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List of
In Washington State,
and central California,
British Columbia
including those during
Focus On Nature Tours
annually in
A list of West Coast Butterflies
compiled by Armas Hill
Upper right photo: a PIPEVINE SWALLOWTAIL during a FONT
(photo by Rise Hill)
Numbers in the list below noted as (PW:xx) refer to plates in the
Peterson Field Guide to Western Butterflies, by Paul Opler & Amy Barttlett
Wright, 1999
Numbers in the list below noted as (K:xx) refer to pages in the
Kaufman Focus Guide to Butterflies of North America, by Jim Brock & Kenn
BC: in southern British Columbia, Canada
CC: in central California, USA
WA: in Washington State, USA
(i/E): introduced from Europe
(r): rare
Upcoming West Coast USA Tour Itineraries
Birds during previous West Coast USA Tours
Mammals during previous West Coast USA Tours
- Canadian Tiger Swallowtail ______
(PW:5) (K:21)
Papilio canadensis
- Western Tiger Swallowtail ______ BC,CC,WA
(PW:6) (K:23)
Papilio rutulus
- Two-tailed Swallowtail ______ WA
(PW:6) (K:23)
Papilio multicaudata
- Pale Swallowtail ______ BC,CC,WA
Papilio eurymedon
- Pipevine Swallowtail (ph) ______ CC
(K:27) Flies Apr-Nov
Battus philendor
There is an isolated breeding population of the Pipevine
Swallowtail in northern California and extreme southern Oregon. It is
the subspecies hirsuta, smaller than other races, and has denser
hair-like scales, and has short
- Anise Swallowtail ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:29) Flies Mar-Oct, mostly Apr-mid Jul
Papilio zelicaon
- Old World Swallowtail ______ WA
(K:33) Flies May-Sep, 2 flights
Papilio machaon
- Indra Swallowtail ______ WA
(K:35) Flies Mar-Aug, 1 or 2 flights
Papilio indra
- Clodius Parnassian ______ BC,WA
(K:45) Flies May-Jul, rarely to Oct
Parnassius clodius
- Phoebus Parnassian ______ BC,WA
(K:45) Flies Jul-Aug
Parnassius phoebus
- Cabbage White (or Cabbage
Butterfly) (i/E) ______ BC,CC,WA
(PW:8) (K:47) Flies Mar-Nov, 3
flights; all-year in south
Pieris rapae
- Mustard White ______ BC,WA
(PW:8) (K:47) Flies Apr-Aug, 2 flights
Pieris napi
- Checkered White (ph) ______ CC
(K:49) Flies Feb-Nov, 3 flights; all year in s CA
Pontia protodice

