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Box 9021, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA E-mail: font@focusonnature.com Phone: Toll-free in USA 1-888-721-3555 or 302/529-1876 |
A Birding & Nature Tour
in the area of
the Yucatan
and including
Cozumel Island
in a Land of Mayans
and Motmots,
other birds, butterflies,
and mammals
among them hopefully the Jaguar
November 12-24, 2015
FON/MX-2 '15)
to be led by Armas Hill,
who has birded in Mexico & Central America
numerous times
during the last 30 years
Turquoise-browed Motmot,
called the "clock bird", "pajaro reloj",
because it moves its long tailfeaters
back and forth like a pendulum
Of the 14 Biosphere Reserves in Mexico,
5 are in the Yucatan.
We visit 4 of them during this tour.
Established in 1968 by UNESCO
(the UN Educational, Scientific, & Cultural Organization),
the Biosphere project combines the protection of natural areas
and the conservation of the land for local people.
Each Biosphere has a CORE AREA
where human activity is kept to a bare minimum,
a BUFFER ZONE for non-destructive activities such as research,
and a TRANSITION ZONE where traditional land-use
and human settlement is permitted.
After a lull in the 1990s, Mexico's Biosphere program
has regained focus since 2000.
During this tour, the 4 Biosphere Reserves to be visited are:
Sian Ka'an, Calakmul, Rio Lagartos, & Isla Contoy.
Another species of Motmot
in the Yucatan,
this is the Blue-crowned Motmot.
A List & Photo
Gallery of Mexican Birds, in 3 parts:
Part #1: Tinamous to Shorebirds Part #2: Jaegers to Woodpeckers
Part #3: Manakins to Buntings
of the Yucatan
of Cozumel Island
Mammals of Mexico (with some photos)
& Reptiles of Mexico (with some photos)
Butterflies of Mexico (with some photos) Marine Life of the Yucatan & Belize (with some photos)
Highlights of Previous FONT Tours in Mexico
Overview of the Birds of the Yucatan follows the Itinerary below.
Tour Itinerary:
Thu, Nov. 12, '14:
Arrival at
Cancun, on Mexico's Yucatan
Peninsula. Our first overnight will be not far from the airport.
Birding, this day, for those who can arrive in the afternoon, will be nearby at
the Marin Botanical Garden. It's a nice
birding place, with native vegetation - and even so in the afternoon, as along
the paths, some small bird baths have been strategically placed at intervals,
drawing in birds for good viewing, such as: woodpeckers, woodcreepers,
becards, wrens, blackbirds, orioles, and tanagers.
Fri, Nov. 13:
In the morning, we'll take a ferry to the offshore 40-mile long island of Cozumel.
The word "Cozumel" is from a Mayan word meaning "Island of the
But it's not swallows that we'll be seeking to observe there. Rather, it'll be
some birds that live on that island but nowhere else in the world, each with the
adjective Cozumel in their name: a Thrasher, a Vireo, and
an Emerald (a hummingbird).
The Cozumel Vireo is a great little bird - a vireo with cinnamon cheeks
and sides.
The Cozumel Emerald was at one time one of the subspecies of the
Fork-tailed Emerald, a hummingbird that was widespread in Central
America before it was split into 5 species. Of all of them, the male of the Cozumel
Emerald has the longest tail.
The critically endangered Cozumel Thrasher is a long shot, for sure
(there have been only a handful of sightings during the last decade), but
we'll try, and in the process we'll see a number of the bird specialties of the
Caribbean coast, such as the Black Catbird, Western Spindalis, Caribbean
Elaenia, and Yucatan Vireo. These will be nice birds to see and
Cozumel Island will be a nice place to see them. Our first overnight on Cozumel.
Sat, Nov. 14:
A full-day on Cozumel Island, observing
birds, other nature, and seeing the island itself. In addition to the birds
already mentioned as being on Cozumel, we'll see others of interest. There are,
for example, some notable resident subspecies of birds on Cozumel including
those of Great Curassow, Roadside Hawk, Yucatan Woodpecker, Golden-fronted
Woodpecker, Bright-rumped Attila, Yucatan Flycatcher, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher,
Rufous-browed Peppershrike, Yellow Warbler, Rose-throated Tanager, Yellow-faced
Grassquit, and Northern Cardinal.
