Focus On Nature Tours
Mato Grosso
Mato Grosso do Sul
A Bird List
compiled by Armas Hill
GROSSO (MT), excluding Alta Floresta) &
558 species of birds have been found during FONT tours in Mato Grosso & Mato
Grosso do Sul since 1992.
MS: in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul
MT: in the state of Mato Grosso
ja: at & in forest near the "Jardim de Amazonia"
("Garden of the Amazon") in north-central MT
pn: in the Pantanal, a vast area with seasonally varying marshland
(i): an introduced species
(t): a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International
(t1): critically
endangered (t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally, designated by Birdlife
(ph): species with a photo in the FONT web-site
Photo at upper right:
Photo below: Birds in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul, mostly EGRETS and
Both of these photos were taken during FONT tours in Brazil in 2006.
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The Rio Claro (or "Clear River")
at the Jardim da Amazonia
Along this river, during FONT tours, many birds have been seen.
and, at dusk, POTOOS flying about
with wide-open mouths, catching insects.
There have been 6 FONT tours at the Jardim da Amazonia.
FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Brazil
and some Other Wildlife in Brazil (with
some photos)
A Photo Gallery of Brazilian Birds & Animals
(from a previous FONT Mato Grosso tour)
A Complete List of Brazil Birds, in 4 parts, with some photos:
#1: Tinamous to Doves
#2: Macaws to Flycatchers
Part #3: Antshrikes to Woodcreepers
Part #4: Vireos to Grosbeaks
& Threatened Birds of Brazil (with some photos)
Directory of Photos in this
Gray Tinamou ______ MT ja
Little Tinamou ______ MT ja
Undulated Tinamou ______ MS MT pn
Small-billed Tinamou
______ MS MT
Tataupa Tinamou ______ MT ja
Brown Tinamou ______ MS MT ja pn
Red-winged Tinamou ______ MS MT ja pn
White-bellied Nothura ______ MT ja
Greater Rhea (nt) (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
Chaco Chachalaca (ph) ______ MS MT pn
Speckled Chachalaca ______ MT ja
Rusty-margined Guan ______ MS MT pn
Spix’s Guan ______ MT ja
Chestnut-bellied Guan (t2) ______ MT pn
Common Piping-Guan ______ MS MT ja pn
- Bare-faced Curassow ______ MS MT
- Razor-billed Curassow ______ MT ja
- Marbled Wood Quail ______ MT ja
- Southern Screamer (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- White-faced Whistling Duck (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Black-bellied Whistling Duck ______ MS MT ja pn
- Fulvous Whistling Duck ______ MS pn
- Comb Duck ______ MS pn
- Muscovy Duck (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Brazilian Teal (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Least Grebe (ph) ______ MT ja pn
- Pied-billed Grebe ______ MS
- Wood Stork (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn

Wood Stork
(photo by Dick Tipton)
- Maguari Stork ______ MS MT pn
- Jabiru (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Buff-necked Ibis (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Plumbeous Ibis (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Green Ibis ______ MS MT ja pn
- Bare-faced Ibis ______ MS MT pn
- White-faced Ibis (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Roseate Spoonbill (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Least Bittern (ph) ______ MT pn
- Rufescent Tiger Heron (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Agami Heron (ph) ______ MT pn
- Boat-billed Heron (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Zigzag Heron _______ MT pn
- Black-crowned Night Heron ______ MS MT pn
- Striated Heron (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Capped Heron (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Whistling Heron (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Cattle Egret (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Cocoi Heron (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn

