Other Wildlife
during the
Nature Tour
in Brazil
in March 2009
including adjacent
March 4-14, 2009
in Brazil:
sp: Sao Paulo in southeast Brazil
ms: Mato Grosso do Sul, from Campo Grande west to Corumba, mostly in the
mt: Mato Grosso, mostly in the areas of Serra das Araras & Chapada das
in Bolivia, west of Corumba, Brazil: BL
(BRe): Brazilian endemic
(BRqe): Brazilian quasi- (or near-) endemic
(BRi): introduced species in Brazil
(t): a threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International.
(t1): critical
(t2): endangered
(t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally
(ph): species with a photo in this FONTwebsite
Directory of Photos in this Website
UPPER RIGHT PHOTO: a JABIRU in Mato Grosso do Sul.
At one place during our Mar '09 tour, on a river island near Corumba, there were
nearly 400 of these birds,
standing or walking on the island or circling about in the sky above.
Cumulative List of Birds during our Brazil Tours:
Part 1
(Tinamous thru Flycatchers)
Part 2 (Antshrikes thru Grosbeaks)
In the above cumulative lists of birds, scientific names
are given & subspecies are noted.
& Threatened Birds of Brazil (with
Mammals & Other Wildlife during our Brazil Tours
A list of Mammals during our Brazil tour in
March 2009
follows the bird-list below.
FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Brazil

The following list compiled by Armas Hill,
leader of the tour.
Undulated Tinamou _____ ms
Red-winged Tinamou _____ mt
Spotted Nothura _____ ms
Greater Rhea (nt) _____ ms,mt
Chaco Chachalaca _____ ms
Rusty-margined Guan _____ ms
Common Piping Guan _____ ms
Bare-faced Curassow _____ ms
Southern Screamer _____ ms
White-faced Whistling Duck _____ ms
Black-bellied Whistling Duck _____ ms
Brazilian Teal _____ ms
Muscovy Duck _____ ms
- Jabiru _____ ms
- Wood Stork _____ ms,mt
- Maguari Stork _____ ms
- Buff-necked Ibis _____ ms,mt
- Plumbeous Ibis _____ ms
- Bare-faced Ibis _____ ms
- Green Ibis _____ ms
- Roseate Spoonbill _____ ms
- Striated Heron _____ ms
- Cocoi Heron _____ ms
- Capped Heron _____ mt
- Whistling Heron _____ ms
- Western Cattle Egret _____ ms
- Little Blue Heron _____ ms
- Snowy Egret _____ ms,mt
- Great Egret _____ ms
- Rufescent Tiger-Heron _____ ms
- Black-crowned Night Heron _____ ms
- Neotropic Cormorant _____ ms,mt BL
- Anhinga _____ ms,mt
- Black Vulture _____ sp,ms,mt
- Turkey Vulture _____ ms,mt BL
- Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture _____ ms
- Southern Crested Caracara _____ ms,mt BL
- Yellow-headed Caracara _____ ms,mt
- Barred Forest-Falcon _____ mt
- American Kestrel _____ ms,mt BL
- Aplomado Falcon _____ mt
- Osprey _____ BL
- Swallow-tailed Kite _____ mt
- Pearl Kite _____ mt
- Snail Kite _____ ms
- Long-winged Harrier _____ ms
- Crane Hawk _____ ms
- Great Black Hawk _____ ms
- Savanna Hawk _____ ms,mt
- Black-collared Hawk _____ ms
- Roadside Hawk _____ ms,mt BL
- White-tailed Hawk _____ ms
- Harpy Eagle (nt) _____ mt (adult at a nest)
- Red-legged Seriema _____ ms,mt
- Rufous-sided Crake _____ ms
- Gray-necked Wood Rail _____ ms,mt
- Purple Gallinule _____ ms
- Limpkin _____ ms
- Wattled Jacana _____ ms,mt
- White-backed Stilt _____ ms
- Southern Lapwing _____ sp,ms,mt
- Collared Plover _____ ms
- Solitary Sandpiper _____ ms,mt
- Spotted Sandpiper _____ ms
- Large-billed Tern _____ ms
- Picazuro Pigeon _____ sp,ms
- Pale-vented Pigeon _____ mt
- Plumbeous Pigeon _____ mt
- Common (or Feral) Pigeon (BRi) _____ ms,mt BL
- Ruddy Ground-Dove _____ sp,ms,mt BL
- Plain-breasted Ground Dove _____ ms,mt
- Picui Ground-Dove _____ ms BL
- Long-tailed Ground Dove _____ ms
