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E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
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 or 302/529-1876


A Focus On Nature Tour

North Carolina

Our Springtime
"Carolina Caper"
(since 1992)

for Birds, Butterflies, 
and Other Nature

May 31 - June 4, 2012

(tour: FON/NC-1 '12)

Land-birding for "southern specialties":

Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Bachman's Sparrow,
Painted Bunting, Wilson's Plover, Mississippi Kite,
Swainson's Warbler

Plus: for those who wish, an evening excursion for Black Rail

A Tour with some of the Best Birding in the Eastern US,
to be led by Armas Hill.

If you're from somewhere else, you'll have a great time,
with "nothing finer than this birding in Carolina".

Tour begins & ends in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Red-cockaded Woodpecker
(drawing by Sally Brady)



North Carolina Birds (with some photos)

Lists with Other North Carolina Wildlife  (each with some photos): 

Mammals    Butterflies    Moths   Dragonflies & Damselflies

Amphibians & Reptiles    Marine Fish

Other Marine Life (including jellyfish, mollusks (shells)
& arthropods: crustaceans & echinoderms)

Highlights of Previous FONT North Carolina Tours

A Narrative about Carolina Birds  (some interesting reading)

FONT Tour Registration Form

A male Painted Bunting 


Thu: May 31  The tour begins at the airport in Raleigh, North Carolina. Flights, for those on the tour, should be with an arrival about mid-day (between 12 noon & 2pm).  
In the afternoon, our birding will begin not too far east of Raleigh, in an area with interesting birding in the valley of the Neuse River, in Johnston County. 
The area can be particularly good for Mississippi Kites in the afternoon. After dinner, we'll do some evening and nocturnal birding, for those who wish, for owls and nightjars. And possibly a mammal or two. 
Overnight near the Neuse River valley.

Fri: Jun 1  Our morning birding will again be in the Neuse River valley, in woodlands - that can be particularly good at places that time of day for the Swainson's Warbler and other "southern" specialties.   
Later in the day, a visit to an area of fields where in the past we've seen Henslow's Sparrows. That species tends to move to different places from year to year, but we'll aim to see it, along with another assortment of fine birds. Later in the afternoon, we'll travel south to where we'll spend the night near the Croatan Forest.

Sat: Jun 2  Much of our birding this day, particularly in the morning, will be in the Croatan Forest for specialty birds of the Carolina pinewoods such as the Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Bachman's Sparrow, Brown-headed Nuthatch, and more. Red-headed and Pileated Woodpeckers, Summer Tanager, and warblers and flycatchers will be among other birds seen. 
In the afternoon, we'll do some coastal birding for Wilson's Plover, Painted Bunting, and other birds near the sea. 
At dusk, both Whip-poor-wills and Chuck-will's-widows should be heard and seen. 
After dark, there will be an excursion (for those who wish) to an area where Black Rails can be heard, and possibly seen. Overnight again near the Croatan Forest.

Brown-headed Nuthatch

Sun: Jun 3  Birding, again, this morning in the Croatan Forest (in case any of our targets the previous day were missed, we'll have another chance). If they were all seen, some will be seen again, noting at the same time some other interesting nature of the forest, notably plants indigenous to the area.  
Travel, in the afternoon, north along the coast, with a ferry ride, toward yet another interesting area for birds and other nature, the Alligator River Wildlife Refuge.      
In the early evening, for those who opt to do it, an excursion there for wildlife, including mammals such as: Black Bear, Bobcat, and Red Wolf, and owls of various kinds. We've seen Black Bears there numerous times and Bobcats on occasion. Red Wolves are in the area (a population of this animal brought from Texas has become established), and some luck and persistence is required in order to see them (but we have!).  
Overnight near Alligator River, in Manteo. 

Mon: Jun 4
  Our birding this last morning will begin early back at the Alligator River Wildlife Refuge, where warblers abound, particularly Prothonotary, but others occur as well including the Swainson's, and the local nesting race of the Black-throated Green Warbler known as the "Wayne's Warbler". There are very few places anywhere with more breeding Prothonotary Warblers.
Later in the morning, we'll head west to airport at Raleigh for those departing for home. (Departures could be anytime after 2pm. We'll be at the airport by 1pm.)   

Tour Price: US$ 895 per person, based upon double occupancy. 
Single supplement: US $175.

Overnight accommodations, all outings for birds and other wildlife, and services of birding leaders. 
And ground transportation (starting & ending in Raleigh).

Does not include: Meals. Drinks & any items of a personal nature. Any air transportation (to/from North Carolina). 

Focus On Nature Tours can arrange air travel, 
and would seek the best possible fare.

deposit of $300, per person, is required to register for this tour.


The Wilson's Plover
(above) and the Piping Plover (below)
both occur on North Carolina coastal beaches.
(photo above by Marie Gardner,
photo below by Kim Steininger)