Cozumel Island
in Mexico
Those found during
Focus On Nature Tours
noted with an (*)
The following list compiled by Armas Hill
Photo at right: SMOOTH-BILLED ANI,
While ANIS throughout nearly all of Mexico
among those on the island of Cozumel,
12 miles off the Yucatan coast,
there are SMOOTH-BILLED.
The color of the words at the top of this list
is the color of the sea water around Cozumel Island.
a globally threatened or rare species,
designated by Birdlife International.
(t1): critical
(t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species
(i): an introduced species.
(MXe): a species endemic to Mexico
The birds in the list below are coded as to their status IN MEXICO:
(MX1): endangered
(MX2): threatened
(MX3): of special concern (or near-threatened)
FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Mexico & Central America
List & Photo Gallery of Mexican Birds, in 3 parts:
#1: Tinamous to Woodpeckers Part
#2: Jaegers to Woodpeckers
Part #3: Manakins to Buntings
Mexican Mammals
(with some photos)
Amphibians & Reptiles of Mexico (with some photos)
Life, including that of the Coral Reef, of the Yucatan & Belize
(other than Whales, Dolphins, & the Manatee)
of Mexico (with some photos)
of Photos in this Website
- Great Curassow (MX2) ______
year-round resident, breeder (rare)
Crax rubra griscomi (subspecies endemic to Cozumel Is.; the only
subspecies other than the nominate in Central America from southern Mexico
to Panama)
- Black-bellied Whistling Duck (*)
______ mostly winter visitor
Dendrocygna autumnalis
- Northern Pintail _____
winter visitor
Anas acuta
- Blue-winged Teal (*) ______ mostly winter
Anas discors
- Northern Shoveler _____
winter visitor
Anas clypeata
- Ring-necked Duck _____
winter visitor
Aythya collaris
- Lesser Scaup _____ winter visitor
Aythya affinis
- Red-breasted Merganser _____
Mergus serrator
- Masked Duck (MX2) ______ possible
summer resident & breeder
Nomonyx dominicus
- Least Grebe (MX3) (*) ______
year-round resident, breeder
Tachybaptus dominicus
- Pied-billed Grebe ______ winter visitor
Podilymbus podiceps
- Audubon's Shearwater ______ non-breeding visitor
Puffinus lherminieri
- American Flamingo (MX2) ______
Phoenicopterus ruber
- American White Ibis (*) ______ more in winter,
but possibly year-round & breeder
Eudocimus albus
- Glossy Ibis _____ non-breeding
Plegadis falcinellus
- Roseate Spoonbill (*) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Platalea (formerly
Ajaia) ajaja
- Great Blue Heron (*) ______
non-breeding visitor, but possibly year-round resident & breeder
Ardea h. herodias
- "Great White Heron" ______
non-breeding visitor, but possibly year-round resident & breeder
Ardea h. occidentalis
- Great Egret (*) ______ more in
winter, but possibly year-round & breeder
Casmerodius (has been Ardea) alba egretta
- Little Blue Heron (*) ______ more in
winter, but possibly year-round & breeder
Egretta caerulea (monotypic)
- Snowy Egret (*) ______ more in
winter, but possibly year-round & breeder
Egretta thula
- Tricolored Heron (*)______
(was once called Louisiana Heron) more in winter, but possibly year-round & breeder
Egretta tricolor
The Tricolored Heron was once called the Louisiana Heron.
- Reddish Egret (MX3) (*) ______ more in
winter, but possibly year-round & breeder
Egretta rufescens
- Western Cattle Egret (*) ______
winter visitor
& non-breeding visitor other times
Bubulcus ibis
- Green Heron (*) ______
year-round resident, breeder
Butorides virescens
The Green Heron was at one
time considered conspecific with the nearly-cosmopolitan Striated Heron,
and was then called the Green-backed Heron.