The Western Spindalis (formerly Stripe-headed Tanager)
on Cozumel, already noted, is also a notable endemic subspecies - one that's
quite uncommon. The other subspecies occur in the Cayman Islands, Cuba, and
the Bahamas. No where else does the species occur in Mexico.
Also there's also the "Cozumel Wren", a distinctive form of the
House Wren.
All of the birds, noted here, are endemic subspecies that are found either only
on Cozumel Island, or on Cozumel and the nearby, smaller Holbox Island. Among
these, the curassow, like the aforementioned thrasher, may well be
a long shot.
During our most-recent tour on Cozumel, what
we did very well after dark were nighjars - seeing 3 species, the Yucatan
Nightjar, the Yucatan Poorwill, and the Pauraque.
The Stygian Owl is said to occur on Cozumel island. Finding that would be
even more of a prize!
Black Rail has been heard on Cozumel after dark. We'll be listening.
And there's even a species of mammal endemic to Cozumel, a Raccoon.
It's called either the Cozumel Raccoon (for where it is, of course), or
the Pygmy Raccoon (because it's smaller than the widespread Northern
Raccoon - that is not on Cozumel).
At bodies of water and around the coast of the island, there will be a number of
waterbirds, of various sorts.
For those who wish to see some of the fantastic marine life, under the
surface of the sea at Cozumel, there will be opportunity to do so. A listing of
some of the fish and other inhabitants of the coral reef follows this
Our second overnight on Cozumel Island.
Nov. 15:
After the ferry crossing back to the Yucatan mainland, we'll travel just
over an hour, inland, to a place called Coba,
a Mayan site in the forest, that's been, for
many, a favorite place for birding.
The ruins, at that location, are spread out in a "tropical forest" in
which numerous birds reside (obvious among them are some that would also be
described as "tropical", such as toucans, parrots, and oropendolas).
Among the "tropical animals" would be agoutis and coatis.
One of the "tropical butterflies" would be the big, and
brightly iridescent Blue Morpho.
The Mayan city at Coba
was occupied from about 100 A.D. until the arrival of the Spanish. Its zenith
was around 800 A.D. when most of the pyramids were built. The tallest of these
is the looming Noboch Mul, resembling some
of the temples at Tikal in Guatemala. It is taller than the highest structure in
the renowned ruins of Chichen Itza, one of the more famous sites in the Yucatan.
From the top of Noboch Mul, the forest can be seen stretching uninterrupted to
the horizon.
Roland Wauer, in his book "A Naturalist in Mexico", said that "of
all the Mayan sites that he was fortunate to visit and explore, his favorite was
Coba". Partly, he said, that was due to the "mystery" of the
place. Its human story is not really well known. But also, simply put, a reason
for his so liking the place was "the birds". During a 2-day stay, he
and his friends noted about 100 bird species.
Among them, they found the Mangrove Vireo to be "surprisingly
common", and they observed what Wauer called, in his book, the
"greenest of all the flycatchers", the Eye-ringed Flatbill.
The hotel where we'll stay at Coba is a nice one with very much a Mayan
character to it. It's located at the edge of a small lake, where of course,
there will be some waterbirds. And among those there, to be heard, and
hopefully seen, would be the Ruddy Crake. Our first of two overnights at
Mon, Nov. 16:
When we're not birding and experiencing Coba, this day, we'll go, about
an hour away, to the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve,
where we will bird both on foot and from a boat. Sian Ka'an is a wonderful
place. It's a large nature reserve, covering 1.3 million acres. Created in 1986
and made a World Heritage Site in 1987, Sian Ka'an is one of the largest
protected areas in Mexico. It contains all of the principal ecosystems found in
the Yucatan. About one-third of it is tropical forest. Another third is composed
of both fresh and salt water marshes. The remaining third would be classified as
marine environment, including a portion of the Mesoamerican
Barrier Reef.
