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Focus On Nature Tours

1992 to 2015

Noting those found
during FONT tours
with an (*)

The following list of the Mammals of Belize compiled by Armas Hill

Photo at upper right:  YUCATAN BLACK HOWLER MONKEY

Codes noting locations:

ah:   near the Mayn ruins of Altun Ha 
bb:   Banana Bank    
bi:    on & near Bird Island 
cb:   Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary & the nearby Maya Centre
  the offshore island of Caye Caulker 
t:    vicinity of Crooked Tree  
cy:   the Cayo District near San Ignacio including the Macal River valley & the farming area near Spanish Lookout
gp:   near Gale's Point (Manatee Lodge)
hh:   along the Hummingbird Highway
mp:  Mountain Pine Ridge 
c:   the coastal area in & near Placencia  

A fine book, "Jungle of the Maya" has recently been published (in 2006) by the University of Texas Press. In it, there some very good photographs of wildlife in Belize, and in nearby Guatemala & Mexico. In the following lists, pages in that book with photos of particular species are referred to with a (p. xx)

(ph):  species with a photo in the FONT website


Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Central America

List of Birds in Belize     Mammals in Central America  (with some photos) 

A List & Photo Gallery of Central America Butterflies, in 5 Parts

Amphibians & Reptiles of Belize & Guatemala  (with some photos)

Marine Life. including that of the Coral Reef, in Belize & Mexico  (with some photos)

Belize Tour Highlights  

Directory of Photos in the FONT Website 


List of Mammals (followed by a separate list of Bats):

  1. Central American Wooly Opossum ______
    Caluromys derbianus

  2. Water Opossum ______  (in Belize called "Water Dog")
    Chironectes minimus

  3. Southern Opossum ______  (in Belize called "Possum")
    Didelphis marsupialis

  4. Virginia Opossum  (ph)  ______  (in Belize called "Possum")
    Didelphis virginiana

  5. Mexican Mouse-Opossum ______
    Marmosa mexicana

  6. Robinson's Mouse-Opossum ______
    Marmosa robinsoni

  7. Alston's Woolly Mouse Opossum ______
    Micoureus alstoni

  8. Gray Four-eyed Opossum  (*)  ______  ct
    Philander opossum

  9. Silky Pygmy Anteater ______  (in Belize called "Antbear")
    Cyclopes didactylus 
    (the single member of its genus & its family)

  10. Northern Tamandua  (ph)  ______  (in Belize called "Antbear")
    Tamandua mexicana

  11. Nine-banded Armadillo  (ph)  ______  (in Belize called "Dilly")
    Dasypus novemcinclus

  12. Northern Naked-tailed Armadillo ______  (in Belize called "Dilly")
    Cabassous centralis

  13. Maya Small-eared Shrew ______
    Cryptotis mayensis

  14. American Least Shrew ______
    Cryptotis parva 

    In taxonomic order, BATS would be here, but instead they follow at the end of this mammal list. 

  15. Yucatan Black Howler Monkey  (*) (ph)  ______ bb,cy  (in Belize called "Baboon")  (p. 2, p. 37-38 & 41 & 108)
    Alouatta pigra

    Yucatan Black Howler Monkey
    (photo during a FONT tour by Marie Gardner)

  16. Geoffroy's Spider Monkey  (ph)  ______  (in Belize called "Monkey")  (p. 12 & 36 & 39-40 & 52)
    Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis,
    the "Yucatan Spider Monkey" 

    Geoffroy's Spider Monkey
    (photo during a FONT tour by Marie Gardner) 

  17. Gray Fox ______  (p. 25)
    Urocyon cinereoargenteus

  18. Jaguarundi ______  (in Belize called "Halari" (p. 60)
    (formerly Herpailurus yagouaroundi

  19. Ocelot  (ph)  ______  (in Belize called "Tiger Cat")  (p. 60)
    (formerly Felis) pardalis

  20. Margay ______  (in Belize called "Small Tiger Cat")  (p. 61)
    (formerly Felis) wiedii

  21. Puma  (ph)  ______  (in Belize called "Red Tiger")  (p. 63)
    (formerly Felis) concolor

  22. Jaguar  (*) (ph)  ______ gp  (in Belize called "Tiger" (p. xiii & 58-59 & 118) (also p. 62 of a Mayan sculpture)
    (formerly Jaguarius) onca

    A Jaguar track, seen & photographed 
    during the FONT tour in Belize in March 2007

    In a hotel lobby, a painting of a Jaguar.
    Throughout Belize, pictures of Jaguars are common.
    In the wild, the animal itself is more common than it is
    in most Central American countries. 