- Black-crowned Night-Heron (*)______
non-breeding visitor, but possibly breeder
Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli
- Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (MX2) (*) ______
more in winter, but possibly year-round & breeder
Nyctanassa v. violacea
single member of its genus)
- Boat-billed Heron (*)______
year-round breeder
Cochlearius cochlearius phillipsi
(the single member of its genus)
- Least Bittern ______ winter visitor
Ixobrychus exilis
- White-tailed Tropicbird ______ vagrant
Phaethon lepturus
- Magnificent Frigatebird (*) ______ non-breeding
Fregata magnificens
(now said to
be monotypic)
- Brown Pelican (*) ______ non-breeding visitor,
but possibly year-round resident & breeder
Pelecanus occidentalis
- Brown Booby ______ non-breeding visitor
Sula leucogaster
- Neotropic Cormorant ______
non-breeding visitor, but possibly year-round resident
& breeder
Phalacrocorax brasilianus mexicanus
(formerly Phalacrocorax olivaceous)
The Neotropic Cormorant was called the Olivaceous Cormorant.
- Double-crested Cormorant (*) ______
winter visitor
Phalacrocorax auritus floridanus
- Anhinga (*) ______ year-round resident,
probable breeder; more in winter
Anhinga anhinga leucogaster
- Black Vulture (*) ______ year-round resident,
Coragyps atratus
(now said to be
monotypic) (the single member of its genus)
- Turkey Vulture (*)______ year-round resident,
Cathartes aura
- American Kestrel______ winter visitor
Falco sparverius
- Merlin _____ winter visitor
Falco columbarius
- Bat Falcon______ non-breeding visitor
Falco rufigularis
- Peregrine Falcon (MX3) (*) ______
Falco peregrinus
- Osprey (*) ______ year-round resident,
possible breeder
Pandion haliaetus
(the single member of its genus)
- Swallow-tailed Kite (MX3) ______
Elanoides forficatus (the single
member of its genus)
- Hook-billed Kite (MX3) ______ non-breeding
visitor, but possibly year-round resident & breeder
Chondrohierax uncinatus
single member of its genus)
- Short-tailed Hawk ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Buteo brachyurus fuliginosus
- Roadside Hawk______ year-round
resident, breeder
Buteo magnirostris gracilis
(subspecies endemic to Cozumel is. & the nearby, smaller Holbox Is.)
- Common Black Hawk (MX3) ______
year-round resident, breeder (?)
Buteogallus anthracinus
- Ruddy Crake (*) ______ year-round resident, breeder
Laterallus ruber
Another name for Laterallus ruber
has been the "Red Rail".
- Black Rail ______
Laterallus jamaicensis
- Sora _____ winter visitor
Porzana carolina
- Yellow-breasted Crake (MX3) _____
Porzana flaviventer woodi
- Common Gallinule (*) ______ year-round resident, breeder
Gallinula chloropus cachinnans
- Purple Gallinule______
Porphyrula martinica (monotypic)
- American Coot (*) ______ winter visitor
Fulica a. americana
- American Oystercatcher _____ mostly
winter visitor, but possibly year-round & breeder
Haematopus palliatus
- Northern Jacana (*) ______ year-round resident,
Jacana s. spinosa
- Black-necked Stilt (*) ______
year-round resident, breeder
Himantopus mexicanus
The Black-necked Stilt was said by some to be conspecific
with the Black-winged Stilt of the Old World.
- Black-bellied Plover (*)______ mostly winter visitor
Pluvialis squatarola cynosurae
Another name for Pluvialis
squatarola is the Grey Plover.
