PO Box 9021, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA
E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
Phone: Toll-free in USA 1-888-721-3555
 or 302/529-1876


during Focus On Nature Tours 

1996 thru 2014

From 1996 to 2002, this tour was 
during the first week of October. 
After that, it has been during the 
last week in September. 

The following list 
compiled by Armas Hill

Photo at right: RED KITE

The following is a cumulative list of the birds that have been found 
during FONT tours in southern Sweden, totaling 179 species. 
With this tour, it's not so much a big number of species, as it is a big number of birds, during a spectacular migration.

Swedish bird-names follow the English names in the first line.


(i): introduced in Europe

(t): a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International
 (t1): critical 
 (t2): endangered 
 (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally

(ph:  species with a photo in the FONT website  

(SWr): rare in Sweden

FS:  in the area of Falsterbo & Skanor in far-southern Sweden
OL:  on Oland Island, in the Baltic, off the coast of southeast Sweden  

sep:  in September
oct:   in October


Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Sweden     FONT Past Tour Highlights

A Bird-List & Photo Gallery of European Birds, in 2 parts:
Part #1:  Grouse to Puffin
     Part #2:  Sandgrouse to Buntings

A Feature of Photos from a Previous FONT Sweden Tour

Mammals & Some Other Wildlife of Sweden

Directory of Photos in this Website 



  1. Western Capercaille  (Tjader)  ______ 
    Tetrao u. urogallus

  2. Grey Partridge  (Rapphöna)  ______  OI  sep
    Perdix p. perdix 

  3. Common Pheasant  (Fasan)  ______  FS OI sep
    Pasianus colchicus

  4. Mute Swan  (Knölsvan)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Cygnus olor 

  5. Whooper Swan  (Sångsvan)  (ph)  ______ 
    Cygnus cygnus 

  6. "Bewick's" Tundra Swan  (Mindre sångsvan)  ______
    Cygnus columbianus bewickii

  7. Greylag Goose  (Grågås)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Anser a. anser

  8. Bean Goose  (Sädgås)  ______
    Anser fabilis

  9. Greater White-fronted Goose (Bläsgås)  ______  OI sep
    Anser a. albifrons

  10. Brant Goose  (Prutgås)  (ph)  ______  OI sep  (has been called Brent Goose in Europe)
    Branta b. bernicla 

  11. Barnacle Goose  (Vitkindad gås)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Branta leucopsis 

  12. Canada Goose (i)  (Kanadagås)  ______  FS OI sep
    Branta canadensis

  13. Red-breasted Goose (t3)  (Rödhalsad gås)  (ph)  ______  OI
    Branta ruficollis 

  14. Egyptian Goose  (i) (SWr)  (Nilgas)  ______  OI sep  (1 during FONT tour in 2007)
    Alopochen aegyptiaca 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  15. Common Shelduck  (Gravand)  ______  FS OI
    Tadorna tadorna 

  16. Mallard  (Gräsand)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Anas p. platyrhynchos

  17. Gadwall  (Snatterand)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Anas strepera 

  18. Eurasian Wigeon  (Bläsand)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Anas penelope 

  19. Eurasian Teal  (Kricka) ______  OI
    Anas c. crecca

  20. Northern Pintail  (Stjärtand)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Anas acuta 

  21. Northern Shoveler  (Skedand)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Anas clypeata  (monotypic)

  22. Common Pochard  (Brunand)  (ph)  ______  FS sep
    Aythya ferina 

  23. Tufted Duck  (Vigg)  ______  FS OI sep
    Aythya fuligula 

  24. Greater Scaup  (Bergand)  ______  FS sep
    Aythya m. marila

  25. Common Eider  (Ejder)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Somateria m. mollissima
  26. Steller's Eider  (Alforradare)  (ph)  ______  OI  sep  (1 during FONT tour in 2006)
    Polysticta stelleri  (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  27. Velvet Scoter  (t2)  (Swärta)  ______  (was conspecific with the White-winged Scoter of North America & eastern Asia)
    Melanitta fusca

  28. Common Goldeneye  (Knipa)  ______  FS OI sep
    Bucephala c. clangula

  29. Common Merganser  (Storskrake)  (ph)  ______  (has been called Goosander in Europe)
    Mergus m. merganser

  30. Red-breasted Merganser  (Småskrake)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Mergus serrator 

  31. Red-throated Loon  (Smalom)  (ph)   ______  FS sep  (has been called Red-throated Diver in Europe) 
    Gavia stellata 

