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and marine 

during Focus On Nature Tours 

 and central

those during our West Coast USA Tours
mostly in the month of September
with an (*)

1991 thru 2014

A list of Washington State and California mammals compiled by Armas Hill 

Photo at upper right: SEA OTTERS


W: in Washington State
in California

Tours 1991-2001 were also in British Columbia, Canada. 
Sightings there are noted with a:

Numbers following the two-letter codes indicate the number of tours during with the mammal has been found 
(out of 13 tours in Washington State and 12 in California) 

Species with a PR occur in the area of Point Reyes, California
Noted with their status:
c: common  fc: fairly common  u: uncommon  r: rare  x: extremely rare  

(t1):  critically endangered
(t2):  endangered
(t3):  vulnerable
(nt):  classified as near-threatened globally

(ph): species with a photo in the FONT website 


Upcoming FONT West Coast USA Birding & Nature Tours in Washington State & California

List of Birds found during FONT September West Coast USA Tours

Marine Life  (inc. Fish, Jellyfish, Mollusks (Shells), & Arthropods: Crustaceans & Echinoderms)

Directory of Photos in this Website


        Land Mammals:

  1. Montane Shrew  (*)  ______ W 1
    Sorex monticolus 

    Sorex monticolus
    was called the Dusky Shrew.

  2. Trowbridge's Shrew  ______  C  PR:c
    Sorex trowbridgii 

  3. Vagrant Shrew  ______  C  PR:c
    Sorex vagrans

  4. Pacific Shrew  ______  PR:r
    Sorex pacificus

  5. Shrew Mole  ______  PR:fc
    Neurotrichus gibbsii

  6. Broad-banded Mole  ______  C  PR:fc
    Scapanus latimanus 

  7. Virginia Opossum  (ph) (*)  ______ C 2  PR:c
    Didelphis virginiana 

  8. Pallid Bat  ______  C  PR:c
    Antrozous pallidus 

  9. Silver-haired Bat  (ph)  ______  C  PR:u
    Lasionycteris noctivagans  

  10. Western Red Bat  ______  C  PR:u
    Lasiurus blossevillii

  11. Hoary Bat  ______  C  PR:c
    Lasiurus cinereus

  12. Little Brown Myotis  ______  C  PR:u
    Myotis lucifugus

  13. California Myotis  (*)  ______ C PR:fc
    Myotis californicus

  14. Fringed Myotis  ______  C  PR:c
    Myotis thysanodes

  15. Yuma Myotis  ______  PR:c
    Myotis yumanensis

  16. Big Brown Bat  (*)  ______ W C 3  PR:fc
    Eptesicus fuscus

  17. Long-eared Bat  ______  PR:r
    Plecotus townsendii

  18. Mexican Free-tailed Bat  (ph)  ______  C  PR:fc
    Tadarida brasiliensis

  19. Sewellel  ______  C  W  PR:r 
    Aplodontia rufa 
    (the single member of its genus)

    The Sewellel has also been called the Mountain Beaver.   

  20. Northern Raccoon  (ph) (*)  ______ W 2  PR:c
    Procyon lotor

  21. Ringtail  ______  C  PR:r
    Bassariscus astutus

  22. Northern River Otter  (*)  ______ W C 2  PR:r
    Lontra canadensis

  23. Short-tailed Weasel  ______  C  PR:r
    Mustela erminea

  24. Long-tailed Weasel  ______  C  PR:fc
    Mustela frenata

  25. American Mink  (ph)  ______  C  PR:r
    Mustela vison

  26. American Badger  (ph)  ______  PR:u
    Taxidea taxus

  27. Spotted Skunk  ______  C  PR:u
    Spilogale putorius

  28. Striped Skunk  ______  PR:c
    Mephitis mephitis

  29. Coyote  (ph) (*)  ______ W C 8  PR:r
    Canis latrans

  30. Gray Fox  (*)  ______ W C PR:fc
    Urocyon cinereoargenteus

  31. Red Fox  (ph) (*)  _____ W 2  PR:r
    Vulpes vulpes fulva 
    (the North American animal is considered now to be conspecific with the Old World Red Fox, Vulpes v. vulpes)

    A Red Fox. This mammal is the most widespread and abundant carnivore in the world. 
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  32. Bobcat  (ph) (*)  ______ C 2  PR:fc
    Lynx rufus

  33. Puma  (ph)  ______  C  PR:r
    Felis concolor

  34. Hoary Marmot  (*)  ______ W 1
    Marmota caligata

  35. California Ground Squirrel  (ph) (*)  ______ C 11  PR:r
    Spermophilus beecheyi

    A California Ground Squirrel at Monterey, California 
    (photo by Armas Hill)

  36. Washington Ground Squirrel  (*)  ______ W 2
    Spermophilus washingtoni

  37. Belding's Ground Squirrel  (*)  ______ W 1  (seen in eastern Wash State, slightly north of boundary in range maps)
    Spermophilus beldingi 

  38. Cascade Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel  (*)  ______ W 7 
    Spermophilus saturatus

    The Cascade Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel is a split from the Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel, Spermophilus saturatus.