A Checkered White photographed during a FONT tour
(photo by Rise Hill)
- Western White ______ BC,WA
(K:49) Flies Feb-Nov, 2 flights (only 1 flight Jun-Jul at
high elevations & in far-north
Pontia occidentalis
- Becker's White ______ WA
(K:49) Flies Mar-Oct, from 2 to 4 flights; as early as late
Dec in s CA
Pontia beckerii
- Pine White ______ BC,CC
Flies late Jun-Sep
Neophasia menapia
The Pine White is in Douglas Fir in northern coastal California.
- Large Marble ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:55) Flies late Apr-Aug, 1 flight in most of range; mid
Feb-early Sep in lowland CA, 2 flights
Euchloe ausonides
- Pacific (or Sara) Orangetip ______ BC,CC,WA
(PW:9) (K:59)
Flies in early spring; late Dec-May, 1 to 2 flights
Anthocharis sara
- Clouded Sulphur ______ BC,WA
(K:61) Flies May-Oct, 3 flights in the north; Mar-Nov, 4 to
5 flights in the south. occasionally emerges in warm mid-winter
Colias philodice
The Clouded Sulphur is especially fond of alfalfa. During
a FONT tour in south-central California, there was a field with many
(hundreds) of these butterflies.
- Orange Sulphur ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:61) Flies May-Oct, 2 to 3 flights to the north; Feb-Nov
occasionally Dec, 4 to 5 flights in lowland CA
Colias eurytheme
- Pink-edged Sulphur ______ BC,WA
(K:63) Flies mid Jun-late Aug, 1 flight
Colias interior
- Queen Alexandra's Sulphur ______ WA(east)
(PW:10) (K:63)
Colias alexandra
- Western Sulphur ______ BC,WA
Colias occidentalis
- California Dogface ______ CC
(PW:12) (K:69) Flies Apr-Sep, occasionally from Jan &
to Nov, 2 flights
Colias eurydice
- Dainty Sulphur ______ CC
Nathalis iole
- Cloudless Sulphur ______ CC
(K:75) Flies in northern range (CA) in summer & fall
Phoebis sennae
- Great Copper ______ CC
(PW:14) (K:83) Flies mid May-Jul, rarely Aug, 1 flight
Lycaena xanthoides
- Purplish Copper ______ CC
(K:85) Flies Mar-Nov in lowlands, 2-3 flights; Jun-Aug in
mountains, 1 flight
Lycaena helloides
- Ruddy Copper ______ WA(southeast)
(K:87) Flies late May-early Sep, 1 flight
Lycaena rubidus
- Blue Copper ______ WA
(PW:15) (K:87) Flies May-Sep in CA
Lycaena heteronea
- Lilac-bordered Copper ______ BC,WA
Lycaena nivalis
- Mariposa Copper ______ BC,WA
(K:89) Flies Jul-Sep, 1 flight
Lycaena mariposa
- Gorgon Copper ______ CC
(K:91) Flies late Mar-mid Jul, 1 flight
Lycaena gorgon
- Tailed Copper ______ CC
Lycaena arota
- Gray Hairstreak ______ BC,CC,WA
Strymon melinus
- California Hairstreak ______ CC,WA(east)
(PW:16) (K:99)
Satyrium californica
- Sylvan Hairstreak ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:99) Flies in late spring and early summer; mid May-mid
Aug, 1 flight; earlier & later in lowland CA.
Satyrium sylvinus
- Coral Hairstreak ______
WA(east) (PW:16)
(K:99) Flies mid May-late Aug, 1 flight; earlier in the
Satyrium titus
- Hedgerow Hairstreak ______ CC,WA
(PW:16) (K:101) Flies mid-May-Aug, 1 flight
Satyrium saepium
- Mountain Mahogany Hairstreak ______ CC
(PW:16) (K:101) Flies late May-early
Aug, 1 flight
Satyrium tetra
- Gold Hunter's Hairstreak ______ CC
(PW:16) (K:101) Flies mid-May-early
Aug, 1 flight
Satyrium auretorum
- Behr's Hairstreak ______ WA
(PW:16) (K:101) Flies May-Aug, 1 flight
Satyrium behrii
- Sooty Hairstreak ______ WA
Satyrium fuliginosum
- Brown Elfin ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:105) Flies Apr-Jul in WA, mid Mar-early Jun in CA, 1
Callophrys augustinus
- Western Pine Elfin ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:107) Flies early Apr-mid Jul, as late as early Sep, 1
Callophrys eryphon
- Moss's Elfin ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:107) Flies
in the spring, late Feb-may, 1 flight
Callophrys mossii
- Great Purple Hairstreak ______ CC
Atlides halesus
- Golden Hairstreak ______ CC
Habrodais grunnus
- Juniper ("Nelson's") Hairstreak ______
BC,CC,WA (PW:17) (K:111) Flies
Feb-Nov, mainly Apr-Aug in CA, 2 flights
Callophrys gryneus nelsoni
- Western Green (or Bramble) Hairstreak ______
CC,WA (PW:17) (K:113)
Flies in the spring.
Callophrys affinis (or perplexa)
- Sheridan's Hairstreak ______ WA
(K:113) Flies in the spring.
Callophrys sheridanii
- Thicket Hairstreak ______ BC,CC,WA
Callophrys spinetorum
- Johnson's Hairstreak ______ WA
Callophrys johnsoni
- Western Tailed-Blue ______ BC,CC,WA
(PW:19) (K:125) Flies May-Oct, 2 flights
Everes amyntula
- Silvery Blue ______ BC,CC,WA
(PW:20) (K:125)
Glaucopsyche lygdamus
- Arrowhead Blue ______
CC,WA(east) (PW:20)
Glaucopsyche piasus
- Marine Blue ______ CC
(K:127) Flies all year in s CA, Apr-Oct further north,
several flights
Leptotes marina

