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With Focus On Nature Tours
a Birding
Nature Tour
in the southernmost Brazilian
and in
July 29 - August 9, 2016
FON/BR-1, '16)
A Long-winged Harrier
photographed during a FONT Brazil Tour
in Rio Grande do Sul
During this tour in
far-southern Brazil,
among the birds possible:
2 swans, 2 dotterels, 3 coots,
many ducks including Ringed Teal,
Giant Wood Rail, Snowy-crowned Tern,
seabirds from shore,
and some blackbirds far from ordinary
notably the Scarlet-headed & Saffron-cowled.
Rare parrots in far-southern Brazil
included the Vinaceous-breasted
& Red-spectacled Amazons.
(the Red-Spectacled
Amazon & Ringed Teals
in the photos below).
A pair of Ringed Teals
during a previous FONT tour
in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Tour to be led by Armas Hill, who has
traveled & birded in Brazil
many times, with 50 visits to the country, since 1982.
A Complete
List & a Photo Gallery of Brazil Birds, in 4 Parts
(indicating birds found during FONT tours):
Part #1: Tinamous to Doves
Part #2: Macaws to Flycatchers
Part #3: Anshrikes to Woodcreepers Part
#4: Vireos to Grosbeaks
List of Birds of Rio Grande do Sul Rare & Threatened Birds of Brazil (with some photos)
Brazil Mammals & Some Other Wildlife (with some photos)
Butterflies & Moths of South America, a List with Some Photos, in 7 Parts
Brazil Amphibians & Reptiles (with some photos)
of Some Previous FONT Tours in Brazil
Photo Galleries from FONT tours in Rio Grande do Sul in: Oct
2009 Oct 2010
(price follows):
Fri: Jul 29
Departure from North America, or elsewhere.
Overnight flight to Brazil, to Sao Paulo.
Jul 30 Arrival at the international airport in Sao Paulo,
Brazil. Overnight in the Sao Paulo area, with birding as time permits during the
Sun: Jul 31 A
morning flight south to Puerto Alegre, in the state of
Grande do Sul, in far-southern Brazil. Our birding begins as we travel further south to some coastal habitats where
our targets we will be those birds in Brazil restricted to this most-southerly
region in the country. It's a wonderful area, that we've
enjoyed during our tours there in the past, with mostly open habitats, and some very good birding. Our
overnight will be in the city of Pelotas.
Mon: Aug 1 & Tue: Aug 2 During our birding these days, we should see many birds of a good
variety of species. In the open country, the wetlands, adjacent woodlands, and
along the coast, birds will abound.
Among the waterbirds would be 2 species of swans, thousands of
ducks, as many as 3 species of coots, rails, and more screamers than
imaginable. These would be in addition to an assortment of egrets, herons,
storks, and more ibises than imaginable.
Raptors should be common and varied, including 2 species of harriers, a
number of buteos, Aplomado Falcon, and more Snail Kites than
Among the
shorebirds, at the time of year we'll visit, we could see, among other
species, the Rufous-chested Plover (formerly Rufous-chested
Dotterel) and the Two-banded Plover.
Among seabirds, we could see from shore, an albatross or a penguin is
possible. Others, such as an assortment of gulls, terns, or even a jaeger,
are likely.
During some of our tours here in the past, along this coast, we've seen Black-browed
Albatross, White-chinned Petrel, and many Wilson's Storm-Petrels. (Not
bad for Brazil - after when birds of that country are normally thought of,
they're in the realm of those more tropical, such as macaws, parrots,
motmots, trogons, and toucans.)
There's a long jetty, that goes out to sea as far as 3 kilometers. By it,
there should be South American Sea Lions and birds such as Great
Grebes, and others in the surf and the sky, such as terns, gulls, and
penguins. The of these of course not in the sky, but in the surf, or
maybe on the beach.
From the end of the jetty, we've usually seen some pelagic species. If
the winds are from the east, the chance for something "good"
We drive for a few miles, south, along the sandy beach, on a long barrier
island. After we leave the small town, there are only a few people (generally
fisherman) along the shoreline. As we go further, in a pristine setting,
there are almost no people, only birds, but many - many of them.
Among the landbirds that we'll be aiming for these couple days will be be
some specialties, such as the Freckle-breasted
Thornbird, Sulphur-bearded Spinetail, and Bay-capped Wren-Spinetail
to name a few).
And we'll be visiting some marshes with fine birding. Among the many birds
in the area, a few should be: Brown-and-yellow Marshbird, Scarlet-headed
Blackbird, Warbling Doradito, Ringed Teal, and Giant Wood-Rail.
We'll spend 2 nights in the coastal city of Rio Grande,
an old port.
Like a beacon, a male
Scarlet-headed Blackbird,
during the FONT tour in Rio Grande do Sul in 2010
Wed: Aug 3 This day, we'll head
south, with a lot of birding along the way, to Uruguay.
Along the way, we should be seeing birds almost continuously, but some places
where we'll be stopping will include the area of the ecological station at Taim,
and by the vast lake called Lagoa Mirim.
Locally, on the lake, there should be Chilean Flamingos. Throughout,
there will be a good variety of waterfowl, including, for example, Silver
Teal, Red Shoveler, and Black-headed Duck.