- Snowy Plover _____ transient
& possibly winter visitor
Charadrius nivosus
- Semipalmated Plover ______ winter visitor
Charadrius semipalmatus
- Wilson's Plover (*) ______ mostly winter
visitor, but possibly year-round & breeder
Charadrius wilsonia
- Killdeer ______ winter visitor
Charadrius v. vociferus
- Greater Yellowlegs ______ winter visitor
Tringa melanoleuca
- Lesser Yellowlegs (*) ______
Tringa flavipes (monotypic)
- Solitary Sandpiper (*) ______ winter
Tringa solitaria
- Willet ______ winter visitor
(formerly Catoptrophorus) semipalmatus
- Spotted Sandpiper (*) ______ winter
Actitis macularia
- Ruddy Turnstone (*) _____ non-breeding
visitor throughout the year, but more in winter
Arenaria interpres
- Red Knot _____ transient
Calidris canutus rufa
- Sanderling (*) ______ winter visitor
Calidris alba
- Western Sandpiper______ winter visitor
Calidris mauri (monotypic)
- White-rumped Sandpiper______ transient
Calidris fuscicollis
- Least Sandpiper (*) ______ winter visitor
Calidris minutilla
- Pectoral Sandpiper ______ transient
Calidris melanotos
- Short-billed Dowitcher ______ winter visitor
Limnodromus griseus (3
subspecies can occur in Mexico)
- Wilson's Snipe ______ winter
Gallinago delicata
- Laughing Gull ______
non-breeding visitor
Leucophaeus (formerly Larus) atricilla
- Herring Gull ______ winter
Larus argentatus smithsonianus
- Sandwich Tern ______ non-breeding
(formerly Sterna) sandvicensis acuflavida
- Royal Tern (*) ______
non-breeding visitor
Thalasseus (formerly Sterna)
m. maxima
- Caspian Tern______ winter visitor
Hydroprogne (formerly Sterna) caspia (monotypic)
- Roseate Tern ______ (MX3) transient,
and possible summer resident & breeder
Sterna d. dougallii
- Common Tern ______ winter visitor
Sterna h. hirundo
- Least Tern (MX3) (*) ______ summer
resident, breeder
Sternula antillarum
- Bridled Tern (MX3) ______ summer
resident, breeder
Onychoprion anaethetus
- Sooty Tern _____
Onychoprion anaethetus
- Brown Noddy ______ offshore
Anous stolidus
- Black Skimmer ______ winter visitor
Rynchops n. niger
- Common (or Feral) Pigeon (i) (*) ______
year-round resident, breeder
Columba livia
- White-crowned Pigeon (MX2) (*) ______
summer resident, possible breeder; possible year-round
(formerly Columba) leccocephala
- African Collared Dove (i) (*) ______
Streptopelia roseogrisea
- White-winged Dove (*)______ year-round
resident, breeder; possibly more in the summer
Zenaida a. asiatica
- Zenaida Dove (MX3) (*) ______
year-round resident & breeder
Zenaida aurita salvadorii
- Mourning Dove______ winter visitor
Zenaida macroura
- Common Ground Dove (*)______ year-round
resident, breeder
Columbina passerina pallescens
- Ruddy Ground Dove ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Columbina taipacoti
- Blue Ground Dove______ non-breeding
visitor, but possibly summer resident & breeder
Claravis pretiosa (monotypic)
- Caribbean Dove (*) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Leptotila jamaicensis gaumeri
- Yucatan Amazon (MX3) ______
(another name is Yellow-lored Amazon) year-round resident, breeder
Amazona xantholora
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo ______ transient
Coccyzus americanus (now
- Mangrove Cuckoo (*) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Coccyzus minor
- Groove-billed Ani ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Crotophaga sulcirostris (now
monotypic, as a "second form" that was in Mexico is now extinct)
- Smooth-billed Ani (MX2) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Crotophaga ani
- Barn Owl ______ possible year-round
resident & breeder
Tyto alba
- Vermiculated Screech Owl ______ (was at one time considered
part of what was then the "Variable Screech Owl"
of Central America & South America) year-round resident,
Megascops (formerly Otus) g. guatemalae
- Stygian Owl (MX3) ______ non-breeding visitor, but possibly
year-round resident & breeder
Asio stygius
- Northern Potoo ______ possible
year-round resident & breeder
Nyctibius jamaicensis mexicanus
- Common Nighthawk (*) ______ summer
resident, breeder, but more often as transients
Chordeiles minor (as many
as 8 subspecies occur in Mexico as migrants)
- Lesser Nighthawk (*) ______ summer resident,
Chordeiles acutipennis
- Pauraque (*) ______ year-round resident,
Nyctidromus albicollis (the
single member of its genus)
- Yucatan Poorwill (*) ______
Nyctiphrynus yucatanicus
- Yucatan Nightjar (*) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Caprimulgus badius
- Chimney Swift ______
Chaetura pelagica
- Vaux's Swift (*) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Chaetura vauxi gaumeri (subspecies in the area of the Yucatan Peninsula)
- Green-breasted Mango (*)______
(another name has been "Prevost's Mango")
year-round resident, breeder
Anthracothorax prevostii
- Cozumel Emerald (MXe) (*) ______
(endemic to Cozumel Island) year-round resident,
Chlorostilbon forficatus
The Cozumel Emerald was part of the former Fork-tailed Emerald.
