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Focus On Nature Tours
in July 2013 and April and May 2014
and a couple caterpillars in April 2013
All of the photographs that follow
were taken during FONT tours during the above months
by tour participant Marie Gardner - ©
- all rights
Moth #1:
a Silkmoth
in the genus Rothchildia
in the family Saturniidae
a species in the Lophocampa genus,
on the west side of the Andes
during the FONT Ecuador tour in April 2013.
There are two other caterpillar photos
at the end of this set of 52 photographs
of moths and butterflies.
A List of South American Moths with
some Photos
A List
of South
American Butterflies, in 6 Parts, with some Photos
Other Photo Galleries of Moths & Butterflies
A Photo Gallery of
Birds, Mammals, Scenery & Culture
during the FONT July 2013 Ecuador
A List of Birds during the FONT July 2013 EcuadorTour
List of Ecuador Birds, in 4 Parts, with some Photos
FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Ecuador & Brazil
Many of the moths and butterflies in this photo gallery
were in the forested hills in southern Ecuador
in the area of the Buenaventura Reserve,
at about 1,200 feet above sea level.
All of the moths up to number #24
were photographed at Buenaventura.
Moth #2
in the genus Urania
in the family Uranidae
Moth #3
Automeris belti
in the family Saturnidae
Moth #4 with another
the one with green in the family Geometridae
the dark one in the subfamily Arctiinae
in the family Erebidae
Moth #5
in the family Saturnidae
Above and below, Moth #6
in the family Noctuidae
Moth #7
in the family Noctuidae
Moth #8
has been identified as
the Walker's Moth, Sosxetra grata,
in the family Erebidae,
subfamily Calpinae.
Moth #9
Moth #10
in the subfamily Dioptinae
Moth #11
Moth #12
Moth #13
in the family Geometridae
Moth #14
in the family Noctuidae
Moth #15
in the family Geometridae
#16 is not a moth,
but an antlion
in the family Myrmeleontidae
Moth #17
This photo taken by tour participant Fred Lesser
with his i-phone.
The moth is in the family Saturniidae.
It is Therinia transversaria,
until recently Asthenidia transversaria.
It has a wingspread of 2.8 inches
whereas that of the Saturniidae moth #1
at the top of this page,
a Rothschildia species, is about 5 inches.
Moth #18
Moth #19
Moth #20
Moth #21
in the subfamily Arctiinae
in the family Erebidae
Moth #22
Moth #23
A Sphinx Moth
in the family Sphingiidae
Moth #24
in the subfamily Arctiinae
in the family Erebidae
Moth #25
Smicropus eucyrta,
in the family Geometridae.
This moth was seen in the day-time
during our April 2014 tour
in southern Ecuador, near Zamora.
Moth #26
a Sphinx moth sp.
during the FONT April 2014 tour
in southern Ecuador
Moth #27
another Sphinx moth sp.
also during the April 2014 FONT tour
in southern Ecuador
Moth #28 (assuming it is a moth)
during the FONT tour in April of 2013
in Ecuador on the west side of the Andes
(or is it a butterfly? )
And now, some of what were surely butterflies seen
during the July 2013 and April 2014 FONT Ecuador Tours:
Butterfly #1
A form of the Melpomene Longwing in Ecuador,
Heliconius melpomene cythera
Butterfly #2
Another view of the same.
Butterfly #3
is again maybe surprisingly the same species.
Looking quite different than H. m. cynthera,
which occurs on the west side of the Andes,
this is Heliconius melpomene plesseni,
which resides on the east side of those mountains.
This butterfly was photographed
at Copalinga, near Zamora,
in southeastern Ecuador.
Butterfly #4,
Pareuptychia ocirrhoe,
the Two-banded Satyr, or Banded White Ringlet
Butterfly #5,
Tegosa anieta,
the Black-bordered Crescent.
Butterfly #6,
Heliconius atthis,
in western Ecuador
Butterfly #7,
the Red Peacock
Butterfly #8,
the Cattleheart White,
Archonias brassolis rosacea
Butterfly #9
The interesting photo above is of a leafwing,
looking very much like a leaf
as it was feeding on an orange.
Seen later when the butterfly flew,
the upper wing surface was a bright red-orange color.
This photograph was taken outside one of the cabins
where we stayed.
Butterfly #10
Here's another butterfly that blends in
with its surroundings,
a cracker on tree-bark.
We've seen many during our tours.
Butterfly #11
Butterfly #12
Butterfly #13
Butterfly #14
Butterfly #15
Butterfly #16
Butterfly #17,
the widespread White Peacock,
with this individual in the hills of southern Ecuador.
Butterfly #18
This, and the following butterflies thru number #25,
were all photographed
during the FONT tour
in southern Ecuador in April 2014.
Butterfly #19
Above & below: Butterfly #20,
two views, with the lower photo showing more orange.
Photographed at the Tapichalaca Reserve
in southern Ecuador.
Butterfly #21,
photographed at Copalinga near Zamora,
in southeastern Ecuador
Butterfly #22,
again, photographed at Copalinga
Butterfly #23
a skipper known as the
Teleus, or White-lined Longtail,
Urbanus teleus,
photographed at Copalinga
Butterfly #24,
photographed in the Andes Mountains,
between Loja and Cuenca
Butterfly #25,
in southern Ecuador west of the Andes
during the FONT tour in April 2014
Caterpillar #1
The same as the one pictured at the top of this list,
in the Lophocampa genus,
during the FONT tour in April 2013 in Ecuador
on the west side of the Andes
Caterpillar #2
also during the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2013