  23. Neotropical River Otter ______  (in Belize called "Water Dog")
    (formerly Lontra) longicaudis

  24. Striped Hog-nosed Skunk ______  (in Belize called "Polecat")
    Conepatus semistriatus 

  25. Eastern Spotted Skunk ______  (in Belize called "Polecat")
    Spilogale putorius

  26. Tityra ______  (in Belize called "Bush Dog")  (p. 25 & 105)
    Eira barbara 
    (the single member of its genus)

  27. Greater Grison ______  (in Belize called "Bush Dog")
    Galictis vittata

  28. Long-tailed Weasel ______
    Mustela frenata

  29. Kinkajou  (ph)  ______  (in Belize called "Night Walker" (p. 92)
    Potos flavus 
    (the single member of its genus)

    (photo during a FONT tour by Rosemary Lloyd)

  30. Cacomistle ______    
    Bassariscus sumichrasti

  31. White-nosed Coati  (*) (ph)  ______ ah  (in Belize called "Quash")  (p. 25)
    Nasua narica

    White-nosed Coati
    (photo during a FONT tour by Marie Gardner)

  32. Northern Raccoon  (*) (ph)  ______  ct
    Procton lotor

  33. West Indian Manatee  (*) (ph)  ______ gp  (in Belize called "Sea Cow"
    Trichechus manatus

    Above & Below: Two photographs of West Indian (or Antillean) Manatees
    during the FONT tour in Belize in April 2011
    (photos by Marie Gardner)

  34. Baird's Tapir  (ph)  ______  (in Belize called "Mountain Cow")
    Tapirus bairdii

  35. Collared Peccary  (ph)  ______  (in Belize called "Peccary")
    Pecari tajacu

  36. White-lipped Peccary  (ph)  ______  (in Belize called "Wari" (p. 25)
    Tayassu pecari

  37. Red Brocket Deer  (*)  ______  cb  (in Belize called "Antelope" (p. 24)
    Mazama americana

  38. White-tailed Deer  (ph)  ______  (in Belize called "Savanna Deer")  (p. 24)
    Odocoileus virginianus

  39. Yucatan Squirrel  (*) ______ ct,cy  
    Sciurus yucatanensis

  40. Deppe's Squirrel ______
    Sciurus deppei

  41. Hispid Pocket Gopher ______  (in Belize called "Ground Mole")
    Orthogeomys hispidus

  42. Forest Spiny Pocket Mouse ______
    Heteromys desmarestianus

  43. Gaumer's Spiny Pocket Mouse ______
    Heteromys gaumeri

  44. Western House Mouse ______  (was conspecific with Eastern House Mouse, of Europe & Asia, Mus musculus; the Western House Mouse native to western & southern Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East)
    Mus domesticus 

  45. Brown Rat ______  (has also been called Norway Rat)  (in Belize called "Charlie Price")
    Rattus norvegicus

  46. House Rat ______  (has also been called Black Rat and Roof Rat(in Belize called "Charlie Price"
    Rattus rattus

  47. Vesper Rat ______
    Nyctomys sumichrasti 
    (the single member of its genus)

  48. Northern Pygmy Rice Rat ______
    Oligoryzomys fulvescens

  49. Alfaro's Rice Rat ______
    Oryzomys alfaroi

  50. Coue's Rice Rat ______
    Oryzomys couesi

  51. Black-eared Rice Rat ______ (has also been called Rusty Rice Rat)
    Oryzomys melanotis

  52. Yucatan Vesper Mouse ______
    Otonyctomys hatti 
    (the single member of its genus)

  53. Big-eared Climbing Rat ______
    Ototylomys phyllotis 
    (the single member of its genus)

  54. Mexican Deer Mouse ______
    Peromyscus mexicanus

  55. Slender Harvest Mouse ______
    Reithrodontomys gracilis

  56. Hispid Cotton Rat ______  (in Belize called "Pine Ridge Rat')
    Sigmodon hispidus

  57. Northern Climbing Rat ______
    Tylomys nudicaudus

  58. Mexican Hairy Dwarf Porcupine  (ph)  ______
    (formerly Sphiggurus) mexicanus 

  59. Lowland Paca  (*)  ______ ah   (in Belize called the "Gibnut" 
    (formerly Agouti) paca

    Cuniculus paca
    is also called the Spotted Paca.