- Cinnamon Hummingbird______
Amazilia rutila corallirostris
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird______
Archilochus colubris (monotypic)
- Belted Kingfisher (*) ______ winter visitor
Megaceryle (formerly Ceryle)
alcyon (monotypic)
- American Pygmy Kingfisher ______ year-round resident, breeder
Chloroceryle aenea stictoptera
- Yucatan Woodpecker (*) ______ (another name has been
Red-vented Woodpecker) year-round
resident, breeder
(formerly Centurus) p. pygmaeus (subspecies endemic to
Cozumel Is.)
- Golden-fronted Woodpecker (*) ______
year-round resident, breeder
Melanerpes (formerly Centurus)
aurifrons leei (subspecies endemic to Cozumel Is.)
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ______ winter
Sphyrapicus varius
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker ______ possibly
non-breeding visitor
Picoides scalaris
- Rose-throated Becard ______ vagrant
Pachyramphus aglaiae
- Northern Beardless Tyrannulet ______
year-round resident, breeder
Camptostoma i. imberbe
- Greenish Elaenia (*) ______ year-round resident, breeder
Myiopagis viridicata
- Caribbean Elaenia (*) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Elaenia martinica remota
- Yellow-bellied Elaenia ______
Elaenia flavogaster subpagana
- Scissor-tailed Flycatcher ______ transient
Tyrannus forficatus (monotypic)
- Eastern Kingbird (*) ______ transient
Tyrannus tyrannus (monotypic)
- Tropical Kingbird (*) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Tyrannus melancholicus
- Couch's Kingbird ______ winter visitor
Tyrannus couchii
- Great Kiskadee______
Pitangus sulphuratus guatimalensis
- Dusky-capped Flycatcher ______ summer
resident, breeder
Myiarchus tuberculifer
- Yucatan Flycatcher (*) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Myiarchus yucatanensis lanyoni
(subspecies endemic to Cozumel Is.)
- Brown-crested Flycatcher (*) ______
summer resident, breeder
Myiarchus tyrannulus cooperi
- Great Crested Flycatcher ______
Myiarchus crinitus (monotypic)
- Vermilion Flycatcher______
Pyrocephalus rubinus
with the
Darwin's Flycatcher of the Galapagos Islands split, no longer the single member of its genus)
- Bright-rumped Attila______ year-round
resident, breeder
Attila spadiceus cozumelae
(subspecies endemic to Cozumel Is.)
- Eastern Phoebe ______
Sayornis phoebe
- Eastern Wood Pewee ______
winter visitor
Contopus virens (monotypic)
- Tropical Pewee (*) ______
mostly winter visitor, but possibly year-round & breeder
Contopus cinereus brachytarsus
- Least Flycatcher ______
winter visitor
Empidonax minimus (monotypic)
- Acadian Flycatcher ______ transient
Empidonax virescens (monotypic)
- Rufous-browed Peppershrike (*) ______
year-round resident, breeder
Cyclarhis gujanensis insularis
(subspecies endemic to Cozumel
- White-eyed Vireo (*) ______ winter visitor
Vireo griseus
- Cozumel Vireo (MX3) (MXe) (*) ______
(endemic to
Cozumel Is.) year-round resident, breeder
Vireo bairdi (monotypic)
The Cozumel Vireo has cinnamon cheeks & sides.