A Cocoi Heron photographed during the FONT tour
in Mato Grosso do Sul in September 2006
(photo by Andy Smith)
- Great Egret (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Little Blue Heron (ph) ______ MT pn
- Snowy Egret (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Neotropic Cormorant (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Anhinga (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Turkey Vulture (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Greater Yellow-headed Vulture ______ MT ja
- Black Vulture (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- King Vulture (ph) ______ MT ja
- Southern Crested Caracara (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Black Caracara ______ MT ja
- Yellow-headed Caracara ______ MS MT ja pn
- Laughing Falcon ______ MS MT ja pn
- Barred Forest Falcon ______ MT ja
- Collared Forest Falcon ______ MT
- American Kestrel ______ MS MT ja pn
- Bat Falcon (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Orange-breasted Falcon (ph) ______ MT
- Aplomado Falcon (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Osprey (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Gray-headed Kite ______ MS MT ja pn
- Hook-billed Kite ______ MT ja
- Swallow-tailed Kite ______ MT ja
- Pearl Kite ______ MT pn
- White-tailed Kite ______ MS MT ja pn
- Snail Kite (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Rufous-thighed Kite ______ MS MT ja pn
- Plumbeous Kite ______ MS MT ja
- Long-winged Harrier ______ MS MT pn
- Tiny Hawk ______ MT
- Crane Hawk (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- White Hawk (ph) ______ MT
- White-browed Hawk ______ MT ja
- Great Black Hawk ______ MS MT ja pn
- Savanna Hawk (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Bay-winged (or Harris’) Hawk ______ MS MT pn
- Black-collared Hawk (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Crowned Solitary Eagle (t3) (ph) ______ MT
- Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle (ph) ______ MS pn
- Gray-lined Hawk ______ MT ja pn
- Roadside Hawk (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn

Roadside Hawk, on a post by the side of a road.
There are a dozen subspecies of this raptor throughout the Neotropics.
(photo by Andy Smith, during the Sept '06 FONT tour
in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
- Short-tailed Hawk (ph) ______ MT pn
- White-tailed Hawk ______ MS MT ja pn
- Harpy Eagle (nt) (ph) ______ MT
- Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle ______ MT
- Black Hawk-Eagle ______ MT ja
- Ornate Hawk-Eagle (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Red-legged Seriema (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Sunbittern ______ MT pn
- Rufous-sided Crake ______ MS pn
- Gray-necked Wood Rail (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn

A Gray-necked Wood Rail photographed during the FONT tour
in Mato Grosso do Sul in September 2006
- Common Moorhen (or Gallinule) ______ MS pn
- Purple Gallinule (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Azure Gallinule ______ MT pn
- Sungrebe ______ MS MT pn
- Limpkin (ph) ______ MS MT pn

A Limpkin photographed during the FONT tour
in Mato Grosso do Sul in September 2006.
Here, looking at the photo, you can not hear it.
In the Brazilian Pantanal, however, you can,
day and night.
- Wattled Jacana (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- White-backed Stilt ______ MS MT pn
- Southern Lapwing (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- American Golden Plover (ph) ______ MS pn
- Collared Plover ______ MS pn
- Greater Yellowlegs ______ MS pn
- Lesser Yellowlegs ______ MS MT pn