A Marine Blue photographed during a FONT tour
(photo by Doris Potter)
- Western Pygmy-Blue ______ CC
Brephidium exile
- Sonoran Blue ______ CC
(K:129) Flies in
the early spring, Jan-Jun, 1 flight
Philotes sonorensis
- Spring Azure (*) ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:131) Flies late Jan-early Jul, dependent upon latitude
& elevation. 2 flights in CA
Celastrina ladon
- Acmon Blue ______ CC,WA
(K:133) Flies Feb-Oct in n & c CA, several flight;
Jan-Nov in s CA
Plebejus acmon
- Lupine Blue ______ CC
(K:133) Flies Mar-Sep, sometimes Nov, 1 or 2 flights
Plebejus lupinus
Lupine Blues in much of the West were previously considered
subspecies of the Acmon Blue. Now the Acmon Blue is more
restricted and the Lupine Blue more widespread as a variable species
that may include two or more sibling species.
- Boisduval's Blue ______ BC,CC,WA
(PW:21) (K:135) Flies Apr-mid Aug, 1 flight; early Mar-mid
Sep in s CA, 2 flights
Plebejus icarioides
- Greenish Blue ______ BC,WA
(PW:20) (K:135) Flies mid May-mid Aug, 1 flight
Plebejus saepiolus
- Melissa Blue ______ WA(east)
(K:135) Flies Apr-Nov, 3 flights
Lycaeides melissa
- Northern Blue ______ BC,WA
Lycaeides idas
- Arctic Blue ______ BC,WA
Agriades glandon
- Western Square-spotted Blue ______ CC,WA
(PW:20) (K:139)
Euphilotes battoides
- Pacific Dotted Blue ______ CC,WA
(K:141) Flies mid May-early Oct, 1 flight
Euphilotes enoptes
- Morman Metalmark ______ CC,WA
(K:149) Flies Apr-Oct, usually 1 summer or fall flight
Apodemia morma
- Great Spangled Fritillary ______ BC,WA
(PW:23) (K:159) Flies mid Jun-Sep,
occasionally Oct, 1 brood
Speyeria cybele
- Mormon Fritillary ______ BC,WA
(PW:24) (K:161) Flies early
Jun-late Oct, 1 flight
Speyeria mormonia
- Callippe Fritillary ______ CC,WA(east)
(PW:24) (K:163) Flies Apr-Sep, 1
Speyeria callippe
- Coronis Fritillary ______ CC,WA
(K:163) Flies late May-Oct, 1 flight
Speyeria coronis
- Zerene Fritillary ______ BC,WA
(K:165) Flies late May-early Sep, 1 flight
Speyeria zerene
- Hydaspe Fritillary ______ BC,WA
(K:165) Flies Jun-Sep, 1 flight
Speyeria hydaspe
- Northwestern Fritillary ______ BC,WA
(K:167) Flies early Jun-late Oct, 1 flight
Speyeria hesperis
The Northwestern Fritillary is very closely related to the
Atlantis Fritillary.
- Pacific Fritillary ______ BC,WA
(K:169) Flies Apr-early Aug, 1 flight
Boloria epithore
- Silver-bordered Fritillary ______ BC,WA
(PW:25) (K:171) Flies late May-mid
Sep, 1 flight in mountains
Boloria selene
- Northern Crescent ______ BC,WA
(K:177) Flies Jun-Jul, rarely as early as mid May and as
late as Aug, 1 flight, possibly 2 in south
Phyciodes selenis
- Field Crescent ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:179) Flies Feb-Dec in c CA, 3 flights; May-Sep further
north, 2
Phyciodes campestris
- Mylitta Crescent ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:179) Flies Apr-Oct in north, several flights; Feb-Nov in
Phyciodes mylitta
- Pale Crescent ______ WA
(K:179) Flies Late Apr-early Jul & Aug-Oct, 2 flights
Phyciodes pallida
- Northern Checkerspot ______ CC,WA(east)
(PW:27) (K:187) Flies mid Mar-early
Aug, 1 flight; earlier along
Pacific coast, later in mountains
Chlosyne palla
- Gabb's Checkerspot ______ CC
(K:187) Flies Mar-Jun rarely to Sep, 1 flight
Chlosyne gabbii
- Hoffmann's Checkerspot ______ WA
(K:187) Flies Jun-Jul, 1 flight
Chlosyne hoffmanni
- Leanira Checkerspot ______ CC
(K:191) Flies Mar-Jun, 1 flight; rare fall flight to Oct if
rare rains
Thessalia leanira
- Variable Checkerspot ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:193) Flies Feb-early Aug to Oct, 1 flight
Euphydryas chalcedona
- Edith's Checkerspot ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:195) Flies late Feb-late Aug, 1 flight
Euphydryas editha
- Satyr Comma ______ BC,CC,WA
Polygonia satyrus
Adult Satyr Commas emerge in summer and overwinter to
spring, 1 long flight
- Green Comma ______ BC,CC
Polygonia faunus
Adult Green Commas emerge in mid to late summer,
overwinter, and reproduce the following spring.
- Hoary Comma ______ BC,CC,WA
Polygonia gracilis
Adult Hoary Commas emerge in July, fly until September;
then, they overwinter, and fly until May or June the following year.
- Gray Comma ______ BC,WA
(K:199) Flies Jun or Jul, overwintering, and then active
Apr to early Jun the following year
Polygonia progne oreas
- Compton Tortoiseshell ______ BC,WA
Nymphalis vaualbum
Adult Compton Tortoiseshells emerge in July, flying until
Oct or Nov. They overwinter and fly until the following Jun. 1 flight.
- California Tortoiseshell ______ BC,CC,WA
(PW:29) (K:201)
Nymphalis californica
Adult California Tortoiseshells emerge in late Jun, flying
until fall. They overwinter, and fly until the following Apr/May. 1
- Milbert's Tortoiseshell ______ BC,CC,WA
(PW:29) (K:201) Butterflies emerge in
July. they overwinter as adults and fly as late as June of the following
Nymphalis milberti

