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Focus On Nature Tours
in Japan
in the Spring and Summer
in April, May, June,
A List compiled by Armas Hill
Japanese bird
names follow those in English.
Photo at upper right of a RED-FLANKED BLUETAIL,
photographed during a FONT tour
(t): a globally threatened or
rare species, designated by Birdlife International.
(t1): critical
(t2): endangered
(t3): vulnerable
(nt): considered a
near-threatened species globally
(JPvr): very rare in Japan
(JPr): rare in Japan
(JPrs): rare in Japan in the summer
(JPe): Japanese endemic
(JPeb): Japanese endemic breeder
(JPneb): Japanese near-endemic breeder
(JPi): introduced in Japan
HK: on the northern island of Hokkaido
(p: also during offshore pelagic; po: only during pelagic
HN: on the main island of Honshu (p: also
during offshore pelagic; po: only during pelagic)
HI: on Hegura Island (Hegura-jima) in the Sea of Japan offshore
from Honshu
KY: on the southern island of Kyushu
AM: on Amami Island (in Nansei Shoto)
OK: on Okinawa (in Nansei Shoto)
NS: elsewhere in Nansei Shoto (p: also pelagic trip between Okinawa &
Amami; po: during pelagic only)
Following the two-letter island code, the months when found during FONT
spring/summer tours are noted.
(ph): species with a photograph in the FONT
Available from Focus in Nature Tours is a
booklet listing all of the birds of Japan including the nearly 400 species of birds that have
been found during FONT Japan Tours,
noting the islands where and the months when.
E-mail us if you wish a copy.
There is no charge.
FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Japan
Some Highlights from Past FONT Tours in Japan
A List & Photo Gallery
of Japanese Birds, in 2 Parts:
Part #1: Pheasants to Pittas Part #2: Minivets to Buntings
Island - a Feature & a Bird-List
Rare Birds of Japan (with some photos)
Mammals of Japan
(with some photos)
Butterflies of Japan (with some photos)

- Copper Pheasant
(Yamadori) (nt)
(JPe) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may KY:may
Syrmaticus soemmeringii subrufus
- Green Pheasant (Kiji) (JPe)
Phasianus versicolor tohkaidi
The Green Pheasant has been
considered conspecific with the Common Pheasant native to mainland
Eurasia, Phasianus colchicus.
- Chinese Bamboo Partridge
(Kojukei) (JPi)
______ KY:may
Bambusicola thoracica
- Mute Swan (Kobu-hakucho)
(JPi) (ph) ______ HN:may,jun
Cygnus olor
- Greylag Goose
(Haiiro-gan) (JPr) (ph)
______ HK:may
Anser anser rubrirostris
- Mandarin Duck (nt)
(nt) (ph)
______ HN:apr,may HK:jun
Aix galericulata
- Eurasian Wigeon (incl
green-faced form) (Hidori-gamo) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may HI:may HK:may,jun
Anas penelope
- Falcated Duck
(Yoshi-gamo) (ph) ______
Anas falcata
- Eurasian Teal (Ko-gamo) ______ HN:apr,may
Anas c. crecca
The Eurasian Teal was considered
conspecific with the Green-winged
Teal of North America, Anas carolinensis.
- Garganey
______ HN:apr,may
Anas querquedula
- Gadwall
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may HK:jun
Anas s. strepera
- Mallard (Ma-gamo) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may HI:may
HK:may,jun KY:may,jul
Anas p. platyrhynchos
- Eastern Spot-billed Duck
(Karu-gamo) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
HK:may,jun KY:may,jul OK:may
Anas poecilorhyncha zonorhyncha
- Northern Pintail (Onaga-gamo) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may HK:may OK:may
Anas a. acuta
- Northern Shoveler
(Hashibiro-gamo) ______ HN:apr,may,jun
Anas clypeata
- Common Pochard
(Hoshi-hajiro) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may
Anas ferina
- Tufted Duck
______ HN:apr,may HK:jun
Aythya fuligula
- Greater Scaup
(Suzu-gamo) ______ HN:apr,may HK:jun
Aythya marila mariloides
- Harlequin Duck
(Shinori-gamo) (ph)
______ HN:may
Histrionicus histrionicus pacificus
- Black Scoter
(Kuro-gamo) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may HK:apr,jun
Melanitta americana
The Black Scoter was considered conspecific with the Common
Scoter of Europe, Melanitta nigra.
- Smew
(Miko-aisa) ______ HN:apr,may,jun
Mergus albellus
- Red-breasted Merganser
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may HI:may
Mergus serrator
- Common Merganser (or
(Kawa-aisa) ______ HN:may
Mergus m. merganser
- Pacific Loon (or Diver)
(ph) ______ HNp:apr,may HI:may
Gavia pacifica
- Arctic Loon (or Black-throated
Diver) (Ohamu) ______ HNp:apr
Gavia arctica viridigularis
- Black-footed Albatross (Kuroashi-ahodori)
(t3) ______ HN(po):apr,may,jun
Phoebastria (formerly
Diomedea) nigripes
- Laysan Albatross
(Ko-ahodori) ______ HN(po):may,jun
Phoebastria (formerly
Diomedea) immutabilis
- Short-tailed (or Steller's) Albatross
(Ahodori) (t2) ______ HN(po):apr,may
Phoebastria (formerly
Diomedea) albatrus
- Northern Fulmar
______ HN(po):may,jun
Fulmarus glacialis rodgersii
- Bulwer's Petrel
(Anadori) (ph) ______ NS(po):may
Bulweria bulwerii
- Streaked Shearwater
(JPneb) ______
HN(p):apr,may,jun HI:may
KY(po):may,jul AM(po):may NS(po):may
Calonectris leucomelas
- Buller's (or New Zealand) Shearwater
(t3) ______ HN(po):may,jun
Puffinus bulleri
- Flesh- (or Pale-) footed Shearwater
______ HN(po):may,jun AM(po):may
Puffinus carneipes
- Sooty Shearwater
(Haiiro-mizunagidori) (ph) ______ HN(p):apr,may,jun
Puffinus griseus
- Short-tailed Shearwater
(Hashiboso-mizunagidori) (ph)
HN(p):apr,may,jun HK(po):apr AM(po):may NS(po):may
Puffinus tenuirostris
- Sooty (or Tristram's) Storm-Petrel