  60. Central American Agouti  (ph)  ______  (in Belize called "Indian Rabbit")
    Dasyprocta punctata

    Central American Agouti
    (photo by Linda Navarro)

  61. Forest Rabbit  ______  (in Belize called "Bush Rabbit")
    Sylvilagus brasiliensis

    Bats  (more than half of the mammals in Belize are bats):

    SHEATH-TAILED BATS  (Family Emballonuridae)

  62. Least Sac-winged Bat  ______  (lowland forests)
    Balantiopteryx io

  63. Shaggy Bat _____  (lowland forests & regrowth areas)
    Centronycteris maximiliani 
    (the single member of its genus)

  64. Northern Ghost Bat _____  (lowland & mid-elevation clearings & built areas)
    Diclidurus albus

  65. Greater Dog-like Bat _____  (lowland forest & forest edge)
    Peropteryx kappleri

  66. Lesser Dog-like Bat _____  (caves, rock piles, & built-up areas in the lowlands)
    Peropteryx macrotis

  67. Proboscis Bat _____  (near water in low-level rainforests)
    Rhynchonycteris naso 
    (the single member of its genus)

  68. Greater White-lined Bat _____  (lowland forests & forest edge)
    Saccopteryx bilineata

  69. Lesser White-lined Bat _____  (lowland forest)
    Saccopteryx leptura

    FISHING BAT  (Family Noctilionidae)

  70. Greater Fishing Bat _____  (lowland forests, lakes, rivers, & coasts)
    Noctilio leporinus

    LEAF-CHINNED BATS  (Family Mormoopidae)

  71. Ghost-faced Bat _____  (dry forests)
    Mormoops megalophylla

  72. Davy's Naked-backed Bat _____  (locally in forests & clearings) 
    Pteronotus davyi

  73. Common Moustached Bat _____  (lowland & mid-elevation forests & clearings)
    (formerly Phyllodia) parnelli

  74. Lesser Moustached Bat _____  (lowland forests)
    (formerly Chilonycteris) personatus

    AMERICAN LEAF-NOSED BATS  (Family Phyllostomidae)  (p. 101)

  75. Woolly False Vampire Bat  (also called Big-eared Woolly Bat _____  (forests & regrowth areas)
    Chrotopterus auritus 
    (the single member of its genus)

  76. Common Sword-nosed Bat _____  (locally in lowland forests & farmland)
    Lonchorhina aurita

  77. Long-legged Bat _____  (near streams in lowland forests) 
    Macrophyllum macrophyllum 
    (the single member of its genus)

  78. Orange-throated Big-eared Bat _____  (locally in lowland forests)
    (formerly Lampronycteris) brachyotis

  79. Common Big-eared Bat _____  (forest & regrowth areas)
    Micronycteris microtis 

  80. Niceforo's Big-eared Bat _____  (locally in lowland forests)
    (formerly Trinycteris) nicefori

  81. Schmidt's Big-eared Bat _____  (locally in lowland forests & forest edge)
    Micronycteris schmidtorum

  82. Golden Bat _____  (lowland forests)
    Mimon bennettii 

  83. Striped Hairy-nosed Bat _____   (locally in lowland forests & clearings)
    (formerly Anthorhina) crenlatum

  84. Pale-faced Bat _____  (locally in primary rainforests & adjacent clearings) 
    Phylloderma stenops

  85. Pale Spear-nosed Bat _____  (lowland forests)
    Phyllostomus discolor

  86. Greater Spear-nosed Bat _____  (lowland forests & clearings)
    Phyllostomus hastatus

  87. Pygmy Round-eared Bat ____  (lowland forests & regrowth areas)
    Tonatia brasiliense

  88. Davis's Round-eared Bat _____  (lowland forests)
    Tonatia evotis

  89. Stripe-headed Round-eared Bat _____  (locally in lowland forests)
    Tonatia saurophila 

  90. Fringe-lipped Bat _____  (forests & farmland)
    Trachops cirrhosus 
    (the single member of its genus)

  91. Greater False Vampire Bat  (also called Spectral Bat_____  (forests & grasslands)  (actually tail-less) 
    Vampyrum spectrum

  92. Brown Long-tongued Bat _____  (locally in forests & clearings)
    Glossophaga commissarisi

  93. Common Long-tongued Bat _____  (forests & clearings)
    Glossophaga soricina

  94. Underwood's Long-tongued Bat _____  (lowland & mid-elevation forests & clearings)
    Hylonycteris underwoodi 
    (the single member of its genus) 

  95. Dark Long-tongued Bat _____  (lowland forests & plantations; few records)
    Lichonycteris obscura 
    (the single member of its genus)