  32. Black-throated Loon  (Storlom)  (Ev)  ______  OI sep  (has been called Black-throated Diver in Europe, and Arctic Loon in North America)
    Gavia a. arctica

  33. Northern Fulmar  (Stormfågel)  (ph)  ______
    Fulmarus glacialis auduboni

  34. Great Crested Grebe  (Skäggdopping)  ______  FS OI sep
    Podiceps c. cristatus

  35. Red-necked Grebe (Gråhakedopping)  (ph)  ______
    Podiceps g. grisegena

  36. Horned Grebe  (Svarthakedopping)  (ph)  ______  OI sep  (has been called Slavonian Grebe in Europe)
    Podiceps a. auritus

  37. Little Grebe ("Dabchick")  (Smådopping)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Tachybaptus r. ruficollis

  38. Grey Heron  (Häger)  (ph)   ______  FS OI sep
    Ardea c. cinerea

  39. Great Egret (SWr)  (Ägretthäger)  (ph)  ______
    Ardea a. alba

  40. Great Cormorant  (Storskarv)  ______  FS OI sep
    Phalacrocorax c. carbo

  41. Peregrine Falcon  (Pilgrimsfalk)  (ph)  ______  OI sep
    Falco p. peregrinus

  42. Eurasian Hobby  (Lärkfalk)  ______  FS OI sep
    Falco s. subbuteo

  43. Merlin  (Stenfalk)  (ph)  ______  OI sep
    Falco columbarius aesalon

  44. Eurasian Kestrel  (Tornfalk)  ______  FS OI sep
    Falco t. tinnunculus

  45. Osprey  (Fiskgjuse)  (ph)  ______
    Pandion h. haliaetus 
    (the single member of its genus)

  46. White-tailed Eagle (nt)  (Havsörn)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep (has also been called White-tailed Fish-Eagle)
    Haliaeetus a. albicilla

  47. Red Kite  (Rod Glada)  (ph)  ______  FS sep
    Milvus m. milvus

  48. Black Kite  (Brun Glada)  ______  FS sep
    Milvus m. migrans

  49. Eurasian Sparrowhawk  (Sparvhök)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Accipiter n. nisus

  50. Northern Goshawk  (Duvhök)  ______  FS OI sep
    Accipiter g. gentilis

  51. Common Buzzard  (Ormvråk)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Buteo b. buteo

  52. Rough-legged Buzzard  (Fjällvråk)  (ph)  ______  FS  (called Rough-legged Hawk in North America)
    Buteo l. lagopus 

  53. European Honey Buzzard  (Bivråk)  ______  FS sep
    Pernis apivorus 

  54. Golden Eagle  (Kungsörn)  ______
    Aquila c. chrysaetos  

  55. Greater Spotted Eagle (t3) (SWr)  (Större skrikörn)  ______
    Aquila clanga 

  56. Lesser Spotted Eagle  (SWr)  (Mindre skrikörn)  ______  OI sep
    Aquila p. pomarina

  57. Western Marsh Harrier  (Brun kärrhök)  ______  FS OI sep  (was conspecific with what's now the Eastern Marsh Harrier)
    Circus aeruginosus  

  58. Hen Harrier  (Blå kärrhök)  ______  FS OI sep  (in North America, the Northern Harrier was formerly conspecific) 
    Circus cyaneus