(O-suton-umitsubame) (nt) ______ HN(po):may
Oceandroma tristrami
- Swinhoe's Storm-Petrel
(Hime-kuro-umitsubame) (nt)
______ NS(po):may
Oceanodroma monorhis
- Little Grebe (or
"Dabchick") (Kaitsuburi)
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may HI:may
Tachybaptus ruficollis poggei
- Red-necked Grebe
(Akaeri-kaitsuburi) ______ HN:apr
Podiceps grisegena holboellii
- Great Crested Grebe
(Kanmuri-kaitsuburi) _____
HN:apr,may HI:apr
Podiceps c. cristatus
- Black-crowned Night Heron
(Goi-sagi) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
KY:may,jul OK:may
Nycticorax n. nycticorax
- Eastern Cattle Egret (Ama-sagi) ______
HN:may HI:may KY:may AM:may OK:may,jul
Bublucus coromandus
- Little Egret (Ko-sagi) (ph) ______
HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
KY:may,jul AM:may,jul OK:may,jul
Egretta g. garzetta
- Chinese (or Swinhoe's) Egret
(Kara-shira-sagi) (t3) (JPr)
HN:may HI:may
Egretta eulophotes
- Intermediate Egret
(Chu-sagi) ______ HN;apr,may HI:may
KY:may,jul AM:may,jul OK:may,jul NS:may
Egretta i. intermedia
- Great Egret
(Dai-sagi) (ph) ______
HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
KY:may,jul AM:may,jul OK:may,jul
Casmerodius (has been Ardea) a. alba
Grey Heron
(Ao-sagi) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
HK:may,jun KY:may,jul AM:may,jul OK:may,jul NS:may
Ardea cinerea jouyi
Purple Heron (Murasaki-sagi)
______ HI:may
Ardea purpurea manilensis
Striated Heron
(Sasa-goi) ______ HN:may,jun
HI:may KY:may OK:may
Butorides striatus amurensis
Pacific (or Eastern) Reef-Heron
(Kuro-sagi) ______ HN:may
HI:may AM:may,jul OK:may,jul
Egretta s. sacra
Chinese Pond Heron (Akagashira-sagi)
______ HI:may
Ardeola bacchus
Cinnamon Bittern (Ryukyu-yoshi-goi)
AM:jul OK:may
Ixobrychus cinnamomeus
Yellow (or Chinese Little) Bittern (Yoshi-goi)
______ AM:jul
Ixobrychus sinensis
Brown Booby
(Katsuodori) (ph) ______ NS(po):may
Sula leucogaster plotus
Great Cormorant
(Kawa-u) ______ HN:apr,may,jun
Phalacrocorax carbo hanedae
Japanese (or Temminck's)
Cormorant (Umi-u) (JPneb) ______ HN:apr,may HI:apr,may HK:jun KY:may
Phalacrocorax capillatus
Pelagic Cormorant
(Hime-u) ______ HN:apr,may HI:apr,may
Phalacrocorax p. pelagicus
Osprey (MIsago)
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may HI:may
KY:may AM:may OK:may,jul
Pandion h. haliaetus
Oriental Honey Buzzard
______ HI:may
Pernis ptilorhynchus orientalis
The Oriental Honey Buzzard was considered conspecific with the European
Honey Buzzard, Pernis apivorus.
Black-eared Kite (Tobi) ______
HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
HK:may,jun KY:may,jul
Milvus lineatus
The Black-eared Kite has
been part of the Black Kite, Milvus migrans, of western
Europe & Africa.
White-tailed Eagle
(nt) (ph) ______ HK:jun
Haliaeetus a. albicilla
Another name for the White-tailed Eagle has been the White-tailed
Fish Eagle.
Eastern Marsh Harrier (Chuhi) ______ HI:may
Circus spilonotus
The Eastern Marsh Harrier
has been considered by some as conspecific with the Western Marsh
Harrier of Europe, and was then called the Northern Marsh Harrier.
Hen Harrier (Haiiro-chuhi)
______ HI:may
Circus cyaneus
The Hen Harrier has been considered conspecific with
the Northern Harrier, Circus hudsonius, of North
Northern Goshawk
(O-taka) ______ HN:apr
Accipiter gentilis fujiyamae
Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Hai-taka)
(ph) ______ HN:may
HI:may HK:jun
Accipiter nisus nisosimilis
Japanese Sparrowhawk
(Tsumi) ______
HI:may KY:may AM:may OK:may
Accipiter gularis
Eastern Buzzard
(Nosuri) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HK:may,jun
Buteo japonicus
The Eastern Buzzard was part
of the Common Buzzard, Buteo buteo, of mainland Eurasia.
Grey-faced Buzzard (Sashiba)
______ HI:may
Butastur indicus
Eurasian Kestrel
______ HN:may HI:may
Falco tinnunculus interstinctus
Northern Hobby
(Chigo-hayabusa) ______ HN:may
HI:may KY:jul
Falco s. subbuteo
Amur Falcon
(Akaashi-chogenbo) (JPr) ______ HI:may
Falco amurensis
Peregrine Falcon
(Hayabusa) (ph)
______ HN:may
Falco peregrinus japonensis
Okinawa Rail
(Yambaru-kuina) (t2)
(JPe) (ph) ______ OK:may,jul
Gallirallus okinawae
Ruddy-breasted Crake
(Hi-kuina) ______
HI:may AM:jul OK:may
Porzana fusca
White-breasted Waterhen (Shirohara-kuina) ______ OK:may,jul
Amaurornis phoenicurus
Common Moorhen
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:may
KY:may AM:may,jul OK:may,jul
Gallinula c. chloropus
Watercock (Tsuru-kuina)
______ AM:jul
Gallicrex cinerea
Eurasian Coot
(O-ban) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:may
Fulica a. atra
Red-crowned (or Japanese) Crane
(Tancho) (t2) (ph) ______ HK:jun
Grus japonensis
Greater Painted Snipe
______ OK:may
Rostratula b. benghalensis
Eurasian Oystercatcher
(JPr) ______
Haematopus ostralegus osculans
Black-winged Stilt (Seitaka-shigi)
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may
AM:jul OK:may
Himantopus h. himantopus
Oriental Pratincole (Tsubame-chidori)
______ AM:may
Glareola maldivarum
Long-billed Plover
(Ikaru-chidori) ______ HN:may
Charadrius placidus
Little Ringed Plover (Ko-chidori) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr
AM:may,jul OK:may
Charadrius d. dubius
Common Ringed Plover
(Hajiro-ko-chidori) ______
HN:may HI:may HK:may
Charadrius hiaticula tundrae
Kentish Plover
(Shiro-chidori) ______
HN:apr,may AM:may
Charadrius alexandrinus dealbatus
The Kentish Plover was
considered conspecific with the Snowy Plover of North America &
South America.