The variety of flora & fauna at Sian Ka'an is wonderful. To give an idea of
how "natural" the place is, it can be noted that all 5 species of
Mexican wild cats occur: Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot, Margay, and Jaguarundi.
And other larger mammals include: Tapir, Deer, and Monkeys.
More than 300 species of birds have been recorded in the reserve. Of course,
during our time there we won't see every one of those species, but we will see a
lot of them.
In this wild area, it's nice to note that 4 endangered species of Sea Turtles
nest at night on the beaches. And In the lagoons, there are both manatees
and crocodiles. (One of these is known for being "gentle";
the other not always so.)
Not many people live in this region. There are only about a thousand permanent
inhabitants, mainly fishermen and subsistence farmers, who dwell in and near the
village of Punta Allen.
We'll dwell, ourselves, again this night, back in the comfortable hotel, with
Mayan character, at Coba.
Tue, Nov. 17:
After some morning birding, with Motmots and more, at Coba,
we'll travel south, going again through the Sian Ka'an
Reserve, and observing, along the way, the birds and whatever other
nature we may see. In the afternoon, we'll be by a beautiful lake in the
southern Yucatan that's called, in Spanish, Laguna
We'll overnight there, where there are some interesting birds of the night,
including the Northern Potoo, the Vermiculated Screech Owl, and
the Ferruginous Pygmy Owl.
The next morning, we'll hear, and maybe see, the Thicket Tinamou. When we
visited this place during our most-recent Yucatan tour, we were treated to a
flock of brightly-colored Red-legged Honeycreepers keeping company with
certainly more drab Lesser Greenlets, and a Ruddy Woodcreeper at a
nest - utilizing a hole in an old tree.
The first of two overnights by Lake Bacalar, with its beautiful blue water.
Wed, Nov. 18:
After some morning birding in forest and other habitats by Lake
Bacalar, we'll travel to another area, just over an hour away, but
quite different.
The dry habitat of forest and shrub, characteristic of the isolated Yucatan
ecosystem, will gradually fade as we enter an area that's more green. The areas
open fields and forests will be more lush, and there will be many birds.
A particular place that we'll visit is the Kohunlich
Archeological Site, located just north of the Mexican border with
Belize. The site is away from the highway, and away from people. There are very
few visitors, but many Mayan ruin buffs consider the place to be one of their
favorites. Besides being little-visited, it is in a beautiful setting among
"jungle trees" and with particularly, a large number of Cohune Palms.
Kohunlich is a great place to see neotropical birds, and other, diverse
wildlife is also plentiful and easily-seen. The area has a high population
density of Tapirs, large animals that can weigh as much as 600 pounds.
Our second overnight by Lake Bacalar.
Thu, Nov. 19:
This day we'll travel west to what may well may the most exciting region that
we'll visit during the tour, a wild area in the interior of the base of the Yucatan,
not far north, as the Ornate Hawk-Eagle or King Vulture would fly
from the northern Guatemalan wilderness, due north from the famous Mayan site of
Tikal. As a region, with very few people, but much wildlife (birds,
and mammals, and reptiles & amphibians)
this vast area of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve,
and the adjacent Mayan Biosphere Reserve in
Guatemala, is a tremendous expanse where birds such as the Ornate Hawk-Eagle
and King Vulture can yet be found. And, if there's an area for Crested
and Harpy Eagles in northern Central America, this is it. (We have
seen Crested Eagle at Tikal, in Guatemala, a few years ago, and
the Harpy Eagle occurred in southern Mexico historically, and
this area is now wild enough, and protected, that it could again.)
We'll head west across the state line into Campeche.
As we do, the forest will become thicker. It's the densest "jungle" of
the Yucatan, in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve.