- Solitary Sandpiper (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Spotted Sandpiper (ph) ______ MS pn
- Pectoral Sandpiper (ph) ______ MS pn
- Stilt Sandpiper ______ MS pn
- South American Snipe ______ MS MT pn
- Large-billed Tern (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Yellow-billed Tern ______ MT pn
- Black Skimmer (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Common (or Feral) Pigeon ______ MS MT pn
- Scaled Pigeon ______ MT ja
- Picazuro Pigeon ______ MS MT ja pn
- Pale-vented Pigeon ______ MS MT pn
- Plumbeous Pigeon ______ MT ja
- Ruddy Pigeon ______ MT
- Eared Dove (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Plain-breasted Ground Dove ______ MT
- Ruddy Ground Dove ______ MS MT ja pn
- Picui Ground Dove ______ MS MT ja pn
- Long-tailed Ground Dove ______ MS MT pn
- Blue Ground Dove ______ MS MT ja pn
- Scaled Dove ______ MS MT pn
- White-tipped Dove ______ MS MT pn
- Gray-fronted Dove ______ MS MT ja pn
- Ruddy Quail-Dove ______ MT ja
- Hyacinth Macaw (t2) (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Blue-and-yellow Macaw (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Red-and-green Macaw (ph) ______ MS MT
- Blue-winged Macaw (t3) ______ MT ja
- Chestnut-fronted Macaw ______ MS ja pn
- Red-bellied Macaw ______ MT ja
- Golden-collared Macaw (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Red-shouldered Macaw ______ MT ja
- Blue-crowned Parakeet ______ MS MT pn
- White-eyed Parakeet (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Dusky-headed Parakeet ______ MT
- Peach-fronted Parakeet (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Nanday Parakeet (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Santaren
(has been called Hellmayr’s,
and previously Painted) Parakeet ______ MT ja
- Green-cheeked Parakeet ______ MS MT pn
- Monk Parakeet ______ MS MT pn
- Blue-winged Parrotlet ______ MT
- Yellow-chevroned Parakeet ______ MS MT ja pn
- Blue-headed Parrot ______ MT ja
- Scaly-headed Parrot ______ MS MT pn
- Turquoise-fronted Amazon (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Orange-winged Amazon ______ MS MT pn
- Mealy Amazon ______ MT
- Smooth-billed Ani (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Greater Ani ______ MS MT ja
- Dark-billed Cuckoo ______ MT ja
- Ash-colored Cuckoo ______ MS MT ja
- Squirrel Cuckoo (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Little Cuckoo ______ MS MT ja pn
- Striped Cuckoo ______ MS MT pn
- Pheasant Cuckoo ______ MT
- Guira Cuckoo (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Barn Owl (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Great Horned Owl (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Spectacled Owl (ph) ______ MT pn
- Mottled Owl ______ MT ja
- Crested Owl ______ MT ja
- Tropical Screech-Owl ______ MS MT pn
- Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl ______ MT ja
- Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Amazonian Pygmy-Owl ______ MT ja
- Burrowing Owl (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Striped Owl (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Great Potoo ______ MT ja pn
- Common Potoo ______ MS MT ja pn
- Short-tailed Nighthawk ______ MT ja
- Nacunda Nighthawk ______ MS MT pn
- Common Nighthawk ______ MT ja
- Least Nighthawk ______ MT
- Band-tailed Nighthawk ______ MS MT pn
- Pauraque (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Ocellated Poorwill ______ MT ja
- Rufous Nightjar (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Little Nightjar (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Blackish Nightjar ______ MT ja
- Scissor-tailed Nightjar (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- White-collared Swift ______ MT ja
- Great Dusky Swift ______ MT
- Ashy-tailed Swift ______ MT
- Pale-rumped Swift ______ MT