  39. Townsend's Ground Squirrel  (*)  ______  W 1
    Spermophilus townsendii

  40. Townsend's Chipmunk  (*)  ______ W 10
    Tamias townsendii

  41. Yellow-pine Chipmunk  (*)  ______ W 10
    Tamias amoenus

  42. Merriam's Chipmunk  (*)  ______ C 6
    Tamias merriami

  43. Least Chipmunk  (*)  ______ W 2
    Tamias minimus

  44. Panamint Chipmunk  (*)  ______ C 1
    Tamias panamintinus

  45. Sonoma Chipmunk  ______  C  PR:u
    Tamias sonormae

  46. Eastern Gray Squirrel  (i/wNA) (ph) (*)  ______ W B 3
    Sciurus carolinensis

  47. Western Gray Squirrel  (*)  ______ W C 6  PR:c
    Sciurus griseus

  48. Red (or Spruce) Squirrel  (*)  ______ W 4
    Tamiasciurus hudsonicus

  49. Douglas Squirrel  (*) ______ W 9
    Tamiasciurus douglasii

    Tamiasciurus douglasii
    is called the "Chickaree" in the Rocky Mountains. 

  50. North American Porcupine  (ph) (*)  ______ C  W 1  PR:r
    Erethizon dorsatum 
    (the single member of its genus)

  51. Muskrat  (ph) (*)  ______ C  W 1  PR:u
    Ondatra zibethicus 
    (the single member of its genus)

  52. Nutria (i) (ph) (*)  ______ W 1  
    Myocastor coypus 
    (the single member of its genus)

    Myocastor coypus
    is native to South America, where it is called the Coypu.

  53. Botta Pocket Gopher  ______  C  PR:c
    Thormomys bottae

  54. Western Harvest Mouse  ______  C  PR:u
    Reitbrodontomys megalotis

  55. North American Deermouse  (*)  ______ C  W 2  PR:c
    Peromyscus maniculatus

  56. Northwestern Deermouse  (*)  ______ W 1
    Peromyscus keeni

  57. Pacific Jumping Mouse  ______  C  PR:u
    Zapus trinotatus

  58. Dusky-footed Woodrat  ______  C  PR:c
    Neotoma fuscipes

  59. California Vole  ______  PR:c
    Microtus californicus

  60. Norway Rat (i)  ______  C  PR:c
    Rattus norvegicus

  61. Western House Mouse  (i)  ______  C  PR:c 
    Mus domesticus  

    Mus domesticus
    was conspecific with the Eastern House Mouse, Mus musculus. 

  62. European Rabbit  (i) (*)  ______ W 6
    Oryctolagus cuniculus 
    (the single member of its genus)

  63. Mountain Cottontail  (*)  ______ W 7 
    Sylvilagus nuttallii

    Another name for Sylvilagus nuttallii is Nuttall's Cottontail.

  64. Desert Cottontail  (ph) (*)  ______ C 2
    Sylvilagus audubonii

    Desert Cottontail, photographed during a FONT tour

  65. Eastern Cottontail  (ph) (*)  ______ W 1
    Sylvilagus floridanus

    There is a western population of the Eastern Cottontail in Washington State.
  66. Brush Rabbit  (*)  ______ C 3
    Sylvilagus bachmani

  67. Black-tailed Jackrabbit  (ph) (*)  ______ C 1  PR:c
    Lepus californicus

    Black-tailed Jackrabbits, photographed during a FONT tour

  68. "Desert" Bighorn Sheep  (ph) (*)  ______ W 1
    Ovis canadensis 
    (along with others, in the same genus as Domestic Sheep

    Bighorn Sheep, photographed during a FONT tour

  69. Elk (or Wapiti) (ph) (*)  ______ W 1
    Cervus elaphus canadensis 
    (another, slightly smaller, subspecies in Europe is called there the Red Deer
    "Tule Elk"  (*)  ______
    C PR:fc
    Cervus elaphus nannodes  (a subspecies of Elk, native to California) 

  70. Mule Deer  (ph) (*)  ______ C W 12  PR:c 
    Odocoileus hemionus

    Odocoileus hemionus
    is called Blacktail Deer west of the Cascades. 

    A Mule Deer, with its big ears, photographed during a FONT tour.
  71. "Columbian" White-tailed Deer  (ph) (*)  ______ W 3
    Odocoileus virginianus

    The White-tailed Deer is found throughout nearly all of the Lower 48 states of the US,
    but it does not occur in much of California. It is rather common in Washington State.
    (photo by James Scheib)

    (photo by James Scheib)

  72. (Common) Fallow Deer (i) (ph) (*)  ______  C 1  PR:u  (feral population in California) 
    Dama dama 

    Dama dama
    is native to the Mediterranean region of the Old World.

    Fallow Deer
    (photo by James Scheib)

  73. Axis Deer (i)  ______  C  PR:u
    Axis axis

  74. Wild Pig (i)  ______  C  PR:u
    Sus scrofa

    Marine Mammals:

  75. Sea Otter  (ph) (*)  ______ C 12  PR:r
    Enhydra lutris 
    (the single member of its genus)

    Sea Otters

  76. California Sea Lion  (ph) (*)  ______ C 12  PR:c 
    Zalophus californiannus  
    (the single member of its genus) 

    The Galapagos Sea Lion, on those islands, is a race of Zalophus californiannus.