The ruins, there, with the same name, are the largest and most remote in the
Yucatan. While the best known of the Mayan sites in the Yucatan (places such
as Chichen Itza and Uxmal), can, nowadays, be crowded with visitors, our
experience at Calakmul will be very much the
opposite, due to the remoteness of the place. In regard to birds in particular,
and nature in general, there will be much for us to see.
The Calakmul Biosphere Reserve encompasses
1.7 million acres of "jungle", or tropical forest. We'll be staying,
for 2 nights, just inside the park entrance, at a hotel with cabins decorated
with "nature-inspired touches".
If we were to travel along the road from the entrance gate to the ruins (60
kilometers) without stopping, it would take just over an hour to get there.
But we won't (go without stopping that is). There will be much to see.
Among the large creatures residing in the area, there are Ocellated Turkeys,
Deer, Peccaries, Guans, and Currasows. Obvious in the trees would be Toucans
and Trogons; in the sky, or perched, there should be an ample assortment
of Raptors. After dark, when the Jaguars would roam, various Owls
and Nightjars will be out & about.
During our most-recent tour traveling along the 60-kilometer road, mostly in the
reserve, always in the forest, and without a single building along the way, we
experienced a number of notable sightings, including:
A Slaty-breasted Tinamou walking in front of us, across the road (we
heard many tinamous overall in the area).
a male Great Curassow also walking across the road,
numerous Ocellated Turkeys on the road,
and, by the road, birds included: Ruddy Quail-Dove, Blue Ground Dove,
Pheasant Cuckoo, Chestnut-colored Woodpecker, Northern Royal Flycatcher,
Long-billed Gnatwren, and Gray-throated Chat. At a pond near the
road, we spend some wonderful time with an ever-so-tame American Pygmy
The Calakmul ruins themselves (or at
least some of them) were first uncovered in the 1930s. But it has been
during the last decade or so that some excavation has been going on. Every year,
recently, new discoveries have yielded more revelations about the city's former
significance. Calakmul was designated a
World Heritage Site in 2002. It is probably the biggest archeological zone in
Mesoamerica (about 70 square kilometers). The site, although huge, is, of
course, only partially restored. It will be a perfect area to us to explore and
to bird, and that we will do.
Our first overnight at Calakmul. Also, at dusk and after dark this day, we'll do
our first ride along the "60-kilometer road", looking for animals and
listening for, and hopefully seeing, some nightbirds.
Fri, Nov. 20:
This will be a full-day of the exploration and birding in the remote
Yucatan region of Calakmul. We'll do at least two trips along the
60-kilometer road "in the wilderness". It will be a day so special, to
spend all of it, and into the night again, where nature is now much "as it
was", and we can truly experience a pristine Neotropical natural
environment. As we traveled the road, during our June '08 tour, at mid-day there
was a constant procession of butterflies (mostly sulphurs,
but also Blue Morphos and others). After dark, there were
always bats, some large and some small. In the morning, the sounds of birds (the
tinamous and many others) surrounded us. An assortment of mammals
are in the forest, from various small opossums and a squirrel to
large cats. Actually, 5 species of cats commonly live in the area:
Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot, Margay, and Jaguarundi. Along the spectrum
of creatures between the opossums and the cats, others in
the region include: the rarely-seen Silky Anteater, the nocturnal Paca,
Coatis, two species of Peccaries, two species of Deer, and two
species of Monkeys. We saw both monkeys during our last tour: the Yucatan
Howler Monkey and the Central American Spider Monkey.
Traveling the road, as we will, before & at dawn, in the morning and
afternoon, and again after dark, should be productive. Our second overnight at
Sat, Nov. 21:
There will be yet another morning in the area of the
Calakmul Reserve, and then we'll journey north in the Yucatan,
seeing what we do along the way. Our overnight will be in Valladolid, as to be
in position for our northern Yucatan birding the next morning.