- Scaled Dove _____ ms,mt BL
- White-tipped Dove _____ ms,mt BL
- Hyacinth Macaw (t2) _____ ms
- Blue-and-yellow Macaw _____ ms
- Red-and-green Macaw _____ mt
- Golden-collared Macaw _____ ms
- Red-shouldered Macaw _____ mt
- White-eyed Parakeet _____ ms,mt
- Peach-fronted Parakeet _____ ms,mt
- Nanday (or Black-hooded) Parakeet
_____ ms
- Monk Parakeet _____ ms BL
- Yellow-chevroned Parakeet _____ ms,mt
- Turquoise-fronted Amazon _____ ms
- Smooth-billed Ani _____ ms,mt BL
- Greater Ani _____ ms
- Squirrel Cuckoo _____ mt
- Striped Cuckoo _____ ms
- Guira Cuckoo _____ ms,mt BL
- Tropical Screech Owl _____ mt
- Ferruginous Pygmy Owl _____ ms
- Burrowing Owl _____ ms,mt
- Common Potoo _____ ms
- Short-tailed Nighthawk _____ ms
- Little Nightjar _____ ms
- Scissor-tailed Nightjar _____ ms,mt
- Rufous Nightjar _____ mt
- Pauraque _____ ms
- Swallow-tailed Hummingbird _____ sp,ms
- White-vented Violetear _____ ms,mt
- Black-throated Mango _____ mt
- Ruby Topaz _____ ms
- Glittering-bellied Emerald _____ ms
- White-chinned Sapphire _____ ms
- Gilded Sapphire _____ ms
- Versicolored Emerald _____ mt
- Horned Sungem _____ mt
- Blue-crowned Trogon _____ mt
- Ringed Kingfisher _____ ms
- Green Kingfisher _____ ms
- Amazon Kingfisher _____ ms,mt
- Blue-crowned Motmot _____ mt
- Rufous-tailed Jacamar _____ ms,mt
- Swallow-winged Puffbird _____ mt
- White-eared Puffbird _____ mt
- Black-fronted Nunbird _____ mt
- Toco Toucan _____ ms,mt
- Channel-billed Toucan _____ mt
- Lettered Aracari _____ mt
- Chestnut-eared Aracari _____ mt
- Pale-crested Woodpecker _____ mt
- Campo (or Field) Flicker - ms,mt
- Green-barred Woodpecker _____ ms
- White Woodpecker _____ ms,mt
- Yellow-tufted Woodpecker _____ mt
- Little Woodpecker _____ ms
- Lineated Woodpecker _____ mt
- Crimson-crested Woodpecker _____ ms,mt
- White-wedged Piculet _____ ms
- Masked Tityra _____ mt
- Black-crowned Tityra _____ mt
- White-naped Xenopsaris _____ ms
- Green-backed Becard _____ ms
- White-winged Becard _____ mt
- Black-capped Becard _____ mt
- Crested Becard _____ mt
- Common Tody-Flycatcher _____ sp,ms
- Yellow Tyrannulet _____ ms
- Southern Scrub Flycatcher _____ mt
- Chapada Suiriri _____ mt
- Yellow-bellied Elaenia _____ ms
- Plain-crested Elaenia _____ mt
- Plain Inezia (formerly Plain Tyrannulet)
_____ mt
- Cliff Flycatcher _____ mt
- Tropical Pewee _____ mt
- Gray Monjita _____ mt
- White-rumped Monjita _____ ms,mt
- White Monjita _____ ms
- Black-backed Water Tyrant _____ ms BL
- White-headed Marsh Tyrant _____ mt
- Cattle Tyrant _____ ms,mt BL
- Rufous Casiornis _____ mt
- Eastern Sirystes _____ mt
- Brown-crested Flycatcher _____ mt
- Tropical Kingbird _____ ms,mt BL
- Fork-tailed Flycatcher _____ ms BL
- Social Flycatcher _____ sp,ms,mt
- Boat-billed Flycatcher _____ mt
- Streaked Flycatcher _____ mt
- Rusty-margined Flycatcher _____ ms BL
- Lesser Kiskadee _____ ms
- Great Kiskadee _____ sp,ms,mt BL
- Rufous-winged Antshrike _____ mt
- Great Antshrike _____ ms
- Barred Antshrike _____ ms
- Planalto Slaty Antshrike _____ mt
- Plain Antvireo _____ mt
- Large-billed Antwren _____ mt
- White-backed Fire-eye _____ mt
- Rufous Hornero _____ sp,ms,mt BL
- Pale-legged Hornero _____ ms
- Pale-breasted Spinetail _____ ms
- Yellow-chinned Spinetail _____ ms
- Rusty-backed Spinetail _____ ms
- Rufous-fronted Thornbird _____ ms
- Greater Thornbird _____ ms
- Gray-chested Cachalote _____ ms
- Russet-mantled Foliage-gleaner _____ mt
- Plain Xenops _____ mt
- Olivaceous Woodcreeper _____ mt
- Great Rufous Woodcreeper _____ ms
- Narrow-billed Woodcreeper _____ ms,mt
- Rufous-browed Peppershrike _____ mt