Milbert's Tortoiseshell
(photo by Doris Potter)
- Mourning Cloak ______ BC,CC,WA
Nymphalis antiopa
The Mourning Cloak may be the longest-lived butterfly in the
western US. Adults live from 10 to 12 months. Most adults overwinter.
Apparently some of the population migrates south each fall.
In late June-early Jul, one may find worn individuals from the previous year
and freshly emerged adults on the same day.
- Red Admiral ______ BC,CC,WA
Flies Mar/Apr-Sep/Oct in north, 2 flights, possibly more in south;
overwinters along Pacific Coast and possibly elsewhere in
Vanessa atalania
The name Red Admiral is a latter-day contraction of its older
name, "Red Admirable". It is not closely related to the
true admirals (in the genus Limenitis), but is instead a lady
(in the genus Vanessa).

Red Admiral
(photo by Marie Gardner)
- American Lady ______ CC
(PW:29) (K:205)
Flies Apr-Nov, 3 to 4 broods; all year in coastal CA
Vanessa virginiensis

American Lady
(photo by Marie Gardner)
- Painted Lady (*) ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:205) Flies Feb-Nov in most of the West, 1 to 3 flights;
some year-round in coastal s CA
Vanessa cardui

Painted Lady
(photo by Doris Potter)
- West Coast Lady ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:205) Flies all-year in coastal CA, several flights
Vanessa annabella
Though long known to science, the West Coast Lady was not given
its current scientific name until 1971. The scientific name that had
been ascribed to it for many years was Vanessa
But when the curator at the Smithsonian Institution, William Field, revised
the painted ladies in the genus Vanessa, in the early
1970s, he found that V. carye
actually applied to a South American species, leaving the West Coast Lady
without a scientific epithet.
He gallantly remedied that lack of identity by naming the species after his
young daughter, Annabella.
He also separated the true ladies from the "admirals" (in Vanessa),
resurrecting for them the 1807 genus Cynthia.
That has since gone back to being a subgenus, but either way the West
Coast Lady has had an very feminine appellation of either Vanessa
annabella or Cynthia annabella.
- Common Buckeye ______ CC
(K:207) Flies Apr-Oct, 2 to 3 broods; all year in coastal
lowland CA
Junonia coenia

Common Buckeye
(photo by Doris Potter)
- Viceroy ______ WA(southeast)
(K:211) Flies Apr-Oct, 2 to 3 flights in most of
Limenitis archippus
The Viceroy is a mimic of the widespread and conspicuous
(but distasteful) Monarch. The Viceroy is recognized with its
postmedian black line on the hindwing and a SINGLE row of white spots in the
black marginal band.

(photo by Doris Potter)
- Lorquin's Admiral ______ BC,CC,WA
(K:213) Flies Mar-Nov, 2 flights
Limenitis lorquini
- California Sister ______ CC (PW:30)
(K:213) Flies Apr-Sep, 2 flights
Adelpha bredowii
- Monarch ______ CC,WA
Danaus plexippus
During the warmer part of the year in western North America, the Monarch
has 1 to 3 broods in the north, 4 to 6 in the south. It may breed all year
in se CA, and overwinters in coastal CA (in addition to the major,
well-known wintering site in central Mexico).
Many of the colonies of Monarchs that now overwinter in California do
so in eucalyptus trees.