- Short-tailed Swift ______ MT ja
- Mato Grosso Swift ______ MT ja
- Neotropical Palm Swift ______ MT ja
- Swallow-tailed Hummingbird (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Rufous-breasted Hermit ______ MT pn
- White-bearded Hermit ______ MT
- Planalto Hermit (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Buff-bellied Hermit ______ MT pn
- Cinnamon-throated Hermit ______ MT ja
- Reddish Hermit ______ MT ja
- Gray-breasted Sabrewing ______ MT ja
- White-necked Jacobin (ph) ______ MT ja
- White-vented Violetear (ph) ______ MT
- Black-throated Mango (ph) ______ MS MT ja
- Ruby Topaz ______ MT ja pn
- Dot-eared Coquette ______ MT ja
- Black-bellied Thorntail ______ MT ja
- Glittering-bellied Emerald (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Fork-tailed Woodnymph ______ MS MT ja pn
- White-chinned Sapphire ______ MT ja
- Rufous-throated Sapphire ______ MS MT pn
- Gilded Sapphire (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- White-tailed Goldenthroat ______ MT pn
- Versicolored Emerald ______ MT ja
- Glittering-throated Emerald ______ MT pn
- Black-eared Fairy ______ MT ja
- Horned Sungem ______ MT
- Long-billed Starthroat ______ MS MT ja pn
- Blue-tufted Starthroat (ph) ______ MT pn

A female Blue-tufted Starthroat, photographed during the
FONT tour in Mato Grosso do Sul in September 2006
- Amethyst Woodstar ______ MT ja pn
- Pavonine Quetzal ______ MT ja
- Green-backed (formerly White-tailed) Trogon (ph) ______ MT
- Black-tailed Trogon ______ MT ja
- Black-throated Trogon ______ MT
- Collared Trogon ______ MT ja
- Blue-crowned Trogon ______ MS MT ja pn
- Violaceous Trogon ______ MT ja
- Ringed Kingfisher (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Green Kingfisher (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Amazon Kingfisher ______ MS MT ja pn
- Green-and-rufous Kingfisher ______ MS MT pn
- American Pygmy Kingfisher (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Blue-crowned Motmot (ph) ______ MT ja
- Broad-billed Motmot ______ MT
- Brown Jacamar ______ MT ja
- Rufous-tailed Jacamar (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Bronzy Jacamar ______ MT ja
- Swallow-winged Puffbird ______ MT ja
- White-necked Puffbird ______ MT
- Pied Puffbird ______ MT ja
- Striolated Puffbird ______ MT
- White-eared Puffbird ______ MS MT pn
- Spot-backed Puffbird ______ MS MT pn
- Rufous-capped Nunlet ______ MT
- Black-fronted Nunbird ______ MT ja pn
- White-fronted Nunbird ______ MT ja
- Black-girdled Barbet ______ MT ja
- Toco Toucan (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Channel-billed Toucan (ph) ______ MT ja
- White-throated Toucan ______ MT ja
- Lettered Aracari ______ MT ja
- Chestnut-eared Aracari ______ MT ja pn
- Red-necked Aracari ______ MT ja
- Cream-colored Woodpecker ______ MT
- Pale-crested Woodpecker (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Ringed Woodpecker ______ MT ja
- Campo Flicker (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Green-barred Woodpecker ______ MS MT pn
- Yellow-throated Woodpecker ______ MT ja
- Golden-green Woodpecker ______ MS MT ja pn
- Lineated Woodpecker ______ MS MT ja pn
- Yellow-tufted Woodpecker ______ MT ja
- White-fronted Woodpecker ______ MT pn
- White Woodpecker (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn

A White Woodpecker in flight, photographed during the FONT tour
in Mato Grosso do Sul, in September 2006
- Checkered Woodpecker ______ MT
- Little Woodpecker ______ MS MT ja pn
- Red-stained Woodpecker ______ MT ja
- Crimson-crested Woodpecker (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Red-necked Woodpecker ______ MT ja
- White-wedged Piculet ______ MS MT ja pn
- Bar-breasted Piculet ______ MT ja
- Red-headed Manakin ______ MT ja
- Snow-capped Manakin ______ MT ja
- Band-tailed Manakin ______ MT
