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Some Other Wildlife

including the Galapagos Islands

noting those found during 
Focus On Nature Tours
with an (*)

thru 2014

A List Of Ecuador Mammals 
compiled by Armas Hill 

Upper-right photo: a WHITE-NOSED COATI
photographed during 
the FONT tour in Ecuador in July 2013 


E:   in eastern (Amazonian) Ecuador
G:   in the area of the Galapagos Islands
H:   in the Andean highlands
O:   offshore in the Pacific Ocean  
W:  in western Ecuador  

(ECr):  rare in Ecuador

(ECi):  introduced in Ecuador

(ph):  species with a photo in the FONT web-site


Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Ecuador 

A List of Ecuador Birds, in 4 parts  (with some photos)

South American Mammals  (with some photos)

A List of South American Butterflies, in 5 parts  (with some photos)

Directory of Photos in this FONT Web-Site 

List of Mammals:


  1. Derby's Woolly Opossum   ______  W
    Caluromys derbianus

    The Derby's Woolly Opossum has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador. 

  2. Brown-eared Woolly Opossum  ______  E
    Caluromys lanatus

    The Brown-eared Woolly Opossum has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 

  3. Bushy-tailed Opossum  ______  E
    Glironia venusta

    The Bushy-tailed Opossum has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  4. Water Opossum  ______  W  E
    Chironectes minimus

  5. Southern (or Black-eared) Opossum  (*)  ______  W  E  (has also been called Common Opossum)
    Didelphis marsupialis

  6. Didelphis pertnigra

  7. Philander andersoni

  8. Common Gray Four-eyed Opossum ______  W
    Philander opossum

  9. Brown Four-eyed Opossum ______
    Metachirus nudicaudatus

  10. Micoureus phaeus

  11. Bare-tailed Woolly Mouse-Opossum  ______
    Micoureus regina

  12. Marmosa lepida

  13. Murine Mouse-Opossum  (*) (ph)  ______  E
    Marmosa murina

    Another name for Marmosa murina is the Linnaeus' Mouse-Opossum.

    A Murine Mouse-Opossum photographed during a FONT tour

  14. Robinson's Mouse-Opossum  ______  W
    Marmosa robinsoni

  15. Red Mouse-Opossum  ______  E
    Marmosa rubra

  16. Tschudi's Slender Mouse-Opossum  ______  W  E
    Marmosops impavidus

    Tschudi's Slender Mouse Opossum
    has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador.  

  17. Cerro Neblina Slender Mouse-Opossum  ______
    Marmosops neblina

  18. White-bellied Slender Mouse-Opossum  (*)  ______  E
    Marmosops noctivaga

  19. Monodelphis adusta


  20. Gray-bellied Shrew-Opossum  ______  H(south)
    Caenolestes caniventer

  21. Andean Shrew-Opossum  ______  H(south)
    Caenolestes condorensis

    The Andean Shrew-Opossum is endemic to Ecuador. Although not classified as threatened, it is rare and poorly known.

  22. Northern Shrew-Opossum  ______  H(north)
    Caenolestes convelatus

    Although not classified as threatened, the Northern Shrew-Opossum is rare and poorly known.

  23. Dusky Shrew-Opossum  ______  H
    Caenolestes fuliginosus


  24. Nine-banded Long-nosed Armadillo  (ph)  ______  W  E
    Dasypus novemcinctus

  25. Great Long-nosed Armadillo  ______  E
    Dasypus kappleri

  26. Northern Naked-tailed Armadillo  ______  W(north)
    Cabassous centralis

    The Northern Naked-tailed Armadillo has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador.

  27. Southern Naked-tailed Armadillo  ______  E
    Cabassous unicinctus

  28. Giant Armadillo  (ph) ______  E
    Priodontes maximus

    The Giant Armadillo has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.