  96. Silky Short-tailed Bat _____  (forest clearings, regrowth areas, & plantations)
    Carollia brevicauda

  97. Seba's Short-tailed Bat _____  (forest clearings, regrowth areas, & plantations)
    Carollia perspicillata

  98. Intermediate Fruit-eating Bat _____  (forests & regrowth areas)
    Artibeus intermedius

  99. Jamaican Fruit-eating Bat  (ph)  _____  (forests & plantations)
    Artibeus jamaicensis

  100. Great Fruit-eating Bat _____  (rainforests & clearings)
    Artibeus lituratus

  101. Pygmy Fruit-eating Bat _____  (forests & fruit groves)
    Artibeus phaeotis 

  102. Toltec Fruit-eating Bat _____  (mid-elevation forests & fruit groves)
    (formerly Dermanura) toltecus

  103. Thomas's Fruit-eating Bat _____  (forests & fruit groves)
    Artibeus watsoni

  104. Wrinkle-faced Bat _____  (lowland & mid-elevation regrowth areas)
    Centurio senex 
    (the single member of its genus)
  105. Hairy Big-eyed Bat _____  (lowland forests & fruit groves)
    Chiroderma villosum

  106. Heller's Broad-nosed Bat _____  (lowland & mid-elevation forests & fruit groves)
    Platyrrhinus helleri

  107. Little Yellow-shouldered Bat _____  (forest & fruit groves)
    Sturnira lilium

  108. Common Tent-making Bat _____  (lowland & mid-elevation forests & fruit groves)
    Uroderma bilobatum

  109. Little Yellow-eared Bat _____  (lowland & mid-elevation forests)
    Vampyressa pusilla

  110. Great Stripe-faced Bat _____  (lowland primary rainforests) 
    Vampyrodes caraccioli

  111. Common Vampire Bat _____  (livestock farmland, gardens, & forest)
    Desmodus rotundus 
    (the single member of its genus)

  112. Hairy-legged Vampire Bat _____  (lowland & mid-elevation forest & farmland) 
    Diphylia ecaudata 
    (the single member of its genus)

    FUNNEL-EARED BAT  (Family Natalidae)

  113. Mexican Funnel-eared Bat _____  (lowland & mid-elevation forests)
    Natalus stramineus

    FREE-TAILED BATS  (Family Molossidae)
  114. Greenhall's Dog-faced Bat _____  (forests & clearings, usually near water)
    (formerly Cynomops) greenhalli

  115. Broad-eared Bat _____  (dry forests & scrub)
    Nyctinomops laticaudatus

  116. Black Bonneted Bat _____  (forests & savannas)
    Eumops auripendulus

  117. Dwarf Bonneted Bat _____  (lowland dry deciduous forests & scrub)
    Eumops bonariensis

  118. Wagner's Bonneted Bat _____  (lowland forests, scrub, & built areas)
    Eumops glaucinus

  119. Underwood's Bonneted Bat _____  (dry forests)
    Eumops underwoodi

  120. Black Mastiff Bat _____  (forests, scrub, & built areas)
    Molossus ater

  121. Pallas's Mastiff Bat _____  (forests & built areas)
    Molossus molossus

  122. Sinaloan Mastiff Bat _____  (forests, farmland, & built areas)
    Molossus sinaloae

    DISK-WINGED BAT  (Family Thyropteridae)

  123. Spix's Disk-winged Bat _____  (lowland & mid-elevation forests & regrowth areas) 
    Thyroptera tricolor

    ANTROZOID BAT  (Family Antrozoidae)

  124. Van Gelder's Bat _____  (forest interiors)
    Bauerus dubiaquercus 
    (the single member of its genus)

    VESPER BATS  (Family Vespertilionidae)

  125. Argentine Brown Bat _____  (p. 116)  (forests & forest clearings)
    Eptesicus furnalis

  126. Western Red Bat _____  (forests)
    Lasiurus borealis

  127. Southern Yellow Bat _____  (lowland scrub & foothill forests)
    (formerly Dasypterus) ega

  128. Northern Yellow Bat _____  (dry forests & scrub)
    (formerly Dasypterus) intermedius

  129. Elegant Myotis _____  (lowland forests & clearings)
    (formerly Selysius) elegans

  130. Hairy-legged Myotis _____  (forests, regrowth areas, & forest edge) 
    (formerly Selysius) keaysi

  131. Central American Yellow Bat _____  (forests, clearings, & built areas) 
    Rhogeessa tumida

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