- Helmeted Manakin ______ MS MT pn
- Flame-crested Manakin ______ MT ja
- Fiery-capped Manakin ______ MT ja
- Black-tailed Tityra ______ MT ja
- Masked Tityra ______ MT ja
- Black-crowned Tityra ______ MT ja
- Greenish Schiffornis ______ MT pn
- Thrush-like Schiffornis ______ MT
- White-browed Purpletuft ______ MT ja
- White-naped Xenopsaris ______ MS MT ja pn
- Green-backed Becard ______ MS MT ja pn
- White-winged Becard ______ MT ja
- Chestnut-crowned Becard ______ MS MT pn
- Crested Becard ______ MT pn
- Sharpbill ______ MT
- Spangled Cotinga ______ MT ja
- Pompadour Cotinga ______ MT ja
- Black-necked Red-Cotinga ______ MT ja
- Screaming Piha ______ MT ja
- Bare-necked Fruitcrow ______ MT ja
- Amazonian Umbrellabird ______ MT ja
- Wing-barred Piprites ______ MT ja
- Ochre-bellied Flycatcher ______ MT
- Sepia-capped Flycatcher ______ MT
- White-bellied Tody-Tyrant ______ MT ja
- Stripe-necked Tody-Tyrant ______ MT ja pn
- Pearly-vented Tody-Tyrant ______ MS MT pn
- Rusty-fronted Tody-Flycatcher ______ MT pn
- Spotted Tody-Flycatcher ______ MT ja
- Yellow-browed Tody-Flycatcher ______ MT ja
- Common Tody-Flycatcher ______ MS MT pn
- Southern Antpipit ______ MT
- Planalto Tyrannulet ______ MS MT pn
- Southern Beardless Tyrannulet ______ MS MT ja pn
- Mouse-colored Tyrannulet ______ MT
- Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet ______ MT ja
- Southern Scrub Flycatcher ______ MS MT pn
- Chapada Suiriri ______ MT
- Forest Elaenia ______ MS MT ja pn
- Gray Elaenia ______ MS MT ja pn
- Yellow-bellied Elaenia (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Large Elaenia ______ MT
- Small-billed Elaenia ______ MT ja
- Plain-crested Elaenia ______ MT
- Lesser Elaenia ______ MT
- White-crested Tyrannulet ______ MS MT
- Plain Inezia (was Plain Tyrannulet) ______ MS MT pn
- Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant ______ MT ja
- Tawny-crowned Pygmy-Tyrant ______ MT pn
- Yellow-olive Flatbill ______ MT ja pn
- Zimmer’s Flatbill ______ MT ja
- Amazonian Royal Flycatcher ______ MT ja
- Bran-colored Flycatcher ______ MT ja pn
- Cliff Flycatcher ______ MS MT
- Fuscous Flycatcher ______ MT pn
- Tropical Pewee (ph) ______ MT
- Eastern Wood Pewee ______ MT ja
- Vermilion Flycatcher (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Gray Monjita ______ MS MT pn
- White-rumped Monjita ______ MS MT pn
- White Monjita (ph) ______ MS pn
- Crested Black Tyrant (ph) ______ MT
- Black-backed Water Tyrant ______ MS MT pn
- White-headed Marsh Tyrant (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Cock-tailed Tyrant (ph) ______ MT
- Yellow-browed Tyrant ______ MS MT pn
- Cattle Tyrant (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Grayish Mourner ______ MT ja
- Rufous Casiornis ______ MT ja pn
- Eastern Sirystes ______ MT
- Dusky-capped Flycatcher ______ MS MT ja pn
- Short-crested Flycatcher ______ MS MT ja pn
- Brown-crested Flycatcher ______ MS MT ja pn
- Swainson’s Flycatcher ______ MS MT ja pn
- White-throated Kingbird ______ MT ja
- Tropical Kingbird (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Fork-tailed Flycatcher (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Variegated Flycatcher ______ MS MT ja
- Crowned Slaty Flycatcher ______ MT
- Boat-billed Flycatcher ______ MS MT ja pn
- Streaked Flycatcher (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Rusty-margined Flycatcher ______ MS MT ja pn
- Social Flycatcher (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Dusky-chested Flycatcher ______ MT ja
- Piratic Flycatcher ______ MT ja
- Lesser Kiskadee ______ MS MT ja pn
- Great Kiskadee (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- White-eyed Attila ______ MT
- Rufous-winged Antshrike ______ MT
- Barred Antshrike (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Chestnut-backed Antshrike ______ MT ja