Lesser Sand Plover (Medai-chidori) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may HI:may AM:may
Charadrius mongolus stegmanni
The Lesser Sand Plover has been called the Mongolian Plover.
Greater Sandplover (O-medai-chidori)
(JPr) ______ AM:may
Charadrius l. leschenaultii
Pacific Golden
Plover (Munaguro) ______ HN:apr,may HI:may HK:jun OK:may
Pluvialis fulva
Grey (or Black-bellied) Plover (Daizen) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may AM:may
Pluvialis s. squatarola
Grey-headed Lapwing (Keri)
(nt) ______
Vanellus cinereus
Great Knot
______ HN:apr,may
Calidris tenuirostris
Red Knot
(Ko-oba-shigi) (ph) ______
HN:may HI:may AM:may
Calidris canutus rogersi
Red-necked Stint
(ph) _______ HN:apr,may HI:may AM:may
Calidris ruficollis
Little Stint (JPr)
(Yoroppa-tonen) ______ AM:may
Calidris minuta
Long-toed Stint
(Hibari-shigi) (ph)
______ HI:may
Calidris subminuta
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Uzura-shigi)
(ph) ______
HN:may AM:may
Calidris acuminata
Curlew Sandpiper (Saruhama-shigi)
(ph) ______
HN:may AM:may
Calidris ferruginea
Dunlin (Hama-shigi)
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may
Calidris alpina sakhalina
Broad-billed Sandpiper (Kiriai)
______ HN:may
Limicola falcinellus sibirica
Sanderling (Miyubi-shigi)
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may HI:may AM:may
Calidris a. alba
Ruddy Turnstone
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may
HI:may AM:may OK:may NS:may
Arenaria i. interpres
Amami Woodcock
(Amami-yama-shigi) (t3) (JPe) (ph) ______ AM:jul
Scolopax mira
Latham's (or Japanese) Snipe
(nt) ______
HI:may HK:jun
Gallinago hardwickii
Common Snipe
(Ta-shigi) ______ HN:apr,may HI:apr,may AM:may
Gallinago gallinago
The Common Snipe has been conspecific with the Wilson's
Snipe of North America, Gallinago delicata.
Lymnocryptes minimus
Spotted Redshank (Tsuru-shigi)
______ HN:may
Tringa erythropus
Common Redshank (Akaashi-shigi)
(ph) ______ HN:may
AM:may OK:may,jul
Tringa totanus eurhinus
Common Greenshank (Aoashi-shigi) ______ HN:apr,may HI:may
AM:may OK:may,jul
Tringa nebularia
Marsh Sandpiper (Ko-aoashi-shigi)
______ AM:may
Tringa stagnatilis
Green Sandpiper (Kusa-shigi) ______ HN:apr,may HI:apr,may OK:may
Tringa ochropus
Wood Sandpiper (Takabu-shigi)
(ph) ______ HI:may KY:may
AM:jul OK:may,jul
Tringa glareola
Grey-tailed (or Polynesian) Tattler (Kiashi-shigi)
HN:may HI:may HK:jun KY:may
AM:may OK:may,jul NS:may
Heteroscelus brevipes
Terek Sandpiper (Sorihashi-shigi)
______ HN:may HI:may HK:jun
AM:may OK:may,jul
Xenus cinereus
Common Sandpiper
(Iso-shigi) ______ HN:apr,may HI:apr,may
AM:may OK:may NS:may
Actitis hypoleucos
Bar-tailed Godwit
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may
AM:may OK:may
Limosa lapponica baueri
Eastern Black-tailed Godwit
(Oguro-shigi) ______
HI:may OK:may
Limosa melanuroides
The Eastern Black-tailed Godwit was part of the Black-tailed
Godwit, Limosa limosa.
Eurasian Curlew (Daishaku-shigi) ______ HN:may
Numenius arquata orientalis
Eastern Curlew (Horoku-shigi)
(nt) ______
Numenius madagascariensis
The Eastern Curlew has been called the Far Eastern
"Eurasian" Whimbrel
(Chushaku-shigi) (ph)
______ HN:apr,may
HI:may AM:may OK:may,jul
Numenius phaeopus variegatus
Red-necked Phalarope (Akaeri-hireashi-shigi)
(ph) ______ HN(po):may,jun
Phalaropus lobatus
Red (or Grey) Phalarope (Haiiro-hireashi-shigi)
(ph) ______ HN(po):apr,may,jun
Phalaropus fulicarius
Pomarine Jaeger (or Pomarine Skua)
(Tozokukamome) (ph) ______ HN(po):apr
Stercorarius pomarinus
Parasitic Jaeger (or Arctic Skua)
(Kuro-tozokukamome) ______
Stercoraius parasiticus
South Polar Skua (O-tozokukamome)
(ph) ______ HN(po):jun
Stercoraius (formerly Catharacta)
Black-headed Gull
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may HI:may
Larus ridibundus
Black-tailed (or Japanese) Gull
(Umineko) (JPneb) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
Larus crassirostris
"Kamchatka Gull"
(Kamome) ______ HN:apr
Larus canus kamtschatschensis
The "Kamchatka Gull"
is part of the Common Gull of Eurasia, that's called the Mew
Gull in North America.
Vega Gull
(ph) ______
HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
Larus (argentatus) vegae
The Vega Gull is considered
by some distinct from the Herring Gull of Europe, Larus
argentatus, and the "American" Herring Gull, Larus
a. smithsonianus.
"Mongolian" Yellow-legged
Gull ______ HN:apr
Larus cachinnans mongolicus
The "Mongolian" Yellow-legged Gull is part of the
"Caspian" or "Pontic", Gull, of the Yellow-legged
Gull, previously part of the Herring Gull.