    California Sea Lions
    (photo by Abram Fleishman)

  77. Steller's (or Northern) Sea Lion  (*)  ______ W 2  PR:u
    Eumetopias jubatus 
    (the single member of its genus)

  78. Northern Fur Seal  (ph) (*)  ______ W C 5  PR:r
    Callorbinnus ursinus 
    (the single member of its genus)

  79. Harbor Seal  (ph) (*)  ______ W C 13  PR:c
    Phoca vitulina

    Harbor Seal
    (photo by James Scheib)

  80. Northern Elephant Seal  (*)  ______ C 2  PR:u
    Mirounga angustirostris

  81. Short-beaked Common Dolphin  (ph) (*)  ______ C 7  PR:r
    Delphinus delphis

    Short-beaked Common Dolphin photographed during a FONT tour
    (Photo by Andy Smith)
  82. Northern Right Whale Dolphin  (*)  ______ C 4  PR:r
    Lissodelphis borealis

  83. Pacific White-sided Dolphin  (*)  ______ C 9  PR:fc
    Lagenorhynchus obliquidens

  84. Risso's Dolphin  (ph) (*)  ______ C 5  PR:r 
    Grampus griseus 
    (the single member of its genus)

    Grampus griseus is also called Gray Grampus.

    Risso's Dolphins photographed during a FONT tour 

  85. Killer Whale  (ph) (*)  ______ W C 3  PR:u  (also called Orca
    Orcinus orca 
    (the single member of its genus)

    Orcas were seen nicely in the Puget Sound, Washington during the 2004 FONT West Coast Tour.

    Killer Whale (or Orca)

  86. Dall's Porpoise  (*)  ______ W 7  PR:fc
    Phocoenoides dalli 
    (the single member of its genus)

  87. Harbor Porpoise  (t3)  ______  PR:r
    Phocaena phocaena

  88. Short-finned Pilot Whale  (ph) (*)  ______ C 1
    Globicephala macrorhynchus

  89. Long-finned Pilot Whale  (ph) (*)  ______  PR:r
    Globicephala scammonii

  90. Baird's Beaked Whale  (ph) (*)  ______ C  
    Berardius bairdii

    8 Baird's Beaked Whales were nicely seen during the 2005 FONT tour offshore from Monterey, California. 4 of them were seen floating, rather like logs, on the surface of the water close to the boat.

    A Baird's Beaked Whale photographed during a FONT West Coast Tour
    offshore from Monterery, California
    (Photo by Marie Gardner)

  91. Stejneger's Beaked Whale  ______  PR:r
    Mesoplodon stejnegeri

  92. Hubb's Beaked Whale  ______  PR:r
    Mesoplodon carlbubbsi

  93. Cuvier's Beaked Whale  (ph)  ______  PR:r
    Ziphius cavirostris

  94. Great Sperm Whale  (t3) (ph)  ______  PR:r
    Physeter catodon

  95. Pygmy Sperm Whale  (ph)   ______  PR:r
    Kogia breviceps

  96. Gray Whale  (*)  ______ C 1  PR:c
    Eschrichtius robustus 
    (the single member of its genus)

  97. Northern Minke Whale  (ph) (*)  ______ W PR:r
    Balacnoptera acutorostrata

    A Northern Minke Whale photographed during a FONT tour

  98. Humpback Whale  (t3) (ph) (*)  ______ C 8  PR:fc   
    Megaptera novaeanliae 
    (the single member of its genus)

    8 Humpback Whales were observed during the 2005 FONT tour offshore from Monterey, California. Some were seen breaching out of the water, including a mother with her calf.  

    A breaching Humpback Whale

  99. Sei Whale  (t2)  ______  PR:r
    Balaenoptera borealis

  100. Finback Whale  (t2) (ph)  ______   PR:r
    Balaenoptera physalus 

  101. Blue Whale  (t2) (ph) (*)  ______ C 3  PR:u
    Balaenoptera m. musculus 
    (subspecies in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans; 2 other subspecies in the Southern Hemisphere)

    A Blue Whale, the largest animal in the world, 
    photographed offshore from Monterey, California
    (Photo by Armas Hill)


    During the pelagic trip from Monterey, California on September 17, 2005, during which the Baird's Beaked Whales and Humpback Whales referred to above were seen, there were also many seabirds, including an Hawaiian Petrel (a mega-rarity off the California coast).      

Reference for the above mammal list is the new book: "Mammals of North America" by Roland W. Kays & Don E. Wilson, published by Princeton University Press, 2002. 

 Some Other Wildlife during the FONT West Coast USA Tours:

 Leatherback Sea Turtle  (ph)  _____ C

 Blue Shark _____ C 3

Thresher Shark _____ C 1

 Ocean Sunfish  (ph)  _____ C

Ocean Sunfish
(photographed during a FONT tour)