Sun, Nov. 22:
In the morning, we go along a small road north to the Caribbean
coast, with birds along the way such as Black-throated (or
Yucatan) Bobwhite, Botteri's Sparrow, and Lesser
Yellow-headed Vulture. Our destination will be Rio
Lagartos, a small town by the water, where there is yet another Special
Biosphere Reserve. We'll spend the afternoon birding there, along the
north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Along that coast, there's a long barrier
island, with an inlet, lagoons, and marshes. Again, it's another very birdy
The most famous of the birds there is the American Flamingo. There can be
a large number of them - tens of thousands. Of course, the flamingoes
won't be the only birds of interest in the area. As the habitat is different
than many places where we would have been earlier in the tour, there will
certainly be numerous "new birds of the tour" for us.
Particular targets would be the hummingbird known as the Mexican
Sheartail and the Yucatan Wren (both endemics to Mexico restricted to
this coast).
Other landbirds that we'd to see would include the Lesser
Roadrunner, Zenaida Dove, and an isolated population of the White-lored
During our visit to this area, there will be a boat-ride to get to places that
we otherwise would not be able to reach.
When we did this boat-trip in 2008, we saw an large assortment of birds,
including many long-legged waders (among them the "Great
White Heron", Roseate Spoonbills, and Boat-billed Herons), shorebirds,
(including Snowy Plover), pelicans (last time we
saw both Brown & American White), Anhingas,
cormorants, gulls, and terns of a few species (Gull-billed,
Sandwich, Royal, and Least).
When we visit in March, there will be more gulls. At that time of year,
in recent years, both Kelp and Lesser Black-backed Gulls have been
seen there together.
During the last 4 years, Jabirus successfully nested in the area. In
2008, they raised two young.
Overnight near Rio Lagartos.
Mon, Nov. 23:
This day, after some early morning in the area of Rio
Lagartos, we'll travel east to the Cancun
area, where in the afternoon, we'll visit the Isla
Contoy Bird Sanctuary. As its name indicates, its on an island - off
the northeast corner of the Yucatan Peninsula. Not just a bird sanctuary, but
Isla Contoy is yet another Special Biosphere Reserve.
Many birds are there, including boobies, frigatebirds, terns, and various
other seabirds.
It's a 2-hour boat-ride to the island, on which there's an observation tower,
from which we'll see many of the birds. On the ground, we should see a lizard
endemic to this one little island, the Barred Whiptail.
Whatever we see, it will be a wonderful way by which to end what should be a
wonderful tour.
Overnight near the airport, south of Cancun.
Tue, Nov. 24:
From the Yucatan of Mexico, departure for home.
Price: $2,795,
per person, based upon double-occupancy. Single
supplement (when applicable): $255
All overnight accommodations.
All meals: Nov 12 thru the am of Nov 24.
Drinks (other than alcoholic).
Transportation on land & water within Mexico.
A FONT birding guide familiar with the birds and localities.
Does not
International air fare to/from Mexico.
Airport departure tax.
Alcoholic drinks.
Any items of a personal nature. Gratuities.
Focus On Nature Tours can arrange air travel, and would seek the best possible fares.
Deposit of US $500 required to register for this tour.
A Brief
Overview of the Birds of the Yucatan Region of Mexico
Cozumel Island)
Cumulatively, about 540
species of birds, belonging to about 75
families, have been found in the Yucatan
region of Mexico, within the 3 states of
Campeche, Quintana Roo, and Yucatan.
Of these, nearly 60 are considered vagrants and occasional visitors. So, simply
put, there are about 480 bird species that regularly occur in the area of
Mexico's Yucatan.
The total of about 540 is approximately half of all the bird species that
have been found in Mexico, and nearly 60% of the number of bird species that
have been noted in the United States and Canada.
The diverse local bird fauna of the Yucatan
is measurably enriched by the peninsula serving as a major thoroughfare for migratory
birds as they head south in the fall and north in the spring. Many of
those birds spread themselves out during the winter from southern Mexico to
South America.
In all, nearly 220 bird species from
the north have been noted in the Yucatan.
About 35 of them have been vagrants or only occasional visitors.
But nearly 130 of them overwinter in the Yucatan on a regular basis every year. (A
few of these birds, such as the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, also have a
year-round population that is resident in the Yucatan.)