Slaty-backed Gull
(O-seguro-kamome) (ph)
HN(p):apr,may,jun HI:may HK(p):jun
Larus schistisagus
Glaucous Gull (Shiro-kamome)
(ph) ______
HN(p):may HK:may
Larus hyperboreus pallidissimus
Glaucous-winged Gull (Washi-kamome)
HN(p):apr,may,jun HK(p):jun
Larus glaucescens
Black-legged Kittiwake
(Mitsuyubi-kamome) (ph) ______ HN(p):apr HK:jun
Rissa tridactyla pollicaris
Whiskered Tern
(Kurohara-ajisashi) ______
KY:may AM(po):may
Chlidonias hybridus javanica
Common Tern
(Ajisashi) ______ HN(p):may HK:jun KY:may
Sterna hirundo longipennis
Roseate Tern
(Beni-ajisashi) (ph) ______ AM:may,jul
Sterna dougallii bangsi
Black-naped Tern (Eriguro-ajisashi)
______ OK:may,jul
Sterna sumatrana
Little Tern
(Ko-ajisashi) ______ HN:apr,may,jun
AM:may OK:may,jul NS:may
Sterna albifrons sinensis
Common Murre (or Guillemot) (Umigarasu)
(ph) ______
HN(po):apr,may HK(PO):apr,may
Uria aalge inornata
Spectacled (or Sooty) Guillemot
(Keimafuri) ______ HK:jun
Cepphus carbo
Ancient Murrelet (or Ancient
Auk) (Unisuzume)
______ HN(po):apr,may HI:may
Synthliboramphus a. antiquus
The Japanese word "umisuzume" translates
to "sea sparrow".
Japanese Murrelet (Kanmuri-umisuzume)
(t3) (JPe) (ph) ______ HN(po):apr,may
Synthliboramphus wumizusume
Crested Auklet (Etorofu-umisuzume)
______ HN(po):apr
Aethia cristatella
Rhinoceros Auklet
(Utou) ______ HN(po):apr,may,jun
HI(po):may HK:jun
Cerorhinca monocerata
Horned Puffin
(JPr) (ph) ______ HK(po):apr
Fratercula corniculata
Feral Pigeon (or Rock
Pigeon) (Dobato)
(JPi) ______ HN:par,may,jun HI:apr,may
HK:may,jun KY:may,jul AM:may,jul OK:may,jul NS:may
Columba livia
Oriental Turtle
Dove (Kiji-bato) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may HK:jun
KY:may,jul AM:may,jul OK:may,jul
Streotopelia orientalis
White-bellied Green Pigeon
(nt) ______
HN:may HK:jun KY:may
Treron (formerly Sphenurus)
s. sieboldii
Ryukyu Green Pigeon (Zuaka-ao-bato)
(nt) (ph) ______ AM:may,jul OK:may,jul
Treron (formerly Sphenurus) riukiuensis
The Ryukyu Green Pigeon was known as the Whistling Green
Pigeon when it was conspecific with the Taiwan Green Pigeon,
Treron formosae.
It has also rather inappropriately been called the Red-capped Green
Black Wood Pigeon (Karasu-bato)
(nt) (JPneb) ______ HI:may
AM:may OK:may
Columba janthina
Rose-ringed (or Ring-necked) Parakeet
(Wakake-honsei-inko) (JPi) ______
Psittacula krameri
Eurasian Cuckoo
(Kakko) ______
HN:may,jun HI:may HK:jun KY:may
Cuculus canorus telephonus
The Eurasian Cuckoo has been called the Common
Oriental Cuckoo
(Tsutsudori) ______ HN:may
HI:may HK:jun KY:may
Cuculus optatus (formerly Cuculus saturatus)
The Oriental Cuckoo was conspecific with the Himalayan
Cuckoo, Cuculus saturatus. Another name has been Horshield's
Lesser Cuckoo
(Hototo-gisu) ______ HN:may,jun HI:may KY:may OK:may
Cuculus poliocephalus
For the Lesser Cuckoo, a former alternate name of
Little Cuckoo was inappropriate as there is a bird in South America
with that common English name.
Northern Hawk-Cuckoo
(Juichi) ______
HN:may KY:may
Cuculus hyperythrus
The Northern Hawk-Cuckoo was part of the Hodgson's
Hawk-Cuckoo, Cuculus fugax.
Japanese Scops Owl
(O-konoha-zuku) ______
HI:may KY:may
Otus semitorques pryeri
The Japanese Scops Owl has been considered by some as
part of the Collared Scops Owl of mainland Asia, Otus
Oriental Scops Owl (Konoha-zuku)
______ AM:may OK:may
Otus sunia japonicus
The Oriental Scops Owl was, at one time, treated as a
subspecies of the Common Scops Owl, Otus scops.
Ryukyu (or Elegant) Scops-Owl
(Ryukyu-konoha-zuku) (nt) ______ AM:may,jul
Otus e. elegans (other subspecies are on islands off Taiwan
and the Philippines)
The Elegant, or Ryukyu, Scops Owl was until recently
considered part of the Celesbes, or Sulawesi, Scops Owl of
southeast Asian islands, Otus manadensis.
Prior to that, it was considered part of the Oriental Scops Owl,
and, at one time, treated as a subspecies of the Common Scops Owl, Otus
Brown (or Oriental) Hawk-Owl (Aoba-zuku) ______ HN:jun
HI:may AM:may,jul OK:may
Ninox scutulata japonica
Ural Owl
(Fukuro) (ph) ______
Strix uralensis hondoensis
Northern Long-eared Owl
(Torafu-zuku) (ph)
______ AM:may
Asio o. otus
Grey Nightjar (Yotaka)
(ph) ______
HN:may HI:may KY:may
Caprimulgus jotaka
The Grey Nightjar was part of the Jungle Nightjar, Caprimulgus
White-throated (or Northern) Needletail
(Hario-amatsubame) ______ OK:may
Hirundapus c. caudacutus
Pacific Swift
______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:may
HK:jun OK:may,jul
Apus pacificus
Another name of the Pacific Swift is Asian White-rumped
House Swift
(Hime-amatsubame) ______ KY:jul
Apus affinus
Ruddy Kingfisher
(Aka-shobin) (ph)
HI:may KY:may,jul AM:may,jul OK:may,jul
Halcyon coromanda
Halcyon c. major
(on Kyushu)
Halcyon c. bangsi
(on Amami & Okinawa)
Black-capped Kingfisher (Yama-shobin)
(JPr) (ph) ______
Halcyon pileata
Common Kingfisher (Kawasemi)
(ph) ______
HN:apr,may HI:may
KY:may AM:may OK:may,jul
Alcedo atthis bengalensis
Kingfisher (Yamasemi) ______ HN:apr,may HK:may KY:may
Ceryle lugubris
Ceryle l. pallida (on Hokkaido)
Ceryle l. lugubris (on Honshu & Kyushu)
The Crested Kingfisher was called the Greater Pied
Oriental Dollarbird (Bupposo)
(ph) ______
HI:may KY:may,jul
Eurystomus orientalis calonyx
The Oriental Dollarbird is closely related to the
Broad-billed Roller.