- Plain-winged Antshrike ______ MT ja
- Natterer’s Slaty Antshrike ______ MT ja
- Planalto Slaty Antshrike ______ MT ja
- Great Antshrike (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Plain Antvireo ______ MT ja pn
- White-flanked Antwren ______ MT ja
- Gray Antwren ______ MT ja
- Southern White-fringed Antwren ______ MT
- Rusty-backed Antwren ______ MT pn
- Large-billed Antwren ______ MT pn
- Rufous-winged Antwren ______ MT ja
- Black-capped Antwren (nt) ______ MT pn
- Dot-winged Antwren ______ MT ja
- Striated Antbird ______ MT ja
- Blackish Antbird ______ MT ja
- Mato Grosso Antbird ______ MS MT ja pn
- White-backed Fire-eye ______ MT ja
- Warbling Antbird ______ MT ja
- Band-tailed Antbird ______ MT pn
- Silvered Antbird ______ MT ja
- Black-throated Antbird ______ MT ja
- Black-spotted Bare-eye ______ MT ja
- Collared Crescentchest ______ MT
- Campo Miner ______ MT
- Rufous Hornero (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Pale-legged Hornero ______ MS MT pn
- Chotoy Spinetail ______ MS MT pn
- Pantanal (White-lored) Spinetail ______ MS MT pn
- Sooty-fronted Spinetail ______ MS MT pn
- Pale-breasted Spinetail ______ MT pn
- Ochre-cheeked Spinetail ______ MT
- Ruddy Spinetail ______ MT ja
- Yellow-chinned Spinetail ______ MS MT pn
- Rusty-backed Spinetail ______ MT pn
- Rufous-fronted Thornbird (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Greater Thornbird ______ MS MT pn
- Gray-crested Cachalote ______ MS MT pn
- Firewood-gatherer ______ MS pn
- Planalto Foliage-gleaner ______ MT
- Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner ______ MT
- Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner ______ MT ja
- Point-tailed Palmcreeper ______ MT ja
- Plain Xenops ______ MT pn
- Streaked Xenops ______ MT ja pn
- Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper ______ MT
- Red-billed Scythebill (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Plain-brown Woodcreeper ______ MT ja
- Olivaceous Woodcreeper ______ MT ja pn
- Wedge-billed Woodcreeper ______ MT ja
- Great Rufous Woodcreeper ______ MS MT pn
- Black-banded Woodcreeper ______ MS pn
- Planalto Woodcreeper ______ MT
- Buff-throated Woodcreeper ______ MT ja pn
- Straight-billed Woodcreeper ______ MT pn
- Elegant Woodcreeper ______ MT ja
- Lineated Woodcreeper ______ MT ja
- Narrow-billed Woodcreeper (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Rufous-browed Peppershrike ______ MS MT pn
- Red-eyed Vireo ______ MS MT ja pn
- Rufous-crowned Greenlet ______ MS pn
- Gray-chested Greenlet ______ MT ja
- Buff-cheeked Greenlet ______ MT ja
- Ashy-headed Greenlet ______ MS MT ja pn
- Purplish Jay ______ MS MT pn
- Curl-crested Jay ______ MT
- Plush-crested Jay ______ MS MT ja pn
- White-winged Swallow ______ MS MT ja pn
- White-rumped Swallow ______ MS MT pn
- Brown-chested Martin (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Purple Martin (ph) ______ MT pn
- Gray-breasted Martin ______ MS MT ja pn
- Blue-and-white Swallow ______ MT
- White-banded Swallow ______ MT ja
- Southern Rough-winged Swallow ______ MS MT ja pn
- Barn Swallow (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- American Cliff Swallow ______ MT ja
- Moustached Wren ______ MT ja pn
- Buff-breasted Wren ______ MT ja
- Fawn-breasted Wren ______ MS MT pn
- Thrush-like Wren ______ MS MT ja pn
- “Southern” House Wren ______ MS MT pn
- Scaly-breasted Wren ______ MT ja
- Black-capped Donacobious (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Masked Gnatcatcher ______ MS MT pn
- Long-billed Gnatwren ______ MT ja
- Chalk-browed Mockingbird ______ MS MT ja pn
- White-necked Thrush ______ MT ja
- Eastern Slaty Thrush ______ MT
- Rufous-bellied Thrush (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Pale-breasted Thrush ______ MS MT pn
- Creamy-bellied Thrush ______ MS MT ja pn