- Yellow-throated Vireo______ winter visitor
Vireo flavifrons (monotypic)
- Warbling Vireo ______
Vireo gilvus
- Philadelphia Vireo______ winter visitor
Vireo philadelphicus (monotypic)
- Red-eyed Vireo ______ transient
Vireo olivaceus
- Yellow-green Vireo (*)______
Vireo flavoviridis
- Black-whiskered Vireo ______
Vireo altiloquus
- Yucatan Vireo (*) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Vireo m. magister
- Cedar Waxwing ______
winter visitor
Bombycilla cedrorum
(now monotypic)
- Purple Martin ______ transient
Progne subis
- Gray-breasted Martin ______
possible summer resident & breeder
Progne chalybea
- Tree Swallow ______
winter visitor
Tachycineta bicolor
- Mangrove Swallow ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Tachycineta albilinea
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow ______ winter
Stelgidopteryx serripennis
- Bank Swallow
(or Sand Martin) ______ transient
Riparia r. riparia
- Barn Swallow ______ transient
Hirundo rustica erythrogaster
- American Cliff Swallow ______ transient
Petrochelidon (has been Hirundo) pyrrhonota
- Cave Swallow ______
(has been Hirundo) fulva
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet ______
Regulus calendula
- "Cozumel" House Wren (*) ______
year-round resident, breeder
Troglodytes aedon
beani (subspecies endemic to Cozumel Is.)
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (*) ______
year-round resident, breeder
Polioptila caerulea cozumelae (subspecies endemic to Cozumel Is.)
- Common Starling (i) ______
Sturnus vulgaris
- American Robin ______
Turdus migratorius
- Clay-colored Thrush ______
(has been called Clay-colored Robin)
Turdus grayi
- Wood Thrush ______ winter visitor
(formerly Catharus) mustelinus
(monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
- Swainson's Thrush ______ transient
Catharus ustulatus
- Gray-cheeked Thrush ______ transient
Catharus minimus
- Eastern Bluebird______
Sialia sialis
- Cozumel Thrasher (MX1) (MXe) ______
to Cozumel Is.) year-round resident, breeder - assuming that it still exists
Toxostoma guttatum (monotypic)
- Tropical Mockingbird (*) ______
year-round resident, breeder
Mimus gilvus
- Gray Catbird (*) ______ winter visitor
Dumetella carolinensis
- Black Catbird (*) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Dumetella glabrirostris cozumelana (subspecies endemic to Cozumel Is.;
this subspecies just recently described)
- Lesser Goldfinch ______
Carduelis psaltria
- Black-and-white Warbler (*) ______ winter
Mniotilta varia (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
- Prothonotary Warbler ______ transient,
possible winter visitor
Protonotaria citrea (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
- Worm-eating Warbler ______ winter
Helmitheros vermivorus (monotypic, and the single member of its
- Swainson's Warbler (MX3) ______ winter
Limnothlypis swainsonii (monotypic, and the single member of its
- Golden-winged Warbler (nt) ______
Vermivora chrysoptera (monotypic)
- Blue-winged Warbler (*) ______ winter
Vermivora pinus (monotypic)
- Tennessee Warbler ______ winter visitor
Vermivora peregrina (monotypic)
- Orange-crowned Warbler ______ vagrant
Vermivora celata
- Nashville Warbler ______ vagrant
Vermivora ruficapilla
- Northern Parula ______ winter visitor
Parula americana
American Yellow Warbler______
Dendroica petechia aestiva (*) ______ winter visitor
Dendroica petechia rufivertex (*) ______ ("Golden "Warbler") (this
subspecies endemic to Cozumel Is.) year-round
resident, breeder
- Magnolia Warbler (*) ______ winter visitor
Dendroica magnolia
- Cape May Warbler ______ winter visitor
Dendroica tigrina
- "Myrtle" Yellow-rumped Warbler ______
winter visitor
Dendroica c. coronata
- Black-throated Blue Warbler ______ winter