Eurasian Hoopoe (JPr)
(Yatsugashira) ______ HI:apr,may
Upupa epops saturata
Japanese Green Woodpecker
(Ao-gera) (ph)
______ HN:apr,may,jun KY:may,jul
Picus a. awokera
Grey-headed Woodpecker
(Yama-gera) ______ HK:may,jun
Picus canus jessoensis
Black Woodpecker
(Kuma-gera) (ph)
______ HK:jun
Dryocopus m. martius
Okinawa (or Pryer's) Woodpecker (Noguchi-gera)
(t1) (JPe) (ph) ______
Dendrocopos (formerly Sapheopipo) noguchii
Amami (or Owston's) Woodpecker (Amami-O-aka-gera)
(JPe) ______
Dendrocopos (formerly
(leucotos) owstoni
The Amami (or "Owston's") Woodpecker,
endemic to Amami Island, has been considered a race of the White-backed
Woodpecker - the largest and darkest race of that wide-ranging species
across the Palearctic.
So distinctive is the bird on Amami, however, that it may be a full
White-backed Woodpecker
(O-aka-gera) ______ HK:may,jun
Dendrocopos (formerly
Picoides) leucotos subcirrus
Great Spotted Woodpecker (Aka-gera)
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HK:may,jun
Dendrocopos (formerly Picoides) major japonicus
Japanese Pygmy
Woodpecker (Ko-gera) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HK:may,jun KY:may AM:may
Dendrocopos (formerly Picoides) kizuki
Dendrocopos k. ijimae (on Hokkaido)
Dendrocopos k. seebohmi (on Honshu)
Dendrocopos k. kizuki (on Kyushu & Okinawa)
Fairy Pitta
______ KY:may,jul
Pitta nympha
The Fairy Pitta was, at one time, by some, considered
conspecific with the Blue-winged Pitta, Pitta brachyura.
Ashy Minivet (Sanshokui) ______
HN:may HI:may
Pericrocotus divaricatus
Ryukyu Minivet (Ryukyu-sanshokui)
(JPe) (ph) ______ KY:may AM:may,jul OK:may
Pericrocotus tegimae
The Ryukyu Minivet was considered conspecific with the Ashy
Bull-headed Shrike
(Mozu) ______
HN:apr,may,jun HI:may
HK:jun KY:may
Lanius b. bucephalus
Brown Shrike
______ HI:may
Lanius cristatus superciliosus
Tiger (or Thick-billed) Shrike
______ HI:may
Lanius tigrinus
Black-naped Oriole (Korai-uguisu)
(JPr) (ph) ______ HI:may
Oriolus chinensis diffusus
Black Drongo
(Ochu) (JPr)
______ HI:may
Dicrurus macrocercus
Eurasian Jay (Kakesu)
HN:apr,may,jun HK:may,jun
Garrulus glandarius
Garrulus g. brandtii
(on Hokkaido)
Garrulus g. japonicus (on Honshu & Kyushu)
Lidth's Jay (Ruri-kakesu)
(t3) (JPe) (ph) ______ AM:may,jul
Garrulus lidthi
Azure-winged Magpie
(Onaga) ______ HN:apr,may,jun
Cyanopica cyana japonica
Spotted Nutcracker
(Hoshi-garasu) ______ HN:may,jun
Nucifraga caryocatactes japonica (in the Northern group)
Rook (Miyama-garasu) ______ HI:apr,may
Corvus frugilegus pastinator
Carrion Crow
______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
HK:may,jun KY:may,jul
Corvus corone orientalis
Large-billed Crow (Hashibuto-garasu) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
HK:may,jun KY:may,jul AM:may,jul OK:may,jul
Corvus macrorhynchos
Corvus m.japonensis (on Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu)
Corvus m. connectens (on Amami & Okinawa)
The Large-billed Crow was considered conspecific with the Jungle
Crow of southern Asia, Corvus levaillantii.
Marsh Tit
(Hashibuto-gara) ______ HK:may,jun
Poecile (formerly Parus) palustris hensoni (in the
Willow Tit
(Ko-gara) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HK:may,jun
Poecile (formerly
Parus) montanus restrictus (in the
Kamtschatkenis group)
Varied Tit
(Yama-gara) (JPneb) ______
HN:apr,may,jun HI:may(once)
HK:may KY:may AM:may OK:may,jul
(formerly Parus) varius
Poecile v. varius (on Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu)
Poecile v. amami (on Amami & Okinawa)
Coal Tit (Hi-gara) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr(once) HK:may,jun KY:may
Parus) ater insularis (in the Ater group)
Eastern Great Tit (Shiju-kara) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HK:may,jun
KY:may,jul AM:may,jul OK:may
Parus minor
Parus m. minor (on Hokkaido,
Honshu, Kyushu)
Parus m. amamiensis (on Amami)
Parus m. okinawae (on Okinawa)
The Eastern Great Tit was considered conspecific with
the Northern Great Tit of western Eurasia, Parus major.
Bohemian Waxwing
(Ki-renjaku) ______ HN:may
Bombycilla garrulus centralasiae
Japanese Waxwing (Hi-renjaku) (nt) _______ HN:apr HI:may HK:may
Bombycilla japonica
The Japanese Waxwing is not
a Japanese breeder.
Barn Swallow (Tsubame)
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
HK:may KY:may,jul OK:may
Hirundo rustica
2 subspecies of the Barn Swallow have been recorded in Japan, mostly
Hirundo r. gutturalis, also Hirundo r.
Pacific Swallow
(Ryukyu-tsubame) ______ AM:may,jul
OK:may,jul NS:may
Hirundo tahitica namiyae
Red-rumped Swallow
(Koshiaka-tsubame) ______ HN:may HI:may AM:may
Cecropis (formerly Hirundo)
daurica japonica
Bank Swallow (or Sand Martin)
______ HN:apr,may
HI:apr,may HK:jun
Riparia riparia iijimae
Asian House Martin
______ HN:apr,may,jun HK:may,jun
Delichon dasypus
The Asian House Martin was
considered conspecific with the Northern House Martin of Europe, Delichon
Long-tailed Bushtit (Enaga)
______ HN:apr,may,jun HK:may
Aegithalos caudatus
Aegithalos c. japonicus (on Hokkaido)
Aegithalos c. trivirgatus (on Honshu)
Aegithalos c. kiusiuensis (on Kyushu)
(A.c. japonicus is
in the Caudatus group
with head & throat white, A.c.trivirgatus & kiusiuensis in
the Europaeus group, with the head with dark lateral crown stripes)
The Long-tailed Bushtit has been
called Long-tailed Tit.
