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and some Butterflies
during the
Focus On Nature Tour
in April 2013
All of the photographs that follow were taken during that tour
by tour participant Marie Gardner - ©
- all rights
A Common
This great shot was taken from a back window
of a house on a bustling little street in a small town.
This sleeping bird, during the day,
was not phased by any of the nearby noise.
A Narrative Relating to the FONT April 2013 EcuadorTour
A List of Birds during the FONT April 2013 EcuadorTour
A List & Photo Gallery of Ecuador Birds, in 4 Parts
A List & Photo Gallery of South America Butterflies, in 5 Parts
Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Ecuador
Another potoo that's not seen nearly as often as
the Common Potoo
is the Andean Potoo.
This bird we saw high up on a snag in the forest.
Another bird, like the potoos, more active at
is the Oilbird.
Here, three of them are clustered together
during the day on a cave-side cliff.
We saw at the site a few of the these unusual birds.
Rufous-breasted Antthrush
We did very well during our April 2013 Ecuador Tour
seeing such antthrushes and antpittas.
A couple photos follow of the various antpittas that we saw,
birds that normally can be hard to see.
Rufous Antpitta
The Ochre-breasted Antpitta
An Ocellated Tapaculo,
another bird that can be hard to see.
Rufous-breasted Wood Quails,
yet another species that can be hard to see.
Among some of the birds that we saw best
during our April 2013 Ecuador Tour were hummingbirds,
and we saw many!
Photos of just a few follow here.
Others that we saw can be viewed in the link below.
A hummingbird known as the
Buff-tailed Coronet
In all, we saw over 40 species of hummingbirds
during our April 2013 tour in Ecuador.
A favorite for us among the
was the Booted Racket-tail.
This bird, a male.
Violet-tailed Sylph,
very similar to the
Long-tailed Sylph
that we also saw.
A Green-crowned Woodnymph,
with oh so much color.
An Andean Emerald,
with its very little feet
A male Purple-throated Woodstar.
Some hummingbirds quickly zip and dart.
Woodstars seem to float.
Sword-billed Hummingbird
Notice in the above photo the long length of the bird's bill.
In the following two photos, you can't miss it!
At a hummingbird feeding
where every other hummingbird fed
at the closest compartment to it,
but the Sword-billed could not.
Blue-winged Mountain Tanager,
one of the so very colorful tanagers
seen during our April 2013 Ecuador Tour.
Not as commonly seen as the
previous species,
the Black-chinned Mountain Tanager
The Golden Tanager,
posing for a portrait.
The Golden-naped Tanager,
showing the feature for which it is named.
The Grass-green Tanager
A female Masked Trogon
With the same adjective,
a Masked Flowerpiercer
Somewhat similar to the flowerpiercers
are the conebills.
This colorful bird is the Blue-backed Conebill.
Even more colorful is the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock,
and this brightly-colored one is a female.
A Toucan Barbet,
a specialty of northwestern Ecuador.
The Choco Toucan,
another specialty of the northwestern part of that country,
where we saw so many birds.
Among the butterflies seen
during our tour,
were some daggerwings.
Above, a Many-banded Daggerwing,
Below, the Orange Daggerwing
Both of these photos, above and below,
are of the Orange Daggerwing.
Above, a Variable Cracker,
one of a group of butterflies
that lands on tree trunks
and blends in with the bark.
And here a butterfly in the
"88" group,
that in Ecuador is said to be more like a "68".
The species is Diaethria clymena.
In the two photos, above & below,
the same butterfly.
Above, the underwing.
Below, the upperwing.