Another group of northern migrants, numbering about 55
species, are predominantly transients, traveling through the
peninsula. They rest and refuel before continuing on their journey.
However, again there are a few exceptions, as small populations of some of these
spend the winter, while 2 species maintain small Yucatan breeding populations
during the summer.
The high number of vagrants to the region is largely due to the combination of
tropical storms and weather systems known as "northers" that occur
during the peak of the fall migration in September and October. These weather
conditions can, simply put, blow some birds off their normal course.
There are also some unique, but regular, summer avian
visitors to the Yucatan region from
the Caribbean area, including Sooty and
Bridled Terns, Brown Noddy, and White-crowned Pigeon. They nest on
offshore islands and atolls.
Other summer visitors to the Yucatan include
several Flycatchers (such as the Piratic and the Sulphur-bellied),
and a Vireo (the Yellow-green), that fly north from South
America to nest during the northern hemisphere's spring and summer
In addition to all that's been noted, the Yucatan
region has a nice number of endemic bird
species (14, to be mentioned in the text that follows) and
endemic subspecies (almost 100 of them!).
This endemism is due to the area's relatively late emergence from the sea
and then isolation from the interior of the country.
Nearly endemic to the Yucatan are two bird species that are, for the most part,
confined to the Yucatan Peninsula, but with
small disjunct populations elsewhere.
These tow birds are the Yucatan Bobwhite and an interesting hummingbird
known as the Mexican Sheartail. (More about these 2 species
follows here in this narrative.)
When referring to the distribution of the Yucatan region's unique fauna, it is
sometimes necessary to include part of the Peten region in northern Guatemala,
and parts of nearby Belize, as some characteristic Yucatan wildlife occurs there
as well.
Just 12 miles offshore from the northeast coast of the Yucatan, is Cozumel
Island. That island is very interesting for its fauna & flora,
with even more endemism. 3 endemic species of birds are found only on
that small island:
the Cozumel Emerald (formerly part of the Fork-tailed Emerald,
with the male having the longest forked tail of the 5 former subspecies, now
species, in Central America),
the Cozumel Vireo (with its cinnamon cheeks and sides),
and the rarely-seen, and critically endangered Cozumel Thrasher.
Cozumel Island is also home to a particular
Caribbean species of bird, the Western Spindalis, which occurs nowhere
else in Mexico. The uncommon subspecies of that bird on Cozumel is endemic to
the island.
As on a number of Caribbean islands, the Smooth-billed Ani has occurred
for a long time on Cozumel. From there, however, it has recently spread to
Yucatan mainland, where it is now along the coast, south of Puerto Morelos (We
saw the species, during our June '08 FONT tour, just south of Tulum.)
Elsewhere in Mexico, Anis are the Groove-billed.
A number of interesting endemic subspecies of birds occur on Cozumel,
including a distinctive form of the large Great Curassow, and a small
version of the Roadside Hawk.
The curassow is critically endangered; the hawk is threatened.
Other interesting endemic subspecies on the island include:
the "Cozumel Wren" (a notably different form of the House
the "Golden Warbler" (conspecific with the Yellow
Warbler, but with the male sporting a rufous cap),
and unique races of the Rufous-browed Peppershrike, and the Blue-gray
The last of these subspecies, the gnatcatcher, duskier that others of its ilk,
was described in 1926 by Ludlow Griscom, a well-known birder/ornithologist from
The rare local Cozumel race of the Great Curassow (referred to in the
previous paragraph) is also named after Mr. Griscom, "Crax r.
griscomi". It, by the way, is the only subspecies of that curassow,
other than the nominate in Central America.
There are even more endemic subspecies on little Cozumel Island, including those
of these:
Rose-throated Tanager (uncommon),
Golden-fronted and Yucatan Woodpeckers,
Bright-rumped Attila,
Yucatan Flycatcher,
Northern Cardinal,
and the Black Catbird.
That of the Black Catbird was only recently described as such, just a few
years ago.