- Cocoa Thrush ______ MT ja
- Veery ______ MT
- Yellowish Pipit ______ MS MT ja pn
- Purple-throated Euphonia ______ MS MT ja pn
- Violaceous Euphonia ______ MT
- Thick-billed Euphonia ______ MT
- Rufous-bellied Euphonia ______ MT ja
- Hooded Siskin ______ MS pn
- Tropical Parula ______ MS MT pn
- Southern Yellowthroat ______ MS MT ja pn
- Stripe-crowned Warbler ______ MT
- Flavescent Warbler ______ MT pn
- White-bellied Warbler ______ MS MT pn
- White-striped Warbler ______ MT
- Yellow-rumped Cacique ______ MT ja pn
- Red-rumped Cacique ______ MT ja
- Golden-winged Cacique ______ MS pn
- Solitary Cacique ______ MS MT ja pn
- Shiny Cowbird ______ MS MT ja pn
- Baywing (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Giant Cowbird ______ MS MT ja pn
- Crested Oropendola (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Para Oropendola ______ MT ja
- Unicolored Blackbird (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Chopi Blackbird ______ MS MT ja pn
- Epaulet Oriole ______ MS MT ja pn
- Orange-backed Troupial (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Scarlet-headed Blackbird ______ MT pn
- White-browed Blackbird (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Yellow-rumped Marshbird (ph) _____ MS
- Bobolink (ph) _____ MS
- Bananaquit (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Blue Finch ______ MT
- Pectoral Sparrow ______ MT
- Saffron-billed Sparrow ______ MS MT pn
- Grassland Sparrow ______ MS MT ja pn
- Rufous-collared Sparrow (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Red-crested Cardinal ______ MS MT pn
- Yellow-billed Cardinal (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Sayaca Tanager ______ MS MT ja pn
- Palm Tanager ______ MS MT ja pn
- Silver-beaked Tanager (ph) ______ MS MT ja pn
- Paradise Tanager ______ MT ja
- Green-headed Tanager (ph) ______ MT pn
- Blue-necked Tanager ______ MT ja
- Masked Tanager ______ MT ja
- Turquoise Tanager ______ MT ja
- Bay-headed Tanager (ph) ______ MT ja
- Yellow-backed Tanager ______ MT ja
- Burnished-buff Tanager ______ MS MT pn
- Fawn-breasted Tanager ______ MT pn
- Red Tanager ______ MT
- White-lined Tanager ______ MT ja
- Flame-crested Tanager ______ MT ja
- White-shouldered Tanager ______ MS MT ja pn
- Gray-headed Tanager ______ MS MT pn
- Guira Tanager ______ MT pn
- White-rumped Tanager (ph) ______ MT
- Shrike-like Tanager ______ MT (has been called White-banded
- Hooded Tanager ______ MS MT pn
- Cinnamon Tanager ______ MT
- Black-faced Tanager ______ MT
- Magpie Tanager ______ MT
- Swallow Tanager ______ MT ja
- Blue Dacnis ______ MT ja
- Black-faced Dacnis ______ MT ja
- Yellow-bellied Dacnis ______ MT ja
- Red-legged Honeycreeper (ph) ______ MT ja
- Purple Honeycreeper ______ MT ja
- Green Honeycreeper (ph) ______ MT ja
- Chestnut-vented Conebill ______ MS MT pn
- Blue-black Grassquit ______ MS MT ja pn
- Plumbeous Seedeater ______ MS MT pn
- Lined Seedeater ______ MT ja
- Rusty-collared Seedeater ______ MS MT pn
- Double-collared Seedeater ______ MS MT ja pn
- Yellow-bellied Seedeater ______ MT pn
- Tawny-bellied Seedeater ______ MT pn
- White-bellied Seedeater (ph) ______ MS MT pn
- Capped Seedeater ______ MT
- Black-bellied Seedeater ______ MS pn
- Buffy-fronted Seedeater (t2) ______ MS pn
- Lesser Seed Finch ______ MS MT ja pn
- Saffron Finch ______ MS MT pn
- Grassland Yellow Finch ______ MS pn
- Coal-crested Finch ______ MT
- Red Pileated Finch ______ MS MT pn
- Gray Pileated Finch ______ MT
- Wedge-tailed Grass Finch (ph) ______ MS MT ja
- Buff-throated Saltator ______ MS MT ja
- Green-winged Saltator ______ MT
- “Southern” Grayish Saltator ______ MS MT pn
- Black-throated Saltator ______ MS MT pn
- Black-backed Grosbeak ______ MT
- Ultramarine Grosbeak ______ MT
- Blue-black Grosbeak ______ MT ja
- House Sparrow (i) ______ MS MT ja pn