Landbirds should include the Common Miner, and some pipits
and other birds that may be thought of as being more of Uruguay or Argentina
than of Brazil.
We'll cross the border at the little town of Chui
(as it is in Brazil), or Chuy (as it is
in Uruguay).
We'll spend two nights in Uruguay, at a very interesting place - in an historic
hotel atop a small rocky hill by an old fort. It'll be a nice base for our
birding in Uruguay.
Thu: Aug 4 That birding in Uruguay,
this day, will be in a variety of habitats. We'll be visiting a lake, renowned
for its birdlife (especially in August), as well as a rocky seacoast, and some
vast open countryside of "pampas" with wetlands with ponds and
extensive reedbeds. It will add up to a lot birds, in Uruguay
during one of our "Brazil" tours!
One of the nice birds we've always seen in the wooded habitat by the hotel, atop
the rocky hill, is the Diademed Tanager, a beauty. Other nice birds will
be there too.
Fri: Aug 5 This day, we'll head back
north, in Brazil, to Pelotas, where again
we'll spend a night. As it was "birdy" on our way south, it will be so
again as we go north. So, the birding will continue.
Sat: Aug 6 We go further north, this
day, beyond the city of Porto Alegre.
Regions in the northern part of Rio Grande do Sul will be on an entirely
different character, with rolling hills, forests, steppes, and canyons. And
thus, there will an entirely different cast of characters - avian
We'll spend 3 nights in the nice small town of Sao
Francisco de Paula, a perfect place to be positioned for some
wonderful birding in the varied habitats just mentioned.
Sun: Aug 7 & Mon: Aug 8
Some of the forest, referred to above, will be a tremendous place to be, with
many of the trees being the distinctive Araucaria. In those trees, there
are specialty birds, included in the list that follows.
As we descend, one day on a dirt road into a large canyon, both the character of
the plant-life and the birds will change. Our list of bird species will grow.
Some of the notable species of birds in the area where we will be in northern
Rio Grande do Sul include:
Buff-necked Ibis, Red-legged Seriema, Black-and-white Monjita (a
rarity that we've always found during our previous tours), Saffron-cowled
Blackbird (another rarity that we've always found, often with the Black-and-white
Monjita), Straight-billed Reedhaunter, Long-tailed Cinclodes (a
species discovered to science only as recently as 1969), Giant
Snipe, Vinaceous-breasted Amazon, Long-tufted Screech Owl, Mottled
Piculet, Speckle-breasted Antpitta, Araucaria Tit-Spinetail, Striolated
Tit-Spinetail, Azure Jay, Black-and-rufous Warbling Finch, Long-tailed
Reed-Finch and Lesser Grass Finch.
A Long-tailed Cinclodes during
the FONT tour
in Rio Grande do Sul in 2010.
The species, localized and endemic to that region,
was described to science in 1969.
And we will visit a place for another specialty bird of the region, the
Red-spectacled Amazon.
And during our previous tours, in the region, we've found another specialty, the
rare Canebrake Groundcreeper.
Also in the area at one of the canyons we've crossed paths with a species of
bird that was only described in 2005, the Planalto Tapaculo.
During our time in northern Rio Grande do Sul, we'll also be encountering some
bird species that are more common further north in Brazil, among them various
hummingbirds, woodpeckers, woodcreepers, flycatchers,
euphonias, toucans, trogons, thrushes, and tanagers.
But there will also be tanagers that are only in the far-south: the Blue-and
yellow Tanager and the Chestnut-headed Tanager.
In all, in the list of birds in Rio Grande do Sul
(reached from a link at the top of this itinerary) is
502 species. During this tour, we
should find well more than half of them, up into the 300s.
And there will be other nature too, to be observed in one of the most pleasant
of places to be in South America.
Tue: Aug 9 After our last morning of Rio
Grande do Sul birding, we'll head back to Porto
Alegre for the flight back to Sao Paulo to connect to the evening
international flights departing from Brazil, either to North America, or wherever home is.
Wed: Aug 10 Morning arrival (after overnight flight) back in North America.
Or, for those who wish, the tour that follows at Iguazu Falls & in the
Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul, with:
Tue: Aug 9 Overnight near the Sao
Paulo airport.
Price for the July 29 - Aug 9 Tour : US$ 2,995 per person, based upon double-occupancy.
Single supplement
(when applicable): US$ 385.
All overnight
All meals.
transportation in Brazil.
Does not include:
Drinks and any other
items of a personal nature.
flights to/from Brazil and domestic flights within Brazil.
"Focus On Nature
Tours" can arrange air travel,
and would seek the best possible fares.
For this tour, international flights to/from Sao Paulo.
A deposit of US
$500 is required to register for this tour.
All of
the following were photographed
previous FONT tours
in that far-southern state in Brazil
Our Upcoming Birding & Nature Tours in Brazil
Snowy-crowned Tern
Spotted Nothura
Southern Screamer, abundant in Rio
Grande do Sul
Coscoroba Swan, in Brazil only in Rio Grande do Sul
Yellow-billed Pintails
South American Snipe
Immature Roadside Hawk
Male Spectacled
Female Spectacled Tyrant
Glaucous-blue Grosbeak
Red-crested Cardinal
Brown-and-yellow Marshbird
The rare Black-and-white Monjita
More common, White Monjitas