Dendroica caerulescens
- Black-throated Green Warbler (*)
Dendroica virens
- Cerulean Warbler (t3) ______
Dendroica cerulea
- Blackburnian Warbler ______ transient
Dendroica fusca
- Prairie Warbler______ winter visitor
Dendroica discolor
- Palm Warbler (*) ______ winter visitor
Dendroica palmarum
- Yellow-throated Warbler (*) ______ winter
Dendroica dominica
- Chestnut-sided Warbler ______ transient
Dendroica pensylvanica
- Bay-breasted Warbler ______ transient
Dendroica castanea
- Blackpoll Warbler ______ transient
Dendroica striata
- Ovenbird (*) ______
winter visitor
Seiurus aurocapillus
- Northern Waterthrush (*) ______ winter
Seiurus noveboracensis
- Louisiana Waterthrush (*) ______ winter visitor
Seiurus motacilla
- Canada Warbler ______ transient
Wilsonia canadesis
- Wilson's Warbler ______
Wilsonia canadensis
- Hooded Warbler______ winter visitor
Wilsonia citrina
- Kentucky Warbler ______ winter visitor
Oporornis formosus
- Mourning Warbler ______ transient
Oporornis philadelphia
- Common Yellowthroat (*) ______ winter
Geothlypis t. trichas
- Gray-crowned Yellowthroat ______
(has been called "Ground-Chat" or
Warbler") possible year-round resident & breeder
Chamaethlypis poliocephala
- American Redstart (*) ______ winter visitor
Setophaga ruticilla
(monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
- Yellow-breasted Chat ______ winter visitor
Icteria virens auricollis (the single member of its genus; the
family uncertain, as now said not to be a warbler)
- Bobolink ______
Dolichonyx oryzivorus
- Bronzed Cowbird (*) ______ (an alternate name would
be "Red-eyed Cowbird") possible summer
resident & breeder
Molothrus aeneus
- Great-tailed Grackle (*) ______
year-round resident, breeder
Quiscalus mexicanus
- Baltimore Oriole ______
(for a while was considered conspecific with Bullock's Oriole and
was then called the
Northern Oriole) transient
Icterus galbula (monotypic)
- Orchard Oriole (*) ______ transient
Icterus spurius
- Hooded Oriole (*) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Icterus cucullatus
- Bananaquit (*) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Coereba flaveola caboti (This subspecies restricted to Cozumel &
other islands off the Yucatan Peninsula; also occurs, more sparingly along
the Yucatan coast. This is 1 of 41 subspecies of the Bananaquit.)
- Clay-colored Sparrow ______ vagrant
Spizella pallida
- Grasshopper Sparrow ______
Ammodramus savannarum
- Summer Tanager ______ winter visitor
Piranga rubra
- Scarlet Tanager ______ transient
Piranga olivacea (monotypic)
- Rose-throated Tanager (*) ______
year-round resident, breeder (uncommon)
Piranga roseogularis cozumelae (subspecies endemic to Cozumel Is.)
- Red-throated Ant-Tanager ______
Habia fuscicauda
- Western Spindalis (*) ______ (In Mexico
only on
Is.) year-round resident, breeder
Spindalis zena benedicti (subspecies endemic to Cozumel is.)
- Red-legged Honeycreeper ______ vagrant
Cyanerpes cyaneus carneipes
- Yellow-faced Grassquit (*) ______
year-round resident, breeder
Tiaris olivacea intermedius (subspecies endemic to Cozumel Is.,
& the nearby, smaller Holbox Is.)
- White-collared Seedeater______ year-round resident,
Sporophila torqueola
- Blue-black Grassquit ______ possibly
non-breeding visitor
Volatinia jacarina spendens (the single member of its genus)
- Northern Cardinal (*) ______ year-round
resident, breeder
Cardinalis cardinalis saturata (subspecies endemic to Cozumel Is.)
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak ______ winter
Pheucticus ludovicianus (monotypic)
- Blue Grosbeak ______ winter visitor
Passerina (formerly Guiraca) caerulea
- Indigo Bunting ______ winter visitor
Passerina cyanea (monotypic)
- Painted Bunting (nt) ______ winter
Passerina ciris