Greater Short-toed Lark (Hime-kotenshi)
Caladrella cinerea longipennis
Eurasian Skylark (Hibari) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr
HK:jun KY:may
Alauda arvensis
A. a. perkinensis
& A. a. lonnbergi are
subspecies of the Eurasian Skylark from mainland Asia that have
occurred in Japan, in the winter and spring. A. a, perkinensis
has been seen during a FONT tour on Hegura Island.
Alauda arvensis japonica, the "Japanese Skylark", is
a resident in much of Japan.
Brown-eared Bulbul (Hiyodori)
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:may
HK:may,jun KY:may,jul AM:may,jul OK:may,jul
Microscelis (formerly
Hypsitpetes) amaurotis
Microscelis a. hensoni (on Hokkaido, mostly in summer)
Microscelis a. amaurotis (on Honshu & Kyushu)
Microscelis a. ogawae (on Amami)
Microscelis a. pryeri (on Okinawa)
Light-vented (or Chinese) Bulbul (Shirogashira) ______ OK:may,jul
Pycnonotus sinensis orii
Zitting Cisticola (Sekka) ______ HN:apr,may,jun KY:may,jul
AM:may,jul OK:may,jul
Cisticola juncidis brunniceps
The Zitting Cisticola was
called the Fan-tailed Warbler, but there's a species so-named in
Mexico, totally unrelated; also, now, the cisticolas are not in the
same family as the Old World Warblers.
(Kikuitadaki) (ph) ______ HN:may HK:jun
Regulus regulus japonensis
Asian Stubtail (Yabusame)
______ HN:jun
HI:apr HK:may,jun KY:may
Cettia s. squameiceps
The Asian Stubtail was called the Short-tailed Bush
Japanese Bush-Warbler (Uguisu)
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
KY:may,jul OK:may,jul
Cettia diphone
Cettia d. cantans (breeds on Hokkaido,
Honshu, Kyushu)
Cettia d. riukiuensis (on Okinawa)
Marsh Grassbird (O-sekka)
(t3) ______ HN:apr,may
Megalurus p. pryeri
The Marsh Grassbird has also been called the Japanese
Marsh Warbler.
Gray's Grasshopper-Warbler
______ HI:may
Locustella fasciolata
Lanceolated (Grasshopper-) Warbler (Makino-sennyu)
Locustella lancolata hendersonii
Black-browed (or Schenk's) Reed Warbler
(Ko-yoshikiri) ______
HI:may HK:jun
Acrocephalus bistrigiceps
Oriental Reed Warbler (O-yoshikiri)
Acrocephalus orientalis
The Oriental Reed Warbler
was considered conspecific with the Great Reed Warbler of Europe,
Acrocephalus arundinaceus.
Eastern Crowned Warbler (Sendai-mushikui)
(ph) ______ HN:may,jun
HI:apr,may HK:may,jun
Phylloscopus coronatus
Sakhalin Leaf Warbler (Ezo-mushikui)
______ HN:may HI:apr,may
Phylloscopus borealoides
The Sakhalin Leaf Warbler was part of the Pale-legged
Leaf Warbler.
Yellow-browed Warbler
(Kimayu-mushikui) (ph)
______ HI:may
Phylloscopus inornatus
Arctic Warbler
(Meboso-mushikui) ______
Phylloscopus b. borealis
(another subspecies, P. b. xanthodryas also
occurs in Japan)
Dusky Warbler (JPr) (Muji-sekka)
(JPr) ______ HI:may
Phylloscopus fuscatus
Radde's Warbler
(Karafuto-muji-sekka) (JPr)
______ HI:may
Phylloscopus schwarzi
Siberian Chiffchaff (JPr)
______ HI:may
Phylloscopus tristus
Japanese White-eye
(Mejiro) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
KY:may,jul AM:may,jul OK:may,jul
Zosterops japonica
Zosterops j. japonica (on Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu)
Zosterops j. loochooensis (on Amami & Okinawa)
Eurasian Wren
______ HN:apr,may,jun HK:jun KY:may,jul
Troglodytes (or Nannus) troglodytes fumigatus
Eurasian Nuthatch (Goju-kara)
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HK:may,jun
Sitta europaea
Sitta e. asiatica (on Hokkaido, a pale-breasted form)
Sitta e. amurensis (on Honshu)
Sitta e. roseilia (on Kyushu)
White-cheeked (or Grey)
Starling (Mukudori) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may KY:may OK:may
Sturnus cineraceus
Another name for the White-cheeked, or Grey,
Starling has been Ashy Starling.
Chestnut-cheeked Starling
(nt) (JPeb) ______ HN:may,jun
Sturnus philippensis
The Chestnut-cheeked Starling has also been called the Violet-backed
Starling, or Myna.
Daurian (or Purple-backed) Starling
(Shiberia-mukudori) (JPr) ______
Sturnus sturninus
Blue Rock Thrush (red-bellied
form) (Iso-hiyodori) ______ HN:apr,may HI:apr,may
AM:may,jul OK:may,jul NS:may
Monticola solitarius philippensis
White-throated Rock Thrush
(JPvr) (ph) ______ HI:may
Monticola gularis
White's (Ground)
Thrush (Tora-tsugumi) ______ HI:apr,may
Zoothera aurea toratugumi
The White's Ground Thrush was considered conspecific
with the Scaly Ground Thrush, Zoothera dauma, of southeast
Amami (Ground) Thrush (O-tora-tsugumi)
(t1) (JPe) ______ AM:may,jul
Zoothera major
Siberian (Ground) Thrush
(Mamijiro) (ph) ______ HN:may,jun
Zoothera sibirica davisoni
Brown-headed Thrush (Akahara) (JPneb) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may HK:may,jun
Turdus c. chrysolaus
The Brown-headed Thrush has been called the Brown
Pale Thrush
(Shirohara) ______ HN:apr,may HI:apr,may
Turdus pallidus
Eye-browed (or Grey-headed) Thrush
(Mamichajinai) ______ HN:may
HI:may HK:may
Turdus obscurus
Dusky Thrush (Tsugumi) (JPrs)
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may,jun
Turdus eunomus
Naumann's Thrush
(Tsugumi) (JPr) (ph) ______
Turdus naumanni
The Naumann's Thrush was considered conspecific with the
Dusky Thrush.