  29. Silky Anteater  ______  W  E
    Cyclopes didactylus


  30. Giant Anteater  (ph)  ______  E
    Myrmecophaga tridactyla 

    The Giant Anteater has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 

  31. Northern Tamandua  (ph)  ______  W
    Tamandua mexicana

  32. Southern Tamandua  (*)  ______  (has also been called Collared Anteater)
    Tamandua tetradactyla


  33. Southern Two-toed Sloth  ______  E
    Choloepus didactylus

  34. Hoffmann's Two-toed Sloth  (ph)  ______  W
    Choloepus hoffmanni


  35. Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth  (ph) ______  W  E
    Bradypus variegatus 

    Family LEPORIDAE

  36. Tapiti (or Brazilian Rabbit)  (*)  ______  W  H  E
    Sylvilagus brasiliensis

    Family SCIURIDAE

  37. Amazon Dwarf Squirrel  (*)  ______  E
    Microsciurus flaviventer

  38. Western Dwarf Squirrel  ______  W
    Microsciurus mimulus

  39. Northern Amazon Red Squirrel  (*) ______  E
    Sciurus igniventris

  40. Red-tailed Squirrel  ______  H  W
    Sciurus granatensis

  41. Southern Amazon Red Squirrel  (*) (ph)  ______  E
    Sciurus spadiceus

  42. Guayaquil Squirrel  (*) (ph)  ______  W
    Sciurus stramineus

    A Guayaquil Squirrel photographed during the FONT Ecuador Tour
    in July 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

    Family MURIDAE

  43. House Mouse (i) ______
    Mus musculus

  44. Rattus norvegicus

  45. Brown Rat  (i) (*) (ph)  ______  
    Rattus rattus 

    A Brown Rat photographed during the FONT tour in Ecuador in July 2013.
    This animal was on the offshore island Isla de la Plata, where it can be a
    problem for the seabirds nesting on the island.
    (photo by Marie Gardner) 


  46. Bicolor-spinned Porcupine  (*)  ______  E
    Coendou bicolor

  47. Brazilian Porcupine  ______
    Coendou prehensilis

  48. Coendou quichua

  49. Coendou rothschildi

  50. Echinoprocta rufescens

  51. Streaked Dwarf Porcupine  ______  E  (species described in 2001) 
    Sphiggurus ichilius


  52. Lowland Paca  ______  W  E  (also called Spotted Paca)
    Cuniculus paca

  53. Mountain Paca  ______  H
    Cuniculus taczanowskii


  54. Pacarana  ______  W(north)
    Dinomys branickii

    The Pacarana has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.


  55. Black Agouti  (*)  ______  E
    Dasyprocta fuliginosa

  56. Central American Agouti  (*) (ph)  ______  W
    Dasyprocta punctata  

  57. Green Acouchi  (*)  ______  E
    Myoprocta pratti

    Family CAVIIDAE

  58. Brazilian Guinea-pig  ______ 
    Cavia aperea

  59. Cavia porcellus 

  60. Capybara  (ph)  ______   
    Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris


  61. Dactylomys dactylinus

  62. Diplomys labilis

  63. Echimys saturnus

  64. Isothrix bistriata

  65. Makalata macrurus

  66. Makalata rhipidura

  67. Pattonomys occasius

  68. Hoplomys gymnurus

  69. Common Spiny-tailed Rat  (*)  ______  E
    Mesomys hispidus

    Family FELIDAE

  70. Pampas Cat  (ph)  ______  H
    Leopardus pajeros

    The Pampas Cat has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  71. Ocelot  (ph) ______  W  E
    Leopardus pardalis

    The Ocelot has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 

  72. Margay  ______  W  E
    Leopardus wiedii

    The Margay has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 
  73. Oncilla  ______  W  E
    Leopardus tigrinus

    The Oncilla has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  74. Jaguarundi  ______  W  E
    Puma yaguarondi 

  75. Puma  (ph)  ______  W  H  E
    Puma concolor

    The Puma has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  76. Jaguar  (ph) ______  W  E
    Panthera onca

    The Jaguar has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

    Family CANIDAE

  77. Short-eared Dog  ______  E
    Atelocynus microtis

    Although not classified as threatened, the Short-eared Dog is rare and little known.