The Cozumel subspecies of the Yellow-faced
Grassquit and the Bananaquit are only on that island and on the
nearby, smaller Holbox Island.
That subspecies of the Bananaquit has also, in recent years, been found
along the Quintana Roo coast (that is,
the eastern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula), and on northern offshore cayes
(or islands) in Belize, where it was unknown
prior to the 1980s.
In all, the total number of bird species known to have occurred on Cozumel
Island is well over 200.
A complete listing is elsewhere in this web-site: COZUMEL
In addition to the 3 endemic bird species just noted as being on Cozumel
Island (the Emerald, Vireo, & Thrasher),
the other 11 endemic birds of the Yucatan
region are:
Ocellated Turkey
Yucatan Amazon (or Parrot)
Yucatan Poorwill
Yucatan Nightjar
Yucatan (or Red-vented) Woodpecker
Yucatan Flycatcher (in the Myiarchus genus)
Yucatan Jay (with its bright, yellow legs)
Yucatan Wren (described as a species only as recently as 1934)
Black Catbird
Rose-throated Tanager
Orange Oriole.
To this list, the Ridgway's Rough-winged Swallow could be added, as it is
a "quasi-endemic" of the Yucatan region, being a resident that breeds
in that area, as well as in nearby Belize, northern Guatemala, and slightly
further west in Mexico.
Mention has been made here, a couple paragraphs ago, to the Yucatan (or
Black-throated) Bobwhite and to a hummingbird,
endemic to Mexico, called the Mexican Sheartail.
Its name not withstanding, the Bobwhite is not truly endemic to the
Yucatan, as a few disjunct populations have been found, including one in
The Mexican Sheartail is another such species, with another separated,
and in fact very isolated, population. In addition to being along the north
coast of the Yucatan peninsula, close to the sea, it is also known to be in just
a very small area, hundreds of kilometers to the west, in central Veracruz.
The northern Yucatan population of the Mexican Sheartail is found
exclusively in a very narrow range that's only about 1 kilometer wide - mainly
between mangroves and tropical deciduous forest. It has also been found to breed
in gardens. That population of the species is considered "threatened".
The smaller Veracruz population of the Mexican Sheartail is in
undisturbed, dry deciduous forest and overgrazed habitats at about 25 kilometers
inland. That population is critically endangered.
In the northern Yucatan, the Mexican Sheartail has been observed feeding
at flowers of Ipomoea, Justicia, and Helicteres guazumaefolia, and its diet is
supplemented by small anthropods. The bird is often close to the ground.
Just offshore from the narrow range of the Mexican Sheartail in the northern
Yucatan, there are flamingos, as many as thousands of them.
They nest in the late spring and summer in and near the Rio
Lagartos Special Biosphere Reserve. Many of them spend the winter a
couple hundred or so kilometers to the west, as the flamingo would fly, at the Rio
Celestun Special Bioshpere Reserve.
These birds have long attracted notice. Flamingos, in all likelihood this
population, were recorded as being prominent members of the Aztec Emperor
Montezuma's menagerie.
Although there are still thousands of them, conservationists take a special
interest in the flamingos because their specialized habits make them
vulnerable to drastic population declines. Their numbers have fluctuated in
recent years.
The method by which they feed, that is dredging the bottom sediment of shallow
lagoons and estuaries, makes the birds susceptible to toxics in the mud, such as
the lead from leadshot used in shotguns.
The flamingos feed only in areas with very specific water conditions,
which can change abruptly. That happened in 1988 when Hurricane Gilbert damaged
some of the flamingos' prime feeding areas, causing them to seek other
sites. Many died. Also, their nests on mudflats, are easy targets for egg and
chick predators, such as raccoons and foxes.
Yet, the Mexican flamingo population is considered fairly healthy, having
risen from a low of between 8,000 and 12,000 individuals in the 1970s (when
the Rio Lagartos & Rio Celestun Reserves were created), to about 26,000
birds in the mid-1980s. Hurricane Gilbert (as noted, in 1988) was a
setback to this population growth, but the flamingos have since recovered.