Japanese (Grey) Thrush (Kuro-tsugumi)
______ HN:apr,may
HI:apr,may HK:may
Turdus cardis
The Japanese Thrush has been called Grey Thrush,
but there's another species with that name in Africa.
The name Japanese Thrush notwithstanding, the species is not
endemic to Japan, occurring also in China & Korea.
Japanese Robin
(Komadori) ______ HN:apr,may
HI:apr HK:may KY:may
Erithacus a. akahige
Ryukyu Robin (nt)
(Akahige) (ph) ______ AM:may
Erithacus komadori
Erithacus k. komadori (on
Erithacus k. namiyei (on Okinawa)
Swinhoe's (or Rufous-tailed) Robin (Shima-goma)
(JPr) (ph) ______ HI:may
Luscinia sibilans
Siberian Blue Robin
(Ko-ruri) ______ HN:may,jun
Luscinia cyane bochaiensis
Siberian Rubythroat
(No-goma) (ph)
______ HI:apr,may
Luscinia calliope camtschatkensis
Bluethroat (Ogawa-komadori)
(ph) ______ HI:may
Luscinia svecica
Red-flanked Bluetail
(ph) ______ HN:apr,may HI:apr,may
Luscinia (formerly Tarsiger) c. cyanurus
What was the Himalayan population of the Red-flanked Bluetail,
the Orange-flanked Bush-Robin, is no longer included in Luscinia
Daurian Redstart
(Jo-bitaki) ______ HN:apr,may H":apr,may
Phoenicurus a. auroreus
Black Redstart (Kuro-jo-bitaki)
(JPr) (ph) ______ HI:apr
Phoenicurus ochruros phoenicuroides
Siberian Stonechat (No-bitaki)
______ HN:apr,may
HI:apr,may HK:may,jun
Saxicola stejnegeri
The Siberian Stonechat was considered conspecific with
the European Stonechat, Saxicola rubicolla.
Isabelline Wheatear
______ HI:may
Oenanthe isabellina
Pied Wheatear
(Seguro-sabaku-hitaki) (JPr)
______ HI:may
Oenanthe pleschanka
Blue-and-white Flycatcher
(O-ruri) (ph)
______ HN:may,jun HI:apr,may
HK:may,jun KY:may
Cyanoptila c. cyanomelana
Asian Brown Flycatcher (Ko-same-bitaki)
______ HN:may HI:apr,may HK:jun
Muscicapa d. dauurica
Dark-sided Flycatcher (Same-bitaki)
______ HN:may HI:may HK:jun
Muscicapa s. sibirica
The Dark-sided Flycatcher was called Siberian
Flycatcher. Another name that has been given to the Dark-sided Flycatcher
has been Sooty Flycatcher which is inappropriate however, as
there's a bird so-named in Africa.
Grey-streaked Flycatcher (Ezo-bitaki)
______ HI:may
Muscicapa griseisticta
Taiga Flycatcher (Ojiro-bitaki)
(JPr) ______ HI:may
Muscicapa albicilla
The Taiga Flycatcher was part of the Red-breasted
Flycatcher, Muscicapa parva.
Mugimaki Flycatcher (Mugimaki)
(JPr) ______ HI:may
Ficedula mugimaki
Narcissus Flycatcher (Ki-bitaki)
(JPneb) (ph) ______ HN:may
HI:apr,may HK:jun KY:may
Ficedula n. narcissina
Ryukyu Flycatcher (Ryukyu-Ki-bitaki)
(t2) (JPe) ______ AM:may
Ficedula owstoni
The Ryukyu Flycatcher was considered as part of the Narcissus
Yellow-rumped (or Tricolored) Flycatcher
(Mamijiro-ki-bitaki) (JPr) (ph)
______ HI:may
Ficedula zanthopygia
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher (Sankocho)
(nt) ______ HI:may KY:may AMmay
Terpsiphone atrocaudata
Terpsiphone a. illex
(in Kyushu, Amami & Okinawa)
(Another subspecies, Terpsiphone a. atrocaudata, occurs further north in Japan.)
The Japanese Paradise Flycatcher has also been called Black
Paradise Flycatcher.
Brown (or Pallas's) Dipper (Kawagarasu)
______ HN:apr,may,jun KY:may
Cinclus pallasii pallasii
Russet (or Cinnamon) Sparrow
(Nyunai-suzume) ______
HI:apr HK:may,jun KY:jul
Passer r. rutilans
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
(Suzume) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may,jun
HI:apr,may HK:may,jun KY:may,jul AM:may,jul OK:may,jul
Passer montanus saturatus
Scaly-breasted (or Spotted) Munia
(JPi) ______
Lonchura punctulata
The Scaly-breasted, or Spotted, Munia is also
called Nutmeg Mannikin, or Spice Finch.
Japanese Accentor
(Kayakuguri) ______
Prunella rubida fervida
Richard's Pipit (Mamijiro-tahibari)
(JPr) ______ HI:may
Anthus novaeseelandiae
Olive-backed Pipit (Binzui) (ph) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may HK:may,jun
Anthus h. hodgsoni
(another subspecies, Anthus h. yunnanensis, also occurs in Japan)
The Olive-backed Pipit has been called Indian Tree Pipit.