  78. Colpeo (Fox)  ______  H
    Lycalopex culpaeus

  79. Sechura Fox  ______  W
    Lycalopex sechurae 

    The Sechura Fox has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador.

  80. Bush Dog ______  W(north)  E
    Speothos venaticus

    The Bush Dog has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

    Family URSIDAE

  81. Spectacled (or Andean) Bear  ______  H
    Tremarctos ornatus

    The Spectacled Bear has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.


  82. Allen's Olingo  ______  E
    Bassaricyon alleni

  83. Bushy-tailed Olingo  ______  W
    Bassaricyon gabbii

    The Bushy-tailed Olingo has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 

  84. Crab-eating Raccoon  (ph) ______  
    Procyon cancrivorous

  85. White-nosed Coati  (*) (ph)  ______  W
    Nasua nurica  

    A White-nosed Coati photographed during the FONT Ecuador Tour in July 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  86. South American Coati  (ph)  ______  E
    Nasua nasua

  87. Mountain (or Andean) Coati  ______ 
    Nasuella olivacea 

    Although not classified as threatened, the Mountain Coati is rare and poorly known.  

  88. Kinkajou  (ph) ______  W  E
    Potos flavus


  89. Long-tailed Weasel  ______  H
    Mustela frenata

  90. Colombian Weasel  (t2)  ______
    Mustela felipei

    The Colombian Weasel has been classified as a critically endangered species in Ecuador.

  91. Tropical (or Amazon) Weasel  ______  E
    Mustela africana

  92. Greater Grison  ______  W  E
    Galictis vittata

  93. Tayra  ______  W  E
    Eira barbara

  94. Neotropical River Otter ______  W  E
    Lutra longicaudis 

    The Neotropical River Otter is classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  95. Giant Otter  (ph) ______  E
    Pteronura brasiliensis

    The Giant Otter has been classified as a critically endangered species in Ecuador.   


  96. Striped Hog-nosed Skunk  ______  H
    Conepatus semistriatus

    Family SURICIDAE

  97. Cryptotis equatoris

  98. Cryptotis montivaga  

  99. Cryptotis squamipes  


  100. Balantiopteryx infusca

  101. Centronycteris centralis

  102. Cormura brevivirostris

  103. Diclidurus albus

  104. Diclidurus scutatus

  105. Peropteryx kappleri

  106. Peropteryx macrotis

  107. Rhynchonycteris naso

  108. Saccopteryx bilineata

  109. Saccopteryx leptura


  110. Desmodus rotundus

  111. Diaemus youngi

  112. Diphylla ecaudata

  113. Anoura aequatoris

  114. Tailed Tailess Bat  ______  (now that's a name!) 
    Anoura caudifer

  115. Handley's Tailless Bat  ______
    Anoura cultrata

  116. Tube-lipped Nectar Bat  (ph)  ______   (described as recently as in 2005) 
    Anoura fistulata

    Overall, the Tube-lipped Nectar Bat is thought to be uncommon. It occurs in subtropical Andean forest, from about 3,000 to 6,600 feet above sea level.
    It is said to be endemic to Ecuador (but who knows, it may be in nearby Peru).

    The long tongue of Anoura fistulata is similar, in anatomy, to that of an anteater. That tongue, of the bat, is the longest known tongue of any mammal in the world in relation to the size of the mammal. It goes into the bat as far as the ribcage.
    The length of the bat is 2 inches. The length of its tongue is 3 and a half inches.   