(photo by Howard Eskin)
- Queen ______ CC
(K:229) Usually flies Jul-Aug in the north of its range
Danaus gilippus

(photo by Howard Eskin)
- Common Wood-Nymph ______ CC,WA
Cercyonis pegala
- Great Basin Wood-Nymph ______ CC,WA
Cercyonis sthenele
- Small Wood-Nymph ______ WA
Cercyonis oetus
- Common Ringlet ______ BC,WA
Coenonympha tullia
- Common Alpine ______ BC,WA
Erebia epipsodea
- Vidler's Alpine ______ BC,WA
Erebia vidleru
The Vidler's Alpine has a restricted range in alpine
meadows of only British Columbia and Washington.
- Chryxus Arctic ______ BC,WA
(PW:33) (K:249)
Oeneis chryxus
- Melissa Arctic ______ BC
(PW:34) (K:251)
Oeneis melissa
- Great Arctic ______ BC,WA
(PW:33) (K:253)
Oeneis nevadensis
- Silver-spotted Skipper ______ CC,WA
(PW:35) (K:257)
Epargyreus clarus
- Northern Cloudywing ______ CC,WA
(PW:36) (K:261)
Thorybes bathyllus
- Funereal Duskywing ______ CC
(PW:38) (K:281)
Erynnis funeralis
- Propertius Duskywing ______ BC,CC,WA
(PW:38) K:283)
Erynnis propertius
- Pacuvius Duskywing ______ CC,WA
(PW:38) (K:283)
Erynnis pacuvius
- Mournful Duskywing ______ CC
(PW:38) (K:283)
Erynnis tristis
- Dreamy Duskywing ______ BC,WA
(PW:38) (K:285)
Erynnis icelus
- Perius Duskywing ______
BC,CC,WA (PW:38) (K:285)
Erynnis persius
- Common Checkered-Skipper ______ CC,WA
(PW:39) (K:289)
(can not be distinguished in the field from the White
Pyrgus communis
- White-checkered Skipper ______ CC
(PW:39) (K:289)
(recently determined to be species distinct from the Common
Pyrgus albescens
- Grizzled Skipper ______
BC,WA (PW:38) (K:289)
Pyrgus centaureae
- Two-banded Checkered-Skipper ______ BC,CC,WA
(PW:38) (K:291)
Pyrgus ruralis
- Small Checkered-Skipper ______ CC
(PW:39) (K:291)
Pyrgus scriptura
- Northern White-Skipper ______ CC,WA(east)
(PW:39) (K:293)
Heliopetes ericetorum
- Common Sootywing ______ CC,WA
(PW:39) (K:299)
Pholisora catullus
- Arctic Skipper ______ BC,WA
(PW:40) (K:301)
Carterocephalus palaemon
- Fiery Skipper ______ CC
(PW:40) (K:303)
Hylephila phyleus
- Sachem ______ CC
(PW:42) (K:303)
Atalopedes campestris
- Common Branded Skipper ______ CC,WA
(PW:41) (K:313)
Hesperia comma
- Juba Skipper ______ WA
(PW:40) (K:313)
Hesperia juba
- Columbian Skipper ______ CC
(PW:41) (K:313)
Hesperia columbia
- Nevada Skipper ______ WA(south)
(PW:41) (K:315)
Hesperia nevada
- Lindsey's Skipper ______ CC
(PW:41) (K:315)
Hesperia lindseyi
- Sandhill Skipper ______ CC,WA
(PW:41) (K:321)
Polites sabuleti
- Sonoran Skipper ______ WA
(PW:41) (K:323)
Polites sonora
- Mardon Skipper ______ WA
(PW:41) (K:323) Flies in early
Polites mardon
The Mardon Skipper is rare and local.
- Woodland Skipper ______ BC,CC,WA
(PW:42) (K:329)
Ochlodes sylvanoides
- Rural Skipper ______ CC
(PW:42) (K:329)
Ochlodes agricola
- Yuma Skipper ______ CC
(PW:42) (K:329)
Ochlodes yuma
- Umber Skipper ______ CC
(PW:42) (K:329)
Poanes melane
- Common Roadside-Skipper
______ BC,WA (PW:43)
Amblyscirtes vialis
- Eufala Skipper ______ CC
(PW:43) (K:353)
Lerodea eufala
Some selected reference books regarding Butterflies:
"Butterflies of North America", by Jim Brock & Kenn Kaufmann (with
2,200 images & 70 photographs)