  59. Water Rail  (Vattenrall)  ______
    Rallus a. aquaticus

  60. Spotted Crake  (Småfläckig sumphöna)  (ph)  ______  FS
    Porzana porzana 

  61. Common Moorhen  (Rörhöna)  ______  FS sep
    Gallinula c. chloropus

  62. Eurasian Coot  (Sothöna)  ______  FS OI sep
    Fulica a. atra

  63. Common Crane  (Trana)  (ph)  ______  OI sep
    Grus g. grus

  64. Eurasian Oystercatcher  (Strandskata)  ______
    Haematopus o. ostralegus

  65. Pied Avocet  (Skarflacka)  _____  FS OI sep
    Recurvirostra avosetta 

  66. Common Ringed Plover  (Större strandpipare)  ______  OI sep
    Charadrius h. hiaticula

  67. European Golden Plover  (Ljungpipare)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Pluvialis a. apricaria

  68. Grey (or Black-bellied) Plover  (Kustpipare)  (ph)  ______  OI sep
    Pluvialis s. squatarola

  69. Northern Lapwing  (Tofsvipa)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Vanellus vanellus 

  70. Eurasian Dotterel  (Fjällpipare)  (ph)  ______  OI
    (formerly Eudromias) morinellus  (monotypic)

  71. Common Sandpiper  (Drillsnappa)  _______  FS sep
    Actitis hypoleucos 

  72. Curlew Sandpiper  (Spovsnäppa)  (ph)  ______
    Calidris ferruginea 

  73. Dunlin  (Kärrsnäppa)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Calidris alpina schrinzii

  74. Little Stint  (Småsnäppa)  ______
    Calidris minuta 

  75. Pectoral Sandpiper  (SWr)  (Tuvsnappa)  (ph)  ______  OI sep  (1 during the FONT tour in 2006)
    (1 during the FONT tour in 2006)
    Calidris melanotos  (monotypic)

  76. Red Knot  (Kustsnäppa)  (ph)  ______  FS sep
    Calidris c. canutus

  77. Common Redshank  (Rödpena)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Tringa totanus robusta 
    (wintering subspecies that breeds in Iceland)  

  78. Spotted Redshank  (Svartsnäppa)  ______  FS sep
    Tringa erythropus 

  79. Common Greenshank  (Gluttsnäppa)  ______  FS OI sep
    Tringa nebularia 

  80. Ruff / Reeve  (Brushane)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Philomachus pugnax 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

  81. Eurasian Curlew  (Storspov)  ______  FS OI sep
    Numenius a. arquata

  82. "Eurasian" Whimbrel  (Smaspov)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Numenius p. phaeopus

  83. Bar-tailed Godwit  (Myrspov)  (ph)  ______  OI sep
    Limosa l. lapponica

  84. Jack Snipe  (Dvärgbeckasin)  _____ FS
    Lymnocryptes minimus 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  85. Common Snipe  (Enkelbeckasin)  ______
    Gallinago g. gallinago

  86. Pomarine Skua  (Bredstjärtad)  (ph)  ______  (in North America has been called Pomarine Jaeger
    Stercorarius pomarinus 

  87. Black-headed Gull  (Skrattmös)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Larus ridibundus 

  88. Sabine's Gull  (Tärnmås)  (ph)  ______
    (formerly Larus) sabini  (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

  89. "Scandanavian" Herring Gull  (Gråtrut)  ______  FS OI sep
    Larus argentatus

  90. Caspian (or "Pontic") Gull (SWr)  ______  OI sep  (has been part of the Yellow-legged Gull) (1 during FONT tour in 2006)
    Larus (cachinnans) cachinnans