    The Tube-lipped Nectar Bat was seen during the FONT April 2014 tour in southern Ecuador, as it came to hummingbird feeders after dark at the Tapichalaca Reserve (south of the Podocarpus National Park). 
    To and from the feeders, the bats flew very fast, but a better view of the animal could be seen in the photo below.


    A Tube-lipped Nectar Bat photographed during the FONT tour
    in southern Ecuador in April 2014 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)  

  117. Geoffroy's Tailless Bat  ______  
    Anoura geoffroyi

  118. Minor Long-nosed Bat  ______
    Choeroniscus minor

  119. Greater Long-tailed Bat  ______
    Choeroniscus periosus

  120. Commissaris' Long-tongued Bat  ______
    Glossophaga commissarisi

  121. Pallas' Long-tongued Bat  ______
    Glossophaga soricina

  122. Dark Long-tongued Bat  ______
    Lichonycteris obscura

  123. Chestnut Long-tongued Bat  ______
    Lionycteris spurrelli

  124. Lonchophylla chocona

  125. Lonchophylla concava

  126. Handley's Nectar Bat  (t3)  ______
    Lonchophylla handleyi

  127. Western Nectar Bat  (t3)  ______
    Lonchophylla hesperia

  128. Lonchophylla orcesi

  129. Orange Nectar Bat  ______
    Lonchophylla robusta

  130. Thomas' Nectar  Bat  ______
    Lonchophylla thomasi

  131. Big-eared Woolly Bat  ______  (another name is Woolly False Vampire Bat)
    Chrotopterus auritus

  132. Glyphonycteris daviesi

  133. Lonchorhina aurita

  134. Lophostoma aequatorialis

  135. Lophostoma brasiliense

  136. Lophostoma silvicolum

  137. Lophostoma yasuni

  138. Macrophyllum macrophyllum

  139. Micronycteris hirsuta

  140. Micronycteris megalotis

  141. Micronycteris minuta

  142. Mimon crenulatum

  143. Phylloderma stenops

  144. Phyllostomus discolor

  145. Phyllostomus elongatus

  146. Phyllostomus hastatus

  147. Tonatia saurophila

  148. Trachops cirrhosus

  149. Trinycteris nicefori

  150. Vampyrum spectrum

  151. Carollia brevicauda

  152. Carollia castanea

  153. Carollia perspicillata

  154. Rhinophylla alethina

  155. Rhinophylla fischerae

  156. Rhinophylla pumilia  

  157. Sturnira aratathomasi

  158. Sturnira bidens

  159. Sturnira bogotensis

  160. Sturnira erythromos

  161. Sturnira koopmanhilli

  162. Sturnia lilium

  163. Sturnia ludovici

  164. Sturnira luisi

  165. Sturnira magna

  166. Sturnira oporaphilum

  167. Sturnira tildae

  168. Artibeus fraterculus

  169. Artibeus jamaicensis

  170. Artibeus lituratus

  171. Artibeus obscurus

  172. Artibeus planirostris

  173. Artibeus (or Dermanura) andersoni

  174. Artibeus (or Dermanura) glaucus

  175. Artibeus (or Dermanura) gnomus

  176. Artibeus (or Dermanura) ravus

  177. Artibeus (or Dermanura) rosenbergii

  178. Artibeus (or Koopmania) concolor

  179. Chiroderma salvini

  180. Chiroderma trinitatum

  181. Chiroderma villosum

  182. Enchisthenes hartii

    Family CEBIDAE

  183. Pygmy Marmoset  (*)  ______  E
    Callithrix pygmaea

  184. Brown-mantled Tamarin  ______  E
    Saguinus fuscicollis

    The Brown-mantled Tamarin has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 

  185. Graell's Tamarin  (nt) (*)  ______  E
    Saguinus graellsi

    The Graell's Tamarin has been treated as a subspecies of the Black-mantled Tanamrin, Saguinus nigricollis, but it differs from it in having a dull olive-brown (not reddish-orange) lower back, rump, and thighs.