- "Chivi" Red-eyed Vireo
_____ ms
- Ashy-headed Greenlet _____ mt
- Curl-crested Jay _____ mt
- Plush-crested Jay _____ ms
- Purplish Jay _____ ms,mt
- White-winged Swallow _____ ms,mt BL
- Brown-chested Martin _____ ms
- Gray-breasted Martin _____ ms,mt BL
- Blue-and-white Swallow _____ sp
- Southern Rough-winged Swallow _____ ms
- Moustached Wren _____ mt
- Buff-breasted Wren _____ mt
- Fawn-breasted Wren _____ ms
- Thrush-like Wren _____ ms,mt
- "Southern" House Wren _____
- Black-capped Donacobious _____ ms,mt
- Masked Gnatcatcher _____ ms
- Chalk-browed Mockingbird _____ ms,mt
- Rufous-bellied Thrush _____ sp,ms,mt
- Pale-breasted Thrush _____ ms,mt BL
- Yellowish Pipit _____ ms
- Violaceous Euphonia _____ mt
- Purple-throated Euphonia _____ mt
- Thick-billed Euphonia _____ mt
- Southern Yellowthroat _____ ms
- White-bellied Warbler _____ mt
- Crested Oropendola _____ ms,mt
- Yellow-rumped Cacique _____ mt
- Shiny Cowbird _____ ms,mt
- Baywing _____ ms BL
- Giant Cowbird _____ ms,mt
- Unicolored Blackbird _____ ms
- Chopi Blackbird _____ ms,mt BL
- Epaulet Oriole _____ ms
- Orange-backed Troupial _____ ms
White-browed Blackbird _____ ms
Yellow-rumped Marshbird _____ ms
Bobolink _____ ms
Bananaquit _____ sp,ms
Grassland Sparrow _____ ms,mt BL
Rufous-collared Sparrow _____ sp
Red-crested Cardinal _____ ms
Yellow-billed Cardinal _____ ms
Sayaca Tanager _____ se,ms,mt BL
Palm Tanager _____ ms,mt
- Silver-beaked Tanager _____ mt
Burnished-buff Tanager _____ mt
Red Tanager (formerly part of Hepatic Tanager) _____ ms
Orange-headed Tanager _____ ms
White-lined Tanager _____ ms,mt
White-rumped Tanager _____ mt
Shrike-like Tanager _____ mt
Black-faced Tanager _____ mt
Magpie-Tanager _____ mt
Swallow-Tanager _____ mt
Blue Dacnis _____ mt
Blue-black Grassquit _____ ms,mt
Plumbeous Seedeater _____ mt
Lined Seedeater _____ ms
Marsh Seedeater _____ ms
Rusty-collared Seedeater _____ ms,mt
Double-collared Seedeater _____ mt
Tawny-bellied Seedeater _____ ms
Capped Seedeater _____ mt
Lesser Seed Finch _____ ms,mt
Saffron Finch _____ se,ms,mt BL
Red Pileated Finch _____ mt
Buff-throated Saltator _____ ms
Green-winged Saltator _____ mt
"Southern" Grayish Saltator _____ ms
Black-throated Saltator _____ mt
House Sparrow (BRi) _____ sp,ms,mt BL

& Other Wildlife
during the
Focus On Nature Tour
in Brazil
in March 2009
List compiled by Armas Hill
Photo at right:
Ours, during this tour,
was seen after dark, feeding.
March 4-14
(e): classified as endangered
(v): classified as vulnerable
Myrmecophaga tridactyla
- Nine-banded Armadillo _____ ms,mt
Euphractus sexcinctus
Azara's Agouti _____ mt
Cuniculus paca
Capybara _____ ms
Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris
Pantanal Cat _____ ms
Felis braccata
OCELOT (v) _____ ms
Felis pardalis
JAGUAR (v) _____ ms
Panthera tigris
Crab-eating Fox _____ ms
Cerdocyon thous
Hoary Fox _____ ms
Lycalppex vetulus
Neotropical River Otter _____ ms
Lutra longicaudus
South American Coati _____ ms
Nasua nasua
Black Howler Monkey _____ ms,mt
Alouatta caraya
Brown Tufted Capuchin _____ mt
Cebus apella
Marsh Deer (v) _____ ms
Blastocerus dichotomus
Gray (or Brown) Brocket Deer _____ mt
Mazama gouazoubira
Red Brocket Deer _____ ms
Mazama americana
Pampas Deer _____ mt
Ozotoceros bezoarticus

Pampas Deer
White-lipped Peccary _____ ms
Tayassu pecari
Lesser Fishing Bat _____ ms
Noctilio albiventris
other bats _____ ms,mt
Also during the tour:
only as a road-kill: Southern Tamandua
Spectacled Caiman _____ ms (including "baby caimans")
Caiman crocodilus yacare
Black Tegu _____ ms
Tupinambus teguixin
toads, lizards, gecko