  91. Lesser Black-backed Gull  (Silltrut)  (ph)  ______  FS sep
    Larus f. fuscus 
    ("Baltic Gull")

  92. Great Black-backed Gull  (Havstrut)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Larus marinus 

  93. Mew Gull  (Fiskmås)  ______  FS OI sep  (has been called Common Gull in Europe)
    Larus c. canus

  94. Black-legged Kittiwake  (Tretåig mås)  (ph)  ______
    Rissa tridactyla 

  95. Sandwich Tern  (Kentsk tärna)  (ph)  ______  FS sep
    (formerly Sterna) s. sandvicensis

  96. Common Tern  (Fisktärna)  ______
    Sterna h. hirundo

  97. Arctic Tern  (Silvertärna)  ______
    Sterna paradisaea 

  98. Common Murre  (Sillgrissla)  (ph)  ______  (in Europe has been called Guillemot)
    Uria a. aalge

  99. Black Guillemot  (Tobisgrissia)  (ph)  ______  OI sep
    Cepphus g. grylle

  100. Common (or Feral) Pigeon (i)  (Klippduva)  ______  FS OI sep
    Columba livia

  101. Stock Pigeon (Skogsduva)  ______  FS sep  (has been called Stock Dove)
    Columba o. oenas

  102. Common Wood Pigeon  (Ringduva)  ______  FS OI sep
    Columba p. palumbus

  103. Eurasian Collared Dove  (Turkduva)  ______  FS OI sep
    Streptopelia d. decaocto

  104. Tawny Owl  (Kattuggla)  ______
    Strix a. aluco

  105. Short-eared Owl (Jorduggla)  (ph)  ______
    Asio f. flammeus

  106. Common Swift  (Tornseglare)  ______  FS sep
    Apus a. apus

  107. Common Kingfisher  (Kungsfiskare)  (ph)  ______
    Alcedo atthis ispida

  108. Black Woodpecker  (Spillkråka)  (ph)  ______  FS sep
    Dryocopus martius
  109. European Green Woodpecker (Gröngöling)  ______  OI sep
    Picus v. viridis

  110. Great Spotted Woodpecker  (Större hackspett)  (ph)  ______  OI sep
    Dendrocopos m. major

  111. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker  (Mindre hackspett)  ______  OI sep
    Dendrocopos m. minor

  112. Northern Grey Shrike  (Varfågel)  (ph)  ______  FS sep  (has also been called Great Grey Shrike; conspecific with Northern Shrike of North America)
    Lanius e. excubitor

  113. Eurasian Jay  (Nötskrika)  ______ FS sep
    Garrulus g. glandarius

  114. Spotted Nutcracker  (Nötkråka)  ______  OI sep
    Nucifraga c. caryocatactes

  115. Eurasian Magpie  (Skata)  ______  FS OI sep  (was conspecific with the Black-billed Magpie of North America) 
    Pica p. pica

  116. Northern Raven  (Korp)  (ph)  ______  OI sep
    Corvus c. corax

  117. Rook  (Råka)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Corvus f. frugilegus

  118. Hooded Crow  (Kråka)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Corvus cornix
  119. Western Jackdaw  (Kaja)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Corvus m. monedula 

  120. Great Tit  (Talgoxae)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Parus m. major

  121. Blue Tit  (Blåmes)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    (formerly Parus) c. caeruleus

  122. Coal Tit  (Svartmes)  ______  OI sep
    (formerly Parus) a. ater

  123. Marsh Tit  (Entita)  ______  OI sep
    (formerly Parus) p. palustris

  124. European Crested Tit  (Tofsmes)  ______
    (formerly Parus) c. cristatus

  125. Common House Martin  (Hussvala)  ______  FS sep
    Delichon u. urbicum

  126. Barn Swallow  (Ladusvala)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Hirundo r. rustica

  127. Long-tailed Bushtit  (Stjärtmes)  ______  OI sep  (has been called Long-tailed Tit)
    Aegithalos c. caudatus

  128. Wood Lark  (Trädlärka)  ______  FS sep
    Lullula arborea 

  129. Eurasian Skylark  (Sånglärka)  ______  FS OI sep
    Alauda a. arvensis

  130. Eurasian Blackcap  (Svarthätta)  ______  OI sep
    Sylvia a. atricapilla

  131. Willow Warbler  (Lövsångare)  ______
    Phylloscopus t. trochilus

  132. Common Chiffchaff  (Gransångare)  ______  FS sep
    Phylloscopus collybita

  133. Wood Warbler  (Grönsångare)  ______
    Phylloscopus sibilatrix

  134. Yellow-browed Warbler (SWr)  (Vitbrynad sångare)  (ph)  ______  OI sep oct  (was conspecific with the Hume's Leaf Warbler) (single birds during FONT tours in 1999 & 2006)
    Phylloscopus inornatus 