  186. Golden-mantled Tamarin  ______  E
    Saguinus tripartitus

    The Golden-mantled Tamarin has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador.

  187. White-fronted Capuchin  ______  W  E
    Cebus albifrons aequatorialis  (W)

  188. Tufted Capuchin  ______  E
    (or Sapajus) apella

  189. White-headed Capuchin  (ph)  ______  W
    Cebus cupucinus

    The White-headed Capuchin has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  190. Common Squirrel Monkey  (*) (ph)  ______  E
    Saimiri sciurreus

    Common Squirrel Monkey
    (photo by Marie Grenouillet)

    Family AUTIDAE

  191. Lemurine Night (or Owl) Monkey  ______  H
    Aotus lemurinus

    The Lemurine Night Monkey has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  192. Gray-bellied Night Monkey  ______
    Aotus vociferans


  193. White-tailed Titi  (*)  ______  E
    Callicebus discolor 

    The White-tailed Titi was considered part of the Coppery Titi, Callicebus cupreus, now of Amazonian Brazil and Peru.  

  194. Lucifer Titi  ______  E(north)
    Callicebus lucifer 

  195. Equatorial Saki  ______  (species described in 1987)
    Pithecia aequatorialis  

    Although not classified as threatened, the Equatorial Saki is rare and poorly known. 

  196. Monk Saki  ______  E
    Pithecia monachus

    Family ATELIDAE

  197. Mantled Howler Monkey  (*) (ph)  ______  W
    Alouatta palliata aequatorialis

    Alouatta palliata aequatorialis, the Ecuadorian Mantled Howler Monkey, is the southernmost subspecies of the Mantled Howler Monkey that ranges north to Mexico.
    The subspecies aequatorialis ranges from Panama through Colombia and Ecuador into northern Peru.     

    The Mantled Howler Monkey has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  198. Venezuelan Red Howler Monkey  (*)  ______  E
    Alouatta seniculus

  199. White-fronted Spider Monkey  (t2)  ______  E
    Ateles belzebuth

    The White-fronted Spider Monkey has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  200. Black-headed Spider Monkey  (t1)  ______  W
    Ateles fusciceps

    The Black-headed Spider Monkey has been classified as a critically endangered species in Ecuador. 

  201. Brown Woolly Monkey  (t3)  ______  E(north)
    Lagothrix lagotricha

    The Brown Woolly Monkey has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  202. Silvery Woolly Monkey  (t3)  ______  E
    Lagothrix poeppigii

    The Silvery Woolly Monkey has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador. 

    Family OTARIIDAE

  203. South American Fur Seal  (ECr)  ______
    Arctocephalus australis

  204. Galapagos Fur Seal  (t3) (*)  ______   G  W(rare)
    Arctocephalus galapagoensis

  205. South American Sea Lion  (ph)  ______  G  W
    Otaria flavescens

  206. Galapagos Sea Lion  (*)  ______  G  W(rare)
    Zalophus wollebaeki

    Family PHOCIDAE

  207. Southern Elephant Seal  (ECr) (ph)  ______  W
    Mirounga leonina


  208. Collared Peccary  (ph) ______  W  E
    Pecari tajacu

  209. White-lipped Peccary  (ph)  ______  W  E
    Tayassu pecari

    Family CERVIDAE

  210. Northern (or Peruvian) Guemal  (t3)  ______  H
    Hippocamelus antisensis

    The Northern Guemal is said to now be extinct in Ecuador.

  211. Red Brocket Deer  ______  W  E
    Mazama americana

  212. Gray (or Brown) Brocket Deer  (ph)  ______  E
    Mazama gouazoubira

  213. Little Brocket Deer  ______  H
    Mazama rufina

    The Little Brocket Deer has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador.