Tree Pipit (Yoroppa-binzui)
(JPr) ______ HI:may
Anthus trivialis
"Siberian" Buff-bellied
(Tahibari) ______ HN:apr,may HI:may
Anthus (rubescens) japonicus
The "Siberian Buff-bellied
Pipit", Anthus rubescens japonicus, was part of the Water
Pipit of Eurasia, but now it is considered conspecific with the Buff-bellied,
or American, Pipit of North America, or possibly it is a distinct
Eastern Yellow Wagtail (Tsumenaga-sekirei)
(JPr) ______ HI:may
Motacilla flava simillima
Grey Wagtail
(Ki-sekirei) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
HK:may,jun KY:may
Motacilla cinerea robusta
White Wagtail (Hojiro / Haku-sekirei) (ph)
______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
HK:may,jun KY:may,jul
Motacilla alba lugens - HK, HN, HI
Motacilla alba ocularis - HI
Motacilla alba leucopsis - KY
Japanese Wagtail (Seguro-sekirei) ______
Motacilla grandis
Brambling (Atori) (ph)
______ HI:apr,may
Fringilla montifringilla
Oriental Greenfinch
(Kawara-hiwa) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may HK:may,jun KY:may
Chloris (formerly Carduelis) sinica minor (subspecies that breeds in Japan, another also
occurs in the winter)
Another name for the Oriental Greenfinch has been Grey-capped
Eurasian Siskin (Ma-hiwa)
______ HI:apr,may HK:jun
Spinus (formerly Carduelis) spinus
Pine Grosbeak (Ginzan-mashiko)
(ph) ______
Pinicola enucleator sakhalinensis
Asian Rosy Finch (Hagi-mashiko) (ph) ______ HI:apr
Leucosticte arctoa brunneonucha
Long-tailed Rosefinch (Beni-mashiko) (ph)
HI:apr HK:may
Uragus sibiricus sanguinolentus
Pallas's (or Siberian) Rosefinch (O-mashiko)
(JPr) (ph) ______ HN:apr
Carpodacus roseus
Eurasian Bullfinch (Uso) ______ HN:may HI:apr,may
Pyrrhula pyrrhula griseiventris
(has been called "Grey-bellied
Japanese Grosbeak (Ikaru) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:may
HK:may,jun KY:may
Eophona p. personata
Grosbeak (Ko-Ikaru) (JPr)
(ph) ______
Eophona migratoria
(Shime) ______ HN:apr,may HI:apr,may
Caccothraustes caccothraustes japonicus
Grey Bunting (Kuroji)
(JPneb) ______ HN:may,jun
HI:may HK:may
Emberiza v. variabilis
Black-faced Bunting
______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:apr,may
Emberiza spodocephala personata
Japanese Yellow Bunting (Nojiko)
(t3) (JPeb) ______
HN:may HI:may
Emberiza sulphurata
The Japanese Yellow Bunting has also been called
Siebold's Bunting.
Meadow Bunting (Hijiro) ______ HN:apr,may,jun HI:may(once) HK:jun KY:may,jul
Emberiza cioides ciopsis (subspecies
endemic to Japan)
Yellow-breasted Bunting
(Shima-aoji) (ph)
______ HI:may HK:jun
Emberiza aureola ornata
Chestnut Bunting
(JPr) ______ HI:may
Emberiza rutila
Rustic Bunting
(Kashiradaka) ______ HN:apr,may HI:apr,may
Emberiza rustica latifascia
Elegant Bunting
(ph) ______ HI:apr,may KY:may
Emberiza e. elegans
The Elegant Bunting has been
called the Yellow-throated Bunting.
Yellow-browed Bunting (Kimayu-hojiro)
______ HI:may
Emberiza chrysophrys
Little Bunting (Ko-hoaka) (JPr)
______ HI:may
Emberiza pusilla
Tristram's Bunting
(JPr) (ph) ______ HI:may
Emberiza tristrami
Chestnut-eared (or Grey-headed)
Bunting (Hoaka) ______
Emberiza fucata
Common Reed Bunting (O-jurin)
______ HN:apr,may HI:apr,may
Emberiza schoeniclus pyrrhulina
Japanese Reed Bunting
(nt) (ph) ______
Emberiza y. yessoensis
The Japanese Reed Bunting has
also been called the Ochre-rumped Bunting, although other buntings
also have ochre rumps.
Red-billed Leiothrix (JPi)
(Soushicho) ______ KY:may
Leiothrix lutea
Birds during Pelagic Trip onboard
the Honshu / Hokkaido round-trip ferry
April 20-21, 2001
(followed by numbers - some estimated - of
individuals seen)
Pacific Diver (or Loon) 25
Black-footed Albatross 1 (an adult)
Streaked Shearwater 930
Sooty Shearwater 170
Short-tailed Shearwater 50,000
Temminck's Cormorant 13
Pelagic Cormorant 3
Greater Scaup 30
Black Scoter 60
Sanderling 7
Grey/Red Phalarope 320 (many in
breeding plumage)
Pomarine Skua/Jaeger 1
Black-headed Gull 6
Black-tailed Gull 450
"Kamchatka" Common Gull 6
"Vega" Herring Gull 15
Slaty-backed Gull 325
Glaucous Gull 1
Black-legged Kittiwake 14
Little Tern 5
Common Murre/Guillemot 320
Ancient Murrelet 20
Crested Auklet 1
Rhinoceros Auklet 10
Horned Puffin 4 (between N Honshu
& Hokkaido)
Sea-mammals during the pelagic trip:
Northern Fur Seal 65
Harbor (or Common) Porpoise 6
Pacific White-sided Dolphin 2
Land Mammals:
During FONT tour in Japan, in April
Japanese Serow (Kamoshika)
______ HN
Capricornis crispus
Giant Flying Squirrel (Musasabi)
Petaurista leucogenys
Japanese Squirrel (Nihon-risu)
______ HN
Sciurus lis
Japanese Macaque (Monkey) (Nihonzaru)
______ HN
Macaca fuscata
During FONT tour in Japan, in May 2004
Brown Rat (i)
______ HN(HI)
Rattus norvegicus
Japanese Squirrel (Nihon-risu)
______ HN
Sciurus lis
Little Japanese Horseshoe Bat (JPe)
______ HN
Rhinolophus cornutus
During FONT tour in Japan, in May 2005
Brown Rat (i) ______
Rattus norvegicus
Japanese Shrew-Mole ______ KY
Urotrichus talpoides
Sika Deer (Shika) ______
Cervus n. nippon
Short-beaked Common Dolphin ______ NSp
Delphinus delphis
Long-beaked Common Dolphin ______
Delphinus capensis
Common Bottle-nosed Dolphin ______ NSp
Tursiops truncatus
Rough-toothed Dolphin ______
Steno bredanensis
During FONT tour in Japan, May 2006
Red Fox ______ HN
Vulpes vulpes japonica
Little Japanese Horseshoe Bat (JPe)
______ HN
Rhinolophus cornutus
During FONT tour in Japan, May 2007
Amami Rabbit (JPe) ______ AM
Pentalagus furnessi
Japanese Squirrel (Nihon-risu)
(JPe) ______ HN
Sciurus lis
Red Fox ______ KY
Vulpes vulpes japonica
Raccoon Dog ______ KY
Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus
Eurasian Badger ______ HN
Meles meles anakuma
Japanese Marten ______ HN
Martes memlampus memlampus
True's Shrew-Mole (JPe) ______ KY
Dymecodon pilirostris
Large Japanese Fieldmouse (JPe) ______ KY
Apodemus speciosus
Ryukyu Flying Fox ______ OK
Pteropus dasymallus
Little Japanese Horseshoe Bat (JPe) ______ HN
Rhinolophus cornutus
Sika Deer (Shika) ______
Cervus nippon nippon
Eurasian Wild Boar ______ KY
Sus scrofa leucomystax