  135. Goldcrest  (Kungsfågel)  (ph)  ______  OI sep
    Regulus r. regulus

  136. Eurasian Wren  (Gärdsmyg)  ______  FS sep
    Troglodytes t. troglodytes

  137. Eurasian Nuthatch  (Nötväcka)  (ph)  ______
    Sitta europaea caesia

  138. Eurasian Treecreeper  (Trädkrypare)  ______
    Certhia f. familiaris

  139. Common Starling  (Stare)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Sturnus vulgaris

  140. Rosy Starling  (SWr)  (Rosenstare)  ______  OI sep  (1 during FONT tour in 2007)
    Sturnus Roseus

  141. Common Blackbird  (Koltrast)  ______  FS OI sep
    Turdus m. merula

  142. Fieldfare  (Björktrast)  ______  OI sep
    Turdus pilaris

  143. Redwing  (Rödvingetrast)  (ph)  ______
    Turdus i. iliacus

  144. Song Thrush  (Taltrast)  ______  FS OI sep
    Turdus philomelos

  145. Mistle Thrush (Dubbeltrast)  ______  FS OI sep
    Turdus v. viscivorus

  146. Whinchat  (Buskskvätta)  ______  OI sep
    Saxicola rubetra

  147. Northern Wheatear  (Stenskvätta)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Oenanthe o. oenanthe

  148. Black Redstart  (Svart rödstjärt)  (ph)  ______  FS sep
    Phoenicurus ochruros gibraltariensis 
  149. Common Redstart  (Rödstjärt)  ______  
    Phoenicurus p. phoenicurus

  150. European Robin  (Rödhake)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Erithacus r. rubecula 

  151. European Pied Flycatcher  (Startvit flugsnappare)  (ph)  ______  OI sep
    Ficedula h. hypoleuca

  152. Red-breasted Flycatcher  (SWr)  (Liten flugsnappare)  ______  OI sep  (1 during FONT tour in 2006)
    Ficedula parva

  153. House Sparrow  (Gråsparv)  ______  FS OI sep
    Passer d. domesticus

  154. Eurasian Tree Sparrow  (Pilfink)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep  (in photo below with Yellowhammer)
    Passer m. montanus

  155. Dunnock  (Järnsparv)  ______  FS sep  (an alternate name is Hedge Accentor)
    Prunella m. modularis

  156. Tree Pipit  (Trädpiplärka)  ______  FS sep
    Anthus t. trivialis

  157. Meadow Pipit   (Ängspiplärka)  ______  FS OI sep
    Anthus p. pratensis

  158. Eurasian Rock Pipit  (Skarpiplarka) ______  FS OI sep
    Anthus petrosus littoralis

  159. Richard's Pipit  (SWr)  (Storre piplarka)  ______  OI sep
    Anthus richardi

  160. White Wagtail  (Sädesärla)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Motacilla a. alba 

  161. Yellow Wagtail (grey-headed form)  (Gulärla)  ______  FS sep
    Motacilla flava thunbergi

  162. Grey Wagtail  (Forsärla)  ______  FS sep
    Motacilla c. cinerea

  163. Common Chaffinch  (Bofink)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Fringilla c. coelebs

  164. Brambling  (Bergfink)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Fringilla montifringilla 

  165. European Serin  (Gulhampling)  ______  FS sep
    Serinus serinus

  166. European Goldfinch  (Steglits)  ______  FS OI sep
    Carduelis carduelis

  167. Eurasian Siskin  (Grönsiska)  (ph)  ______  FS OI sep
    Carduelis spinus 

  168. European Greenfinch  (Grönfink)  ______  FS OI sep
    Carduelis chloris 

  169. Hawfinch  (Stenknäck)  ______
    Coccothraustes coccothraustes

  170. Common Redpoll  (Gråsiska)  (ph)  ______  FS sep
    Carduelis flammea cabaret 
    ("Lesser Redpoll')

  171. Eurasian Linnet  (Hämpling)  ______  FS OI sep
    Carduelis c. cannabina

  172. Eurasian Bullfinch  (Domherre)  ______
    Pyrrhula p. pyrrhula

  173. Red Crossbill  (Mindre kornsäbb)  (ph)  ______  (has also been called Common Crossbill)
    Loxia c. curvirostra

  174. Parrot Crossbill  (Större kornsäbb)  ______
    Loxia pytyopsittacus

  175. Two-barred Crossbill  (Bandelkorsnabb)  (ph)  _____  (has been called White-winged Crossbill in North America)
    Loxia leucoptera

  176. Snow Bunting  (Snosparv)  (ph)  ______  OI sep
    Plectrophenax n. nivalis

  177. Corn Bunting  (Kornsparv) ______  FS OI sep
    (formerly Miliaria) c. calandria

  178. Yellowhammer  (Gulsparv)  (ph)  ______  OI sep
    Emberiza c. citrinella 
  179. Common Reed Bunting  (Sävsparv)  ______  FS sep
    Emberiza s. schoeniclus


    A Common Eider photographed during
    the September 2007 FONT Sweden tour
    (photo by James Scheib)

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