  214. "Peruvian" White-tailed Deer  ______
    Odocoileus virginianus peruvianus

  215. Northern Pudu  (nt)  ______  H
    Pudu mephistophiles

    The Northern Pudu has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

    Family CAMELIDAE

  216. Lama glama

  217. Vicugna vicugna

    Family TAPIRIDAE

  218. Baird's Tapir  (t2) (ph)  ______  W
    Tapirus bairdii

    The Baird's Tapir has been classified as a critically endangered species in Ecuador.

  219. Mountain (or Wooly) Tapir  (t2)  ______  H
    Tapirus pinchaque

    The Mountain Tapir has been classified as an endangered species in Ecuador.

  220. Brazilian Tapir  (t3) (ph)  ______  E
    Tapirus terrestris

    The Brazilian Tapir has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador,


  221. Amazonian Manatee  (t3)  ______  E
    Trichechus inunguis 

    The Amazonian Manatee has been classified as a critically endangered species in Ecuador.


  222. Northern Minke Whale  (ph)  ______  O  G
    Balaenoptera acutorostrata 

    The Northern Minke Whale has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 

  223. Sei Whale  (t2)  ______  O  G
    Balaenoptera borealis

    The Sei Whale has been classified as an endangered species in Ecuador.

  224. Bryde's Whale  ______  O  G
    Balaenoptera edeni

  225. Blue Whale  (t2) (ph)  ______  O  G
    Balaenoptera musculus

    The Blue Whale has been classified as an endangered species in Ecuador. 

  226. Fin Whale  (t2) (ph)  ______  O  G
    Balaenoptera physalus

    The Fin Whale has been classified as an endangered species in Ecuador.

  227. Humpback Whale  (ph)  ______  O  G
    Megaptera novaeangliae 

    The Humpback Whale has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

    Above & below: Humpback Whales photographed during the FONT tour in Ecuador
    in July 2013
    In the lower photo, the humps on the back behind the dorsal fin can be seen,
    the feature that gives the whale its common name.
    (photos by Marie Gardner)     




  228. Short-beaked Common Dolphin  (ph)  ______
    Delphinus delphis

  229. Pygmy Killer Whale  ______
    Feresa attenuata

  230. Short-finned Pilot Whale  ______
    Globicephala macrorhynchus

  231. Risso's Dolphin  (ph)  ______
    Grampus griseus

  232. Fraser's Dolphin  (ph)  ______
    Lagenodelphis hosei

  233. Orca (or Killer Whale)  (ph)  ______
    Orcinus orca

  234. False Killer Whale  ______
    Pseudorca crassidens

  235. Melon-headed Whale  ______
    Peponocephala electra

  236. Tucuxi  (or Gray Dolphin)  ______  E
    Sotalia fluviatilis  

    The Tucuxi, or Gray Dolphin, has been classified as an endangered species in Ecuador.

  237. Pantropical Spotted Dolphin  ______
    Stenella attenuata

  238. Striped Dolphin  ______
    Stenella coeruleoalba

  239. Spinner Dolphin  ______
    Stenella longirostris

  240. Rough-toothed Dolphin  ______
    Steno bredanensis

  241. Common Bottlenose Dolphin  (ph)  ______
    Tursiops truncatus


  242. Dwarf Sperm Whale  ______  O  G
    Kogia sima 

    Although not classified as threatened, the Dwarf Sperm Whale is rare and little known.

  243. Physeter catodon

    Family INIIDAE

  244. Amazon (or Pink) River Dolphin  (t3)  ______  E
    Inia geoffrensis 

    The Amazon (or Pink) River Dolphin has been classified as an endangered species in Ecuador. 

    Family ZIPHIIDAE

  245. Indopacetus pacificus

  246. Blainville's Beaked Whale  ______  G
    Mesoplodon densirostris

  247. Ginkgo-toothed Beaked Whale  ______  G
    Mesoplodon ginkgodens

  248. Mesoplodon peruvianus

  249. Cuvier's Beaked Whale  (ph)  ______  O  G
    Ziphius cavirostris

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