During the FONT tour in June 2008, we saw a number of flamingos. With
adults, there were young birds.
At the edge of one flock of flamingos, a "Great White Heron" was
walking in the shallow water. That bird is actually a white morph of the Great
Blue Heron, Ardea herodias occidentalis.
In that area of estuaries, mangroves, mudflats, and sandbars, we saw many
waterbirds. Long-legged waders, in addition to American Flamingos and Great
Blue Herons (both dark birds & the single one), included:
Roseate Spoonbill, White Ibis, Little Blue and Tricolored
Herons, Reddish Egrets (white birds), other white Egrets: the Snowy
and the Great; also Green Heron, Yellow-crowned Night heron,
Boat-billed Heron, Bare-throated Tiger Heron, Magnificent Frigatebirds, Brown
Pelicans, a flock (even in June) of American White Pelicans,
Neotropic Cormorants, Anhinga, Laughing Gulls, and 4 species of Terns:
Gull-billed, Sandwich, Royal, and Least. Also (even In June), we
saw 10 species of shorebirds, including the Snowy Plover.
We learned that just a couple weeks prior to our being there, the Jabirus,
that nested in the area, departed. They had raised 2 young, during their 4th
year of year of nesting there. Yes, birds beget birds. Many bird species in that
region are common. Jabirus, there, and anywhere in Mexico, are rare.
On sandbars where we saw terns, we learned that at another time of the
year, there are gulls. And, among them, we were told, both Lesser
Black-backed Gulls and Kelp Gulls have been seen together during
recent years. That's interesting, of course, as Kelp Gulls are
normally in the Southern Hemisphere, and the Lesser Black-backed Gull
has, over time, been primarily a European breeding bird, wintering south to
It's also notable that the affinity that the coastal vegetation of the Yucatan
Peninsula has with the Caribbean region
provides habitat for a number of birds found nowhere else in Mexico, These
include: Zenaida Dove, White-crowned Pigeon, Caribbean Elaenia, Yucatan Vireo,
and Western Spindalis.
To that list, now, a bird that has recently arrived, can be added, the Shiny
Another bird of the Yucatan with an unusual distribution is the White-lored Gnatcatcher,
found only along the north coast in the state of Yucatan. Otherwise, it inhabits
parts of the west coast of Mexico, with most of its range further south in
Central America.
Generally, most of these birds occur in areas of the Yucatan
region that are protected. There are approximately 40
natural protected areas in the region, covering
almost 9 million acres. These places include both terrestrial and
marine habitats, and include both public and private reserves.
Additionally, 24 sites on the Yucatan Peninsula have been designated as "Important
Bird Areas" (IBAs).
Also worth a mention, of course, are the 5 Biosphere
Reserves in the Yucatan that have been established by the UN
Educational, Scientific, & Cultural organization for both the protection of
the natural areas and the conservation of land for local people.
All but 17 of the bird species that are included in the "Yucatan list"
are to be found within natural protected areas in the region. And that's a
lot of birds!
Regarding the JAGUAR: It’s the biggest predator in the New World, and needs a lot of space to roam. In the Yucatan, there's a good number of Jaguars, and others CATS too: JAGUARUNDI, MARGAY, OCELOT, and PUMA.
Regarding some of the LIFE in the SEA: The MESOAMERICAN CORAL REEF is 250 kilometers long, in the Yucatan of Mexico and to the south in Belize. It is the most extensive reef in the New World.
Some of the FISH of the REEF include: Atlantic Spadefish, Banded Butterfly Fish, Bar Jack, Blue-striped Grunt, Blue Tang, Dog Snapper, Foureye Butterfly Fish, French Grunt, Green Moray, Honey Damselfish, Nurse Shark, Queen Triggerfish, Schoolmaster, Sergeant Major, Smallmouth Grunt, Southern Stingray, Spanish Grunt, Spotfin Butterfly Fish, Spotted Drum, Trunkfish, White Grunt, Yellow Jack, Yellowtail Damselfish, Yellowtail Snapper.