulus satrapa
Ruby-crowned Kinglet ______ W
C 13
Regulus calendula
Gnatcatcher ______ C 5
Polioptila caerulea
Western Bluebird ______ W C 13
Sialia mexicana
Mountain Bluebird ______ W C 10
Sialia currucoides
Hermit Thrush ______ W 4
Catharus guttatus
Swainson's Thrush ______ W C 3
Catharus ustulatus
American Robin ______ W C B 13
Turdus migratorius
Varied Thrush ______ W 7
Ixoreus naevius
Townsend's Solitaire ______ W
Myadestes townsendi
California Thrasher
(CAqe) ______
C 9
Toxostoma redivivum
Sage Thrasher ______ W 10
Oreoscoptes montanus
Northern Mockingbird ______ C 9
Mimus polyglottos
European Starling (NAi) ______ W C B 13
Sturnus vulgaris
Crested Myna (NAi) ______ B 9
(as of 2002, extirpated in Vancouver, British Columbia; we saw it there
previously during 9 tours)
Acridotheres cristatellus
Buff-bellied (or American)
Pipit ______ W B
Anthus rubescens
Cedar Waxwing ______ W B 12
Bombycilla cedrorum
BOHEMIAN WAXWING ______ W 1 (in 1992)
Bombycilla garrulus
Phainopepla ______ C 3
Phainopepla nitens
WARBLER (r/wNA) ______ C 1 (in 1998)
Mniotilta varia
Warbler ______ W C B 12
Vermivora celata
American Yellow Warbler ______ W C 13
Dendroica petechia
"Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler ______ W C
Dendroica coronata auduboni
Parula americana
Black-throated Gray
Warbler ______ W C
Dendroica nigrescens
WARBLER ______ (r/wNA) C
1 (in 1991)
Dendroica caerulescens
Townsend's Warbler ______ W C B 12
Dendroica townsendi
Hermit Warbler ______ W C 5
Dendroica occidentalis
BLACKPOLL WARBLER ______C 1 (in 1991)
Dendroica striata
Warbler ______ W C
Oporornis tolmiei
Common Yellowthroat ______ W B C 10
Geothlypis trichas
Wilson's Warbler ______ W C 7
Wilsonia pusilla
AMERICAN REDSTART (r/wNA) ______ C 1 (in 1991)
Setophaga ruticilla
Western Tanager ______ W C 9
Piranga ludoviciana
Grosbeak ______ W C B 3
Pheucticus melanocephalus
GROSBEAK (r/wNA) ______ C 2
(in 1998 & 2005)
Pheucticus ludovicianus
Spotted Towhee ______ W C B 13 (formerly called
Rufous-sided Towhee when it
was conspecific with the now
Eastern Towhee of North America and the Olive-sided and Socorro Towhees of Mexico)
(now said be some to be conspecific with Collared Towhee of Mexico)
Pipilo maculatus
California Towhee ______ C 12
(formerly called Brown
Towhee when it
was conspecific with the now Canyon
Pipilo fuscus)
Pipilo crissalis
Sparrow ______ C
Aimophila r. ruficeps
Chipping Sparrow ______ W C 9
Spizella passerina boreophila
Brewer's Sparrow ______ W C 5
Spizella b. breweri
(subspecies valid as long as
"Timberline Sparrow" of
Canada is considered conspecific)
Vesper Sparrow ______ W C 5 (an uncommon migrant in
Pooecetes gramineus affinis
Lark Sparrow ______ W C 9
Chondestes grammacus
Sage Sparrow ______ W C 7
Amphispiza n. nevadensis (if considered distinct from
Sparrow" of coastal California, Amphispiza belli - the two have
traditionally been merged as the Sage Sparrow, Amphispiza
Savannah Sparrow ______ W C B 13
Passerculus sandwichensis
"Slate-colored" Fox
Sparrow ______ W B 8
Passerella iliaca schistacea
Song Sparrow ______ W C B 13
Melospiza melodia caurina (in Washington &
British Columbia)
(there are 11 subspecies in California)
Lincoln's Sparrow ______ W B 9
Melospiza lincolnii gracilis
Sparrow ______ W
Zonotrichia atricapilla
Sparrow ______ W C B 13
Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis (in Washington & British Columbia)
Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli (in California)
"Oregon" Dark-eyed Junco ______ W C 13
Junco hyemalis montanus (in interior Washington)
Junco hyemalis shufeldti (in coastal Washington & California)
Junco hyemalis pinosus (in hills in cent California)
Red-winged Blackbird ______ W
C 13
Agelaius phoeniceus
Tricolored Blackbird ______ C
Agelaius tricolor
Blackbird ______ C 1 (in 1998)
Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
Western Meadowlark ______ W C 13
Sturnella neglecta
Brewer's Blackbird ______ W C B 13
Euphagus cyanocephalus
Brown-headed Cowbird ______ W C 10
Molothrus ater
Hooded Oriole ______ C
1 (in 1991)
Icterus cucullatus
Bullock's Oriole ______ W C 2 (for a while was merged
with Baltimore Oriole, and called Northern Oriole)
Icterus bullockii
Pine Grosbeak ______ W 1
(in 2004)
Pinicola enucleator montana
Purple Finch ______ W C 8
Carpodacus purpureus
Cassin's Finch ______ W C 8
Carpodacus cassinii
House Finch ______ W C B 13
Carpodacus mexicanus
Red Crossbill ______ W C 9
Loxia curvirostra
Crossbill ______ W
2 (also
called Two-barred Crossbill)
Loxia leucoptera
Pine Siskin ______ W C B 7
Carduelis pinus
Lesser Goldfinch ______ C 10
Carduelis psaltria
Lawrence's Goldfinch ______ C 2
Carduelis lawrencei
American Goldfinch ______ W C B 13
Carduelis tristis
Evening Grosbeak ______ W 3
Coccothraustes vespertinus
House Sparrow (NAi) ______ W C B 13
Passer domesticus
birds particularly uncommon in the far-western US & Canada.